"Hmph! A mere treasure of this level..." Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish - Countless iron piles pierced out from the ground, from mid-air, and even from other iron piles, forming layer after layer. The barrier blocked the path of Pegasus' advance.

Boom--boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom--! ! ! The "Comet" smashed through one obstacle after another. With Rider infusing magic power at all costs and pushing the power of the Noble Phantasm to the maximum, the bruised Pegasus finally led its owner to smash through the last barrier, allowing Darnic to ·Vlad's originally nearly flawless defense was opened with a gap.

"Now!" Rider shouted loudly.

Behind her, Lancer, who was also riding on a Pegasus at some point and had been preparing for a long time, jumped up from the horse and stabbed out the magic spear in his hand with a strange posture - "Piercing Death" Thorny Spear (Gáe Bolg)! ”')243'\u003eChapter 242 I don’t want this lunch anymore, I’ll give it back to you in double the amount!

Pfft—— The red magic gun turned into a stream of light, bypassing the many obstacles that Danik Vlad had hastily erected in a completely impossible trajectory, and penetrated the magician with the power of the heroic spirit into the chest from the front! "Pfft-" A large mouthful of donated blood spurted out of Danik Vlad's mouth, and Lancer's shot really stabbed his heart! Poof———————————— Lancer, who succeeded in the attack, quickly drew out his magic gun, waved it to scatter the much weaker iron stakes that were shot from all directions, and retreated to safety with the exhausted Rider. area.

As a monster that surpasses ordinary human magicians, it is of course impossible for Danik Vlad to die immediately from an injury like piercing his heart. Both the magic mark in his body and the power of the servant in his body are supporting him. Maintaining a clear will, he can even activate his Noble Phantasm to repel the enemies in front of him.

"Cough! Hahaha!" Danic Vladimir coughed up the blood in his trachea again, and laughed a little weirdly: "It was indeed a good tactic, and it actually made me fall down twice in the same place! " As he said this, Darnic's body shone with green magical light - that was the appearance that appeared when the healing magic was activated.

Immediately afterwards, the huge wound that almost pierced Darnic's entire body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"But you shouldn't attack my heart!" For a servant, the brain and heart are physical vital points directly connected to the spiritual core. If either one is damaged, it will be a fatal injury to the spiritual core.

But this is completely different for the current Danic Vlad - he is not a Servant, but just a human with the power of a Servant! Therefore, he does not have the spiritual core that a Servant must have in his body, but is something that is a fusion of the heroic spirit's spiritual body, spiritual foundation, and human soul. Its attachment point on the material level is not flesh and blood. The heart of the body, but the brain in charge of thinking and consciousness! It's just that the heart was pierced, and there is no curse like "cannot heal". For a magician who has reached the level of sex, it is not an incurable injury.

Especially after possessing the soul and magic power of the Servant, the power of various magics that Darnic once possessed as a magician has been increased to a level that ordinary modern magicians cannot imagine - which naturally includes healing. magic.

"Damn, what a mistake!" Lancer complained with some annoyance. Only when he saw the changes that took place in Danic Vlad, he realized that he was no longer the orthodox heroic spirit before, and he would definitely die if his heart was penetrated. The setting is not suitable for this monster who doesn't know whether it is a magician or something else.

——Of course, he did not expect that a simple human magician, after being penetrated through the heart, would still have the energy to heal himself, and could even completely repair the heart in just ten seconds, which is also more than human beings. level.

Just as Danik said, you shouldn't attack his heart, but you should also attack the opponent's brain! It's a pity that the [Spear of Piercing Death Thorns] is a Noble Phantasm. The inevitable result of reversing the cause and effect is to "pierce the heart" instead of "pierce the brain".

Although this Noble Phantasm itself is actually a spear skill that Cu Chulainn personally learned from a certain purple-haired BBA, rather than the effect of the magic spear itself. If it is used by a real heroic spirit, it may be It can change the settings of the Noble Phantasm on the spot and set the target of penetration to the brain.

But as a sub-server who only borrows the power of heroic spirits, this kind of thing can only be thought about in dreams. Anyway, White Lancer himself will never be able to do this.

... "Rider, can you activate your Noble Phantasm again?" Looking at the fully restored Danic Vlad and the numerous iron piles that "grew" from all directions of the earth to build a steel barrier again, Lancer was filled with excitement. With the last bit of hope, he asked Rider.

