"Yes, please give me some advice, do," Misaka responded.

The brown-haired girl wearing special optical goggles on her forehead responded calmly, but there was a strange idiom in her words.

"This is also my first time fighting against Level 5, so I'm looking forward to it..." Accelerator, who was looking forward to the next superpower battle with great interest, suddenly noticed what was in the girl's hand.

'gun? ’ A trace of doubt flashed in the young man’s (?) heart.

"The inspection is sure to be perfect, do. Misaka is showing off her enthusiasm for her first actual battle."

Before Accelerator could figure out what was going on, the girl with the gun quickly made a few tactical moves while speaking to prove that she was ready for the fight.

"By the way, my superiors gave me permission to shoot you. Is it really okay?" Not only that, the girl also asked the boy with concern.

"..." Accelerator tilted his head and sighed silently, his expectations for the next experiment becoming lower and lower.

Beep - At this moment, the speaker hidden in the wall sounded a prompt. The next moment, behind the transparent glass curtain wall, an experimenter issued an instruction: "Then, the first experiment begins now!" "Since In this way, strike first!" The brown-haired girl held the gun with both hands and assumed a very standard offensive posture. At the same time, she said in a strange tone of voice: "Do, Misaka starts to attack!" The next moment! , continuous gunshots rang out, and the girl shot at the white boy without hesitation! However, the result was beyond the girl's expectation. Although her marksmanship was very accurate, not a single shot missed even when she was running, and all of her shots hit the target, but... Accelerator, the target, was unscathed! "The ballistic trajectory shifted due to unknown reasons?" While firing, the girl was still analyzing: "Do, Misaka temporarily distanced herself for analysis..." At this moment, Accelerator who was supposed to be in front of the girl suddenly appeared. behind her.

"Are you kidding?!" Accelerator had an angry expression on his face.

He saw him gently touching the girl's back with his hand. The next moment, the girl seemed to have been hit by a car and was thrown heavily over ten meters away.

"Hey, what's going on? Is she really a clone of Level 5?" Accelerator turned to look at the researchers behind the glass curtain wall, his face full of displeasure at being deceived. If those who did this experiment If the people don't give him an explanation, he will really make a scene! "Oh, please forgive me for the difference in ability from the original version!" A middle-aged researcher with a big gold tooth in his mouth and one missing front tooth said, "But the clones will share their memories through the Internet. After 20,000 battles to learn and evolve, you may end up in a tough fight~" "On the other hand, do I have to keep fighting with this kind of fish? Oh no!" Accelerator said on his face! With a bored expression, he turned around and planned to leave.

"Yes, but the first experiment is not over yet!" the middle-aged researcher said: "You have to deal with the experimental subjects behind you.

This experiment can only be completed after 20,000 armed test subjects have been processed. The target has not stopped moving and the experiment continues! "..." Accelerator stopped, looked up at the figure behind the glass curtain wall, and frowned.

However, the girl who was a clone insisted on completing her task and struggled to get up from the ground: "Understood!" The girl picked up the dropped gun and sat on her knees on the ground, facing her "experimental subject" "The trigger was pulled.

Bang——! The next moment, there was severe pain in her chest. The girl lowered her head and looked at the penetrating wound on her chest that was gradually seeping blood, and fell down weakly... "Ah~~! It really reminds me of an unpleasant experience. !" Looking at the disgusted figure in front of him, Accelerator scratched his head irritably.

"The 9803rd experiment, which is the first outdoor experiment, will start in 5 minutes. Are the test subjects ready? Do, Misaka asked with confidence of victory."

The clone girl, holding a submachine gun and wearing special goggles on her head, asked in her usual calm voice.

... Tap tap tap tap - In the dark alley, there was the sound of urgent footsteps, and a girl covered in blood staggered out of the darkness, with bright red blood behind her. It dripped all over the ground, leaving a scarlet trail.

