The girl couldn't help but shake her head, and her beautiful long straight black hair danced with it. In the end, she could only think that the light was too dark and she might have seen it wrong.

... In the shadows, Fang Yuan, who had hidden his figure, watched the girl leave in the car and muttered in his heart: "Ran Honglian Roaring Wave, the Sword Lion King... In other words, this girl is Isayama Yomi?" Is this world "Spirit-Eating-Zero-"?" Fang Yuan felt lucky to be able to see a named heroine as soon as he arrived.

Although he had already had doubts when he watched "History" and saw many evil spirits in those pictures, it was not until now that he saw the living Isayama Huangquan exterminating spirits that he really It is confirmed that this world should be the world where the plots of "Spirit Eater Zero-" and "Spirit Eater" take place.

"Tsk, I didn't expect to run into Lily to save the world..." Fang Yuan thought about the relevant plots he had seen in the main world, and then thought about the "history" of the destruction of the world he saw in the altar. I couldn't help but sigh a little, what was originally a happy Lily episode suddenly turned into a Doomsday episode! Could it be that the world of evil spirits that later invaded this world was really the world of "Death"? what is this? Alien invasion? World merger? How did two completely unrelated worlds collide and evolve into such a cruel and exterminating war? Fang Yuan has too many questions, but all of them require him to find the answers himself.

As for Isayama Yomi who just left... he doesn't plan to take the initiative to get involved.

After all, first of all, he is not the kind of harem-type male protagonist who likes to hang around the heroine when he enters the world. Secondly, in the big changes that are about to happen, just Isayama Yomi is no longer a person. The real protagonist.

In fact, Fang Yuan feels that the guy who can trick him into helping save the world is really a bit like a protagonist - the kind of tenacious will that persists in saving the world without changing his original intention despite physical changes, the kind of person who is for the sake of the overall situation. The ruthlessness and determination to sacrifice his own compatriots in blood, and the last effort to be full of hope for the future despite knowing that there is only despair ahead... This is a completely tragic protagonist setting! It's a pity that Fang Yuan didn't know the identity of that guy in the picture he saw in his trance. If he could meet him in this time and space before the disaster happened, he would definitely... he would definitely... Trick the opponent! Damn it, Fang Yuan felt suffocated at the thought of actually stepping into a big pit prepared by others.

After all, he is someone who has traveled through several worlds. He has been a savior, a globally wanted criminal, run a multinational monopoly, killed an empire, released an alien god's clone, fought in the Holy Grail War, and been the final boss. , sacrificed his inhibitions, and tried to be the mastermind behind the scenes... But he has never been tricked! Well, although Fang Yuan had a lot of complaints about the bastard who tricked him, Fang Yuan was not ready to give up on saving the world.

Because, having seen the "history" of the destruction of this world, he knew that the group of invaders suspected of being a major void in the world of "Death" possess a law that changes the world, turning evil spirits and monsters into immortal monsters that kill more and more. technology.

If this world is allowed to go to destruction like the original history, if those invaders enter the secret realm of the main world and do it again, God knows what will happen to the main world! "Actually, it's not really a trap... It would be really troublesome if that guy directly teleported me to a time period after the catastrophe. In that case, I wouldn't even have time to prepare... " Fang Yuan thought about the "history" he had seen, hoping to find some specific details about the time when the disaster occurred.

But unfortunately, those dream-like "historical" pictures were too blurry, and he couldn't find any useful clues.

"Tsk, don't you even give me this clue..." Fang Yuan scratched his head, and a sense of urgency arose in his heart - without knowing when a catastrophe will break out, every day may be... The last day of peaceful daily life! PS: The third update, there are only three updates today.

')374'\u003eChapter 373: Purify the Earth Veins, Spiritual Sea of ​​Light, and Awaken the Star Spirits

"Is this here..." After watching the demon-slayer girl leave, Fang Yuan did not stay there for long. He quickly followed his sense of the earth's veins and arrived at an deserted park in downtown Tokyo.

