"It means that you have to go this time even if you go, and you have to go if you don't!" Tsuchimikado Motoharu pointed to the travel coupon Kamijou Touma put down, and the meaning was obvious.

"...you have to tell me why, right?" Kamijou Touma already knew the identity of Tsuchimikado Motoharu. As a double agent between the science side and the magic side, since he said such a thing, there must be something wrong. reason.

At the same time, he also realized that the fact that he actually won the lottery was not a result of his own luck, but someone specially arranged it! Thinking back to the familiar scene from last time...well, the boy named Kamijou Touma really cannot have such a thing as "good luck"! "Because, according to the information obtained by the British Puritan Church, the Roman Orthodox Church seems to be planning to use a powerful spiritual weapon to launch a devastating attack on Academy City because of the chaos during this period! And in order to resolve this crisis, Your right hand and the knowledge in your mind about the Index of Forbidden Books are all indispensable!" Because it was on the street, Tsuchimikado Motoharu didn't go into too much detail, but even with such a vague description, it still made sense! It made Kamijou Touma feel terrified.

Launching a genocidal attack on Academy City...are those people from the Roman Orthodox Church really devoid of any humanity at all? ! After thinking for a long time, Kamijou Touma raised his head and said solemnly: "...Then, tell me the detailed information!"... A few days ago - Piagio Pusoni, Bishop of the Roman Orthodox Church , the commander in charge of the "Queen of the Adriatic" and the "Queen's Fleet". Although he is over 40 years old, he looks experienced and imposing at first, but with the luxurious bishop's robe and the appearance of Dozens of crosses hanging around the neck like annual rings give people the feeling of a nouveau riche for some reason.

At this time, he was frowning, flipping through personnel files, looking very troubled: "Although there is already a spell of [Limited Engraved Cross], it can remove [Queen of the Ariad Sea] The target is restricted...but the choice of activating the spell is a problem! "Well, because of the butterfly effect caused by Fang Yuan, the timing and results of many events in this world have changed greatly.

For example, the "Book of Law" incident that should have occurred before the "Queen of the Adriatic" incident happened, but at this time there was no sign of it at all, and it was dismissed because of the failure of the "Book of Law" incident. Agnese Santis, who was relegated to serve in the Queen's fleet, was still functioning as the leader of her unit and had not come into Bishop Piaggio's sight.

Therefore, it is clear that with the two spells [Queen of the Ariad Sea] and [Limited Cross], one can activate magic at any time to destroy Academy City and eliminate all influences on this city, but it is stuck. The most critical candidate is the initiator.

——Because the "Cross of Limitations" cannot be fully effective if it uses the magic power formed by ordinary people. If you want to create "unusual magic power", you must transform people into "unusual minds", that is, let them The object becomes useless.

Moreover, this kind of "transformation" is not just about taking a random person. The direction of the "destruction form" of the transformed person's head after a mental breakdown must match the [limited cross].

It was difficult to find such a candidate. Piaggio searched everyone in his fleet, but no one could meet the requirements.

Originally, if you can't find it, you can't find it. After all, the [Ariad Sea Queen] and the accompanying [Limited Edition Cross] are spiritual weapons for strategic deterrence like nuclear weapons. They cannot be used casually. Take it out and use it.

However, the situation has changed now - I don't know what evil brainwashing technology the evil Academy City used to turn the Roman Orthodox Church into a heinous sinner condemned by everyone around the world. The entire church has fallen into It has reached a dangerous situation that is about to be fundamentally subverted.

At this time, a subordinate suggested to Piaggio that if Bishop Piaggio could use the [Queen of the Ariad Sea] technique to completely destroy Academy City, not only would it be able to immediately relieve the church from its current predicament, but it would also Adding a glorious touch to his resume, perhaps with this credit alone, he will be able to add the word "Cardinal" in front of his title... This is undoubtedly a great achievement for the ambitious Piaggio. It was a very tempting proposal, and an implementation plan was immediately made.

However, the key is still here, the person who launched the technique has not been found yet! Just when the Lord Bishop was worrying, there was a knock on his door.

"Come in!" "Your Majesty the Bishop!" The person who came was the subordinate who proposed to Piaggio to attack Academy City.

"What's the matter?" "I've found a suitable candidate here!" "Oh?" The bishop's eyes lit up and he cheered up.

