Clang——Boom——! With one move, he used his superb martial arts to unload the giant sword, which was as huge as a corridor pillar, to his side. It hit the ground heavily, raising a lot of dust and taking the opportunity to retreat.

Although he is a dragon-slaying hero sung in "The Song of the Nibelungs", he is already very good at facing enemies of extremely large size and strength. After turning into a heroic spirit, he possesses [Armor of Fafnir]. )] This Noble Phantasm can neutralize physical attacks and magic equivalent to B-level.

For attacks above level A, the defense value equivalent to level B will be deducted to calculate the damage.

But just by resisting the opponent's casual blow, Siegfried felt severe pain coming from all the joints of his body - there is no doubt that even if this is just an ordinary sword slash from the opponent, but with the help of With that huge size and power, the intensity of the sword just now had reached level A or above. Although he could barely parry it, all the joints in his body were injured by the huge force! Fortunately, the body of the heroic spirit heals itself very quickly when there is sufficient magic power, and this shock injury is not a serious injury. After just a few breaths, the dragon-slaying hero has returned to his full strength and regained his strength again.

While Siegfried was adjusting his condition, the other servants were certainly not idle, and also launched their own attacks against the steel giant in front of them.

Although the Archduke, who is the core of Black's followers, did not confront Megatron immediately, he, who claims to be the king, does not allow himself to flinch in the face of a powerful enemy.

Just when Siegfried stepped forward to confront the sword, but retreated due to lack of strength, the Impaler from Wallachia had already launched his attack.

"Executive King (Kazikli Bey)" With the blessing of the inherent skill of [Guardian Ghost General], the powerful Noble Phantasm attack was launched brazenly. Countless iron stakes emerged from the space and stabbed at the person in front of him out of thin air. The Iron Giant.

This is one of the two Noble Phantasms of Vlad III, the Grand Duke of Wallachia, after he became a Heroic Spirit. When the other Noble Phantasm was deeply resisted by the Grand Duke himself, it became the only Noble Phantasm he was willing to use. .

Kazikli Bey, a level B anti-army Noble Phantasm, essentially causes a large number of stakes to appear from space and pierce the enemy.

The attack range is a radius of one kilometer, and the maximum number of stakes reaches 20,000.

Moreover, every time the gun in your hand hits the enemy, it will produce the concept of "piercing", and then the stake will appear outward starting from the heart.

Although the power of a stake is very low, as long as it takes a hit, it will temporarily add continuous damage caused by "penetration".

In addition, as long as the spear head is stabbed once, a stake will be generated from the enemy's body to penetrate it.

Not only that, the damage of the stakes will also accumulate. The overwhelming number of 20,000 sticks that attack one after another makes Vlad III's nickname of "The Impaler" more vivid.

No matter from which angle you look at it, this Noble Phantasm is an extremely powerful skill that no enemy can take lightly.

But——The premise of all this is that these stakes can really "hit" the target! Dang—dang, clang, clang, clang, clang—! ! ! Thousands of iron stakes hit the enemy in front of them without missing a single one. The attack radius reached a kilometer of intensive piercing attack. The opponent was so huge that it was almost impossible to avoid it.

But it can be defended! "Huh?" The Archduke on the war horse frowned. He could feel that the iron stakes he thrust out seemed to have hit the enemy, but in fact, the tip of each iron stake was far away from the Iron Giant. There is still a layer of imperceptible distance on the body surface.

')210'\u003eChapter 209 Transformers vs. Heroes (Part 2)

In the battlefield, Megatron faced off against Black's strongest servants, Saber and Lancer, and the other Decepticons were naturally not idle either.

Starscream directly went to Rider Astolfo, who looked the least imposing and easiest to bully, and Berserker Frankenstein, who had the worst ability and lowest energy radiation reaction value. He flew up and used both arms. The transformed huge energy cannon bombarded the two "girls" indiscriminately.