Here is a small leyline node formed by the convergence and intersection of nearby leylines.

Logically speaking, at this season, in a city like Tokyo, there would basically be some homeless people living in urban parks like the one in front of Fang Yuan, so it couldn't really be empty.

However, perhaps because of the cold atmosphere in this park that is so strong that even ordinary people can feel it, the homeless people are instinctively unwilling to approach here - or in other words, those who are willing to approach here have never appeared again. Over time, this place It turned into a deserted, dark and forbidden place with few human traces.

"The ground veins are seriously corrupted by negative forces such as evil spirits and resentment..." Fang Yuan used his professional alchemist/alchemist ability to sense the ground veins in the ground under his feet. As expected, he found that the power of the ground veins here has also been polluted by the strong resentment, evil spirits, seven emotions and five desires in the city. Even because it is located at the intersection of multiple ground veins, all kinds of negative auras are accumulated and brewing, and it has the posture of evolving into a dangerous and desperate place.

Well, in a few years, or if a few more people die here, this small park will really turn into a forbidden place of death that breeds evil spirits and has no way out.

"Fortunately, this pollution is only on the surface. The real deep ground veins are still clean and can still be used!" Fang Yuan's perception penetrated the strong negative aura covering the surface of the ground veins, and continued to explore the situation of the ground veins in depth. Finally, he nodded and didn't need to find another place to go.

The next step is to purify the filth in this earth vein node - Fang Yuan remained silent, closed his eyes and meditated for a moment. The next moment, he opened his eyes, and the light visible to the naked eye bloomed from his eyes, instantly illuminating the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters - this was the phenomenon caused by Fang Yuan releasing all his spiritual power. When Fang Yuan deliberately gave up the convergence control, the spiritual power that could be transformed from virtual to real, appeared from nothingness, and turned into real light shining in the real material.

However, such a phenomenon is only the part visible to the naked eye of mortals.

If there is someone who can open his spiritual eyes here, he or she will see that a sun has appeared in front of him!   In the spiritual vision, Fang Yuan's huge, pure and transparent spiritual body, like a sun falling to the ground, radiated an extremely dazzling light, instantly tearing through the countless black smoke covering the entire park, shining in all directions, and even more than ten blocks away.

The negative and filthy aura that had been stagnant in the earth veins and accumulated like foul sludge was annihilated in an instant under the spiritual light full of purification will and positive energy, just like dry grass ignited by sparks.

From this moment on, the originally gloomy and unmanned park no longer had the chilling cold atmosphere, and returned to the hot touch that summer open air should have.

However, Fang Yuan did not pay attention to the small changes in the surrounding environment. At this time, he was admiring the spectacular scene in front of him with his spiritual eyes.

- With the help of the spiritual power integrated into the earth veins, Fang Yuan's vision followed the dragon vein qi surging in the earth veins, and spread to the distance in an instant. Looking up, the whole world seemed to have become a sea of ​​light! That light was the light of Yuanqi, the light of the soul, and the light of life. The infinite light that replaced the entire earth and could hardly see the edge was actually the dragon vein of the entire earth, and the power of the planet that was deeper than the dragon vein.

Looking up, Fang Yuan could also see countless small and large dots of light, scattered on the ocean of light like stars in the sky. Each dot of light was constantly exchanging wisps of light with the ocean of light under his feet.

Sometimes, he could see tiny dots of light rising from the abyss and falling into the sea of ​​stars above, gradually growing and growing in the process of breathing in and out the surrounding light. There were also many dots of light that seemed to have burned to the limit, gradually losing their strength in the weakening, and finally falling dimly into the ocean of light below, becoming part of the infinite light.

"This is the reincarnation of this world..." Fang Yuan instantly understood what he saw. Those dots of light like stars were all the lives in this world, and the brightness of the starlight was the strength of the vitality and soul power of each life.

The new dots of light rising from the abyss of the sea of ​​light were naturally the new lives that were born every moment in the world, and those that fell dimly were naturally the lives that aged and died, and finally returned to the ocean of light under the earth.

