To be honest, Alice can recognize such a corpse with only half its jaw left after being headshot, and it has been severely mutated into a tentacle monster covered with tentacles. How much obsession does this have? ah! Okay, seeing the unrestored arms and soles of the energetic "corpse" and the lack of a head, Fang Yuan recognized it. It was indeed Wesker.

This guy is really not dead! Even his head was gone, but he was still alive and kicking. Fang Yuan was amazed by the tenacity of this Boss's vitality.

"What's going on? Isn't this the back-up for Wesker's resurrection?" Alice also saw that this monster, who didn't know whether it could still be called Wesker, didn't seem to be resurrecting, but seemed to be being resurrected. Devoured by another, more terrifying monster.

"I don't know, maybe it's another person behind the scenes?" Fang Yuan became more and more certain that this was Sadler's fault. The "altar" Wesker mentioned should refer to this altar of flesh and blood.

"The man behind the scenes?" Alice was a little confused.

"Sadler, a cultist, seems to regard the power of Las P-lagas as divine power. In fact, he is just an ambitious man who covets the power of biological and chemical weapons."

Fang Yuan briefly talked about what he had heard previously.

"You mean everything here was done by that guy?" "Not necessarily, maybe he wanted to do some experiments and the results got out of control..." Fang Yuan thought about what he discovered in Africa. What's hidden here is also of the same specification. It's normal for a Sadler to take off something.

"No matter what it is, we have to destroy everything in there!" After a period of adaptation, Alice no longer seemed to be afraid of the cave. She pulled the bolt of the gun and seemed to be planning to rush in directly. Make everything inside "chunk".

"You're right, but we don't have to go in personally!" Fang Yuan stopped Alice who wanted to go in directly.

Based on the situation in the cave, it would be too foolish to go in personally. God knows if those fleshy walls will directly turn into a huge monster and swallow the people inside! At this time, long-range firepower is needed.

"Are you going to use your magical rays?" Alice had seen Fang Yuan use decomposition rays to intercept missiles and destroy missile bases, and she thought Fang Yuan was going to use this trick again now.

"No, there is something wrong with the environment here, and many of my long-range skills can't be used.

But long-range attacks are not the only way to play! "For an alchemist, even if he is unable to use large-scale alchemy, there are still ways to launch long-range attacks.

For example, Fang Yuan now used rocks and other materials on the ground to refine a set of weapons that looked very familiar to Alice.

The long cylindrical body, the conical head, the tail with the nozzle and the tail fin - "Missile?" Alice did not expect that Fang Yuan, a "magician", would come up with such a thing, but she thought I thought that when they escaped from Raccoon City, the other party also built a helicopter directly out of scrap metal, which was a little strange.

"It's napalm!"')068'\u003eChapter 68: The final boss appears?

Originally, to deal with enemies in such a confined space, a single Cloud Explosion Bomb could basically solve everything.

But this time it was different. In their presence, using weapons of mass destruction such as cloud bombs underground in such unstable rock formations was suicide.

So Fang Yuan replaced it with a powerful weapon that would not cause too much shock, but had different lethality compared to cloud bombs.

Although using incendiary bombs in a confined underground space is also very dangerous, given that the space in this underground mine is so large and the air circulation is not small, it should be no problem to burn a few incendiary bombs. , no need to worry about suffocation and smoke problems.

... "Listen to my command, 3, 2, 1, Fire!" Under the control of the intelligent core, four groups of sixteen small guided incendiary bombs were launched from the launcher one by one, with tail flames. He ran towards the dark hole a few hundred meters away.

With AI's real-time control, of course there was no need to worry about the missiles turning in the twists and turns and failing to hit the wall. All sixteen missiles flew smoothly into the flesh-and-blood cave that was as terrifying as the Zerg mother nest.

As if sensing a hostile attack, those walls of flesh and blood that were like living creatures really came alive. Countless tentacles broke out of the walls from every corner, waving in the air, trying to intercept the destructive weapons that were flying towards them.

However, even this kind of intensive interception is like the most difficult level of the Touhou series of barrage games. Under the exquisite control of the intelligent core, every missile seems to have a soul. Various continuous large G-force overload maneuvers are at your fingertips. With a few changes of direction, he passed through the dragnet formed by countless tentacles and reached their target accurately.

Boom--boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom--! ! ! Sixteen consecutive explosions were not very violent. Although they still caused the rock formations above to shake and some rocks to fall, they did not trigger large-scale rock collapse.

However, the dozens of meters long tongues of fire that suddenly shot out from the cave told the two people outside that the explosion just now was not an illusion, but a deadly flame that could destroy everything! "Roar——————!!!" Accompanied by the rising flames, there was a roar that sounded like a human being, but not at all like a human being.

