Well, this was originally a relatively peripheral area of ​​Raccoon City. Gil, who had been avoiding the pursuers, wanted to escape from Raccoon City, so it was normal for him to flee in this direction.

However, shouldn't she have met an uncle named Carlos on the way to escape and escape together? Why is she alone now? ')041'\u003eChapter 41 The tracker who just appeared on the scene

When Fang Yuan saw Gil, Gil naturally saw him.

But she was not as leisurely as Fang Yuan, and she still had time to think about this and that. Her first reaction was - another innocent person was involved! "Run away——!!!" Her instinct as a police officer allowed her to immediately issue a warning to innocent civilians.

But she sadly discovered that the person in front of her seemed to be stunned, staring blankly here.

——Yes, anyone would be stunned when they see a monster like the Tracker! But now is not the time to be in a daze! Run away quickly! ! ! She shouted in her heart.

But before she could issue another reminder, the pursuer behind her also discovered Fang Yuan's presence.

The order given to it by the Umbrella Company is to eliminate all S.T.A.R.S. members, but the tracker itself has intelligence and is not a robot that only follows orders. When it encounters someone who dares to hinder it, it will not spare a few bullets. That person went to heaven.

However, when it pointed its gun at the desperate human male in front of it, it didn't know that the person facing it was actually a ruthless character that was a million times more terrifying than it and all its kind combined.

... Fang Yuan looked at Jill Valentine who was shouting to him to run quickly, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit moved even though he was a little bit dumbfounded - in this situation where he was in danger and precarious, and She was really too righteous when she wanted to protect the innocent... But when he saw that ugly stalker dared to point the gun at him, his mood immediately changed.

I haven't even taken care of you yet, how dare you bart your teeth at me? ! ——That’s probably the idea. It’s almost like the shit-sweeping officer facing Erha who demolished the house and still dared to lose his temper with the owner.

Anyway, for him, the fully armed tracker in front of him, who could theoretically massacre an entire infantry company, was not much different from Erha - both were capable of one move in a second! Before the pursuer could pull the trigger of the machine gun in his hand, a blazing white light flashed through, and then there was no movement.

Gil, who was hiding behind the bunker with his head in his hands to avoid the attack, didn't hear the gunfire for a while. He raised his head with some confusion and hesitation, and quietly looked back to see what happened.

As a result, he happened to see the headless pursuer collapse to the ground.

Such an inexplicable result made the heroine open her mouth for a moment, not knowing what to say.

No, that's not right. The key to the question is, what exactly happened just now? ! ... "How is it possible? What happened?! What killed the tracker? Find out for me! Mobilize all the intelligence for me, I want to know everything!!" Just outside Raccoon City, in the temporary camp of the Umbrella Company , a white "elite" who looked like a beast in a suit and gold-rimmed glasses, saw the screen that had turned into a snowflake and roared hysterically, looking completely incompetent and furious.

——Fang Yuan’s previous attack was so fast that the Umbrella Company didn’t even know what was happening.

However, even if they find out, Fang Yuan won't be afraid - it's just a protective umbrella. As long as they don't confront the nuclear bomb head-on, no matter what licker, stalker, tyrant, Fang Yuan can still defeat them with both hands and feet! "..." Madam, are you okay?" At this moment, a greeting came to her ear. It didn't sound like pure American English, and it had an accent from somewhere.

Looking back, it turned out to be the person who was in danger but didn't know how to run away...the slow passerby - she tried not to use curse words like idiot or idiot here.

"...I'm fine!" Jill waved her hand and declined the other person's hand that was reaching out to hold her. Instead, she covered her wound and struggled to stand up.

"As you can see, Raccoon City has fallen. Hurry up and escape from here! It's too late!" As soon as she opened her mouth, she told Fang Yuan to escape. It seemed that she had not seen Fang Yuan's performance just now.

Fang Yuan, who knew that he had just pretended to be in vain, was a little speechless, but he still stepped forward again, regardless of the other party's resistance, and grabbed the injured part of Jill with one hand, and then a burst of refined light flashed through.

"What are you doing..." Facing the scoundrel in front of him who not only ignored his warning but also dared to belittle him, Gil was about to get angry and draw his gun, but suddenly he felt that the wound that he had lost consciousness had actually recovered! Looking down, I saw that the wound that had turned black and suppurated and even started to mutate had returned to white. The feeling of weakness and weakness that had been eroding my whole body before was also gone - what on earth happened? ! "You...this is Chinese Kongfu?" She asked hesitantly.

Seeing Fang Yuan's Asian appearance, Jill immediately started thinking about the mysterious Eastern Qigong.