However, this seemingly perfect spiritual reincarnation is not without omissions.

Fang Yuan can clearly see that many bright stars suddenly go out at a certain moment when the starlight is not yet dim.

These are undoubtedly the lives that suddenly died before reaching the end of their lifespan.

These stars whose brilliance was wiped out by external forces did not return to the abyss of light after the journey of life ended like normal spiritual light, but under the influence of a certain black breath, they turned into black shadows, crawling in the bright place of brilliance, constantly absorbing the brilliance of the outside world, and at the same time polluting the surrounding stars and sea surface with their own darkness.

——This is the so-called "evil spirit"!   The black breath is exactly the negative breath such as evil spirit, foul air, and resentment in Fang Yuan's understanding. Once it is contaminated on an ordinary soul, it will immediately drag it into the abyss of depravity and turn it into an evil existence that will only take the lives of the living.

Fang Yuan looked up and saw that above the entire brilliant and boundless sea, there were always dots of dark shadows in the gaps of light, just like stains suddenly appeared on the smooth mirror, making the originally brilliant and magnificent scene appear flawed.

Originally, the node of the earth vein where Fang Yuan was located was also a dark stain that made people hate it, but under the shining of Fang Yuan's spiritual light that was comparable to the sun, all the filth was completely purified and restored to its original appearance.

"The earth veins have been cleansed, the sea of ​​spirituality has appeared, and the next step is to awaken the spirituality of this ignorant planet!" Fang Yuan, who once sacrificed the will of a planet with his own hands, has to do the exact opposite this time - in order to deal with the world-destroying disaster that may come at any time, he needs to awaken the will of this planet! ')375'\u003eChapter 374 The Response of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Office \u0026 The Core of the Will of the Planet


Ministry of the Environment? Natural Environment Bureau? In the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Office, the lights are still on.

When almost everyone fell asleep, a woman with long hair, a suit and a gentle temperament is still working.

However, looking closely, this beautiful woman who looks like a wife is sitting in a wheelchair.

With such a distinctive feature, plus the place where she is at this time, the identity of this woman is obvious - she is the director of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Office, Jinguji Ayame.

At this time, she was flipping through a document, and looking carefully, it turned out to be the task report of Isayama Yomi in the recent period.

"It seems that the little girl of the Isayama family can already stand on her own..." With such sigh, Jinguji rubbed his brows tiredly, put down the documents, looked up and saw that there was no one around, so he quietly stretched his body - being the head of the office has this disadvantage, you have to pay attention to your manners at any time and anywhere... Just then, the originally closed office door was suddenly pushed open, and a young woman with short hair, wearing a men's suit, and almost no femininity broke into the office, and said anxiously: "Head! There is a situation! A huge spiritual power fluctuation broke out in Chiyoda District. According to the calculation results, it is very likely to be an A-level spiritual disaster..." When the secretary named Nikaidou Kiri pushed the door open, he happened to see Jinguji Ayame stretching and yawning with her mouth wide open, and the air suddenly became quiet.

"...Ahem! What's going on?" The disturbing silence lasted only two seconds. Jinguji Ayame broke the silence first, as if nothing had happened, and returned to a normal posture, and then asked about the business as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Ah, um! The monitoring department detected that an unprecedented spiritual power fluctuation broke out in the Chiyoda area 3 minutes ago, and its intensity exceeded all the data recorded in the past. It is suspected that an A-level spiritual disaster has broken out."

As Jinguji's secretary, Nikaidou Kiri is not the first time to encounter such a thing. He quickly adjusted his state and reported the emergency information he had just obtained.

"... Gather all action personnel and rush to the scene immediately! Also, I remember that Isayama Yomi also went to Chiyoda District to perform a mission today? Contact her quickly. If she has not left Chiyoda District, confirm the situation on the scene as soon as possible!" After hearing Nikaidou Kiri's report, Jinguji Ayame immediately knew that the matter was urgent, and did not dare to neglect it. He issued a series of orders in a hurry.

