"Huh--luckily I made it!" Flanda, who had just completed a fire rescue in the distance, touched her chest, which lacked movement, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Thanks to the "life-saving bomb" she made in her spare time, otherwise, she would have had to watch Mai Ye Shen Li's hands and feet being stabbed by someone today.

"Hmm--" Shaking her head to make her muddled mind clear, Mai Ye Shen Li did not have time to stand up, and immediately activated her ability again, bombarding the direction of Shokuhou Misaki with continuous green beams, trying to drive her away as much as possible.

If Flanda had not rescued her just now, she would have been in real danger!   Well, considering her meritorious service in saving the emperor, I will treat her a little better after this mission...   Thinking so in her heart, Mai Ye Shen Li quickly recovered her own state, and at the same time became more vigilant of Shokuhou Misaki's actions. Once she had any action to launch a big move, she would immediately interrupt it with a ten-fold surging attack.

Moreover, after the attack, Flanda stopped slacking off. Although she herself did not dare to approach the fierce battlefield, the various remote-controlled bombs in the hands of the beret girl also caused a lot of trouble to Shokuhou Misaki.

"Ah, ah, it's really troublesome to fight two against one!" Shokuhou Misaki felt a little regretful. She had just dismissed the people of the faction too early. If she had a helper by her side, she would have probably ended the battle just now.

However, she also knew that her previous decision was not wrong. From the bombing of Mai Ye Shenli just now, it can be seen that if they really let them join the battle, God knows how many casualties there would be! However, even if she had no help, it didn't mean that she couldn't do anything about the little girl playing with bombs behind her! Shokuhou Misaki drove her powerful body that had been completely reborn, jumped up, and dodged a series of attacks from Mai Ye Shenli, and at the same time let her see Flanda hiding behind.

‘Now!’ Silently, the mental control ability of [Psychological Mastery] was activated.

After obtaining the spiritual base, the power from another system not only gave Shokuhou Misaki powerful physical strength, but also greatly enhanced her computing ability.

With the computing power nearly doubled, Shokuhou Misaki's original power that was too powerful to be controlled in detail instantly became much more controllable. Although it was not yet at the point of being as powerful as an arm, she no longer needed to rely on various remote controls to limit and subdivide her abilities.

Now, she only needs a look, a gesture, or even a voice to quietly control the target person's mind completely, and there is no need to worry about problems such as losing control of the ability.

But... Didi - A red light suddenly flashed on a delicate collar worn by Frenda's neck, and Shokuhou Misaki also felt that her ability seemed to hit an indestructible wall and could not get in at all.

‘Mental defense device?’ Shokuhou Misaki immediately understood what she had encountered.

Just a year ago, during her first encounter with Kamijou Touma, she encountered a group of armed men called "Deadlock" who wanted to kill her. In order to assassinate Shokuhou Misaki, they used a full-cover helmet that could block her abilities.

Now, the collar on Frenda's neck also has the same effect. It seems that it has been upgraded to a more sophisticated model in the past year or so!   "Ahaha! This is the mental defense equipment we purchased specifically for this mission, targeting your abilities! With it, your Lv.5 [Psychological Mastery] ability is the same as having it or not!"   After noticing the warning signal from the collar on her neck, Frenda realized that she was almost controlled by the enemy just now.

However, after seeing the opponent's attack fail, Frenda, who always goes with the flow, immediately forgot the universal truth that "villains die because of talking too much", and jumped out directly from her hiding place, proudly showing off her new toy to Shokuhou Misaki.

"Thanks for the reminder!" After landing, she turned over to avoid another wave of attacks from Mai Ye Shenli. Shokuhou Misaki turned her head to look at Frenda, waved the spear in her hand, and a line of fire shot out from the tip of the spear, like a spirit snake, drawing a tortuous arc in the air, instantly crossing a distance of dozens of meters, and "shua" passed by Frenda's neck.

