However, when the Taoist priest finally cast a spell to isolate himself from the odor, and when he looked at Fang Yuan, he found that a thin layer of light had already lit up around him, blocking out all negative external influences. But it was not affected by the odor attack at all.

"..." The Taoist priest wanted to accuse the other party of being unloyal and not reminding him, but after thinking about it, he was actually too careless, so in the end he could only hold back his anger, feeling very internally injured... "Let me Look where the passage is..." Fang Yuan didn't notice the Taoist priest's embarrassment just now. As soon as he entered the underground, he activated all his sensing abilities and sensed the weak points of the surrounding space.

He doesn't plan to play hide-and-seek with the demons in this maze-like underground pipe network - after all, this is reality, not a game. There are no indestructible map buildings, and there is no task process that must be completed, as long as he can find the direction. , you can directly take a shortcut into the secret realm that is suspected of being a demon world.

Of course, during the search process, many low-level demons with low IQs naturally discovered the two intruders, and then came in groups to attack and kill them. However, the Taoist priests who took the initiative to assume the task of protecting the law were All the weapons in his hands were broken and sinking into the sand, and the corpses dissolved into red soul stones of different sizes, scattered all over the ground.

At this moment - "Found it!" Fang Yuan opened his eyes, called to the Taoist priest, and walked in a certain direction, collecting all the red soul stones scattered on the ground along the way.

Along the way, Fang Yuan dug into the earth and dug into the rocks. He completely ignored the original underground pipe network structure and walked forward in a straight line according to his own wishes. Along the way, he encountered the devil tree. When the roots were blocking the road, he unceremoniously fired out an energy light cannon, vaporizing the tree roots and the surrounding soil, rock, and concrete, and creating an unimpeded path.

"Tsk!" The Taoist priest followed Fang Yuan while carefully avoiding the blood spurting out from the broken branches of the tree roots. He said with some emotion: "So much many people have died!" "You forgot. That sentence? Blood is the currency of the soul, and exchanging blood is equivalent to exchanging souls... Although this sentence comes from a vampire-themed work, there is actually no problem in applying it to these demons.

They use blood as a medium, but they actually absorb the souls of mortals. Finally, they are transformed into the purest demonic power under the condensed essence of this demon tree. The fruits they produce can make those who eat them become the strongest. Big devil... How can the number of souls required for this be so small! " Fang Yuan was leading the way while talking about such cruel facts in a chatting tone, which made the Taoist priest sigh involuntarily again - these people killed by demons had their souls devoured. In other words, even the ghosts If you can't do it, you will never be reincarnated. It is really the most miserable way to die! Even if they are people from a hostile country like the United States, the Taoist priest can't help but feel a little pity.

However, such emotions soon cooled down under the increasing numbers of demonic armies that were attacking crazily - these demons were really insurmountable, and the Taoist priest had no time to think about these things anymore... Zizi—— Another shot of alchemy refined a scissor monster covered in black robes, with an uncertain body and holding a pair of large scissors into a small piece of red soul stone. This wave of demons in front of Fang Yuan finally All dead.

"Fuck, the density of these demons... we must have killed them in their lair, right?" The Taoist priest on the other side also casually blasted the last giant ant-shaped demon into ashes with a palm thunder. Looking at the broken or whole red soul stones of all sizes on the ground, I couldn't help but sigh like this.

"Almost!" Fang Yuan nodded and replied: "This place is very close to that space passage. It's not surprising that there are so many demons entrenched... I just don't know if there are the same gatekeepers in front of me as in the game. It's a boss!" "The gatekeeper boss... It's really a game!" The Taoist priest was speechless.

After Fang Yuan casually collected the red soul stones all over the ground, the two set out on the road again.

They were still walking in a straight line. With Fang Yuan, the master of alchemy, any terrain was meaningless to them. During this period, after breaking the roots of countless demon trees and killing countless demons, the two of them finally People finally came to the main root of Qliphoth.

Here is also the space passage between the secret realm suspected of being a demon world and the main world.

As expected by Fang Yuan, there were indeed high-level demons stationed here that were completely different from the ordinary demon soldiers and mobs.

