Although this Alice clone looks like a puppet without self-awareness, her combat wisdom is not low.

After attacking several times in a row, she found that she could not hit anyone with telekinesis. She did not continue this meaningless attack, but changed her fighting style - close combat! Yes, she added telekinesis to herself, just like wearing an invisible power armor. Not only is her defense unparalleled, but her speed is faster than lightning, starting at the speed of sound, and even accelerating as the battle continues; her strength is inhumanly strong, and every punch and kick is extremely heavy.

After just a few punches and kicks from the opponent, Fang Yuan was shocked to find that he was not the opponent of this Alice clone in a head-on wrestling! In fact, this Alice clone is still unfamiliar with this kind of telekinesis-added fighting style, and most of her telekinesis is wasted meaninglessly. If she can use all the telekinesis with a force of thousands of tons in the form of punches and kicks, Fang Yuan can't even take a punch! Use decomposition shield? Obviously not! After all, telekinesis can block the penetration of mental power. Fang Yuan's decomposition shield can also be penetrated by Alice's clone wearing telekinetic armor. Whether the shield is opened or not, the result is the same.

Fly to the sky to create distance?   He has already done this!   In fact, the close combat between the two people was carried out in the air throughout the whole process!   But the flying speed and flexibility of this Alice clone are one point stronger than Fang Yuan who relies on the armor. Fang Yuan can't even create distance!   During this period, Fang Yuan also tried various means of attack, including explosion, ultra-low temperature, laser, sound wave, infrasound wave, electromagnetic gun...   But the ability of telekinesis is too bad. All attacks, after encountering that thin layer of invisible force field, are like facing the wall of sighs, and can only retreat helplessly.

Unless he plants mushrooms again, the general attack force can't break this layer of invisible force field.

But the problem is that this Alice clone is not the old man just now. Her ability is far stronger than that half-baked man who can only use telekinesis as a small shield. Moreover, this is not a room with limited space. Even if Fang Yuan really makes a nuclear bomb, she can retreat to a safe distance in time before the explosion.

So far, Fang Yuan can still rely on the armor that is constantly optimized and repaired in actual combat to barely fight against this Alice clone, but the opponent is also getting familiar with her own strength in the battle. Her punches and kicks are getting heavier, faster, and more exquisite. Soon, she will exceed the limit that Fang Yuan can deal with.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Fang Yuan made a mistake and failed to completely defend against the side kick of Alice's clone. The whole person was kicked away from the waist. If it weren't for the powerful defense of the armor and his own physical recovery and refinement, he would have been kicked in two!   However, although it kicked so hard, Alice's clone did not continue to rush forward to increase the results, but suddenly fell to the ground as if the power was off.

Half a minute later, Fang Yuan, who had been repaired, stood up and walked step by step to Alice No. 2.

She still looked awake at this time, and even struggled to continue fighting, but her suddenly weak limbs and missing superpowers made her at a loss. She could only struggle like a baby, so weak that she couldn't even stand up.

"Don't bother! My T virus inhibitor is not so easy to take!" Although he knew that the other party would definitely not listen, Fang Yuan still said so.

That's right, Fang Yuan knocked down this Alice clone, and the means he used were very dishonorable.

- He used poison! Of course, it's not right to say poison, after all, what he used was not harmful to ordinary people. It was only a poison for Alice.

In the close combat with Alice's clone, Fang Yuan quietly refined a T virus inhibitor specifically for Alice in the air, mixed it in the air and was inhaled by the other party, and then waited for the drug to take effect.

After all, Fang Yuan had a deep understanding of Alice's physical condition and knew what the deep combination of her body cells and the T virus was like, so he could naturally reversely research an inhibitor that could suppress or even remove this perfect combination.

Although this clone was obviously manipulated by the old man, judging from her performance in the battle, some basic things would not change, and his inhibitor really worked.

The only thing Fang Yuan didn't expect was that he actually lost his position at the moment before the drug took effect, and was almost kicked in two!   "Kill... Kill... the invader!"   Although she had lost her superpowers, this Alice clone still remembered her mission, and even adapted to the body of an ordinary person in just a few minutes, struggled to stand up, and continued to attack Fang Yuan.