Feeling the heat wave passing by her neck close to her skin, Frenda, who was just proud, was instantly frightened and stiffened all over. She didn't even care about the pain when her beautiful golden hair was burned by the fire snake that passed by.

Snap - the sound of an object falling was heard.

Flanda, who was shaking all over, had stiff joints. She looked down and saw that the collar that was originally worn on her neck had broken and fell to the ground.

Flanda: "... I'm going to die! (⊙﹏⊙)" PS: The rest of the update will be in the evening')332'\u003eChapter 331 Flanda... fell to the ground!

"Tsk! Flanda, you idiot!" Mai Ye Shenli, who was far away, naturally saw this scene. She was angry that Shokuhou Misaki dared to be distracted when facing her, and she was also disappointed with Flanda, a scumbag who would cheat others and herself from time to time.

How many times has this happened? ! If it weren't for the fact that there was still a powerful enemy on the side, Mugino and Shenli would have thought about simply using "Atomic Collapse" to kill this scammer in half! Let you show off on the battlefield! Let your mouth reveal key information! I will die ten thousand times for my sake! ! ! ……Flanda didn’t know how angry Mugino Shenli was.

No, she actually knew it - if she still had her own consciousness.

Just after the collar that could defend against mental attacks was destroyed by Shokuhou Misaki, the Queen of [Psychological Control] once again activated her silent mental control ability.

When Mugino Shenli saw the stars shining in Flanda's eyes, her heart sank. Now, the situation really became bad! Of course, a mere "rebellion" by Flanda to the other side would actually have little impact on the combat effectiveness of both sides. What really makes Mugino Shenli feel troublesome is that the confidential information about the items recorded in Flanda's mind is With her being controlled by Shokuhou Misaki, it's hard to say whether it was leaked or not.

"This... guy who succeeds more than fails!" Mugino Shenli cursed again. She was really in a dilemma now.

[Psychological Mastery], which I thought could be easily solved, instantly transformed into a Valkyrie who was invincible in melee combat and could fire light cannons after the battle. After a battle, it was Item's side that was at a disadvantage! If you want to retreat, another core member is controlled by the opponent. Not only does it add a viable fighting force to the opponent, but it also puts the Item at risk of information leakage.

And whether it was to rescue Frenda or simply kill her, the first thing she had to face was the [psychological mastery] whose frontal combat power was so powerful that it was unscientific.

This situation of being unable to advance or retreat can be said to be the first time Mugino Shenri has encountered it in such a long time since he joined ANBU.

... "Now, there are more people on my side!" Shokuhou Misaki teased with some ease as he danced with the spear in his hand, blocking another attack from Mugino Shenli.

"Hmph! Don't get too proud too early! Takitsubo!" The earphones in Mugino's ears had been lost in the previous explosion, so she could only shout loudly to the other side. A hidden companion sent a signal.

"Huh?" Shokuhou Misaki was a little surprised that there was a third person hiding nearby, and at the same time, his somewhat relaxed vigilance immediately tightened again.

The next moment, she knew that her vigilance was indeed correct.

"Hmm - this is... someone is interfering with my ability? Is this the ability of the remaining person in your item?" Shokuhou Misaki could feel that some kind of special power was interfering with the force field diffused through AIM. Concerned with her own [personal reality], there was a crack in her mental control over Flanda.

Flanda's consciousness, which had been completely suppressed, began to struggle simultaneously at this time. Under the attack of the two parties, Shokuhou Misaki's control over the beret girl suddenly became precarious, and she was about to be killed. The other person loses control.

... "Come on, Frenda, get out of here quickly!" On the other side, in an unoccupied house near the battlefield, Takitsubo Rigo, wearing a rustic sportswear, was sweating profusely and sitting on the ground against the wall.

After licking the body crystals, her abilities were unprecedentedly enhanced, but it also brought strong side effects to her body, the tingling throughout her body and the feeling of powerlessness as if her body was disintegrating little by little. Every time he used body crystals to enhance his abilities, Takitsubo Rikou felt that his body was taking a step closer to destruction.