"This is...the three-headed hell dog?" The Taoist priest looked at the three giant canine demons taking a nap under the roots of a huge tree in front of him, and asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes, Cerberus (Cerberus) is indeed the three-headed dog of hell in our myths and legends, but if it is in the setting of Devil May Cry, it is probably a certain dog group in the demon world. Basically, they are used as guard dogs by some powerful demon lords..." Fang Yuan said nonchalantly, his tone full of contempt for this big three-headed dog.

And it was obvious that his unabashed words were heard by the three-headed hell dog who was sleeping with its eyes closed, and it immediately aroused its anger.

"Roar!!!" The huge three-headed dog roared in unison, causing waves of evil wind with the smell of sulfur in the small underground space.

"Where do mortals dare to break into my territory, King Cerberus!!!" That is the devil's language that humans cannot understand, but in the ears of Fang Yuan and the Taoist priest, they can miraculously understand it. What are they talking about? On the one hand, this is because the three-headed dog who claims to be the King of Cerberus contains undisguised mental fluctuations in his words. On the other hand, the spiritual cultivation of the two of them is high enough to be able to Distinguish the thoughts and ideas in this physically aggressive mental pressure.

"Well, this is not an ordinary three-headed dog of hell, but the so-called king of three-headed dogs of hell...well, called the dog king for short!" Fang Yuan nodded and conveyed his meaning to hell in the same way. The three-headed dog's ears immediately made its already raging anger even higher. The three dog heads immediately stared viciously at the two tiny humans in front, and fire even appeared in the six blood-red eyes! It seems that a war is about to break out? ')532'\u003e531 The big dog without a role \u0026 the secret realm of the demon world with completely different laws

Bang——! Three huge dog heads were separated from their necks, and high-temperature blood spurted out from the fracture. However, they began to spontaneously ignite the moment they came into contact with the air, and finally turned into traces of sulfur-smelling ashes floating around.

"How, how is it possible...!!!" The dog head, which gradually decomposed and returned to pure demonic power, struggled to say the last words, his tone full of disbelief.

Well, anyone who has just made an unparalleled declaration of strength and is instantly killed by someone will basically inevitably become so sad and angry that he doubts his life. This evil guard dog who claims to be the three-headed dog king of hell. No exception.

Really, Fang Yuan just used one move to kill it completely. For today's alchemists, guys of this level are no longer even considered opponents. They are just like those miscellaneous demons before. He regarded it as a piece of trash... "Tsk! I was expecting you to have a wonderful 'ace air battle' like the protagonist in the game, but you were killed in one go?" The Taoist priest on the other side He smacked his lips with a bored look on his face and said with great disappointment.

"It's such a little guy, do you think I need to give it a SSS floating combo to kill it? This is too underestimated of me!" Fang Yuan said this while putting away this " A large piece of red soul stone dropped by the "Dog King" after his death - although in Fang Yuan's eyes, this big dog and other miscellaneous demons are the same miscellaneous fish that can be defeated with one move, but its soul and energy after death The condensed soul stone is obviously different, the quality is much better, and it can be regarded as a strong one among demons.

Regarding Fang Yuan's attitude of not treating the gatekeeper as a boss, the Taoist priest could only shrug helplessly: "Okay, you are the boss, you are awesome..." However, the Taoist priest was right here. He looked around in the underground space supported by the entangled roots of the demon tree, and said with some confusion: "Why is it that the passage to the demon world has not been opened after defeating the monsters? Is it possible that this is not the gatekeeper boss?" "...You really are... Think of this as a game!" Fang Yuan was speechless, shook his head and said: "In the real world, there is no design that automatically opens the level after defeating the monster guarding it. If we want to open the door, we still have to look at it ourselves!" Then, Fang Yuan walked to the position where the thickest tree root emerged from the ground and pointed it out with one hand.

Under the rays of light blooming from the tips of his fingers, the space near the roots of the tree suddenly appeared with ripples, just like the undulating water surface - this was a visual effect produced after the space was disturbed.

The Taoist priest who saw this scene also reacted, and with the help of his hand seals, he finally felt that the space near the roots of the tree was indeed extremely weak, and he could vaguely sense another world on the other side of the space. .

——This is where the secret realm is! Click——! In the sound like broken glass, a dark and deep portal gradually opened in the originally smooth and complete space.

The Taoist priest tried to see the scenery on the other side through the door, but found that there seemed to be infinite darkness on the other side of the door, blocking all his sight and perception.

