"The Ruler of this Holy Grail War is coming towards us. Please, wipe her out completely!" The priest, whose heart was as dark as his skin, showed a cold smile.

')229'\u003eChapter 228 My Lord is Here!

"Come out! As a hero who has engraved his existence in the Hall of Heroes, you can't only know how to sneak attack in secret, right?" Jeanne, who was rushing to the church, suddenly stopped and pointed the flag rolled into a spear in her hand in a direction.

"No, I don't think sneak attacks can work on you as a Ruler. I just happened to be waiting for you here!" Wearing golden armor that was integrated with the body, wearing a red cloak like a flame, carrying a sun-like decoration behind him, holding an extremely exaggerated spear in his hand - the person who came was the red Lancer who was ordered to intercept Jeanne, the great hero of the Age of Gods, the son of the sun god, Karna.

"Karna, son of the sun god Surya and the mortal Kunti... I am Jeanne d'Arc, I came to this Holy Grail War as a Ruler, responsible for eliminating abnormalities in the Holy Grail War - Lancer of the red side, why are you here?" Although she had expected it, she still asked the other party with a hopeful hope.

"So it's Joan of Arc... Don't you know clearly? I came to kill you on the order of the Master!" The spear in Karna's hand ignited the flame of magic power, clearly stating his attitude.

"... You know what your Master is going to do, but you still block me?" Jeanne d'Arc looked at this famous hero in Indian mythology with a complicated look.

"What the Master wants to do doesn't matter to me. I accepted the summons and came to the world just to find an opponent to fight and satisfy my personal desires.

And my current Master is undoubtedly not a bad person. Since the Master ordered me to fight, I will gladly accept the order."

"..."  Jeanne didn't expect that this legendary hero with a noble character would have such an attitude after becoming a Servant. She didn't even care what her Master planned to do. She just followed the order without asking any questions for the nonsense reason of "thinking that the other party is a good person"?   This Servant is too dedicated! Apologize to other Masters who suffer from stomachaches because of their disobedient Servant!   Okay, the last sentence is not from Jeanne, but from the narrator.

Ahem! Let's get back to the point-  "Even if your Master wants to destroy all mankind?"  Jeanne is still planning to try harder to see if she can win the other party to her side.

"Destroy all mankind? I've said it before, my Master is undoubtedly not a bad person, he can't do such a thing!" Karna frowned slightly, feeling very unhappy with Jeanne's "unwarranted slander".

"You..." Jeanne wanted to continue to say something.

"Stop talking nonsense!" The priest's urging came from the telepathy, Karna didn't intend to continue talking nonsense, raised his spear, and directly stabbed with the power of (flame) with magic.

Boom--! ! ! The scorching flames like the sun exploded where Jeanne had just stood. Fortunately, Jeanne jumped back when the attack was about to hit her, avoiding the burning of the flames far away.

However, this undoubted signal of war made her know that her words had no effect on this servant at all.

... Clang, clang clang, clang, clang clang clang-- After several exchanges, Jeanne felt the increasingly hot air around her, and she felt more and more uneasy in her heart.

The opponent is on par with me in terms of strength and agility. Although his endurance is a little lower, it is not reflected in a short-term battle.

Moreover, every attack of the son of the sun god carries the power of magic to release (flame), which not only greatly enhances the strength of the attack, but also comes with a scorching flame attack. If it weren't for her [Revelation] skill, which has a similar effect of foreknowledge in battle, it more or less offsets this disadvantage... In general, the two sides can be said to be evenly matched in close combat.

However, Jeanne, who has the privilege of the Ruler class, knows that these are just Karna's most ordinary attacks. Once the opponent uses anti-military or even anti-national treasures, she is definitely not a match, not to mention the extinction spear that can kill even gods with one blow.

What should I do? Use the command spell now? But she only has two absolute commands for each Servant, while the opponent's Master has three Command Seals. If they are cancelled... No, even if they are cancelled, as long as there is a gap for even a moment, she still has a chance... Just as she was thinking this, the enemy detection sensor found another Servant approaching at high speed, and Jeanne's heart sank.