Not to mention, this time she used her ability on the Level 5 Shokuhou Misaki, trying to affect the [personal reality] of a real superpower. For her, this The burden is even heavier.

But, in order to save her companions, she must do this! ... Just when Shokuhou Misaki's ability was interfered with, Mugino Shimari saw the opportunity and launched an even more intensive offensive. He even took out a crystal-like "diffusion support semiconductor" from his pocket and threw it into the air. , launched a large-scale attack in all directions and 360 degrees without blind spots.

‘Does this guy disregard the lives of his companions? ! ’ Although Shokuhou Misaki’s superpowers have been affected, her strength based on her spiritual base has not been limited.

Although the interference in [Personal Reality] caused her condition to decline somewhat, with her current inhuman physical fitness and powerful physical skills, combined with the [Magic Release (Fire)] skill, the flames released to the body surface turned into a shield. , under this almost desperate screen-clearing attack, he was still able to persevere with ease.

However, Flanda, who was controlled by Shokuhou Misaki, was completely different.

Although due to Takitsubo Rikou's interference, Shokuhou Misaki can no longer accurately control Flanda's consciousness, and can't even control the opponent to move, Flanda herself has not completely broken free from her ability, and remains in a stalemate Underneath it, it seemed to be stuck in place like a piece of wood.

If she weren't located far away from Mugino Shinri and Shokuhou Misaki, most attacks would not be able to reach her. Just with Mugino Shinri's merciless screen-clearing blow, our Flanda would probably even be hit by Fu. It can't be done in Feidadu, it can only become a mosaic.

Even so, the aftermath of the occasional attack that was poured here affected the surrounding buildings, and the falling bricks and stone fragments fell on Flanda, still smashing her head with blood, and she fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

When Mai Ye Shen Li finally ended the screen-clearing attack that lasted for more than ten seconds, both sides looked at the opponent who was still standing in the field and the pit guy who fell to the street, and couldn't help but look at each other in silence.

Mai Ye Shen Li: "..."  Shokuhou Misaki: "..."  So, what is this guy here for?   ...  After bursting out with all his strength, looking at the target in front of him who was still unharmed, Mai Ye Shen Li had to admit that the current [Psychological Mastery] was indeed not an opponent that the current Item could take down.

After weighing for a long time, between the two options of continuing to fight until a winner was decided and admitting defeat and temporarily retreating, Mai Ye Shen Li finally chose the latter helplessly.

"...Retreat!"... Shokuhou Misaki did not stop Maiyano Senri from taking away the already defeated Frenda. Although she seemed to have won this encounter, she had not forgotten the phone call from the "Saigong Workshop" before the battle.

She was intercepted by Item, and the workshop also encountered a powerful enemy. Now it is very likely that they have all fallen.

In order to confirm the situation of the "external brain" that is crucial to her, Shokuhou Misaki is rushing to the "Saigong Workshop" and has no time to continue to entangle with the people of Item.

')333'\u003eChapter 332 Shokuhou Misaki Seeking After-sales Service

"So, did the mission to capture [Psychological Mastery] fail?"  "Yes, yes.

According to the report of Item, [Psychological Mastery] suddenly transformed during the battle, showing extremely powerful melee ability and the ability to release and control high-temperature flames. After injuring a member of Item, he escaped safely."

Kihara Gensei listened to the report of his subordinates, his expression uncertain.

He did think that Shokuhou Misaki had some powerful trump card, but he never thought that this trump card would be so strong!   The original Shokuhou Misaki, except for the [Psychological Control] ability that can be targeted and blocked by special equipment, is essentially just a weak lady. If there is no "bee swarm" around her that can be used by her, she can be controlled by a few strong men.

However, the current Shokuhou Misaki has obtained the special power that flows out of that store, and has gained a powerful direct combat ability, which completely makes up for the shortcomings. It can be said that there is no flaw at all.

