No, even if this lump of meat has always looked like this mess, if it continues to expand like this, it will still be a huge trouble! "...Where did all this extra flesh and blood come from?! What about the conservation of mass?!" This was Alice's question after seeing this lump of infinitely proliferating flesh.

Very good, someone in this world finally realizes this! Fang Yuan looked at Alice with a face filled with relief. Finally, someone understood! "The T virus has the ability to convert human souls into matter, and Las P-lagas should have a similar effect.

As for this thing... I don't know what the leader did, but looking at the many corpses in the altar before, he must have collected a lot of souls..." Fang Yuan briefly explained the biochemical weapons and human souls in this world. Alice understands the relationship between them - although souls and things sound a bit ridiculous in modern society, in fact, there is an even more unscientific existence standing in front of her, so she naturally accepts this kind of thing very quickly.

"Then how should we solve it? Continue to use the move you just made?" Alice tried to use telekinesis to compress the lump of flesh, but she didn't expect that after pressing it, the opposite side multiplied faster, and she resisted the pressure. It was a big circle again, and I suddenly felt helpless.

"...This move is originally for defense. It can only be opened to a maximum diameter of four meters. I can't wipe out all these things at once."

Fang Yuan has had enough of the environment here that restricts his mental power. Next time he must develop a method of large-scale destruction that is not restricted by any environment! "...Okay, let's try it with flames? Maybe without the control of the subject's consciousness, that kind of targeted evolution will not appear!" Although he said this, in fact, both Fang Yuan and Alice were concerned about this. There is no confidence in the suggestion - just seeing the sight of this piece of meat mutating hundreds or thousands of times per second, you know that the ability to evolve at a rapid rate is unlikely to disappear.

Sure enough, when Fang Yuan once again made a dozen incendiary bombs and threw them into the mass of flesh and blood, the huge flames only broke out for a moment, and then were suppressed by more proliferating flesh and blood - this time even the decomposition fuel was gone. No need, just use airtight flesh and blood tissue to isolate the outside air.

Moreover, the flames just seemed to provide energy to the lump of meat. Visible to the naked eye, it expanded faster and faster! "What should I do? Flames are useless..." she asked.

The chaotic mass of flesh in front of us has swelled to the height of a four-story building. If we don't solve it quickly, it will be even harder to eliminate later.

"...Try using ultra-low temperature!" Fang Yuan said.

Since flames don't work, try the opposite direction! This is a weakness shared by almost all monsters in the Resident Evil series. At low temperatures, the virus will fall into dormancy and the body will become fragile. Maybe you can try it! It is not difficult to refine Fang Yuan at ultra-low temperature. Although in the current environment, long-distance freezing cannot be used, and the range of spraying ultra-low temperature airflow directly from the hand is too short, but it is still very simple to create some ultra-low temperature substances. .

Within a few seconds, Fang Yuan had dozens of liquid nitrogen cylinders at hand. Fang Yuan and Alice just threw all the cylinders towards the huge mass of meat that was still proliferating.

Not surprisingly, the uncontrolled proliferation made these pieces of meat resistant to all foreign substances, and swallowed all these cylinders into the body without distinguishing them.

Then, the next moment, with a snap of Fang Yuan's fingers, the lump of meat suddenly expanded, almost exploding from the inside.

Immediately afterwards, the ultra-low temperature exceeding minus 190 degrees took effect. It was almost visible to the naked eye that the proliferation of the entire piece of meat slowed down, and snow-white frost could even be seen forming on its outer surface.

However, before Fang Yuan and Alice could be happy, the endlessly proliferating flesh and blood immediately launched a tit-for-tat counterattack.

As if they had their own wisdom, the flesh and blood started a new round of evolution the moment they came into contact with the ultra-low temperature. Countless tissue structures with higher heating efficiency were mutated and differentiated, and were piled up layer by layer near the location of the cold air. Countless mutated flesh and blood burned themselves one after another to isolate themselves from the cold air, and managed to withstand the invasion of ultra-low temperature.

Even later, Fang Yuan saw a flesh-and-blood structure similar to a furnace differentiated from the pieces of meat, igniting a real high-temperature flame to compete with the ultra-low temperature released by the evaporation of liquid nitrogen.