"..." Rider shook her head. The previous shot of the Noble Phantasm had almost exhausted her magic power. Let alone launching another attack, she could barely stand still now.

"Tch! Then there's nothing we can do, retreat!" At this time, even Lancer, who had the strongest fighting spirit, had no intention of continuing the fight. He had to agree with Caster's previous opinion and planned to withdraw from the battlefield.

However, this time, it is not up to them to decide whether to retreat or not! "You almost killed me for the second time, do you just want to run away? How could anything be so cheap!" The infuriated Danik Vlad said through gritted teeth, with a ferocious and twisted look on his face. I thought he had released his shackles, used the Noble Phantasm [Legacy of Blood], and transformed into a vampire demon! "[King of Execution]!!!" The furious Danik Vlad burst out with magic power all over his body, and even used the unbroken connection between Vlad III and the source of the artificial man's magic power to forcibly absorb a large amount of additional magic power. , pushing the power of the Noble Phantasm beyond its limits, once approaching the power of Vlad III himself when he used it.

The number of iron piles reaching 20,000 turned into a wave that covered the sky and the sun, shooting down the sub-servers in the center from all directions! Boom——————! ! ! The huge roar was accompanied by smoke and dust tens of meters high, making this battlefield the most eye-catching one.

And when the smoke and dust cleared, what appeared in front of everyone was an extremely bloody and cruel scene - two bloody corpses were impaled in a forest of steel spears composed of countless iron piles.

That's——Lancer and Assassin from the White camp! Caster and Rider, who had escaped this disaster by flying high into the sky, were speechless when they saw this cruel scene.

The previous attack was too sudden and the scene was too huge. Driven by anger, Danik Vlad broke through his own limits and launched a blow that was close to the peak level of Vlad III. Not only did he The number of iron stake attacks reached nearly 20,000, and the attack distance directly reached the maximum distance of Servant Vlad III - a radius of one kilometer.

This sudden change in the number and radius of attacks caught White's sub-servers off guard.

——It has been tested before that the attack distance of Danik Vlad is far inferior to that of the real Servant Vlad III, and the distance has been shortened unknowingly, so when Danik Vlad suddenly broke out , they realized that they had no way to escape! Especially for Lancer and Assassin, the torrent of iron piles surrounding them from all directions was a fatal situation for the two sub-servants without the ability to fly.

Even Caster and Rider could only use their own flying methods to barely escape. As for saving their two teammates, they were unable to do anything.

')244'\u003eChapter 243 The Decepticon who learned to flatter...

"Let's withdraw!" Bang -! Bang——! Bang——! Three red magic fireworks bloomed over the battlefield, letting all White's sub-servers know that it was time to retreat.

Although he was unwilling and angry, Caster ultimately chose to retreat without any emotion.

The fireworks just now were the retreat signal agreed upon before the battle began.

Unexpectedly, this action, although killing Black's Lancer once, created another more difficult monster, and also led to the death of Lancer and Assassin... Once again, the swords clashed, and Mordred and Saber, who possessed Lancelot's spiritual power, were separated again. At this moment, three red fireworks exploded over the battlefield not far away.

"Are we going to retreat..." White Saber whispered to herself.

"Oh? Is this your retreat signal? It seems that the situation of your companions must not be very good now!" Mordred saw that the other party seemed to be leaving, and immediately understood the meaning of these three fireworks signals: " However, the battle between us has not yet decided, so I won't let you go just like that!" "...Forget it, it seems that I can't do it without using my trump card!" Bai, who was wearing heavy knight armor! Saber clenched the holy sword in her hands with both hands - "[Break all chains·Aroundight Overload]!" Applying excessive load to the mirror-flat lake light caused the magic power hidden within to overflow and turn around. Used for attack.

Although it is a holy sword given by fairies like the Sword of Victory, it is different from the latter which uses light cannons as a means of attack. It deliberately does not release the magic power as a slash of light, and is closer to what is released when it hits the opponent. Sword skills.

He saw a knight in pure white armor, like the Knight of the Lake resurrected, charging towards the rebellious knight in front of him with a shining holy sword.

