Or is this just the official headquarters? Thinking of this, Fang Yuan walked to a computer, pulled out a data cable from the armor and connected it.

"[Ether], search all the information on the local area network here, keywords: human experiment, T virus, G virus, Las P-lagas, solar staircase, ancestor virus."

A few minutes later, the AI ​​gave the result: "221 entries related to the T virus were found, and there is no relevant information for the remaining keywords."

"221 entries, show me!" A light curtain that only he could see popped up in front of Fang Yuan's eyes. He looked through it briefly, but found that these 221 entries were just some very formal research reports on the T virus. It is completely a responsible large-scale pharmaceutical company conducting targeted vaccine research on the new plague of T virus, and the content does not involve any illegal behavior.

"It's so clean. This headquarters is just a disguise!" Fang Yuan understood that this company must have paid more attention to confidentiality and disguise after seeing the lessons learned from the umbrella company, and would no longer put obviously illegal information everywhere.

In other words, even the information he just learned from the executive's mind may be false, and the woman may not have gone to India.

"It's really troublesome!" Fang Yuan had a headache. In this situation, it was really not easy to find a specific person in the huge crowd.

"[Ether], hack into the customs system and search for Excella Gioni's recent entry and exit records!" Although the president of a large company like this must use a private plane to enter and exit, he should still leave Just record it... However, the AI ​​gave him bad news.

"Sorry, no entry and exit records of Excella Gioni were found. It seems that there are traces of information erasure, which cannot be restored remotely."

"Fuck! Damn the privileged class!" Fang Yuan cursed.

"What about the customs in India? Are there any relevant entry records?" "Sorry, the information level of the Indian customs is too low to allow remote intrusion."

Fang Yuan: "..." He almost forgot that we have just entered the 21st century. Although the United States in this world seems to have a higher technological level than the real world at the same time, India is not.

On the contrary, because it has been sheared by European and American consortiums for a long time, the economic and technological development of this super populous country is even worse than that of India in reality.

As for the comprehensive informatization of the customs system... forget it, let's wait ten or twenty years first! Now the clues are really gone, unless he personally spends more than ten hours flying to India, and then he has to find a Western woman among the vast sea of ​​more than one billion people - and this is only if she has really arrived. India is the premise.

If what the executive just got in his head was false information, then it would be really harder to find a person out of thin air in the world than to find a needle in a haystack! "List to me all the subsidiaries and fixed assets of Sanlian Group. I will kill them one by one. I don't believe they can sit still!" This is the only way - the war has officially started anyway, so let's kill the enemy first. Destroy all her assets and see if she can jump out when the time comes! But before he could set off, [Ether] sent a warning: "Sir, the reconnaissance system has detected that the SWAT troops have been dispatched and are about to arrive outside the headquarters building of Sanlian Pharmaceutical!" Hearing this news, Fang Yuan was not surprised at all. , and even felt that the US government’s response was a bit too slow.

"Come on, come on, it will just let those Americans who think they are the best in the world see what real power is!" He was actively looking for trouble, but when he came to kill him, the man behind it was nowhere to be found, and he had already suppressed it. Fang Yuan, who was so angry, just needed a sandbag to vent his anger, but he didn't expect that the US government would be so considerate and send it to his door! "Alpha team is in position!" "Delta team is in position!" "Sniper team is in position!" Reports of "in position" came over the radio.

"Listen to my order and take action..." Boom——! ! ! Before the SWAT commander could give the order, a violent explosion drowned out his voice.

All SWAT operators turned around in shock and saw the fireball rising from the command vehicle behind them.

The operation hasn't even started yet, but the command has been taken away? ! ! The next moment - there was another "boom" explosion, and another bulletproof vehicle spiraled into the sky in the explosion.

"Lie down!!!" Someone at the scene shouted, but in fact no one needed to shout. Everyone fell down as soon as the explosion occurred and looked around for cover.

"What is attacking us? Sniper, have you seen the trajectory?" Someone asked loudly on the radio. They don't even know from which direction the attack is coming. Only snipers who occupy the commanding heights can possibly Saw it.

"Zizzi——" There was only some noise on the other end of the communication, and there was no response from the three sniper teams.