The pain and anger can be clearly heard from the roar. It is obvious that the owner of this voice was completely angered by Fang Yuan's wave of napalm attacks.

"This is..." Alice, who turned her head to one side because of the sudden burst of bright light, turned to look in the direction of the cave.

"Something is coming out!" She could feel that it was a huge, chaotic, and angry will, which inexplicably gave her a feeling of both closeness and repulsion.

"Yes, I feel it!" Although the drone that entered the cave has been destroyed along with the napalm attack, Fang Yuan's vibration sensing system can still detect that another huge object is coming from the cave. Walk out step by step.

Bang - Bang - Bang - Bang -... The sound of heavy footsteps getting closer and closer made both Fang Yuan and Alice alert. It must be a very scary thing to be able to walk out of the flames with a temperature of up to 3000 degrees. monster.

boom--! ! ! Countless rubble and flames spurted out from the cave, and a huge figure stepped out of the blazing flames.

By the light of the fire, both Fang Yuan and Alice saw him.

No, I should say it - it no longer looks human at all.

This is a huge crawling creature with six legs. Each limb is five to six meters long and more than ten centimeters thick. The parts near the end of the limbs are as sharp as blades.

The six legs were entangled with countless blood-red tentacles, which looked like blood vessels or vines, extending and twisting towards the central torso, and finally merged into a mass of flesh and blood that could not be seen.

No, you can still see something.

Those were two faces - one was Wesker, whom both Fang Yuan and Alice were very familiar with. The face that had been shattered by Fang Yuan somehow regenerated, but it was not as perfect as the face owner expected. The appearance of an adult is like a decorative mask, with a dull and lifeless expression, embedded in the large mass of flesh and blood.

The other one was a new face that he had never seen before, but Fang Yuan actually had some impression that it looked very similar to the Sadler he had seen in the game. This was the real Sadler in this world.

Unlike Wesker, who seemed to have lost his self-awareness, Sadler's face seemed to still maintain consciousness. He, or it, saw the two people not far outside the cave, and immediately roared: " It’s you! How dare you destroy the altar of my god!” The voice was hoarse, but it was still barely audible. It seemed that Fang Yuan’s attack had indeed destroyed the altar of flesh and blood.

Moreover, Fang Yuan also knew that this guy had been brainwashed by something and actually became a believer in a certain existence! "Altar? Is that the pool?" Alice turned to look at Fang Yuan - although she had also seen the existence of the altar before, but because the altar itself was made of flesh and blood, Alice herself was not a religious folklorist. I don't know much about altars or anything like that.

"Yes, that's the pool. It should be an altar to worship a certain evil god. My attack just destroyed it..." "Die!!!" Before Fang Yuan could finish speaking, the monster over there was already there. He launched an attack in anger.

It mutated into a spider-like appearance. This monster's attack method is also similar to a spider. With its six legs working together, it can actually eject its huge body of unknown weight to a height of more than ten meters, and directly attack Fang Yuan and the two of them from a high position. of.

"Go back!" Without waiting for Fang Yuan to take action, Alice, who was full of fighting spirit, took the lead in launching a counterattack. With a direct shock wave of memory, the giant six-legged spider that flew down was violently thrown away, and it was thrown back into the burning flames. in the cave.

boom--! The huge body fell down and hit a large area of ​​flames.

But Fang Yuan saw that the napalm that was supposed to be impossible to extinguish if it stuck to it, seemed to have lost its proper properties. It only burned on the monster's surface for a few seconds and then went out.

"Is this how it came out..." Fang Yuan understood that this monster must have secreted some special substance on its body surface that could quickly decompose napalm, so fire attacks should have no effect on it.

')069'\u003eChapter 69 Killing

"You, these lowly, despicable mortals, how dare you resist me, resist the messenger of the true God..." The giant monster that was knocked down seemed to have not been hurt at all. It turned over with six legs and got up with a strong mouth. He also said some lines about the second episode of mental illness in his vague voice.

"Inferior creatures? Look at yourself before you say this. Who is inferior, insects or humans?" Alice was also unforgiving and retorted on the spot.

After saying this, he didn't give the other party a chance to continue speaking. He immediately stretched out his hand to make a virtual fist, and the invisible big hand immediately suppressed the monster on the opposite side.

boom--! "Roar——————!!!" The monster that was pushed down roared angrily, struggling hard with its six sharp blade legs, but it was still unable to stand up.

"Get down!" Alice exerted her strength again, and the more powerful telekinesis turned into substantial pressure and hit the monster, trying to crush it into flesh.

