Monsters are not scary. What is scary is the complete unknown, the mystery of not knowing the details and weaknesses.

Now that they know the monster's abilities and weaknesses, the original fear is naturally not much left.

Some team members even became a little excited when they thought that they would fight with this legendary monster and even kill it.

"But we have to make sure that the thing hidden in the dark is really the monster you said?" Sister Zhang was very calm throughout the whole process, and the question she asked was the most critical point - everything Fang Yuan said was just a guess, and in a real battle, the information obtained by guessing alone cannot be used!   "...I can't be sure either."

Fang Yuan also knew that all his guesses were based on a mere moment of mental contact and some signs that matched the setting of the novel. God knows whether the thing hidden underground will be something more terrifying - if an Old One really jumps out, then they will really be courting death if they choose to stay and fight.

"So, we have to continue to evacuate!" Sister Zhang finally made a decision, and no one objected.

')033'\u003eChapter 33 Accidents always happen at the end

"Can we find the way back?" Sister Zhang asked the driver.

"Although there is a map, but... there are no landmarks around us, it's a bit difficult..." The driver, who was called "Xiao Song" by Sister Zhang, lowered his head in embarrassment - as a senior driver, getting lost is really too shameful!   Seeing this, Sister Zhang didn't say anything, but turned to the other side: "Where is the drone? Can it fly?"  "No! There seems to be some electromagnetic interference nearby. Our anti-interference module is useless. Even if the drone flies up, it can't be controlled!"  The soldier in charge of communication and operating the vehicle-mounted drone shook his head, indicating that he could not help.

"It doesn't matter. If it's to explore the terrain, I can help here!"  It was Fang Yuan who heard the conversation here and took the initiative to come over.

"Oh? Do you have a way to find the way back?" Sister Zhang's eyes lit up, and then she understood: "That's right, you can fly!" ... So in front of everyone, Fang Yuan once again performed what a real-life Superman is - he looked very out of tune in a protective suit that looked like Thor's hammer armor.

Because it was not too late, Fang Yuan had a very good view in the sky, and he soon found the remains of the city wall clearly visible in the air in the distance.

Looking at the location of their convoy, it was still between the second and third walls, but the direction seemed to be at an angle to the giant forest when they came.

This was probably the effect of mental induction. The soldier in charge of driving probably just deviated the steering wheel slightly by a few degrees, but ignored this error under the interference of some force, and then they kept circling in this vast plain.

Comparing the location of the convoy with the map on the handheld terminal, Fang Yuan only needed to take it back to complete the task.

But he thought about it and decided to make some preparations first.

…Flying to the highest altitude allowed by this secret realm, Fang Yuan looked down at the terrain and found that although the three city walls were badly damaged, they were still fortunately roughly circular - which was enough as the basic circle of alchemy.

Reaching out to take the box on his back and open it in front of him, Fang Yuan activated the spherical drones stacked inside one by one, and then saw them flying towards the ground below in an orderly queue like a swarm of bees.

Yes, ordinary remote-controlled drones really can't fly under electromagnetic interference, but the drones in Fang Yuan's backpack that he used as "casting materials" did not use radio signals!   As an alchemist, with so many fun toys in his hands, how could Fang Yuan not analyze and transform them?   The alchemy array that originated from the same source as the mental power shielding array used as a buff on the group of soldiers below, but the effect is that the alchemy array used for mental power connection is engraved on the inside of these drones.

With the help of soul connection, which is more mysterious than mental fluctuations and somewhat similar to the induction ability of quantum mechanics, Fang Yuan transformed each drone into an alchemical version of the wizard's eye. His spiritual perspective can use these drones as a base to observe the environment wherever he passes, and suddenly expand his very limited reconnaissance range based on mental fluctuations to another order of magnitude.

As for the control problem, it is also very simple. Fang Yuan consulted the engineers in the base overnight before leaving, and learned which control ports these drones have. Then he directly replaced the microelectronic chips with alchemy arrays, making them from remote control to brain control, which is actually more convenient.

And now, Fang Yuan is using these drones that he has carefully modified to arrange on the ground - he wants to play a big one!   …  "Done?"  "Done!"  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after getting a positive answer from Fang Yuan who returned.

He handed the handheld terminal to the two armored vehicle drivers and asked them to find the way back by themselves. Fang Yuan returned to the car and sat in his seat with his eyes closed.

He had a hunch that this time it wouldn't end so easily! ​​… Now that I know where I am, I have a clear map, and there is no external interference, the rest of my return journey goes so smoothly that it’s unbelievable.