'The opponent's reinforcements... Trouble! ' Although she knew that Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, the former Ruler, still retained some of the Ruler class abilities, it was normal for her to anticipate her arrival in advance, but she did not expect that the opponent's murderous intentions towards her were so strong that they actually sent two Servants to attack together... "Hey! Lancer, I've been waiting for a while, and you haven't solved it yet!" Unexpectedly, the newcomer did not directly join the battlefield, but instead stood at a more peripheral place and greeted Karna.

He is... the Red Rider, Achilles! Joan of Arc confirmed the identity of the second servant, and her heart suddenly became very heavy.

Two in a row, both of them are super heroes. Her actions this time seem to be a bit reckless! ... On the other side, Achilles, who arrived belatedly, did not besiege Joan of Arc with Karna. For him, as a great hero of the Gods, it did not matter that the enemy was a woman, but besieging a person with others would be a problem. It's so shameless, he can't do this kind of thing.

A real man should kill his opponent to a pulp in a one-on-one manner! Moreover, he actually didn't really want to obey the order of the shady priest. He had no interest in asking him to intercept Ruler, who was supposed to be the referee, for no reason. Besides, since Karna had already taken action, he didn't want to. Too lazy to join in again.

"Although she is a woman, this saint is not a weak servant."

To Achilles' slightly mocking urging, Karna just responded coldly and indifferently, without any emotion at all.

Yes, it can be seen from the battle just now that although I have some advantages due to the skill of releasing magic (fire), the opponent's spear skill that seems to be predicted is indeed very powerful.

However, if his Noble Phantasm is used, Karna believes that no one can resist his power! "Brahmastra, cover the earth (Brahmastra)!" Calling out the true name of the Noble Phantasm, the Son of the Sun God ignited even hotter flames and flew into the sky. Then all the flames in his body gathered on the strange-shaped spear, [Immortal The blade] transformed into a thicker and sharper spear shape, and stabbed towards the saint below.

Then in the next moment - "My Lord is here (Luminosite Eternelle)!"')230'\u003eChapter 229 God bless? Or someone to bless you?

"My Lord is here (Luminosite Eternelle)!" With a roar, a holy light as if from heaven enveloped the saint waving the flag, blocking the spear thrown by the son of the Sun God.

--boom--! ! ! There was a moment of silence, followed by extremely violent explosions and flames. The terrain around the battlefield was once again crushed and reshaped by inhuman forces. Roads, rocks, and trees were all created by the collision of "guns" and "shields" The aftermath was completely destroyed.

Even Achilles, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, had to retreat in front of the splashing flames - the flames were the fire of the sun contaminated with the divinity of the sun, and his immortal body could not prevent it! "Oh, it was actually blocked!" Seeing his Noble Phantasm being received head-on, Karna was a little surprised. He didn't expect that among the heroic spirits born after the Age of Gods, there would be such a strong person - "However, such a powerful defensive power , it shouldn’t be unlimited!” Thinking of this, Karna once again upgraded the power of the [Blade of Immortality] - “Brahmastra Kundala, curse me!” With the injection of multiple magic powers, the flames spurting from the [Eternal Blade] suddenly expanded and turned into a dazzling fireball like the sun, completely covering the entire battlefield and even the surrounding area of ​​several kilometers, approaching the level of a small nuclear explosion. The terrible explosion instantly turned this place into a scorched earth.

Tear——A small fragment tore and peeled off from the holy flag with the fleur-de-lis pattern.

This is the characteristic of [My Lord Is Here], a top-level defensive treasure. Although it can convert Joan of Arc's Ex level against magic power into the same level of physical defense, the flag itself will accumulate damage every time it is used. If the flag itself is completely damaged, this precious phantom is completely destroyed, and it can no longer protect Joan.