Something is wrong! ')071'\u003eChapter 71 Finally Killed

Ultra-low temperature is useless, the adaptive evolution of this lump of meat is too fast! I didn’t expect that the corpse left behind after the Boss died would be more difficult to deal with than the Boss himself! "...I really don't want to use this method..." Until now, Fang Yuan has no other better way.

There is only one method he can use now - that is to walk into the mass of meat in person with the decomposition shield, and completely decompose it faster than the proliferation of the meat.

But... even Fang Yuan was not happy to walk into such a large piece of meat that looked disgusting and terrifying!   But now is not the time to worry about this little problem. The piece of meat in front of him has expanded to the height of six stories. It will be more difficult to deal with it if he waits any longer!   "I will go into the inside of that thing myself and use the decomposition shield to completely destroy it!"   I told Alice about my plan. Although she felt uneasy about this "self-entrapment" operation, there was really no other way now. She could only watch Fang Yuan step by step towards the piece of meat that became more and more hideous and terrifying.

Fang Yuan first took a few deep breaths and prepared himself mentally, then took a few steps forward and turned on the decomposition shield again. A white halo surrounded his body, and he walked closer to the bloody monster step by step. In the end, the whole person was completely "swallowed" by the piece of meat.

When the light curtain touched the surface of the meat, every time Fang Yuan took a step, some of the flesh monsters swept by the light curtain would disappear in the crystal white light. No matter how the crazy monsters born from the flesh and blood struggled, fled, and fought back, they would eventually turn into nothingness under the white light that decomposed everything.

But the flesh monsters were also rapidly multiplying. Every time Fang Yuan eliminated a part of them, more flesh and blood would immediately flow out of the wound, and then activated and mutated into various twisted and deformed monsters, rushing towards Fang Yuan one after another.

Fortunately, his decomposition shield was really powerful and could perfectly resist all substantial attacks. Except for the psychological discomfort caused by Fang Yuan himself because he had to walk into such a large and disgusting pile of mutated flesh and blood, he did not suffer any harm.

It was useless to decompose slowly like this. Fang Yuan knew what he should do.

He squatted and started running in the spherical shield, and then in the next moment, he turned into a storm again.

Like a tornado, Fang Yuan, who had accelerated to two-thirds the speed of sound, ran in circles at high speed inside the meat block, "shaving" off the material that made up the meat block in circles. The upper meat block fell down because it lost the support of the lower layer, and soon met the same fate.

As if it had self-awareness, the meat block struggled hard. Sensing danger, it tried to proliferate more flesh and blood to fill the damage it suffered, and even mutated more dense and hard tissues and organs to try to resist this invisible decomposition force.

However, all this was in vain.

Facing the light curtain that directly decomposed matter into atoms, even the meat block that could proliferate endlessly could only disappear into the air piece by piece like a picture erased by an eraser. No matter how much it resisted, it was powerless.

More than ten minutes later, when Fang Yuan finally stopped, there was no trace of flesh and blood on the ground.

What remained was a huge pit that was nearly one meter lower than the surrounding ground - this was Fang Yuan's way of cutting off a layer of the ground that had been stained with flesh and blood in order to ensure that every cell of the monster was killed! "...Finally it's over..." Alice breathed a sigh of relief, finally solving this big problem.

She had participated in the task of investigating biochemical terrorist incidents before, and almost every time she would encounter one or two very difficult monsters at the last minute, but this time, the monster she met was unprecedentedly difficult.

Thanks to Fang Yuan, if it weren't for him, even if she could defeat the monster, she still couldn't do anything with the infinitely proliferating meat.

In fact, if it weren't for Fang Yuan, she herself would still be just a test subject of Wesker.

Fang Yuan, who had escaped from the continuous circle, first supported his knees for a long time. Hearing Alice's words, he shook his head: "No, it's not over yet!" Then he stood up and walked towards the cave that was still burning.

"There is still a fish that has escaped the net!"  Swish-  Points of white light flashed in front of Fang Yuan, and those flames that were stubbornly burning on the ground could only be extinguished one by one after the combustibles were annihilated.

When all the flames at the entrance of the cave disappeared, Fang Yuan tapped the ground in front of him with his foot, and a crystal column with a texture completely different from the surrounding stones rose from the ground.

However, the crystal itself is not the key, the key is what is sealed inside.