Soon, the two armored vehicles returned to the forest of giant trees they had passed through, and soon they could leave this weird place! However, just like those vulgar movie plots, things will always encounter various obstacles at the last and most critical place.

Just when they were about to drive the armored vehicle into the forest, still one or two kilometers away from the space gate, the earthquake struck again! And unlike the last earthquake, which had a prelude, this earthquake was of the highest level from the beginning.

The earthquake was so severe that it was about 9 on the Richter scale. It even overturned a moving armored vehicle. The giant trees in the forest with an average height of more than 80 meters also fell one after another under the rolling soil like water waves. Smash it down until the overturned armored vehicle is buried.

Ten minutes later, the earthquake finally stopped.

With a flash of refined light, the giant tree that had originally crushed the armored vehicle and the rear door of the armored vehicle were completely broken into powder. Fang Yuan climbed out of the vehicle holding on to the edge of the door.

"Quick, look at the situation of the other car!" Sister Zhang's voice came from behind. Fang Yuan saw that the people in his car looked fine, so he ran to the other armored car to rescue the people inside. People.

In the end, when everyone was rescued, very fortunately, almost no one was injured. At most, a few people suffered soft tissue contusions caused by bumping into things around them when the vehicle rolled over - it must be said that the Thor refined by Fang Yuan The quality of the hammer version protective clothing is very good, and it perfectly protected everyone in the event of an earthquake and a car accident.

"It seems like the owner here doesn't want to see us leave!" After everyone confirmed that they were safe, Fang Yuan sighed with an inexplicable tone.

"It doesn't matter. It's less than two kilometers away from the space gate. We can just walk forward!" Seeing the miserable situation in the forest, Sister Zhang became increasingly unwilling to stay here any longer and suggested continuing to evacuate.

However, Fang Yuan's words shocked everyone: " go first, I want to stay!" "Stop joking, this is not the time to show off personal heroism!" Sister Zhang said to Fang Yuan in a serious tone. .

"That's right, you don't look like the hero who shouts, 'You go first and I'll take the rear'. Is there any reason why you have to stay?" Captain Liu also persuaded.

"No, this is not a matter of personal heroism, and I'm not that great either.

I just have the confidence that I won’t die! "Fang Yuan said.

"Furthermore, the monster in this secret realm is obviously targeting us. If no one is holding it back, I don't believe we can really leave smoothly!"')034'\u003eChapter 34: Kai Da is a warrior when we meet etiquette

"I know you won't believe it, so..." Fang Yuan raised his right hand as he spoke, and the fingers wrapped under the metal armor made a snapping gesture.

"So, let me show you my confidence!" Bang - There was a crisp sound of metal collision, and in the distant sky, which should be the direction of the second city wall, a huge light curtain suddenly rose from the ground - - No, you can still see the boundary if you look to the left and right sides. This should be a pillar of light, but it is hundreds of kilometers in diameter and looks like a light curtain across the sky.

This light pillar is also wrapped with dazzling huge blue lightning, flying in the sky like giant dragons, making the huge light pillar even more spectacular and majestic.

Ten seconds later, the shock wave that exceeded the speed of sound turned into a huge wind wave and rushed towards the people hundreds of kilometers away, knocking them staggering again after they had just stood firm.

The whole scene was like witnessing a big Ivan detonating in front of his face - it would have been more like a mushroom cloud instead of a beam of light! Woo——————! ! ! Hiss——————! ! ! Roar------! ! ! From hundreds of kilometers away, there came from the place where the light pillar soared into the sky. It was not like a human being, but it was definitely not an angry roar that could be uttered by any kind of beast.

Yes, although they don’t know what happened, everyone can feel the emotion of the owner of the roar from those dull roars. It is similar to the pain of a cat teasing a mouse but the mouse turns back and bites the balls. With a feeling of embarrassment and anger.

Accompanying this roar was a wave of strong earthquakes. Although it was not as high as the previous one, which was about 9 on the Richter scale, it was at least above 7 on the Richter scale.

Everyone could feel that it, or rather they, were irritated! "..." "..." "..." Except for Fang Yuan, the instigator, everyone was shocked.

On the one hand, they were surprised that Fang Yuan actually hurt the unknown monster; on the other hand, they were shocked by the big scene caused by Fang Yuan.

