"Those long dwarf ears are so disgusting. I'll do you a favor and cut them down."

Cornelia was a beautiful and dignified Mazoku. She gave off that authority air around her but at the same time she had the beauty of an idol. 2 short oni horns, long straight pink hair and two beautiful blue eyes.

"Ara? I can't let you do that. Lady Yurishia is quite fond of them. She likes stroking my ears and feeling their fluffyness."

Cornelia had a katana attached to her hip which she unsheathed. 

"I have nothing else to say to you. I'm going to slice you."

Seeing that Shizu also manifested her weapon. A massive War Hammer which is white with gold accents. It can extend or contract its handle by pouring mana into it.

It is made of rodensium, the strongest known metal in Stellaria. Because of that it has enough strength and durability to withstand the strain and is capable to crush entire armies of incredibly powerful monsters. It is also enchanted so Shizu can weild it without needing brute strength.



A powerful katana slash collided with Shizu's hammer. The enchanted blade was powerful. Shizu used her hammer as a shield and at the same time she jumped back, nullifying the impact. Cornelia didn't stop her assault however.

Hammer and katana clashed. Each time a powerful shockwave was generated. One thing Cornelia prided herself with was speed. In a flurry of strikes she manages to send the hammer flying. She then leaped in the same direction.

"Without this weapon you won't survive long. I might claim this since it's a nice metal."

But the moment she tried lifting the hammer…

"What!? Come on!"

No matter how much she tugged on it, it wouldn't move an inch. 

"Sorry, but only I can weild that hammer. It was enchanted to only react to me. Not even lady Yurishia can lift it."

"What a waste. Then I'll claim your ears as consolation. But before that, let me show you the difference between us."

Cornelia took a heavy step and disappeared. She didn't teleport or became invisible. She was simply moving so fast that you couldn't see her. Gusts of wind were surrounding Shizu from all size.

"I bet you can't even see me now. This is the power of a superior race. Has fear finally reached you?"

Cornelia then made a big swing with her katana trying to slice Shizu's ears, however she dodges the attack nimbly.

"What!? How… did you actually see me?"

"Nope? My eyes couldn't follow you. But my ears could hear you. I can hear your every step, you know?"

"Kuh. It makes no difference. With no weapon you can't defend!"

"Is that so?"

Shizu waved her hand and a few boulders assaulted Cornelia. But with the precision of a surgeon she cut through all of them like butter.

"You insult me. This blade can cut rocks with ease."

"Then let's try something harder."

This time black lightning sparks emerged from her hand and a dark pillar was created. Shizu threw it at Cornelia. Once again she prepared to slice it. But her blade couldn't cut it. She was pushed back by the impact.

"How… can… wait… this dark pillar. It's made out of…."

"Bingo. It's iron. It seems this labyrinth is full of it."

"But dwarves can't use magic of that level!"

"True. That's why I have this."

Shizu points towards the stone on her forehead. The moon stone. A stone capable of controling any material according to the wielders will.

"It's still pointless if you can't hit me."

Cornelia once again accelerated however Shizu also unleashed the stones power once again creating a complex pillar structure. Cornelia slammed into one of them.


"Sorry. Speed is useless if you don't have room to maneuver. You really thought I can't deal with you? I've been many adventures and I even became a guild master. I'm more experienced than you, missy."

"Shut up! You're just an inferior race!"

"Eh? Aren't you cocky? Besides you didn't even notice."

"Notice what?"

"Look behind you."

Shizu's hands were still emitting sparks. When Cornelia turned around she saw an iron giant. A creature made completely out of iron that reached all the way to the ceiling. It had a spider body like Nelia, the head of a lion and 4 arms. A true chimera. 

"This can't…"

"It's going to hurt a bit so brace yourself."

Because of the pillary terrain Cornelia didn't have time to maneuver. The chimera used it's fists to constantly slam on the ground at high speeds. It didn't take more than 2 seconds for Cornelia to drop her katana. She looked like a ragdoll as she was constantly getting pummeled by the huge iron fists. Eventually Shizu stopped and made all the iron disappear.

Cornelia's body was left in a big crater.

"Oh my. Did I go too far? Well…She's still breathing. A few broken bones are a fitting punishment for someone that wanted to take away my ears."


"Well, mister Celsus. We've been starring at each other for quite some time. Do you plan to make a move already?"

"I just wanted to spare you a few more minutes of pain. I want your humiliation to be perfect. Have you noticed? The battle sounds have ended. Your slaves were probably no match for my friends. But even I will admit it. I am surprised that they couldn't put up more of a fight. Maybe now you'll realize the power of the nobles, hahaha!"

Footsteps could be heard in the dark. Celsus made a big smile, however his face soon distorted into shock. It was my slaves. They each brought one of those guys. They red uniforms were heavily beaten and all were unconscious. My slaves pilled them all together. Then they once again looked at me.

"Hey, boss, these guys were weaklings."

"And very dumb if I might add."

"Yuri-nee, these scums are nothing more than worms."

".....this…. This can't be possible!!"

"What's the matter? Scared? Don't worry. Girls, whatever happens don't interfere. That's an order. He's my prey."


"Kuh… how far are you going to make a fool of the nobles?"

"You're the ones that are making fools of yourselves. Are my words starting to ring in your eyes? Noble or commoner… all that doesn't matter. All that matters is power. And you are heavily lacking in it."

"You bitch. I won't forgive you! I will destroy you in the most brutal way possible!!"

"Then come. Give it your best shot."

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