Fortunately, except for Misaka Mikoto herself, who is at Level 5, the remaining two companions here are one who is the most mobile space user, and the other is a cheating player who is actually stronger than her, so there is no need for them. She warned and immediately withdrew from the monster's attack range.

In fact, Saten Ruiko still had time to take away Kiyama Harusi who was lying on the ground, lest she die in such a confused way under an indiscriminate attack.

boom--! Boom boom boom boom boom——! ! ! Violent shaking sounds resounded in this abandoned real estate area, and the faint vibrations could even be felt by pedestrians a few blocks away.

"It's really an exaggeration..." Kuroko Shirai sighed as he looked at the messy bombing site.

"Well -" At this moment, Chunsheng Kishan, who was in a coma, groaned and woke up.

"That's..." She had just woken up and was being carried by Saten Ruiko on her shoulders. She raised her head with some difficulty and saw the monster raging in the sky.

"Hehe, hehehe, hahahaha!!! It's so amazing! I didn't expect that such a monster would be produced. If you publish it in the academic world, you will definitely win an award!" Harusi Kiyama, who has the temperament of a mad scientist, said with a smile. , making Saten Ruiko, who was carrying her, frown upon hearing this.

"What's going on? Do you know what that thing in the sky is?" the girl asked in a stern tone.

"Oh, the [Fantasy Controller] network has escaped my control. It is no longer possible to take back the lives of those children and restore everyone to normal. It is all over..." Kiyama Harusi seemed to be answering, but also seemed to be talking to himself. Said to himself.

"Child... what child?" Since she had not had much verbal communication with Haruso Kiyama, and no documents related to the ability crystallization experiment were found in her residence, Saten Ruiko had no idea that Haruso Kiyama had made such a big deal. The original reason for the incident was completely unknown to her so-called "child".

"Hey, I'm so depressed when I'm talking to myself! Tell me clearly, what's going on?" Saten Ruiko jumped far away from the battlefield, not caring about herself. It was such a trivial matter that his ability was exposed in the eyes of others. He threw Chunsheng Kiyama from his shoulders and grabbed the opponent's shoulders and asked.

... "AIM diffusion field aggregate?" After learning the nature of this monster from Kiyama Harusi, Saten Ruiko immediately understood its troublesomeness.

Visible enemies are easy to kill, but invisible opponents are difficult to defeat.

Although the "Fantasy Beast" born from the [Fantasy Controller] network in front of me seems to be a tangible and qualitative entity, its essence and foundation are the invisible and qualityless AIM diffusion force field dispersed in space, and its source is those Thousands of students who have used [Fantasy Master] alone can't really kill this fantasy beast no matter how many blows they inflict on it.

Judging from the final result of Misaka Mikoto's shockingly powerful railgun attack just now, this is obviously true.

"Is there no way to solve it?" Saten Ruiko asked reluctantly.

"..." Kishan Chunsheng was silent.

"...Don't you still have important things to do? If you allow the situation to continue to deteriorate, the upper echelons of Academy City will never let you go, so who will save those children?" In the brief conversation just now, , Kiyama Harusi also explained to Saten Ruiko that the reason why she developed [Fantasy Rider] was to save the children who were unconscious due to her experimental accident a few years ago.

However, her request to use the tree diagram designer was rejected 23 times in a row. In the end, she had to take a risk and came up with a way to replace the tree diagram designer with the computing power of the [Fantasy Controller] network.

Saten Ruiko finally knew that this woman who looked like a mad scientist actually had such a soft side.

"Children... well, if you want to destroy the 'Fantasy Beast', you must first destroy the [Fantasy Controller] network. When I developed [Fantasy Controller], I also developed a healing program. It may be useful..." While talking , Harusheng Kiyama took out a memory chip from the pocket of his tattered white coat.

However, when she saw what the chip looked like, she suddenly stopped talking.

"...Broken?" Saten Ruiko looked at the obviously distorted and damaged memory chip in Haruso Kiyama's hand, and an unpleasant feeling arose in her heart - Could it be... that it was crushed when she subdued Haruso Kiyama? Yeah... "..." Kiyama Chunsheng was also shocked by the fact that the chip was destroyed. She recalled her previous experience and said with some uncertainty: "This was probably caused by accidentally touching it when I was fighting with you. It's bad. If I had known it, I would have hidden it more tightly. My habit of throwing things away is really terrible..." "...Isn't there a backup?" Saten Ruiko continued to ask without giving up.