"Why are you running away in such a panic? Didn't you say you were going to knock me down? You are really an 'inferior' who can only talk big words!" A voice that was clearly the villain's was heard from behind the girl. The next moment, a huge piece of concrete appeared. A block fell from the sky and hit Misaka's clone hard - if she hadn't stopped at the last moment, it would have hit her head! However, even if she was lucky enough to escape being crushed by a boulder, the girl's path was firmly blocked by huge concrete blocks, with solid walls on both sides, and a slowly approaching enemy behind her. The clone girl was in a desperate situation! "Judged that the best chance of escape has been lost. Change the strategy and launch a suicide attack from zero distance. Do, Misaka has made a decision."

The Misaka clone girl with a strange language habit took out the last grenade from behind, pulled out the safety catch, and rushed towards the figure walking out of the darkness - Accelerator.

However, after seeing this scene, Accelerator, who was the target of the attack, showed a lack of interest: "Ah~~ Is it such a boring method again?" Saying this, he was confident that no power could hurt his strongest person. The superpower person did not make any move at all, allowing the other party to rush in front of him carrying a deadly weapon.

"It's over!"')312'\u003eChapter 311: First place vs. Eighth place

"It's over!" Accelerator muttered to himself, intending to watch indifferently as the "doll" in front of him exploded into pieces of flesh in vain.

But at this moment, an accident happened - "Stop!!!" Just when the girl holding a self-destruct grenade was about to pounce on Accelerator, a figure fell from the sky with a cry.

Bang——! Some dull explosions sounded, but this was definitely not the sound that a grenade should make when it explodes normally! Black smoke repeatedly emerged from the gap between the intruder's clasped hands. It turned out to be the grenade in the clone girl's hand. I don't know when the grenade had been taken away by the intruder. They even used this method of "stewing the lid" to limit the power of the explosion. Within the small space held by both hands.

"Huh?" Accelerator, who had long been bored to death by this same experiment, did not feel annoyed because his experiment was interrupted. Instead, he looked at the troublemaker in front of him with interest.

What surprised him was that the person who suddenly jumped out to stop the "doll" from committing suicide was also a girl.

With long straight black hair, beautiful appearance, and slender body, she looks no different from the ordinary little girls on the street.

However, after witnessing the opponent falling from the sky and performing the stunt of "clearing mines with bare hands", Accelerator knew that this was a rare and powerful opponent! "Who are you?" Accelerator looked up and down at the intruding girl, guessing her identity.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the key is, what is going on?" Saten Ruiko turned around and looked at Misaka-senpai, who was almost exactly the same as her familiar one, but the intensity of the human electromagnetic field in her body was several orders of magnitude lower. Figure, the word "clone" flashed in his mind, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

She was originally patrolling Academy City on a routine basis today, fighting against those bad groups that would never be wiped out, and curbing the crime in Academy City.

But she didn't expect that not long after she started walking at night today, she heard intensive gunshots from the wind.

Worried that there would be casualties, she immediately activated her speed and rushed here, but she did not expect that what caught her eyes was a scene of a girl at the end of her rope firing a glory bomb in an attempt to die with the enemy.

What's more important is that the girl who doesn't care about her own life actually has a face exactly like Misaka-senpai! She immediately knew that this time, she was involved in a whirlpool even bigger than [Fantasy Master].

"Huh? Woman, I'm asking you a question!" Accelerator was very dissatisfied with Saten Ruiko's attitude. No one had ever dared to ignore his question like this! "This person who has nothing to do with the experiment, please do not interfere with the normal conduct of the experiment, do, Misaka requested in a sincere tone."

The clone girl whose life was saved was completely ungrateful and actually asked Saten Ruiko not to interfere with the normal conduct of the experiment.

"Experiment..." Saten Ruizi did not answer, but chewed on these two seemingly plain words, but in fact they did not know how much blood they soaked in.

After seeing the scene at the scene and what Misaka-senpai's clone said, she basically guessed the truth of the matter.