——Although these Decepticons are all fakes imitated by Fang Yuan, when compiling the personality data, Fang Yuan adapted them based on the original works of animation and movies. Therefore, Starscream's character is deceitful, afraid of the strong, and cunning. Just like the real Starscream, it’s no wonder he chose Astolfo and Frankenstein, who looked the most incompetent, as his opponents.

Of course, Starscream's judgment was actually correct.

Faced with the indiscriminate bombardment of tens of millions of degrees of high-temperature plasma, Astolfo, one of Charlemagne's twelve warriors, did not have the consciousness of a warrior at all. Instead, he yelled and panicked all the way to avoid falling from the sky. Artillery fire attack.

As for Frankenstein, although she herself has a strong will to fight, her identity as "Frankenstein" is too restrained.

Although she is a heroic body made of ether, because she was an artificial life form during her lifetime, Berserker's body structure still follows her design drawings on a macro level. There are a large number of electrical structures inside her body. The electromagnetic pulse generated by the explosion greatly disrupted the body's functions, making it almost impossible to move even an inch, and was about to be annihilated by gunfire.

... The chicken thief Starscream picked the two weakest-looking targets, so the remaining Decepticons naturally had no choice but to find other servants.

Barricade, Soundwave, and Crankcase faced off against the black side's Caster Avisbron, and the red side's Rider Heel and Archer Cat Tea. Suddenly, the entire battlefield turned into steel giants, clay statues, and heroic spirits. A battlefield of chaos among followers.

Although they were from different camps, when faced with the powerful and intrusive unknown forces, the heroic spirits of the red and black sides invariably put aside their fighting spirit and fought side by side, facing the powerful enemy that came uninvited.

clang--! The Red Rider Achilles, who is said to be "the fastest among all heroes of all times", uses the Noble Phantasm [Dromeus Cometes] to accelerate himself to supersonic speed in one breath, and throws his spear quickly. , hitting a steel giant in the head. As an ancient man, Achilles couldn't tell which of these steel giants looked the same. As an invincible warrior on the battlefield, he never knew how. Pay attention to the little things.

However, the result of the attack was not ideal. The spear seemed to have hit the legendary Wall of Sighs. It lost all kinetic energy the moment it hit the target. Let alone kill or injure the opponent, or even You can't make the other party take even half a step back! The same is true for the arrow rain attack released by Atalanta with the Sky Bow. Even though each arrow has the power of a missile explosion, these steel giants seem to be completely immune to harm, completely ignoring her "weakness". With a "powerless" attack, he withstood the endless rain of arrows and launched a fierce offensive against the slender female hunter with animal ears.

"Tch! Are normal attacks ineffective? Then try the Noble Phantasm!" The cat girl hunter with animal ears and tail nimbly escaped from the bombardment, turned around to draw her bow, and prayed to the gods in the sky: "Hunting The time has come, and I present to the two great gods... [Arrow Book of Complaint]!" The arrows shot into the sky flew into the clouds and disappeared. The next moment, endless arrows of light shot down from the sky like heavy rain, Covering all three steel giants in this battlefield.

Boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "Have you killed it?" The female hunter looked at the continuous explosions of fire and was on alert.

However - in the burning sea of ​​fire, three demon-like steel giants stepped on the flames under their feet and walked out almost unscathed. Only the remaining ripples on their bodies told all the heroic spirits present that the Red Archer had just The Noble Phantasm attack sent out is not without any effect.


... The only Decepticon in the battlefield that did not participate in the melee was the remaining Shockwave.

However, he is not without a mission. At this time, he is relying on his larger size and strength to forcefully suppress Spartacus, the red Berserker who has been captured by Black.

At the same time, as a Transformer that uses lasers as its main means of attack, he is also responsible for intercepting arrow attacks from the Black Archer in the Tulifas Walled City.

Under the extremely precise high-energy laser interception, every arrow fired by the centaur heroic spirit with the name of the sage was intercepted without missing a beat, without any interference to the battlefield here.

