Anyway, with the medical technology of Academy City, this level of injury is just a small matter. Let's just treat it as a lesson that will be remembered by this guy! "Yes, sorry, spare me!" The arrogant leader was now begging for mercy with tears on his face to the masked black-clothed girl in front of him. If his hands and feet were not broken, he might have to do a standard slam, looking completely different from before.

"I am very interested in the 'Fantasy Hand' you mentioned. Tell me, what is it?" The girl who had just torn the storm with her hands in a few seconds and knocked down all the bad guys with her fists and feet stepped on the fracture wound of the bad boss's broken hand. Although the force was not great, it still made the poor bad guy wail even louder.

If the girl had not used her ability to control the wind (Mercury's power) to surround the air around her, creating a circle of vacuum layer to limit the spread of sound, the guy's wailing might have attracted the guards.

"No, please! I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you!" The bad boss couldn't stand the pain at all, and he vomited out all the information without any insistence: "The Fantasy Hand is just an audio clip, it's in my music player, just take it! Please, let me go!" Seeing that the bad boss was so sensible, the girl didn't continue to torture him, and searched for a music player from his pocket without saying anything more.

The next moment, a faint flash of lightning flashed, and the bad guy and the girl were no longer in the alley, leaving only a small boy who was so scared that he dared not move and collapsed in the corner, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time...')276'\u003eChapter 275 Fantasy Hand \u0026 Unknown Assistance

"So this is the [Fantasy Hand]!"  Taking off the earphones from her ears, Ruiko Saten felt the invisible network connected in her consciousness, and she had completely understood the true identity of the urban legend [Fantasy Hand].

Unlike those poor students who only know how to use [Fantasy Hand] to improve their abilities, after receiving someone's gift, Saten Ruiko has become the top student.

She only came into contact with the audio of [Fantasy Hand] in the first grade of junior high school, and immediately understood that this is a method of inserting a specific waveform into the brain waves of the [Fantasy Hand] user through the principle of synesthesia, using sound to stimulate the five senses, artificially interfering with brain waves, and using this to build a network between the brains of [Fantasy Hand] users with the same brain waves through the AIM diffusion field, sharing computing power, and the user's ability naturally greatly improved after obtaining additional computing power.

As for Ruiko's own experience, this additional computing power directly improved her ability of only Lv.0 to at least Lv.3, and also let her really know what her superpowers look like after being developed - the power of aerodynamics, the power of manipulating the wind, which is highly overlapped with one of the powers she got from her teacher, so that she was familiar with her own superpowers at the first time.

But for Ruiko Saten, who can now play Super Girl by changing her clothes, this little improvement in superpowers is insignificant compared to her overall strength, and compared with the almost instinctive "SHAZAM" power, this superpower that requires concentration and precise calculations to activate is far inferior in convenience and power.

However, no matter what, this method of connecting the brains of people with abilities as living computers and allowing everyone to obtain additional computing power is indeed a genius idea.

But at the same time, this approach also has extremely serious hidden dangers.

Everyone knows how delicate and fragile the human brain is. Even in a place like Academy City, changing a person's brain waves so hastily is a very risky thing.

Fortunately, Ruiko Saten herself is not very worried about this unknown risk.

In fact, as long as she wants, she can actively hypnotize herself at any time, change her own brain waves, and get herself out of the [Fantasy Hand] network.

But this is a skill that only she can have. For other [Fantasy Hand] users, this risk always exists, and it is unknown when it will break out.

What's more serious is that [Fantasy Hand] has appeared in this city for quite some time, and it has been widely circulated among people with no power and low power. If something unexpected really happens... No! We can't let [Fantasy Hand] continue to spread in Academy City! The girl with a full sense of justice made up her mind.

So, in the next few days, the "Midnight Ghost Avengers" were more active than ever before, and all the bad groups in Academy City who sold [Fantasy Hand] privately were all stunned by the speed girl who worked diligently all night and thrown to the door of the security office.

This is not over yet. Considering that it is impossible to do everything by herself, Ruiko Saten handed the audio file to her close friend Hatsuharu Shikiri without hesitation.

