It seems that sometimes, the feet of humanoid robots are really not for show...')147'\u003eChapter 146 The Unavoidable Civil War

The rumbling vibration sound came from far away, making the little princess, who was already feeling uneasy because of being in the underground secret room, even more scared. But now the only uncle Kurutuo who could rely on was "asleep" again, making the little girl so anxious that she almost cried.

However, soon, Kurutuo, who was entrusted with the important task of "Emperor", woke up from the remote mental control, turned around and saw the princess with a tearful face. He immediately understood what happened as he had taken care of the child.

"I'm sorry, Princess, did you scare you?" He half-knelt down, with a kind smile, whispered to comfort the little girl who seemed to be frightened, and then took her hand and walked out of the underground secret room and came to the outside.

What came into view was the armored cavalry [Tharsis] that had just rushed all the way from the main traffic artery and caused a lot of chaos.

After taking the princess into the cockpit, the young earl finally breathed a sigh of relief - until now, he and the princess were truly safe.

... It was not difficult for Kurutuo, who had already sat on the armored cavalry, to quell the chaos in the territory.

Facing the earl who appeared in the [Tharsis], his subordinates and soldiers in the territory all understood which earl was real and which earl was fake.

And the spy who was carefully trained to replace Kurutuo, after seeing that the situation was over, did not do much, but walked out of the earl's mansion very calmly, removed the optical camouflage on his body, appeared in front of people with his true face, and finally resolutely bit the poison sac in his teeth and died generously.

However, although this spy died so heroically, Kurutuo did not intend to let him go.

Although he had asked the servants in his house, it seemed that the faker had not slept with his wife in the past few days, but a feeling of being dyed green still lingered in the earl's heart.

Unsatisfied, he directly ordered that the body of the damn spy be chopped into meat paste, thrown into the incinerator and burned into ashes, and finally scattered on the surface of Mars outside the residential area, which was considered to be a thorough destruction of the bones and ashes.

Well, as for whether there will be any problems in the relationship between the earl and the countess after this incident, Fang Yuan, who is far away on Earth, is very interested.

But unfortunately, the earl would never talk about this issue when talking to Fang Yuan. Even if Fang Yuan took the initiative to mention it, the other party would just pretend that he didn't hear it at all and directly talk about something else.

... Well, this kind of bloody eight o'clock drama plot is just a little adjustment for Fang Yuan in his busy work. For him now, the most important thing is to provoke a civil war in the Martian Empire as soon as possible.

But in fact, he has done everything he should do in this regard.

After rescuing Count Kurutou and letting him take away the eldest princess, the only heir to the empire, and finally helping him regain his identity and territory, the civil strife and division of the entire Weiser Empire was inevitable.

Sure enough, just a few days later, Kurutou, who had cleared out all the traitors and spies in his territory, finally issued a public statement, directly claiming that the "emperor" sitting on the throne now was a fake, and was a means of usurping the throne by Zazibarum, and he brought up the princess of the empire as evidence, calling on all the noble knights of the empire to rise up together to defend the king.

Zazibarum, who had already learned of the changes in Kurutou's territory, was also unwilling to be outdone, and directly let the disguised fake emperor directly denounce Kurutou as a traitor, claiming that he was a traitor who kidnapped the princess of the empire from the palace, and attempted to force the emperor to abdicate with absurd lies.

The fake emperor directly issued orders to all nobles, requiring them to send troops to suppress the rebellious Kurutou immediately. As "loyal ministers", Zazbarum and Wolein responded immediately and led their troops to attack Kurutou's territory.

Kurutou naturally could not sit idly by and watch his territory being attacked, and also led his troops to launch a resolute counterattack.

At the same time, most of the nobles responded to the call of the two warring parties after a brief wait and see. Some joined Kurutou's army to support the king, and the other part joined Zazbarum to send troops to suppress the so-called "rebellion party". Only a small number of nobles continued to wait and see, did not join any party, and just hid aside to watch the show.

For a time, the smoke of war filled the homeland of the Martian Empire. The Weisser Empire was in chaos!   ……  Seeing that the Martian Empire had fallen into a civil war as he wished, Fang Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It was worth his hard work in searching for intelligence and clearing obstacles for the Earl these days!   What? Shouldn't it be [Ether] that is working hard?   No, no, no, in the final analysis, the power of [Ether] is Fang Yuan's power. Although Fang Yuan only gave a few orders to [Ether] and said a few words with the microphone, he did put in a lot of effort! (Serious face)   As for how the situation on Mars will develop next and who will be the winner in the end, Fang Yuan actually doesn't care much.