"Have you activated your Noble Phantasm? It suits my taste! Look at me - [Rebellion against my magnificent father (Clarent Blood Arthur)]!" The twisted yearning for my father, reflected in the brilliant King Sword (Clarent) Amplified, it turned into crimson magic lightning, striking at the charging knight like a thunder pillar——Boom——! ! ! …  Bang——! Siegfried once again used the blade of his sword to knock down the bolas flying from the side, and at the same time, without changing his expression, he caught the opponent's flying kick with his hands that was enough to smash rocks into pieces. Siegfried sighed in his heart at the tenacity of the enemy in front of him.

Although he had the upper hand in every aspect, the woman opposite him, who he heard was Berserker, still insisted that he was not completely defeated. If he didn't use the Noble Phantasm, it would still take a long time for him to win.

At this moment, three red fireworks bloomed in the sky. At this moment, the female warrior's eyes became sharp - "Roar -!!!" It was not like the strong war roar that a delicate woman could make. , accompanied by a shock wave that disturbed the atmosphere, it struck the dragon-slaying swordsman.

Click——The swordsman turned the hilt of the holy sword in his hand, revealing the gem hidden inside. It is a precious treasure that contains the true ether of the Gods. It is also the prelude to the activation of the swordsman’s most powerful treasure——………… Click—— —Chiff— After breaking off the back end of the arrow that passed through his shoulder, he pulled out the arrowhead. The archer who was hiding in the jungle sighed secretly: "What a powerful archery! Is this the strength of the heroes of the Gods? Sure enough, it's not me. A dabbler can’t compete with him!” In the previous bow and arrow duel, the White Archer, who had the Robin Hood Spiritual Embodiment, gained a certain advantage with his own invisibility weapon at the very beginning. The centaur sage, who had mastered this rhythm, pressed and beat.

Chiron, who possesses A+ level [Divine Wisdom], comes as an Archer class, but as long as he is willing, he can also master skills such as stealth, ambush and assassination, although it is not reflected on the ability panel. But these represent the essence of wisdom of an entire era in ancient Greek mythology, and are even more powerful than the skills and even the Noble Phantasms of many heroic spirits in later generations.

And this sub-servant with the power of Robin Hood stumbled in this regard - he originally planned to use various traps and assassinations to weaken the power of the Black Archer, and then use his poisonous arrows to send the opponent on his way. .

The result was that it was his side that was beaten. Not to mention weakening the opponent, he himself was shot several times by the opponent's miraculous archery skills. He was injured and bleeding, and was weakened a lot.

Well, as for shooting the opponent with poisonous arrows...how cheating is that archery that can shoot silently flying arrows in the dark! This is impossible to play! ! ! Fortunately, a retreat signal was sent from the main battlefield. Although it was red fireworks, it meant that someone on their side was injured or killed, but it was better to retreat than to continue to hold on. He was indeed almost forced to a dead end... "Did you retreat after two people died? It seems that these sub-servers have quite a high degree of autonomy. I thought they were all a group of death squads!" The protagonist of this book, Fang Yuan, who has not appeared in several chapters, saw this The big melee on the ground was about to come to an end, so he also started his actions.

"A sub-server, it's really a rare item..." Snapped his fingers, and the image of his own AI was projected in front of Fang Yuan: "[Friday], send the Decepticon team down and capture two sub-servants. When the interviewer comes back, the first priority is to select those women. Although both men and women are the same for my research, after all, women are more eye-catching. "

"Yes!" the artificial intelligence replied immediately.

"Remember, you have to live!" Fang Yuan seemed to be a little worried, and finally emphasized.

"Understood. Send a Decepticon team to capture a special individual called a 'sub-server'. The priority target is a human female individual to ensure the survival of the captured individual."

"Well, that's it, let's do it!" A certain mastermind, the big devil, and the final boss nodded, and then waved his hand to signal [Friday] to leave.

...In the space city, in the hangar, an extremely domineering alien tank, an F-22 fighter jet, a Mercedes-Benz sports car, a police car, and an SUV all started at the same time without anyone driving them.

Then the next moment, these vehicles seemed to come to life, flipping parts and transforming into tall steel giants - this is Fang Yuan's current top thug, Megatron (pseudo), and his subordinates. A vote of brothers.

Well, the previous vehicle form and the transformation scene just now were all specially added by Yuan after they completed the last mission.

It is indeed cool to use the deformation unit mode to perform fluid deformation, but after watching it for a long time, the novelty wears off and it becomes the same.