It will become a difficult task to plan her power in the future!   "So, how is the [external brain]?"  Although the result of Shokuhou Misaki's mission was not ideal, Kihara Gensei had not given up hope and continued to ask about the situation on another battlefield.

"The members of Item had completely defeated the defense force of the 'Caigongfang', but after the defeat on the other side of the battlefield, [Psychological Mastery] quickly arrived at the scene. Because of the difference in combat power, the members of Item had to retreat."

The subordinates in black suits reported the completion of the monitored tasks truthfully.

"... In other words, both tasks were not completed!" There was no joy or anger in Kihara Gensei's voice, but those who were familiar with him knew that the old man was on the verge of anger.

"Item... What a waste!"  ...  Ding-ling-ling-  The door of "There is a shop" was pushed open again, and the voice of a young girl could be heard from behind the door:  "Shokuhou-sama, this shop is so... suspicious, you should not go in! If you have any questions, let us do it for you!"  "No, you wait outside, I have something to discuss with the store manager here."

"But..."  "That's it!"  "Yes..."  Click-  The door closed, and the girl with honey-colored hair walked elegantly like she did last time. Before approaching the counter, she looked at the seemingly ordinary store manager sitting behind the counter.

"Oh, isn't this the 'Queen' of Tokiwadai? You've come to our store for the second time after your visit. You've really made our store shine!" Fang Yuan raised his head and spoke in a fake tone, as if he had just seen the identity of the visitor. He said exaggerated polite words, which made Shokuhou Misaki feel goose bumps all over his body.

"...Mr. Manager is really funny!" In response, Shokuhou Misaki could only laugh awkwardly and then hurriedly changed the subject: "Ahem! That, I came here today to thank Mr. Manager for your previous gift! Thanks to the spiritual foundation you gave me, I was able to survive a crisis."

As she said this, Shokuhou Misaki bowed slightly.

Although Shokuhou Misaki still had doubts about the real purpose of the store manager who indirectly saved her life, she was grateful for the life-saving grace. Therefore, after dealing with the follow-up affairs of the "Caigongfang", she took the time to come to this store to express her gratitude.

"...I am grateful for this thank you. Seeing that this spiritual foundation can play a role in your hands, I, as the creator, am also honored."

Fang Yuan nodded, accepted Shokuhou Misaki's thanks, and then asked: "So, how do you feel about using the power of this spirit base?" Although both Brynhild and Shokuhou Misaki have Fang Yuan had the experience of not getting what he asked for in love, so he gave this spiritual foundation to Shokuhou Misaki out of some bad taste. However, in actual use, he still had to ask the person involved to decide whether it was suitable or not. .

"It's very useful!" Talking about the power of this spirit base, even though he had some doubts about the existence of hidden hands in it, the power it displayed in the battle really made Shokuhou Misaki very satisfied.

"But, I have a question. Why does the power of this spirit base have the concept of 'the stronger the love in the heart, the stronger the power', and 'the stronger the love for someone, the more you want to kill him'." "Definitely, is this your bad taste, store manager?" Well, although these spirit bases were created by Fang Yuan after traveling to this world, and they have nothing to do with the heroic spirits in the Xingyue world, but for the sake of The idea of ​​being faithful to the original version was also due to Fang Yuan's inability to make adjustments. The ability panels in most spirit bases were basically the same as those of the heroic spirit servants in the Xingyue World.

As for Brynhildr's Heroic Spirit Spirit Base, it happened to have such a deceptive special setting. When Fang Yuan first created it, he was too lazy to change it because it was too troublesome. Finally, when he saw Shokuhou Misaki , due to some indescribable reason of the will of the universe, he turned the spirit base into a card and handed it to her.

Now, Shokuhou Misaki, who discovered something was wrong, came to find an explanation.

