His investigation once came close to the truth, and even rescued a girl who had recently disappeared. However, when the police found her, they were greeted by a zombie that had lost its mind.

A bioterrorism incident occurred in a remote Spanish town. This information was immediately reported to B.S.A.A., and Alice was the commissioner who came here to perform the investigation mission. Unexpectedly, she herself also disappeared together! From the case file, Fang Yuan found out the location where the police rescued the zombie girl.

It was an abandoned ancient manor. It was said to have been built in the late 19th century and was abandoned after World War II. Because it did not meet Spain's cultural relic recognition standards, there were no government personnel to maintain it. It has almost become a haunted house. .

Fang Yuan knew that if there was any place where clues were most likely to be found, this would be it.

... When Fang Yuan saw the gloomy and dilapidated manor from the sky, he faintly sensed that something was wrong.

The vegetation near the manor is generally more depressed and withered than the surrounding environment, which is very unusual for a manor that is uninhabited all year round.

Either the land near the manor itself is not suitable for vegetation growth, or something leaks and spreads from the manor, affecting the survival of the plants.

The former goes against logic. After all, if the environment here was not suitable, no one would deliberately build the manor here.

Then it's the latter. There is something in the manor that makes the surrounding vegetation become withered and depressed.

And in the world of Resident Evil, what better meets this standard than the T-Virus? Don’t forget, the ancestor virus itself is a plant virus! Therefore, Fang Yuan did not descend to the ground at all, but flew directly into the sky and activated his mental power scan.

Sure enough, there were actually ten Lickers hiding in this manor.

This is a trap! If Fang Yuan hadn't come this time, ten lickers hidden in a dark and narrow space would be enough to wipe out an entire heavily armed combat team. Even experts like Leon or Chris, who are experts in combating biological and chemical weapons, would not be able to defeat them. It's hard to survive such a desperate situation - the real licking master is not the deaf and blind person in the game, but a dangerous creature with mobility and aggression comparable to that of a tiger and a leopard! However, it is a pity that the mastermind behind the scenes obviously did not expect that his opponent was a cheater, and he saw the entire trap before he even entered! However, Fang Yuan did not intend to directly use a large-scale decomposition and refinement to turn the entire manor and everything inside into ashes. Although the enemy would be eliminated, the clues would definitely be gone.

Fortunately, he has just been equipped with a new toy, and it's time to test it in practice! "Enable combat mode!" Fang Yuan gave the command through voice.

He himself was not seen performing alchemy, and the light formed by lightning flashed on his suit.

Fang Yuan's original suit-style clothes began to expand and deform at this moment. In an instant, the clothes covered Fang Yuan's whole body, even covering his head, face, mouth and nose, and then squirmed and formed into a full-body suit in a few seconds. Covered jet black armor.

The shape of this armor looks a bit like the nanosuit in Crysis, and a bit like Kepri's colonization armor.

Its surface is not made of metal, but a tissue that looks like rubber. Along the muscle lines on Fang Yuan's body, it is covered with another layer of stronger and more powerful bionic muscle tissue.

This is a bionic muscle developed by Fang Yuan with reference to the Tyrant's muscle tissue structure. It uses special active myosin mixed with carbon nanofiber tubes, graphene, carbon-based semiconductors and other substances to form basic muscle fibers. It has explosive power per unit volume, The endurance and recovery capabilities far exceed those of ordinary biological muscle tissue.

This layer of bionic muscles can not only provide Fang Yuan with powerful strength far beyond his own, but also provide all-round protection for his whole body.

The tough and thick bionic muscle layer is enough to withstand a direct frontal hit from a 7.62mm gun, and it also has a very significant defense against the explosion shock wave of a grenade. Not to mention the piercing and cutting of the blade, it is impossible to pierce the surface of the bionic muscle.

The joints of the limbs, hands, feet and back spine are covered in series with armor plates that look like synthetic materials, providing stronger defense for weak points.