"...No, this is magic!" Fang Yuan replied with a serious face.

"Magic?" Although she said the same word, Fang Yuan could tell from her expression that she was talking about tricks on the stage.

"No, it's Real Magic!" Fang Yuan corrected with a serious look.

Gil: "...You mean, you are the kind of magician in the legend?" Fang Yuan nodded without hesitation - he was already addicted to pretending to be a magician.

That's right. In the eyes of people who have never seen Steel Refining, alchemists are indeed far inferior to magicians. In order to make it easier for others to understand, Fang Yuan kept saying this.

Gil probably also understood how the tracker died. If it was magical magic, anything could happen... "Okay, magician... Then this Mr. Magician..." "My My name is Fang Yuan, or you can just call me Fang!" Fang Yuan reported his name directly.

"...Okay, my name is Jill Valentine, you can call me Jill."

She stretched out her hand and shook Fang Yuan's hand, which was considered a formal acquaintance, and then asked: "That magical magic of yours healed my injury, and it can also remove the T virus infection, right?" "T virus? That's What?" Fang Yuan asked, pretending to be ignorant.

“The culprit behind all these disasters is a viral weapon developed by Umbrella Company that can resurrect the dead and turn them into living dead.

You should know what's happening on the streets, it's all caused by the T-Virus. "

Jill explained the facts she discovered in concise language. Although Fang Yuan had already known this from the games he had played, he still listened quietly to show politeness.

"If you're talking about the viruses that are infecting your body, yes, I did use 'magic' to get rid of them."

An alchemist who specializes in biology said that viruses and other things are just a matter of decomposition and refinement! "Really?" Gil was a little surprised, grabbed Fang Yuan's hand and asked, "Then can your magic make those zombies return to normal? Can you wipe out all the T-virus in this city?" "..." Fang Yuan looked at the heroine in front of him speechlessly. She probably regarded magic as some omnipotent force! "Calm down, Jill! Calm down!" Fang Yuan raised his hand to calm down the other party: "First of all, I have to declare that magicians are not God, and magic is not omnipotent! My ability can help infected people who are not completely diseased recover from health. But there is no way to turn the irrational zombies back into humans - they are completely hopeless! As for the T virus that purifies the city... Give me time to set up the magic circle and I can bring the entire city and everything in it together. 'Purified', but now..." Fang Yuan spread his hands, expressing that he was helpless.

Jill was a little disappointed when she heard Fang Yuan's statement, but she also understood that placing hope on a certain magician's magic was a stupid thing to do, so she didn't say anything more.

As for Fang Yuan's final statement that he could destroy the entire city and everything in it, she neither expressed belief nor disbelief. She just waved her hand and said, "You don't need to do it for you to destroy the city. The Umbrella Company has already planned to do so. ”')042'\u003eChapter 42 Hey, zombies can also be made into the Philosopher’s Stone?

"..." Fang Yuan couldn't pretend to be shocked, so he could only remain silent about the news.

Fortunately, Jill was not a master of cold reading. She only thought that Fang Yuan was silent because he was shocked by the news.

But Fang Yuan was actually thinking about another thing.

Although it has been many years since I played "Resident Evil 3" and many of the plots and details have been forgotten, Fang Yuan still vaguely remembers that it seemed that Jill and the others learned that the government wanted to atomically pacify Raccoon City very late in the plot. It's time, at least later than when she was infected with the T virus and the hero named Carlos found the serum and cured her.

And when she first appeared, it was obvious that she was injured and infected. In addition, she said that it was the umbrella that launched the nuclear bomb, not the government... Is this world based on the plot of a game or a movie? ! Forget it, I still can't figure it out, so let's test it... "Jill, are you the only one?" "..." After hearing Fang Yuan's question, Jill was a little silent, but she finally answered: " My teammates in S.T.A.R.S. all died, protected by that son-of-a-bitch Umbrella monster... I later met several search and rescue personnel from U.B.C.S., but they were also separated while fighting that monster..." "...They It should be fine!" Fang Yuan comforted.

But he was already baffled by this violent plot.

——Is there such a paragraph in the plot? "Of course I won't worry about them! They are also professional warriors after all, so they will not die easily in the hands of those monsters..." Although she said this, Jill's expression was still very worried. It seemed that she was deep in her heart. Still worried about those lost teammates! "So... regarding the issue of nuclear bombs, is your information accurate?" Fang Yuan asked.

Gil shrugged and said: "...Information revealed by a senior executive of the umbrella. He originally wanted to hire us survivors to help him rescue his daughter trapped in the city, but it was obvious that we had not even thought about our own safety before. There's no guarantee..." Well, this is the plot of the movie version - but in the movie, there doesn't seem to be a plot where Jill Valentine was infected at all! This turned back to the game plot. Fang Yuan was already confused by the chaotic unfolding of the plot.