“After I learned that my whereabouts were exposed, I deleted all the experimental data related to [Fantasy Controller], and I only kept a backup of the treatment program.

Although I still remember the rough code of the treatment program, it will take at least a week to rewrite it..." Haruso Kiyama shook his head, and the answer he gave made Saten Ruiko's heart sink.

"... This is bad!" The girl looked back at Misaka Mikoto who was fighting over there, knowing that the situation was stable for the time being, but the size of the fantasy beast was several times larger than when it first appeared, and the surrounding unmanned buildings had been destroyed by the battle between the two sides. Seeing that the scope of the battle was getting larger and larger, they didn't have much time left.

"Tsk! In this case..." Saten Ruiko turned around, stood up, and looked down at Kimiyama Haruo who was half lying on the ground and said: "You said that as long as the [Fantasy Hand] network is destroyed, now the treatment program is gone, then, can we start directly from the inside of the network?" "Start... from the inside?" Kimiyama Haruo didn't understand what Saten Ruiko meant at once.

"That is to say, I will actively connect my consciousness to the [Fantasy Hand] network, and then destroy the network itself from the inside - just like hackers can remotely modify local files through the network, as long as I clear all the brain wave interference related to the [Fantasy Hand] in the brains of all users, theoretically I can release the control of the [Fantasy Hand], right?" "How is this possible?!" Kimura Haruo was stunned by the imagination of the girl in front of him, and shook his head repeatedly: "Do you know what is in this fantasy beast? It is a collection of chaotic subconsciousness of thousands of users. The individual will cannot even stay awake in it. How is it possible..." "Nothing is impossible!" Saten Ruiko interrupted Kimura Haruo and said domineeringly: "They are just a group of scum who only know how to take shortcuts. I can take three times as much!"')292'\u003eChapter 291 The disciple with high expectations and poor skills \u0026 the master who came to the rescue

"You..." Before Kiyama Haruo could stop her, Saten Ruiko had already done what she said, took out the music player with the [Fantasy Hand] file, and put the earphones into her ears.

When she clicked the play button, the music she had heard once before came into her ears, and Saten Ruiko could feel that her mind seemed to be connected to a chaotic and noisy network.

In reality, Kiyama Haruo was stunned to see Saten Ruiko's fluent operation that could be called suicidal.

Seeing that Saten Ruiko did not faint at the first time, nor did she fall into the painful frenzy like she did before, but just opened her eyes with a little empty eyes, she couldn't help but ask worriedly: "This...this classmate? How are you?"  ——She still doesn't know Saten Ruiko's name.

"...I...I'm fine!"  After several seconds, Saten Ruiko responded with difficulty, and a look of pain appeared on her face.

In fact, her current condition is indeed not very good.

Although she did not fall into a coma like ordinary users due to her special constitution of having an artificial spiritual base and thinking not limited to the brain, she was actually bearing the mental impact of thousands of chaotic consciousnesses.

Fortunately, Solomon's wisdom gave her an extremely powerful mind, which even allowed her to use her subconscious mind to combine intelligence to make a highly accurate deduction of the future. At the same time, she often used wide-area electromagnetic detection capabilities and had a lot of experience in receiving a large amount of information at the same time, so she managed to survive.

After slightly adapting to this irritable state where it seemed as if there were thousands of people shouting countless nonsense in her ears at all times, and she had to listen to it, Saten Ruiko tried her best to adjust her "perspective" and roughly figured out her current state.

She could feel that her consciousness was connected to a network composed of countless nodes, and she herself was one of these thousands of nodes.

In addition to all kinds of information about ability calculation, there are also countless complicated and chaotic emotional fragments circulating in the entire network, which constitute an emotional torrent that is enough to completely confuse a person's will, and it hits her consciousness wave after wave.

Ignoring those negative senses as much as possible, Saten Ruiko spread her consciousness to other nodes in the network, trying to invade the consciousness of other users.