But... Bang - bang - Fang Yuan easily knocked her down, now she had turned into an ordinary person. Looking at the face that looked exactly like his friend, he sighed: "Sorry, although you have Alice's face, I still have to kill you!" As he said this, Fang Yuan put one hand on the girl's head, and the Philosopher's Stone was activated, freeing this pathetic clone from the identity of a weapon.

Well, as for what fate her soul will encounter after her death in the hands of an alchemist with less and less conscience, that is another matter.

After all, Fang Yuan fought hard for a long time and was almost kicked into a halfling, so he had to take some spoils, right?   In this battle, Fang Yuan found that he was too restrained when facing a powerful telekinetic opponent.

He needed to study this ability carefully, and this Alice clone and the soul of the old man were the best research materials.

After letting [Ether] record the physical condition of Alice's clone, Fang Yuan decomposed the body that had lost its breath, and dust returned to dust, leaving only a pure soul quietly sleeping in the Philosopher's Stone.

Because of Alice's clone, Fang Yuan used mental power to scan the underground again and found that there was indeed a secret laboratory below, and this laboratory was still running, and it seemed that it was not affected by the previous explosion-this was built at the level of a nuclear bunker! Of course, the more important thing is that Fang Yuan found more Alice clones inside! -- That's right, how could there be only one clone used for human experiments... Fortunately, these Alices were sealed in the hibernation capsule and there was no sign of waking up, otherwise Fang Yuan would have to face the siege of multiple enhanced Alices! ')084'\u003eChapter 83 Alice Project

Fang Yuan entered the underground laboratory after digging up the underground passage buried by the collapsed soil layer.

When he entered, he immediately noticed the beautiful scenery in front of him-hundreds of enlarged Alices were curled up naked in the transparent glass capsule and sleeping.

Well, everyone should know what this size is.

By the way, the Alice clone who almost broke Fang Yuan in two was also naked, so Fang Yuan could see the significant difference between her and the original at a glance.

Well, let's not talk about these.

Fang Yuan, who is essentially a giant cat, was attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of him, but he is not a scumbag who thinks with his lower body. He knows what is the most important thing now.

As soon as he landed, Fang Yuan sprinkled a handful of small button-shaped metal pieces on all the electronic equipment.

These metal pieces, which are several circles smaller than coins, seem to have magnetism. Once they are attached to the shells of those electronic equipment, they are fixed.

"[Ether], invade the system here and shut down all possible defense systems!" Fang Yuan just threw out a portable data intrusion interface. Considering that there seems to be no wireless network in this laboratory, he can only use this method to complete the data-level intrusion.

"The main system of the laboratory has been taken over, all defense mechanisms have been shut down, and the emergency awakening program has been stopped."

The answer of the AI ​​almost made Fang Yuan sweat.

Emergency awakening program, who else can be awakened?   If such a large group of hundreds of Alice clones all wake up, and each of them has the strength of the previous one, Fang Yuan will have to kneel down no matter how many means he has! Fortunately, the artificial intelligence he created is getting smarter and smarter now. It knows that the biggest threat to Fang Yuan at this time is these clones, so it immediately shuts down the emergency wake-up program that will automatically run once it is invaded.

"Huh——" He first breathed a sigh of relief, then found a chair that looked relatively clean and sat down.

"[Ether], check what's going on with these Alices?"  Ding——  A lot of pop-up windows popped up on the virtual screen in front of him, each of which was a document about the Alice cloning plan.

And on the top was a physical examination report issued by B.S.A.A.-to be precise, it was a superpower test report!   Well, it turned out to be a ghost in B.S.A.A.!   This Bioterrorism Defense and Assessment Alliance, which is nominally under the jurisdiction of the United Nations, has been under the control of the Global Pharmaceutical Federation since its inception. No one knows how many spies and spies with ulterior motives are in it.

