"Pets are not allowed in the student dormitories, so the sphinx also... wait! Have you even chosen a name?!" Kamijou Touma was almost surrounded by Index, but luckily he reacted at the last moment.

"No!!! I want to support, I want to support, I want to support...!!!" Seeing Kamijou Touma refusing to let go, Index decisively used a trick that girls don't need to learn - The word "make trouble" in "Cry once, make trouble three times and hang yourself" means waving his hands to make Kamijou Touma agree no matter what.

"No means no!" Fortunately, Kamijou-san is not someone who compromises easily, and he resolutely rejected the girl's unreasonable troubles.

"Meow~" At this moment, the cat, perhaps annoyed by the noise made by Index, decisively jumped out of the box and ran away.

Kamijou Touma shook his head and said, "Look, scare it away!" "It's all Touma's fault!" But Index put all the blame on Kamijou Touma, with an unhappy look on her face.

"You actually blame me?" "Japanese shamisen is made of cat skin, right? This country is too cruel to cats!" "If you really want to say that, isn't your country also chasing foxes?" Because Kamijou-san refused Index clearly raised the issue of raising cats to the level of national morality, and Kamijou Touma also decisively refuted the fact that the British like to hunt foxes - I don't know if he, a scumbag, came from Where do you know this little knowledge?

"...Fox hunting represents tradition and honor..." Index was about to use a long article to refute Kamijou Touma's fallacy, but suddenly stopped at this moment - "What's going on...there is magic nearby Gathering?" The girl closed her eyes, felt around, and said this: "The attribute is earth, the color is green... Is this spell a rune?" Kamijou Touma definitely listened as he murmured. Not understanding the technical terminology of magic, Index ran forward, leaving Kamijou Touma in shock.

"Hey, Index!" "It seems like someone is setting up a magic circle! Touma, you go back first!" Before Kamijou Touma could stop him, Index ran away as he said this, leaving Kamijou boy in a state of shock for a moment. Jian stayed in place, not knowing what to do.

"Even if you let me go back first..." Kamijou Touma was scratching his head when he suddenly felt something strange, and the surrounding space seemed to become quiet.

"This is..." Right here, a somewhat familiar voice came from behind the young man: "You should know, this is the rune, the rune of [Dispersion of idlers]!" Kamijou Touma immediately turned around and looked There was a figure that he didn't want to see at all.

"Stiyl!" "Long time no see, Kamijou Touma!" The person who came was none other than Stiyl Magnus, the delinquent priest with a barcode tattooed on his face, dyed red hair, and a chain smoker.

When the boy and Index first met, it was this priest who was essentially a pyromaniac who jumped out and took on the role of the villain, successfully bringing together the pair of Kamijou Touma and Index (Dagiri). ).

However, after Kamijou Touma used his right hand to remove the "collar" inside Index, didn't this guy go back to England with the very sultry Kanzaki Kaori-sama? Could it be that he still wants to take Index away? Kamijou Touma became alert. His left hand subconsciously reached into his trouser pocket and grasped something in the pocket.

"Ah, that's right! It's me!" The bad priest, smoking a cigarette, said with a sneer on his face.

"...What do you want to do by deliberately moving Index away?" Although he doesn't think that the guy in front of him is his enemy, the two parties are definitely not friends.

However, after confirming that this guy was behind the scenes, Kamijou Touma was a little less worried about Index, but he still didn't pull out his left hand from his trouser pocket.

Of course, Kamijou Touma didn't want to conflict with the other party. In order to lighten the atmosphere, he deliberately put on a business smile.

But... "Hmph! Don't laugh! Be careful, I'll kill you!" Steele, who took action at any disagreement, directly took out a card with runes printed on it from his arms, attracting a large fire, raging The spray was directed towards Kamijou Touma.

"!" Although he was a little surprised by the neurotic behavior of this bad priest who took action at his request, Kamijou Touma was already experienced in many battles and would not be surprised by such a "small scene".

He didn't even directly use the Fantasy Killer he was accustomed to, but took out his left hand and pointed it in the direction of the flames.

"Huh?" Steele was a little surprised by Kamijou Touma's performance. According to his estimation, the guy who took away Index should have used his right hand that can only erase all powers... No! There is something else on that guy's left hand! Steele saw Kamijou Touma's extended left hand. There was a rough-looking green ring on the middle finger of this hand. Could this be the secret weapon this guy acquired during this period? With this thought in his mind, the next moment, Steele's premonition came true.

A green light was released from the ring, forming a green transparent wall out of thin air in front of Kamijou Touma, easily blocking the flames released by Steele.