"Yes!" Nikaidou Kiri immediately accepted the order, and then turned around and walked away quickly to convey the order.

… "Yes! I got it!" Miss Isayama Yomi, who had just completed her daily demon-killing mission and left by car, received a new order from the Super Disaster Countermeasures Office less than half an hour after getting in the car. Although she was very unhappy about having to stay up late again today, she still nodded very diligently.

"Uncle Iwata, there is another new mission! Let's turn around and go back to Chiyoda District!" He said to the white-haired and sturdy uncle driving in the front seat, and Isayama Yomi took out the samurai sword that had been put back into the sword bag and was ready to fight at any time.

"Okay!" As the driver, Iwata Koji had already turned the steering wheel before the girl spoke, and directly turned across the line in the deserted street late at night. He skillfully changed gears and stepped on the accelerator, and rushed out at a speed that was definitely overspeeding, and returned to Chiyoda District that he had just left.

… Chiyoda District, a deserted unmanned park, is where Fang Yuan is.

At this moment, the gloomy feeling that made people feel uncomfortable in the past is gone, and it is replaced by a burning feeling like the scorching summer sun.

This is Fang Yuan's external spiritual body interfering with reality, just like the sun-like Yang Shen shining in all directions, the pure spiritual power interferes with matter, and changes the surrounding temperature from a physical level.

Fang Yuan, who didn't know what kind of waves his actions had caused in the local relevant departments, had disappeared at this time.

In fact, he had already transformed from a physical body into an empty and immaterial spiritual body, integrated into the earth veins, and completely integrated his entire spirit into the spiritual sea of ​​the planet that was like an ocean of light.

In order to awaken the will of this planet, even Fang Yuan had to do his best! In fact, this planet itself has had the existence of a spokesperson for the planet's will, such as the Nine-Tailed Fox in the comics. As a purification device for cleaning the world, although it is essentially far from the planet's restraining force that truly controls the entire planet, this also shows that this planet is not really ignorant and chaotic, and will still take the initiative to react at certain times.

However, this does not mean that Fang Yuan's actions will be easy.

You know, the so-called Nine-Tailed Fox in the plot of "Soul Eater" is probably just like the big snake in the King of Fighters. It can be regarded as a certain aspect of the planet's will - and it is a negative aspect.

If we use a person as an analogy, the planetary will that has not yet been truly born is like a person who is sleeping soundly, and the Nine-Tailed Fox, which is supposed to be responsible for cleansing the world, can be seen as a relatively obvious thought in a person's dream.

What Fang Yuan has to do is actually to wake up this sleeping person - except that the size of this "person" is as large as a planet.

Of course, this will not be an easy task. After all, it is extremely difficult to wake up some people who fall asleep as soon as they fall asleep, and it is even more impossible to wake up a sleeping planet.

Moreover, unlike humans, because they have a mature and complete personality when they are awake, after their consciousness is awakened, the originally scattered thoughts will naturally re-condense - this is because human thinking has a core like "I".

However, the Earth, which has never really "woke up", cannot have such a good thing.

There is no real personality of the planetary will. If you want to condense the chaotic and scattered instinctive thinking into a logical entity that can think rationally, you still lack a crucial "core".

Well, another way to put it is to be strong and tenacious enough to carry the immortal personality will of an entire planet!   Theoretically speaking, Fang Yuan has achieved the third law and the realm of Yang God, barely reaching the minimum standard of becoming this "core". If he is willing to give up his incarnation, and become the "Heavenly Dao" of this world and earth, he does not even need to be awakened, and he will directly become the will of the planet.

However, although it is only an avatar that came here, Fang Yuan did not think of casually breaking this avatar here-to be in harmony with the Tao sounds very high-sounding, but in fact it is kidnapped by the pan-consciousness of the whole world, and can't help himself. In the end, he can only be a ruthless, desireless, and thoughtless God. This is really not what Fang Yuan pursues!   So, he chose another method-using [ether] as the "core" to condense the personality will of the earth! ')376'\u003eChapter 375 "Passionate" first contact

Chiyoda District, still in that small park

The light of nothingness surged out from under the ground, gathered in the air, and after a circle, condensed into a glowing human figure.