Whether it was the green-golden Count Kuruto who succeeded in overthrowing the pseudo-emperor regime controlled by Zazbarum, or Zazbarum and his group of rebellious ministers who eliminated the last resistance and successfully took control of the entire empire, it made no difference to Fang Yuan and the Earth Alliance.

Anyway, by the end of this civil war, even if the entire Martian Empire did not collapse completely, it would at least be half-destroyed.

During this precious time, the Earth Alliance continued to strengthen its military and prepare for war. In the end, when the victory or defeat on Mars was decided, the Earthlings would probably be almost ready, and then there would be another Earth-Mars war... Hehehe!   However, it was too early to talk about these things now. Fang Yuan's current task was to improve the strength of the Earth side first - at least he had to get back those fools in the military who were obsessed with making giant humanoid robots! ……  "Is the news accurate?"  "Our spies took great risks to send back the news directly, it must be correct!"  "Good! Very good! That group of Martians has also had this day!"  "Yes, I didn't expect that the feudal country that controls the lifeline of the country with Aldnoah technology would actually have civil unrest... It's really gratifying!"  In the high-level meeting of the Earth Union, similar conversations were heard constantly. Everyone talked about the tragedy that happened on another planet with a smile. That scene can be said to be full of gloating.

')148'\u003eChapter 147 Moon Attack Plan

Of course, the Earth Union also received news of the civil war in the Weisser Empire.

After all, sending spies is not the patent of the Weisser Empire. Although the Earthlings have a natural disadvantage in this regard, after so many years of hard work, they have at least developed some insiders in the native Mars.

Especially in recent years, the technological level of the Earth has advanced by leaps and bounds, and it has become easier for their intelligence departments to develop offline lines among the Martians.

Especially among the many disabled soldiers from Mars, because of the temptation of bionic prostheses and artificial organs produced by Anaheim, some seriously disabled Martian soldiers are willing to become spies for Earthlings and pass on some not particularly confidential information.

As for how to send this information back to Earth, it is actually not a difficult task.

After all, the distance between Earth and Mars is not particularly far, 56 million kilometers at the closest and 320 million kilometers at the farthest.

In other words, it only takes less than 18 minutes for electromagnetic wave signals to be transmitted from Mars to Earth, and to send radio waves that can reach Earth, all you need is an antenna with low power. For spies who really have means and connections, this is not something difficult to get.

And this Mars civil war can be said to be the third largest event in the Weiser Empire in recent years-the first two were the war with Earth and the assassination of the second emperor of the empire. Such a major event naturally had spies send the information back to Earth as soon as possible.

The result of this message reaching Earth is exactly the scene described in the last few paragraphs of the previous chapter - all the high-level officials on Earth are gloating.

In fact, if the Earthlings' space fleet had not been completed yet, they would have wanted to send troops to take back the moon.

In fact, the attack plan against the moon has indeed been formulated, waiting for the civil war on Mars to reach a fever pitch, until the war there develops to the point where it cannot be stopped for a while even if attacked by Earthlings, then Earthlings will immediately send troops to take back the moon, a vital satellite!   After all, Earthlings were too aggrieved before. The satellite that originally belonged to them was taken away by Martians, making the Earthlings always have a sword of Damocles hanging over them. Everything that happened on Earth was exposed under the eyes of Martians, and they had to worry about whether they would be shot down directly by the other side if they wanted to send things into space...  In the past, Martians were powerful, and there was nothing they could do but endure this kind of thing.

But now, the situation has changed. The Earthlings are getting stronger, while the Martians are starting to lose their composure and even start internal friction. If they don't take back the moon now, when will they? "But I have to remind you, be careful that the Martians will be desperate and directly detonate the hyperspace gate!" As a special consultant to the Earth Union, Fang Yuan also participated in the meeting to formulate the battle plan for the moon through video conference.

And in the meeting, he first raised this point.

After all, unlike other people in this world, he had no idea that the hyperspace gate was actually a super bomb. He had read the plot and knew that if that thing really exploded, half of the Earth's population would have to be compensated.

He flapped his butterfly wings so vigorously and changed so many things, not to see the development of the plot go back to the old way! "Detonate the hyperspace gate? That thing can be detonated?" A military leader frowned and asked.

"Yes, based on our Anaheim research on the Aldnoah core and observations of gravitational waves from the moon, we have determined that the hyperspace gate is actually a device that achieves time and space transfer by connecting to other dimensions.

