“…” Fang Yuan came back to his senses and looked at the floor tiles covered with mycelium under his feet. He was speechless and had some understanding of the extraordinary power he had just obtained.

——The extraordinary power he exerted with the help of the power of heaven and earth itself could not do something that was completely impossible.

For example, the "life" power he just sent out did not turn the floor tiles on the ground into a living body, but greatly promoted the growth of bacteria and fungi attached to the floor tiles, allowing them to go through a life journey that might take several days or even months to complete in just a few seconds, and rapidly proliferated into the appearance in front of them.

A little embarrassedly looking at the inner room of the basement, he found that Muroto Sumire did not notice the situation here. Fang Yuan mobilized the power of "fire" with a guilty conscience, turning it into a flash of flame, and completely incinerated the fungal carpet that was still proliferating on the floor tiles.

However, although those disgusting fungal carpets emitting various colors of mycelium disappeared, there was another black mark on the ground caused by the burning of flames and carbonization of substances.

Fang Yuan thought about it, and finally went to the bathroom to get a mop and mopped the stains on the floor.

Putting the cleaning tools back to the bathroom, Fang Yuan turned around and looked at the floor tiles that were no different from the beginning, and pondered in his heart: "It seems that this kind of "borrowed" power is much more difficult to control than my own power. I need to practice it for a while!" Although Fang Yuan did not lose any knowledge and memory in the "baby" state, he would no longer use his powerful computing power as instinctively as in the past to finely control the extraordinary power borrowed from heaven and earth.

- Because this "instinct-like" habit is also an external shackle that prevents his state of mind from returning to the "baby" realm, and it is something that needs to be broken.

Therefore, Fang Yuan needs to spend some time to train himself to precisely control the power in the "baby" state - in other words, to completely transform the previous "instinct-like" computing power into a real instinct, so that a baby can use it normally without any obstacles.

"In this case, it's not suitable to stay here any longer!" Fang Yuan looked around, thinking about how much damage he would cause if he practiced his newly acquired supernatural powers here, and how crazy Muroto Sumire would be next. He immediately shook his head and rejected the idea of ​​continuing the experiment here.

"It seems that I still have to go outside the city to trouble those protogasters! That way, I don't have to worry about breaking bottles and jars..." Thinking of this, Fang Yuan said hello to Muroto Sumire who was obsessed with research, and didn't care whether she heard what he said. He just left the basement and the hospital and walked all the way out of the city.

There were enough "targets" there, and Fang Yuan could use them at will.

...Sizzle——! A flash of lightning flashed, accompanied by the roar of the air being ionized, and a protogaster like an ant fell down with a roar and black smoke all over its body.

Bang——! The fallen gastrula twitched a few times, but it couldn't hold on and completely lost its life response.

Next to the corpse of this gastrula, there were hundreds of gastrula of the same type.

The gastrula that acquired ant genes obviously inherited the habits of ants. No matter what species they were originally, they became social animals after becoming super-sized ants.

And here, it is obviously an ant nest.

However, the death of these super-giant ants was different. Some were burned into charcoal by flames, some were cut into countless pieces by sharp blades, some died suddenly as if they had died of old age, and some grew countless tumors and eventually died on their own... The corpses of various deaths were piled up on the ground, and an exhibition of "One Hundred Ways to Kill (this is also harmonious) Gastrula" could be held.

And standing in the middle of this pile of corpses was naturally our protagonist, Fang Yuan, who came to the outside of the city to find gastrula to practice.

After killing hundreds of protostomes, he finally mastered the extraordinary power he had just obtained. Although it has not reached the extreme level of self-exertion, it is enough for ordinary battles.

"However, I practice this power not for fighting... If it is just for fighting, my invincible close combat ability is enough, and there is no need to practice an unfamiliar power from scratch... But if I want to train this power to the level close to alchemy, so that I can assist me in large-scale precision creation, it seems that I am still a little short... It's really annoying!" Somewhat dissatisfied with his progress in practice, Fang Yuan shook his head in frustration.