When this human figure completely condensed into a solid body, it can be seen that this is Fang Yuan who sank into the depths of the earth veins before and opened the spiritual wisdom of the earth.

At this time, he has engraved the logical core of [Ether] into the earth's spirit body, turning it into a seed, absorbing the nutrients in the infinite sea of ​​spiritual light, growing and strengthening, and integrating the scattered will of the planet.

When one day this seed sprouts, grows roots, and spreads its tentacles throughout the spirit of the planet, then Fang Yuan's plan will be successful, and the earth spirit in his control will be truly awakened.

However, although the initial plan has been completed, this spiritual core condensed based on [Ether] will not be able to truly control the spiritual ocean of an entire planet in a day or a night. Before it is truly successful, Fang Yuan can only wait.

"Will it take about three months... Fortunately, I can make it in time!" Sensing and estimating the speed at which the [Ether] Seed gathers and controls the scattered will of the planet, Fang Yuan finds that this time is not too long.

——When Fang Yuan was condensing the core for the Earth Spirit, he also briefly assumed the position of the core of the planetary spirit. With this rare opportunity of "combining the body with the Tao", he was fortunate to have a glimpse of the future from the perspective of the planet and roughly see the time point when the alien invaders will invade.

Don't be surprised why the consciousness of a planet has this ability to involve time.

Just like the mass of matter will distort time and space, if it is the mass of the planet level, it will cause huge disturbances on the plane of time and space; similarly, the accumulation of too much spiritual power will also affect the surrounding time and space. Even because the spirit itself transcends the nature of matter, its ability to disturb time is much stronger than that of large mass matter.

With the help of the distortion and fluctuation of time and space caused by the "mass" of the spirit, Fang Yuan can extend his perception to the upstream and downstream of the timeline and briefly peek into the past and future of this planet.

In his peeping, those invaders suspected to be the Great Hollows of the "Death God" world will not invade until half a year at the earliest, which gives the planetary will, which is still in the "awakening", enough time to grow.

If the integration and awakening speed of the planetary will is slower, for example, it takes one or two years, then Fang Yuan will be worried - with this American time, the alien invaders are estimated to have wiped out the earth!   After completing the most important preparations, Fang Yuan temporarily breathed a sigh of relief, and a rare look of fatigue appeared on his face - he was under tremendous pressure every moment in the spiritual sea of ​​the planet before, especially the short moment of "combining the body with the Tao" to peek into the future, and he was at risk of this incarnation being assimilated by the world.

Although the power of divine energy and magic in his body can be said to be endless because of the third method, the mental energy consumed is real and requires real rest to replenish.

But just when Fang Yuan, who had completed the most critical step of saving the world, was about to "go away and hide his merits and fame", suddenly, a scorching fire shock wave fell from the sky, accompanied by a sweet shout—— "Chaotic Red Lotus Roaring Wave!" Because of mental fatigue, his perception and reaction speed were slower than usual. Fang Yuan did not discover the sneak attacker in advance, and watched him being unprepared and attacked by someone who could melt gold and turn iron. engulfed in high-temperature flames.

Fortunately, for Fang Yuan at this time, an attack of this magnitude could not even break through the defense - the protective radiance and dissipated magic power that he instinctively emitted alone were enough to repel such an attack. .

"Tsk! I actually met her again!" Hearing the other party's voice, Fang Yuan knew without looking that this was the exorcist girl who had just arrived in front of him, the protagonist of this world, Isayama Yomi.

He thought that the other party would go back after slaying the demon, but he didn't expect that he would come back and find him, and attack him without saying a word... "Hey, hey, hey, little girl, I'm not an evil spirit. Ah! There is no need to burn me as soon as we meet, right?" Fang Yuan, who was still unscathed by the flames, said with a helpless tone.