And once the hyperspace gate is overloaded and out of control in some way, the strongly distorted space can even generate a large number of quantum black holes in a short period of time, and the violent gravity fluctuations caused by it may even directly tear the moon apart - think about it yourself. The consequences! "Fang Yuan's words are not alarmist at all, but the result of his actual study of the structure of the hyperspace gate.

Coupled with some information that Fang Yuan obtained from the Martian Empire's database, he also roughly understood how the so-called Hea_ven's fall in the plot happened.

Probably the second-generation emperor who died early didn't know that something was wrong in his head, and felt that the hyperspace gate's transport capacity was not enough, so he planned to use their Martian two-knife skills to expand the capacity of this alien ruin. Allowing him to transport troops from Mars faster - it's strange that nothing will happen if he does this! In fact, many Martian scientists strongly opposed this plan at the beginning, but they were all suppressed by the second-generation emperor at the time.

Although this plan was forced to abort due to the death of the Emperor himself, the risk of the hyperspace gate losing control was always there.

If the Earthlings knock on the door and the Martians stationed on the moon see that the situation is bad and plan to completely destroy the hyperspace door, it is really possible that they accidentally hit it and cause the hyperspace door to overload and lose control, causing a Hea_ven's fall. ! "So, Advisor Fang, do you have any suggestions?" The military boss continued to ask.

In his opinion, since the mysterious Mr. Fang raised this point, it must be his idea.

"Suggestions, I do have one!" Fang Yuan nodded, saying that he did have some useful information here: "Didn't you form a group of super soldiers with full-body prosthetics? Send them to me, and I will give them to you. They have strengthened themselves so that they can truly deserve the status of 'super soldiers'.

When the war officially begins, we will first use the small stealth troop carrier produced by our company to send them to the moon, conduct special operations, and completely seize control of the hyperspace gate before the Martians can react! "...I don't think the current super soldiers need any reinforcement..." The military boss originally wanted to refute the existence of the so-called "full-body prosthetics", but he immediately realized that the man in front of him Consultant Fang is not an ordinary civilian, he is also a big boss in all seriousness, so it is impossible not to know this information.

Therefore, he directly refuted Fang Yuan's intention to tamper with these "military properties".

"Oh, don't you need it?" Fang Yuan sneered, and finally said: "Well, since you don't want to, I won't force it. I originally wanted to equip them with the latest individual power armor... "Fang Yuan said this, while holding out his hand as a gesture to turn off the video call and leave directly, but the military boss over there immediately changed his expression after hearing what he said clearly, and immediately asked to stay: "Wait... wait! Sir, don’t leave yet! We should be able to talk about this again..."')149'\u003eChapter 148 The Empire of Pills (3000 words)

Carl is an ordinary third-class citizen in the Weiser Empire.

Yes, very ordinary, just like everyone around him, with an ordinary background, ordinary education, ordinary abilities, ordinary appearance... In short, you can't find him in a crowd. The kind that comes out.

If there was anything that really made him feel that he was a little unusual, it was the fact that he became a soldier under Count Zazbarum.

Of course, actually becoming a soldier of a certain noble is not that special in itself. There are many people who serve as soldiers in the Martian Empire - after all, in the past ten years, the entire Mars has basically been They were rushing all the way down the road of militarism, especially after a war with the people on Earth. The ratio of military to civilians in the entire Martian empire reached almost one fifth, and almost no healthy adult men were not soldiers.

What really makes him different is the master he is loyal to, Count Zazbarum, who is now the highest-ranking person in the "Legitimate Empire" besides His Majesty the Emperor.

Well, the "Legitimate Empire" is what the people of the Visser Empire call Zazbarum, Woleyin, and a group of other military groups who gathered around the false emperor to suppress the rebellion but actually to be a real rebellion.

Correspondingly, the "rebel party" headed by Kuruteu and gathered around Her Royal Highness the Imperial Princess is called the "Princess Alliance" by the people.

However, no matter which title is used, it is not recognized in formal official documents. Both sides claim to be the orthodoxy of the empire and refute the other side as treason. These two titles can only be used among civilians and middle- and lower-class soldiers. spread.

Let's not mention these boring topics. Today, as an ordinary soldier under Count Zazbarum's command, Karl is about to follow his troops on a support mission to the friendly forces of the "Legitimate Empire".

The request for support was from another army belonging to a noble family that also had the title of earl. It was said that they were unfortunately trapped in a trap during the battle with the "Princess Alliance". Now most of the army is surrounded by a mining site. It is facing a fierce siege by the enemy.

