The third update is completed')472'\u003eChapter 471 Qi Wuxuanzong's choice \u0026 too much favor

"Although this is a bastard, I have to say that this is a bastard with backbone!" With the help of the domain that spread to the extreme, Fang Yuan saw the scene of the Holy Son "rebellion", and also saw the duel in which Tendou Mugen killed his ancestors for revenge, and also saw Tendou Kikunosuke's stubbornness to die and refuse to give in and tell the truth.

It can be said that before this, Fang Yuan had no good impression of this old guy, only pure disgust and murderous intention, but after today, he had a slight change in his opinion of this old man - although he still hated him.

... As the mastermind behind all these changes, Fang Yuan witnessed the death of Tendou Kikunosuke with his own eyes, but it was not only the officials at all levels in the Tokyo District who learned about this matter, but also Qi Wuxuanzong who had not yet left the Tokyo District.

"What did you say? Tendo Kikunojo is dead?!" When the president of the Osaka District heard this explosive information that seemed like fake news, his face showed a mixture of surprise and disbelief.

"Tell me clearly, what exactly happened?" Although he was ecstatic, Qi Wuxuanzong still maintained his rationality and wanted to know the detailed information of the matter as soon as possible.

"It's like this, about an hour ago, the Self-Defense Forces of the Tokyo District surrounded the residence of the Holy Emperor under the mobilization of Tendo Kikunojo, and then..." The intelligence personnel reported in detail the information they had collected, from the house arrest of the Holy Emperor, to the abnormal mobilization of troops by Tendo Kikunojo, to the incredible single-handed counterattack by the Holy Emperor, and finally Tendo Mugen jumped out to take away the head of his grandfather... "So, it was the eldest daughter of the Tendo family who killed the old guy Tendo Kikunojo with her own hands?!" After listening to this ups and downs, comparable to the plot of a movie, Qi Wuxuanzong was surprised, and the only emotion left was ecstasy.

——The old guy Tendou Kikunojo is dead, so who can stop him from seizing the ruling power of Tokyo District now?   "This is really a godsend! God wants me to unify the whole of Japan!"   An unprecedented ambition flashed in Qi Wuxuanzong's eyes-Tokyo District, he wants it!   ...   However, before the ambitious President Qi Wuxuanzong wanted to take advantage of the great opportunity of Tokyo District losing Tendou Kikunojo, an important pillar, to do something, he received news that frightened and surprised him from his base camp.

——What happened in Tokyo District appeared in Osaka District!   "The initiator of Osaka District...can't detect the protozoan virus?!"   Qi Wuxuanzong's face no longer had the joy brought by hearing that his old opponent was dead, but was replaced by extremely gloomy anger and a trace of deeply hidden fear.

"Yes, and not only that, according to our intelligence investigation, all the unregistered 'cursed children' in Osaka District also disappeared at the same time!" "...Sure enough, is there a mysterious organization doing these things..." Thinking of the same thing that happened in Tokyo District before, Qi Wuxuanzong's heart sank slightly. Did the hidden force in the dark finally reach out to Osaka District after solving the Tokyo District! "President, should we continue now..." The intelligence director asked cautiously - they had already made plans before, intending to add fuel to the fire during the power vacuum in Tokyo District and completely confuse the situation in Tokyo District, but now... "Forget it, withdraw our personnel, let's leave first!" Although he was unwilling in his heart, Qi Wuxuanzong still knew what was important. Now that his hometown was threatened (harmony), he no longer wanted to make trouble in Tokyo District.

"Yes..."  ...  "Wow! There are so many more companions all of a sudden!"  Inside "Valhalla", in the building complex that has expanded several times, a group of little rascals are looking at the crowd that has suddenly increased four times and are shocked.

——Unlike those starters who have their own promoters, those "cursed children" who are wandering outside and living a wandering life in the other four districts outside Tokyo District are basically brought back to "Valhalla" by Fang Yuan.