To be honest, he doesn't want to conflict with the official personnel of this world, especially the protagonist like Isayama Yomi - firstly, bullying girls is not a glorious thing, and secondly, as the designated protagonist of this world, God knows Is there such a thing as a protagonist's halo? Before [Ether] truly grows into the will of this world, Fang Yuan does not want to antagonize such a protagonist.

However... it seems that the first meeting between the two parties was not so friendly... "Tsk! He can actually talk! And he also retains a perfect human form... He is an A-level evil spirit, which is tricky!" Luan Honglian just spit out Isayama Yoshizumi, who had a big fireball, looked at Fang Yuan swimming leisurely in the sea of ​​fire, and his heart suddenly sank. Hearing the other party's obviously rational conversation, he was even more horrified - this was obviously A-level. Characteristics of evil spirits! In fact, for Isayama Yomi, the "thing" that looks like a human in front of her is really no different from an evil spirit - just now she saw with her own eyes how Fang Yuan emerged from the ground in the form of light. It is drilled out and then condensed into a human body. This form cannot be human at all! Well, because in modern times, the mysterious forces have gradually declined, and the supernatural power has gradually weakened. The power that protects human beings from being devoured by aliens in the dark has gradually transformed from the ancient onmyoji, priests, and witches groups to the ability threshold. A group of exorcists who are low and more dependent on external objects.

In this era, it is rare to see extraordinary spells that can be activated without the help of any external objects. However, magical spells such as the soul leaving the body and the projection of the spirit body are really myths and legends. Those "professionals" who have psychic powers and can see ghosts don't believe it.

In the eyes of modern exorcists, those who can gather and disperse their bodies at will like Fang Yuan, and can switch between ethereal spiritual bodies and physical entities at will, cannot be human beings, but can only be extremely dangerous A-level evil spirits! So, when Miss Isayama Huangquan followed the coordinates from the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Room and arrived at the scene of the spiritual power explosion, she happened to see the scene of Fang Yuan emerging from the earth veins. Being "ignorant", she immediately understood that it was clearly... Yangshen Zhenren's Fang Yuan mistakenly thought he was an evil spirit, and without saying a word, he fired the most powerful Red Lotus Roaring Wave.

However, when she discovered that her opponent was actually a rational A-level evil spirit, Isayama Yomi felt a little paralyzed. It seemed like she couldn't defeat this opponent! The third update is presented')377'\u003eChapter 376 The Gradually Escalating Conflict

Isayama Yoshizumi, the adopted daughter of the head of the Isayama family, Isayama Naraku, although she looks like an ordinary female high school student, at most her beautiful appearance and heroic temperament make her look a bit different among a group of ordinary people. Stand out from the crowd.

But in fact, she has been known as a child prodigy in swordsmanship since she was a child, and she also has talents in magic. From a young age, she has stepped into another world that ordinary people will never know - the world of supernatural power. world! With her good qualifications and the fighting skills she has cultivated since childhood, after inheriting the sword [The Lion King] given to her by her adoptive father, the 17-year-old girl has become one of the few exorcists in the group. Some powerful people have even become one of the main combat forces in semi-official departments such as the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Room.

In addition, at a young age, he has already experienced hundreds of battles, and has killed countless monsters and monsters. Isayama Yomi, who is at the peak of his sharpness, thought that he would not have any stage fright even if he faced those legendary A-level evil spirits.

However, when she actually stood in front of this enemy who was suspected to be an A-level evil spirit, she found that she was not as confident as she thought.

——When he saw Ran Hongren's roaring wave hitting the opponent, but not even the slightest damage, Isayama Yomi couldn't help but feel a trace of fear in his heart.

‘Maybe… I really might die here today! 'Although Fang Yuan, who was seriously misunderstood as a super boss, did not read Isayama Yomi's mind and did not know what she was thinking, he could still guess when he saw the other person's vigilant expression with a hint of fear. Come out a few minutes.