"Tsk! Is this your new toy?" Steele asked somewhat unhappily.

"Ah, yes, this is our newly developed superpower simulation tool in Academy City. It can allow a Level 0 like me to use superpowers!" Kamijou Touma said casually, but he said It's not a lie. After all, he got this ring from a certain store manager, and this store manager seems to be a member of Academy City. That's right... "Hmph !” Steele snorted, not wanting to comment on the fact that Academy City, the science side’s stronghold, had grown stronger.

"Okay, I've said 'hello', what do you want from me?" Kamijou Touma asked again.

The bad priest once again put his hand into his arms, and Kamijou Touma subconsciously tensed up his muscles. Could it be that this guy hasn't had enough of beating him yet? Fortunately, Kamijou Touma's premonition did not come true. What he took out from the magician's arms was a large kraft paper envelope.

"Ask me what I want to do... I just want to chat with you about a secret!" Steele said in a relaxed tone with an expression that was completely opposite to the tense atmosphere he had just tried to create.

Kamijou Touma: "...What?"')304'\u003eChapter 303: Tsuchimikado with the oriole behind him

Under Steele's deliberately pretentious operation, documents flew out from the kraft paper envelopes, forming a circle in mid-air and constantly rotating. It seemed to be a display, but in fact Kamijou Touma had nothing to do with it. I couldn't see clearly, so I could only listen patiently to the explanation of this annoying bad priest.

"...In other words, you want to attack Misawa Juku, defeat the alchemist named O, Oreos, and ask me to join your operation, but I have no right to refuse?" Kamijou Touma was very worried concluded unhappily.

"Ah, that's right! If you dare to refuse, we will take back Index's management rights. This is our policy!" Steele said with a malicious expression: "Let Index stay By your side, I want you to be a 'shackle' to prevent Index from betraying me.

However, if you are disobedient, the 'shackles' will not be effective. "

"...You guys...you are still disgusting as expected!" Kamijou Touma was very dissatisfied with the Church of Necessary Evil's attitude of treating Index as a tool. However, the other party was powerful and powerful, but he was not. I was alone, so I could only admit it through gritted teeth.

"Hmph! I just promised!" "I'm back~" "I'm back~" The two voices sounded at the same time, and in the end, Kamijou Touma and Index returned to the dormitory at the same time.

But... "Index, what's wrong with your belly?" Kamijou Touma looked at the girl's bulging belly, and an unpleasant premonition flashed through his heart.

"Ah...this is, I ate too much!" Index touched her belly and said with a smile on her face.

Gulu~Guru~ The bulge in the girl's abdomen suddenly squirmed twice, and then moved to the girl's chest.

"Ah... Index, you seem to have become much plumper!" Kamijou Touma said with a helpless tone.

"Yeah, I'm still in the growth stage!" Index, who always has the body of a toddler, said casually.

"Meow~" A small cat meow suddenly came from the girl's bulging chest, and then the bulging part continued to squirm, and finally a furry little head emerged from the girl's collar.

Kamijou Touma: "..." Index: "..." "You still brought it back!!!" Kamijou Touma was going crazy.

... After spending a lot of effort and still being unable to get Index to give up on the calico cat that had been named "Sphynx", Kamijou Touma finally admitted that he needed more cats at home. Tell the truth.

After fooling Index with the lame excuse of "I forgot to bring the reference book back," Kamijou Touma finally found the opportunity to leave the dormitory and prepare to join the action of the bad priest.

Although he was a little worried about Index's safety, Steele posted "Witch Hunting King" runes around the dormitory and promised that he could definitely protect Index, so Kamijou Touma put it aside for the time being. With his heart in mind, he followed the bad priest to the off-campus training institution called Misawa School.

... "Is this here?" Tsuchimikado Motoharu watched Steele and Kamijou Touma walk into the Misawa School building, but he did not follow them immediately.

Looking up at the seemingly ordinary building, a fleeting light flashed in the Onmyoji's eyes, and then, the building in his eyes completely changed.

"What a powerful and exquisite barrier! This is already equivalent to a man-made alien world!" The "spiritual eyes" obtained from the spiritual base in the body that is said to have all the power and knowledge of Abe Seimei during his lifetime allowed Tsuchimikado Motoharu to see through See the ordinary surface world, and see the "inner world" on the other side of the surface world that is completely controlled by another will.

"Is this the strength of that Oreos? If it was me before, no, even if it was me at the beginning, I would be helpless in the face of this situation!" The Yin-Yang Master sighed, and then said to himself: "But I am different now!" I saw Tsuchimikado Motoharu casually draw a talisman in the void, and then patted his body, and then a burst of light that was invisible to the naked eye flashed around him. The next moment, he walked into the building like those ordinary students who entered and exited Misawa Academy.