She raised her head, looked at Accelerator, who had a fierce look on his face, and said expressionlessly: "Human cloning, an experiment at the cost of human life... And you, Level 5, who is obviously the number one, But she participated in such an inhumane experiment... Sure enough, there is too much garbage that needs to be cleaned up in this city!" Yes, when Saten Ruiko saw the appearance of the white-haired boy (?), she had already seen it. She recognized the other party. After all, she was also a member of Level 5. It was easy to know the faces of the other Level 5s.

She originally thought that the so-called strongest superpower, even if he was not as approachable as Misaka-senpai, might be domineering, and might not be easy to talk to, but at least he should be someone with a bottom line.

But it turned out that she was still too naive! "Trash? You guy, how dare you call me trash?!" Accelerator didn't care how bad Saten Ruiko's mood was. He was completely irritated by the other person's words.

——Ever since he became the strongest man in Academy City, others have only had emotions such as awe, fear, and terror toward him, but no one has ever dared to call him "trash" in front of him! However, he is angry, and there is someone more angry than him! Huh—— The air flow passed by, lifting the girl's skirt and robes.

This is, the wind is blowing! In the dark alley, the calm atmosphere suddenly showed its most violent side under the influence of a certain will. In just a few seconds, the originally windless summer night turned into something comparable to a passing typhoon. Normally blustery weather.

A huge low-pressure cyclone was formed out of thin air above the heads of Saten Ruiko and Accelerator.

But this was not the result of Saten Ruiko's deliberate manipulation, but the result of her unconsciously emitting emotions in extreme anger affecting the ubiquitous "wind", which was formed spontaneously.

"Hey~ the power of controlling the wind..." Accelerator, who felt the changes in the surrounding atmosphere, raised his head and saw the cloud vortex generated out of thin air in the sky, and a high-spirited smile appeared on his face.

"You, you are the new eighth one who appeared before, right? With this move alone, you have indeed reached the level of Lv.5."

"Humph!" Saten Ruiko didn't want to talk to the guy in front of her who insulted the word "superpower", but directly launched a targeted attack.

Boom--! ! ! Under her will, the seriously injured clone girl was wrapped in a strong wind and flew away from the scene. Then, the atmosphere within thousands of meters around was driven away from the original place, and all the outdoor areas of the entire block had become a vacuum without a trace of air.

In the last battle with Kiyama Haruo, Saten Ruiko had already discovered the best way to deal with vector manipulation ability users - blocking the opponent's breathing with a vacuum environment, indirectly forcing the opponent to lose consciousness.

This time was the same. She was so angry that she skipped the process of testing and directly used a large-scale vacuum field, determined to take down Accelerator in one fell swoop!   Of course, due to the limitation of the venue, Saten Ruiko's attack was also very measured.

——The air pressure inside the building, which was also within the affected area, did not change at all under Saten Ruiko's deliberate manipulation, which shows that the girl's control of the concept of "wind" is subtle and delicate.

')313'\u003eChapter 312 Spectator \u0026 Invalid Ability

"So that's it, the so-called Golden Great Evolution Technique is like this!"  In the strangely named "Youjian Store", Fang Yuan, who seemed to be sitting behind the counter and doing nothing, was reading the most important knowledge in the mind of a genius alchemist through the information fed back by the nanomachine.

Looking at the plain text file of more than 100G recorded in the Lingzi computer, Fang Yuan finally saw how long the so-called "one person can't finish chanting it even if he chants it for one or two hundred years without sleep" was.

"By the way, this Oreos is really stupid!" Fang Yuan shook his head and said, "Even he can remember this spell that requires a person to chant continuously for hundreds of years to finish. Why doesn't he think about why Index has to clear her memory once a year just because she has read 103,000 magic books? In terms of information volume alone, the spell of this golden big derivative is more exaggerated!" However, the magicians in this world seem to have a tendency of "anti-intellectualism and anti-science", and have an innate contempt for science and logic, not to mention that the person involved is Oreos, a magic nerd who deals with magic all day long, so it is normal not to think of this.