This is also unavoidable. The current situation of "cursed children" being hated and rejected by the whole society does not only exist in Tokyo District, but also widely exists in all human settlements around the world.

And the living conditions of these poor girls are almost the same-those who are lucky enough to be selected by IISO to be trained as starters are lucky, at least they can basically live a relatively stable life, but those who are unlucky and not selected, almost all of them live a wandering life with no guarantee of future.

Therefore, Fang Yuan consulted with these unfortunate girls who were helpless and took those who were willing to follow him into his inner world and placed them in "Valhalla".

For the few who were unwilling to leave, Fang Yuan also gave them enough power, including conceptual weapons, Pegasus mounts, combat skills, etc., so that they could have the ability to protect themselves as much as possible.

"It's a pity that those who have facilitator partners are basically not willing to join us..." Some people sighed unwillingly, and seemed to complain: "Those people are really gifted by God. "I have received all the kindness from them, but none of them are willing to repay him!" "Don't say that!" The person next to him immediately stopped the girl's complaint: "Lord God has never asked us to repay him, and he has already decided to do so. The rules have been laid down and all choices are voluntary.

If we force those starters to leave their friends and partners and join our team, what is the difference between us and that hateful IISO? "Okay, okay, I'm just complaining, don't go on the line like this..." "Sir God, is this really okay?" Just unilaterally giving favors to those initiates without asking for anything in return, this is a bit..." Qianshou Xiashi stood next to Fang Yuan's consciousness projection, watching the scenes taking place in "Valhalla", and naturally I heard an argument between some girls.

She didn't agree very much with the girl who asked all the initiates to "repay", but she also felt that it was not good for Fang Yuan to give favors to each other indiscriminately.

Although Qianju Xiashi has never heard of the saying "a favor for the sake of prosperity and a hatred for the sake of the rice", Qianju Xiashi understands the truth. If you give too much favor to someone unilaterally, you may not get a kind repayment, but even darkness. Qianju Xia Shi has seen a lot of malicious intentions.

In fact, even now, Qianju Natsuyo feels that she and others have received too many favors, so much that it makes her feel a little uneasy, for fear that when she wakes up, everything will be just a dream.

"It doesn't matter.

Have you ever understood that the relationship between me and you 'cursed children' is not a conventional relationship between a benefactor and a beneficiary? I save you, on the one hand, because I cannot see your living situation. , on the other hand, it is also to make my own thoughts accessible. In addition, I also have the intention of using you - and for this kind of use, I don't need you to do anything for me, but as long as you exist In this world, my goal can be achieved. "

Fang Yuan didn't go into too much detail, but it was clear enough.

As an audience member, Qianju Natsuyo felt light-hearted - indeed, we "cursed children" are indeed useful to Lord "God"! ')473'\u003eChapter 472 Wuxiang Club's Attention \u0026 Fang Yuan's Next Plan

The death of Tendo Kikunojo unsurprisingly caused a chaos in the upper echelons of Tokyo.

The impact of this incident was even greater than the blockbuster news that the Holy Emperor, who was originally just a vase, suddenly transformed into a female war goddess and defeated an entire self-defense force of thousands of people.

First of all, the Tendo family, which had lost its leader, immediately fell into chaos fighting for the position of the head of the family. The sons and grandsons of Tendo Kikunochori all formed gangs and worked against each other, trying to overwhelm all competitors and take charge of the Tendo family. At the same time, he also inherited the power position of Tendo Kiku no Cheng who dominated the government and the public.

However, everyone who has watched the plot knows that in the Tendo family, except for Tendo Kikunochori, who is considered a mature politician and has some ability and responsibility, the other members are almost all deadbeats who only know corruption and malfeasance. When such a group When Zha Zha reaches out to the government court to fight for power, the chaos caused to Tokyo District can naturally be imagined.

The most egregious thing is that because they are obsessed with the struggle for power, no one among them even thinks about arresting Tendo Kisara, the "murderer"! However, although no one went to trouble Tendou Kisara, Tendou Kisara did not want to let them go.