And as the largest mountain in the Global Pharmaceutical Federation after the Umbrella Company, it is not surprising that Sanlian Group can receive this information.

After flipping through the pages, Fang Yuan discovered that the entire Alice cloning project was actually divided into two stages.

At the beginning, when the Raccoon City incident had just ended, Alice and Jill joined the B.S.A.A. together. After discovering that they had superpowers during a mission, they got the triple of her blood sample and started the initial clone production plan.

However, it seemed that because Alice's superpower awakening was not high enough at that time, her clones were not as powerful as they are now, and even most of the clones did not show any abilities beyond ordinary people.

Only a very small number of individuals showed superpowers similar to Alice's original body, but in terms of strength, they were far inferior to Alice when she first awakened - they even had difficulty lifting a water cup with telekinesis.

Most of this batch of Alices were used for various human experiments and were basically dead. Only a few individuals with superpowers were sealed up and used in subsequent plans soon after.

In the second stage, after Alice was captured by Wesker, Wesker conducted research on the Las P-lagas infection on her, which led to a qualitative leap in her abilities.

Although Alice was quickly rescued by Fang Yuan, the research information about her had been obtained by Sanlian Group, which also allowed the Alice cloning project to be reopened after being temporarily sealed.

The second phase of the study was divided into two parts.

Part of the experiment was based on the first batch of surviving clones, and the Las P-lagas parasite was implanted in their bodies through acquired infection. As expected, this greatly enhanced the various abilities of these clones. Several The clone's superpowers exceeded the level of Alice's original body when she first awakened, and were even close to the strength of Alice's abilities when she was rescued by Fang Yuan.

However, what really matters to the experimenters is another part of the experiment, which is the second batch of newly cultured clones.

The second batch of cloned Alices were injected with the eggs of the Las P-lagas parasite during the embryonic stage, allowing them to perfectly integrate and symbiosis with this parasite at the earliest stage of their growth. The existence of the T-virus not only greatly enhances the clones' physical abilities and superpowers, but also makes them easier to control - Las P-lagas' unique upper-level parasite's ability to mentally control the lower-level parasite makes these Ellie... The silk clones have become living puppets that only act on orders.

As for the person who has control over all Alice clones, Fang Yuan also saw it in the file - and sure enough, it was the old man from before! Seeing this, Fang Yuan also guessed why the old man sent out that weak attack when he was about to die - it was not actually an attack against Fang Yuan, but to wake up the clone of Alice sleeping underground. ! But I don’t know whether it’s Fang Yuan’s good luck or the old man’s weakness. Only one clone of Alice was awakened at the last moment. What if all the clones were awakened at that time? The scene... "Okay, Now I know what is going on with these Alices.

But..." Fang Yuan turned to look at the rows of neatly arranged hibernation cabins and the naked Alice in the hibernation cabins. He had a headache: "How to deal with them..." Kill them all. Impossible! After all, they are actually victims of human experiments, and they are clones of Alice. To some extent, they can even be said to be her sisters. They are not standing in front of him as enemies now. Fang Yuan couldn't do this kind of thing of killing innocent people.

But should we rescue them? Then how to arrange it? Especially since these Alices all came off the cloning production line and have not been taught any common sense about life. Letting them out would even be a problem to survive! No, rather, if you release such a large group of hundreds of powerful superpowers who are ignorant of the world, it will be ordinary people who will have survival problems...')085'\u003eChapter 84 Escape Strategy

"Sir, multiple heavy armored vehicles and tanks were detected above the surface. They were confirmed by IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) signals to be the US Army."

Just when Fang Yuan was still worried about what to do with these more than a hundred "Alice sisters", [Ether] told him another bad news.

Obviously, after the initial panic, the U.S. government and military finally responded and sent troops to the scene of the explosion.

Now Fang Yuan really has a headache. What will happen if such a large number of powerful superpowers are discovered and taken into possession by the US government? Don’t think about it, it’s definitely not going to be good! It’s impossible not to take these Alice away now... "Mr. President, the Army boys have arrived at the explosion site. The Geiger counter did not find any radiation residue, confirming that the previous detonation was not a nuclear bomb!" White House , a middle-aged soldier wearing a military uniform and the rank of colonel was pointing at the picture on the big screen, introducing the situation at the scene to the president and a group of White House officials.