However, Saten Ruiko does not have the superpower of telepathy after all, and there is no way to forcibly invade another person's consciousness-even if that person is in the same human brain network as her.

On the other hand, her attainments in information networks are only slightly better than those of ordinary people. If she wants to easily invade a person's brain like a computer, it is a delusion unless she has the hacker level of Hatsuharu Shikiri.

Whether from the perspective of the mind or the data network, she cannot complete this extremely precise consciousness invasion operation.

Things are so awkwardly stuck at the most critical step.

Although Saten Ruiko's computing power may be comparable to that of the strongest superpower user in Academy City, Accelerator, she has not received professional training for superpower users and does not have the same level of knowledge accumulation as Accelerator.

Saten Ruiko cannot delete the [Fantasy Hand] program in the brains of thousands of students like the lolita control in the plot who used Misaka 20001 as a medium to enter the Misaka network to check and kill viruses.

‘Tsk, I miscalculated. I still need to find out some information invasion methods in the consciousness field in a short time...’  Saten Ruiko knew that she was a little overconfident before. Although she could maintain a clear consciousness in the runaway [Fantasy Hand] network, she was still a little incapable of further deleting the [Fantasy Hand] program in other users' minds.

‘Do you mean, just give up like this? But...’  Saten Ruiko in reality opened her eyes and looked at the increasingly fierce battlefield on the other side, feeling unwilling.

At this time, someone needs to save the situation.

…  [You are still too young! Forget it, let me help you! ]  Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in the girl's mind, instantly covering the uninterrupted torrent of distracting thoughts.

Saten Ruiko's eyes lit up, and she almost exclaimed: [Master! You are back! ]  [Okay, don't be distracted, watch my operation and follow me! ]  The long-lost voice said so.

Then the next moment, Saten Ruiko found that a force completely different from the "magic power" she usually used suddenly rushed out from her spiritual base, directly enveloping her thoughts and rushing into the deepest part of the runaway [Fantasy Hand] network, the virtual node formed by the subconscious information released by countless brain nodes, which is also the "center" of the network, inside the chaotic information body called "Fantasy Beast".

Boom--! ! ! The information torrent, which was thousands of times more turbulent than the previous emotional torrent, "collided" with Saten Ruiko's consciousness, but it was smashed to pieces in front of the "barrier" constructed by that unknown force, and could not interfere with Saten Ruiko's consciousness at all.

[This is a consciousness barrier made of spirit particles. Spirit particles and magic power are not much different in essence, but there are some differences. Although it can be said to be a kind of energy, it is closer to a pure conceptual information body and is also the basic "matter" that constitutes the spiritual foundation in your body. Compared with ordinary magic power, spirit particles have stronger interference in the consciousness and information levels. You will also learn how to use this power in the future, just like this——] Accompanied by the patient teaching voice in the consciousness, Saten Ruizi suddenly found that her consciousness was divided into thousands of parts in an instant, with the information body of the "Fantasy Beast" as the center, and each part rushed to a "node" in the peripheral network under the wrapping of a spirit particle barrier.

Under Fang Yuan's deliberate demonstration, Saten Ruizi clearly felt the power called "spirit particles" by the teacher, how to divide her thoughts into thousands of independent "threads" in an instant, and then show one after another consciousness-level data invasion methods in each "thread", silently penetrating the instinctive defense of the human brain and the data exchange protocol of the [Fantasy Hand] program, and invading the brains of all [Fantasy Hand] users at one time.

Then, she saw how each thread that invaded the "node" quickly scanned each consciousness that was in chaos, found the inharmonious parts, and turned them to the right direction - at the same time, it completely processed the brainwave mutations caused by [Fantasy Hand] in the brains of thousands of people, and left no sequelae! When thousands of spirit particles returned to the main consciousness with the separated consciousness threads, the thousands of "observation experiences" that flooded into the brain at once made Saten Ruiko dizzy.

"Hmm -" The girl shook her head, came back to her senses from the discomfort, and asked in disbelief: "Is it over?"')293'\u003eChapter 292 The Birth of the Storm Commander!

Saten Ruiko's question did not wait for a response.