But these armor plates are actually not plastic, but high-strength carbon-nitrogen ceramics, with stronger defense than bionic muscles.

Fang Yuan did not choose to use the strong colonization armor style for the head mask. After all, the alien style appearance did not fit Fang Yuan's aesthetics.

Therefore, he used a tactical helmet style similar to the nanosuit and Mjolnir armor, and combined with the overall attire, it looked very technological.

However, in terms of weapons, Fang Yuan did not choose ordinary firearms.

He thinks that the idea of ​​integrating weapons into armor is very good, so he has an extra thick armor layer on the outside of his arms. In addition to being used as arm guards for blocking in unarmed combat, he also Hidden is an ultra-high-strength monomolecular knife.

I originally planned to use a high-frequency knife, but in fact, when facing elastic objects-such as biological tissues, the effect of high-frequency knife is not very good, so I switched to a single-molecule knife.

And because it has alchemical repairs at any time, there is no need to worry about the blade becoming dull after repeated use. The sharpness of this monomolecular knife will never decrease.

There is a decomposition ray generator in the middle of the forehead, which is actually Fang Yuan's decomposition beam refining array. However, it is no longer Fang Yuan himself who initiates the refining, but the armor itself that receives Fang Yuan's command and executes it.

Coupled with the infrasound and ultrasonic dual-frequency sound wave generator integrated in the mouth and nose respirator, this armor has appropriate weapons at long, medium and short distances, enough to cope with most combat scenarios.

')053'\u003eChapter 53 Actual Combat Test

Although it is largely borrowed (copied) from the settings of nano suits and strong armor, Fang Yuan's suit still has its innovations.

That is the perception enhancement system.

——In fact, it is because there is no way to restore the sixth sense of the strong armor, so it can only find another way to make a low-profile version.

Ultrasonic sensing of bats and dolphins, thermal vision of snakes, magnetic field sensing of sharks, vibration sensing of insects and spiders, super vision of hawks and falcons, ultraviolet vision of bees, super smell of dogs, super hearing of wax moths... Fang Yuan imitated and transplanted them into the sensory detection system of the armor based on his understanding of the sensory organs of various special creatures in nature.

All kinds of extraordinary perception abilities from different organs of different species, whether active or passive, visual or auditory, tactile or olfactory, direct or indirect, ultimately result in an all-round and blind-angle intelligence perception and reconnaissance system. All kinds of sensory information are coordinated and integrated by the virtual soul built into the armor, and transformed into images, sounds, smells and touches that ordinary humans can perceive and projected into the wearer's senses.

It can be said that even without relying on the ability of mental scanning, Fang Yuan can still walk in the dark in the armor, and can even counterattack enemies in the dark more sharply, more accurately and more deadly than in normal state.

For example, now——  "The first one!"  Swish——  The sound of a sharp blade entering the body sounded, and the single-molecule knife in Fang Yuan's right hand had popped out at some point, accurately piercing the heart of a licker who wanted to launch a sneak attack from the ceiling, and firmly nailed it to the wall of the corridor.

Yes, in order to test this set of battle clothes on his body, Fang Yuan directly broke into the trap set by the enemy, intending to defeat it from the front!  Just as he expected, just after stepping into the main building of the manor, he was greeted by the other party's "warm welcome"——It would be better if this welcomer's appearance was not so low.

Swish——  The bionic muscle spring in the arm armor suddenly contracted under the stimulation of the electrical signal, retracting the popped-out single-molecule blade. Fang Yuan shook his arm, as if he wanted to shake off the blood stains on it, and then continued to move forward along this corridor, walking towards the depths of the building.

When he walked to a corner, a black shadow suddenly jumped out from the shadow behind the corner and came towards him at the speed of a bullet, but was firmly grasped by a hand when it was about to hit Fang Yuan's head.

With the help of the dim light vision in the armor, Fang Yuan could see that the black shadow was actually a tongue. The surface of the tongue full of barbs was stained with disgusting and sticky blood with deadly viruses, which made him feel sick even through the armor.