——A beam of light with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers. No matter what kind of attack this beam of light is, its range alone has exceeded most tactical nuclear weapons and even some strategic nuclear bombs! In other words, the self-proclaimed magician who snaps his fingers, likes cosplaying movie characters, and whose true identity is unknown is a literal humanoid nuclear bomb! In fact, there is nothing wrong. If they could see what was happening in the light beam now, they would definitely think that he was a hundred times more dangerous than a nuclear bomb! Do you still remember that Fang Yuan released a swarm of drones when he went out for reconnaissance? With the help of the circles that existed in this secret realm, Fang Yuan used each drone as a base point and the laser emitted by the drone, which was originally used to locate guided bombs, as a line to lay out a huge circle with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers on the ground. Refining the formation has only one function, and that is to decompose.

Using light as a carrier, it decomposes matter, energy, and everything the light beam comes into contact with! At just this moment, Fang Yuan's refining formation decomposed all surface materials within the second circle of walls, and even everything within tens of kilometers deep underground into atoms! ——That’s where the source of the earthquake caused by Fang Yuan’s induction lies.

... "You... you..." After listening to Fang Yuan's description of the attack effects, Sister Zhang was speechless while pointing at him.

This is a normal reaction for human beings when seeing things that exceed the limits of their own rational understanding. In fact, if this were the world of COC running groups, everyone would probably have to go through a SanCheck.

Of course, what surprised others the most was Fang Yuan's approach of opening the door directly without saying any nonsense. Is there something wrong with this process? Shouldn't it be to test first, then grind the blood, and finally take away the head? "Forget it! Since you've already taken action, we won't be cowardly!" Sister Zhang gave up the idea of ​​evaluating Fang Yuan and said instead: "But we won't just leave you behind and fight alone - we I won't be a deserter!" Looking at the others, although his expressions were invisible through their masks, they all picked up their guns and stepped forward, as if they were fighting side by side with Fang Yuan, letting him know that this group of people Probably won't listen to advice.

"...It's up to you! But let me tell you the information about those monsters first - our previous guess was wrong. There was not one earth-boring demon insect on the other side, but many, many! The attack I just made seemed to be to destroy Most of them have been killed, but the remaining ones have been enraged and are now coming from the ground! "Shock! That exaggerated attack just now didn’t actually destroy all those monsters? ! ! However, it is no longer time to be surprised.

Before these people could finish digesting the information from Fang Yuan, the attack had already come! Boom——————! ! ! Like a heavy bomb exploding underground, a huge amount of soil was lifted into the air, but before the soil and rocks turned into rain of earth and rocks and fell from the sky, the faster attack had already crushed them.

A huge tentacle that was hundreds of meters long and seven or eight meters thick, with its surface covered with mucus, earth and rocks, and countless terrifying spikes at the top, was crushing down with fierce force.

And directly under this terrifying attack was Fang Yuan and others! "I've been waiting for you for a long time!" But Fang Yuan seemed to have been prepared for it. The moment the opponent launched the attack, he had already raised his right hand. On the originally smooth armor surface in the palm of his hand, an unknown word had been engraved on it. A circular array pattern engraved with fine symbols and lines.

I saw a conical beam of light emitting from this formation, like the light beam of a flashlight at night, covering most of the tentacles. A burst of white light flashed, and this part of the tentacles had disappeared.

This is the same decomposition and refinement as the previous attack that turned into a beam of light with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, but it is just a hand-held miniature version.

Roar------! ! ! A dull and painful roar came from the ground. When the other soldiers who had just recovered from the death crisis heard it, they immediately became energetic - it turns out that this monster can also hurt! With Fang Yuan's start, the soldiers naturally did not stand and watch, and everyone launched attacks in their own way.

Ordinary soldiers without superpowers picked up their weapons, regardless of whether these small-caliber hot weapons could hurt the opponent, and poured their ammunition into the half-broken parts that were flowing with unknown blood. The tentacle stumps of the thing.

The warriors with superpowers used their proud extraordinary powers to launch a grand offensive against the terrifying monster in front of them.

For example, Captain Liu, she no longer cares about all-round protection. The ability she activates directly melts or even vaporizes her gauntlets, and her exposed hands shine with azure fire - which is beyond the burning temperature of most materials, with a temperature of 10 The ultra-high-temperature plasma flame of more than 10,000 degrees Celsius turned into a blue-white scorching light strip, leaving huge scorch marks on the struggling and twitching tentacles.

——Even the earth-boring demon insects that can survive near the core of the earth will still be injured when encountering such ultra-high temperatures that exceed the endurance limit of all earth materials.