"...Brother Fang, is this door you opened...all right?" The Taoist priest was a little hesitant. He didn't know whether he should enter the door - in this situation where he couldn't see anything, he entered. A place that is completely unknown but definitely full of dangers is really not a wise choice! Fang Yuan saw the Taoist priest's expression and knew what he was worried about, so he immediately said: "Don't worry, your space sensing ability is not as good as mine, so you can't see it.

But I can 'see' clearly that there is no too powerful threat on the other side of the door, just some miscellaneous fish demons. "

"Some? Miscellaneous fish?" The Taoist priest was a little wary - after seeing Fang Yuan mistaking the three-headed hell dog that looked very powerful just now as a miscellaneous fish, the Taoist priest already knew that the other party's standards in this regard were the same as those of ordinary people. It's different, and it's different from him, so in order to ensure your own safety, it's necessary to ask clearly: "How many are there? And how miscellaneous is that trash fish?" "Don't worry, it's not like that big dog just now The same high-level demons, just a few times more in number than what we encountered on the road before, so it’s not a big deal..." After hearing the first half of Fang Yuan's words, the Taoist priest finally felt relieved. However, When Fang Yuan finished speaking, he knew that he was still too naive... There were several times more demons than the ones he had encountered before... Is this just "some"? ! ! Although a single miscellaneous devil is indeed a miscellaneous fish in the eyes of a Taoist priest, and several of them can be destroyed with one palm thunder, but if the number of such miscellaneous fish reaches a certain level, they do not have the ability of endless mana like Fang Yuan. Taoist priests can’t bear it either! "Okay, boss, everything is up to you!" The Taoist priest has made up his mind. After entering the door later, he will not take action if he can. Everything will be left to Fang Yuan, the real... Boss! "..." Facing the Taoist priest's laziness, Fang Yuan could only shake his head, and took the first step towards the fully opened space channel.

When he took one step forward, he felt the light and shadow changing before his eyes. The next moment, he was already standing in a world completely different from the main world.

Although there is a sky here, the color of the sky is bluish-purple. Although the brightness cannot be said to be weak, it strangely does not make the whole world feel bright. Instead, it makes the world look particularly dark and gloomy.

The earth here is not like the hells promoted by some religions, which are covered with scorching magma. All demons and souls have to endure the burning pain in the flames. On the contrary, the earth here looks different from ordinary ones. The wilderness is not that different.

It's just that the unique environment and climate of the demon world here, the special species produced are completely different from those in the main world, and the terrain is also extremely strange and changeable. Many landform features that are impossible to appear on the earth can be seen everywhere in this world.

When Fang Yuan arrived here, he habitually assessed the surrounding environment as soon as he arrived: "The gravity is similar to that on the earth, but it is slightly larger, about 1.3G... The main components of air are nitrogen and oxygen. , the ratio is similar to that of the Earth, but it is mixed with some poisonous gases and a unique evil aura, which is not suitable for ordinary people to live..." While assessing, Fang Yuan also casually used alchemy to kill large groups of miscellaneous fish in the surrounding area. The devil instantly cleared a safe place to descend.

"Cough, cough, cough! Damn it! My magic to avoid dust and remove dirt has failed!" At this moment, the Taoist priest coughed and complained from behind.

Fang Yuan looked back and saw that the Taoist priest's aura suddenly became exhausted, and the magical aura he had gained through intensive cultivation was even vaguely rejected by the whole world.

Only then did he suddenly realize that this so-called "secret realm" had a more critical and fatal problem - the extraordinary laws here were completely different from those in the main world! The second update is completed.

')533'\u003eChapter 532 Differences in Laws, World Merger, Finding the Source

Seeing that the Taoist priest was choked by the toxic atmosphere in the secret realm because his protective spell was accidentally broken, Fang Yuancai discovered with some hindsight that not only was the ecological environment here different from the main world on the surface, but there were even huge differences in the deeper levels of laws. difference! This is mainly because he possesses the Gate of Truth. With the blessing of the Gate of Truth, he can completely ignore the differences in laws between many different worlds and freely use any extraordinary power he has mastered.