"Shit! The sniper is finished!" Someone saw the thick smoke rising from the sniper position in the distance. It was obvious that the sniper team was also under attack and had a high probability of being wiped out.

"We can only rely on ourselves!" "Hell! We don't even know where the enemy is!" "What weapon is attacking us?" "Call for support from the rear!" "No! The communication is broken! We can't contact the headquarters. "..."Really, such a ragtag group of people came here?" Fang Yuan thought that the government had mobilized so much force, but he didn't expect that it was just a group of SWAT troops who were equivalent to the special police - a branch of the Umbrella Company. You can't even take it down, but you still want to deal with him? "Forget it, it's no fun at all, let's stop playing!" Fang Yuan shook his head with a look of disinterest, and the original idea of ​​venting his anger on this group of people disappeared completely - it was just a group of ordinary people. Ordinary troops, even if he wins, he doesn't have much sense of accomplishment! But you still have to make the right gesture. Now that you have decided to make things bigger, Fang Yuan will not just sneak away quietly.

So, the SWAT team members who were lying behind various bunkers and frantically calling for rear support suddenly heard a loud "bang" and looked up, just in time to see the entire front glass curtain wall of the Sanlian Pharmaceutical headquarters building explode into pieces. .

Against the backdrop of the sun's rays reflected by countless broken glass, a tall figure wearing a black sci-fi armor slowly flew out from the upper floors of the building. He lowered his head slightly and looked down at them lying on the ground.

After a few seconds, as if he was no longer interested in them, the figure directly raised its head, accelerated, and flew away with an ear-splitting whistling sound.

"...We were let go?" "...No, we were probably ignored..." All the SWAT members who were still alive looked at each other, and then lowered their heads dejectedly. It was... so frustrating. Surrendered! ')078'\u003eChapter 78 Sanlian Group was forced into a blind corner

"Sir, military radar waves have been detected and the radar wave stealth system has been turned on. Do you need to turn on the optical stealth system?" A reminder from [Ether] came to his ears. Fang Yuan thought about it and said, "No need! Just Flying so openly!" He shielded the radar waves because he didn't want to be targeted by missiles, but now that he has appeared openly, he no longer needs to cover up, and optical invisibility is not necessary.

"Okay, help me locate the navigation and take me to the next Sanlian branch!" "As you command!" "Mr. President, this terrorist has destroyed more than two-thirds of our group's locations in the United States in three days. Assets, why hasn’t the government taken effective action?” A man wearing gold glasses, a short beard on his chin, a suit and leather shoes, a simple ring in his hand, and a short cane looked like The young man, who looked like an "elite", was questioning the current President of the United States with an angry look on his face.

If Fang Yuan were here, he would be able to recognize him. He is none other than SS Simmons from the Resident Evil game. He is the American security consultant more than ten years later, a member of the mysterious organization "Family", and even planned a biochemical terrorist attack to kill President of the United States at that time.

But now, he obviously has not sat in that position. He is appearing in the White House as a representative of Sanlian Group.

"Please pay attention to the tone of your words! Mr. Simmons! You are just a private entrepreneur without any government position or any parliamentary seat! And the person sitting in front of you is the President of the United States of America!" Mr. President has not yet spoken, he The staff around him had already responded unceremoniously.

This staff member was not the one who actively proposed arresting Fang Yuan before. The man who had received money from some large consortium had been fired by the president and kicked out of the White House a day ago.

The person standing next to the president now is an outsider who has nothing to do with the Global Pharmaceutical Federation. This is exactly why the president placed this person beside him - he has had enough of these monopolies that constantly tell him what to do. Pharmaceutical consortium.

He is the President of the United States! The most powerful person in this country! Not the slaves of those vampires! ! ! "..." Simmons stared at the brave staff man with cold eyes for a while, then straightened his collar and said in a gentler tone: "Sorry, Mr. President, it was me before. excuse me.

But please don’t forget that the importance of our Sanlian Group in this country cannot be ignored. Allowing this terrorist to continue unscrupulously will not be a good thing for us or the Federation! " "I know! The president then spoke: "But I'm sorry to tell you that the military has done its best."

The technological strength of this terrorist Mr. obviously exceeds ours, and there is nothing we can do against him! " This is a fact.

In fact, in the past three days, the US military has sent fighter jets to track and intercept Fang Yuan more than once.