After walking for a while, Jill suddenly stopped - another group of zombies appeared in front of him.

But before she could raise the pistol with very little ammunition left in her hand, Fang Yuan took action.

The red light in his eyes flashed away, and the zombies that were stumbling towards this place in the distance were suddenly restrained by some invisible force.

Immediately afterwards, a flash of blood-red lightning was seen among the zombies. All the zombies fell down as if they had lost power, and a faint blood-red mist emerged from their bodies that was almost invisible if you were not paying attention.

"Your magic is really useful! What is this? Lightning spell?" Jill thought that the zombies were killed because of the red lightning just now, but in fact they were not.

"...You could call it instant death."

Fang Yuan did not intend to explain too much, but silently controlled the airflow, collecting the blood-colored mist as thin as mist into his hand, and finally turned it into a small drop of red liquid.

——How small? Probably not even one-tenth of a drop of rainwater. Gil asked curiously: "What is this?" "...This is the source of the zombies' rejuvenation from death. When I take them out, the zombies turn back into corpses. ”

Fang Yuan didn't intend to tell the truth about the Philosopher's Stone, as that would make his image too evil, so he changed to a more subtle statement.

Well, yes, the Philosopher's Stone can also be extracted from zombie bodies.

Fang Yuan originally discovered this by accident when he suddenly wanted to play with the zombies on the roadside.

Originally, after a human being transformed into a zombie, his brain was destroyed, so the person was equivalent to dead, and there should be no soul in the body.

However, during the refining process, Fang Yuan discovered that there was actually a faint soul-like existence inside the zombie body - it was a macro will composed of countless billions of extremely tiny wills. Although the level of spiritual intelligence was higher than It is still low for ordinary animals, but it is indeed the Philosopher's Stone that can be used to refine the formation to identify the refined soul! ——This is probably the collective consciousness of the T virus... Fang Yuan was a little unsure.

However, the quantity of this kind of Philosopher's Stone extracted from zombies is very impressive. What can be extracted from a zombie is only one thousandth or even one ten thousandth of the soul of an ordinary person.

As for why Fang Yuan spent time doing such extremely inefficient work - Fang Yuan had probably guessed that his time travel was probably caused by the door of truth in his mind, although he didn't know what he paid for when he came here. There is a price, but if you want to go back, it will definitely not work without tolls.

And in this world, the only people in this world who could make Fang Yuan feel at ease and use it to refine the Philosopher's Stone, apart from the bunch of scumbags at the top of the Umbrella Company, were the only zombies that were completely hopeless.

... "Where should we go next? Go directly outside the city? Or find a transportation? Or fly out? If the nuclear bomb is not detonated now, it will be no problem for me to fly out of the city with a small group of people."

Fang Yuan asked Jill. She had always led the way before, but Fang Yuan found that this did not seem to be the way out of the city.

"I'm going to the store over there to find a walkie-talkie. The one I have is broken and I can't contact Carlos and the others!" Gil said.

"Okay, then I'll go with you!" Fang Yuan said with an indifferent shrug.

Because of Fang Yuan's action, they were basically pushed along the way. Whether they were zombies, zombie dogs or other biological monsters, they were either refined into the Philosopher's Stone or killed directly.

Then they came to an electronic equipment store, where they could find the walkie-talkie Jill needed.

Like other shops in the apocalypse, this place has long been deserted. There seems to be some blood stains in the shop. It is obvious that this place has also been visited by zombies, but judging from the rotting corpse behind the counter with its head shot, its end is not good. .

After a quick search and finding that there was no danger, Gil skillfully broke open the counter and found what he wanted. He took out a few batteries from the counter and put them in the walkie-talkie. He adjusted the channel and finally - "Carlos, this is Gil. "Valentian, can you hear me? Repeat, this is Jill Valentine..." "Zizi - I... can... see... This is Carlos, I can hear you, Jill!" "Yes?" A somewhat distorted voice came from the other end of the communication, and gunshots continued to sound in the background. It seemed that there was something busy there.

"I'm fine. Someone helped me. The T-virus infection has been resolved. I also have a way to leave the city!" When he said this, Gil turned to look at Fang Yuan and asked with his eyes, but Fang Yuan did not hesitate. Nodding hesitantly, no problem.

"I'm at Betley Street in Xicheng District now. Can you guys come over to meet me? - Or can I go over and help you solve those troubles?" Gill naturally became more confident after having Fang Yuan's golden thigh, saying that the zombies Everything is scum! "There's no need to come here! We can solve the problem here soon.