Looking at the direction of the corner again, the super senses from the battle suit system made a figure outlined by bright lines appear in Fang Yuan's vision. The "Voldemort" lying on the ground could be seen through the wall.

"The second one!" With his voice that was a little dull due to the isolation of the mask, Fang Yuan exerted a little force in his hand, and an irresistible force acted on the attacker in the shadow, and he was dragged out from behind the corner in an instant.

But Fang Yuan's actions were more than that. He swung the poor Licker, who couldn't retract his tongue, in the air, like a whip or a meteor hammer, and slammed it back and forth on the walls, floor, and ceiling of the corridor again and again - probably similar to the scene when Hulk ravaged Loki and Thor.

The bang-bang-bang sound lasted for half a minute, and the poor slammed person encountered dozens of close contacts with the ground, walls, and ceiling in this half minute.

In short, when Fang Yuan finally stopped, the other end of the tongue in his hand could no longer be seen as a lump.

Very good, the power amplification was also effective. Fang Yuan's action just now did not actually use much strength, but the result was as if a tyrant with a second transformation was ravaging the Licker.

But he was not very happy at this time.

"Fuck, what a mistake!" Looking down at the translucent sticky liquid on his arm, Fang Yuan cursed inwardly. Why did he have to grab this thing with his hands? ! Well, because he also set up a vibration sensing organ similar to spider bristles on the surface of the armor, and then converted it into touch through the connection between the armor and himself, he clearly felt the sticky touch in his hand, which was not a good experience.

"...This tactile synchronization is too strong, I have to weaken it later..." Fang Yuan found that his choice to conduct a practical test on this armor was correct. If he didn't really use it once, he wouldn't realize that there is such a defect in such a place! Because the simulated touch of the armor was too realistic, Fang Yuan had to waste a little energy to perform alchemy to decompose the filth on his body, and then he took a step and continued to walk towards the depths of the manor.

It seemed that the noise he made when he just slaughtered the poor Licker was too loud. Fang Yuan had just taken a few steps when he found out from the armor's detection system that another eight Lickers were rushing towards him at the same time.

Well, he didn't need to take the initiative to find them one by one. It was just right to gather them together so that they could be solved at once!   Fang Yuan was not afraid of these enemies who were not even small bosses, but continued to walk in the predetermined direction.

Just when he came to the intersection of two corridors on the second floor, the expected attack came!   Front, left, right, above, below, and even around the back, six Lickers pounced on Fang Yuan from all directions at the same time.

But the other two Lickers who were a little further away launched the attack earlier. Their long tongues, like snakes, flexibly wrapped around Fang Yuan's hands, trying to stop his movements.

——Amazing! These Lickers actually understand tactics!   Fang Yuan didn't have time to sigh at the skyrocketing IQ of these Lickers, and the claws of six Lickers had already stretched out in front of him.

But Fang Yuan seemed to have given up resistance, and did not dodge or struggle at all, allowing those ferocious claws that looked very deadly to fall on him.

——I have tried single-molecule knives, power amplification and super senses before, now let's try the defense!   Bang bang bang bang bang bang——   First, there was a collision sound that was almost continuous. Six lickers came from all directions and fell heavily on Fang Yuan with their full weight. The force was enough to break the tendons and bones of an ordinary adult.

However, Fang Yuan, who was wrapped in the armor, did not feel much impact. At most, it felt like a cat flying from the front and crashing into his arms. It seemed that the impact buffering structure composed of the bionic muscle layer was very effective and met the design expectations.

Then there was the sound of claws tearing and teeth biting, but the bionic muscle layer, whose main material was made of carbon nanotubes and graphene, was not hard enough or tough enough to be torn apart by these claws made of keratin.

Fang Yuan glanced at the damage report of the suit system and found that the surface damage was only 0.15%, and the deep structure was not damaged at all. He almost understood how strong the defense of this suit was in close combat.