Knowing the strength of this "Guardian of the Library" well, she described the nature and inherent risks of the document [Fantasy Hand] to him almost without reservation, which immediately attracted the attention of Hatsuharu Shikiri.

With the efforts of the wreath girl with god-level hacker skills, all the [Fantasy Hand] files circulating in the entire Academy City network have been thoroughly cleared, which has greatly curbed its spread.

...  "Damn, who is hindering me!"  In the dimly lit office, a woman in a white coat looked at the data scrolling on the computer screen and gritted her teeth and cursed the "enemy" who was hindering her from achieving her goal.

This adult woman with long chestnut curly hair, delicate features and a curvy figure is the creator and disseminator of [Fantasy Hand], and also the true body of another urban legend in Academy City, "Stripper" - Haruo Kiyama.

In order to save the children who fell into a coma due to her experiments in the past, she applied for computing resources from the tree diagram designer, but was rejected 23 times in a row.

With nowhere else to go, as a brain medicine expert, she took a different approach and designed the [Fantasy Hand], a program that connects the human brain through the AIM force field, trying to use the computing power of the [Fantasy Hand] users to replace the tree diagram designer and find a way to help the children recover.

Her plan was going very smoothly. For those without abilities and low abilities who were eager to gain abilities, the [Fantasy Hand] that could greatly increase their ability level was simply a blessing from heaven.

In just a few weeks, the [Fantasy Hand] she spread through the Internet had already had thousands of users. As long as it continued to spread for a while, she would have computing resources that surpassed the tree diagram designer, and the day when the children could return to normal was just around the corner!   But! Things took a very bad turn in these few days.

I don't know what happened. Since the past few days, the number of users of [Fantasy Hand] has almost stopped growing. Although there are still single-digit growths sporadically, it is completely different from the previous crazy expansion that was like a prairie fire. The number of users is awkwardly stuck at more than 8,000 but less than 9,000.

Although the computing power of the network formed by the brains of so many people with abilities is already very powerful, it is still far from the level that Haruo Kiyama really needs, comparable to or even surpassing the level of tree diagram designers.

Moreover, what's more terrible is that the audio files of [Fantasy Hand] that she spread from the Internet have also been completely deleted by some forces in the past few days. Judging from the powerful ability of the other party on the Internet, it is only a matter of time before they find her.

"No, I can't just sit there and wait for death! The children are still waiting for me to save them. If I get caught, everything will be over..." The woman grabbed her hair that had not been taken care of for a long time, and thought about the strategy in her heart.

At this moment, a window popped up on the computer screen in front of Haruo Kiyama, attracting her attention.

"Is this... an email?" This was a mysterious email without a sender or a signature. Haruo Kiyama was going to treat it as spam, but a certain premonition in her heart stopped her from doing so. After hesitating for a while, she clicked on the window and opened the email.

"This is... the Dark May Plan... part of the calculation formula for the first place? Implanting optimization formulas in other ability users to increase their ability strength... not directly strengthening the computing power, but improving the efficiency of computing power... This can also be used in the parallel network of the human brain... Who, who sent this email?!" Haruo Kiyama felt as if she was involved in a huge conspiracy.

Her instinct urged her to delete this unknown file immediately, but in a blink of an eye, she thought of the children who were still unconscious, and the delete key at hand could not be pressed.

After a long time, Haruo Kiyama moved the mouse away from the delete button and carefully read the complex data in the file.

——No matter who sent this document, and no matter what the other party's purpose is, she wants to save those children, and this will never change, no matter what the cost!   …  In the windowless building, the man hanging upside down in the life support device raised a tiny arc at the corner of his mouth.

')277'\u003eChapter 276 Castles are breached from the inside

Let's go back to a few days ago.

Just as Saten Ruiko began to carry out a large-scale cleanup of [Fantasy Hand] traders in Academy City, Fang Yuan, who was on the East Asian continent across the sea, also found his target.

…  Gu~~  "I'm so hungry, I want to eat..."  The silver-haired girl in a white nun's uniform covered her rumbling stomach and walked listlessly on the street.