"Tsk! The binding force is stronger than I imagined!" Tsuchimikado Motoharu paused slightly, but finally walked down firmly.

He could feel that the entire Misawa Academy had been transformed into a small world that was relatively independent of the outside world. Everything inside seemed to be the same as the outside world, but in fact it had special rules.

For example, anyone with a clear "purpose" would be pulled into the inner world like the back of a coin once he entered this building.

"However, the essence of Yin Yang Shu is lies!" Motoharu Tsuchimikado, who possessed all the power and knowledge of the legendary Abe Haruaki, reached the pinnacle of Yin Yang Shu in another way after losing his family Yin Yang Shu.

And the pinnacle of lies is deceiving the world!   Naturally, this small world is also within the scope of deception.

The talisman he had drawn on himself before played such a deceptive effect, making it impossible for the barrier to identify him as an outsider.

In other words, he was not brought into the inner world by the barrier as soon as he came in, like Stiyl and Kamijou Touma, but still stood in the surface world like an ordinary person.

But he can also freely shuttle between the inner and outer worlds at any time according to his own will, and will not be discovered by the owner of the barrier.

"Tsk, the Thirteen Knights of the Roman Orthodox Church? What a miserable death!"   Standing next to a pillar in the hall, seemingly empty, Motoharu Tsuchimikado's eyes penetrated the barrier between the inner and outer worlds and saw the dead body in armor, so he sighed.

However, the death of the Roman Orthodox had nothing to do with him, a Japanese Yin-Yang master. He sighed and just continued to wander around the building like an ordinary student.

It was strange that he was wearing a floral shirt that didn't match the students at all, sunglasses on his eyes, and a gold chain around his neck. He was dressed like a bad boy, not a good student who would go to a cram school, but surprisingly no one showed any strange reaction to his unsociable dress.

This was also the effect of the Yin-Yang technique he had performed before - not only deceiving this barrier that was almost a world of its own, but also deceiving people's consciousness. Everyone who saw him would subconsciously treat him as an ordinary student like themselves, and would not feel anything about his abnormal behavior.

Well, even Kamijou Touma and Stiyl, who met him by chance, didn't notice him.

In this way, Tsuchimikado Motoharu approached the core of this huge barrier step by step without anyone noticing.

The third update is here')305'\u003eChapter 304 Who can you blame for buying a product without reading the instruction manual?

"This is the first time I've seen a scientific religion, but it's surprisingly ordinary!" Walking in the inner world of Misawa Academy, Stiyl looked at the ordinary daily scenes projected from the outer world, and sighed casually: "I thought there would be a photo of the leader hanging inside!"  "It really doesn't look dangerous..."  Coming to the restaurant of Misawa Academy, Kamijou Touma looked at the students who were having dinner and nodded in agreement.

"Huh?"  At this moment, the surrounding environment suddenly became quiet.

Kamijo Touma then discovered that the students who were originally having dinner and talking were staring at him at the same time. Those pairs of dead eyes stared at him, making the boy feel uneasy.

"It doesn't seem good..."  Stiyl naturally saw the scene in front of him and felt bad.

"..." Kamijou Touma's reaction was a little slow. Although he had experience in fighting with countless thugs, he was just an ordinary Japanese high school student. His understanding of magic was limited to some basic concepts that Index had taught him that were not even common sense. Naturally, he could not understand the current situation all at once.

"What happened to them?"  "...Are you still confused? The space in this building has been divided into two sides, just like a coin. The person on the surface of the coin cannot see us on the back of the coin! But they can see us now, which means..."  Kamijo Touma could understand without Stiyl's further explanation, which means these students have been brought from the surface of the coin to the back, and they have been discovered by the owner of this place! However, before he could figure out the next countermeasure, those students with dull eyes, like puppets, began to chant in a special tone and order: "The wings of the blazing sky are shining light--" "The shining light is the pure white that exposes the sin--" "Pure white is the evidence of purification--" "The evidence is the result of the action--" "The result is the future, the future is time--" "Time is uniform, uniform is everything--" "The creation of everything is the past, the past is the cause, the cause is single, the single is sin, the sin is people, people fear sin, fear is sin..." As the chanting became more and more unison, countless white light balls the size of ping-pong balls gradually emerged from the students' foreheads.