The vengeful ghost who has tasted the blood of his blood relatives has set his sights on a new target! ... Not to mention that Tiandong, who has already seen blood over there, has completed further revenge. What happened in this short period of time also had a profound impact in the areas outside Tokyo.

Not only several other districts in Japan, they all found that the starters in their own territory suddenly lost their most important constraints, and each one panicked and used various methods to calm down the storm.

Some places decided to deal coldly with the changes of the initiates, and did not take any action on the surface. They only secretly increased the monitoring of the initiate group and the police club that had the closest relationship with them.

In some places, they try every means to win over the hearts and minds of these starters by various means, trying to truly tie them to their own camp.

Of course, there are also places where they choose to capture some of the initiates, trying to study the changes in them and decipher the inner secrets that allow them to master huge power without risk.

That's right, the one who chose the last road was the Osaka District who had already welcomed back their president.

As a member of the Wuxiang Society, an evil and mysterious organization that attempts to conquer the world and gain world hegemony, and is also one of its highest-ranking cadres, Qi Wu Xuanzong was not only afraid of these starters who had lost control, but also feared them. There is also a very strong interest.

After all, they are an evil organization that wants to conquer the world. If they don't want to do some human experiments and live dissection, they will not live up to their reputation as an evil organization. Especially for the Initiators who have undergone the materialization of souls, they have the power beyond human beings, and there is no risk of uncontrolled mutation. At the same time, they do not have various defects like mechanized transformation. They are really the best research targets.

However, something happened that made him very angry and terrified. All the Initiators he brought into the laboratory would disappear before being tied to the experimental table.

It was not the kind of disappearance that was discovered by accident, but it disappeared instantly like a magic trick under the gaze of many people.

This reminded Qi Wu Xuanzong of the intelligence he collected in the Tokyo District. It was said that the Initiator who killed his promoter and surrendered himself disappeared in prison.

At that time, he thought it was just some kind of exaggeration. The so-called disappearance was probably rescued secretly by a powerful organization using various technical means.

But now he knows that there are really some things in this world that cannot be explained! ……  "It's really interesting. The entire group of Japanese starters, the protogastric virus in their bodies has disappeared... And there is also this kind of disappearance out of thin air. Is it full-spectrum absolute invisibility? Or is it the space transfer technology in science fiction novels? Interesting, really interesting! This world is really not short of interesting things!"  In Germany, another of the four sages, a scientist named Albrecht Grunewald, who is also one of the highest cadres of the Wuxiang Society, also received intelligence from Japan.

Unlike Qi Wuxuanzong, who was mixed with fear and greed, this genius scientist with a long name had pure curiosity and research desire for the changes that happened to the starters.

However, because the incident happened in Japan, and he himself was in Germany, he wanted to cross the ocean to the other side of the earth to study those starters who had undergone magical changes. If it was before the protogastric war, it would be possible, but now it is completely impossible-protogastric species have no shortage of anti-aircraft capabilities. If you are accidentally shot down while flying, it is almost impossible to survive.

"What a pity! Why did this happen in Japan? How much better it would be if it happened in Germany? I would have the opportunity to conduct close research..." The mad scientist sighed and shook his head, feeling sad about his country's "bad" luck.

... Fang Yuan didn't know that a scientist on the other side of the earth was sighing about his "bad" luck.

If he knew, he might be very happy to go to Germany and give the other party the "gift" that he was looking forward to.

Well, then maybe he could crush the mad scientist to death by the way... However, Fang Yuan really didn't know what the other side of the earth was thinking. The other party didn't think of Fang Yuan as clearly as Tendou Kikunojo before, and couldn't touch his "foreknowledge" ability, so naturally he knew nothing about it.

Therefore, Fang Yuan still acted at his own pace.

"Next, I'm thinking whether to eliminate all the gastrulae in Japan first, or to complete the transformation of the 'cursed children' in other areas first... Which one do you think should be chosen?" Fang Yuan asked Chishou Natsuyo. This intelligent girl was almost becoming Fang Yuan's exclusive secretary. She would be dragged by Fang Yuan to discuss various issues whenever there was something to do.