Batley Street, right? We'll be there in an hour! "After saying that, the other party hung up the communication.

"Then we wait here?" Fang Yuan asked on the side: "Are you sure that the nuclear bomb will not hit our heads while we are waiting?" "Don't worry, the nuclear bomb will not fall until five o'clock tomorrow morning. We still have ...Let me see...at least ten hours, no problem!" Jill looked at the clock on the wall and said.

')043'\u003eChapter 43 The magical "magic"

While Fang Yuan and Gil were waiting for Carlos and others, they did not know that all the previous communications had been heard by people from the Umbrella Company.

"I found you, kitten!" The umbrella executive who had been furious because of the inexplicable death of the tracker had a sinister smile on his face when he heard Jill's voice in the communication recording.

He turned back and asked: "How many T-103s do we have?" "There are only three in stock here. If you want more, you have to apply for transfer from other branches."

An operator answered his question.

"Very good, put two on Battery Street and let me see what killed the tracker..." "Yes!"... Fang Yuan didn't know that someone was looking for trouble for them, but even if he knew, He won't care either.

He is just a tyrant. Whether it is a trial model, T-002, T-103 or any other improved model, for Fang Yuan, it is just a one-shot thing. In terms of threat and agility to him, The explosive zombie dog and licking man are both taller than the mere tyrant.

Therefore, when Carlos and the others arrived at Battery Street with a little girl, what they saw were two huge ferocious humanoid monster corpses lying on the ground, but their heads were missing, and there were also two corpses standing next to the corpses. Fang Yuan seemed to be studying something, and Jill stayed away with a look of disgust on his face.

what happened? Emmmmm, it's probably like this - the tyrants jumped out, the tyrants felt that they had a great advantage, the tyrants went up with A, and the tyrants played GG - that's probably what it felt like.

Fang Yuan didn't spend even five seconds from beginning to end, and the only gain for the protective umbrella was that they finally saw Fang Yuan's attack method clearly.

... In the umbrella camp, the executive just now was spitting: "Quickly, send another group of experimental subjects over! This is an unprecedented sample! I want to get him, I want to get that man!" Looking at the supervisor With his face flushed with excitement and hearing his gay tone, the operator next to him took a few steps back without leaving a trace, and then cautiously replied: "Director, there is only one tyrant experimental subject left, and it seems that this one is special. The individual has extremely enhanced attack power, so it is not appropriate to use a tyrant... Is it better to send a licker? " "... You are right!" The supervisor calmed down and pondered for a while, thinking of Fang Yuan. The Tyrant's attack can be instantly killed, so I think it's more cost-effective to use the Licker - I won't feel bad even if I lose it! ……The scene returns to Battery Street.

"Hi, Gil! This is...?" Carlos pointed to the corpse scene on the other side.

"...the toy sent by the protective umbrella was solved by this magical Fang with magic!" Although Gil couldn't stand Fang Yuan's Frankenstein look, he still introduced Fang Yuan's situation to everyone.

"Magic? Are you kidding?" Carlos and others looked unbelieving.

"No, she's not joking!" Fang Yuan's voice came from behind, and everyone turned to look, just in time to see him using decomposition to decompose the two tyrant corpses into fly ash.

"Holly shit...!" "Oh my god...!" "..." These are some adults.

"Wow~⊙o⊙" This is the little girl they brought back.

"Hello, my name is Fang Yuan, you can call me Fang.

As you can see, I am a true magician! "Hello, I am Carlos, he is Nicola, the lady is Alice, and the little guy is Angela."

Nice to meet you, Mr. Magician! " "Hello! " "Hello! " Fang Yuan shook hands with a few people, and then touched the head of the little loli next to him with a friendly expression. Immediately afterwards, the little loli avoided him with an unhappy look on his face - probably because he disliked him for touching him just now. Let’s get rid of the dirty hands of the tyrant’s corpse... (Little lolita: o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)) However, Alice and Angela...it seems that they are following the movie process... The two sides introduced each other After that, the atmosphere finally became more lively.

"Listen to Jill, can you take us away?" Carlos was most concerned about this question.

Fang Yuan nodded: "Yes, I have a way to take everyone away from the air.

What, do you have any other plans? " "No! Our original plan was to follow Angela's father's suggestion and take a helicopter to the city hall, but when I heard Jill say you have other methods... I originally thought there was a helicopter or something, but now that I think about it, Could it be magic? Fang Yuan did not deny: "You guessed it right, it's magic!" But it may be a little different from the magic you imagined..." "But... I want to be with daddy..." Angela, the little loli who was shrinking in Alice's arms, said weakly "..." Fang Yuan, Carlos and others looked at each other but said nothing.