"Who is it?" "It's the leader of Agnes's unit, Agnes Santis!" The subordinate said a name that surprised Piaggio.

Agnese Santis, I didn't expect that the qualified person would be her... The other party's identity is a bit troublesome!   However... Now the entire church is in an unprecedented crisis. If sacrificing one or two insignificant people can save everything, my colleagues will probably not say anything!   After all, sacrificing everything for God and the church is the obligation of a qualified believer, isn't it?   A faint light flashed in Bishop Piageo's eyes.

')366'\u003eChapter 365 Trip to Italy \u0026 Intruders at a Critical Moment

Chioggia, an Italian town located 25 kilometers south of Venice, is almost completely surrounded by the sea. There are also some canals in the city. It can be said to be a miniature version of Venice.

And Kamijou Touma and Index, who were traveling abroad but actually carrying out a mission, came here at this time.

"By the way, shouldn't Tsuchimikado be here with us? Why can't I see him at all?" Walking in the exotic streets of the town, Kamijou Touma was not in the mood to appreciate the exotic scenery. Instead, he looked around, looking for a multifaceted spy who was supposed to arrive here with them.

At this point, Kamijou Touma couldn't treat this trip abroad as an ordinary trip.

With Tsuchimikado Motoharu's detailed explanation, Kamijou Touma already knew what weapon the Roman Orthodox Church intended to use to destroy Academy City.

It was a magical spiritual outfit called [Queen of the Ariad Sea], one of the Roman Orthodox Church's largest-scale spiritual outfit (magic) "Ten Styles of the Holy Spirit", and also the title of the flagship of the "Queen's Fleet", a dedicated magic facility.

This magic in the form of a spiritual outfit was originally intended to be able to suppress the large-scale technique invented by the other party in the event of a riot in the maritime country of Venice.

——In 892 AD, when the remains of St. Mark, one of the twelve apostles, were brought to Venice, the Roman Orthodox Church at that time wanted to create a religious environment similar to that of the Vatican, which guarded the remains of St. Peter, in order to warn Venice, so they created a large-scale art [Queen of the Ariadne Sea] to deal with Venice.

[Queen of the Ariadne Sea] destroys not only the city, but everything related to that city, that is, it can eliminate all the influences brought by the city.

Because the Roman Orthodox Church was worried that if it was taken away, the muzzle might be turned against itself, so the large-scale art [Queen of the Ariadne Sea] could only be launched against Venice.

However, according to Tsuchimikado, after years of research, the Roman Orthodox Church has found a way to bypass this restriction - that is, the art called [Cross of the Inscription].

It is also said that although this art has been developed and has reached the level of practical application, it lacks a key factor to launch the art, so the Roman Orthodox Church did not directly use this strategic weapon that can directly destroy the scientific side against Academy City in the past.

But now, the situation has changed - "According to the news sent back by the British Puritan spies, the bishop who leads the 'Queen's Fleet', Piaget Psoni, seems to have found the key element to successfully launch the ritual. We must destroy the [Queen of the Ariad Sea], [Limited Cross], and at least one of the three necessary elements before the other party has completed all preparations!" This is what Tsuchimikado Motoharu said to Kamijou before he set off.

Originally, as a professional on the magic side, Tsuchimikado should be the leader of this mission. After all, although Kamijou Touma and Index play important roles, one is a magic idiot and the other has no combat power at all, so someone has to lead them.

But what made Kamijou Touma very crazy was that he had never seen Tsuchimikado Motoharu since he got on the plane. After arriving in Italy, he came to Chioggia, the closest to the Ariad Sea, as planned, but the guy still did not show up.

To be honest, Kamijou Touma was a little suspicious. Did that guy flee from the battlefield because he was afraid that his opponent was too strong... "Touma~Touma~" Just when Kamijou Touma was extremely worried about his future, he heard Index's soft and cute call.

"What?" Kamijou turned his head and saw a greedy nun staring at an Italian restaurant on the street with her mouth drooling.

"...I say, Index, we are here to carry out the mission, not to eat, drink and have fun!" Kamijou Touma tried to emphasize the serious purpose of this trip to his roommate, but Index, who was already greedy, didn't care about that! "No matter what mission we are going to carry out, eating enough is the most important thing! If we can't even eat enough, how can we have the energy to complete the mission!" Index, the black hole stomach said so.