Karl and his troops have performed this kind of support mission more than once or twice.

However, this time, Karl discovered that the team that was supposed to set off an hour ago has been dragging its feet until now. The superior commander has not issued any instructions at all, as if he does not care about the casualties of the friendly forces on the other side. what is going on? He wanted to ask his superiors, but the strict hierarchy in the Martian army prevented Carl from making such an arrogant move - as a top soldier, he only needed to obey orders, execute orders, and fight with his life for the lord and the empire. No personal thoughts are required until the last moment.

Therefore, he could only seek advice from his comrades around him. Although we are all low-class citizens, different people have different channels for information. Maybe someone can know? "What's the point? This is all a problem between the big guys above. Maybe they want to consume the strength of their allies, or maybe they are using them as bait? Who knows!" This is a soldier who joined the army several years earlier than him. , the answer given by the old-timer who unexpectedly returned alive from the battlefield on earth.

"It is said that the gentleman who requested us for support this time has some disagreements with Count Zazbarum. know!" This is what another veteran who is said to be very well-informed gave. For this news, Karl also bought a pack of cigarettes made of pure natural tobacco. He was heartbroken.

However, for Karl, apart from the heartache over the pack of cigarettes, he felt more shocked.

He didn't expect that the struggle among the big shots at the top would be so fierce - this was still in the war, weren't we afraid that the front would collapse due to internal fighting? It's a pity that he is just a small soldier, not even an officer. His worries alone are meaningless - as long as the big shots above think it is okay to do so, then he can only execute the order.

Karl sighed in his heart, since when did this empire become like this? Infighting, civil strife, civil war, intrigues between friendly forces... Gone are the scenes of unity and unity when our parents and grandparents were developing the Mars colony. In just a few decades, this country has become like this—— Does the Visser Empire still have a future? … ==================== "The Weshe Empire, there is no future!" Fang Yuan, far away from the earth, made an assertion.

Three months have passed since the day of the coup.

As Fang Yuan expected, the civil war in the Martian Empire entered a fierce stage.

In fact, by this time, both sides had become clear about the truth of the matter, whether it was the side that supported Kuruteu in raising troops to serve the king, or the side that worked with Zazbarum and others to suppress the "rebellion."

Especially the many nobles who joined Zazbarum's side basically understood at this time that the old emperor sitting in the palace was not the real thing.

After all, a fake is still a fake after all. Although the performance can be lifelike at first, various flaws will naturally be exposed as time goes by.

However, when the war progressed to this extent, it no longer mattered whether the person sitting on the throne was the real emperor or not.

Yes, especially for those nobles who had almost open confrontation with the old emperor, it would be more to their liking to have a fake puppet emperor sitting on the throne - in this way, as long as Kuru can be Teo's party of royal loyalists were defeated, and with the royal bloodline in their hands, the entire empire would belong to nobles like them! Not to mention, a group of nominal "loyal ministers" and de facto rebels headed by Zazbarum have begun secretly studying how to crack the permission restrictions of the activation factor.

In any case, the highest authority owner of Aldnoah Technology has always been the old emperor. Although he is now restricted from personal freedom and cannot deprive anyone of startup permissions at will, this is still very unsafe after all. After all, who knows what the old emperor controls? To what extent can the authority be extended? Furthermore, although these nobles obtained the activation factor from the old emperor, they did not have the ability to grant the activation factor to others.

And all their current status and power are actually derived from the activation authority for Aldnoah technology. When they want to pass on their titles to their heirs, the emperor or someone from the royal family grants the activation factor. One step is inevitable.

For these ambitious nobles, only by truly obtaining their own inalienable authority can they truly grasp the power of the empire.

It's a pity that although the Martians have super technology that surpasses the people on Earth for countless generations, their technology tree basically points to Aldnoah-related aspects of energy science, space science, materials science, etc., and their understanding of biological subjects, It may not even be comparable to the people on Earth at this time, let alone compared to Fang Yuan.

They have even just taken the first step, and have only initially confirmed that the activation factor should be some kind of artificial microorganism that is symbiotic with the human body. However, they have continued to study DNA and RNA sequences, and they are getting further and further away from the truth.

The real initiator is actually a nanorobot composed of pure protein. Who else can think of this except Fang Yuan, who can directly observe the internal activities of cells? In addition, the permission of the initiator can be inherited with the royal gene, so most scientists almost regard these special proteins detected in the blood as byproducts of the initiator, and concentrate on looking for the true body in DNA and RNA that does not exist at all.