"Haven't you already made a decision on this matter, Lord God?" As one of the "Valkyries" who had the most contact with Fang Yuan, Chishou Natsuyo knew Fang Yuan's thoughts very well.

This seemingly omnipotent Lord God, in addition to having extra compassion and love for these "cursed children", also had a deep disgust for the humans in this world.

In fact, the girl could imagine that if many "cursed children" did not want humans to be destroyed, Fang Yuan, as a "god", would probably replace the gastrulae and destroy the ugly humans first! The current situation is very clear. All the "cursed children" in Japan have either become official "Valkyries" and entered "Valhalla", or have obtained new bodies and more powerful powers, accompanying their respective promoters, and with the constant attention of Fang Yuan himself, there is almost no danger to their lives.

Then, there is no need to eliminate all the protogastric animals in Japan.

Even in Chishou Natsuyo's analysis, Fang Yuan is more likely to use these protogastric animals to do something to several human settlements in Japan to punish those ungrateful humans... Some card writers, only two updates today...')474'\u003eChapter 473 The plan is progressing smoothly \u0026 the whitening incident of the giant stone tablet

Chishou Natsuyo's guess is correct.

After a period of thinking, Fang Yuan did not directly eliminate all the protogastric animals in Japan, but sent the "Valkyries" who had been under his command to the continent across the sea and to the human settlements of other countries after completing basic training.

Each "Valkyrie" is equipped with the most complete weapons and also has its own Pegasus mount. There is no need to worry about safety. At the same time, the speed of movement is many times faster than that of civil aircraft. In just three days, Fang Yuan has transformed all the "cursed children" in all human settlements in East Asia step by step, from near to far.

Soon, the new batch of "Valkyries" who were led into his inner world suddenly increased the permanent population of "Valhalla" from thousands to tens of thousands, and even continued to rush towards a number of more than 100,000.

And this is only about half of the "cursed children" group, and the remaining half, who have become the initiators, have not been counted in!   Of course, Fang Yuan's unscrupulous actions against the "cursed children" groups in various places, either transforming their physiques or simply taking them away, naturally attracted the attention of the official regimes of various countries.

Well, to be more precise, it is the anger of the officials of various countries.

——This kind of poaching behavior in front of people cannot be tolerated! However, unfortunately, no one knows which organization or force did this. No matter how they investigate in their own territory, they can't find any clues.

The only thing that may be related to this matter is the information that Fang Yuan appeared several times earlier, which was also leaked after the Tokyo area fell into chaos and was gradually known by various governments.

But at best, they only got a few photos, a few videos, and some purely speculative text descriptions.

This can only let everyone know that there is indeed such a simple person in the world, but it is useless to track down his identity and background, or even stop his actions.

However, Fang Yuan's actions will not stop because of the fear or fear of these national governments. Instead, after obtaining more manpower, he further spread the net and sent tens of thousands of "Valkyries" to all parts of the world. As nodes, they receive Fang Yuan's power and transform the "cursed children" in one city after another into soul materialization bodies.

——The day when the domain resonance nodes in Fang Yuan's plan are spread all over the world is not far away! ... However, just when Fang Yuan's "evil" plan was in full swing, the Tokyo district, which had just fallen into chaos due to the death of Tendo Kikunosho, ushered in a new round of changes.

No, this time, it should be called a disaster!   -The holmium metal monolith, which was supposed to exclude protogastric animals to protect the safety of the city, suddenly became "white"!   This is actually a stage 4 protogastric animal Aldebaran, which forcibly passed through the electromagnetic field barrier formed by the monolith in an unknown way and injected corrosive fluid into the monolith.