At this moment, Fang Yuan's ears moved, and his hearing, which had also been strengthened to the extraordinary realm, heard the sound of propellers coming from the sky in the distance.

He looked in the direction of the sound and saw a helicopter gradually approaching, and just below the helicopter, a huge spider with a web as wings was like being hit hard, flipping down from the sky.

And the landing point... seems to be here? ')439'\u003eChapter 438 Fang Yuan's "interception" \u0026 the main characters who randomly give out dog food

"Oh my god, it's not such a coincidence!" Although it was already dark, Fang Yuan could see clearly that the one who shot down the spider-like protogastric animal in the sky was a petite girl with twin ponytails.

Looking at the red hair, red eyes, and cute hairpins like rabbit ears, Fang Yuan recognized the other party's identity at a glance. It was the girl he had met before, one of the "heroines" of this world, the initiator, Aihara Nobuyuki.

Then, the one on the helicopter behind was naturally the promoter who partnered with the girl, the male protagonist of this world, Satomi Rentaro.

Fang Yuan remembered that there was this scene in the original plot. It was Aihara Nobuyuki who exposed her identity as a "cursed child" in school, and was therefore rejected by classmates and friends. When she was brought to search for the spider-type protogastric animal, she gave up on herself and jumped directly from the helicopter to attack.

As an initiator with rabbit genes, Aihara Nobuyuki's best attack method is kicking, especially with her pair of long boots made of holmium metal, its lethality to protogastric animals is self-evident.

The huge spider in the sky, which was originally flying with the help of a spider web, immediately rolled down and fell after being kicked from the sky.

Within a few seconds, it fell on Fang Yuan's head under the action of inertia and gravity, and was about to hit him on the head.

Most people would turn around and run away in horror when they saw such a terrible monster falling on their heads, but for Fang Yuan, the big spider on his head was just a slightly larger ant.

Fang Yuan made a move and a whirlwind rose out of thin air. The wind was originally only the size of a palm, and the wind force was only at the level of a breeze, but when it escaped from Fang Yuan's hand, it suddenly grew to a tornado with a diameter of seven or eight meters, and directly swept up the protogastric animal that had not yet fallen.

In this tornado, there were wind blades formed by extremely condensed airflows. These wind blades ignored the protogastric animal's hard shell that was enough to resist conventional thermal weapons. In just a few seconds, the spider-shaped protogastric animal was cut into pieces of minced meat.

Then, a fire started in the wind, and the flames instantly swept the entire tornado, turning it into a veritable fire tornado. The body of the gastrula that had been cut into pieces was burned to ashes in the flames, and then drifted into the sky with the wind.

At this moment, Enju Aihara, who was only one step slower than the big spider, finally landed on the ground.

But when she raised her head and prepared to fight the gastrula, she found that her mission target had turned into ashes all over the sky.

"Eh? (⊙▽⊙)" The girl who wanted to vent her grievances by fighting with the gastrula was stunned when she saw this scene.

A few seconds later, Rentaro Satomi, who had landed from the helicopter by rappelling, ran to the scene covered with leaves and mud.

"Enju..." He was worried that his starter partner would encounter some danger in his excitement, but he didn't expect to see such a scene in front of him.

That big spider... Where is that gastrula? Where did it go? Although he was a little slow to react, Rentaro Satomi was not stupid after all. When he saw the unnatural fire tornado and Fang Yuan standing next to it, he immediately reacted - could it be that he was killed by this guy... After a while, the fire tornado finally went out. Without the support of the wind, a black object suddenly fell from the air and fell to the ground with a "clang" sound.

"This is..." The boy and girl looked at the square black object on the ground. Although it was deformed in appearance and the color was smoked black by the flames, it was still clear that this was the box called "Seven Stars' Legacy" in the mission commission.

They were... intercepted? And the one who intercepted was that super dangerous mysterious person... President, what should we do? Should we continue this mission? At this time, Rentaro Satomi really wanted to call back and ask dear Miss President, what should we do at this time? ! ... Fang Yuan looked at the confused look of the male and female protagonists in front of him, and felt a little bit amused.