Now, just after receiving a blow to the national treasure, the flag was already broken. Joan knew that she could not continue like this! "In the name of Ruler, order the Lancer on the red side..." Before Joan could finish her order, countless iron stakes suddenly appeared in the void, piercing the son of the Sun God and knocking him away. The spear was also forced to be withdrawn and the attack could not continue.

After escaping from the bombardment of the national treasure, Jeanne gave up activating the command spell, breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at the side of the battlefield - "Black's Lancer and Saber? No, Archer too... …" Facing the Grand Duke and the swordsman who appeared from the side of the battlefield, he nodded slightly as a thank you for rescuing the siege, and then turned his gaze to the distant mountains, where, although invisible to the naked eye, Joan of Arc As a Ruler, he could sense that Black's archers were there.

So that's it, no wonder her [Revelation] skill didn't stop her when she decided to rush in alone. She thought she was being too reckless before, but it turns out there were reinforcements! Well, that’s right, her actions follow God’s revelations. It’s not that she doesn’t understand strategy and only knows the word “reckless”... Yes, that’s it! (serious face) ... After a night and most of the day's repairs, the black side's servants set out again, and the three knights came out together, directly looking for the red side's two remaining aces. , incidentally also saved the judge who was in a bad situation.

"Ruler, is that Joan of Arc? I am the Grand Duke of Wallachia, Vlad III.

Although you, as the judge, may not be willing to form an alliance with us and the black side, but seeing that you are taking the initiative to cause trouble for the red side, you should not mind fighting with us, right? "The Grand Duke didn't start soliciting like Gold in the original plot.

His attitude towards Joan of Arc is completely a realistic interpretation of the saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". He does not talk about alliances or not at all, but only talks about the actual situation. Everyone is hostile to the red side, so as temporary comrades-in-arms, together Fighting is the natural result.

And Joan of Arc's reaction is completely different from that in the original work - "Of course I don't mind! In fact, I came to the world as a Ruler to correct the anomalies that occurred in this Holy Grail War.

After my investigation, there is no doubt that a Master on the red side is the culprit of this anomaly. I hope you followers on the black side can give me a helping hand to hold down the Lancer and Rider on the red side! "Well, he simply agreed to become a temporary comrade-in-arms, and also offered to let Black's followers help. This is completely the opposite of the reaction to Gold's solicitation in the original plot.

This is also due to changes in the situation. When faced with Black's solicitation, Joan of Arc in the original plot did not yet know the true purpose of her coming to this world, so she naturally had a business-like attitude.

Now, she has clearly identified the "abnormal matters" that she wants to rule out. It is also a business matter, but she can now find foreign aid in an upright and legal manner.

(Of course, the author himself thinks that this is probably related to the appearance of the lobbyists - one is a handsome old man with hesitation and vicissitudes of life, and the other is a fat man with a greasy body and a beer belly. Which one is better? The favorability level is higher...Isn't it obvious!) "Will you help you hold them down?" The Grand Duke looked at the two heroic spirits on the opposite side, and then looked at the fighting power on his side, and felt that they could fight, so he clicked. Nodding, no refusal.

Anyway, the red side and the black side are enemies. Even if Joan is not present, there will still be a fight between the two sides.

If you agree now, you can still earn a wave of favorability from the Ruler. After all, even a Ruler cannot really be a saint with no demands or desires. This favorability is likely to play an unexpected role at a critical moment. ! Then, with the iron stakes thrust out of the void, the dim sword energy shooting out from the sword's edge, and the precise arrows projected from the distant mountains and forests, the war started again.

However, this time the two heroes on the red side are not facing the lonely French Saint, but the three knights on the black side who are well prepared! Bypassing the battlefield where the two sides were fighting, Joan of Arc walked straight towards the direction revealed in [Revelation], where her goal was! …… In the space city, Fang Yuan nodded with satisfaction when he saw that the black heroes arrived in time to rescue Joan of Arc and took the initiative to take over the battle with the two red servants.

Fortunately, he had made second-hand preparations. If Jeanne had really used the command spell just now, it would have been a waste of a precious opportunity.