But if it is a more original but more mechanical hard-core transformation, you will never get tired of it no matter how many times you watch it.

Therefore, in view of the aesthetic requirements of the top boss, the Decepticons had to go back to a version in normal times and change their forms through mechanical deformation. Only in wartime would they use fluid deformation that disintegrated into deformation units according to the situation.

The leader, Megatron, saw his arms deformed, holding a sword in one hand and a cannon in the other. He turned around and said to the subordinates behind him: "We have another mission. Decepticons, for the glory of the Supreme Lord, we must complete the mission perfectly. !" """For the glory of the Supreme Lord! """" The four Decepticons shouted in unison, the huge sound echoed in the empty hangar, and the lingering echoes lingered.

"Please note that the space jump is about to begin -" At this moment, [Friday]'s voice sounded in the space: "Countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - jump starts!" A burst of space-distorted light effects In a flash, the figures of the five steel giants disappeared, and the hangar returned to calm again.

“…” In the core control room, Fang Yuan, who was watching the previous scene, was speechless for a long time. After a while, he said: "[Friday], do you think there is something wrong with the simulated personalities of these Transformers? What the hell is that "for the glory of something" just now?" Because he was too embarrassed, Fang Yuan couldn't even repeat what the Decepticons had just said.

"No, there is no problem. The virtual personalities you set for these Decepticons are highly restored to the original personalities, and the overall style of the Decepticons is like this, so it is normal to have such performance!" Fang Yuan: "…" So, this is still his own fault? ')245'\u003eChapter 244 Tonight, start hunting!

"I don't know if they can successfully escape this time..." The white Caster who evacuated from the sky with Rider on Pegasus sighed with some worry.

"Don't worry, they are all excellent warriors!" Rider, who rarely spoke since the fusion of the spirit base, rarely spoke and said so.

"...Alas - it is precisely because they are all excellent warriors that I am worried..." Caster sighed. She was afraid that those guys would get too excited and be affected by the will of the heroic spirits in their spiritual bases. They would fight to the death and never retreat. In that case, they would really die... "I think, instead of worrying about them, we should worry about ourselves first!" At this moment, Rider suddenly said this, which immediately startled Caster. She raised her head and looked up at the thick clouds in the sky.

Whoosh - whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh - Dozens of energy rays pierced through the thick clouds and bombarded the two of them.

"Not good!" The moment she discovered the attack, Caster deployed a defensive barrier at a speed that modern magicians could never achieve. Rider even took a step ahead to control the Pegasus to perform an evasive maneuver.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom - !!! Energy beams swept across the sky, carrying terrifying temperatures high enough to vaporize steel, and fell into the uninhabited land and forests, causing a violent explosion.

Fortunately, although the two sub-servants did not have skills like [Intuition], they were indeed far superior to ordinary people in terms of reaction speed and predictive ability. They narrowly escaped from the fire blockade of dozens of energy rays just before the opponent launched an attack.

"Who is attacking us?" The Pegasus, which accelerated to the limit, carried two passengers and made irregular maneuvers under the clouds, while the two sub-servants deployed all their senses to search for the enemy.

"Here they come!" Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh - Several more energy beams came from another direction. Fortunately, the Pegasus named Pegasus was a real fantasy beast, and its IQ was not much worse than that of humans. It evaded on its own without the control of its master.

"I see it!" Finally, this time Caster saw the enemy's trace - in fact, the attacking enemy did not deliberately avoid at all, he/it just flew above the clouds.

However, after multiple attacks through the clouds, the high-temperature energy rays evaporated a large number of tiny water droplets in the clouds into invisible water vapor. The originally thick clouds have become much thinner, allowing the sub-servants below to finally see the figure behind the clouds.

"Is that... a fighter?" Although they are androids made by magicians in the workshop, this does not mean that they do not understand the common sense of modern society. They recognize vehicles such as airplanes and cars.

And the aircraft that flew out from behind the clouds in front of him, Caster recognized it at a glance. This should be a fighter jet that only exists in the modern army. I don't know which country's army is equipped with it.

Well, the android sub-servant who is not particularly clear about the intelligence of modern society does not know that the aircraft in front of her has just been developed in this world, and it has not even completed its first flight.

That's right, the one who came is the Decepticon, Starscream, who is disguised in the appearance of F-22.