This was such a coincidence. He just wanted to get some protogastric animals in the wild to practice, but he didn't expect that the hero and heroine plus 10 billion yen would fall from the sky.

This luck is really... Seeing Rentaro Satomi looking at the box with a look of wanting but not daring to move, Fang Yuan shook his head, kicked the box at his feet to Rentaro Satomi, and said, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in this 'Seven Stars Heritage'. If you want it, take it yourself!"  "Huh?"  Rentaro Satomi was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Fang Yuan to be unmoved by the box worth 10 billion yen and directly pushed it to someone else.

This is almost unimaginable for him who has been living on the poverty line for many years and can only eat bean sprouts with rice for almost every meal.

He hesitated a little, wondering whether he should accept the box.

Although he really wanted the 10 billion yen, this feeling of being given alms was really... Well, if his poor president, Miss Tendo Kimura, was here, she would surely curse the other party for not treating money seriously while happily accepting the box... Shaking his head, the conflicted Satomi Rentaro finally stepped forward and picked up the box that had been burnt black, ignoring the fact that the black ash on it made his clothes dirty - although he had rolled on the ground several times when landing and was already very dirty.

"Enju, let's go!" Holding the box with one hand, Rentaro turned to look at Enju Aihara, who had been silent, and asked her to leave together.

But the little girl didn't seem to hear it. She just stood there blankly, neither speaking nor moving, with her head lowered, making her expression in the shadow become even more gloomy.

"Yanzhu?" The young man called out worriedly.

"Rentaro..." The girl called the boy's name in a tearful voice, and raised her head with tears in her eyes: "Is this concubine useless?" "Eh?" Rentaro felt that he was in a daze more often today than before. There are more every day, what’s wrong with this girl? "Obviously, obviously I want to defeat the gastrea, obviously I want to prove that I can protect my classmates, but, I can't even do this... Wuwuwu~~wuah~~!!! "As the girl spoke, she started crying, and then she threw herself into the boy's arms. While she was crying, she wiped her tears and snot on the boy's clothes. She looked clingy like a boy who had been wronged outside. The little kitten that the scavenger wants to hug... "Tsk! How dare you give me dog food..." Fang Yuan, who was watching this scene from the side, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his teeth. At this moment, he only felt When his compatibility with the "fire" power between heaven and earth was greatly improved, there seemed to be a "burn, burn, burn" voice shouting in his ears, giving him the urge to throw a big fireball directly... Third More completed')440'\u003eChapter 439 The real "protagonist halo"

After being force-fed a mouthful of dog food, Fang Yuan still did not directly fire a fireball and throw it out to burn the dog couple to death.

After all, he chose the path of being single, and he had to go on it even with tears in his eyes.

However, he didn't want to stay here anymore and watch the boys and girls getting sticky with each other, so he didn't say a summons, but directly summoned a gust of wind, carried him and flew away far away - finally mastering the new extraordinary power. Let him be able to do this kind of "riding on the wind", so that he won't have to use only two legs to travel like before... "Okay, okay, don't cry..." Satomi Rentaro After finally calming down the aggrieved Yanzhu, he raised his head and was about to thank Fang Yuan, but found that there was no one in front of him.

"Eh? Where did he go..." Looking around, he couldn't find Fang Yuan. In the end, Satomi Rentaro could only think that the other party really left like that.

"What a weirdo..." With this sigh, the boy held the girl's hand and was about to leave this dangerous wilderness and return to the safe inner city.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he looked up and saw a particularly scary white smiling mask.

"Zhi Zi... Ying Yin?!" The young man recognized the identity of the person in front of him and murmured the name with difficulty.

"Thank you for your hard work, Satomi-kun!" Accompanied by such a cold joke that contained no hint of gratitude, a big hand wearing white gloves gradually enlarged in Rentaro Satomi's field of vision... Although Fang Yuan had already left. At the scene, but with his perception ability, he could still sense what was happening there.