But Taoist priests who don’t have such benefits can’t do it. As soon as they come in, they are tricked. First, a large mouthful of poisonous gas is inhaled into their lungs. If he hadn’t been successful in cultivating Taoism, his body would have been reborn. Just this breath would have killed him. Half life.

"This is indeed not an ordinary secret realm. It seems that even the laws are different. Your magical powers and spells cannot be used here!" Fang Yuan said this, but had no intention of stepping forward to help.

But the Taoist priest didn't actually need his help. He was just startled by the sudden accident and choked by the pungent smell of the atmosphere.

When a Taoist priest switches from external breathing to internal breathing, he immediately eliminates the poisonous gases from the outside world, and there is no risk of poisoning.

——Of course, in this case, he couldn't speak, and could only talk to Fang Yuan through spiritual communication: [Oh my god, I almost choked the Taoist Master... By the way, those aliens who entered the secret realm to explore before... This has never happened to the able ones! Why did it become like this when I came here? ! 】 As a Taoist monk who is proficient in the unity of heaven and man, he is very sensitive to changes in the laws of the external environment. He immediately knew why his spell suddenly failed.

However, as he said, when this "secret realm" was just opened, China sent a group of exploration troops, including many superpowers, but there was no such thing as power failure. This is really strange. Got it! "Maybe it's because the place they entered before is no longer the territory of the demon world!" Fang Yuan said.

【……How to say? 】The Taoist priest asked curiously.

"Based on my current feeling, this 'secret realm' that is suspected of being a demon world may no longer be regarded as a secret realm. It should be regarded as a relatively independent world, and its relationship with the main world is not a simple integration and being. Integration, maybe another kind..." Fang Yuan did not continue, but the Taoist priest already understood what he meant: "Is it the collision and confrontation between worlds... Is it possible that the place we sent people to before, Is it the area that has been digested by our world? 】 The Taoist priest is also a lively thinker, and he immediately thought of this.

And his idea is obviously not unreasonable. If the world is compared to a living creature, the collision and annexation between the two worlds is like two hungry beasts fighting and devouring each other. The devil can use the devil tree to follow the master. This side of the world extracts a large amount of human blood and souls, and the main world can naturally tear off part of the demon world and transform it into its own territory.

Of course, this kind of "tearing off" is not tearing in the physical sense, but should be closer to covering and rewriting at the level of laws. The laws of some areas of the Demon World have been covered by the main world, while other areas have not.

This also led to the different experiences of two different groups of people with extraordinary abilities after entering the demon world.

Although all this is just a hypothesis so far, at least Fang Yuan and Taoist believe that the possibility of this situation is very high.

[In other words, the place we are entering now is the territory that truly belongs to this ‘demon world’! 】 By this time, the Taoist priests also directly called this place "the devil world".

"Because of this, your magical powers are now rejected by the world itself due to 'incompatible formats', and you can't use any spells! You have to take it easy on the next journey, don't accidentally die here!" Fang Yuan kindly reminded him - no matter what, the Taoist priest was his rare friend and fellow Taoist, and he didn't want him to really die here.

[Don't worry, although most of the spells are indeed unusable, my real body is still there. I can still train my magic power in my body and cast spells to strengthen myself. At most, it is just a matter of changing my profession from a mage to a warrior. Worry about my fighting ability! 】 The Taoist priest waved his hand, took off the magic sword that he had been carrying behind his back, and performed a sword gesture. The tone revealed in his spiritual thoughts was full of confidence - the real Taoist is not the fragile body and weak blood in Western fantasy. Master Pi is a "double practitioner of magic and martial arts" in the true sense. He is capable of both literature and martial arts, spells and combat. Even a true Taoist priest can kill people on the battlefield even if he mentions a magic sword! Fang Yuan had received a complete set of Taoist inheritance from the Taoist priest, so he naturally knew this. Seeing the confident look on the Taoist priest's face, he didn't say anything more.

The most urgent task is to find the source of the Devil Tree first! However, it is not that easy to find the source of the Devil Tree.

The first thing is that this "secret realm" that is almost certainly the devil's realm is too big! Different from all the secret realms that have appeared in human history in the past, the size of this demon world can be said to be unprecedented. Based on the detection results of the previously dispatched troops and Fang Yuan's own detection ability, he can already determine that this demon world is It's not much smaller than the Earth in area.