According to the spread rate of the whitening patches on the monolith, there are still six days before the collapse of the monolith, but building a new monolith will take at least nine days even at the fastest speed! (To be honest, this speed is really unscientific. A giant stone tablet thousands of meters high! It was built in just nine days... The construction technology of this world is really high-tech!) "Sir, what should we do?" "Tian Tongqing is no longer here. All matters in Tokyo District should be decided by you..." "The Self-Defense Forces are ready for battle and are waiting for your order!" At this time, those guys who were fighting for power before seemed to have a telepathic connection. They stopped attacking each other and came to the Holy Emperor who had been ignored for a long time, asking this "Supreme Head" who was in name only to decide the strategy.

- Or to put it more clearly, they wanted her to take the blame! After all, in this situation, if they continue to entangle with each other, no one will survive until the protogastric animals come in. Therefore, these politicians who seem to only know how to fight for power are not really good-for-nothings. They know that unity is the most important thing at this time.

However, as the saying goes, "only the name and the position cannot be lent to others", the struggle for power does not allow for the slightest compromise. When no one is willing to submit to the other, if you take a step back at this time, you will have to retreat again and again in the future, and finally fall into a situation where there is no way to retreat and no way out.

Therefore, the most important thing at this time is to find a leader who is acceptable to all parties and has orthodox appeal - that is, the Holy Son of Heaven, to unify all forces in her name and temporarily deal with the current difficulties.

After that... then of course, please ask the Holy Son of Heaven to rule the country, and leave the trivial matters to us honest officials!   In fact, this attitude was very obvious, and even undisguised. A group of military and political officials quarreled and discussed among themselves at the Holy Son of Heaven's imperial meeting.

On one hand, some people attacked the Tendo family, which was responsible for supervising the construction of the problematic No. 32 monolith, and demanded that these embezzled rats stand up and take responsibility; on the other hand, they shirked their responsibilities and tried to get away with it by saying that "the most important thing at present is to ensure the safety of the Tokyo District"; there were even radical officers in the Self-Defense Forces who said that the "cursed children" had become an unstable factor at this time and demanded that they be excluded from this Tokyo District defense war... "..." Sitting on the throne symbolizing the highest power in the Tokyo District, looking at the military and political officials below who had always been hypocritical and even completely ignored her before, now with a look of "die for the Holy Son of Heaven", the Holy Son of Heaven had a blank expression, but sighed in his heart.

'These people are the ones who really rule the Tokyo District... Is there still hope for this city and this country? ' She knew the thoughts of these officials below very clearly. Although they said that everything was decided by her, in fact, they just treated her as a vase as before, and the real decision was made by themselves.

——Don’t think that the Holy Emperor used to look like a saint. Under the control of Tendou Kikunojo, he became a vase for pure appreciation. But after being a vase for so many years, he has understood many things even if he just looks at them.

However, this time she will not be the same as before! In the past, she wanted to change something, but she was alone and powerless. Now, although she is also alone, she also has something she didn’t have in the past - that is power! ')475'\u003eChapter 474 The Majesty of the Holy Emperor \u0026 Unsatisfactory Bad Development

"Stop arguing!" After arguing for a long time, these officials still didn't come to a conclusion. The Holy Emperor, who had heard enough, scolded out of character. His unprecedented serious expression made the military and political officials below stunned.

"Since you can't reach a unified opinion, let me speak!" The Holy Emperor didn't care about their reactions and said to himself: "First of all, it is the issue of accountability. The problematic No. 32 stone tablet is the responsibility of the Tiantong family's construction company, right? Now the situation is urgent. If a large-scale investigation is conducted rashly, it is very likely to delay the construction of the new stone tablet. Let the Tiantong family make amends for their crimes first. After the reconstruction of the stone tablet is completed, we will investigate and hold accountable those who were corrupt back then!" After hearing this, the representative of the Tiantong family had a blank expression on his face, but his eyes revealed a hint of joy involuntarily - with this period of buffer, it is enough for their Tiantong family to erase most of the unfavorable records. After that, they can push forward a not-so-important scapegoat, and the matter of cutting corners on No. 32 stone tablet can be forgotten! "Then the crusade against Aldebaran and the defense work before the reconstruction after the collapse of the giant stone monument will be completed by the Self-Defense Forces and the police! This is the time to unite all forces, and the important combat power of the police cannot be excluded!" The radical officers of the Self-Defense Forces were very dissatisfied with the words of the Holy Son of Heaven, and they wanted to speak out against it immediately.