Fang Yuan seemed to be just to solve her dilemma. After a brief appearance, he disappeared again, leaving no response to Saten Ruiko's call in her consciousness.

"...It left again..." The girl muttered in disappointment, but finally shook her head, collected her mood, and turned to look at the battlefield.

"Eh? What's going on? I have already disintegrated the [Fantasy Hand] network, why is this monster still there?" Saten Ruiko thought she would see the "Fantasy Beast" disintegrate in the air, but she didn't expect that the huge monster that had grown to more than ten stories high was still alive and kicking and fighting with Misaka Mikoto.

"You...really solved it?" Kiyama Haruo couldn't believe it. In just a moment, the girl in front of him really destroyed the [Fantasy Hand] network in such an incredible way?   But...   Boom——!   In the battlefield, another beam of light from the railgun flashed, and a big hole was blasted out of the huge Fantasy Beast, but it did not regenerate like before.

"Sure enough, it is indeed disconnected..." Kiyama Haruo saw this scene and finally believed that Saten Ruiko had done it.

"I say, what's going on? I've clearly cleared the abnormalities in the brains of all [Fantasy Hand] users, so why is this monster still here?!" Seeing that Kiyama Haruki didn't respond, Saten Ruiko couldn't help but ask again, and almost let the cat out of the bag.

"The formed AIM force field aggregate already has a basis for existence and will not disperse on its own, but your previous efforts have been successful. The fantasy beast will no longer regenerate, and you just need to defeat it!" Kiyama Haruki explained.

"That's it!" Saten Ruizi nodded, understanding in his heart.

She looked at Misaka Mikoto, who was already very tired, and decided to finish it off herself. Well, she didn't deny that she had some plans to show off her power in front of her friends. Anyway, she probably couldn't hide it from now on... ...Thinking like this, Saten Ruiko exerted a little force on her feet and instantly jumped to a height of tens of meters. At the same time, she controlled the airflow to support her body, allowing her to compete with the monster that was almost the size of a tokusatsu monster. Face to face.

"Misaka-senpai! Leave the rest to me! You go back and rest for a while!" She shouted.

"Huh?" Misaka Mikoto, who had just escaped another tentacle attack, was panting. Suddenly she heard a shout from behind her. She couldn't help but turn her head to look, but was shocked to find that she was supposed to be an incompetent person. Saten Ruiko actually stood in mid-air out of thin air! "Sister, be careful!" The shocking fact made Misaka Mikoto stop her movements, but the enemy monster would not cooperate. During the intermission, she saw a thick translucent tentacle, accompanied by enough to break the rock. The invisible force field struck Misaka Mikoto in the head, who was unable to avoid it.

Fortunately, the loyal dog Shirai Kuroko took action in time, and the space transfer took Misaka Mikoto out of the monster's attack range.

"What's going on? How could Ruiko..." Misaka Mikoto was still immersed in the shock of "ordinary teammates suddenly transformed into powerful ability users". She even felt scared about being almost beaten to death by a monster's tentacle. watered down.

"...I don't know very well, but...sister, do you still remember the bank bombing case and the void explosion warning in the mall some time ago?" Shirai Kuroko obviously didn't just think about how to bend her sister all day long. The adult is a nymphomaniac and has some IQ. Naturally, he thought that Saten Ruiko seemed to be present in the previous incidents. He didn't notice it at all at the time, but now that he thinks about it, I'm afraid it wasn't all her fault... "... That's it..." After being reminded by Shirai Kuroko, Misaka Mikoto also thought of this, but a new doubt emerged: "But why did Ruiko hide her ability level?" However, before Shirai Kuroko said it? Without any answer, Saten Ruizi on the other side had already made a move, and the moment he made a move, it was a grand and majestic scene.

... After seeing Kuroko Shirai rescuing Misaka Mikoto, Saten Ruiko breathed a sigh of relief, and her eyes at the monster in front became more and more evil.

"Wind!" Out of habitual instinct to hide information, Saten Ruiko did not intend to use other types of abilities, but once again used the wind control ability that had been used with great fanfare before.