After all, not to mention whether Amakusa Shirou Tokisada can use the master's command spell to counteract Joan's order in time, the key point is that even if Karna stands there and lets Joan attack at will, unless she uses "Joan of Arc" "Explosion"...I'm sorry, it's [Red Lotus Saint], otherwise she wouldn't be able to kill the opponent at all! ')231'\u003eChapter 230 The "Sky Garden" that appeared in advance

In fact, even if this command spell is used on Heel, the effect will be much better than if it is used on Little Sun! The golden armor is a treasure that is too powerful. It not only provides the son of the sun god with strong defense, but also gives him powerful immortality that can recover even from fatal injuries.

As long as Little Sun has not stripped off his own armor, in this Holy Grail War, except for Joan of Arc's self-destructing sword, no servant's attack can really kill him! And before Joan of Arc achieves the purpose of this coming, it is obviously impossible to use the self-destruction attack on Karna, so no matter what order she wanted to use the command spell before, it will only be wasted in the end. A chance to turn the tide of the war.

However, Fang Yuan wanted Jeanne to consume the red side's power, not the red side to consume Jeanne's power! Fortunately, in order to prevent Joan of Arc from completely overturning the situation, who seemed to be really planning to go through this recklessly, Fang Yuan prepared another back-up plan in advance - with the help of the thought interference ability of the "suspension loop", he quietly influenced Yggdomi The magician in charge of using familiars for reconnaissance in the Rennia clan asked their familiars to move the detection area slightly towards the route taken by Joan of Arc, and they successfully discovered the relationship between Joan of Arc and the red servants. trend.

For Danik, although this Ruler has become less important now that several outsiders have disrupted the situation, he cannot just sit back and watch her be killed by the red team.

Therefore, it is natural that the Yggdomirenia side once again sent three main combat forces and rushed to the scene when Joan needed help the most.

... "Lancer of Black, the former king of this land, will you be my opponent? That's not bad!" Although Jeanne was let go, there was another opponent who looked equally strong, Jia. Erner won't be too picky either.

"Lancer on the red side, the son of the sun god in Indian mythology, Karna, although you are a respectable hero in the legend, but since you are now standing on the opposite side of Yu and trying to invade Yu's land, it doesn't matter. That's easy to say!" After making such a declaration, the Grand Duke launched a preemptive attack with omnipresent iron stakes. Hundreds, thousands, and thousands of sharp iron stakes emerged from all directions in the void and moved toward the center. The Son of the Sun God launched a stabbing attack.

Boom—bang—! Facing this kind of attack with no blind spots, Karna's response method is very simple, that is, he is wrapped in high-temperature flames that can melt gold and iron, burning all the iron piles trying to get close to him, and with the help of the reverse thrust of the flames, He turned himself into a humanoid rocket, flew high into the sky, and played a barrage avoidance game with the Grand Duke.

... "Hmph! It's you again!" Karna had already fought fiercely with the Grand Duke, and the one standing in front of Achilles was naturally Siegfried.

For Saber, who is inferior to him in every aspect, the demigod hero is actually a little disdainful - without divinity, he can't even hurt himself, and he can't be considered a real opponent at all! As for Black's Archer, Chiron, the ancient centaur sage who has a master-disciple relationship with Achilles, because the last battle in the forest did not directly collide with Achilles, but was suddenly shown up. The coming Decepticons disrupted the situation.

Therefore, until now, Heel didn't know that there was an archer from the Age of Gods on Black's side who could penetrate the defense of [The Brave's Immortal Flower]. Instead, he always thought that it was just an ordinary Archer.

However, such slights eventually cost Achilles.

Just as Achilles relied on his immortality to suppress Siegfried all the way, he shot a precise and vicious arrow from the mountain forest. Achilles originally planned to be as careless as he was with other miscellaneous fish. Resist directly without hesitation.