And not only the military, but also other officials did not agree with the two decisions of the Holy Son of Heaven. Some wanted to oppose the practice of "letting the Tendo family go", or opposed to continue to rely on the power of the initiator who had been proven to be no longer reliable.

But before they could speak, a real pressure instantly enveloped everyone's heart, oppressing them so that they could not continue to speak.

With a little difficulty, he raised his head and looked in the direction where the pressure came from. It was the Holy Son of Heaven who was sitting on the throne and looked completely different from the past!   At this moment, although the Holy Son of Heaven still looked like a weak girl, the momentum she exuded was huge, overwhelming, and unparalleled that the officials at the scene had never seen before! No, they had seen a similar aura in a person before. It was none other than the long-dead Tiantong Kikunosuke, who was the assistant of the Holy Emperor and held great power. He was an old man who was second to none. His aura burst out, just like the Holy Emperor in front of him, which made people breathless.

In fact, the aura of the Holy Emperor at this moment was even greater than that of Tiantong Kikunosuke before.

The feeling that the heaven and earth itself was pressuring, angry, and rejecting was much purer and much larger than the aura of Tiantong Kikunosuke, which was a mixture of personal practice and high official power!   ——This was actually the Holy Emperor unconsciously stimulating the "world seed" in his body, partially activating the degraded field from Fang Yuan.

However, because she was not in a combat state at this time, she did not know how to really use this power, so she could only emit it in the most primitive aura field.

But even so, this was essentially an aura field of extraordinary power, and it was not comparable to the aura cultivated by ordinary people in high positions.

It not only puts pressure on people psychologically, but also exerts pressure on the core of the human body's spirit, making people dare not resist the owner of the aura from the heart to the body.

The effect is very obvious now. Although these military and political officials have a lot of objections, under the pressure of the terrible aura of the Holy Emperor, they feel like they are carrying a heavy weight, and they can't even say a word of objection. In addition to awe, they are only horrified.

At this time, they remembered that the Holy Emperor in front of them was no longer the vase in the past, but a super strong man who could defeat an entire army by himself. It was impossible for them to control him as they did in the past! So, the matter was settled. The Holy Emperor temporarily let the Tiantong family off and let them complete the most important work at present. At the same time, he forced the Self-Defense Forces to coordinate and cooperate with the Tokyo District Police Organization to arrange defense work during the window period after the failure and collapse of the No. 32 stone tablet.

However, neither the Holy Emperor nor these reluctant officials expected that things would not develop as smoothly as they imagined.

First of all, it was the matter of the Tiantong family. Although the Holy Emperor asked them to complete the construction of the new stone tablet for the time being and discuss the past crimes later, there was a mortal enemy of the Tiantong family who saw this opportunity and directly assassinated many heavyweights of the Tiantong family.

That's right, it was Tendo Kisara, who was called "Tendo's killer". After forcing her grandfather Tendo Kikunosho to death, she had no intention of stopping, and her sword reached the leaders of the Tendo family at that time.

Although Tendo Kikunosho refused to reveal the truth about the murder of Tendo Kikunosho's parents until his death, it was not a difficult task for Tendo Kikunosho, who had already released all restrictions and could be said to have no taboos.

- After all, the other members of the Tendo family were not Tendo Kikunosho, who had power and prestige and could mobilize a large number of soldiers to protect his safety.

In fact, with her current swordsmanship, she could find an opportunity to force any member of the Tendo family to tell the information she wanted with pure violence and killing.

So, within a few days, Tendo Hinata, Tendo Xuanzhu, Tendo Ximin, Tendo Kazuhiro, the masterminds who had murdered her parents, except Tendo Kikunosho who had died in her hands, none of them escaped her revenge.