[The target has been locked, and the capture begins! 】  In the internal communication, Red Spider sent a signal, and the next moment, a thrilling aerial chase began.

……  "Cough!"  Coughing up a trace of blood, the knight who had taken off his heavy armor pressed the charred wound on his chest with one hand, and held the holy sword that was still as bright as new with the other hand, staggering in the forest.

Although he paid the price of being seriously injured, he finally escaped from the hands of the red Saber.

The power of [Bandage Breaking·Overweight Lake Light] is indeed strong. If we only compare the attributes of the Noble Phantasms between Heroic Spirit Servants, it is even stronger than the A+ level [Rebellion against My Gorgeous Father].

However, White Saber is not the real Heroic Spirit Lancelot, but only a sub-servant who has obtained the spirit base of Lancelot. With the same level of Noble Phantasm, the power he can exert is at least one level lower than that of the real Saber Lancelot.

Therefore, he lost in the battle of Noble Phantasms. If he had not been decisive enough and ruthless enough to himself, and had not forcibly endured a small half of the power of the opponent's Noble Phantasm at the cost of serious injuries, and used the impact of Mordred's Noble Phantasm's attack to send himself out of the battlefield, he would most likely have died there.

However, it should be safe after being so far away... Before this thought could be settled, the swordsman seemed to feel something and suddenly raised his head.

Boom—— An extremely tall figure fell from the sky and landed in front of the seriously injured Saber of White.

When the huge figure stood up straight, the swordsman saw clearly that it was a tall and ferocious steel giant.

[Not the primary target, exclude and confirm! ] ... In another mountain forest, a scantily clad female Berserker was jumping and flying among the trees, quickly rushing to the pre-arranged meeting point.

Unlike the miserable swordsman, she did not fight the Black Saber with her Noble Phantasm in the end. She maintained enough sanity to let out a war cry that was close to an attack, then feinted a shot and took advantage of the opponent's attack. The moment he took a stance and planned to activate the Noble Phantasm, he broke away from the battle and left the battlefield neatly.

The Black Saber did not have as strong a desire to fight as Mordred. Without receiving the Master's order, he did not pursue rashly, but just let the other party leave.

In fact, his decision was not wrong. Before his real master, Gold, could say anything, the patriarch who had become Danik Vlad sent an order, telling him not to pursue, to prevent the other party from diverting the tiger away from the mountain—— Now that the castle's defense system has been completely defeated, the safety of the Great Holy Grail has been threatened. Before the defense system is rebuilt, combat power cannot be mobilized hastily.

Therefore, except for a few shallow sword wounds caused by Siegfried in the previous battle, the white Berserker can be said to be in almost intact condition at this time.

Just when she jumped from a tree and was about to land on the branch of another tree, a terrifying weapon suddenly appeared in her hand - a meteor hammer as big as a human head.

Without hesitation, she threw out the murderous weapon in her hand and blasted it to her side.

Bang——! A huge metal hand protruded from the dark forest and firmly grasped the flying bolas.

Berserker pulled hard on the iron chain in his hand and found that the opponent's strength was so incredible that he could not retract the meteor hammer. He had to turn it into a spirit and then reappear, so that he could get his weapon back.

She raised her head and, with the help of the dim skylight, saw a huge figure stepping out of the shadows.

[Meet the capture criteria, the action begins! 】…In another jungle, the archer was sneaking away in an invisibility cloak, looking at the metal giant falling from the sky in front of him with a confused look on his face.

He knew what it was. It was an intelligent steel golem that suppressed and beat nearly ten mounted servants from the red and black sides on the first day of the war. It called itself a Decepticon and possessed extremely powerful power... 'It can't see it. Until I can't see, I can't see me...' The archer who loves to shoot cold arrows has no desire for a head-on confrontation. Instead, he prays that his stealth skills are high enough so that the other party cannot detect him.

But - "I saw you, little bug! Mere optical camouflage can't fool my sensors!" "It saw me!" ! ! ’ [Non-capture target, exclusion confirmation! 】')246'\u003eChapter 245: Making your own decisions will not lead to good results \u0026 clues in memory

Sigh - The light transmitted through space appeared again in the huge prison cell. Atalanta, who was hugging her knees and looking lifeless, raised her head and glanced at the new "inmate".

‘Has anyone been arrested again? ’ Well, although it sounds like many chapters have passed, in fact it has only been a few days since poor Ta Miao last appeared.