"This is..." Alice saw that a piece of meat with a distorted human face was sealed in the crystal. Although the facial features of the human face were much smaller in size and severely distorted, she still recognized that it was Wesker's face!   "He's not dead yet?!" Alice thought that Wesker had died with Sadler under Fang Yuan's annihilation white light, but she didn't expect that Fang Yuan would dig him out of the ground again!   It can be seen that even though it was sealed by the crystal, Wesker's face was still struggling and roaring, and Alice could even hear the sharp and piercing sound through the crystal.

However, it seems that this little monster with Wesker's face has lost the ability to speak, and even if you listen closer, you can't hear what it is roaring.

"Yes, he is not dead.

This guy is indeed very cunning. Although he seemed to be devoured by Sadler before, he did not completely lose his self-will as he seemed on the surface. When you first knocked the monster away, he took advantage of the opportunity of the flames to separate a piece of tissue and hid in the cracks of the rocks underground.

It can be said that he is much smarter than the crazy Sadler! As Fang Yuan spoke, he projected the picture taken by the previous armor - a smart armor with all-round detection capabilities would not be fooled by the mere light and shadow of flames. Wesker's small movements were clearly visible in the camera, and were caught by it. Saw it clearly.

To be honest, this stubborn Wesker in front of him reminded Fang Yuan of Orochimaru in the Legend of the Eye, both of whom were equally difficult to kill! If it weren’t for the powerful functions of his armor and the high level of intelligence of his artificial intelligence, which reminded him in time after the battle, he might have been able to escape from this guy! "It's really Wesker's style!" Alice couldn't help but sigh after watching the video.

Well, when she was chasing Wesker, she didn't know how many times he used similar methods to escape from his shell. It can be said that she was deeply moved.

"But this time he can't escape!" Fang Yuan snapped his fingers, disintegrating the crystal column and everything inside into nothingness. The great boss Wesker finally disappeared completely.

')072'\u003eChapter 72: A world on the verge of destruction

However, even though all enemies were eliminated (the poor castle owner was completely forgotten by the two of them...), Fang Yuan and Alice did not leave the underground immediately.

After all, although the cave was burned by incendiary bombs, there was no guarantee that there would be no traces of flesh and blood left inside.

Both Alice and Fang Yuan, after experiencing the previous events, both agreed that those twisted and terrifying mutated flesh and blood should be completely eliminated.

Fortunately, perhaps due to the loss of the core relationship, the flesh and blood in the cave is not like the combined monster of Sadler and Wesker, which can evolve corresponding organ structures in response to the external environment. Most of them were burned by napalm. All were burned to ashes.

When Fang Yuan turned on the decomposition force field and walked around, he found that except for a small amount of flesh and blood tissue that had survived because it was in the corner of the cave, the entire cave was basically clean.

After casually refining the surviving flesh and blood carpets, Fang Yuan checked them again and again in the cave, and finally could no longer see any trace of organic flesh and blood.

After extinguishing the flame that had completely completed its mission, Fang Yuan arrived at the deepest part of the cave, where the flesh altar and flesh pool seen in the drone footage were located.

The terrifying and curious scene from before is no longer visible here. All that is left here is a large pit, with the deepest center being more than ten meters deep.

This should be where the monster came out.

Having experienced his last trip to Africa, Fang Yuan knew that since this place was used as an altar, there must be something unusual about it.

Sure enough, when he descended to the bottom of the pit, the ultrasonic scanning system on the armor discovered something hidden underground.

"Another altar..." Yes, there is another altar underground. Fang Yuan decomposed all the surrounding soil and saw the entire altar buried deep underground - it is a circular staircase that is somewhat similar to the Ladder of the Sun. , also looks to be made of stone, but the direction of construction is opposite to that of the Sun Staircase, not upward but downward. At the bottom of the stairway, there is an irregular stone slab with a rough surface, and something seems to be engraved on it.

Fang Yuan tried to identify what these carvings were, but the surface of the stone slab was severely worn and seemed to have been deliberately damaged. He could not see what was originally carved on it.

However, he knew that this slate was probably the key item! Whether it is true or not, you will know after trying it.

Fang Yuan walked closer to the edge of the stone slab, squatted down, his eyes flashed with the light of refined reaction, and slowly touched the surface of the stone slab with one hand... Boom—————— A voice like countless people shouting crazily poured into Fang Yuan. Yuan's mind.