')054'\u003eChapter 54 Interrupted Clues

Since the defense has been tested, Fang Yuan naturally doesn't want to be pulled by this group of disgusting things again - don't forget that his tactile synchronization is still on. How uncomfortable it would be to be hung on the body by a monster like a licker who has been skinned and covered with unknown sticky body fluids.

He exerted force with both hands slightly, and the bionic muscles outside his body burst out with powerful force under his will, instantly lifting the two lickers that had been pulling his hands tightly from the ground, throwing them to both sides, and hitting the walls on both sides of the corridor.

The lickers who were hit were naturally no longer able to wrap around his hands, and the two tongues covered with poisonous saliva just slid off Fang Yuan's arms.

Then, Fang Yuan, like a possessed Hercules, grabbed the Lickers that were still tearing at him with one hand each. If he couldn't grab them, he would tear them into two pieces with both hands. The crackling sound of bones and flesh breaking continued to ring out, which was particularly terrifying in this dark abandoned manor.

When Fang Yuan finished dealing with all eight Lickers, the place had become a slaughterhouse-like scene, and Fang Yuan's armor also changed from black to red - if there was a light here.

Still using alchemy to clean the surface of his body, Fang Yuan freed himself from the blood and internal organs, and then walked to the best preserved body of a Licker on the ground.

He was very surprised by the high IQ of these Lickers - you know, in the original game, it would take more than ten years until the plot of "Resident Evil: Curse" to appear such a Licker who understands tactics and cooperates with high combat intelligence, and that can only be done when someone is controlling it at close range.

But Fang Yuan had already checked before he descended to the ground, and there was no one within a few kilometers of the manor! In other words, either these lickers have high IQs that can actively execute tactics and cooperate, or someone has used remote control technology on these lickers.

According to Fang Yuan's analysis, the brains of these lickers are the same as those he encountered before, and they are not strong enough to understand tactics, so it is naturally the latter.

And the thing he found from the licker's body next also proved his guess.

It was a parasite that was almost completely integrated with the licker's spinal cord. On its body like a flower bud, there were tentacles like nerve fibers growing together with the licker's own central nervous system.

It looked disgusting but familiar. It was the Las P-lagas parasite that only appeared in the fourth and fifth generations of the game. It appeared here in advance and was implanted in the biological weapons of the T virus series.

This is a bit wrong. After all, in the world of Resident Evil, the Progenitor virus series of biological weapons and the Las P-lagas parasite were actually two different systems at the beginning.

Only after the end of the plot of the fourth generation of the game, Ada Wang stole some Las P-lagas samples and handed them over to Wesker, and then developed the Las P-lagas-II and Las P-lagas-III parasites that combined the Progenitor virus and Las P-lagas.

And now Fang Yuan saw that someone had obviously completed this series of work in advance! Either the cult organization whose name Fang Yuan couldn't remember got the Progenitor virus sample, or some organizations that possessed the Progenitor virus and the T virus noticed this cult in advance, and then infiltrated or even controlled it.

In Fang Yuan's opinion, both possibilities are not small, but no matter which possibility it is, they obviously found the wrong opponent!   … After killing the ambusher in the trap, Fang Yuan did not leave immediately-after all, he came here to find clues. It has only been more than ten minutes since he entered the manor. Although he killed a lot of people, the search work has not started at all!   But...this manor is really big! Fang Yuan could clearly see the structural layout of the entire building through the super sensory system of the armor. This building, which looked like a Western-style house, had three floors, and each floor had more than a dozen rooms of different sizes. The corridors between the rooms were very complicated. Fang Yuan felt that if he didn't open the full map view, he would definitely get lost in this building.

Fortunately, the enemies here had been dealt with by himself, and the mastermind over there, who was unknown, had not set up a time bomb here. Fang Yuan still had time to search for clues.

He had seen the first floor before. All the rooms were in a state of disrepair, and most of them even had no doors. It really looked like an old and dilapidated building that had been abandoned for many years. It seemed that the masterminds had deliberately maintained it for the convenience of disguise.