However, he had no intention of interfering in the battle between Hiroko Yingyin and his daughter and Satomi Rentaro. He handed the box to Satomi Rentaro, which was already his greatest kindness. If The other party couldn't keep the box under the enemy's covetousness, and that had nothing to do with Fang Yuan.

"...Zhizi Yingyin is actually a smart man. He knew I was there so he didn't dare to show up. When he saw me leaving, he jumped out to pick peaches as soon as possible..." Fang Yuan had naturally discovered Zizi a long time ago. Traces of Ying Yin.

However, this reformer who had been severely punished by Fang Yuan was not as arrogant and arrogant as he showed. Faced with Fang Yuan who could easily push him to the ground and rub him, he was unsurprisingly timid. I don’t dare to show my head casually.

And now he jumped out and launched an attack on Satomi Rentaro because he thought that Fang Yuan had left and didn't know what happened here - if he knew that Fang Yuan was actually still "watching" this place, he wouldn't have had the courage to do so. You don’t dare to take things given by Fang Yuan to others! ... "The strongest pain!" The man wearing the mask pointed his right hand forward, and the invisible repulsive force field turned into huge pressure and pressed Rentaro Satomi against the boulder. The huge pressure was like a hydraulic press. The boy's body creaked as he was crushed, and the pain echoed in the forest from his screams.

The next moment, an even greater repulsive force erupted. The power beyond the limit even crushed an entire hard boulder into pieces. As Satomi Rentaro was caught between the boulder and the force field, one can imagine what happened to him. What a serious injury.

The young man held on to his arm that had lost its strength, and saw his partner suppressed by the girl with two swords in his vision that turned blood red due to the heavy pressure. He couldn't help but use his last strength to shout: "Yanzhu... run away!!!" ... Standing on a mountaintop in the distance, Fang Yuan looked at the battlefield in the jungle with his extraordinary eyesight, watching Rentaro in danger while watching coldly.

Fang Yuan just watched as Rentaro Satomi was beaten up by Hiruko Kagetsu, whose fighting skills were far superior to his, watched the inextricable battle between Aihara Enju and Hiruko Kobinai, watched the boy being crushed and seriously injured by the crushing attack of the repulsive force field, watched him urge the girl to escape quickly with his last strength... and finally, the boy covered in blood stood panting by the river, was shot away by Hiruko Kagetsu, and fell into the river.

"... As expected, there is no one-shot kill..." Although the distance was far, Fang Yuan could still feel that although Rentaro Satomi looked seriously injured, stabbed and shot, he still retained a trace of tenacious vitality in his body.

Although Hiruko Kagetsu's shot seemed to be a fatal blow to the heart, Fang Yuan only needed to scan it with his mental power to know that the bullet that passed through the body just barely brushed the edge of the heart and the aorta.

Although the injury looked horrible, it did not cause any real fatal damage.

Did Hiruko Kagetsuji hold back?   No, Fang Yuan did not think so.

With his strength, he could clearly feel that at the moment of firing the gun, Hiruko Kagetsuji was serious about his killing intent - even if he was somewhat interested in Satomi Rentaro, a cyborg who was very similar to himself, but in such a big event as "destroying the world", this former veteran would not show any mercy, and would not hold back when it was time to be ruthless.

In other words, this can only be said to be an extremely lucky "coincidence".

"The law of the immortality of the protagonist... It seems that there is indeed such a thing as 'protagonist luck' in this world!"  Fang Yuan sighed.

It was all because of this prehistoric butterfly flapping its wings. Theoretically, under the butterfly effect, the probability of Satomi Rentaro dying from this shot was much greater than the probability of him surviving, but he survived so "unreasonably", and there were too many traces of being arranged.

Especially after seeing Rentaro Satomi's later performance, he was even more certain about this - even though this tenacious young man drifted unconscious for more than half an hour after falling into the water, and was rescued by the medical staff who came later, he still struggled and did not die.