High-pitched, low, sharp, hoarse, light, rough, rapid, soothing, fanatical, calm, man, woman, child, old man, human, animal, creature It is a noisy, chaotic, indistinguishable, and incomprehensible sound of chaos. Even if a normal person only hears it for a moment, he will immediately lose his mind. As for becoming a madman, an idiot, or a believer of an evil god, It just depends on that person's luck.

But Fang Yuan was not like this.

This is not the first time he has experienced this kind of scene.

He had encountered the same thing the last time he was in Africa exploring the secrets of the Stairway to the Sun.

Therefore, he also knows very well that he will not be harmed.

Just when these voices turned into a chaotic information flow and poured into his mind, the Door of Truth took action! The Door of Truth, which was originally hidden deep in Fang Yuan's consciousness and could not easily move, appeared directly on the surface of his consciousness.

The portal with the Kabbalah Tree of Life engraved on it opened at this moment, and an invisible suction force erupted, sweeping Fang Yuan's consciousness and the chaotic information inside.

When Fang Yuan, who had fallen into confusion and confusion, regained consciousness, he found that he had arrived at a strange place.

This is a dark space, and the only light source is the countless eyeballs suspended in the dark void, emitting blood-red light.

Fang Yuan found that he seemed to have lost his body at this time. He didn't even have a spiritual body, it was just a pure perspective.

But those countless scarlet eyes seemed to be able to see him, staring firmly at Fang Yuan's location.

The scarlet eyes were silent, but they seemed to be telling something silently. Fang Yuan seemed to understand something from those eyes, but he didn't seem to understand anything... Then, he heard something that seemed to be coming from the darkness. There was some kind of inaudible whisper, getting louder and louder, but it was still unclear what the voice was saying.

At the same time, countless information and knowledge suddenly poured out of the darkness, forcefully and irrefutably poured into Fang Yuan's consciousness.

However, this information and knowledge are too much, far beyond what any human being can bear. Fang Yuan's consciousness cannot accept it at all. He can only let this information flow through his consciousness like water, and then It disappeared, leaving only a few incomplete and superficial traces deep in his heart.

I don’t know how long has passed, maybe it was an instant, or maybe hundreds of millions of years have passed, time has lost its meaning.

Suddenly, a door made of light appeared in front of Fang Yuan's eyes, and his instinct made him step towards the door... The next moment, he woke up.

Opening his eyes, Fang Yuan saw the stone slab that had turned into ashes in front of him, and a lot of information suddenly appeared in his consciousness.

That was a kind of information that was difficult to describe in words. Fang Yuan also received it last time, but he didn't know whether it was because it was too late or because it was too incomplete. He couldn't understand what was going on in his mind.

However, when the information obtained this time was merged with the information obtained last time, Fang Yuan suddenly seemed to understand something.

The first thing that came to mind was a series of very weird and twisted characters. Each character seemed to be entangled with countless tentacles, giving people a very obvious sense of discomfort.

Although they were characters that Fang Yuan had never seen before, for some reason, he recognized them instinctively and even knew their pronunciation.

However, although he recognized them, Fang Yuan could not pronounce them personally - human vocal organs could not produce such complex pronunciations.

However, this is not the point! The point is, Fang Yuan found the paragraph closest to human pronunciation from this string of characters, and when written in English, it was Abhoth.

Fang Yuan knew what this name meant.

Abhoth (Abhoth), the source of the unclean, the ancestor of evil spirits, an alien god in the Cthulhu mythology.

Although he is not a character created by Lovecraft himself, he is undoubtedly a member of the Cthulhu mythology system, and is also the most powerful being in this mythology system-one of the Outer Gods.

According to the setting, Abhoth is the creator of all abnormal errors and abominations on Earth. He lives in the Iqua Cave at the bottom of Mount Voormithadreth in the prehistoric Hyperborea. , in the shape of a terrifying, light gray, large pool that resembles some kind of liquid.

The gray objects within continue to tremble and expand, producing hideous and deformed objects known as "Sons of Abhoth", including bodyless upper and lower limbs, rolling heads, struggling stomach-like objects with fish fins, etc.

These objects try to crawl out of the cave, but are often pulled back into the pool by Abhos, only to be swallowed by their creator.

Abhoth also possesses telepathic abilities and can communicate with those close to him, but his spirit is filled with hatred for the outside world.

Aberhoth is not a creature of Earth, and its amorphous form and malice toward the world hint at some connection to Thathoggua.