Although Fang Yuan's figure cannot be scanned by radar, the US military does not have any other means of investigation except radar.

Spy satellites are aimed at the mainland United States, and various electro-optical scanning equipment are set up near major cities - especially places with branches of the Sanlian Group - once a humanoid flying object is observed, the nearest fighter jet will immediately take off, and then use optical Attack the target in locked mode.

However, the result was that in these three days alone, the US Air Force dropped thirty-five fighter jets in a row! Fang Yuan could be merciful when facing ordinary SWAT fighters, but when faced with real fighter jets, he would not show mercy, and directly staged a plot similar to "Iron Man vs. F-22".

However, at this point in time, the F-22 has not yet entered service, so Fang Yuanfang is mainly fighting against F-15 and F-16 fighter jets.

Although these two are very excellent third-generation jet fighters, their movements were still too clumsy for Fang Yuan, and they were defeated by him in one round after they met.

Not to mention the loss of thirty-five fighter jets and pilots, the heavy casualties and adverse effects caused by the crash of these fighter jets in the city have already caused headaches for both the government and the military.

"..." Simons certainly knows this, but this is not the reason for him to sit back and watch Sanlian Group suffer losses every moment.

This loss is not only the actual property loss and personnel loss caused by Fang Yuan destroying various company branches, but more importantly, after this large-scale targeted attack, the stocks related to Sanlian Group in the stock market fell across the board. In one fell swoop, tens of billions of assets were evaporated, making all shareholders, big and small, very dissatisfied.

We have just recovered from the Umbrella Company scandal, and this has suddenly happened again, and now investors are somewhat distrustful of the entire pharmaceutical industry.

After all, there is one thing that anyone with a discerning eye can see. Why is such a super soldier who can fly into the sky and escape from the earth clinging to you, the Sanlian Group? Have you done something you shouldn't have done? With the lessons learned from the umbrella company, many investors in Sanlian Group and even other large pharmaceutical companies have begun to consider withdrawing from this quagmire.

"Is there really no other way?" Simmons asked reluctantly.

"Perhaps you could talk to that future warrior? I think there's a reason why he's been keeping an eye on you."

At this time, the president changed his tune and did not say that Fang Yuan was a terrorist. Obviously, when he saw that Fang Yuan had only targeted one company, Sanlian Group, he had realized that this was actually a personal grudge between the two parties, the government and the military. Although he suffered injuries, he was actually self-inflicted.

If it's an opponent that can be dealt with, then that's it. Naturally, there's no need to say anything more, just suppress the problem. But since everyone has nothing to do with that guy now, it's natural to shirk the blame if they can, especially if the blame should be tripled in the first place. people carry.

"..." Simmons knew that Excella ordered the arrest of Fang Yuan, but it was obviously impossible to say it openly - to say in front of the President of the United States that one of their private companies had violated another U.S. citizens have carried out illegal arrests, and the president is obviously not of the same mind as them. Doesn't this mean that the situation is in the hands of others? There's no way Simmons would do something stupid like this.

At this time, he was really full of resentment towards this woman, Excella - you were the one who caused this, but when the other party came to the door, you hid so easily, and finally asked him to take the blame. Why didn't this woman hurry up? Go to hell! "... Even if we want to talk to him, but we don't even know how to contact him, what should we do?" "Stop saying these deceptive things, Mr. Simmons!" Mr. President waved his hand. Don't want to hear this nonsense: "I know that you have found out this person's true identity, and I also know that you found him through his friends in B.S.A.A., so you should have your own way to contact him."

He paused and sat up straight: "Listen to me, now I, as the President of the United States, am asking you to settle this matter as soon as possible! I don't want to see the heroic Air Force boys fighting for your little things again. It's worthless to die! I don't want to see any more reports of civilian casualties! You have seventy-two hours!" When he said this, the not-so-tall and muscular figure looked particularly domineering.

')079'\u003eChapter 79 The upcoming war

"He rejected us?" On the other end of the phone was an old voice.

"Our Mr. President has left us to handle this matter ourselves."

Simmons was on the other side of the phone, and his tone was full of resentment: "——And he gave us a seventy-two-hour time limit!" "..." The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then said: "Just Let's do this, I'll let Axela take care of it.