However, when an arrow almost pierced Achilles' neck, he realized that the black Archer who was hiding and shooting cold arrows was his real opponent! Pfft - "Hmph!" Pulling out the arrow that almost tore his throat, Achilles snorted coldly, and at the same time secretly felt some lingering fear - just a little bit, just a little bit, he almost died here. The arrow is down! Fortunately, this unknown Archer with divinity is not the kind of heroic spirit with very powerful arrows. Instead, he is strong in the exquisiteness and accuracy of archery. With his physical strength, although this arrow hurt him Injured, but not seriously injured at least.

‘This wound is deep, and the opponent’s divinity is at least A level. Is he a legendary archer from the Gods? ’ Achilles had doubts in his heart and naturally wanted to find out the answer.

But they saw that he ignored the sword blade coming from the Black Saber, abandoned the poor Mr. Sorry, summoned a chariot drawn by three divine horses, and rushed directly into the forest outside the battlefield, like a steamroller. " With a rumble, he crushed all obstacles in front of him and galloped straight towards the direction where the arrow came from.

The former master and apprentice, now the opponents, are about to meet again in a life-and-death battlefield! ​​…‘It’s close, it’s close! ' Following the [revelation] that came from somewhere, Joan of Arc headed towards the target area by the shortest route. The outline of the church had already appeared in her eyes. Soon, she would be able to see the man who tried to save all mankind, but in fact For the "saint" who destroyed all mankind, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada! However, just when Joan of Arc was about to step into the church--boom--! ! ! There was a violent earthquake-like vibration on the ground. The church made of bricks and stones collapsed. From the ruins and rubble, a floating city that only appeared in myths and legends rose! "This is..." Although, as a legendary heroic spirit, it is already a legend in the minds of ordinary people, but she was just an ordinary village girl during her lifetime. At most, she was Spar who led a group of Frenchmen and beat up a British guy. Even though she was a village girl, Joan of Arc was still shocked by the scene in front of her.

"...Floating Castle...No, it should be the Floating Fortress. Is this the trump card that Amakusa Shirou Tokisada has been preparing for a long time?" ... It took me at least three days of ceremony to build the sky garden, but it was completed in just over a day!” The lazy and decadent empress was like a queen who ruled over her kingdom, wearing gorgeous and complicated clothes! Wearing an exquisite dress, she sat on her own throne, with her legs crossed and her chin resting on one hand, praising her Master with sincere words.

')232'\u003eChapter 231 The Earth King is under great pressure

"There's nothing we can do. This year's Rulers came too fast! Lancer and Rider were held back by Black's servants again. If we don't summon this fortress, we will lose this war. !" Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, who had resumed his Japanese samurai attire, said in a helpless tone.

After all, the current situation is indeed very unfavorable. Although Rider and Lancer have become his followers, one seems to be addicted to fighting different powerful opponents, and the other does not really obey him at all. When Black's followers appear, , they all unanimously let Joan of Arc go.

On his side, although he has three servants, he seems to have a numerical advantage, but in terms of quality... Needless to say, Shakespeare, as a playwright, became a Caster, and he could use the Noble Phantasm. There is only one that has no actual lethality [the moment of the performance has arrived, there should be thunderous applause (First Folio)]. In addition to exposing people's scars, it can only play a role in delaying time.

As for Semiramis, who has the dual qualifications of Assassin and Caster, she is also a weakling without summoning the Sky Garden. Facing Jeanne d'Arc, who can be considered a strong one among many servants, It’s really just a gift.

As for himself, although he can connect with any magic matrix due to the Noble Phantasms [Right Hand - Evil Eater] and [Left Hand - Xanadu Matrix] on both arms, Therefore, any magic can be used, but in the face of Jeanne who possesses magic power Ex, it is impossible to even protect herself with this level of ability.

Even if the trump card [Twin Arm - Big Crunch] is a powerful Noble Phantasm that can rival those of first-class servants, it cannot be used until the Great Holy Grail is captured as a source of magic power. of.