It was a pity that the girl, walking alone in a foreign country, had no idea how to get food here - in this country where the belief in Christianity was as strong as a desert in a desert, she couldn't even find a church to ask for help. Even if she was starving, she could only wander the streets step by step, suppressing her hunger.

Of course, more importantly, she must escape from the pursuit of those two vicious "enemies" and not let the magic book stored in her mind fall into the hands of the bad guys... However, she is still so hungry. ! "Is there... any kind person who can give me some food..." The silver-haired little nun glanced at the snack shops on the street that exuded tempting fragrance, and the hunger in her stomach became even stronger. Some couldn't move.

"Bring me a meat bun."

"Okay! Chenghui is 20 yuan, please take it!" A pedestrian on the street happened to walk by and bought an oriental "bread sandwich" in front of a store.

Ah, those crispy and golden looking, fluffy and refreshing noodles, and the soft, tender, fat but not greasy minced meat filling must be very delicious! The silver-haired nun's saliva couldn't stop flowing. If she hadn't still insisted on the doctrine in her heart, she would have almost rushed over and snatched the "bread and meat"! "Here, I see you have been wandering here for a long time. Are you hungry?" This is the pedestrian who just bought Roujiamo. He held a paper bag with food in his hand and handed it to the nun. .

"Is this... for me?" The hungry nun seemed to be able to see the delicious food inside through the fragrant paper bag, and her big watery eyes became sparkling.

She didn't even wait for the other party to answer, she just grabbed it... took the paper bag, and regardless of whether her hands were stained with oil, she picked up the "bread with meat" in the paper bag and stuffed it into her mouth, taking a few bites. I swallowed a meat bun.

"Hmm~ It's delicious!!!" The nun, who had never tasted such delicious food, seemed to have been turned on a switch. After finishing the food given by the kind person in a few mouthfuls, she continued to look at the other person with bright eyes. That expression is just as close as saying "I want more, I want more"! (Huh? After writing the previous paragraph, do you still feel that it is a little easy to get confused?) "Uh-" This kind person obviously did not expect that this seemingly small foreign nun not only speaks Chinese well, but also has a good appetite. It was also unusual. A little girl would usually be full after eating just one meat bun, but it seemed that it was far from enough to fill her appetite.

"...Okay, you wait...the store, here are 10 more meat buns!" "Wow, I'm finally full!" The silver-haired nun, who had eaten a lot of food in one go, slapped her book with satisfaction. With a bloated belly, he gratefully thanked the kind-hearted man in front of him for helping him: "Thank you for your help, kind uncle. The Lord will definitely bless you!" "Ah, you're welcome..." I have made three purchases, and the whole trip After watching the scene of the girl eating gluttonously, the uncle looked at his deflated wallet with a stomachache expression on his face, and reluctantly accepted the nun's thanks.

Is this guy's stomach a black hole... "Good-bye, kind uncle~~" The silver-haired girl, who regained her energy after a good meal, waved her arms and smiled with the kind-hearted uncle who had extended a helping hand to her. Say goodbye.

"Ah, goodbye..." The uncle also smiled and waved his hand, watching the girl in nun uniform jumping further and further away, gradually disappearing around the corner of the street.

Turning around, the original kind expression on the uncle's face suddenly disappeared and turned into an extremely dull and indifferent expression.

A few seconds later, as if he had recovered from a nightmare, the uncle shook his head, turned around and looked around, somewhat confused as to why he had ended up here.

After thinking for a long time, I still didn't come up with any results. In the end, I could only think that I was distracted while walking. I shook my head helplessly, found the right direction to go home, and walked away.

... That night, in an apartment building in a nearby community, a sudden exclamation came out: "Where is my money?!" ... In another corner of the city, a certain person was talking like an ordinary person. The "people" wandering on the street glanced at the light curtain that only they could see in their field of vision. On the small map like a satellite bird's-eye view, a green bright spot had been lit up and was leaving the city, heading towards Go in the east direction.