As for our Mr. President... let’s give him a gift after the matter is over! ” Bang - the phone hangs up.

... "Sir, the entry for 'Exela' was detected on the phone network again."

Fang Yuan, who had just finished teasing a wave of US military fighter jets, was about to fly to the next target when a reminder from [Ether] suddenly came to his ears.

"Oh? Play the entire call and let me listen. I hope I can gain something this time."

This was not the first time that Fang Yuan received such a reminder.

This woman named Axela was indeed born in the year of the rat. Fang Yuan searched so many branches of the Sanlian Group, but no one knew her exact whereabouts. All the clues were cut off neatly, which really surprised him. Some headache.

Therefore, in the past three days, in addition to causing trouble for the Sanlian Group all over the world, he has also been letting [Ether] monitor all communications around the world. However, all the intercepted information before was of little value. I wonder if this time Can we get some good news... ["He rejected us?" "Our Mr. President let us handle this matter ourselves."

... "...As for our Mr. President... let's give him a gift after the matter is over."

】 "...There are actually bigger fish, not bad!" After listening to this recording, Fang Yuan discovered that there was a black hand behind that Excella.

But this is normal. No matter how you look at this woman, Axela is just a young man under the age of thirty. Although she has taken the position of president of Sanlian Pharmaceutical at a young age, it does not mean that she is the leader of the entire Sanlian Group. It is normal for someone who is truly in control to have an old immortal behind him.

"Can you find the location of the two people on this call?" "Yes! Although the communication has been multiple-encrypted, the other party does not have the same level of artificial intelligence as me, and ordinary encryption methods cannot stop me.

It has been confirmed that one of the parties has a mobile phone signal and the location during the call was confirmed to be near the White House; the other party has a landline phone and has locked the address to a private building in the suburbs of Richmond, Virginia. "

"Very good, Richmond, right? Let's go then!" After confirming the destination, Fang Yuan accelerated, and a cone-shaped white shock wave cloud exploded behind him, disappearing with bursts of thunderous airflow. At the edge of the horizon, only the burning wreckage of the plane was left on the ground.

...In an old bungalow, a young and beautiful lady walked with sexy steps in the deserted corridor until she came to the end of the corridor and opened a wooden door with some peeling paint—— Behind the door It was originally a large study room, but it seemed a bit crowded because there were too many furniture and items.

The light here is also a bit dim because the lamps used are too old, but you can still see a very old man with white hair sitting on the chair behind the desk.

"Great-grandfather, are you looking for me?" The woman bowed respectfully as a lady. From the title in her mouth, it can be known that this old man should be her great-grandfather or maternal great-grandfather.

"Exela, you know, that yellow man is destroying us, and this is not allowed!" Although the old man looks very old, it can be seen from his clear speech and straight body that His body is very tough, so tough that he hardly looks like the great-grandfather of a woman in her 20s.

The woman he was talking to was none other than Excella, whom Fang Yuan had been looking for for a long time. She was the president of Sanlian Pharmaceutical and one of the core figures in Sanlian Group.

"Yes, I understand! The failure of this mission is my responsibility, and I will find a way to make up for it!" Although Excella is very arrogant in front of outsiders, she doesn't know how long she has lived, and she doesn't know how long she will survive. In front of her great-grandfather, who would live for as long as she could, she behaved like a good girl, soft-spoken and obediently admitting her mistakes.

"My child, I'm not blaming you!" The old man waved to the girl to sit down, and then continued: "The decision to arrest that person was made by me. You are just the executor. I will not take my mistakes seriously. imposed on my descendants.

However, regardless of whether we have made mistakes or not, the enemy has started a war with us, and we must fight back resolutely! "Yes, we must fight back!" "Exela could no longer agree with this point - you must know that she suffered the most huge losses in this crisis, and she had long hated Fang Yuan who was wreaking havoc everywhere.

"But the U.S. military can't do anything about this person, so what can we do?" This is what troubles the woman the most. Fang Yuan's power is too strong. Although their Sanlian Group has made some powerful Biological and chemical weapons, but what do they matter to an enemy that even the U.S. military cannot defeat? "No, Excella, you are still too young!" The old man shook his head: "You don't know the true heritage of our family - he is just a flying enemy. Don't think of him as too powerful!" " Our family’s heritage?” Axela looked stunned. She had taken over the family business for several years, but she had never heard of any hidden heritage in her family.