"Ahem! Well... look, aren't you the strongest spiritual superpower [psychological mastery]? You should be very good at adjusting your emotions, right? I think this kind of power increases tremendously with specific emotions. , it should complement your own superpowers.”

This is the truth. Fang Yuan did consider this issue when he chose the spiritual base.

On the one hand, she must choose a spiritual base that can make up for the shortcomings of Shokuhou Cao, and on the other hand, the power of this spiritual base must have a positive correlation and promotion effect with her own super power. Choose over and over again, and finally make it. I chose the spiritual base of a heroic spirit like Brynhildr.

Of course, it is not ruled out that he has the idea of ​​"wanting to see if Shokuhou Misaki will stab Kamijou Touma to death who always forgets her"... "..." Although because there is no way Shokuhou Misaki can read Fang Yuan's mind, so it's impossible for Shokuhou Misaki to know what is really thinking in his heart. However, due to a girl's intuition, Shokuhou Misaki is sure that this store manager is definitely not telling the truth - at least not completely. truth! However, after experiencing the power of spirit bases, Shokuhou Misaki also understood that Fang Yuan, who could mass-produce such terrifying power as "spiritual bases" and give them away to others, was stronger than her. There are many things that the other party doesn't want to say, so it's useless no matter how hard she tries.

Therefore, she no longer pursued the issue, but changed the subject and asked: "So, store manager, do you have a way to separate this spiritual essence from my body?" The third update is here') 334'\u003eChapter 333: Meeting and Killing

Jingle Bell—— The clear bell rang, and the store door opened. The members of the faction waiting outside saw Shokuhou Misaki walking out intact, and they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

It seems that there is indeed nothing wrong with this store... "Let's go!" Shokuhou Misaki waved his hand, calling for everyone to follow, and then left here without looking back.

"Um... Shokuhou-sama, isn't your situation going well?" Seeing the unhappy expression on Shokuhou Misaki's face, a girl asked with concern.

"...No, things went smoothly!" Shokuhou Misaki said, but the gnashing of teeth on her face showed that things were completely different from what she said.

But since she refused to say anything, there was no way the others could force her to speak, so the matter was settled.

However, at this moment, Shokuhou Misaki felt endless resentment towards that damn store manager.

"Separate? Separation is impossible, even in this life!" This was what Fang Yuan said after she made the request, which undoubtedly blocked her idea of ​​separating the spirit base.

Well, Shokuhou Misaki really couldn't tell whether Fang Yuan was telling the truth, but the other party's firm refusal attitude obviously meant that he could only treat it as there was really no other way out.

But this is really bad news for the Queen of Tokiwadai.

After all, this kind of spirit base with such a deceptive setting as "the stronger your love for someone, the more you want to kill them" is really a curse to a young girl with a heart that belongs to her.

Shokuhou Misaki was really worried that one day, under the influence of this spiritual power, she would accidentally kill a spiky-headed boy who couldn't remember her.

Even if she is proficient in all mental superpowers [psychological mastery], she still doesn't have the confidence to maintain her original intention under such subtle influence over many years! Fortunately, it's not all bad news. Fang Yuan is not really just trying to trick people. He finally gave a solution: "But you can choose to turn on or off the entire spiritual base function."

——Since it cannot be separated, then turn off its function! This is the plan provided by Fang Yuan.

It's like closing a software in a computer. The software itself is still there and can be opened at any time, but when it is not started, all positive or negative effects will temporarily disappear.

This is actually a hidden function specially set by Fang Yuan in the spiritual base he made.

Originally, after the spiritual base is attached, regardless of whether the possessed person uses the power of the spiritual base or not, or whether he shows the heroic spirit posture or not, the spiritual base itself is still functioning.

This is equivalent to many rogue computer software. After clicking the "×" in the upper right corner of the window, it is not completely closed, but transferred to the background to run.

Even if the user of the spiritual base does not use the magic power in the body, does not use any skills or treasures, many additional states equivalent to "passive skills" cannot be cancelled.