He started to check from the second floor where he was now, and looked at one room after another. The low-light vision ability and ultrasonic scanning positioning on the armor prevented him from ignoring the smallest traces hidden in the darkness.

He could see that this place seemed to have been artificially transformed after being abandoned. Many rooms that were supposed to be bedrooms or guest rooms were transformed into restraint rooms. The original beds and furniture had long been thrown away. There were huge rusty iron cages on the floor of the room. If you look closely, you can see the dried blood stains on these iron cages.

——That should be left by the kidnapped people when they struggled... It seems that this place has been used as a detention place or transit station for kidnapped people for a long time. The direction of the investigation of the group of Spanish police was correct, but the other party seemed to have received the news in advance and evacuated here, leaving only a poor girl who had turned into a zombie.

All the rooms on the second floor were such restraint rooms. Fang Yuan did not find more clues, so he decided to go upstairs to take a look.

With the creaking sound of the dilapidated wooden stairs, he came to the third floor.

The scene here was completely different from the second floor. The furniture in each room was still there. Fang Yuan could even tell from the dust on it and the wear marks on the surface of the leather sofa that these furniture had been used by people until a few months ago.

It seems that this is where the kidnappers are staying - after all, if there is a detention, there must be guards.

However, these guards actually live upstairs from the prisoners, which is really unprofessional!   Fang Yuan complained about the amateur level of the kidnappers in his heart, and then carefully explored the details here.

After carefully searching each room, Fang Yuan took back his previous complaints.

These guys are at least quite professional in cleaning up the traces!   It seems that it is impossible to find clues directly. After all, reality is not a game. It will not send you documents and papers that the enemy "accidentally missed" at the critical moment of the plot.

He still has to find a way himself! ')055'\u003eChapter 55 High-tech detective mode is online

Turn on the high-power ultrasonic scanning function. Fang Yuan wants to see if there are any secret rooms or secret passages in this building. After all, this trick is basically indispensable in the Resident Evil series of games.

But unfortunately, this is not a mansion full of traps designed by some mentally ill villains, but just an ordinary abandoned manor that has been transformed into a prison - there is indeed a basement, but there is nothing inside except abandoned wooden barrels that have rotted into mud, and there is no secret tunnel. The clue is not in this aspect.

Walking outside the building, Fang Yuan checked the traces left on the ground in this large piece of wasteland that was once carefully taken care of, then covered with weeds and shrubs, and finally withered due to some toxic substances.

"Turn on the explorer mode!" As Fang Yuan issued the order, the intelligent core in the battle suit automatically integrated and analyzed the data received by all sensory systems, and then highlighted all the subtle details of the environment and objects around Fang Yuan in the form of augmented reality.

Ruts, traces of heavy objects being moved, traces of helicopter landing gear, human footprints, non-human footprints, traces of small animals' activities, traces of plants being crushed and broken... All of this silently narrated to Fang Yuan what had happened on this land in the past period of time.

There are two types of wheel tracks. One is the wheel of the police car of the local police station, which is consistent with the width and pattern. The other is some large vehicle, which should be a truck or a container trailer.

There are heavy objects being moved in and out of this manor, but it is not clear what the goods are. There are no boxes or cans of similar size in the house. They should have been taken away together during the evacuation - perhaps containers for transporting lickers? There have been helicopter takeoffs and landings here. Judging from the size, wheelbase and position of the landing gear, it should be a UH-60 general-purpose helicopter, which is often called the "Black Hawk" helicopter - this is definitely not from the local police. They are not rich enough to purchase such luxury goods.

But this still cannot tell Fang Yuan the details of the other party. After all, there are too many such helicopters and users around the world, and it is impossible to track them down.

There are many human footprints, some from kidnappers and some from police, and perhaps some from Alice, but they are all mixed together and it is impossible to distinguish them clearly.

It was the footprints of non-humans that gave Fang Yuan some clues - this was the footprint of an arthropod similar to an insect but much larger. There was no doubt that this could only be some kind of biological weapon with insect characteristics, which was also consistent with the characteristics of the Las P-lagas infected mutant.