Another example is an inconspicuous soldier in Sister Zhang's team. He directly slammed his hands heavily on the ground. It was no less powerful than the earthquake just now. No, it should be said that the more condensed and terrifying shock wave attacked the direction of the tentacles under the control of consciousness. The ultra-high frequency vibration directly caused the broken part of the injured tentacles to spray out large amounts of liquid suspected to be blood.

... There are also frost, lightning, gravity... Various supernatural forces hit the huge tentacle section, breaking out large pieces of body tissue that should be called "flesh and blood".

That is, the physical strengthening system and the ability users who take the path of close combat like Sister Zhang and Xiao Zhang can only attack with guns like those ordinary soldiers. Facing the huge tentacles that are seven or eight meters thick and hundreds of meters long, with their body size, the punches they throw out can only make a basin-sized pit on the body at most, which is no different from being pricked by a needle, and there is also the danger of being crushed to death at any time, so forget it! However, although the attack by the crowd looked quite spectacular, and Fang Yuan even directly cut off a large part of the tentacle, you have to know that the monster underground does not have only one tentacle! In just a few seconds, even the first round of attack by the warriors has not ended, the second, third, fourth... a total of more than ten tentacles from the underground turned out together, and crushed down from all directions towards the crowd in the middle with the force of a net.

')035'\u003eChapter 35 Let me take you flying!

"Everyone lie down!" Fang Yuan shouted, and everyone lay down at the same time - after getting along with each other before, the trust between them and Fang Yuan has been basically established, and naturally they will not ask "why" like those stupid characters who are destined to die in the movies at this time.

He raised his right hand, and the circle in his palm burst out with a light ten times brighter than before. With his palm as the center, it scattered in all directions at an angle of nearly 180 degrees. In an instant, all objects above Fang Yuan's raised palm within hundreds of meters disappeared.

Naturally, the same was true for those huge tentacles. They were all cut off smoothly from a height of more than two meters above the ground. The hot "blood" of the monster flowed on the cross section, and there were more violent vibrations and roars from the ground - this really hurt it badly.

This trick is really useful! Fang Yuan thought so in his heart, but his movements were not slow at all. He stomped his feet, and a mysterious array pattern emitting a faint glow flashed on the ground where everyone was.

In the next instant, the entire piece of land with a diameter of dozens of meters with Fang Yuan as the center of the circle turned into steel in an instant, and was lifted up with the roar of a jet engine, and flew into the air! "... Shit... Shit!" Xiao Zhang, who was standing right at the edge of the circle, couldn't help but swear as he lay on the ground and looked at the earth slowly receding below.

And where he couldn't see, below this veritable "enclave", there were several huge air intakes on the side that had been completely transformed into a metal mechanical structure. In the center and around the bottom, there were five devices like aircraft tail nozzles spewing hot high-temperature airflow downwards.

——This was exactly the result of Fang Yuan's improvisation just now. The ground soil layer with a diameter of tens of meters and a depth of several meters was completely converted into solid and stable metal, and then a jet engine and supporting fuel were generated in the cavity created by the reduction in volume that was enough to lift the entire ground into the sky. A simple floating platform was completed!   The structure of the jet engine itself is actually not complicated. Although there are only a few countries in the world that can independently produce fighter jet engines, the key technology is not the structure, but the parts, especially the blade material of the high-temperature turbofan. The technology that can forge an entire blade into a single crystal has been stuck in China for decades.

But this is nothing to Fang Yuan, an alchemist. If he wants, he can even refine the entire floating platform into a single crystal, not to mention the small turbine blades.

As for the complex circuits and pipelines in the jet engine, although Fang Yuan lacks some basic knowledge in this area, he has other ways to make up for it - he replaced all the related functions with the alchemy array.

Don't worry about too much mental power consumption.

After all, it is only used for control, and the real work is still the engine itself, and Fang Yuan's mental power is enough to support it for several hours.

And if he is asked to push the entire platform into the sky purely by controlling the alchemy array with airflow, it is estimated that it will not last for a few seconds.

——The essence of technology lies in using various methods to reasonably amplify the relatively small power of human beings!   "You actually have this trick..." Sister Zhang and others also saw the platform take off, and looked at Fang Yuan with complicated expressions - is this still a magician? This is a super engineer! Fang Yuan tried his best to ignore these looks. Originally, he did not intend to reveal too much of his abilities when he accepted the official invitation. According to his original idea, he only needed to show off his muscles appropriately.