However, after taking revenge, Tendo Mugen was happy, but the Tendo family, which had lost several of its most important key members, fell into a more serious chaos, which directly affected the construction of the new stone tablet in charge of the company under the Tendo family.

To make matters worse, the Self-Defense Force military on the other side had problems again - although the highest-level soldiers were impressed by the sudden majesty and momentum of the Holy Emperor and had to agree to cooperate with the police, the officers and soldiers at the middle and lower levels did not agree with this.

In addition, the previous case of the initiator killing the promoter had a very bad impact, and the entire Self-Defense Force was full of distrust of the police group from top to bottom, and various conflicts of all sizes continued.

The most fatal thing was that the trust between the initiator and the promoter in some police groups with relatively bad relationships was greatly reduced, and there were even cases of initiators rebelling and escaping.

Using this armed force filled with suspicion and conflict from inside to outside, from top to bottom to protect Tokyo, this city is really doomed...  Continue writing, two more chapters today...')476'\u003eChapter 475 The army is completely destroyed, the city is in turmoil, and the Holy Emperor saves the situation?

"Is Tokyo really undefendable..."  Looking at the gradually collapsing monolith on the edge of the city, the faint artillery smoke coming from afar, and the chaos and fire in the nearby city, the tone of the Holy Emperor revealed a faint despair.

Six days have passed, and the No. 32 monolith injected with corrosive fluid by Aldebaran has completely collapsed today as expected, but the battle with the protogastric animals has already begun a day ago.

It seems that because the monolith was gradually eroded, the special electromagnetic force field in the direction of the No. 32 monolith has weakened to an extremely low level before it collapsed, and it can no longer effectively prevent the protogastric animals from approaching.

The Self-Defense Forces responsible for defending the Tokyo area decisively abandoned the "miscellaneous army" composed of the police, and just like what happened in the original plot, they went out to fight on their own, intending to eliminate this group of protogasters outside the Tokyo area, and at the same time prove that humans can win the war against protogasters without the existence of the Initiator.

However, what these brave and fearless soldiers can do is just to push back the invasion time of protogasters by one day and one night.

Although the number of protogasters they killed and injured was more than ten times the number of their own casualties, facing the increasing number of protogasters gathering from the wild, this little number of casualties could not change anything at all.

Especially the member of the gastrula army named "Pleiades", which has the genes of archerfish and is a specialized gastrula that can shoot high-pressure mercury from 5 kilometers away for long-range shooting. It made it impossible for the Self-Defense Force Air Force in Tokyo District to take to the sky, and thus it was impossible to use aerial bombing to reduce the number of gastrula, and finally forced the Ground Self-Defense Force to fall into the pathetic situation of fighting a positional war with the gastrula.

So, on the day when the giant stone monument officially collapsed, a full 7,000 officers and soldiers of the Ground Self-Defense Force were completely wiped out by the attack of the gastrula after fighting for a whole day.

Fortunately, the police team that was excluded from the battle sequence by the Self-Defense Force was finally integrated by the policeman named my hall chief Zheng, and barely turned from a group of scattered soldiers into a mob, more or less like an army, and successfully blocked the attack of the gastrula army near the collapse of the giant stone monument.

Even, after destroying a large number of protogastric animals, the entire police corps did not suffer many casualties! However, this does not mean that the temporary head of the police corps has a strong military quality, nor does it mean that this group of unruly and problematic policemen have been integrated into a real army in a short period of time.

In fact, this is just a group of initiators who have received the favor of Fang Yuan, gradually exerting their true power in the battle.

Although these initiators are simply endowed with soul material bodies and "world seeds", they do not understand the essence of their own power like the real "Valkyrie", nor do they obtain conceptual weapons and Pegasus mounts.

But just as the Holy Son can subconsciously use some of the abilities of the degraded field, these initiators can also more or less perceive their true power in battle and tap it out.

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