The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

60: Lumi-chan gets to see the town

Day 2 of the date parade. I could have used a little more sleep, but Lumi-chan woke me early. I guess she's excited too. So after breakfast we headed into town.

"Yuri-nee, what's over there?"

"That's a small food stand."

"And over there?"

"Just some pots and pans stand."

"What about…"

"Hold on a second. Lumi-chan, can't you see all this? Years ago, even with your eyes closed you could sense and see everything."

"That's true, but only in a forest. The forest is a living thing so I can sense the mana and draw an accurate picture in my head. But here… the city, the walls or the stands… I can't see a thing."

This might be troublesome. Lumi-chan won't properly get to enjoy the festival like this. Hmm… oh, I know!

"Hey, Lumi-chan, how about you borrow my eyes?"


"You know what spell I'm taking about. Vision exchange. I can't cast it, but you're a demi-god. You can. I've seen my fair share. So how about it?"

"Are you really okay with it?"

"Yup. If it's just for a few hours, I don't mind."

"Okay then. Close your eyes. And whatever happens, don't open them again until I tell you."

"Got it."

"[Delio Nova]!"

Delio Nova, also known as vision exchange. A spell that let's you see the world with someone else's eyes. After the spell was cast, Lumi-chan opened her eyes. She had my purple eyes. And her star eyes were transferred to me.

"I can't believe it… to be able to see things normally… thank you Yuri-nee."

"Take my hand now. You'll have to guide me. Try to have fun now, okay."


This situation drew a bit of attention to us. A child guiding an adult isn't something you see every day. But I told her to ignore the gazes. Like always the streets were crowded.

Lumi-chan really enjoyed herself. Getting to see all sorts of stalls and people with her eyes doesn't happen often. She was drawn to a specific place.

Pew! Pew! The morning sky filled with lazy bursts of colored smoke.

It must have been hired wizards putting on a fireworks show.

The scintillating colors made their skill apparent. Things would be busy despite the early hour, so the perkiest performance groups were already up and playing music. 

Each time there was a choice of directions she would scan from right to left. We came up around the fountain where Sylvia had her accident.

“Mmm, isn’t this lovely?”

Lumi-chan closed her eyes as the cool breeze kissed her cheeks. Judging by the sound… she was standing on the fountain edge. She leaned out as far as she could over the water.

“You’ll fall.”

“I’m fine,” she said, spinning back around. After the fountain, Lumi-chan wanted to see some performers. 

She was drawn to a man in an overcoat. His entire body was covered in cloth, and he made broad, strange movements with his arms…


In the next instant, a tiny fire salamander appeared in his upturned palm.

In the next moment the lizard was enclosed in an egg. The man covered the egg with both hands, and it grew to become a dove. The bird flew out of his hands, but his fingers sparkled and the bird turned into a cloud of blue smoke.

The man pulled on the smoke as if on a rope, nimbly shifting it into a longsword. He held the weapon up with a flourish before inserting it into his open mouth.

Like a child, Lumi-chan clapped with vigor.

“That’s amazing, isn’t it? I didn’t know anyone was so good at that Oh, sorry, you can't see it.”

"Don't worry. Street magic is just for show and it doesn't have any use other than to entertain children. The things you and I can pull off in combat are more impressive."

While watching the show, a bard started playing a nice tune. A mandolin tune that made Lumi-chan want to sing to it.


She sang in the elf language. The harmony of the deep tone of the mandolin and the soprano voice of Lumiera wove together, making a beautiful melody.

The songs that the bards sang weren’t like the ones from Earth, for they were closer to a story than a song.

Listening to the strange music, the people nearby were completely confused. But only at the beginning. Lumi's voice entranced everyone.

The upbeat rhythm seemed to harmonize with the crowd, and they were soon clapping their hands and tapping their feet to the tune. They didn't understand the elf language, but they didn't care. The harmony and beauty left them amazed.

When the song ended claps and cheers followed swiftly. They were all for Lumi-chan.

"Wha…what… T-This music… What, that song just now… I-I’ve never heard this kind of music… "

"Ah, ahahahaha. It was amazing. Even to a bard such as me, your voice just now was too perfect. Your voice possesses heavenly beauty."

Her voice truly was beautiful. I never saw this side of her. My heart felt warm when listening to her. 

After a few moments, when the crowd calmed down, Lumi-chan pulled my hand and dragged me away from the busy streets. We found a bench under a tree. It was in a part of the town that was more quiet.

She started tapping her lap.

"Here. Put your head here."

I was wondering where this was going so I went along for now.

"Yuri-nee. You're tired. You should rest like this now."

"Hey, that's not…"

"You can't fool me. You're tired from yesterday. You tried your best to make everyone happy."

She started stroking my hair. Before I realized it she activated Delio Nova again. I got my sight back.

"You can sleep like that for a bit. I'll wake you up."

She's treating me like a child again. A loli lap… it should be the other way around. But… this does feel good.

"Okay. Then. I'll take a rest."

She continued stroking my head all that time.

"Yuri-nee… meeting you was no accident. I am happy. Today too, even if it was short, I got to see new things. I'm grateful. That song.... was for you. You may not be an elf but I also see you as my child. You made mommy happy. And now let mommy help you rest. Yuri-nee… I love you."


"Fufu. So cute. Rest for now. Many adventures still await you. I'll be always by your side, no matter what."

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