Although Kamijou Touma knew that this was just an excuse Index made up because she was greedy, he was sad to find that what she said made so much sense that he could not find any reason to refute it!   "...Ha——" After letting out a long breath, Kamijou Touma gave up the futile attempt to stop Index from finding food and reluctantly took her into the restaurant.

——He had a premonition that before he could solve the crisis of destruction in Academy City, his wallet would be the first to face the risk of destruction. He hoped that the prices of food and drinks in Italy would not be too high... While waiting for Tsuchimikado Motoharu who doesn't know when he will appear, and watching with heartache as Index quickly wipes out the balance in his bank card, a fierce battle takes place in Venice not far from Chioggia. The battle has just ended.

"Target Agnes Santis, capture confirmed!" Among a group of unknown people dressed in black, one of them picked up a petite body from the crowd who fell on the ground and was turning around to leave the place.

The figure who was taken away accidentally dropped the nun's hat on her head while being transported, revealing a head of red braided hair underneath.

Combined with the name mentioned by this group of people just now, there is no doubt that this is the necessary material needed for the activation of [Queen of the Ariad Sea] and [Limited Cross] - Agnes Santis.

Needless to say, those who attacked her and her troops were the secret troops directly under Bishop Piaggio.

Judging from the situation at the scene, it was obvious that Bishop Piaggio's people had completed their mission, successfully knocked down and captured Yanis, and were about to take her back to the "Queen's Fleet".

However, it is obvious that things cannot go on smoothly like this - "Hey, hey, I didn't expect that it would be such a coincidence that I would encounter the internal strife between the Roman Orthodox Church!" Just when Yanis was about to be taken away. At that moment, a careless voice came from the shadows beside the battlefield.

"Who?!" This sudden uninvited guest immediately put all the men in black on alert and turned to look in the direction of the sound.

And the other party was very cooperative, and actually walked out of the hiding place so carelessly - "It's not convenient for me to say my identity! But I can tell you my purpose - leave that little girl to me! "The person who walked out of the shadows pointed at Yanis who was being carried on his shoulders and said in a frivolous tone.

Take a closer look at the appearance of this uninvited guest who suddenly broke in - he has dyed yellow hair, wearing sunglasses, and a colorful shirt. He looks like a delinquent... Isn't he the country boy that Kamijou Touma has been thinking about so much? Mikado Motoharu! PS: Ahem! Sorry, I'm a little tired today, so I only have two updates...')367'\u003eChapter 366: Infiltration too smoothly

"So, this is the reason why you let us go?" Kamijou Touma looked at the petite nun in Tsuchimikado Motoharu's arms and asked with a blank expression on his face.

"Ahem! Didn't this happen for a reason..." Tsuchimikado Motoharu, who had left Kamijou and Touma alone for most of the day, was also a little embarrassed, but he still shook the still unconscious nun in his arms and said: "I'm here In another city, it was discovered that the Roman Orthodox people were fighting among themselves, and the nun was defeated and captured by another group of black monks.

After rescuing her, I interrogated the attackers and confirmed that they were actually members of the 'Queen's Fleet'..." Hearing Tsuchimikado's explanation, even someone as slow as Kamijou Touma could understand it. Tuo: "So, she is..." "Yes! It's just what you think! I suspect that she is the 'element' needed to activate [Queen of the Ariad Sea] and [Limited Cross]! "Tsuchimikado said the information that he had already confirmed in an analytical and guessing tone.

"..." When Kamijou Touma heard this, he lowered his head and looked at the harmless-looking little face of the sleeping nun. He was a little disbelieving, but also a little enlightened.

"So, we achieved the goal directly at the beginning of the mission?" "No, we still need to continue the mission!" Tsuchimikado shook his head and rejected Kamijou's overly optimistic idea: "Let's not talk about whether our guess is correct. As for the question, just assume that this nun is really the 'element', but since this 'element' is a person, it is not certain whether there will be a second suitable one besides her. Element'! In other words, if you want to completely solve the crisis of Academy City's destruction, you still have to destroy the [Ariad Sea Queen] and the [Limited Cross]!" "...Ha--" Kamijou Touma sighed. Tone: "I knew it..." After sighing, Kamijou Touma raised his head with sharp eyes: "Then let's make a scene!"... Flagship of the "Ariad Sea Queen", one room In the huge rectangular pyramid room, a middle-aged male figure wearing a luxurious bishop's robe, with dozens of crosses hanging around his neck, and exuding an aura of nouveau riche, is standing in the spherical [Aria Queen Dehai] Beside the core technique, she seems to be thinking and waiting for something.