Shaking his head, leaving the green-headed alchemist who failed elementary school mathematics behind, Fang Yuan continued to interpret the "alchemy" of this world.

Unlike the alchemy/alchemy that Fang Yuan obtained from the world of "Fullmetal Alchemist", the core of alchemy in this world is not the principle of "equivalent exchange", but "thinking changes reality".

Whether it is simply changing matter, making spiritual equipment, or even creating a world where dreams come true, the alchemy in this world is an extension of the concept of "changing reality according to one's own will".

And its peak is naturally the ultimate alchemy that claims to be able to simulate the real world 100% and can make the user's wishes come true according to the will of the user-Golden Great Evolution.

"With this, plus the inherent barrier theory I got from the clone in another world, I may be able to..." Fang Yuan, who was immersed in research, muttered to himself, his voice getting lower and lower.

...Drip drip drip-Just when Fang Yuan was obsessed with magic research, the artificial intelligence [Ether] connected to his consciousness sent a reminder-Experimental subject No. 1, that is, his lovely disciple Saten Ruiko, came into contact with the Absolute Ability Evolution Plan and had a head-on conflict with Accelerator.

"Hmm? She actually met him?" Fang Yuan was a little surprised. He temporarily put down the research at hand and called up the real-time monitoring screen of the spirit base in his mind. He saw the scene where Saten Ruiko intervened in the Absolute Power User Plan.

"This is really... Don't take away the role of Kamijou classmate again!" Fang Yuan looked at the battle scene in the screen and was a little worried that Aleister would come to trouble him again afterwards.

After all, Saten Ruiko, such a huge variable, was created by him personally. All her actions would be regarded as Fang Yuan's will in the eyes of Aleister. If that cunning guy mistakenly thought that he was interfering with the other party's "plan", there might really be a conflict.

But after thinking about it, the Absolute Power User Plan itself actually has little to do with Kamijou Touma. Although from the original plot, it does have the effect of training [Fantasy Breaker], Aleister's most fundamental purpose is actually to destroy this plan and disperse the Misaka sisters all over the world without any sense of disobedience.

From this point of view, it doesn't matter whether it was Misaka Mikoto, Kamijou Touma, or Saten Ruiko who interrupted the plan. Aleister just needs to make sure that the plan is ruined.

Fang Yuan, who had made up his mind, decided not to interfere with the battle between Saten Ruiko and Accelerator, and continued to be a spectator without any pressure.

… On the other side, Saten Ruiko, who created a huge vacuum field, did not lose her vigilance.

She knew that a superpower like Accelerator would not lose his combat effectiveness immediately like ordinary people even if he was in a vacuum environment. In fact, from the results of Kimura Haruo's similar ability at Lv.4, she doubted that Accelerator, who had already reached the top in Lv.5, could definitely continue to fight at a high intensity for a long time in this environment.

Sure enough, although Accelerator was shocked by the sudden vacuum environment, he was not panicked. He immediately controlled the air near his body surface to continue to wrap around him, and was not driven thousands of meters away like the atmosphere in other areas.

However, he also knew that this could not be maintained for too long, and he had to leave this vacuum area before all the remaining oxygen was exhausted, or - solve the creator of the vacuum area!   Bang——! Although there was no air, the vibration of the ground being crushed by a huge force was still transmitted to Saten Ruiko's ears through the earth itself.

Accelerator changed the force vector under his feet and accelerated himself to a speed comparable to a rifle bullet in an instant, and rushed towards Saten Ruiko with his hands wide open.

Although this action looks like a pervert attacking a beautiful girl, in fact, this is the most terrifying attack of Accelerator, a superpower who has killed nearly ten thousand lives.