The situation has become increasingly unfavorable for both the red and black sides! ... "This is... space distortion?!" Outside the battlefield, Darnic saw the thin layer of protection on the bodies of the steel giants through the surviving familiars, although his own magic level was the highest in the entire magic world. He is not truly top-notch, and his title of "Grand Rank" is also a parallel import obtained through political manipulation, but his true level and the evaluation of "sex position" are worthy of the name.

Therefore, although he did not visit the scene in person, he immediately judged from the attack results of several heroic spirits and the ripples appearing on the surface of the steel giants known as "Transformers" that this was a defense of space attributes! " there any great magician behind these golems?" In the eyes of modern magicians in the Xingyue world, spells with time and space attributes are out-and-out great magic. Only those whose families have a long history , famous magicians with deep bloodline, and powerful magicians who are truly geniuses can use one or two.

Although magicians also use some techniques to separate the inside and outside, such as barriers, most magicians can only use barriers to achieve simple functions such as defense, isolation, and warning, such as creating another world. Very few people understand these extremely advanced magics, such as distorting space and interfering with time.

The most representative ones are skills such as inherent barrier, which are classified as great magic that is closest to magic. Except for those long-lived dead disciples, there are only a few pure human magicians who master it.

And what does Danik see now? To actually use a great magic with spatial properties on a dead object like a golem, and to use it purely for defense... How rich a magician must be to be able to afford this! Or... is it a magician? Darnic thought of the rumors circulating among magicians. It seemed that the birth of the Great Holy Grail was related to the oldest second magician in existence, and what the big boss was best at happened to be space operations... Cold sweat started from his The forehead flows.

')211'\u003eChapter 210 Target, Capture!

"The physical strength and defense are sufficient, but the attack power is lacking..." Although the situation on the battlefield seems to be dominated by the intruding Decepticons, Fang Yuan, who is far away in space and is the real mastermind behind this riot, is not very satisfied with the performance of his new subordinates.

Although there are endless explosions and flames on the scene, it looks like a lively fight, but except for Astolfo, the embarrassing guy, and Frankenstein, who is essentially restrained, all the servants have not suffered any damage, not even a little embarrassed.

It seems that pure physical high-temperature flames and explosions cannot really hurt these heroic servants formed by spirits and ether.

This is also related to the nature of these knockoff Transformers.

Remember when the Decepticons first appeared, they looked like countless particles condensed?   This is actually the "Transformation Unit" developed by Fang Yuan based on nanomechanical technology.

Just like the real ones in the live-action series of "Transformers", this kind of transformation unit composed of metal and semiconductor elements can be freely combined into precise mechanical structures with various shapes and functions from the microscopic level after special programming.

If a sufficient number of nanomachines are used and programmed to be reorganized into a huge humanoid robot, and then matched with an artificial intelligence with a virtual personality, a "Transformer" that is almost indistinguishable from the real thing will be freshly produced!   However, Fang Yuan's technology is still a little bit worse after all. Although the "transformation unit" he made can really transform and even build electronic components with precise structures, the material strength and stress performance are much worse than the materials composed of real transformation units.

Especially after the robot is made into a huge humanoid, this extremely unreasonable structure makes it almost impossible for the robot composed of inferior "transformation units" to bear too intense movement, and it has no practical value at all.

Therefore, Fang Yuan had to use the special force field stimulated by the micro Aldnoah core composed of nanomachines to reinforce the various stress structures of the body, forcibly smoothing out the shortcomings in materials science.

In this way, the Transformers naturally caught up with or even surpassed their original versions in terms of physical strength and body strength, but on the other hand, they were greatly limited in terms of the energy output power of long-range weapons.

After all, although each Transformer has countless trillions of micro Aldnoah cores in its body that provide huge energy and drive such a huge steel man-shaped activity and combat, the number of micro Aldnoah cores in each Transformer is ultimately limited, and the energy output power is also limited.

After consuming huge energy to strengthen and improve the robot's body strength and physical strength, the space shield on the surface of the body is also a big energy consumer, and the remaining energy is not enough for them to use too powerful high-energy weapons.