If they want to really figure out the nature of the initiator, or even further crack the permission restrictions, they still have a long way to go! Back to the topic, in short, Zazbarum and his allies are now determined to rebel. Except for not saying it out loud because of the morale of the middle and lower-level soldiers, for those slightly higher-level officers, basically they all know that what they are doing is actually the work of rebellion! However, since it is a rebellion, the question of who will hold power after the rebellion is successful is quietly placed in front of all the rebels.

Whether it is a young man like Zazibarum who is ambitious and intends to expand the empire and defeat the earthlings, or a corrupt noble who is obsessed with power and greedy, they all believe that only they are qualified to control the future Martian Empire, and only they who are "wise and brave" and "have unique vision" can lead the Martian Empire to a higher peak.

Therefore, in fact, among many true rebel nobles, all kinds of intrigues and selling teammates are really common. Things like "retreat and turn as fast as the wind, detour and encirclement as slow as the forest, burn, kill, rob and invade like fire, and stand still like a mountain when friendly forces are in trouble" have even become a daily routine! This also led to the fact that the true rebels on Zazibarum's side had a lot more troops and armored cavalry than Kurut'o's side, but they were tied with the royalists who were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers! Anyway, Fang Yuan, who was far away on Earth, watched the war situation on Mars evolve all the way. Especially after seeing the various actions of the rebels, he no longer regarded the Martians as real opponents. With such a group of people occupying the majority of the ruling class, this country is doomed to fail! ')150'\u003eChapter 149 The war begins, seize the hyperspace gate! (3000 words)

Earth Union, send troops!   Just one day ago, the diplomat of the Weiser Empire who was stranded on Earth due to the civil war in the Martian Empire received a declaration of war from the Earth Union.

This diplomat, who also has the title of baron in the Weiser Empire, had an expression of expectation on his face when he saw the declaration of war sent by the Earth Union.

In fact, the baron himself was not the kind of brain-dead noble who was extremely hostile or despised the earthlings to be selected as a diplomat to be sent to Earth.

On the contrary, among the aristocrats of the entire Weiser Empire, he is one of the few rational people who has a clear understanding of the power comparison between Earth and Mars. At the same time, he also agrees with the ceasefire and negotiation strategy proposed by the old emperor.

In addition, during the time he stayed on Earth, everything he saw and heard told him that the people on Earth are strong and are getting stronger!   The Martian Empire may have some advantages in cutting-edge military technology, but thanks to a certain butterfly wing, this advantage is not very obvious nowadays, and if the productivity and volume gap between Earth and Mars are calculated, it is Mars that is falling behind.

Since learning about the civil strife in the Martian Empire three months ago, which further triggered a civil war, because he lost the direct order from the emperor and because he did not want to participate in this unjust war of fratricide, the baron diplomat decided to stay on Earth and watch the development of the situation in the Martian mainland with Count Reinhardt, who has temporarily regained some freedom.

In the past three months, he saw that the civil war in the empire showed no signs of ending, but rather had a tendency to intensify. In addition, the Earthlings were almost undisguisedly sharpening their knives. He had already been mentally prepared. Even if the next moment, the Earth Alliance Army immediately rushed into his residence to arrest him or even shot him to death, he would not be surprised at all.

However, the Martian Baron still underestimated the integrity of the Earth Alliance Government.

He was not arrested or killed, but received a declaration of war from the Earthlings in accordance with the diplomatic etiquette of a country launching a war against another country in the past.

The Earth Alliance Government has also always been courteous to him personally - except for the 24-hour surveillance and restricted range of action that are no longer concealed, he can still maintain a normal life here.

This had to make him sigh. In the past few decades of propaganda, the Martians basically regarded the earthlings as primitives, inferiors, and savages. But judging from this matter alone, the people who were really compared I'm afraid they might be Martians! He is very aware of the nature of his own people, especially those nobles. If this matter were placed on Mars, it is estimated that the diplomats of the earth will not receive a rigorously worded and elegant declaration of war. And it’s just a shot of bullets! One day after receiving the declaration of war, the diplomat, whose personal freedom has been temporarily restricted, can only stand with Count Reinhard on the roof of the hotel where they live, looking up at the streaks of retrograde motion in the sky. The "meteors" streaking out into the sky - that is the scene when the Earth's space fleet officially sets sail into space. Viewed from the ground, it is a scene of hundreds or even thousands of "meteors" gathering in the sky. It is indeed very shocking.