Speaking of which, the power to control the wind was actually only a very small part of the "SHAZAM" power given to her by Fang Yuan. Although Mercury's speed gave Saten Ruiko a strong affinity for the wind, If it were placed on an ordinary person, it would probably only be able to accelerate its own speed with the force of the wind. It would be almost impossible to control the atmosphere and create storms at will like an aeronaut.

However, perhaps because Saten Ruiko's potential power is that of an "air force user", her ability to control the wind is unexpectedly high. When she exerts all her power to control the wind, she reaches a perfect level of 10. Reached Lv.5 level.

Just like this now - a huge tornado rising from the sky and the earth, with a huge diameter of tens of meters wide, completely covering the fantasy beast that is more than ten stories high, with a wind speed of more than 150 meters per second, which has exceeded The maximum wind speed that can be observed on Earth.

And this was not the limit. Under the urging of Saten Ruiko, the air vortex surrounding the monster continued to accelerate, and soon approached the speed of sound.

With such a powerful storm, it would be in vain to allow the imaginary beast to wave its tentacles to resist counterattack.

The airflow at this time was like a real sharp blade. The moment it came into contact with the monster's body, it cut away the flesh and blood formed by the AIM force field. In just ten seconds, a monster the size of a building was transformed. , most of the proliferated flesh and blood limbs have been cut off, leaving only the original and core part, which continues to resist tenaciously.

"Oh? You can still persist?" Saten Ruiko raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Then, let's use this blow to send you on your way!" Under the control of the girl's mind, part of the airflow broke away from the main body of the tornado storm, and converged directly above the fantasy beast in an absolutely unscientific movement pattern, and flew under her Continuously compress and gather under the will.

The diversion of the cyclone weakened the tornado for a while, but more atmosphere gathered from all corners of Academy City and was replenished into the super tornado, and more airflow was separated from the airflow accelerated by the tornado. The high-speed airflow converges in the increasingly obvious compression area.

High-speed airflows in different directions collide and rub with each other, and the kinetic energy of the gas is quickly converted into the internal energy of molecular motion.

Then, at a certain moment, a spark ignited! PS: Third update.

')294'\u003eChapter 293 The 8th Lv.5

Lit a spark, of course it doesn't mean that Saten Ruiko becomes a planeswalker.

This was just Storm Girl harnessing the power of the wind, and learned the ultimate move of a certain Lolicon without any teacher, compressing and heating the air to a plasma state, and artificially created a high-temperature plasma.

Facing this extremely terrifying physical phenomenon, the "fantasy beast" directly below the plasma had been weakened to the point where only its head was left.

The plasma, which was millions of degrees hot, hit directly, and after a fierce blue-white flash, the monster born in the AIM force field was completely destroyed.

Finally, after destroying the enemy, Saten Ruiko waved her hand to disperse the tornado that had already formed.

As the storm dissipated, the heavy clouds that had originally gathered in the sky gradually dissipated. Against the backdrop of the golden light projected from the gaps in the clouds, Saten Ruiko, who stood in the air, looked as majestic as a goddess controlling the storm.

——The series of riots caused by [Fantasy Hand] finally ended!   ……  On the high-rise building in the distance, the two magicians who were supposed to be monitoring Index and Kamijou Touma were looking at the huge tornado that was connecting the sky and the earth in the distance with serious expressions.

Feeling the change in airflow that almost affected the entire Academy City, Kamisaki Kaori and Stiyl's expressions were full of solemnity.

When a flash of light flashed in the tornado that illuminated most of the Academy City, the two magicians were silent for a long time after the wind and clouds disappeared.

"Academy City, it really can't be underestimated..."  The bad priest took a puff of cigarette and sighed.

"..." Kamisaki Kaori didn't say anything, but nodded seriously, agreeing with Stiyl's statement.

...  The next day, on the airship that was always flying over the Academy City, the huge display screen suddenly stopped the weather forecast that was originally broadcast according to the original plan, and switched to emergency news-the eighth superpower in the Academy City who reached the Lv.5 level was finally born yesterday.

His title is-Storm Commander (Storm Commander/Lord of the Wind)!   ...  The office of the Discipline Committee 177 Branch was locked at this time, the lights were dim, and the atmosphere was completely different from the previous situation.