"Yes, do you think that an old man like me has lived to such an old age just to wait for death? No, in order to obtain divine power, the preparations we have made are far beyond the imagination of young people like you!" When the old man said this, his eyes exploded. The bright light will make people mistakenly think that the person speaking is an energetic and ambitious young man.

"Divine power..." Excella chewed on this word. She had long understood this. The family invested huge resources in the biomedical industry, not to produce some flashy biochemical weapons, but for mankind's greatest ambition - -eternal life! In the eyes of the older generation, this power of immortality is naturally divine power, and the great-grandfather in front of her is the most steadfast member of this group of people - because he himself is the beneficiary of this power, otherwise he would also It is impossible to remain so healthy and strong at this age.

"So, great-grandfather, what kind of preparations have you made for our enemies?" Axela was a little curious.

"Hmph! I have seen the battle video of this Asian man. He is indeed very powerful. He can fly and emit some kind of energy rays. His strength and speed are far beyond ordinary people. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the incarnation of the God of War.

But that is just the power of that strange armor. His own strength is not worth mentioning at all. It is impossible to bring real power by relying solely on external objects! …And, he doesn’t know it yet, but one of his friends has already provided us with the key to true divine power! "...That Alice?" ” Axela immediately understood who the old man was referring to.

"Yes, that magical ability that can produce physical power with just thoughts. We have completely deciphered the formation mechanism of this power and know the secret of divine power. We can even create a real god... No, let's We become gods!" At this point, the ambition in the old man's eyes was burning like a fire, and this hot fire even made Axela feel faintly afraid.

')080'\u003eChapter 80 Justice from heaven, world nuclear peace

While Excella was talking to the old man, suddenly, there was a dull roar outside the window, like thunder, and the vibrations in the air could be felt even through the layers of building walls.

"...Exela, is there a thunderstorm today?" the old man suddenly asked.

"...No, today is a sunny day..." Before she could say anything else, suddenly, with a "boom", the entire ceiling fell from above. Countless bricks and wood fragments crashed down on their heads, killing both the grandfather and grandson in an instant. Pressed down.

... Bang! A dark figure fell heavily into the room. Excella, who was lucky enough not to be killed on the spot, raised her head to look at the other person with difficulty, and immediately widened her beautiful eyes in horror.

"Cough! You...cough! How could you..." She coughed up blood, her face full of disbelief.

What did she see? The difficult enemy she was still discussing how to deal with just now appeared in front of her in the next second, and in such a shocking and extremely arrogant way! But before she could ask for mercy, another unexpected voice came from beside her: "What the hell! What do those security forces do for food!" The elderly man was hit in the head by a huge beam, and theoretically it was impossible for him to survive. , her great-grandfather actually complained angrily about the incompetence of the security forces while pulling the masonry and wood from his body, and then climbed up from the ground unscathed.

"Great-grandfather, you...cough!...save me..." Although Axela was a little surprised that her great-grandfather had become a non-human being, she was now more concerned about her own life - her It can be felt that she was seriously injured. At least a dozen bones were broken in her body, and her internal organs were in pain like knives. If no help was given, she would die! "Don't worry, my child, you will be fine! I will save you!" The old man comforted his great-granddaughter in a very calm and even indifferent tone.

But although he said that he wanted to save people, he actually remained motionless, as if he was about to let Excella gradually die.

"Why, why aren't you going to save this good great-granddaughter of yours?" Fang Yuan, who had been looking at her silently before, spoke now.

He originally thought that the old man would suddenly take out a syringe and give the woman on the ground a shot, and then both his grandfather and grandson would transform into super monsters to fight him. Unexpectedly, he would have such a reaction? "No need, you have no idea what we can do with our divine power!" The old man looked at Fang Yuan with contempt, as if he was the one with the upper hand: "The real resurrection of the dead is not the kind of failure that zombies have. It's an inferior product, but a resurrection that perfectly retains self-consciousness. This is not a difficult task for us! Even if she dies, I will have plenty of time to resurrect her after I take care of you!" "OK, let's see! Let's see how you handle me!" A cone-shaped beam thicker than the old man's height emitted from Fang Yuan's chest, covering the area where the old man was at the speed of light.