However, unlike the earth, this world is not a planetary structure, but is somewhat similar to the "round sky and earth" in myths and legends, or more accurately, the crystal wall plane structure, which makes many of Fang Yuan's detection methods difficult. It cannot be used, so it is not possible to give an accurate figure for the specific size of this demon world.

And in such a huge demon world, the terrain is extremely complex. Without a map, there is only one way to find the true source of the devil tree - follow its root system.

But since the "Devil's Tree" is called a "tree", no matter how unlike a plant its carnivorous habits and strong aggression are, one thing cannot be changed - its root system is the same as that of other plants. They all exist deep underground, and the roots are intricate. It is not easy to find and locate the real core! Of course, the first thing they have to deal with is the approaching demon army - in their field of vision, the demons all over the mountains and plains are already surrounding them, ready to attack at any time! ……A few minutes later——【Brother Fang, how should we go next? 】 After Fang Yuan used a large-scale refinement to clear away all the demons within at least several kilometers around him, the Taoist priest who couldn't find a chance to draw his sword could only "draw his sword and look around with a confused heart". He couldn't help but put away his sword with some sarcasm, and changed the topic and asked .

"..." Fang Yuan glanced at the Taoist priest speechlessly, shook his head, and walked to the root of a devil tree that he deliberately left behind. He pressed his hand on the rough bark surface and sensed its internal transmission. direction of blood flow.

——Since the Demonic Tree collects human blood in the main world, the final direction of this blood must be its true core. This is the only clue that can be found so far.

')534'\u003eChapter 533: Latecomers follow suit \u0026 the devil world needs the Family Planning Commission

And just when Fang Yuan and the Taoist priest were following the roots of the Devil's Tree to find its source, in the main world, the group of official American superpowers finally returned to the ground from the tree trunk and came to In front of the underground passage created by Fang Yuan using alchemy.

"...With this kind of power to change the terrain, is it possible that one of those two people has the ability of the earth and stone system?" someone in the team asked.

"Maybe, but there are actually many abilities that can create such a scene. You can't tell much just by looking here."

The captain said this, then turned to look at the girl with glasses beside him: "How is it? How is the situation deep in this passage?" "Uh, how should I put it..." Zheng pressed his temple with one hand and closed his eyes to activate The girl with glasses who had the ability to telepathize opened her eyes and said with a somewhat complicated expression: "This passage can be said to be a straight line, without any turns or changes of direction in the middle. It seems that there are not many demons seen along the way, but no matter how deep it is, it will be beyond My sensing range is up, so I don’t know what’s going on at the deepest level.”

"A straight line?" The captain noticed this statement.

"Yes, it's just a straight line. Whether it encounters sewers, subways, or weird tree roots in the middle, everything goes straight across it, as if this passage was blasted directly with some kind of beam cannon. "It's too straight..." said the girl with glasses.

"However, there are no burning traces of high-energy ray bombardment on the surface of this passage..." The captain turned and pointed at the side walls around the passage.

"Perhaps the guy who built this passage has an obsessive-compulsive disorder?" Someone said in a joking tone: "Look, he or she actually reinforced this passage. It's as neat as if it was constructed by the subway tunnel department. "The same thing!" This refers to the reinforced beams and columns that appear at regular intervals in the passage. Because they are from Fang Yuan's alchemy, they are really neat and orderly as if they were built by professional construction workers.

"...Maybe, but this also shows that this unknown superpower is really powerful. He can create such a long passage in a short time, and he can still make such an arrangement with ease."

The captain nodded, but he saw something on another level from these reinforced beams.

"So, are we going to follow?" The bespectacled girl looked at the deep tunnel ahead. Although there were almost no demons in it through her mental telepathy, she still felt a little nervous because of human's instinct to fear the dark.

"Follow me, no matter what, this is the land of the United States. We have an obligation to investigate who the two superpowers are. Similarly, this is also closely related to the disaster that happened in this city. We must go One trip!" With that said, the captain took out the portable night vision device from his tactical backpack, put it on his head, and led the way towards the tunnel.

As the "eyes" of the team, the girl with glasses immediately followed the captain's example after being stunned for half a second.

The team members behind him looked at each other, shrugged, and followed suit.

... Fang Yuan and the Taoist priest didn't know that someone on the other side of the main world was walking the same path they took.