"It's not a nuclear bomb... Didn't you say before that this was an explosion with a yield close to 10,000 tons? Is there any non-nuclear bomb that can achieve this kind of power?" Mr. President turned to ask several experts sitting at the back of the crowd.

He still knew some common sense about weapons, and knew that ordinary bombs could not have such power - the entire explosion of ordinary ammunition depots may not have this yield.

"...Maybe it's metallic hydrogen?" a weapons expert said.

"Metallic hydrogen? Are you sure this isn't science fiction?" Mr. President looked at the expert and frowned.

"This is the closest non-nuclear explosive we have imagined to having an energy density close to that of a nuclear bomb, and our scientists expect to be able to create this material in reality within 20 years... Maybe there are some organizations that have higher energy density than we do." Has the technical strength been achieved ahead of schedule? I'm not sure..." The expert spread his hands and said that this was just his personal guess.

"...Well, some unofficial organizations have more advanced technology than the US government...This is a good idea!" Mr. President was not surprised by this statement - after all, it was the umbrella company that created biological and chemical weapons before. This is already a very clear example.

"Then, let's get back to the topic!" Mr. President turned his attention back to the big screen and nodded to the colonel: "Let's take action!" "Operation 'Tarantula' begins!" The colonel passed Orders were given to commanders on the front lines via encrypted military channels.

... After receiving the order, the frontline commander gave an order, and dozens of tanks and armored vehicles increased their horsepower and rushed into the damaged area caused by the previous explosion at full speed, and soon arrived at the huge crater with a diameter of 100 meters.

"Go! Go! Go!" Hundreds of soldiers wearing three-defense uniforms, holding carbines in hand, and armed to the teeth filed out of more than a dozen armored vehicles - when they came, they all thought this place was a nuclear Although it has been confirmed that there is no nuclear radiation, there is no time for the soldiers to change their uniforms.

Some soldiers spread out to guard the surroundings, while some soldiers maintained a search formation and entered the crater.

And these soldiers have only one mission, which is to investigate the truth of the explosion, search for all possible suspicious items, and if possible, it is best to find the remains of the future armor—even just a fragment! Yes, this group of US soldiers are not only here to deal with the suspected nuclear explosion site, but also to "collect the corpse" of Fang Yuan! This was also a misunderstanding caused by Fang Yuan himself.

At that time, after he learned the location of the mastermind behind the scenes, he flew directly from the sky in a straight line, and within a minute after he arrived here, a big explosion of nuclear explosion level immediately occurred. This scene was all The spy satellite that had been watching him recorded it.

People in the U.S. government and military all agreed that no one could survive an explosion of that level, and because of the cloud cover caused by the explosion, the satellite did not see the ensuing exchange between Fang Yuan and the Alice clone. In the battle, this misunderstanding was formed, and then... Then Fang Yuan was blocked in the underground laboratory.

If he was alone, he could run out and make a big fuss, show off a battle show to the people in the White House, and then fly away in a swagger. No one could stop him.

But now he is not alone - he has hundreds of "Alice sisters" here! Whether it was due to his distrust of the official government or his sense of responsibility as Alice's friend, Fang Yuan could not allow these Alice clones to be taken away by the US military, but it was impossible for him to lead such a large group of people by himself. Sleeping Beauty rushes out.

Or wake them all up? Without knowing whether they would fight each other like the last Alice clone, Fang Yuan did not dare to do so easily.

Therefore, Fang Yuan is really in a dilemma now... No, if you think about it carefully, there is actually a way! Fang Yuan suddenly thought of something. It was a design drawing he drew when his imagination was wild. Later, he made rational modifications through [Ether]. Although it was shelved in the end because it was impractical, there is no doubt that it can be used in Here... "There is a tunnel here!" On the ground, a soldier discovered the passage dug by Fang Yuan to enter the underground laboratory, and immediately attracted the attention of the commanders at the rear.