Therefore, facing this kind of "desperate situation", Amakusa Shiro Tokisada had no choice but to give up the two command spells and use his Noble Phantasm ability to forcibly speed up the process of Semiramis building the aerial garden. Finally, this final trump card was summoned before the last moment.

... "This is really bad..." Looking at the air fortress that had flown to a height of 100 meters, Joan of Arc, who had no ability to fly, showed a distressed expression.

Her [Revelation] skill and Ruler class privileges told her that Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, who was plotting to "save" all mankind, was in that fortress, but she was unable to reach the target that was so close.

‘O Almighty Lord, please give revelation to the lost lamb! ’ Praying silently in her heart, Joan hoped that God, who had always been caring for her, could guide her again.

However, a moment later, the devout Holy Lady did not see a way to solve the problem from God's [revelation], but instead saw the magic bombardment falling from the sky! Boom——! ! ! The powerful Ex-level interception technique is called [Black Coffin of Ten and One (Tiamtum Umu)], which consists of eleven jet black plates with a total length of more than 20 meters. Although only one is activated at this time, the others The magic shells fired also had the power of falling meteorites. When they hit the ground, the area where Joan of Arc was standing immediately turned into a huge crater.

"What a risk!" At the last moment, with the help of the precognition ability brought by the [Revelation] skill, Joan of Arc narrowly escaped the bombing area. Looking at the huge hole with dark red lava flowing on the ground, her heart sank. This aerial fortress has such a powerful attack power, it is really troublesome! ... "Tch, did you actually escape it?" The empress sitting on the throne frowned slightly unhappily. She thought she could help her master solve the little trouble below, but she didn't expect it. , the other party actually dodged! "Semiramis, don't underestimate the heroic spirit who can become a Ruler!" Amakusa Shirou Tokisada said to his most trusted servant: "Although I am only an incompetent second-rate servant, the one below is the best among all Among the heroic spirits who are qualified to become Ruler, she is also the strongest, but at this level, there is no way to defeat her! ""...Tsk!" The Assyrian empress didn't say anything more, but The magic bombardment that was constantly bombarding the ground seemed to be getting more intensive.

... "Tsk, tsk, tsk, you actually summoned the floating city so early? This Amakusa Shiro Tokisada is really quite capable!" In the real space city, Fang Yuan looked at the ground that had transformed into an aerial fort, bombing Jeanne continuously. The sky garden, which had no room to breathe, sighed.

"Hey, uncle, are you just watching Sister Jeanne being bombed and are indifferent? Aren't you going to support her?" Yuzuka Satsuki, who watched the live broadcast of the Fourth Holy Grail War with Fang Yuan, saw that he was driven away by the bombardment. Joan of Arc was in a very embarrassed state, and she didn't know why she was crazy. She kept urging Fang Yuan to come down and help in person.

"Okay, okay, just help, don't shake it!" Fang Yuan shook his shoulders, shook off the claws of this vampire who seemed to be becoming more and more bold recently, and then snapped his fingers - "[ Friday], let me take a look at the list of long-range strike weapons that can be used now.”

Swish - A screen was projected in front of Fang Yuan, which listed a catalog of long-range strike weapons carried by the space city. Each item was followed by a brief explanation, which seemed clear at a glance.

"Well, let's see... God's Staff, no, it's good for hitting fixed targets, but not so good for hitting moving targets... Positron Cannon, no, it's too dissipated in the atmosphere Seriously, it is not suitable for targets in the atmosphere... The 'Genesis' gamma ray cannon, not to mention it. If it were to hit the earth, the entire ecosystem would be in trouble... The proton impact cannon, this seems to be in the atmosphere. It’s not very easy to use... The flinch cannon trial version... Forget it, find one with a lower power... Well, here we have it, the space acceleration kinetic energy bomb!" Fang Yuan clicked on one of the tabs and expanded it. , a large string of data text suddenly popped up on the screen, alongside a schematic diagram and three views of the actual object.

Yuzuka Satsuki looked over curiously and found that the large string of text data that was confusing at first glance was not understandable by a scumbag like her. She couldn't help but turn her eyes to the introduction at the top.