Yes, this is the commander of the "Queen's Fleet", Bishop Piagio Pusoni. He had previously sent his men to capture the 'element' necessary to activate the spell, Agnes Santis. Counting time, there should be results by now... Just as the Lord Bishop was patiently waiting for the results, there was a sudden sound of footsteps behind him.

"Well, who is so ignorant that he came in without knocking..." Piaggio thought, turning around and planning to scold him, but he didn't expect that it was not him who appeared in front of him. Any one in the fleet, but a completely strange figure.

"You are..." After a brief moment of daze, Bishop Biageo, who knew something was wrong, raised his hand and wanted to release magic to capture the intruder who had sneaked into such a core place.

However, before he could make a move, the intruder took action first--Bang!   ...Shua--With the help of Tsuchimikado's Yin-Yang magic, Kamijou Touma, who landed from the air into the "Queen's Fleet", was shaking his legs and relieving his strength with a weak body-he had just flown from a height of thousands of meters without any protection. This kind of thing, which was ten thousand times more exciting than riding a roller coaster, really made his legs weak!   "This, this is the 'Queen of the Ariad Sea'? Really... magic is really exaggerated..." After recovering, Kamijou Touma leaned over and touched the deck of the ship that looked crystal clear, and sighed in disbelief.

Because, according to Tsuchimikado and Index, this ship that looked like an ancient sailing warship was actually made of ice! "Well, don't sigh for now. Time is running out. We must find the true form of the [Queen of the Ariad Sea] technique before the other party reacts!" Tsuchimikado pulled Kamijou Touma up and said with a serious look, not showing his usual carefree look at all.

Hearing Tsuchimikado's words, Kamijou Touma also reacted. There was really no time to delay. After all, they could be said to have landed directly in the enemy's base camp, and it was still on the sea. Once surrounded, it would really be a waste of time... No, maybe they could rely on Tsuchimikado's Yin-Yang technique to fly out again?   But no matter what, as if facing the encirclement of multiple enemies, even with Tsuchimikado, they would be in danger!   Thinking of this, Kamijou Touma did not delay, followed Tsuchimikado, and under the guidance of Index, sneaked all the way to the core of the fleet.

...  "How strange!"  Halfway through, Tsuchimikado suddenly said.

"Well, what's so strange?"  Kamijo Touma was a little puzzled.

"Look, we sneaked all the way here without any obstacles. Don't you think it's too smooth?" Tsuchimikado Motoharu frowned and reminded.

"......!" Although Kamijou Touma was slow, he also noticed something wrong after being reminded - such a powerful weapon used as one of the trump cards by the Roman Orthodox Church, would it be so easy for people to invade, and the invader was not discovered for such a long time? "Could it be that we have been discovered? Now in a place we can't see, we are actually surrounded by countless enemies?" Kamijou Touma, who gave full play to his imagination, said a little uneasily.

"... No, it's not that..." Tsuchimikado shook his head: "My Shikigami has been alerting the surrounding situation. There are no enemies around... But the fact that 'no one has discovered' is the biggest abnormality!" "... Then, what is the reason?" After trying hard to think about it, he still didn't have any clues. Kamijou Touma felt that this kind of brain-intensive matter should be left to the real smart people, and he only had to be responsible for the action.

"You ask me how I know?" Tsuchimikado spread his hands, indicating that he was also confused.

"Index, have you found anything?" He turned to ask another member of the team, Index, who had been taking on the work of pathfinders all along with her knowledge of magic.

"Hmm... The automatic enemy search and magic defense spells of the 'Queen's Fleet' seem to be not turned on, so strange..." Index looked around, frowned, and said something that surprised Kamijou and Tsuchimikado.

"Neither the automatic enemy search nor the magic defense spells are turned on? This is not normal!" Tsuchimikado, who was also very proficient in various intelligence on the magic side, became a little solemn: "What on earth happened here?"')368'\u003eChapter 367 Rich Harvest \u0026 Abnormal Movements in the Main World

After noticing that something was wrong, Kamijou Touma and others knew that something was wrong, but under the pressure of the situation, they finally chose to continue to complete the task.