However, the huge pressure that is enough to crush a boulder weighing hundreds of tons is somewhat ineffective when applied to a monster made of flesh and blood.

Although you can clearly see that the monster's six legs and the flesh ball in the middle are constantly bursting with bursting wounds, and all kinds of red, white, green, and gray body fluids are splashing out, but the monster itself heals itself. His ability is even more outstanding. The cracked flesh and blood squirms and closes as if it has its own will. Any wound only exists for no more than a second, and it recovers as before in an instant.

In addition, this monster seems to have the physique to evolve its own resistance to the attacks it receives.

Within a few dozen seconds of Alice suppressing it with telekinesis, it was visible to the naked eye that the monster's body and six limbs had grown more powerful muscles and thicker and stronger armor, making it more adaptable and adaptable in various ways. Tissues and organs under severe pressure mutate from scratch in just a few dozen seconds.

Different from the disordered, chaotic and uncontrollable super-speed mutation of G virus mutants, this mutation is targeted, directional, and even controlled! If the monster was still a six-legged giant spider when it first appeared, then it has now turned into a six-legged crab wearing heavy armor. Both its strength and defense are not comparable to its previous form.

This is no longer a simple and disorderly mutation, but an extremely rapid evolution! Alice looked in astonishment at the monster that she had suppressed just now, unable to move. It just withstood the heavy pressure of her telekinesis and lifted its body inch by inch.

"Damn it! It's evolving!" Alice could no longer hold on.

When Fang Yuan saw this, he knew it was time to take action himself.

"I'll do it!" After saying that, without waiting for Alice's response, her body suddenly turned into a phantom and rushed towards the monster at a speed of more than 500 kilometers per hour.

The moment Fang Yuan took action, Alice withdrew her telekinesis power tacitly - her current control was not yet too precise. In order not to affect Fang Yuan, she could only temporarily stop her action. .

Although this also gave the monster a chance to regroup, Fang Yuan's speed was too fast. When the monster that had lost its suppression had just raised its body, Fang Yuan, who transformed into a storm, had already rushed in front of it.

Fang Yuan, who is more than one minute faster than the fastest speed of a high-speed train, the kinetic energy he carries when moving is enough to match or even exceed the explosive yield of high-explosive grenades, but Fang Yuan knows that this may not be possible. But he got this biochemical monster that can heal itself and evolve at a high speed.

Therefore, his purpose is not to kill with the impact of high-speed collision, but to prevent the opponent from having a chance to dodge.

"Decompose the shield, maximum range!" The intelligent core that had recorded the refining process in the database easily launched the difficult refining process that would have required Fang Yuan's best efforts. A circle of bright white light appeared in the sky. Fang Yuan's whole body turned into a perfect sphere with a diameter of more than four meters, completely surrounding him.

Yes, the absolute defensive ability that was originally used to protect oneself from harm was now used in an attack by Fang Yuan in a different way.

At this moment, Fang Yuan could clearly see that the Sadler-like face showed a panicked expression. It was obvious that he knew what the circle of white light around Fang Yuan was.

It tried to dodge, but even in such a short period of time, the monster still completed the action of accumulating power. The moment Fang Yuan was about to hit it, the monster jumped up! The next moment, Fang Yuan, who came out from behind the monster, dispersed the white light around him, turned around and rolled, and stepped heavily on the opposite rock wall with a "bang" sound, trampling the hard rock layer into a spider web with a diameter of several meters. crack.

Tsk, missed! He turned around and saw the results of his battle. Sure enough, he was still dodged by the opponent at the last moment! However, Fang Yuan's attack just now was not without success. After all, the monster transformed by Sadler took off too late. At that moment, Fang Yuan, who was holding the decomposing shield, slanted away from its spider-like body. As it passed by, it evaporated and decomposed all materials within a diameter of four meters along the way.

To be precise, Fang Yuan's blow just now directly cut off three legs on one side of the monster, and also disintegrated half of the central torso.

But it doesn't matter, if one hit fails, there will be another one! With the help of the recoil gained from stepping on the rock wall, Fang Yuan ejected, the white light on his body lit up again, and he turned into a human cannonball and rushed towards the monster that had lost half of its body and lost its balance.