"Underground? Send someone down to take a look!" The on-site commander had just issued this order. Before the soldiers could prepare the ropes for rappelling, suddenly, the ground shook! Rumble--A dull sound like thunder came from the underground. The surface of the earth, which had been ravaged by explosions and inhuman battles over and over again, opened cracks, trying to swallow everyone on the ground inside.

"Earthquake! This place is going to collapse! Get out of here!" The soldiers in the explosion crater immediately fled in panic, and the tanks and tanks surrounding the edge of the explosion crater also evacuated immediately.

Although they are well-equipped American soldiers, in the face of the power of nature, no matter how powerful their weapons are, it is meaningless. Once they are swallowed up by the crack that seems to go straight into the abyss, no matter how many guns and ammunition they have in their hands, only one of them will die. Character.

However, this time, they will soon know that it is not the power of nature that caused all this, but the creation of mankind! Boom——! ! ! With a loud noise, the whole ground was lifted up! Because they retreated quickly, the soldiers luckily escaped being buried alive by a huge amount of earth and rocks.

Because of this, they had the opportunity to see a spectacular scene they had never seen before in their lives - from beneath the lifted-off strata, a spaceship over a hundred meters long was slowly rising! ')086'\u003eChapter 85 A spaceship with short legs

Yes, this is undoubtedly a spaceship! The rectangular ship body has no wings and an all-metal shell. It is full of straight lines and corners, showing the industrial beauty of future science fiction.

On both sides of the long hull, there are two turrets that fit the lines of the hull. The barrels are square. They are obviously not ordinary traditional naval guns, but the caliber is close to that of the battleship's main gun. It's quite a deterrent.

There are dozens or hundreds of hexagonal covers on the front, sides and bottom of the ship. It looks like a honeycomb. At this time, dozens of covers have been opened, revealing the missiles that are ready to go. Referring to the U.S. troops below.

Faced with this naked threat of force, none of the American soldiers present, including their commanders, dared to act rashly - it takes time to deploy anti-aircraft firepower, and now the other side is pointing a gun at your head!   When the huge metal man-made object, which was hundreds of meters long, flew over everyone's heads, the soldiers knew how this giant flew.

Twelve huge engines spewing azure flames provided this sky fortress with enough power to lift it into the air. Although it was unknown what kind of black technology engine this was, it could actually make this super giant, which was at least calculated in thousands of tons, fly, but everyone knew that the other party's technical strength far surpassed them by more than ten streets!   …  "What is this?!"  The president asked in disbelief.

Everyone sitting in the White House also saw this scene from the camera on the scene, and everyone was shocked and speechless.

"…Alien spaceship?"  After a while, someone said so.

"…"  It should have been an absurd guess, but when everyone saw this scene on the screen, no one refuted it.

"Oh my God, what happened to this world..." An official with a weaker psychological endurance has begun to make the sign of the cross - his faith is about to collapse.

Everyone just watched through the camera, watching this air fortress quickly rise to hundreds of meters in a dozen seconds, and then it seemed to become a phantom, blurring and transparent, and finally completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

"...disappeared?" The president looked back at the others with a dazed expression.


Someone answered subconsciously.

"Optical is this done? Is it really alien technology?" It was still the military generals who had the biggest heart and recovered first, and mentioned this as soon as they opened their mouths.

"...It's definitely not Earth technology anyway!" An expert answered.

... Just when all the witnesses came back to their senses from the shock and discussed it, in the core area of ​​the "air fortress" that had been transformed into a bridge, Fang Yuan sat upright in the captain's seat, watching the outside world projected on the large screens around him.

"[Ether], how much fuel is left? How long can this ship fly?" "The remaining fuel is 43%, and it can continue to fly for 15 minutes."

The AI ​​reported such a sad number.

Yes, this is why Fang Yuan did not build this ship after designing it-the range is too short! After all, his knowledge reserve is still a little insufficient. Although he can make this kind of atmospheric spacecraft that can be regarded as alien black technology in any country on the earth, the problem of flight time has never been solved.