"Sure enough, even if it is an invincible fortress that can resist nuclear bomb-level attacks, as long as we start from the inside, no matter how powerful the defensive measures are, they will lose their meaning!" Yes, this is Fang Yuan.

As early as when he left Academy City, he had already locked in the target of his next move. It was in the name of the "Catalogue of Forbidden Books" that recorded one hundred and three thousand volumes of Little Yellow... Excuse me, it's one hundred and three. A mobile library with thousands of magic books, and a silver-haired nun named Index.

The magical knowledge memorized in her mind is an indispensable and important help for Fang Yuan who wants to deeply understand the power system and rules of this world.

It is not difficult for Fang Yuan to determine the location of this big-eating nun.

Not to mention the mysterious side methods such as divination and astrological predictions, Fang Yuan used part of his own spirit body to refine the spirit computer, combined with the [ether] he brought from the main body of the main world. Source code can easily control the vast majority of Internet-connected devices around the world.

Through the traffic cameras scattered across cities in various countries, it only took Fang Yuan half an hour to locate Index's location.

But Fang Yuan didn't come out to contact Index just like that.

Don’t think that the hungry nun looks easy to be kidnapped, as if a little bit of food can be used to kidnap her.

However, let’s not talk about whether a person with ulterior motives like him can gain the trust of the other party. Even if Fang Yuan kidnaps Index, he can’t do anything to her wearing the "Mobile Church" for a while. After a long time, a revealing Saint Seqin might break in with a knife.

Although it’s not impossible to win, it will inevitably alert the British Puritan Church behind Index and Aleister in the Academy City. Fang Yuan is not ready to be enemies with these two behemoths at the same time.

So, it’s better to change the idea - Anyway, Fang Yuan only wants the knowledge in the head of the Forbidden Book Index, not Index herself. So, since it’s impossible to break through the heavy defense from the outside to obtain the magic knowledge recorded in the brain of the Forbidden Book Index, use "virus" to steal from the inside! It just so happened that this little nun with a petite body and a sweet smile had a huge appetite that was completely inconsistent with her body size. She would not refuse any edible food. And Fang Yuan happened to have a kind of nanomachine that could be safely ingested by the human body... In order to ensure that everything was foolproof, Fang Yuan did not even plan to show up in person. He just temporarily controlled the consciousness of a passing uncle and presented the hungry nun with added food as a kind person. No one was hurt in the whole process, and no one found any problems.

Well, a certain uncle with a shrunk wallet might feel heartbroken for a while... PS: I felt better at night and barely wrote two chapters.

')278'\u003eChapter 277 Destined Encounter \u0026 Upcoming Trial

"If we keep going like this, when will it end?" A tall "young man" over 2 meters tall, wearing a black priest robe, with red shoulder-length hair, a barcode-like tattoo under his eyes, and a cigarette in his mouth, who looked more like a bad guy than a priest, sighed in pain as he looked at the girl wandering in the street.

"Steyer..." Standing next to the bad priest was a tall and slender girl with fair skin, long black hair tied into a ponytail and hanging down to her waist. She was wearing a T-shirt tied at the waist and jeans with the left leg cut off at the root. At first glance, she looked very shy.

She seemed to want to comfort her companions, but when she opened her mouth, she didn't know what to say - in fact, the pain in the girl's heart for what they were doing was no less than that of the bad priest next to her.

For the two of them, the girl who was "hunted" by them all the way was once their close partner, but because of her complete memory ability and the 103,000 magic books recorded in her brain, she could only maintain her memory for one year at most. Once the time limit was exceeded, her life would be in danger. The two of them had to clean Index's memory again and again every year... When the pure white girl looked at them as if they were strangers, where could she tell the pain in her heart? "...She is about to leave the city, let's catch up with her!" After a long time, the figure of the silver-haired nun could no longer be seen. The bad priest took the last puff of cigarette, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and regained his calm.

"...Alas, let's go..." The saint girl named Kamiya Kaori sighed again, nodded, and jumped from the roof with a leap. With her inhuman physical ability, she did not have any buffer, but she was not hurt at all after landing.