Fang Yuan immediately took action as soon as he disagreed, and his first move was a decomposition ray that was the ultimate killer! He doesn’t plan to talk too much to this villainous boss.

For all enemies standing opposite him, Fang Yuan always adheres to the attitude of "beat them to death when they meet", so there is no need to waste too much time.

However, this time, his attack failed! Theoretically, the decomposition rays that cannot be blocked by any matter have been blocked! Fang Yuan could clearly feel that his mental power, which was extending with the light, was blocked by some force dozens of centimeters away from the old man! The decomposition beam after losing its mental power is essentially just a special electromagnetic wave with a limited and complex internal structure. It has no lethality other than dazzling people.

And that thing that blocked his mental power... Is this... a telekinetic field? ! ! Yes, Fang Yuan discovered that the invisible force field surrounding the old man was essentially the same as the telekinesis force that Fang Yuan had seen before! Could it be that after this old man strengthened himself, he not only gained physical strength, but also awakened telekinesis like Alice? "Is it unexpected? This is the real divine power!" The old man showed off to Fang Yuan with excitement in his tone: "This is the essential evolution of human life, and it is the first step for those of us who are born noble to truly become gods. Step!" As he spoke, he looked at the armor on Fang Yuan's body, then shook his head and said, "And you, a weakling and low-class person who only relies on external things, won't understand this!" Fang Yuan frowned at the old man's arrogant declaration - this is another lunatic, and a lunatic at the level of an antique! It is true that the biological weapons in this world contain "divine power", but this "god" is not the same thing as the "god" you idiots think! "And what about people who are born noble... Do you still think this is medieval Europe?" You really think of yourself as a noble! Fang Yuan felt disgusted in his heart. This group of so-called white elites just liked this kind of tone... But no matter how much he complained, the problem at hand still had to be solved - the biggest trump card had actually failed again! Fortunately, after experiencing what happened in Spain, Fang Yuan already understood his own weaknesses. He knew that once his mental power was restricted, many methods would not be available, so he naturally designed different response plans for various situations.

Miso - miso miso miso miso miso... The sound of countless sharp blades being unsheathed was heard, and countless metal blades were suddenly stabbed out from the ground, walls, and the remaining parts of the ceiling. They were stabbed from every direction around the old man's body in an instant. , but all of them were blocked by the telekinesis field without exception.

But this was just a feint by Fang Yuan. His real purpose was just to prevent the old man from moving casually.

The next moment, Fang Yuan soared into the sky and flew high into the sky in an instant, leaving only the dying Excella and the old man who was briefly trapped.

"Ha! Do you think you can escape because you can fly?" The old man sneered and was about to use telekinesis to break these metal spears.

Suddenly, his enhanced sixth sense, which was stronger than that of a wild beast, alerted him frantically - run away! Run away! ! There is danger here! ! ! "..."Bye!" Fang Yuan, who accelerated to supersonic speed in an instant and flew thousands of meters into the air, looked down and snapped his fingers.

Then, in the next moment, a huge fireball rose from the ground! Just like the sun descending on the earth, the unparalleled high temperature burned the entire bungalow and even everything within a few hundred meters around it in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a mushroom cloud like a nuclear explosion rose from the ground, and a supersonic shock wave swept across the earth, blowing away and breaking all trees and vegetation within a radius of one kilometer.

At the same time, when the citizens of Richmond were alarmed by the huge explosion and saw the mushroom cloud rising in the direction of the suburbs, everyone screamed in horror - the flash like the sun, the familiar mushroom-shaped cloud , making everyone think that they had been attacked by a nuclear attack, and everyone fell into extreme panic.

However, only Fang Yuan knew that although this looked like a nuclear explosion and was very close in power, it was not actually a real nuclear explosion - it was just a relatively large-yield all-nitrogen anion salt bomb.

')081'\u003eChapter 81 Clones

"Mr. President, there was a nuclear explosion outside Richmond!" A young assistant opened the door to the President's office in a panic and told the bad news that caught everyone off guard.

"What? Say it again?" Mr. President thought he heard wrongly. No, it was his reason that refused to accept the information he just heard.

"Five minutes ago, a small nuclear explosion occurred outside of Richmond!" the assistant repeated.

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