"...Sins are in your own heart. If there are taboos in your heart, use the wings of the blazing sky to expose your own sins and eliminate the sins from your body!" As the last sentence of the chant was completed, the light balls that emerged from the students' foreheads finally emerged completely and floated in the air.

Even Kamijou Touma, who doesn't know magic, can feel the dangerous aura emanating from those light balls. Once he is touched, there will be no good results! "... It's up to you, Imagine Breaker!" Stiyl patted Kamijou Touma on the shoulder, said so, and then turned around and ran! "Hey, you guy!" Kamijou Touma didn't expect that this bad priest would sell out his teammates so easily. He was stunned and lost the best opportunity to stop him.

Staring at the magician running at the speed of a 100-meter run, Kamijou Touma had a thousand MMPs to say in his heart.

"..." Kamijou Touma turned his head and looked at the students. He found that the light balls were flying towards him at a speed that was not fast but not slow. The alarm bells in his heart suddenly exploded, and the hairs all over his body stood up! This number... It is impossible to defend against it with the "Imagination Breaker" using only the right hand! Without hesitation, Kamijou Touma immediately raised his left hand, and the green lantern ring on his finger followed his strong will and burst into intense light.

This light became a solid entity after it appeared. According to Kamijou Touma's imagination, it transformed into a solid and thick green wall, just blocking the door of the restaurant, completely separating him from the light ball that was attacking from the front.

A few seconds later, the fastest light ball finally touched the surface of this energy barrier.

Puff - Like a soap bubble that bursts at the touch, this light ball immediately shattered into tiny light fragments after touching the mimic barrier formed by the force field.

It works! It can be prevented! Kamijou Touma secretly clenched his fists. The store manager really didn't lie to him. This ring is really powerful... However, before he could finish being happy, more subsequent light balls had already hit the green force field barrier.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff... Hundreds of thousands of light balls hit the force field wall and shattered into countless light fragments in the next moment. The wall made of the green force field also began to tremble in this continuous impact.

At first, it was just a little vibration that was almost invisible to the naked eye, then there were fluctuations like ripples on the water, and then the whole wall vibrated and cracked.

The wall constructed by the force field was like a real wall. After experiencing too much impact, it reached the limit of defense and cracks appeared.

[What's going on? OA, isn't this wall made of that force field? Why doesn't it seem very strong! ] The boy Kamijou questioned the artificial intelligence in the ring in his consciousness.

[Because what you just imagined was a physical wall, not an energy force field. According to the operating principle of this system, what is condensed is a mimic substance with durability like an actual object. If it is just for defense, you only need to release the force field directly and condense it into a shield shape.

】 The artificial intelligence patiently answered in Kamijou Touma's consciousness with a pleasant female voice.

However, the boy Kamijou who got the answer was not happy at all - did he use it the wrong way just now? ! ! Well, that's right. Although he had the ring for several days, he only read the beginning of the hundreds of pages of instructions in the ring. It was not surprising that such a result would occur.

However, there was no time to regret now.

After just a dozen seconds, the green wall was covered with fine cracks and was about to be completely broken. Kamijou Touma knew that it was not good.

Although it was not impossible to condense a real shield again, his mission was not to fight against these controlled students! The boy put away the light of the ring, then turned around and ran towards the direction where Stiyl was running - that guy actually dared to use him as a shield. He would definitely punch that bastard when he met him later! ')306'\u003eChapter 305 "Magician" with a baton

"Ah, so what A-Shang got from his new boss was a ring that could condense entities out of thin air?"  Using Yin-Yang magic to reduce his presence to a level that no one could detect, Tsuchimikado Motoharu happened to see Kamijou Touma and the other two being discovered and attacked.

However, he did not show up to help the two - after all, neither Stiyl nor Kamijou Touma were guys that could be dealt with by such a small battle, especially the latter who now received a gift from the mysterious store manager, and his strength has improved a lot. In terms of life-saving ability alone, he may be stronger than Stiyl, whose physical skills are extremely poor!   "From the flow of magic power in the barrier, the real core should be in that direction..."  With a gleam in his eyes, Tsuchimikado Motoharu turned in the opposite direction of the other two, and walked towards the real core of the barrier step by step with steps that no one could detect.

…  “Hu…Hu…Hu…Hu…Where did that guy go?!”  Kamijo Touma ran along the corridor stairs, and encountered several light balls along the way, but he resolved them one by one with the ring in his hand.

However, he still couldn't find the trace of the bad priest - the internal area of ​​the building was too large, and there were many forks in the middle. It was really not easy to find him after getting separated.

When Kamijou Touma, who was panicking, just turned a corner, he suddenly found that someone was waiting for him on the road ahead.