However, he did not expect that this exploration would fall into an unpredictable dangerous situation at the beginning. The monsters underground did not intend to let them go. Fang Yuan had no choice but to launch the backup plan he had arranged before and gave them a hard blow.

——Since the large-scale killing ability has been exposed, it doesn’t matter if he exposes more abilities.

"...Fighting a monster that can burrow into the ground would be too much of a disadvantage if you fight on the ground. I can still fly in the sky for several hours on this platform. Should I continue fighting or return to the door immediately?" General Fang Yuan The conversation turned to the question of whether to go or stay - after all, they now have flying tools, and earthquakes and the like can no longer affect them.

"No, we have to at least repel those monsters first, and preferably completely eliminate them!" Originally, Sister Zhang made the decision to retreat because she considered that the force possessed by them could not deal with the monsters hiding underground and causing earthquakes. But now that Fang Yuan has exposed the nature of his super killer weapon, why should he worry about it? Just kill him back! "Well, in this case, you don't have to take action anymore. After all, your attack power..." Fang Yuan did not continue, but the hint of dissuasion in his tone was still received by everyone - he This is because everyone’s attack power is too low! "...Okay, I'll leave it to you, Great Magician!" Sister Zhang said word by word, and it seemed that she was not in a good mood.

... A few minutes later, when Fang Yuan walked to the edge of the platform and prepared to fight again, he looked down and saw dozens or hundreds of thick tentacles at least a hundred meters long emerging from the ground below near their original position, rising in the air. He was waving in vain - the flying platform had risen to a height of over a thousand meters, which was far beyond the attack range of the tentacles underground.

Therefore, the offensive and defensive modes have become reciprocal. Before, they could only be beaten passively, but now it is the turn of the underground monsters to be beaten unilaterally.

No movement was seen on his part. Strands of hair-fine lightning flashed under his feet. At the bottom of the platform where others could not see, a circular array with a diameter of several meters emerged.

Then, another huge conical beam of light shot downward.

It is still decomposed and refined, and it is a large-scale decomposition and refinement that is thousands of times larger than the decomposition and refinement that Fang Yuan can emit from the small refining array in the palm of his hand.

Although it pales in comparison to the previous ultra-large-scale refinement launched based on the second city wall, the range of this attack is far beyond that of ordinary modern thermal weapons.

The ground with a diameter of one kilometer suddenly disappeared, leaving only a very regular circle on the earth. Whether it was soil, trees, stones or anything else, all materials disappeared under the beam of white light, including Those huge tentacles that were slapping the ground with their fangs and claws.

However, Fang Yuan's enhanced vision could see that in the giant sinkhole that had been neatly cut away, there were still traces of flesh and blood tentacles moving around the edges deep underground.

——How come these monsters are still alive! ')036'\u003eChapter 36 About to leave...

"It seems that this kind of directional attack is not very effective..." Fang Yuan looked at the results below and pondered.

The key to the matter is that these underground monsters appear in groups, and there are too many of them. Even if Fang Yuan's earth-shattering blow that day before directly penetrated the earth's crust and even penetrated deep into the mantle, killing most of them Monsters, but those who survived are still everywhere in the underground branch of this secret realm.

Fang Yuan's sense of the location of the monsters underground was very rough and vague - there were only seven or eight monsters in the group that attacked them just now, but in the face of Fang Yuan's attack, one fish escaped alive. And further away, there are at least ten times more monsters hiding deep underground in every corner! If you really want to eliminate them all by decomposing them, you will probably have to plow most of the entire secret realm! So we still have to find another way.

"Perhaps we can try using water? Didn't you say that the Earth-Drilling Demonic Insect's weakness is water?" Sister Zhang and Captain Liu were not able to participate in a battle of this level, but they could still give Fang Yuan advice. of.

"Use water...but those monsters are hiding very deep. How do I pour water on their heads?" It's not that Fang Yuan hasn't thought of this method, but as he said, these underground monsters probably know their own weaknesses. The main body is hidden very deep, and ordinary groundwater cannot reach them. Fang Yuan has no way to attack them with water! "Or I can launch another large-scale attack and sink the entire island to the bottom of the sea? I can still do this."

"Are you kidding! If you do that, wouldn't this secret realm be completely ruined?" Fang Yuan, who couldn't think of any other way, came up with such a bad idea, and as expected, he encountered strong opposition from everyone.