On the way afterwards, Kamijou Touma and his companions were just like at the beginning, with no danger at all. At most, they defeated a few black monks who were unlucky enough to find them, and finally arrived at the core of the fleet.

When they boarded the flagship "Queen of the Ariad Sea", found the four-sided pyramid room, and saw Bishop Piageo lying in front of the core ritual of [Queen of the Ariad Sea], they finally understood why they had such a smooth journey - it turned out that the real owner had been killed by someone else before they arrived!   But the question came again -   "Who did this?"   Kamijo Touma and Tsuchimikado Motoharu looked at each other, both confused.

... "Sure enough, the ritual of [Queen of the Ariad Sea] contains the power of 'existence' and 'cause and effect'. Combined with the application of information manipulation in [Angel Fall], I have already touched the edge of [the power of existence]!" Fang Yuan, floating in the air like a weightless ghost, analyzed the ritual model of [Queen of the Ariad Sea] in his hand, while thinking about his next plan.

"It can be said that in this world, except for the so-called Demon God, which I have never seen with my own eyes, I have already acquired all the other magic, superpowers, and angelic powers, even those most related to the secrets of the Demon God. I also got the prototype of the secret of the phase, and the rest just needs time to digest... The harvest is enough, and the entire plot has undergone huge changes. Even I can't see how it will develop next. It's too obvious..." Fang Yuan suddenly discovered that he had only been in this world for a few months, but he had already obtained most of the available benefits, and had also messed up the plot of the entire world. , and he was about to run away in a completely unknown direction.

"Next, let's see the natural evolution of the situation! I don't know how this world will develop after I have such a hand in it?" After the expectant words fell, Fang Yuan's figure completely dissipated in the long wind. .

... ... ... ... The main world, in a dimly lit quiet room.

Fang Yuan (the original body) received all kinds of knowledge about other worlds transmitted back from the clone body during meditation.

Deep in his mind, a small world with generally self-consistent rules gradually condensed and took shape from illusion.

Endless magic spews out from the origin of the immortal soul, pouring into this small world that is just a frame model, and finally forms a half-real, half-illusory world that can barely hold matter.

"That's enough..." Fang Yuan felt the mental world in his body that couldn't even be called a cave. Although he knew he could take it one step further, he didn't do so.

Different from the clone in the forbidden world, in that world, Fang Yuan is just a clone, and his actions to condense the world of mental images are more of an experimental nature, so he can condense, modify, and reshape the world of mental images without any scruples. , anyway, if something happened in the end, he would lose a clone, and he could afford the loss.

But in the main world, Fang Yuan did not dare to mess with his mental world.

Although Fang Yuan still can't tell which of the many worlds is his true body and which is his clone, in his subconscious, he still regards himself in the main world as his true body, so he must act more cautiously.

Fang Yuan did not dare to ignore this kind of mental world shaping that involved the core of the spirit, and always had to think twice before making a final decision.

"Moreover, the world rules analyzed in the Golden Dayan Technique are also slightly different from the rule system in the main world. They need to be adjusted carefully. This is also a hard work."

Fang Yuan felt the faint repulsion between the mental world and the main world. He knew that there were differences in rules between the personal world he created and the real world. He wanted to adjust it to be compatible with the main world, and even obtain it. The state of blessing from the world does not happen overnight.

He stopped meditating and stood up. Following his movements, the lights in the room automatically turned on under the control of intelligent AI. The huge silver-gray wall in front of him also instantly became transparent, revealing the scenery behind him. ——That is, the earth! Yes, this is a geosynchronous orbit 36,000 kilometers above the earth's surface. Just like what he did in the Moon World, Fang Yuan directly moved his new home to Here, far away from the surveillance eyes of all ground authorities.

Anyway, with mature space technology, it only takes an instant for him to reach any corner of the earth.

Compared to living on the surface where you have to be careful even when traveling, you are most comfortable in outer space.

"[Ether], is there any news recently?" Fang Yuan opened his mouth and asked to the ubiquitous artificial intelligence.

——He hasn’t cared about the situation in the main world for a long time.

"There is a piece of news that you may be interested in, sir -" [Ether]'s voice came from a speaker hidden in an unknown corner: "Just two days ago, a brief space incident occurred in downtown Tokyo, Japan. The vibration was suspected to be a sign of the opening of the secret realm. The next day, more than ten "supernatural accidents" occurred in the Ginza area of ​​Tokyo. It was suspected that an unknown number of invisible spirits were killing people in the Ginza area, resulting in a total of At least hundreds of people were killed and injured, and more than a dozen buildings were damaged.