For the two of them, the journey to follow the roots of the Devil's Tree can be said to be very boring, but it can also be said to be very exciting and "hot".

Well, this is not a contradiction, because this demon tree, which is regarded as the tree of life by the people of the demon world, itself has a symbiotic relationship with many demons in the form of insects. Therefore, the journey of Fang Yuan and the two basically started from The process of fighting through a group of demons.

There are so many demons of all kinds that it is impossible to kill them all. Once one group dies, another group will appear immediately. Although Fang Yuan can use alchemy and other mass-destructive techniques to clear out all the demons in the field of vision at once, But by repeating this kind of work all the time, he had really become bored with killing demons.

"Damn, the demons in this demon world are really endless!" Another high-energy particle cannon fired, vaporizing all the demons within a few kilometers in front of him and objects 10 centimeters above the ground. Fang Yuan, who was tired of killing demons, spat in displeasure, and used the spit star enhanced by alchemy to kill a fish demon that had just emerged from the ground.

Chi - Puff - Using the blade carrying the purest Yang God magic power, he stabbed to death a ghost demon that teleported behind him. The Taoist priest shook the magic sword and wiped out the filthy power stained on it. He threw it away, shook his head and said with his spiritual thoughts: [Yes, we have killed eighty thousand demons along the way, if not one hundred thousand, right? But more and more demons are still appearing in front of us... Is there no family planning in this demon world? Isn't it so difficult that you are not afraid of Mokou having too many resources and running out of resources? ] "Hmph! That's why this demon world launches an invasion of other worlds. It seems that these demons need a purple sweet potato spirit to help them snap their fingers!" Fang Yuan said this, but there was no hint of joking on his face. , obviously, if possible, he even wants to snap his fingers himself.

[Well, but the premise is that we must have an artifact with infinite power equivalent to the infinite gems! ] The Taoist priest on the other side thought Fang Yuan was joking, so he followed suit.

"Artifact... Humph!" Fang Yuan's mouth curled up slightly, and he said to the Taoist priest: "Do you remember what I said before I set out?"  【You mean...】The Taoist priest then remembered that when he went to Fang Yuan for help before, the other party once said that he got something that could just solve the problem he encountered...  Could it be that he really got a terrible artifact like the Infinity Stone? !   【Uh... Boss, please give me a bottom line, what kind of magic weapon did you get that can handle the entire demon world? 】  The Taoist priest asked tentatively, his tone full of curiosity.

However, at this time Fang Yuan kept it a secret: "This, you will know when the time comes, keep it secret for now!"  【...】  The Taoist priest did not speak, but a string of ellipsis came from his mind-it turns out that the mind transmission can be played like this!   ...  On the other side, underground in the main world, in the deepest part of the roots of the Demon Tree, the American superpowers finally came here after experiencing several battles of low intensity.

"Sure enough, this disaster is indeed related to the secret realm. Those two mysterious people can actually find the entrance to the secret realm before us!" The captain said with a serious look.

"Captain, this passage... are we really going to go in? There should be demons inside, right?" The girl with glasses asked cautiously, looking very uneasy, even scared.

The previous battle on the surface was already very fierce, almost pushing them to the limit, but those demons were only a small part of the secret realm on the opposite side. God knows how many demons gathered on the opposite side of the passage. Don't step over the passage and find yourself falling into a pile of demons. That would be a dead end!   "..." The captain pondered for a long time, then turned around and looked around at his teammates. He saw that although everyone looked a little tired, they basically had no injuries and their combat effectiveness was still above the level.

Although it was not known what was on the other side of the passage, it was not impossible to plunge into the demons. However, thinking that the two unknown powerful superpowers had come all the way here without any injuries and even entered the secret realm on the other side, perhaps they had opened up a safe landing point for the later ones in advance?   Thinking so, the captain, unwilling to gain nothing from this trip, gritted his teeth and finally made a decision: "Let's go in!"  The second update is completed')535'\u003eChapter 534 The Source of the Demon Tree \u0026 The Desperate Superpower Team

Not to mention the self-destructive path of the American superpowers, Fang Yuan, after walking through many different terrains and killing nearly a million demons of different levels, they finally came to a city ruins that was completely different from other places while killing and walking, almost without stopping fighting.