Once touched by his hands even a little, the power of vector manipulation will penetrate into the human body through the contact of the skin. As long as the opponent has a thought, the flow direction of the blood in the body will be disrupted. In an instant, the person will die like a broken water bag, gushing blood all over the body.

For Accelerator, he didn't know how to do this before.

However, after killing more than 9,000 Misaka sisters, he has learned this extremely cruel killing method without a teacher.

Although he repeatedly told himself that those were puppets without self, puppets made of protein and minerals, and that only 180,000 yen was needed to mass-produce one... But killing was killing, and Accelerator, who had killed more than 9,000 people, inevitably underwent some negative changes in his mental will - cruel, bloody, and bloodthirsty.

Accelerator used to ignore the enemies standing in front of him, but now he prefers to use the most terrible means to completely destroy the enemy! However, this time, Accelerator missed! When his hand touched the girl's body, he found that the blood that should have been controlled by him to explode did not explode according to his calculations - in fact, he found that his ability could not work on the other person's body at all! 'What's going on? ! ' Accelerator could feel that the other person's body was covered with a layer of special power, a power he could not understand! The third update is here')314'\u003eChapter 313 Saving people is more important than fighting

"I didn't expect that the eighth one would suddenly jump out to interfere with the experiment..." A middle-aged researcher with golden dentures in his mouth was observing the battlefield between the two Lv.5 through the monitoring screen.

"Director, is it okay to let the eighth one disrupt the experiment?" A young researcher beside him asked a little uneasily.

"Hmph! Don't worry! Although they are all mice produced in this experimental city, there are differences between mice. The first one is absolutely powerful!" The middle-aged researcher called "Director" said indifferently.

"However, the data on the eighth one's ability in the library is almost completely blank. Except for some simple data, we don't know what she can do!" The young researcher was still very worried that the appearance of Saten Ruiko would destroy this great experiment that they poured all their energy into.

"That's perfect. We can take this opportunity to collect information about the eighth person's ability and find out what's going on with this superpower who was originally impossible to become Lv.5 in the quality judgment!" The "director" grinned, revealing a mouthful of uneven, yellowed teeth with serious missing numbers.

... Saten Ruiko had no idea what the bystanders and voyeurs thought, and she wouldn't care at all even if she knew.

In her eyes, there was only the opponent in front of her!   Bang——  The dull sound of body collision was transmitted to her ears through the vibration of bones and muscles. Saten Ruiko could feel that some kind of power was trying to penetrate her body's defense, but was blocked by the invulnerable body of Achilles in her spiritual base.

'Is this the power of vector manipulation? He tried to manipulate the vector of objects in my body? ' Saten Ruiko instantly understood the other party's thoughts, and was also glad that she habitually turned on the defense of her invulnerable body on weekdays.

Without this layer of defense, she would have been defeated in the instant of the battle. Accelerator could develop such a cruel killing method in the endless killing. Saten Ruiko, who was also a top student, could naturally imagine how many terrible methods the seemingly simple [Vector Control] ability could play once it was applied to the human body.

The first person who had gone astray was indeed a powerful opponent, but unfortunately, he misjudged the true power of Saten Ruiko.

Pah! In the silent vacuum, only a few sounds were transmitted through the vibration of the limbs. Relying on her unparalleled strength, Saten Ruiko grabbed Accelerator's arms with all her strength, then turned around and threw him back to his original position, causing him to fall to the ground in an indecent posture with his face on the ground.

Boom! The ground that came into contact with Accelerator's face seemed to be crushed by a huge force, and it instantly exploded and dented. This was not only the power of Saten Ruiko, but also the result of the instinctive effect of the reflex ability of [Vector Manipulation] after being magnified multiple times.

Accelerator shook his head and climbed up from the gravel and dust on the ground. Although he was not hurt because of his own ability, this embarrassing situation of being smashed into the ground was the first time for him.

The white-haired boy raised his head, revealing a pair of murderous eyes from his messy hair.

