~11 years ago~

"Just look how much damage the humans did to this village! Despicable creatures."

Me and my party received word that a village was under attack. Unfortunately we arrived too late. 

"Is there no one alive?"

"I think I see something moving over there."

A child. A Mazoku girl with many burns, but she was still breathing.

"Lady Yurishia, we should not waste our resources on her. Let's chase after the humans."

"Are you an idiot, Byron? Are you just gonna ignore a survivor?"

"But… it's clear she's a commoner. Losing an opportunity to kill the humans an avenge the village is…"

"Byron, are you questioning my judgement?"

"Eeh… no. Forgive me, my lady."

It didn't take long for me to heal her. My cure all fixed her pretty fast. But she was still weakened. Holding her felt akin to holding a baby. I have no clue what this girl is… but leaving someone to die doesn't feel right.

"What's your name, little one?"

"N… Nyarla."

Such a cute name. Reminds me of the sound cats tend to make although she doesn't resemble a cat at all. Her body is pale brown and her hair is pitch black. And it's almost like a pair of tentacles are growing out of her body.


After a few months the girl warmed up to me. She had no family left. However, because of my travels I can't keep her with me. Liliana tolerates her, but Byron and Volmund think it's too dangerous to take her along.

But I saw something in this girl. I fed her, I took baths with her… I was basically like her mother. And what I saw… was her potential. She had a ridiculous amount of mana locked deep within her. And she is a weird one. She seems to harbor some sort of tentacle power. I can't put my finger on it… but I can't figure out her power. Of course some might come after her, regardless.

And there was a big issue. She constantly needed water. I'm not sure what Mazoku subspecies she is, but I believe she is close to mermaids. She can't last on the surface long at her age. So… while my party was still sleeping, I took her to the Lake of Doom.

"Listen, Nyarla. Lots of people are going to try and hurt you, but I can't be around to protect you. You also aren't suited for the land. However, you'll be safe here."

"Are… you abandoning me?"

"Don't look at it like that. It's because I love you, I'm doing this. Don't worry. I'll also give you this special amulet. As long as you wear it, whatever wicked sea creature might live here, they won't touch you. Nyarla, grow up and become a beautiful woman. You have so much potential. When you'll be old enough, I promise I'll come back for you."

"Promise? You really have to swear!! I'll do my best and grow as fast as possible."

"Fufu. Don't worry. I never break my promises. We'll definitely meet again. Until then, you will be safe here. Treat it as your new home. Take care, Nyarla. I look forward to the day when we meet again."


~Present Day~

The tentacles came towards me at high speed. I didn't offer any resistance. I let them wrap themselves around me and lift me into the air.


"Hang on, Yurishia, we'll…"

"Do nothing! That's an order."

Because of the compelling force of the master-slave contract, my girls stopped all movement.

"You… I'll drown you!! I'll kill you!"

"Was a few years all it took for you to forget your allegiance?"

All the tentacles stopped and twitched suddenly.

"... Can't be… are you really…"

"I understand why you are confused. But this disguise is necessary. However, even with it you should still be able to recognize me. You haven't forgotten our promise, have you?"

The tentacles imediately retreated and the ones that lifted me in the air placed me gently on the ice, submerging afterwards.

Afterwards, from the muddy water, a girl appeared.

"Is it really you? Mommy?"

"It's me alright. And I'm not your mom."

"Mommy!! You really came back for me! I knew you would!"

She leaped into my arms. I had no choice but to give her a big hug. This girl with brown skin, dark hair, twisted horns and purple eyes is none other than the girl I saved years ago. Nyarla. Or to be more specific… the demi-goddess Nyarlathotep. 

Although not related at all with the chtulhu mythos back on Earth, the only thing that is remotely similar is the tentacles. Regardless I remember that way back I saw great potential in her. But even I didn't expect that she would turn into a demi-goddess. I can feel her divinity power, although it's the polar opposite of Lumi-chan.

"Awwaaa!! Mommy… I missed you so much! I was heartbroken when I heard that you were killed. I swore to destroy all races who dare defile the home you gave me. But deep down I knew you wouldn't die even if you get killed!"

While Nyarla was hugging me, the girls behind me… got kinda noisy.

"Was Boss married at some point? Why does that girl call her mom?"

"No. I am certain that she wasn't married. The history books would have mentioned it."

"An illegitimate child then?"

"Is she the one that gave birth? Or was she the one who donated the baby juice? But if she calls her mother then…"

"Girls, can you please stop with all those crazy theories? She's not related to me. She's an orphan I picked up in the past."

Nyarla peaked out behind me and took a glance at my 5 slaves. She then had an evil expressionless aura.

"Mommy, who are those girls? Are they the ones that took you from me? Should I kill them?"

I gave her a flick on the forehead. Don't turn yandere on me now.

"I raised you better. They are my friends. You're not allowed to harm them. And introduce yourself properly."


She took an alluring pose and at the same time she licked her lips.

"My name is Nyarlathotep! Pleased too meet you, fucking bitches!"

I don't even know how to react to that. So I just pulled her horns instead.

"What sort of greeting was that supposed to be? I raised you better!"

"Awawawawa!! Mommy that hurts! But… I missed your touch so much… You can hurt me as much as you want. Feeling your touch again is all that matters."

Oh brother. This is gonna be one long explanation. But maybe that can wait. We're still in a race after all. Let's get out of here first.

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