No matter how much he optimizes and modifies the design, even if the energy is full, the fuel is full, and the cargo hold is empty, this spacecraft can only fly in the air for no more than 45 minutes.

It's not that Fang Yuan has never thought about using nuclear power, but this is not just a matter of power. The key is the problem of the engine-non-jet engines such as propellers cannot carry such a large ship, and the amount of fuel consumed by working fluid engines such as jet engines and rocket engines at all times is too large.

——Unless he or [Ether] refines a batch of fuel every half an hour or so, but that would be too low-level and totally inconsistent with the cool appearance and style of this spaceship.

This is the limitation of the Earth's technological level, and it cannot be changed by Fang Yuan, an alchemist, and a super artificial intelligence.

"Maintain invisibility, drive to the James River [Note 1], and we will go underwater!" Fang Yuan issued an order, and the spaceship flew silently to the top of the river not far away under the control of [Ether], and descended to the water surface in an unmanned area, opened the sea valve, and the invisible spaceship sank silently and slowly, only splashing a little inconspicuous waves on the river bank.

Fortunately, this ship was designed with the problem of sailing in water in mind. It can be used as a surface ship or a submarine. The length of hundreds of meters is not too large, and inland rivers like the James River can barely sail in it.

Moreover, because it entered the water, it no longer needed to bear the burden of lifting the thousands of tons of hull into the air, and the energy consumption of the entire ship was reduced to a very low level. Fang Yuan could even use the less than one-third of the remaining fuel to drive directly from the James River into the Atlantic Ocean.

"Finally done..." After the spaceship entered the water, Fang Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to his AI: "[Ether], contact Alice through an encrypted channel and ask her to come to Norfolk [Note 2], she needs to know these things!" As he said this, Fang Yuan looked back at the hundreds of hibernation capsules densely packed behind him.

... ... Two days later, when Alice followed the instructions in the encrypted email and came to an uninhabited beach near Norfolk Port alone, and then saw the sci-fi-class ship that appeared out of thin air, her mouth opened wide and she didn't say anything for a long time.

"... Fang, are you really not an alien?" When Fang Yuan appeared, Alice came up and said this.

"..." Fang Yuan blinked, and then said seriously: "I told you, I am a magician! Don't look at this ship that looks so high-end, but it was all made by me with magic!" This is the truth, except that the "magic" is actually alchemy.

"...Okay, magic..." Alice's face was full of disbelief. She was now more inclined to think that Fang Yuan was an alien hiding among humans. Judging from his performance, this was much more reliable than magic. ! "Why did you call me here mysteriously? You want me not to tell anyone about my whereabouts..." When talking about the business, Alice was a little confused, but when she was taken by Fang Yuan to fly into the ship When she was on the sci-fi-class ship, some inexplicable feeling made her shut up and stop talking.

When she was taken to a cabin and saw everything before her eyes, she was so shocked that she could not recover for a long time.

"Fang, what is this?" Alice's expression at this time was very complicated, including shock, confusion, confusion, anger, and an inexplicable sadness.

"These are your clones, which I brought out from the secret laboratory of the Sanlian Group..." [Note 1] The James River is a river that runs through the city of Richmond. It can be said that this city is Built on this river.

[Note 2] The Port of Norfolk is a very important military port on the east coast of the United States and is also the entrance to the James River.

PS: Let’s do some pl trading and recommend the book "Infinite Evolution Guide", the author is Diewu.

It’s also a new book, about traveling through infinite worlds, but it seems to focus on the everyday world. If you like it, you can check it out.

The following is the introduction: Rising in the daily life of youth, breaking the boundary between reality and illusion; Growing up in the biochemical apocalypse, opening Pandora's box, using all spirits as material to hatch a dragon body; In an animistic world, I am the legend Dharma Ancestor, set off a wave of humanity, causing the aloof planet spirit to fall from grace; …………')087'\u003eChapter 86 Special Soul Structure

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