A girl with glasses and long braids stood in front of Kamijou Touma with dull eyes, chanting the same spell as before: "The punishment of sin is fire, the control of fire is purgatory, purgatory exists to burn sinners, and it is the only violence allowed by God!"  As she chanted, bloody wounds suddenly appeared on the girl's body, as if an invisible blade was hurting her.

"This is... By the way, Index said that people with special abilities cannot use magic, and once they use it, they will be hurt by the backlash... In other words, that Oreos is manipulating these students to use magic? Damn, he actually killed innocent people..." Kamijou Touma hated Oreos, whom he had never met, more than ever before.

"Sorry, it may be a little rough, but I can't let you hurt yourself anymore!" Kamijou Touma said this to the girl who had lost herself in front of him, and stretched out his left hand. The light curtain blooming from the green lantern ring did not condense into a physical mimicry like before, but turned into an energy force field covering his whole body.

——After suffering a loss once, even Kamijou, a poor student, knows how to learn! Then, the boy with a green light body rushed to the girl despite the attack of countless light balls, and pressed his right hand, the only one not covered by the force field, heavily on the girl's forehead.

Hiss——The girl who was chanting the second spell suddenly stopped, her lifeless eyes finally closed, and she fell unconscious.

At this moment, the countless light balls that were originally swarming suddenly seemed to lose power and fell to the ground, evaporating and dissipating like broken bubbles.

"This is..." Kamijou Touma didn't know what happened. He vaguely felt that it should have something to do with the actions of the bad priest, but he didn't have time to think about it now.

The boy carefully supported the unconscious girl and laid her flat on the ground.

Looking at the blood flowing from the wounds all over the girl's body, Kamijou Touma was a little at a loss for a moment.

Yes, yes, he still has a ring!   【OA, what should I do? Is there any first aid knowledge in your database? 】 Kamijou Touma asked in his consciousness.

【Yes, but there is no first aid equipment near the user, and the first aid knowledge in the database can be applied very limitedly.

】  "...It's better than nothing. Teach me what to do!"  Kamijo Touma said eagerly.

【Yes, sir! 】  Just as Kamijou Touma followed the OA's instructions and clumsily tore the girl's clothes, intending to make some bandages on the spot to stop her bleeding, a voice came from behind him -  "Leave it to me!"  Turning around, it was the girl in shrine maiden costume who he had met once before, and the rescue target of this mission - Himegami Aisa! ...  A scorching flame of magic power shot out from his hand, burning the huge runes carved on the wall. Stiyl looked at the students lying on the ground around him and said with a sigh:  "Using students to launch the Gregorian Choir... I didn't expect that alchemist would also go astray! The thorny road should not be opened up with the flesh and blood of others, but with one's own efforts!"  Just then——  "Sure enough, as long as you use the 'pseudo-choir', no matter where you are, you can be led to the core here!"  A voice came from the darkness, and Stiyl looked in the direction of the voice, only to see Oreos swaggering out and coming to him.

"Of course, there are two invaders! Judging from the current situation, your followers should have been swallowed by the pseudo-choir!"  Oreos with green hair said in a firm tone.

"Hmph! I'm sorry, he's much more difficult than I thought!" Stiyl threw the cigarette in his hand and said disapprovingly: "So, why did you lead me here?"  ...  "Okay, this will do!"  Himegami Aisa suddenly appeared and used the tools in the medical box he carried with him to bandage the injured girl very skillfully.

"... So amazing, are you an unlicensed famous doctor?"  Kamijo Touma had watched Himegami Aisa operate like flowing water before, and he completed the procedures of stopping bleeding, cleaning, suturing, and bandaging the wound in a few seconds. He really looked like a professional.

"No, I'm not a doctor."

But the girl in the shrine maiden costume denied Kamijou Touma's guess.

"Then who are you?"  "A magician!" Himegami Aisa said so.

"Uh...how do you look like a magician?"  "Here, I have evidence!"  As she said this, Himegami Aisa put her hand into the chest of the miko's costume, and the occasional spring light made the innocent Kamijou blush and turn his head away.

"That's it, a magic wand!"  Kamijo looked in the direction of the voice, but saw that the girl was holding a short metal stick with lightning flashing on it. It was indeed magic... What a head!!!  "Wait! Isn't this a baton?!"  Yes, it's the kind with electric shock function.

"It's new material!" The girl, who firmly believed that she was a magician, waved the baton in her hand, and the flashing arc on it made a crackling sound.

"Don't be kidding!" Kamijou Touma's complaining soul could no longer hold back.

')307'\u003eChapter 306 I found you!

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