The result is now like this, the Heroic Spirit Servants can't do anything to the huge robots protected by the space shield, and the Decepticons can only use pure physical force to hurt these servants, and other general attacks are difficult to work.

However, it is not completely impossible-[Megatron, the first target has been captured, and the enemy's reinforcements are on the way. Take down the second target as soon as possible! 】  The command of the Supreme Overlord came through the communication, and the artificial Transformers received the order respectfully: [Yes, my master! 】  The trillions of micro energy cores in the body increased the output power, and the huge power that was already far beyond human imagination surged out of the limbs.

Boom--! ! !  With a loud bang, the steel giant locked by the endless iron stakes broke free from all restraints and jumped into the air.

"Decepticons, combine!"  After hearing the order of the leader, the Decepticons who were fighting fiercely with the enemy in their respective battlefields, in addition to suppressing the shockwave that blocked the Red Berserker, the rest of them abandoned their opponents without hesitation, and took off into the air one by one, turning into a torrent of endless transformation units, and flew to Megatron's side.

Not only several Decepticon subordinates, but even Megatron himself, disintegrated at this moment, turning into the same torrent of deformed units, merging with the metal torrents transformed by his compatriots, like a tornado, entangled, merged, and reorganized. Finally, what came out of the storm was a huge steel giant more than 20 meters tall, wrapped in thunder and lightning.

"The force is unstoppable!" The huge lightning pulse fell like a heavenly punishment. At this time, the steel giant, like the thunder Titan in the myth, controlled the electromagnetic force, one of the four fundamental forces of the universe, and turned the entire forest into a thunder hell.

"Not good!" Seeing such a fierce attack, all the servants had a huge sense of crisis in their hearts. This kind of lightning... can hurt them! Yes, this thunder like a heavenly punishment is not only emitted by the steel giant after the fusion, but also by its exquisite control of the electromagnetic force field, which artificially triggers the huge electromagnetic potential energy that is already hidden in nature, which is almost equivalent to the thunder and lightning in nature.

Therefore, the so-called mysterious restraint has lost its meaning here - even if the gods are just some kind of incarnation of nature, how can the heroic spirits who are one level lower than the gods ignore this thunderbolt that is almost equivalent to the real power of heaven? However, just as all the heroic spirits showed their magical powers, or unfolded their own treasures, or erected countless iron stakes to divert the lightning attacks, or rode on the phantom horses that did not exist in this world to jump to the inside of the world, or were even summoned back to the castle by their own masters with the command spell... But at this moment, the beast-eared female hunter, who was dancing and dodging in the endless rain of lightning like a civet cat with the inherent skill [Crossing Arcadia], heard a voice that made her feel very bad - "Second target, capture!" Before she could react, an invisible force suddenly came out of nowhere and firmly suppressed her in place. Then, a flash of white light passed, and the female hunter found that she had come to a completely unfamiliar place.

"Ugh--!!!" Before she could check the surrounding situation, the feeling of powerlessness coming from almost every cell made her stagger and kneel on the ground.

"Is this... the magic power... cut off?" In the magic sensing, the connection with the Master was so weak that it was almost imperceptible. If Atalanta, whose magic source was cut off, was not an Archer with the ability to act alone A class, she might even be sent back to the Throne of Heroes! The third update is here')212'\u003eChapter 211 The Son of the Sun God who came late

"Where is this..." It took more than ten seconds to adapt to the sudden feeling of powerlessness. The female hunter with animal ears and tail barely stood up, looked around, and finally understood her situation.

This is a cage! A completely enclosed space made entirely of metal, with no visible entrances or exits, and almost no connection with its master, and... "Is it the same barrier as those steel giants?" Atalanta pressed lightly on the seemingly empty space in front of her. The sense of resistance on her skin told her that this seemed to be the same as the indestructible defense of those steel giants.