Of course, he himself knew that this method was unrealistic - it wasn't that he couldn't do it, but that doing so would be even more extreme than plowing through this secret realm with a beam of decomposing light.

This is just like burning the entire field to prevent fire in order to kill insects in the farmland. It is a stupid thing to do! "What should we do? Let's go back first, and then bring the army in next time to fight with this kind of monster?" "... Ordinary people have no power to resist when faced with this kind of monster, let alone these monsters can also have mental suggestions. Such attacks."

"Just hand out a mental shielding device or something. What are you afraid of!" "But monsters of this size still attack from deep underground. Can our army hurt them? I'm afraid we have to use nuclear bombs to kill them. All over the place!" "...Or it's just like what the magician said, let's sink the island and feed those monsters water!" "Then we might as well go back first, let the people above decide on this. ..." ... At the end of the discussion, we still couldn't come up with an idea, but more and more people tended to return to the other side of the door first, whether they sent an elite team to kill the "bugs" at a targeted location, or sent a large army in Use heavy firepower to wash the floor, and we will talk about it when the time comes.

"Since there is no way to completely eliminate those monsters for the time being, let's continue to evacuate! Don't they want us to leave? We have to do it even more if the enemy doesn't want to see it!" Sister Zhang finally maintained her original decision, and everyone Go back to the other side of the door.

... The return trip this time was much smoother than before. Fang Yuan and the others flew all the way back to the space gate deep in the forest on the aerial platform. Even though they dropped to a height of seven or eight meters above the ground, there was still no movement underground. .

Are they really afraid of being beaten and don't dare to take action against Fang Yuan and the others? If it were an ordinary beast, Fang Yuan and the others would really consider it this way. After all, the desire to survive is the instinct of all living things. Except in some extreme cases, it is impossible for people to die knowingly that they will die.

But that depends on what kind of creature this is talking about - right now this is a Cthulhu monster, and it is said to be a dependent of a certain old ruler. The adult body has the ability to connect telepathically with thoughts, which means that all The minds of the earth-boring demonic insects are connected together, just like the Misaka sisters in a certain "scientific" super-power anime. The group is the whole, and the whole is the individual.

Even Fang Yuan didn't find it strange at all that this group of monsters that suffered heavy losses from attacks asked their parents to summon an old Japanese body in the next moment.

But Fang Yuan, the old ruler of the level of Shude Meier (the leader of the earth-burrowing demon insects), is not afraid. A mere mile in length is nothing to him at full strength. An opponent that is too difficult to deal with.

This kind of monsters that cannot be understood by human thinking, said that they were scared by Fang Yuan and did not dare to come. Fang Yuan didn't believe it anyway.

They must have other actions... But no matter what the reason was, Fang Yuan and the others finally arrived at the space door safely.

This place was also hit by the previous earthquake. Fallen and broken trees were everywhere. The drone serving as the signal base station on the door side was also affected. The antenna erected high up has been broken, and the car body was also lifted by the earthquake. Turn over, the whole scene is in a mess.

Fortunately, the situation on this side has been monitored from behind the door, and another one was immediately sent after the drone was damaged. Fang Yuan and the others would not have been trapped and died on this side of the door - if the correct information was not entered on the drone. If there is a password and password, the garrison behind the door will not let any living creature leave the secret realm.

This is the lesson learned after a tragedy happened at Asan's side.

It is said that that time Ah San discovered a new semi-open secret realm and sent people to explore it. As a result, one of the exploration team members committed more than a dozen murders in a month after coming out. After he was discovered, he went on a rampage and went on a killing spree. The Quartet was finally suppressed.

After investigation, it turned out that this team member secretly hid an item in the secret realm. It turned out that the item seemed to have some evil things that were whispered by the ancient gods, and it drove a guy who was a devout Buddhist crazy. , was directly brainwashed into becoming a believer of an unknown evil god! And the reason why that team member killed people was to collect enough sacrifices to summon the gods, intending to let the people of Asan in reality feel the glory of the "gods"... God knows what would happen if that guy's sacrifice was successful! Therefore, all countries that have learned from the past have made stricter regulations in the process of exploring new secret realms. China has directly set the space door so that it can only be opened from the outside. Explorers who enter the secret realm want to return, A very complex identity verification and mental verification process must be passed to prove that it is indeed them and that they are still mentally sane.

Of course, even so, there is still a three-month isolation observation period after leaving the space gate. Only after ensuring that everything is normal will they be released back to the crowd.

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