Fang Yuan "forgot" to untie her when he studied her body structure. In the end, some soft-hearted vampire girl couldn't stand it and asked the big devil for mercy. Only then did she finally change her mind from the previous one. Get rid of the shameful and angry situation.

When the teleportation light effect dissipated, she could see clearly that there were three new inmates captured this time.

And unlike Atalanta and Spartacus, who were teleported in while they were awake, and unlike poor Astolfo, who was imprisoned in a time-stopping barrier, this new arrival The three were teleported in in a comatose state.

Sigh—— Another ray of space-transported light flashed, and the figure that made the huntress gnash her teeth with hatred appeared in front of her again.

"How dare you appear in front of me!" The female hunter with animal ears and tail was like an enraged lioness when she was angry. Her hair stood on end and her teeth were bared, but she cooperated with her. That delicate and beautiful face and slender figure are not intimidating at all. Instead, they look a little cute.

"Why can't I show up here? Understand your own situation, you are my prisoner now!" Fang Yuan, who was hurriedly teleported and originally planned to study the sub-servants, heard Atalanta's question and opened his mouth. He quarreled back, and then without waiting for the other party to say anything else, he adjusted the sound insulation of the other party's cage, completely cutting off the transmission of sound waves, making it impossible to hear clearly.

This guy hasn't figured out his position yet... Fang Yuan complained in his heart, and then he stopped paying attention to the cat-eared lady over there who was beating the invisible cage with a sad, angry and furious face, and focused his attention on what was in front of him. on new collections.

"Let me see what is going on with the so-called sub-servants!" Fang Yuan extended his sinful hand to the three beautiful young women who were in a coma... Okay, This is not an 18X driving scene, and it is impossible for Fang Yuan to do something indescribable here - don't forget that there are two spectators next to him.

Although one was silenced and posted, and the other was mentally disturbed and unable to communicate at all, these were still two big "live" people. No matter how hungry Fang Yuan was, he couldn't do anything in front of them. describe things.

Well, let’s not talk about that, let’s get back to the topic! Fang Yuan first conducted an in-depth analysis of these sub-servants on the material level and found that they were indeed artificial life forms, or at least artificially modified life forms - the skeletal muscle divisions and organ structures in their bodies were different. There are too many traces of human modification.

From the perspective of body functions and operating efficiency, there is no doubt that the body structure of these artificial humans far exceeds that of ordinary humans. Many redundant structures left over from the process of human evolution have disappeared from these artificial humans.

This extremely efficient and perfect body structure is of great benefit even to the current Fang Yuan - the perfect transformation he has carried out on his body is in many aspects only his own research. As a result, the perfect structure of these artificial humans, which has obviously been improved, refined, and even perfected by countless generations, still seems too pyrotechnics in the end.

"I didn't expect that the first gain was at the level of physical transformation. I really learned a lot!" Fang Yuan sighed, and couldn't help but think in his heart, this is really "three people must have my teacher"! Just a preliminary inspection of the three androids allowed him to find many small omissions in his body modification plan. Although they were all small problems that could be ignored, he finally found the problem. .

And finding the problem is a kind of progress in itself! "It's a pity that all three of them are women, and their body structures are still somewhat different from men's.

If I had known, I would have captured a man and returned, but I didn't expect that he would be killed by Megatron and the others..." Fang Yuan shook his head, complaining in his heart about his men's "excessive completion of the task."

He just asked the Decepticons to capture a few samples of female sub-servants before, but for some reason, those guys directly understood that "the men killed all the women and captured them"? Do you think he is the bandit king and want to snatch Mrs. Yazhai? ! By the time Fang Yuan came to his senses, those male sub-servants had been bombarded to death, and he couldn't even stop them in time! "Forget it, let [Friday] teach them a lesson later. I'll get down to business first..." Fang Yuan pressed his hands on the foreheads of several androids and connected them mentally at the same time. The nanomechanical computing cluster directly connected to the brain scanned the brain memories of several sub-servers.

Unlike the Servants who are made entirely of ether, Sub-Servants are still essentially human beings, so their brains are still made of physical brain cells.

Although the structure of the artificial human brain is somewhat different from that of ordinary humans, there is no difference between the artificial human brain and the human brain in terms of thinking logic and memory blocks, and the memory scanning ability can still work.

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