He shook his head and sighed in his heart. It seemed that he could no longer take off his title of "A-level evil spirit".

But Fang Yuan didn't care much about what these official demon exterminators thought.

Anyway, in his opinion, these were only exorcists who had mastered spiritual power and some minor spells, and most of the time they had to rely on various external objects to fight. Their power was just like that. In the upcoming catastrophe, they were just bigger ants compared to ordinary people, so there was no need to take them to heart.

In fact, if Jianshan Huangquan was not the protagonist of this world, Fang Yuan would not be so easy to talk to - if it was another small character who came over, Fang Yuan would definitely throw a bigger fireball back!   After thinking about it, Fang Yuan finally decided to ignore the other party and just leave here.

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan turned around and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, before he took the first step, a stream of light that was extremely conspicuous in the night sky flashed by, accompanied by the sound of gunfire that followed, and a deformed and twisted large-caliber bullet fell from a few feet outside Fang Yuan's body, falling on the ground with a crisp sound of ding-dong.

Looking closely, you can still see a series of runes engraved on the severely deformed bullet in an intaglio manner. A trace of spiritual light that can only be seen by people with spiritual eyes is gradually fading, and you can feel the obvious "demon-breaking" meaning from it.

This is - rune bullet.

Although in many novels and anime works, this practice of engraving mystical runes on modern thermal weapons has almost become a common setting, but in this world where there are real evil spirits and extraordinary powers, and technology has developed normally to the 21st century, this rune bullet can also be regarded as a high-tech.

Combining traditional magic-breaking magic with modern technology, engraving runes blessed by extraordinary power in guns and ammunition can immediately transform modern thermal weapons that originally did not cause any harm to spiritual life into demon-killing weapons that can slay demons and exorcise demons. This is a technology that has only flourished in recent years.

And in Japan, except for those related to the official, almost no one else uses this equipment.

So - "Not good! Uncle Iwata!" Isayama Yomi immediately reacted. It was Uncle Iwata Koji who was originally supporting in the rear. Seeing that this "evil spirit" seemed to want to "escape", he shot to stop it... However, only Isayama Yomi who was really standing in front of the other party knew how terrifying this "evil spirit" in front of him, who looked no different from an ordinary person, was! Just now, he looked like he was not interested in himself and wanted to leave, but now he was hit by a bullet from Uncle Iwata. If he angered him... "Tsk! Is this never going to end!" Fang Yuan just took a sniper bullet aimed at his head. Although the bullet did not touch him at all and was blocked by the external defense field, he was still unhappy - he did not intend to pursue the other party's attack as soon as they met. He planned to leave first, but this group of people is still not going to stop? ! ! Fang Yuan looked up in the direction where the bullet came from, and saw a middle-aged man in a black suit, with a sturdy figure and a gay atmosphere, holding a large-caliber sniper rifle and urgently moving his position.

Obviously, the other party also saw the result of the previous shot, and knew that he was facing a formidable enemy this time, so he didn't dare to expose himself to Fang Yuan's vision.

However, the other party's speed was obviously a little slower.

Bang——!   Pop——!   Fang Yuan didn't see any movement. The heavy sniper rifle in the hand of the former mercenary and Self-Defense Force soldier named Iwata Koji suddenly exploded, decomposing from a whole into independent parts, and scattered all over the ground. He himself was knocked away by some invisible force and hit heavily on the car that he had just used as a sniper position, creating a big dent.

——Isayama Yomi had not been counterattacked by Fang Yuan before because she was the protagonist. Fang Yuan was cautious and could tolerate the offense caused by the other party due to a momentary misunderstanding, but the uncle in front of him was not within Fang Yuan's tolerance range! However, considering that the protagonist Isayama Yomi is currently on the side of the Japanese official, Fang Yuan did not do too much.

He did not kill him. The invisible telekinesis just now only broke a few bones of the other party, and there would be no serious injuries. This can be said to be the result of Fang Yuan's mercy.

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