Judging from the fact that this monster could move freely outside, the mastermind behind the scenes should have made a qualitative breakthrough in the control of biological weapons. At least there was no need to worry that these monsters would suddenly go crazy and kill all their people.

Or maybe they were mutated from humans but still retained their self-awareness?   Whichever one it was, it showed that the other party's technical strength was indeed not to be underestimated.

Among all the clues, the only one that could possibly lead to Alice's whereabouts was the ruts of the large vehicle.

Fang Yuan tried to track it, but lost the clue two kilometers away - there was a major traffic artery nearby, and there were many trucks passing by on weekdays, and it was a poured concrete ground, so there was no way to continue tracking it.

Things were back to square one. Fang Yuan returned to the manor and reviewed all the clues again from the beginning, but he was still at a loss.

It was not until Fang Yuan looked up at the unusually withered vegetation outside the building that an idea suddenly flashed through his mind - there is this method! He immediately used local materials to refine thousands of small drones with cameras and released them into the air. Some flew to high altitudes, while others spread out in all directions from low altitudes.

It was still the drone tactic, but this time it was not him who controlled the drones, but his armor.

The armor controlled the drone group to spread to the surrounding areas through radio signals, and took pictures and scanned all the terrain and vegetation along the way. The intelligent center then summarized and integrated the information, and finally presented Fang Yuan with a high-definition panoramic terrain map that was constantly expanding.

In particular, the artificial intelligence of the virtual soul marked the vegetation growth conditions in the map under Fang Yuan's instruction. According to the growth conditions of different types of trees and grasses in this season, the topography and river distribution of each region, the density of population and other factors, it distinguished normal growth, excessive luxuriance, excessive withering and other classifications, making the vegetation growth conditions of the entire surrounding area clear at a glance. This is because Fang Yuan thought that the T virus would also affect vegetation. Therefore, whether the vegetation in the surrounding area is unreasonably withered or unreasonably luxuriant, it is a key suspected area.

If Fang Yuan was facing the orthodox plot of the fourth generation of the game, his investigation method would really be useless.

After all, Las P-lagas itself is a parasite that can only affect animals, and the growth conditions of plants have no direct relationship with it.

But the masterminds who kidnapped Alice obviously didn't expect that their combination of the T virus and Las P-lagas greatly improved the controllability of biological weapons, but also made their traces no longer so secretive - anyway, the effect of the trace amount of T virus leaked into the natural environment on vegetation cannot be concealed, which can be said to be their biggest flaw! "Found you!" A few hours later, the drone scanned all the landforms and vegetation within hundreds of kilometers around, and Fang Yuan also saw a large area marked as abnormal vegetation growth on the map.

Zooming in on the image, through the withered forest vegetation, Fang Yuan can see that there are several small mountain villages scattered in this area, and there is indeed an old castle on a hill that looks very old. The overall look is indeed very similar to the map that Leon broke through in the fourth generation of the game, which is almost enough to lock the target! Look at the location of this place on the map - good! In the mountains 160 kilometers away from here, it is almost at the border of Spain! Such a remote place was almost beyond the drone reconnaissance range preset by Fang Yuan! However, after Fang Yuan looked at the terrain around there, he had to say that the group of people really chose a good place.

There are no large cities or main roads nearby, but there is enough arable land inside, lakes and rivers as water sources, and excellent vegetation and ecological environment - these conditions together are enough to establish a self-sufficient and unknown small closed kingdom in a developed European country like Spain in this era!   And they chose this small town 160 kilometers away to abduct people, and used helicopters as a means of transportation, which made it impossible for local police to track them down, and even the B.S.A.A. people might not be able to find out anything.

Unfortunately, this time they ran into Fang Yuan, who was seriously cheating, and he was exposed all of a sudden - the suppression of technological level is so unreasonable! ')056'\u003eChapter 56 Unexpected but reasonable enemies

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