"..." The red-haired bad priest looked at his companions below, shook his head helplessly, and then turned and walked towards the stairs - he was a weak wizard, and he didn't have the ability to fall from a high altitude without any injury.

... Time passed, and on July 20, the destined encounter finally happened - in a dilapidated apartment building in Academy City, Kamijou Touma, the hedgehog-headed boy with an unfortunate physique, woke up from the scorching heat.

Although because a superhero girl hidden among the students found the true identity of [Fantasy Hand] in advance, the original plot of Misaka Mikoto pretending to be a good girl to buy [Fantasy Hand] from the bad group did not happen.

But yesterday in the restaurant that Kamijou Touma often went to, he still couldn't avoid meeting a certain Bilibili, and because he annoyed the other party with his bad mouth, he was decisively chased for more than a dozen streets. Finally, after completely angering a certain electric princess, he triggered a thunderbolt, causing a large-scale power outage in the entire school district.

As a result, the air conditioner in Kamijou Touma's dormitory unexpectedly broke down, forcing him to spend a difficult night in the scorching heat of midsummer.

He woke up the next day, opened the refrigerator, and prepared to make breakfast - well, the refrigerator also broke down during the power outage yesterday. The cooked food that had been stored in such high temperatures for a day had become sour and smelly, and of course it was inedible.

He threw the sour-smelling fried noodles and bread behind him and prepared to make do with instant noodles, but... he accidentally knocked over the water when pouring it, and it all fell into the sink.

He looked for his wallet to go out to buy something, but accidentally stepped on his credit card... Then, to make matters worse, the class teacher called at this time and said very "kindly": "Kamijo is stupid, so he needs extracurricular tutoring in the summer."

…  “…What a misfortune!!!”  After hanging up the phone, the boy, who had already gotten used to his own unfortunate constitution, walked to his bed, tidied up the bedding on the bed and said to himself in a humorous way: "Well, the weather is so good today, let's dry the quilt to change the mood!"  Pah--  I felt something stepping on my feet, and when I looked down, it was the fried noodles and bread I had just thrown away.

"…"  The sky is so blue, but my future is dark...  This is probably a portrayal of Kamijou's mood at this moment.

Using his foot to open the French window, Kamijou, who was holding the quilt, walked into the balcony. Just as he was about to hang the quilt on the railing, he found that there was already something hanging on the railing.

"Huh? Is there already a quilt hanging?"  No, that's not right! Kamijou Touma wiped his eyes and saw the "thing" hanging on the railing clearly.

"Eh~~?!!"  What was hanging on the railing was not a quilt, but a girl!!! "Girl... why is she hanging here?... This dress... is she a nun?... She looks like a foreigner..." Just then - "Hmm -" The girl hanging on the railing opened her eyes and uttered two words: "Stomach..." Kamijou: "Eh?" "Stomach... hungry..." The silver-haired girl who appeared in such a fantastic way in a nun's dress said the words that Kamijou would be most afraid of in the future.

... In the windowless building, the upside-down figure was watching the scene in the dormitory building through the hovering loops that were spread all over the Academy City.

"The Forbidden Book Index has arrived, and the British Puritans have tied it to your chariot.

But... there seems to be some interesting little things in this Forbidden Book Index!" The voice with noise echoed in the space here.

Obviously, even if the holy guardian angel who called himself Aiwass, who did not belong to any religion, did not appear in the world in person, he still discovered what Fang Yuan did in Index's body.

"It's okay. This should be the method of that magical outsider."

A simulated voice came from the life support device.

Although he had never met the other party and had never really understood each other, Aleister knew that the nanomachine hidden in Index's body, which was somewhat similar to his hovering loop, was the one who "created" the unexpected variable of Saten Ruiko.

"If I'm not wrong, the other party should also have set his eyes on the original text of the magic book in the forbidden book index, and he used this method that would never be detected by the magic side. This does not contradict my plan. Just let him do it."

I don't know what kind of method Aleister has, but looking at his sure look, it seems that he is indeed very confident in his judgment.