For example, the basic ability value attached to the spiritual base is improved, and for example, the pitfall of the "love = killing intent" feature in the Brunhilde spiritual base held by Shokuhou Misaki.

However, if the special technique provided by Fang Yuan is used to completely shut down the function of the entire spiritual base, except for the "switch" that the user can still feel in his consciousness, the spiritual base itself is equivalent to non-existence, all positive and negative effects will disappear, and the whole person is almost the same as before receiving the spiritual base.

Feeling her body become extremely weak again, savoring the sense of loss of power, Shokuhou Misaki has more than once thought of opening the spiritual base again, but in the end she suppressed it with her strong self-control.

Although the power is strong, the side effects are not small! After shutting down the spiritual base, Shokuhou Misaki lost the emotional interference that lasted all the time in her mind, and felt refreshed, as if a layer of dust was wiped off her heart.

Thanks to her being the most proficient superpower who is proficient in human psychological and mental problems, she is always using her ability to offset and reverse this external emotional thought. If it were another person, it is estimated that even if she shuts down the spiritual base, her personality will be irreversibly changed.

‘It seems that this power can only be used for emergency in critical moments in the future! ’ Shokuhou Misaki set another rule for herself, never use the power of the spirit base when it is not necessary.

… After perfunctorily sending away a certain young lady who tried to return the goods, Fang Yuan showed a sly smile.

Once the spirit base is implanted, it cannot be separated?   This is of course false!   After all, the root of the spirit base possession is actually the spirit summoning magic in the Type-Moon magic system. Since there is a spirit summoning, there is naturally a way to expel the spirit body.

But… Fang Yuan finally sent the things out, how could he get them back so easily!   Well, this time, another key person is in his hands!   … The next day, Fang Yuan rarely stayed in his shop, but came to a nearby cafe, tasting the mellow aroma of freshly ground coffee while looking at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling window, enjoying the leisurely daily life of summer.

"From this point of view, this city is really peaceful! Who knows how much darkness and blood are hidden under this leisurely and peaceful daily life!" Fang Yuan sighed as he finished a cup of coffee, then turned his gaze from the window back to the hall and looked across from him.

An old man with wrinkles on his face, white hair, and a hunched body sat across from him uninvited.

"The foundation of this city is built on unfathomable darkness. Those who live in the sun should thank us pioneers who work hard in the darkness. It is our efforts that allow them to enjoy the peace and daily life in the sun!" Facing Fang Yuan's scrutinizing eyes, the old man looked normal, and said this line that sounded like a villain in a matter-of-fact tone.

"You are the owner of the 'Youjian Shop', Mr. Fang Yuan, right? I am..." "I know who you are, Kihara Gensei!" Fang Yuan interrupted the old man's self-introduction, and suddenly showed an unhappy expression on his face: "Since you want to see me, you should come to see me in person, not with this crudely made puppet! Are you looking down on me?!" As soon as the voice fell, the old man who was about to say something suddenly paused, and then in the next moment, the whole body suddenly exploded with a "bang".

However, what was seen from the exploded body was not the splattered flesh and squirming human organs, but artificial parts made of metal, plastic, leather and other materials.

——This old man who looks like a living person is just a puppet body of mechanical structure! "Really, my good mood for the whole day has been ruined!"')335'\u003eChapter 334 If there is something, it should be done by the younger brother!

After dismantling Kihara Gensei's bionic puppet, Fang Yuan no longer had the heart to continue drinking coffee here.

After paying the cafe double the fee as compensation for their trouble, Fang Yuan left the place leisurely.

Looking around the street, he found many figures disguised as passers-by, monitoring him in various ways.

"Tsk! How dare you test me? Does this old dog think he is Aleister?!" Fang Yuan's already bad mood suddenly became worse. He thought that Aleister should have informed the upper echelons of Academy City, and ordinary people should not have the courage to mess with him.

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