Well, Fang Yuan very thoughtfully provided the Japanese version, and combined with the accompanying pictures, after reading it for a while, I finally understood a little bit.

"This is... to use a closed-loop space channel to continuously accelerate the physical projectile, which can reach up to 1% of the speed of light, and then set the space exit near the target point during the attack, and directly apply high-speed mass projectiles at zero distance?" Follow Fang Yuan has been around for a long time. Although the specific skills and knowledge are really limited to seven or six orifices, she can still more or less remember some of the phrases that Fang Yuan always talks about, at least closed loop, space She can still understand words like channel, mass bomb, and 1% speed of light.

Just because she could understand it, she felt a chill.

Although she is a bad student, she is already a high school student. She has learned the kinetic energy formula, 1% of the speed of light, and physical cannonballs... Even if the cannonball only weighs the weight of a bullet, even if it is 15g, it still has at least... ...the equivalent of sixteen thousand tons of TNT! Well, of course, this number was not calculated by herself, but the answer was obtained by asking the artificial intelligence [Friday] who answered questions.

In addition, looking at the dimensions marked on the three views, it is obvious that the cannonball cannot be that small. If one of them were to be hit... Eh~~ the vampire girl can no longer imagine it.

')233'\u003eChapter 232 Forced demolition of illegal buildings

Bang——The disgraced French saint jumped out of the sea of ​​fire.

Even though she had the ability to foresee given by [Revelation], in the increasingly intensive bombardment, Joan of Arc was still unable to avoid all of these magical bombardments, each of which was comparable to a meteorite falling to the ground.

Just like just now, if she hadn't unfolded the Holy Flag in time and activated the Noble Phantasm [My Lord is Here], she would have almost been killed by the magical bombardment of the floating fortress! But even if she could resist one or two blows, she couldn't resist forever - just that one blow alone had already shattered a third of the holy flag in her hand, and she was hit twice more. This precious treasure of hers is about to be scrapped! "No, we have to retreat..." Seeing that something cannot be done, Joan of Arc is not just a stubborn person who only knows how to fight hard. When it is time to switch to strategy, she still has to switch to strategy.

It seems that the battle with the red side still has to rely on the power of the black side... Just as she was thinking this, suddenly, a flash of light flashed above the aerial garden - almost in just an instant, the entire aerial garden below Half of it scattered and disintegrated like disintegrating gravel, and then in the next moment, a violent flash of light made Joan of Arc on the ground have to close her eyes. Then, an extremely terrifying explosion and shock wave were transmitted to the ground——Boom——! ! ! "What...!" When Joan of Arc relied on the flagpole pierced into the ground as a support to survive the shock wave, she opened her eyes again and saw a shocking scene.

——The floating fortress has fallen! No, it shouldn’t be said that it fell, it should be said that it was broken! The sky garden that was originally extremely gorgeous and magnificent, like a miracle, has completely fallen apart at this time.

Except for the eleven black plates on the periphery and a small part of the upper floor that remain largely intact, the entire sky garden has been broken into countless large and small fragments. This is fashionable and still reflects the "inverted" concept of the Noble Phantasm itself. It was suspended in mid-air, but it had gradually lost its own mystery and magic power, and began to fall towards the ground.

"Who did this...who did this?" Joan of Arc thought that she had no choice but to possess Amakusa Shiro Tokisada in the air fortress this time, but she didn't expect that just when she was embarrassed by the magic bombardment and was about to retreat, The situation suddenly took a 180-degree turn - the seemingly invincible air fortress was actually destroyed! Who is helping her? Joan of Arc instinctively thought of the mysterious figure she met in the restaurant. Her intuition, no, it should be said to be [revelation] told her that it was the person behind the puppet who looked no different from a real person who did it! However, the attack just now was definitely not any magic, nor was it a noble phantom of a heroic spirit. Joan of Arc did not feel any magical energy from it.

So what kind of attack can completely destroy such a powerful aerial fortress in an instant? Joan of Arc looked at the falling fragments, trying to see something from them.