Then she probed around, above her head, and even on the ground - sure enough, this was an invisible cage! "How can a mere cage hold me!" The beast-eared female hunter instantly turned into a spirit, trying to escape the cage with the help of the invisible and immaterial characteristics of the spirit, but she failed shamefully.

Bang - With a muffled sound that only she could hear, Atalanta, who had hit a solid "wall" in a spirit state, showed up with her forehead covered.

"Actually... there is a barrier?" After a closer look, it was discovered that outside the invisible space barrier, there was actually a thin layer of light curtain, which blocked the female hunter's escape.

Well, this is the spirit isolation barrier created by Fang Yuan after referring to the knowledge of barrier in the head of the agent of the Holy Church and combining it with the energy technology in his hands. Now it seems that the effect is quite good.

Just as Atalanta gritted his teeth and planned to break the cage even if his own existence dissipated, a white light flashed in the open space dozens of meters away, and another "cellmate" was locked in.

That's right, it was no one else, it was the muscular giant who was captured by the black servants at the beginning and then suppressed by a steel giant, the red Berserker, the strongest gladiator named Spartacus.

However, the current situation of Berserker does not look very good.

His whole body was pierced by dozens of huge metal spikes, and blood was dripping. Moreover, the piercing points of these spikes were very particular, just at the key points of the giant's body. Not only did he not have the ability to exert force smoothly, but once he struggled, his wounds would tear and cause more serious injuries.

Compared with Maocha, who had not suffered any injuries except being imprisoned, this treatment was completely on two levels.

"Oppressor... Kill..." Even though it was so miserable, the fearless rebel continued his "fight", struggling hard with every muscle that could still move, ignoring the injuries on his body, struggling hard, trying to break the shackles that oppressed him.

"Intentional abuse? No! It's to stimulate the magic power in Berserker and maintain his existence!" Although Atalanta thought that the mastermind behind Berserker's capture was deliberately torturing him after seeing his miserable condition at first,

But after observing for a while, the female hunter finally discovered that Berserker, who should have dissipated directly after being isolated from the master's magic supply, actually obtained a steady stream of magic power in this continuous injury, barely allowing him to continue to maintain the present world and not be sent back to the Throne of Heroes due to exhaustion of magic power.

"It seems that the master here knows the identity and abilities of us servants very well!" The fact that she was captured, coupled with the fact that the enemy seemed to know all the information about her side, while she knew nothing about the other party's identity and purpose, the beast-eared girl's heart was full of ominous premonitions.

... "Very good, it seems that both servants can temporarily maintain their existence!" After taking a look at the two servants in the prison room, and then testing the energy dissipation speed of their bodies through the energy sensing device, Fang Yuan temporarily put his mind at ease and turned his attention back to the surface, knowing that there would be no problems in a short time.

"Well, I took away two servants from the Red Team. Although Spartacus had already been captured by the Black Team, it was a good thing for the Red Team to be captured by me. However, Maocha is a relatively important combat force. Should we also capture a servant from the Black Team?" Fang Yuan thought so, but then shook his head and denied this idea: "The Red Team is much stronger than the Black Team. This is how I made the two sides a little more balanced. There is no need to weaken the Black Team. After all, they still have a disobedient Jack the Ripper holding them back..." Thinking of this, Fang Yuan looked at the screen. In the detection interface of the energy radar, a red dot with an energy response that was much stronger than all the servants was approaching the forest outside the city of Tulifas at high speed and was about to arrive at the battlefield.

"Now let's see how strong this son of the sun god is!" On the ground, after the thunderstorm like a hell of thunder gradually dissipated, the heroes who were still present withdrew their protections with lingering fear and looked at the battlefield that had been completely ravaged into a white ground.

"Oh no, where is the big sister?!" The heel that had just appeared from the [small world surrounding the sky] looked around and didn't find the iconic animal ears. He immediately became anxious. Could the big sister be killed by lightning? ! However, just when he was about to attack the steel giant regardless of anything, a voice behind him calmed him down.