Although this can be said to be due to Rentaro Satomi's physical fitness and desire to survive, it cannot be denied that his "life" is too hard!   This reminds Fang Yuan of several "protagonists" he had seen in the world of Resident Evil in the past.

Well, here specifically refers to the vehicle destroyer Li Sanguang and his teammate Nemesis Chris. These two seem to have similar characteristics - no matter how powerful the monster is, what kind of danger they are in, what kind of accident they encounter, they can find a way to survive, and sometimes they don't even know how they survived.

And Rentaro Satomi in this world is obviously similar to those two lucky people, who can also survive life and death crises again and again. This "protagonist halo" is really dazzling.

Thinking of the "chance encounters" that Fang Yuan had with the protagonists and villains after entering this world, Fang Yuan had to wonder if there was really a so-called "author" behind this world who was controlling everything.

"Nyarlathotep, is that you?"')441'\u003eChapter 440: Thinking about the Unity of Heaven and Man

Although he had deeper and deeper doubts about the true nature of this world, Fang Yuan also knew that he could not do anything at the moment.

Pushing all the doubts back to the bottom of his heart, Fang Yuan turned his attention back to the top priority at this stage - how to restore his extraordinary power to its heyday.

Although he can now borrow various powers between heaven and earth to a limited extent with the help of the "innocent baby" state of mind, and transform them into macro-controllable extraordinary power, as mentioned above, this way of using power cannot be used at the same time as Fang Yuan's powerful computing ability. Fang Yuan is currently unable to change matter and energy on a large scale with atomic or even subatomic micro-control capabilities like alchemy in the past.

The practice with the protostomes a few hours ago made him a little accustomed to this special supernatural power, but he also felt that the efficiency of such training was really low - if he wanted to use the supernatural power of "borrowing the power of heaven and earth" as meticulously as in the past in a short period of time, he needed to find another breakthrough.

"Unless I go deeper in this 'infant' state of mind and completely enter the 'unity of man and nature' that is indistinguishable from the outside world, otherwise I will not be able to really use these 'borrowed' powers at my fingertips, but to display 'unity of man and nature' in this world..."  Walking aimlessly in the wilderness jungle, Fang Yuan thought about the way forward and was very hesitant.

"Although there is nothing wrong with this path, judging from the fact that there was no abnormality after Tiantong Mugen entered the state of 'harmony between man and nature', she only maintained this state for a short moment. Who knows what will happen if she maintains this state for a long time?" Maybe nothing will happen, or maybe it will really be like what Fang Yuan imagined, and fall into a more terrible and irreversible state. The probability of these two can be said to be 50-50.

But Fang Yuan did not dare to gamble.

"Perhaps, we can try to let Tiantong Mugen perform 'harmony between man and nature' for a long time to see the effect?" In a flash, Fang Yuan thought of such an irresponsible plan.

After all, if someone is exploring the way ahead, it will be clearer whether this road can be taken.

However, Fang Yuan threw this idea out of his mind the next moment.

After all, the so-called "harmony between man and nature" is not a simple game skill that can be achieved by pressing a button and adding a point.

This is a special state of mind that requires a person to have a comprehensive and profound understanding of himself and himself. The most critical step is to break the boundary between "I" and "non-I", which can only be achieved with great enlightenment and perseverance.

The reason why Fang Yuan can easily reach the point where he is only one step away from "harmony between man and nature" and can complete the last step at any time and anywhere according to his own will is because he has a deep accumulation in the past, and his own level has reached the realm of self-contained world, which is equivalent to walking from another road to a level beyond "harmony between man and nature". Under the high roof, it is naturally not difficult to turn back and achieve this lower level.

As for Tendo Mugen, the reason why she could achieve the moment of unity between man and nature was not only because she was indeed a genius in kendo (sword), but more importantly, she had an extreme hatred for the Tendo family in her heart.

This hatred obviously exceeded the emotional limit of ordinary people and entered another level, and could even temporarily break a person's stubborn boundary between "self" and "non-self".