Then, she soon made a discovery - On the wreckage of the floating fortress that had not been completely destroyed, obvious high-temperature melting marks could be seen - those were actually the penetration marks caused by the kinetic bullets that were accelerated to extremely high speeds after hitting the target.

In fact, in order to allow the warheads that kill purely with kinetic energy to convert all the energy contained in them into destructive power on the target, rather than directly hitting the deep ground after penetrating the aerial garden and wasting most of the kinetic energy, Fang Yuan specially chose a deformable split warhead that was somewhat similar to the dum-dum bullet.

If someone could piece together these countless falling fragments, they would find that these high-temperature melting tracks were not actually a straight line that penetrated through, but like forked branches, they began to split and scatter after penetrating a certain depth, eventually forming hundreds or thousands of tiny forks, and even finally breaking off.

However, this was not because the kinetic energy of these warhead fragments was exhausted and they could no longer cause damage, but that at the final point of these tracks, there were no fragments of the aerial garden.

——In order to maximize the lethality, Fang Yuan madly replaced the inner core of the kinetic bullet with metal hydrogen crystals. When these metal hydrogens that shattered along with the deformation and splitting of the bullet penetrated into the sky garden in a very short time after the impact, the huge chemical energy contained in the metal hydrogen that could not exist stably in nature finally exploded, and combined with the huge kinetic energy it carried, it caused double damage to the structure of the sky garden.

This is also the origin of the explosion flash that Jeanne saw before-a simple kinetic bullet impact, unless its energy level is high enough to instantly ignite the atmosphere, there will not be such an obvious explosion flash.

The result of the explosion of countless metal hydrogen fragments is that the lower half of the entire sky garden was almost immediately blown into powder, and the material at the core of the explosion was even directly evaporated.

——And the blow that caused such huge damage was actually just a low-power test shot from Fang Yuan's space city! … “Huh, it’s so fragile?” Fang Yuan originally intended to test fire one round to confirm how powerful this weapon, which was used in actual combat for the first time, was. He was thinking that if one round didn’t work, he would switch to a bigger warhead with a higher power and fire another round. But… it just failed with one round? ! Isn’t this so-called [Vain’s Sky Garden] too fragile? Although it is a bit absurd to bomb a floating fortress that can’t even get out of the atmosphere with weapons from the interstellar era, it is still an Ex-level extraordinary Noble Phantasm anyway, right? It was destroyed so easily, is it really okay? Could it be that Amakusa Shiro Tokisada cut corners when collecting the materials needed to build the Sky Garden? Or did he not make enough money and the materials he bought were not high-grade enough? Or did he use the Command Spell to forcibly accelerate the formation of the Sky Garden, causing this Noble Phantasm to become a mere showpiece? ……If Fang Yuan was surprised by the result of his attack, then the owner of a house whose "illegal building" was forcibly demolished would only feel resentment and fear.

Should we say that she is indeed the queen of Assyria? As a person with both Assassin and Caster qualifications, Semiramis's ability value was enhanced to an extremely powerful level when she was inside the sky garden. She actually reacted in time when she was attacked and avoided the kinetic bullet in a spirit form.

You know, Fang Yuan's attack was fired at the central core area of ​​the sky garden, and Semiramis placed her throne in the most central area to show her unique and supreme status in this sky garden.

In other words, if she had reacted a little slower, she would have personally experienced the baptism of the 1% light speed kinetic energy bullet... Well, just like the good-for-nothing Caster who could do nothing but write scripts, the famous great writer William Shakespeare, he did not dodge it - Caster, who was neither a warrior nor a magician, had no such reaction consciousness at all. When the explosion was about to happen, he was still writing furiously in his room. As a result, when the explosion hit, he did not even have the chance to transform into a spirit body. He was killed directly in the state of manifesting a physical body, and was completely eliminated from this Holy Grail War.

')234'\u003eChapter 233 Coincidence - The Black Hand of Inhibition

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