"Didn't you expect your target to be our servants? You actually took away Berserker and Archer from the red side!" Because the Grand Duke of Wallachia used iron stakes as lightning rods, he avoided the previous round of thunder and saw the abnormal disappearance of the two red heroes.

Although at first he thought that the Red Master had called them back with the Command Spell, just like Colles and Roger on the Black side, who could not withstand such a strong attack, Berserker and Caster were summoned back to the castle.

But then he realized that the phenomenon when the servants were transferred by the Command Spell space was completely different from the phenomenon when the two Red Heroic Spirits were transferred away.

So, there is only one truth, it was done by the people behind these "Iron Golems"!   "Captured?"   After hearing the Duke's statement, Achilles finally calmed down. Although they should have been hostile to each other, now facing the same powerful enemy, Achilles was still willing to believe the words of the Black Lancer.

At least, being captured is better than being killed. With him, there is always a chance to rescue the big sister...   "It seems that I am late!"    At this time, a cold voice came from the sky. Everyone looked up and saw a figure like the sun.

')213'\u003eChapter 212 Tactical Error?

The body and limbs are too slender to look like they have been trained for a long time, but they give people a sense of power that is incredible. They have a perfect appearance that is like a god and far beyond that of mortals. The golden armor that is integrated with the body shines with the brilliance of the sun. Behind him is a blood-red cloak like rags, like a dancing flame. Coupled with the scorching flames emanating from his body, this is simply the incarnation of the sun god! The person who came is the strongest Servant of this Holy Grail War, Lancer of the red side, who appeared in the ancient Indian epic poem "Mahabharata". As the only opponent of the protagonist Arjuna, he is the son of the sun god who possesses the golden armor and the gun of killing gods, and is a great hero named Karna.

Well, he is also one of the three extraordinary heroes who are jokingly called the Golden Three Targets by the Moon Fans. He can be regarded as the existence of the ceiling of the combat power of heroes. The other two of the Golden Three Targets are the golden Gilgamesh who everyone who has watched the Fate series knows, and Ramses II who likes to live in the tomb.

With these two for comparison, we can know how powerful the Heroic Spirit named Karna is. His appearance in this 7vs7 Holy Grail War can almost destroy the balance.

In fact, if this hero like the sun is allowed to exert his full strength, he can even end this Holy Grail War alone!   Even though the black servants did not know the true identity of this servant who suddenly appeared, the powerful aura emanating from him still let them know that this is an extraordinary strong man!   Suddenly, several black Servants who remained on the battlefield became alert at the same time.

However, fortunately, the worst situation did not happen.

Achilles, desperate to rescue the big sister in his mind, directly pointed his spearhead at the steel giant who had not left yet: "No, you're just in time! The big sister was captured by the people behind these steel golems, we must rescue her!" Although he was confident that he was the strongest heroic spirit in this Holy Grail War, he also knew the strength of the great hero in the sky who had a similar fate to him. With Karna's help, the chances of rescuing Atalanta are even greater! However, he did not mention Berserker who was also captured in his words. Spartacus is really pitiful... ... "Wow-is this the son of the sun god?" When a vampire girl in the space city saw the new son of the sun god, an expression of disgust suddenly appeared on her face.

"What? You hate this guy very much?" Fang Yuan was a little surprised by Yuzuka Satsuki's reaction. Could it be that vampires hate the sun, and they also hate the son of the sun god? "Well - I don't know how to put it... Anyway, it seemed like I saw something very annoying..." The vampire girl seemed not to know how to accurately describe her feelings.

Fang Yuan thought for a while and asked, "It's like seeing a natural enemy?" "Yes! That's it! It's like seeing a natural enemy. It's really strange!" The girl nodded immediately, and at the same time she felt very surprised that she would have such a reaction. Confuse.

In fact, she does not have any subjective dislike for the existence of Karna. To her, this great hero who has a huge influence in Indian mythology is just a foreign mythological figure that she does not understand. And a certain character in the anime game that I have seen in the main world.