"It is said that the people on earth plan to conquer the moon in one go this time."

The two Martian nobles were speechless for a long time when they saw this scene. Finally, Mr. Baron broke the silence.

"Really... After the moon was knocked down, the mainland of Mars will follow right after... And those people are still beating themselves up. It's really..." Several months of imprisonment seemed to have made this originally very The paranoid and impulsive Reinhard has also grown a lot. There is no trace of contempt for the earthlings on his face now, and his words even directly acknowledge that the Martian troops on the moon cannot stop the earthlings' army at all.

On the one hand, this was hit by Fang Yuan back then. On the other hand, in the past few months, I had had close contact with the people on Earth and learned about the development and progress of Earth in these years. I suddenly changed from the past because of Aldnoah. He calmed down from the arrogance caused by relying on technology.

Nowadays, let alone seeing hundreds of space battleships collectively ascending to the sky, even if he saw countless earth warriors directly flying out of the atmosphere individually wearing power armor that was more technologically advanced than armored cavalry, he would not Wouldn't be surprised at all.

Well, in his opinion, the kind of individual weapon that completely defeated him in the first place should have been completely popular among the Earth United Army... In fact, his guess was very close to the truth.

Indeed, the first batch of super soldiers equipped with the latest space-powered armor have already flown into space several days in advance on a fully stealthy battleship specially provided by Anaheim Company, and have now landed on the moon! As they were tasked with the important task of "capturing the hyperspace gate", just as Fang Yuan had promised, they had undergone a round of reinforcing from the inside out, completely transformed from immature experimental full-body prosthetic enhanced warriors. Become the ultimate individual soldier with super survivability and combat effectiveness.

A new super-alloy skeleton and a movement system composed of artificial muscle bundles designed and manufactured by Fang Yuan himself, coupled with an energy system composed of dimensional interactive modules derived from the core of Aldnoah, allow these super soldiers to move even without wearing anything. With external equipment, it can also lift the roller with one hand and throw it 100 meters away. It can run faster than an F1 car and its endurance is close to endless.

The brain and spinal cord, which are individually protected by high-strength materials, as well as the biological life support system in the body, allow them to survive no matter whether they are hundreds of meters deep on the seabed or naked into outer space.

The electronic assistant brain directly connected to the central nervous system gives them computing power and thinking speed far beyond ordinary humans, allowing them not only to communicate directly through brain waves, but also to enter the famous world like a character in a certain movie. In the state of "bullet time", one second is stretched to ten seconds, twenty seconds or even one hundred seconds. This makes these super soldiers not only physically but also mentally become superhuman beings. .

Coupled with power armor with functions such as anti-gravity flight, full-band stealth, strength enhancement, space barrier shields, etc., as well as a variety of powerful experimental individual weapons, these veritable super soldiers can be used alone. By slaughtering an entire armored force of Earthlings, even if they were facing off against the Martian Knights riding armored cavalry, they would still be able to survive.

And now, a full thirty super soldiers who have undergone all-round strengthening have quietly sneaked into the fortress rebuilt by the Martians around the hyperspace gate.

[Alfa Team is responsible for the core energy area; Beta Team is responsible for dealing with these high-authority targets; Gamma Team is responsible for clearing the area...] After several days of close reconnaissance and even sneak reconnaissance, the super soldiers have figured out the super The stationing situation of the Martian army around the space gate also makes it clear what strategic points they need to occupy.

In the mental communication channel composed of the electronic deputy brain and the Aldnoah super-time and space information network, the soldiers assigned their targets and maintained their stealth form one by one and entered the predetermined position, waiting for the order from the captain - their The action needs to be coordinated with the attack actions of the frontal troops. It cannot be too early or too late. It is necessary to seize the best opportunity.

Before that, they relied on the characteristics of their prosthetic bodies that they did not need to eat or excrete, and they stood silently in their respective positions like sculptures. Even if they did not eat, drink or speak for several days and nights, they could continue. Bear with it.

——After all, they were already the best soldiers before undergoing the prosthetic surgery, so they still have this level of psychological stress resistance.

Moreover, since their bodies do not have physiological reactions such as hunger, thirst, urgency to urinate, urgency to defecate, fatigue, etc., and they can communicate freely in the internal communication channel, the pressure they feel during this lurking process is actually much less than that of ordinary people with healthy bodies.

Of course, in real operations, they cannot continue to lurk for such a long time.

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