There is no doubt that he was completely enraged! 'This guy...' If he hadn't been in a vacuum environment, the furious Accelerator would have cursed loudly, but now every bit of air is the most precious resource for him, and he must ensure that he can solve this troublesome vacuum environment before he is completely deprived of oxygen.

Although he was in extreme anger, Accelerator did not lose his mind. He knew that the most important thing at the moment was to regain his right to breathe.

Through the previous instant of fighting, he already knew that the eighth person in front of him, who looked like an aerodynamicist, had something strange about him. His vector manipulation ability could not penetrate the opponent's body surface, and that inhuman strength was also very tricky. It was unlikely to knock him down in a short time.

Then, there was only one way left - even if he was very reluctant, the threat of hypoxia was approaching all the time, and Accelerator had to make a humiliating choice - leave this vacuum area!   Although it can be said to be a strategic shift or a shift in the battlefield, Accelerator himself knew that he was just running away.

With a light tap of his foot, the tiny force was changed in magnitude and direction by the ability of [Vector Manipulation]. Under the equal reaction force, Accelerator moved away from Saten Ruiko at a very high speed in the opposite direction of Saten Ruiko.

——In fact, he had another way, which was to break the walls of the surrounding buildings, enter the room that was not evacuated, and regain fresh air.

But just as Saten Ruiko didn't know the calculation formula of his ability, he didn't know that Saten Ruiko could actually keep the air inside the surrounding buildings when the outdoors was evacuated.

So, this simplest way out was ignored by Accelerator's subconscious reaction.

'Want to escape? ' Saten Ruiko didn't feel any surprise when she saw that the other party's response was almost exactly the same as that of Kimura Haruki in the past.

After all, after she opened the vacuum field, her enemies ultimately faced only two ways - either defeat her before being suffocated to death and let the expelled air flow back, or directly withdraw from the range of her ability and reach an area with normal air pressure.

Saten Ruiko was about to catch up, just like she had forced Kiyama Haruo into a dead end last time, and she kept a close eye on Accelerator's whereabouts, always covering him in a vacuum area.

But just as she was about to act, she noticed something through her electromagnetic induction ability - the seriously injured clone had fallen into a coma due to excessive blood loss, and it looked very bad.

Between the two options of saving people and chasing the enemy, Saten Ruiko chose the former without hesitation.

After all, she was different from a certain electric shock princess who liked to use herself as bait and then teach a lesson to the gangsters with electric shocks. She cleaned up those bad groups and armed powerless people not because she was bored and wanted to have some fun, but more because of a "heroism" complex. She wanted to punish evil and save the world like the superheroes in the comics she had read before.

In her mind, fighting crime is just a means, and saving innocent people who have been hurt is the real purpose.

So, without hesitation, she gave up chasing Accelerator and turned around to find the clone girl who was sent far away.

After the shocked Misaka sister was carried up in a princess hug, a flash of lightning flashed, and the two disappeared from the scene.

')315'\u003eChapter 314 "Logical" speculation \u0026 Misaka Mikoto who knows the truth

"Huff-in--" Arriving at the normal air pressure area, Accelerator exhaled the waste gas accumulated in his lungs, took a long breath of fresh air, and his brain, which was a little drowsy due to lack of oxygen and high-intensity mental work, finally recovered its sensitivity.

"Didn't you follow me?" He turned his head and looked behind him, and found that the eighth person who suddenly appeared did not chase him, and even the coverage area and its huge vacuum area were cancelled, and the anger that had just been suppressed in his heart was rekindled.

"Are you disdainful of chasing me? You are so brave!!!" Taking Saten Ruiko's action of giving up the pursuit, who was eager to save people, as disdain to chase him, a completely restrained opponent, Accelerator's face showed a ferocious expression, and anger filled his chest, almost turning into substance.

However, he did not lose his mind because of this. He turned back and looked for trouble with the eighth place.

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