This time, he finally couldn't escape!   "No————————!!!"  Sadler's human face screamed in horror, he didn't want to die, he couldn't die, he hadn't spread the glory of the true God to the world, he hadn't offered enough sacrifices to his God, how could he, how could he die here!!!   The former cult leader, now the evil god believer, the abominable monster, no matter what ambitions he had, what firm beliefs he had, when he faced death, he still exposed his most unbearable side. In comparison, the expressionless face on the other side belonging to Wesker seemed to be silently mocking something...  "Die!"  No matter how terrified this monster was, no matter how ugly it was before death, Fang Yuan, as the executioner, would not show any mercy, but a more fierce and decisive killing blow!   Bang——!!! When Fang Yuan stood up from the big pit he had smashed, he looked back and saw the result of his battle - the central body of the monster was completely pierced through, and most of the flesh and blood tissues had disappeared, including the two faces representing Sadler and Wesker, which had been evaporated into atoms under the light that decomposed everything.

Only a thin layer of skin and flesh connected to three thick limbs remained, and it fell heavily to the ground a few seconds later, making a few dull sounds.

')070'\u003eChapter 70 Out of Control Flesh and Blood

But the next moment, Fang Yuan and Alice realized that things were not over yet!   This monster is not dead yet!   You can see that at the wound that was so huge that it almost cut off the entire main body, countless flesh tentacles were struggling and waving in the air like living things, multiplying themselves while entangled and pulling the surrounding flesh and blood tissues, trying to grow a new body again.

It seems that because of the loss of dominant consciousness, this growth is different from the previous self-healing. Instead, it is more like the blood and flesh running wild after losing control. Various tissues and organs grow out of the huge wound, and then wrestle and bite each other.

Sometimes it is a heart with sharp teeth biting and devouring the intestines like worms, sometimes it is a lung leaf with hands and feet wrapped around what looks like a liver, and then secretes a liquid that is not sure whether it is gastric juice or intestinal juice to digest and absorb it, and more often it is a mass of disgusting tissue that can't be seen at all swallowing another more disgusting blood and flesh mud.

Even the six insect-like limbs that are generally well preserved also participated in this round of blood and flesh feast.

Each limb turned into a separate individual, grew its own mouth, eyes, hands, and feet, and plunged into the chaotic mass in the middle, fighting and killing with other mutant tissues and organs, as if every inch of the monster's flesh and blood has its own consciousness, wanting to dominate the next adaptive evolution.

At this time, the monster had completely lost any stable biological structure. It was just a mass of blood and flesh filled with chaos and errors. It looked both hateful and evil. Neither Fang Yuan nor Alice wanted to get close to it.

But it was impossible to just leave this mass of flesh alone.

In just a dozen seconds, this mass of mutated flesh had expanded to its original size again, and was even continuing to grow. The flesh and blood proliferation that violated the law of conservation of mass seemed to be completely out of control.

If it was left alone, God knows what would be born from this mass of flesh and blood.

No, even if this mass of flesh has always been so chaotic, if it continues to expand like this, it will also be a huge trouble!   "...Where did all this extra flesh and blood come from?! Where is the conservation of mass?!"   This was the question Alice asked after seeing this mass of infinitely proliferating flesh.

Very good, someone in this world finally realized this!   Fang Yuan looked at Alice with relief. Finally, there was someone who understood! "The T virus has the ability to transform human souls into matter, and Las P-lagas should have a similar effect.

As for this thing... I don't know what the leader did, but seeing so many corpses in the altar before, it should have collected a lot of souls..." Fang Yuan briefly explained the relationship between biological weapons and human souls in this world, and Alice understood it - although the soul sounds a bit ridiculous in modern society, in fact, there is an even more unscientific existence standing in front of her, so she naturally accepted this kind of thing very quickly.

"Then how should we solve it? Continue to use the trick you just used?" Alice tried to compress the piece of meat with telekinesis, but she didn't expect that after the compression, the opposite side proliferated faster, and it was forced to grow a circle under the pressure, and suddenly felt helpless.

"...This trick was originally used for defense, and the maximum diameter can only be opened to four meters. I can't destroy all this stuff at once."

Fang Yuan has had enough of this environment that restricts his mental power. Next time, he must develop a large-scale killing method that is not restricted by any environment! "...Okay, let's try with fire? Maybe without the control of the subject's consciousness, that kind of targeted evolution will not appear!" Although that's what they said, in fact, neither Fang Yuan nor Alice had any confidence in this proposal - just seeing the scene of this piece of meat mutating hundreds or thousands of times per second, it is known that the ability of super-speed evolution is unlikely to disappear.

Sure enough, when Fang Yuan refined another dozen incendiary bombs and threw them into the flesh and blood, the huge flames only erupted for a moment, and then were forcibly suppressed by more proliferating flesh and blood - this time, even decomposition fuel was not needed, and the airtight flesh and blood tissue was directly used to isolate the outside air.

Moreover, the flame just now seemed to provide energy to this piece of meat. It was visible to the naked eye that it was expanding faster and faster! "What should I do? The flame is useless..." She asked.