At present, the entire Ginza area has been completely blocked, and the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force and the Special Assault Force (SAT) have been stationed in the urban area.

In addition, Japan’s ‘Special Incident Response Department’ also rushed to the scene and had a fierce battle with unknown spiritual life forms. "

"...Has it finally appeared..." Fang Yuan had already expected this kind of thing to happen.

After all, the appearance of the secret realm itself is irregular. The secret realm that Fang Yuan had seen before was found in the desert of the northwest region. The surrounding area was deserted. Therefore, the government could station troops here without hesitation and carry out the secret realm openly. Explore action.

But that doesn’t mean that secret realms won’t appear in densely populated cities.

This kind of thing is not without precedent. Although it has not happened in China, in other countries, secret realms in cities have indeed been discovered.

Fortunately, those secret realms are not of the type that can be opened independently. The circulation of materials and personnel inside and outside requires the assistance of corresponding space ability users and equipment.

But what if the situation is even worse - these secret realms not only appear in cities, but also open independently, and the creatures inside can actively run to the main world, what will happen? ')369'\u003eChapter 368 Monsters and Exploration

"So, what was the result of the battle?" Fang Yuan asked.

"According to the intercepted intelligence, most of the unknown spiritual life forms have been completely eliminated, and some have been captured by the 'Special Incident Response Department' and have been transferred to confidential research institutions in Kyoto District."

[Ether] gave the answer.

"Oh? It was done so quickly? It seems that little Japan is quite capable!" Fang Yuan was surprised by the Japanese's extremely high operational efficiency.

You know, a few years ago, when the Fukushima accident happened, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces staged a show of disobedience. In the end, it was up to gangsters and old people who were not afraid of death to come forward to deal with the aftermath. How could they deal with it now? How could their efficiency become so high due to such an obvious supernatural event? "According to intelligence, Japan's 'Special Incident Response Department' has personnel deployed by the US military, which may be related to this."

Regarding Fang Yuan's question, [Ether] proactively gave a guess.

It seems that the artificial intelligence created by Fang Yuan is becoming more and more intelligent and proactive.

"However, regardless of whether there was interference from outside forces, the fact that Japanese officials were able to resolve the matter so quickly also shows that their strength in supernatural powers is not weak... [Ether], do you think I should go down and take a look? " Fang Yuan, who was somewhat hesitant, asked his artificial intelligence.

"Based on the inference and calculation of the existing intelligence, sir, you no longer have any life-threatening opponents in the main world. However, out of caution, it is recommended that you travel as a clone."

Conscientious AI gives thoughtful advice.

"...That's right. In today's world, being reckless is not a big deal. The winner is the one who survives to the end... You are indeed right. It is safest to travel separately!" He sounds sincere about his own artificial intelligence. The best advice, Fang Yuan followed suit.

... In the main world of Japan, in a secret research institute in Kyoto District.

A middle-aged man in a suit with a half-bald head and a dozen bodyguards behind him, who looked like a superior at first glance, appeared here and pointed at the invisible figure who was restrained in a special closed electromagnetic field and had a vague outline. The monster asked the person in charge of the institute: "Can you confirm what kind of monsters these are?" "The essence of these monsters is spiritual bodies with high energy concentration. Although they are invisible to our naked eyes, they can interfere with the influence of matter on reality. People and objects cause damage..." The old researcher with glasses and gray hair introduced.

"Spirit? Is it the kind of ghost or something?" Since this official was able to come here, he obviously knew some inside information about the supernatural world, so he immediately thought of the gods, ghosts and monsters in Japan.

"Almost the same. After all, they are all made up of spiritual bodies and resentment. However, these 'ghosts' are obviously not from our world itself, but from the secret realm, so they are similar to ordinary ghosts in many aspects." Different - at least in appearance, we can't match them with the types of ghosts in the real world. "

The old researcher said so.

"Appearance?" The official looked at the transparent figure whose outline could not be seen in the electromagnetic force field, and asked curiously: "Can I have a look?" "Of course! Please come this way!" The old researcher readily agreed. Said, and then invited the official to the computer screen on the side and stretched out his hand to signal.

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