Saten Ruiko, who was so powerful the day before and easily solved the [Fantasy Hand] incident, is now facing unprecedented pressure.

"Saten-san~~!"  "What happened yesterday-"  "And this Lv.5 title of 'Storm Commander'-"  "It's time to tell the truth!"  In the dimly lit room, there is a table in front of Saten Ruiko, and a laptop on the table. The inverted screen is showing a heavy news just sent out by the internal network of Academy City, which is the news being repeatedly broadcast on the airship floating in the sky outside.

Sitting on the main seat behind the table, Misaka Mikoto put her hands in the classic posture of Commander Ikari. Behind her, standing like a dog leg, is Shirai Kuroko. With some inexplicable pressure, they are "interrogating" Saten Ruiko, who is sitting alone on the chair in the middle of the room. It really looks like a "three-court trial" atmosphere.

"This..." Only Hatsuharu Shikiri stood aside with an embarrassed expression, somewhat at a loss, destroying the atmosphere carefully brewed by the other two girls.

"...Okay, sorry, it's my fault! I admit that I concealed the fact that I had acquired the ability before!" Seeing that she could no longer get away with it, Saten Ruiko could only resign herself to her fate and clasped her hands together, bowed her head and bent down in a sitting posture, and expressed the most sincere apology for deceiving her friends.

... "Eh~~ In other words, you directly changed from Lv.0 to Lv.5 with the help of the "master" you have never seen before?" After Saten Ruiko "honestly confessed", Shirai Kuroko immediately noticed the mysterious "master" she tried to pass over.

As a member of the discipline committee, her professional instinct, coupled with the lessons learned after the [Fantasy Hand] incident, she immediately thought whether this would be another ability enhancement experiment that is harmful to the human body.

After all, no matter how you look at it, it's still a bit too exaggerated to jump from Lv.0, which can't stimulate any ability, to Lv.5, the pinnacle of Academy City.

"It's okay!"  Saten Ruiko, who knows her own business, didn't have such worries. She waved her hand and said, "I believe in 'Master'! And it's been several months since I got the ability. If there were any side effects, they would have already occurred! I'm fine now, which means there's really no problem!"  Well, although Fang Yuan treated Saten Ruiko as an experimental subject to some extent, he didn't intend to cheat anyone. As an alchemist, he didn't allow the products that flowed out of his hands to be problematic products with safety hazards. The "SHAZAM" template given to the girl can be said to be a very complete finished product artificial spiritual base.

"…But this is still very suspicious! I have never heard of such an exaggerated academic achievement in Academy City, and you said you have never seen your 'master', right? Isn't this even more suspicious?!" The carefree Misaka Mikoto didn't care about the little concealment of Saten Ruiko before, and the "three-court trial" just now was just a joke between girls.

She was worried about Saten Ruiko's condition at this time, fearing that she was involved in some dangerous conspiracy.

Hearing Misaka Mikoto's words, even Shirai Kuroko and Hatsuharu Shikiri cast worried eyes on Saten Ruiko, and this pure concern touched the girl very much.

In the end, Ruiko Saten could only emphasize this repeatedly, and repeatedly promised to go to the hospital for a checkup immediately if she felt anything abnormal.

However, the worried girls still insisted that Ruiko Saten go to the doctor Quata immediately for a detailed physical examination.

…  "…"  After listening to the requests of Misaka Mikoto and others, the doctor with a Quata face looked at Ruiko Saten, and after a few seconds of silence, he finally nodded and agreed to help with the physical examination.

However, at the beginning of the examination, they seemed to have encountered a problem - when preparing to draw blood, the stainless steel needle could not penetrate Ruiko Saten's skin at all.

Fortunately, this scene was only seen by Ruiko herself and the Hades Chaser who performed it herself. Under the meaningful gaze of the doctor Quata, Ruiko Saten hurriedly lifted the invulnerability that had been turned on, and finally completed the subsequent series of physical examinations with stumbling.

After most of the day, Riri Saten finally walked out of the hospital, pouting and saying unhappily: "...So, there's nothing wrong with my body..." "But it's better to check it out before you can feel at ease!" Shirai Kuroko said, and Misaka Mikoto and Hatsuharu Sakurai beside her nodded in agreement.

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