The chaotic meat in front of him has expanded to the height of a four-story building. If he doesn't solve it quickly, it will be even more difficult to destroy it later.

"...Try using ultra-low temperature!" Fang Yuan said.

Since the fire doesn't work, let's try the opposite direction!   This is almost the weakness of all monsters in the Resident Evil series. At low temperatures, the virus will fall into dormancy and the flesh will become fragile. Maybe we can try it!   Ultra-low temperature refining is not a difficult task for Fang Yuan. Although in the current environment, long-distance freezing refining cannot be used, and the range of spraying ultra-low temperature airflow directly from the hand is too short, it is still very simple to make some ultra-low temperature substances.

Within a few seconds, Fang Yuan had dozens of liquid nitrogen cylinders on his hand. Fang Yuan and Alice each took half and threw all the cylinders to the side of the huge meat that was still growing.

As expected, the unrestrained growth made these meats accept all foreign substances and swallowed all the cylinders into their bodies without distinguishing them.

Then, the next moment, with a snap of Fang Yuan's fingers, the piece of flesh suddenly expanded and almost exploded from the inside.

Then, the ultra-low temperature of more than minus 190 degrees took effect. It was almost visible to the naked eye that the growth of the entire piece of flesh slowed down, and even snow-white frost could be seen on its outer surface.

However, before Fang Yuan and Alice could be happy, this endlessly growing flesh and blood immediately made a tit-for-tat counterattack.

As if it had its own wisdom, the flesh and blood started a new round of evolution the moment it came into contact with the ultra-low temperature. Countless tissue structures with higher heat generation efficiency were mutated and differentiated, and accumulated layer by layer near the location of the cold air. Relying on countless mutated flesh and blood to burn themselves one after another to isolate the cold air, they withstood the invasion of the ultra-low temperature.

Later, Fang Yuan even saw a flesh and blood structure similar to a furnace differentiated from the piece of flesh, igniting a real high-temperature flame to fight against the ultra-low temperature released by the evaporation of liquid nitrogen.

Things are not good! ')071'\u003eChapter 71 Finally killed

Ultra-low temperature is useless, the adaptive evolution of this piece of meat is too fast!   I didn't expect that the corpse left behind after the Boss's death would be more difficult to deal with than the Boss himself!   "...I really don't want to use this method..."   Up to now, Fang Yuan has no better way.

The only method he can use now is to walk into the piece of meat with the decomposition shield and completely decompose it at a faster speed than the proliferation of the meat.

But...even Fang Yuan is not happy to walk into such a large piece of meat that looks disgusting and terrifying!   But now is not the time to worry about this little problem. The piece of meat in front of him has expanded to the height of a six-story building. It will be more difficult to deal with it if he waits any longer! "I will personally enter the inside of that thing and completely destroy it with the decomposition shield!" He told Alice about his plan. Although she felt uneasy about this "self-entrapment" operation, there was really no other way now. She could only watch Fang Yuan step by step towards the increasingly hideous and terrifying piece of meat.

Fang Yuan first took a few deep breaths and prepared himself mentally, then took a few steps forward and turned on the decomposition shield again. A white halo surrounded his body, and he approached the flesh monster step by step. In the end, he was completely "swallowed" by the flesh.

When the light curtain touched the surface of the flesh, every time Fang Yuan took a step, the flesh monsters swept by the light curtain would disappear in the crystal white light. No matter how the crazy monsters born from the flesh struggled, fled, and fought back, they would eventually turn into nothingness under the white light that decomposed everything.

But this flesh and blood monster was also rapidly multiplying. Every time Fang Yuan destroyed a part of it, more flesh and blood immediately gushed out from the wound, and then activated and mutated into various twisted and deformed monsters, rushing towards Fang Yuan one after another.

Fortunately, his decomposition shield was really powerful, and it could perfectly resist all substantial attacks. Except for the psychological discomfort caused by Fang Yuan himself because he had to walk into such a large and disgusting pile of mutated flesh and blood, he did not suffer any harm.

It was useless to decompose slowly like this. Fang Yuan knew what he should do.

He was seen squatting and running in the spherical shield, and then in the next moment, he turned into a storm again.

Like a tornado, Fang Yuan accelerated to two-thirds the speed of sound and ran in circles inside the meat block at high speed, "shaving" away the material that made up the meat block in circles. The upper meat block fell down because it lost the support of the lower layer, and soon met the same fate.

As if the meat block had self-awareness, it struggled hard. Sensing the danger, it tried to proliferate more flesh and blood to fill the damage it suffered, and even mutated more dense and hard tissues and organs to try to resist this invisible decomposition force.

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