Fang Yuan knew that the father who loved his daughter very much had probably been controlled by the top management of the umbrella company, and now he would be surrendering himself to the trap.

Carlos, on the other hand, instinctively distrusted the senior umbrella officials who had betrayed them once, and would rather find a mysterious magician who didn't know much about them to take them out.

Alice seemed to see something. She knelt down, looked straight at Angela and said, "Sweetheart, it's okay. We'll have a chance to find your dad when we get out!" Although she knew this was an excuse for an adult, she still The sensible little Loli finally nodded, expressing her willingness to follow everyone's arrangements.

"Then let's leave now?" Jill no longer wanted to stay in this city that might be annihilated at any time, so she couldn't wait any longer.

"No, we have to deal with the uninvited guests first!" Hearing what Fang Yuan said, everyone looked around cautiously.

Then, everyone saw that at least 20 lickers had surrounded them.

Looking at the monster that looked like a skinned super giant frog, no one dared to act rashly - they had seen how fast this crawling virus variant could move before. Ordinary people could move quickly even with guns. It's hard to shoot, not to mention facing more than 20 of them at once! "Fxck! Those bastards from Umbrella!" Nicholas spat hard.

Jill, on the other hand, held the gun in her hand tightly with sweaty palms, forcing herself to calm down.

Only Alice and Carlos were the calmest, each holding a gun and looking at the slowly approaching lickers with vigilance.

"Ha! Did you find that the strength type couldn't deal with me, so you found the agility type? The choice was correct, but the material was still a little less interesting!" Only Fang Yuan sneered at the Umbrella Company's naivety.

At this moment, perhaps after receiving the order, or perhaps because they could no longer bear the desire to attack, more than 20 lickers launched attacks almost at the same time, rushing towards the people surrounded.

At this moment, time slowed down! The extremely concentrated spirit speeds up thinking, making everything happening in the outside world seem to be still.

With the help of mental fluctuations that are not bound by the laws of physics, Fang Yuan can even clearly see the trajectories drawn by the bullets fired from the muzzle in the air, and can see the bullets thrown out of the barrel of the gun. The bullet casings were slowly flying in the air as if they had lost gravity. He saw the muscles of his teammates around him tightening due to excessive tension, and saw them shouting something loudly... Of course, he could also see those flying and flying. The claws carrying the deadly virus of the lickers are approaching inch by inch. The bloody mouth flowing with disgusting saliva is opened to the maximum due to the insatiable hunger and thirst. The ferocious body covered with barbs The long tongue flicked "slowly" in mid-air... But, in the next moment, when Fang Yuan's eyes flashed with blue lightning - Miso - miso - miso - miso miso miso miso miso miso... Like a sharp blade. Unsheathed, like a forest of spears, with almost continuous sharp sounds, countless thorns "grew" out of the cement road, as if with intelligence, they stabbed straight at everyone because of Beneath the licker, which was in mid-air and could not change its direction—the huge heart was exposed outside the body due to excessive mutation and expansion.

Puff - puff - puff - puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff... When the time in Fang Yuan's eyes resumed flowing, all the lickers had been pierced by the sudden ground thorn attack and their hearts were hanging in the air, as if The favorite punishment of piercing was the same as that of Archduke Vlad III of Wallachia, but this time the ones who were tortured were not the pagan invaders who were also human beings, but the biological demons created by human hands.

Everyone who had recovered from the crisis watched the lickers hanging on the ground thorns twitching their limbs like newly dead frogs and finally lost their movement. They all remained silent for a long time.

"...Wow!" Finally, Nicholas, who talked the most, sighed, and the others woke up from the surreal scene in front of them as if they were waking up from a dream.

"It's such a convenient ability..." Gil said with some envy: "By the way, do you want to accept an apprentice? How about considering me?" In response to Gil's joking request, Fang Yuan smiled and said nothing, and said that he had just pretended Very satisfied with this pussy.

"Okay, the uninvited guests have been dealt with, let's leave this doomed city!" Fang Yuan clapped his hands and motioned for everyone to follow.

I saw him walking into a pile of abandoned vehicles, with blue light flashing in his eyes. These vehicles, which were no different from scrap metal, lost their shape and texture like melted chocolate, and then in just a dozen or so seconds In seconds, it was reshaped and assembled into a completely new look—a black-painted transport helicopter! Well, it was actually the Zhi-8A transport helicopter that Fang Yuan came into contact with in the base before traveling through time.

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