Yes, the city ruins in the demon world!   [Actually... there is a city? ! 】  "Well, yes, the city of the demon world!"  Although it is completely different from the human cities in the main world, it is obviously a man-made building and layout, which undoubtedly shows a fact - that is, there is also civilization in the demon world!   Of course, this seems obvious. After all, in the plots of previous Devil May Cry, it has been mentioned more or less that the demon world also has its own order, its own emperor, and even a powerful hero like Sparta who betrayed the demon world. This is obviously a different from the human world, but also highly developed alien civilization.

It's just that Fang Yuan and the Taoist priest had basically encountered small fish demons similar to wild beasts, and there was no trace of civilization at all, so the two subconsciously ignored this point.

Of course, from the ruins of the city in front of them, it can be seen that the civilization in the demon world does not seem to be as stable as the human civilization on Earth - or it can be considered that this is a region similar to the war-torn areas on Earth, and the original city was forced to be abandoned due to some accident? Fang Yuan and the Taoist priest didn't know what happened here, but they didn't really care about it. No matter what happened in this city or the demon world, the most important thing now was to solve the problem of the demon tree.

——It was the demon tree that stood in the center of the city ruins, towering into the sky, and even the top was almost invisible!   "Finally!" Fang Yuan looked at the gray-white tree in front of him, which was more magnificent and taller than all the demon trees he had seen before, and felt the endless human blood flowing from all directions in the countless roots entangled underground. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was finally over...  ——Although the killing all the way here did not cause physical fatigue, the mental irritability and fatigue were real.

[Since we have found the core source, we just need to chop down this tree! ]  Seeing that the goal of this trip was right in front of him, the Taoist priest was eager to try.

"No, wait a minute!"  However, Fang Yuan raised his hand to stop the Taoist priest at this time, with a serious expression on his face.

[What's wrong? 】The Taoist looked at Fang Yuan in confusion.

"Didn't you feel it? There is a terrible power there - a power controlled by a conscious individual!" Fang Yuan pointed to the direction of the demon tree and said solemnly.

Upon hearing this, the Taoist immediately closed his eyes and sensed for a while, then opened his eyes and said solemnly with his mind: [...To be honest, I didn't feel it.

】 "...I don't feel how serious you are!" Fang Yuan was speechless. Is this Taoist priest getting more and more funny? Is it possible that entering the demon world has this side effect besides the incompatibility of extraordinary powers? 【Ahem! I'm sorry, I just think it's more appropriate to put on such an expression at this time... But it doesn't make sense. Why can you feel it but I don't notice anything? 】 The Taoist priest pretended to cough twice in his spiritual thoughts, and said this calmly, trying to alleviate the embarrassment before.

"...Forget it..." Fang Yuan shook his head and ignored the Taoist priest's intermittent convulsions: "Maybe the essence of that power is very consistent with the entire demon world, and it is almost integrated into the operation of the entire world. Now that you are in a state where you can hardly release your magical power, it is normal that you can’t feel it.”

[I see...] The Taoist priest nodded and accepted this explanation.

[So, are you sure you can deal with the owner of this power? ] he asked.

"Humph! Of course!" Fang Yuan was fully confident in the question raised by the Taoist priest.

He took out a huge red soul stone as big as a hill from the void - this was the result of Fang Yuan integrating and condensing all the scattered soul stones collected in the previous battles as much as possible.

It's not that he can't continue to condense it. In fact, if he wants to, he can completely condense these high-quality raw materials into a product with a higher soul content, fewer impurities, and a much smaller volume by refining the Philosopher's Stone. Shape.

However, once this is done, these red soul stones separated from the devil's soul and life will lose some of their important essence and will no longer play a role in Fang Yuan's next plan. Therefore, they can be condensed to what they are now. This level is already the limit.

[Are you trying to...] The Taoist priest was a little confused, wondering what Fang Yuan wanted to do by collecting so many red soul stones.

"Just watch!" Fang Yuan didn't say much, but took out a small ball of light emitting blue light from the ripples in space, and threw it on the huge red soul stone hill.

Visible to the naked eye, the red stone was quickly eroded and swallowed by the blue light spots, and then vaporized from solid to gas, spreading in all directions.

In just over half a minute, the huge red soul stone hill was eroded and evaporated, and no trace of the remnant was left.

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