However, this method of breaking through "self-attachment" with a single extreme emotion was really a bit of a sword-walking, and in addition, Tendo Mugen's own state of mind was far from truly reaching the level of unity between man and nature, so even if she tried her best, she could only maintain this state for a moment.

This moment was enough for her to slash a sword beyond the limit of human power, but it was not enough to help Fang Yuan confirm what the "heaven" she came into contact with in the state of unity between man and nature was like.

If she wants to truly enter the complete state of "harmony between man and nature", she must either learn Fang Yuan's method, forget herself, dilute all acquired emotional shackles, and regain her innate true self, or go all the way to the end, completely stimulate extreme hatred, replace the original self, and become the embodiment of obsession.

Two roads, one is the right way, and the other is the wrong way.

Needless to say, the former is extremely difficult. Those who can achieve it are either real monks or enlightened people. There are only a few people in thousands of years. With Tendo Mugen's personality and experience, it is obviously almost impossible for him to take this road.

The latter seems to be easier to walk, but in fact, it is not easy to make a person completely swallowed by hatred - it is impossible for a person to have no experience of beauty in his life. Even if there is only a trace of attachment to the good experiences in the past, it is difficult for humans to completely give up themselves and let obsession take over their body and mind.

Unless Fang Yuan is ruthless and destroys the last bit of beauty that Tendo Mugen cherishes in her heart, and guides her to completely turn evil, it is possible that she will really abandon everything and completely transform into an Asura who only knows hatred and killing.

But this is indeed a bit too much for Fang Yuan - there is no deep hatred between him and Tendo Mugen. It can even be said that he has some good feelings for this girl who insists on hatred in her heart, not to mention that he has gained important inspiration from the girl and regained extraordinary power. It can be said that he owes her a big favor, and of course it is impossible to do such a cruel thing.

As for finding a stranger with similar qualifications to Tendo Mugen to experiment... This is really a luxury - there are really geniuses like Tendo Mugen everywhere!   "So, in the end, you still have to rely on yourself!"  Things have come back to Fang Yuan himself.

"Harmony between man and nature, harmony between man and nature... In the final analysis, it is still to take the heart of nature as one's own heart, and it is the state of 'man' integrating into 'heaven'. What if the opposite of 'heaven' is not 'man', but another 'heaven'?" After much contemplation, Fang Yuan finally thought of another thing he had ignored - it was the mental world in his body.

Since crossing into this world, Fang Yuan has always combined the mental world with the physical body, turning it into the inner world relative to the outer world, thereby gaining a transcendental invincible defense ability, so that he would not encounter life-threatening danger after losing most of his extraordinary power, but he has always ignored that this mental world actually has other functions.

For example, replacing his ego consciousness, combining the inner "heaven" with the outer "heaven", and practicing another level of "harmony between man and nature".

')442'\u003eChapter 441: Resonance between Heaven and Man, Omniscience, Limited Omnipotence

When Fang Yuan understands the true function of the mental world, he naturally begins to adjust the rules of the mental world to make it more compatible with the external world that Fang Yuan sensed in the "baby" state.

After an unknown period of time, Fang Yuan suddenly felt that he could no longer feel that kind of faint sense of rejection.

At this moment, Fang Yuan released the internal and external blockade that he had been maintaining, allowing the exchange of energy and matter inside and outside his body to begin.

In an instant, invisible and shadowless, but extremely huge power surged from the void and gathered in Fang Yuan's body.

It was like the transmission of vibrations between two tuning forks that did not touch each other. When Fang Yuan adjusted the rules of the mental world to match the external world, and actively let the two worlds communicate with each other through the body, the power from the external world would naturally resonate and converge into the small world within the human body.

Because the external world, which is the source of resonance, is so huge, even if only a small part of it is gathered in Fang Yuan's body, it is still an extremely huge force for an individual life.

This method of heaven and man reflecting each other is different from Fang Yuan's previous unity of heaven and man purely based on spiritual thoughts. It can be regarded as a resonance of heaven and man at the level of pure material energy.

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