"Anyway, after another test, it should be time to meet the other party..."  ...  On the other side, in the dimly lit office, Kimura Haruo, who stayed up late to finish reading the information, finally perfected her plan. Feeling the network connected in her brain waves, it became stronger after she injected a new calculation formula, and finally a smile appeared on her lips.

It's almost there, it's almost there!   Children, I'm coming to save you! ')279'\u003eChapter 278 This is not a turn-based game!

On the evening of the day when Kamijou Touma met Index, a slender figure was closing her eyes, floating thousands of meters above the Academy City.

The warm summer breeze blew the girl's long hair and dress, and the setting sun shone on her face. In her still young face, it was reflected the calmness and majesty that was completely inconsistent with her age.

The person who was cosplaying as Superman in the sky was none other than the new generation of urban legends in Academy City, Riri Saten.

At this moment, she was using the power of thunder that she had mastered to fully sense all the changes in the electromagnetic force field within Academy City, and with her powerful brain that far surpassed that of humans and even ordinary people with special abilities, she understood, screened, analyzed, and stored all the received information at the same time.

Any slightest movement, as long as it occurred in a place that was not an electromagnetic shielding place, would definitely not escape Riri Saten's sensing.

It can be said that she had completely achieved the effect that Aleister needed to achieve through 50 million "hanging loops" just by relying on her own brain - monitoring the entire Academy City.

In order to find the mastermind behind the development and dissemination of [Fantasy Hand], Riri Saten also fought hard.

Although there was Hatsuharu Shikiri, the guardian of the network, who was investigating from the information network level, she herself did not relax, but expanded her perception range to the entire city, trying to use this method to find the mastermind among the 2.3 million people living in this city.

However, after hanging in the sky for several hours and acting as a humanoid radar for most of the day, she did not find the mastermind behind [Fantasy Hand], but she discovered something else.

"Is that... the student dormitory building? Are there people fighting?" Although her naked eye vision was not strong enough to see people's faces clearly from a few kilometers away, her strong electromagnetic induction ability gave her a new and more powerful sense.

Through the detection and reading of the human electromagnetic field, she seemed to be able to see with her own eyes the two people fighting in the dilapidated apartment building.

Transforming into thunder, she rushed to the battle scene in an instant. Riri Saten immediately saw the fire that almost set the entire floor on fire, and immediately frowned: "Who is so bold that he dares to use such a power in a residential building!" You know, there are many restrictions on the use of superpowers by people with superpowers in Academy City. Although using superpowers to assist daily life or to fight privately is common among students, and it is impossible to ban it, for most students (excluding those at Lv.5), it is almost a convention to avoid affecting innocent people and public buildings when using superpowers.

Even those bad superpowers who are mixed in the underworld - although there are actually very few people among the bad who have real combat abilities - they will try their best not to make a big noise in illegal actions. Such an example of directly burning a house and playing arson can be said to be really unscrupulous.

"Huh?" When she turned her eyes to the two people fighting in the flames, she suddenly found something wrong.

"This guy... is not a superpower!" The guy who is confronting a boy who looks like a student, or rather, the guy who is waving flames to prevent fire recklessly, is not using superpowers! Since connecting to the human brain network through [Fantasy Hand], she has a more intuitive understanding of the AIM diffusion field, which is usually ignored by Ruiko Saten.

With just one glance, she can see that this bad priest who is wearing a priest robe and has a barcode tattoo on his face, who looks a bit like a fire ability user, does not emit any AIM diffusion field from his body. Instead, he has another kind of special "aura" that is hard to explain and feels a bit familiar.

Well, as for the other person who is confronting this bad priest, Ruiko Saten also knows him. Isn't that the hedgehog-headed boy who is often chased and beaten by Misaka Senior? I didn't expect that a guy who looked ordinary could actually fight against such a powerful enemy... However, no matter how much she sighed, Riri Saten couldn't just watch this pyromaniac continue to wreak havoc.

...The red-haired bad priest was indignant because his proud fire magic was easily blocked by the opponent's ability user, and was about to use his trump card "Witch Hunting King" to end the opponent.

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