The above is the introduction that Fang Yuan saw from Du Niang before traveling through time. Although it did not explain the true nature and origin of this alien god, it described its external characteristics in detail - it was surprisingly similar to the previous flesh and blood palace! From the knowledge that suddenly emerged in his mind, he knew that this stone slab that had been reduced to ashes and the Sun Staircase Altar that he had come into contact with in Africa were all part of this outer god.

——An extremely tiny part, a fragment within a fragment that is not even an incarnation. It can even be said that it is just a little residual trace.

But such a trivial trace can develop the Progenitor Virus and Las P-lagas, two biological and chemical weapon systems with huge threats and endless troubles. The terrifying degree of the Outer Gods can be seen clearly! At the same time, Fang Yuan also knew what the previous Sadler wanted to do.

That guy probably discovered the secrets hidden in the Ancestral Virus and Las P-lagas, and then, as expected, he was brainwashed by the spiritual pollution of the outer gods and became a fanatical believer. He actually planned to build a flesh and blood altar with the help of the power of two derivatives of the outer gods. Summon the true form of Abhos to come! If Fang Yuan hadn't destroyed the altar in time and allowed that guy to successfully summon, God knows how many people would be left in this world! ')073'\u003eChapter 73 Hope of going home

When Fang Yuan and Alice walked out of the underground mine, they saw that the ground was already a piece of scorched earth.

Just after Fang Yuan entered the depths of the underground, the drone group that received his final instructions faithfully carried out his orders and launched attacks on all living creatures on the surface.

The entire mountainous area, with at least a thousand infected people, as well as dozens or hundreds of various biological and chemical weapons, as well as a short castle owner, were all reduced to ashes under the self-destruction attack of thousands of drones. ——Even the castle and the surrounding villages and towns have been reduced to ruins.

"Wow! You are really generous!" Alice thought that Fang Yuan rescued her through infiltration operations, but she didn't expect that what she saw in front of her was a bombing scene. Could it be that they attacked directly from the front? Fang Yuan: "..." Well, before, he only thought about how to quickly and efficiently deal with the large number of infected people and biological and chemical weapons. He never thought about what the scene would look like after the bombing.

Fortunately, the climate in this area is relatively humid. Even such a large-scale bombing did not cause forest fires or anything like that, so the impact was not too serious.

At this moment - "Someone is coming!" After the Gate of Truth took away the underground "source", the mental power restrictions in this area have disappeared. Fang Yuan's mental power scanning ability has finally recovered, so he is far away Then I spotted a helicopter flying over more than ten kilometers away.

"Enemy or friendly force?" Alice raised her eyebrows and clenched the grip of the rifle in her hand.

"Relax, it's a friendly force!" Through the perspective of mental power, Fang Yuan saw that the helicopter was the symbol of B.S.A.A.. Obviously, this should be the reinforcement of B.S.A.A. that Carlos had said.

"Friendly forces?" Alice put down the gun: "Okay, just like the police in the movie, they always appear after everything is over..." A few minutes later, when the helicopter landed in this scorched earth ruins , Chris, who was the first to step out of the hatch, looked at the tragic scene around him, and then looked at the fully armed female warrior standing in the center of the ruins, a little dumbfounded: "Alice, all of this... were you done?" " No, a friend helped me. To be precise, he saved me and destroyed everything here!" Alice shook her head in denial, unwilling to take credit from Fang Yuan.

"Friend?" Chris looked around again, and then said with a subtle expression: "Then this friend of yours really has some magical powers... When we flew all the way here, we saw that the entire mountainous area here was covered with trees. Traces of bombing and burning, did your friend mobilize an entire army to rescue you? " "He... has some special talents."

Alice shrugged and did not answer directly.

From the fact that Fang Yuan left alone, we could tell that he didn't want the authorities to know too much about him, so Alice didn't intend to leak his situation to too many people.

"Okay, I won't ask... Anyway, just be okay!" Chris patted Alice on the shoulder, and then led her to the helicopter: "Let us take you home!" ... One day later, Fang Yuan returned to his residence.

He threw himself heavily on the bed, a tired expression on his face.

Although less than three days had passed from the time Fang Yuan received Carlos' call to the time he rescued Alice, defeated the boss, and cleared the battlefield.

But just these three short days gave Fang Yuan the illusion that a long time had passed.

This is not the author's thoughts after spending several days writing so many chapters, but Fang Yuan's real feeling.

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