In addition, Karna's character and appearance are quite in line with the aesthetic preferences of a little girl. To be honest, she quite liked this character before.

However, when the anime became a real person, 2D became 3D, and after seeing the heroic spirit Karna transformed into a servant with his own eyes, the young vampire girl actually felt it from the other person even though she was watching it through the screen. A general feeling of "natural enemy".

Well, if you think about it carefully, it seems that besides the cross, the vampires of Jisi Xiute's series are most afraid of the sun.

Even though Yuzuka Satsuki is now able to walk freely under the sun, in fact she will still be harmed by the sun, but her self-healing ability is strong enough to a certain limit, and she can recover immediately when she is injured.

As the son of the sun god, Karna, perhaps the flame he emits is just an insignificant candlelight compared to the real sun, but in terms of mystical attribute restraint, the sun divinity may restrain vampires even more than the cross. Horrible, no wonder she reacted like this.

... Not to mention the unreasonable disgust that a certain vampire in outer space had towards the son of the sun god. On the ground, Karna, who had received the order from Father Kotomine and rushed to the battlefield, after understanding the situation at the scene, The spear in his hand was pointed at the towering steel giant that was very conspicuous on the other side of the battlefield.

"The order I received is to eliminate the unknown spoilers that suddenly appeared in this Holy Grail War... They must be these steel golems. They really don't look like ordinary enemies!" Although I can't feel it from these steel giants. He could not detect any aura of magic power, but as a warrior who had experienced hundreds of battles, the Son of the Sun God still instinctively felt the huge energy contained in the Iron Giant's body.

Coupled with the thunder and lightning wrapped around the giant, and the dark thunder clouds in the sky that echoed the lightning on the giant, Karna knew that this was a powerful enemy! However, it was not just him who thought this. When he detected the appearance of the target marked as the "highest threat", the Thunder Giant formed by the fusion of four Decepticons also confirmed that this was an unprecedentedly powerful enemy! In this case, then become stronger! "Shock wave!" A thick voice that seemed to be made up of multiple voices resounded from the Thunder Giant's mouth. The next moment, the only Iron Giant who did not participate in the merger because he suppressed Spartacus, just like before Like the other companions, they instantly disintegrated into countless material particles, turning into a metal torrent and rushing towards the aggregate more than 20 meters high.

"Don't even think about it!" I have seen before how much growth this combination will bring to these steel giants. Of course, Achilles, who has the fastest reaction, can't just watch the other side do it again.

"The small world that surrounds the sky!" At this moment, the strong demigod hero once again raised his proud shield, and at the fastest speed among heroes of all times, he moved towards the Iron Giant who was undergoing the second merger. Launched a charge.

The previous battles had allowed him to preliminarily judge that the defensive nature of these giants was the ability of space attributes. They had a strong defensive effect against general attacks and even Noble Phantasms. It could even be said to be on par with his [The Brave's Dissimilarity]. Withering Flowers] It is not an exaggeration to say that the invincible golden body has the same purpose but different approaches.

However, what will happen when the defense of space attributes is crushed and collided by a "small world" that is a higher level than pure space? Boom——! ! ! ! ! ! A huge roar shook the entire forest, and the small world joined in. The immortal demigod turned into a real comet, smashing the seemingly indestructible space barrier, and in an instant the incomparable The tall steel giant crashed into debris all over the sky.

However, the Transformers' bodies are countless nanomachines, and a physical impact of this level will not cause any substantial damage to them at all.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the scattered metal fragments were once again decomposed into almost liquid particles, and turned into torrents again, converging towards another center, trying to reorganize the body.

"Now!" Achilles, who had broken through the opponent's defense, shouted loudly - "Brahmastra Kundala, curse me! (Brahmastra Kundala)" Seeing such a good opportunity created by his teammates, the son of the Sun God didn't even talk nonsense. The process of testing is omitted, and the strongest Noble Phantasm attack other than the God-killing Spear is used directly.

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