"Lord God, what are you...?" Qianju Xiashi looked at the children's clothing store in front of him, then looked at Fang Yuan, a little confused.

"Ah, look, I think you didn't have many opportunities to go shopping when you were the starters, right? And now that you are reborn, although you can use magic to simulate clothes, you still need to buy some real clothes, right?" Fang Yuan looked at the girl's clothes, which were completely the same as the clothes she wore before her death. Although the clothes looked real, they were actually just the girl's subconscious impressions, manifested with magic power. It is equivalent to the gift of a heroic spirit.

In terms of defense, it may be much stronger than ordinary clothes, but in terms of appearance... it is really too monotonous.

——After all, even the heroic spirits in FGO have different dresses and costumes to wear! Although the girls, including Qianju Natsuyo, are very sensible and good children, they will not lose their temper because of this - in fact, for them who have died once, it is impossible for them to have life again. Yu Yu is extremely happy, and has nothing but deep gratitude and respect for Fang Yuan who gave them new life.

But Fang Yuan felt that if he still used them as tools and fighting power after rescuing them from a fire pit, then what would he have to do with the garbage (Harmony) scum he despised? What's the difference? Therefore, whether it is to make these little girls happy or to make himself feel more at ease, Fang Yuan decided to let them gradually lead a life that children of this age should really live.

"..." Qianju Natsuo lowered her head and looked at her clothes. Although a cute little girl like her looks cute no matter what she wears, in fact, this clothes was bought by her former promoter Ikuma Shokan. No matter in terms of taste or aesthetics, it can only be said to be so-so.

"It's time to change..." After saying this in a low voice, the girl raised her head again and looked at Fang Yuan: "But, am I the only one here to buy clothes? This is a bit uncomfortable... " She thought of the dozen sisters in "Valhalla".

Because they are worried about the huge impact that the resurrection of the dead may have, and the world where all their wishes come true is so beautiful, girls are generally unwilling to leave that kingdom unless they are summoned by Fang Yuan. come out of this world.

But if it is an activity like going to a store to buy clothes now, is it too unfair for Natsuki Chiju to enjoy it alone? "...That's right. If you treat one person favorably than another, those little girls will also get into trouble..." Fang Yuan smiled and shook his head, admitting that he had indeed forgotten this incident.

So he clapped his hands, and the next moment, the bright starlight that had appeared before appeared again, and a dozen little carrot heads who were about the same age as Qianju Natsuyo appeared next to Fang Yuan.

——Similarly, under the influence of Fang Yuan's domain, no one noticed this exaggerated supernatural scene.

"Lord God, Lord God, is there any mission for calling us out?" "Are there gastrea animals to be eliminated? Or are there any enemies?" "Hey~~ This seems to be an urban area? Is there another one? What kind of invasion happened? ""Quiet! Don't make any noise! ​​Listen to what Master Shangshen said!"... As soon as the little girls came out of Fang Yuan's inner world, they started chattering. I was surrounded by a group of little lolita.

If this scene is seen by some Lolita fans, they will probably be so jealous that they want to burn Fang Yuan, this overly happy guy, with a fireball... "Okay, okay!" Fang Yuan clapped his hands. , asked everyone to calm down, and then pointed to the store behind him and said: "This time I called you out not for any mission, but to take you shopping - I think you, as girls, should also buy some daily replacement clothes. Are you ready?" "Hey~ Buying clothes?" "Can we... go into the store?" "Don't be stupid, we are no longer virus carriers, right? Can’t enter the store?” “That’s right, we are no longer human beings...but won’t we be even more excluded?” “Humph! And it’s not like ordinary people can see our situation! Master Shangshen is here, no problem! "..." Looking at the little lolita who were chatting with each other again, Fang Yuan had a headache - he had no experience at all in raising children, and he was very young in the area. A few... no, thinking about continuing to contain the souls of the "cursed children" who died in the future, God knows how much this number will increase! Thinking of this, Fang Yuan felt so stressed... "Ahem! Don't discuss it now! Don't worry about not being able to enter the store! I just said yes!" With that said, Fang Yuan did not wait for the children. Without saying anything else, he took them directly into the store.

When the clerk here saw Fang Yuan, a grown man walking in with a group of little girls, he couldn't help but be a little surprised - what is going on? "Sir, may I ask what this is...?" A female clerk who looked to be in her twenties walked towards Fang Yuan, the only adult, and asked hesitantly.

"Ah, I just took the children out to buy some clothes. Is there any problem?" Fang Yuan looked at the other party and asked.

"No... Buying clothes is of course no problem, but if they are..." The clerk seemed a little hesitant, not knowing whether to say the next words, but Fang Yuan did not give her the opportunity to continue: "I said, I want to take these children here to buy clothes, no objection!" As the voice fell, Fang Yuan's eyes flashed with invisible light, and the female clerk who looked at him was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: "Of course no objection, every customer is our God! Please enjoy browsing and shopping the goods in the store!" Nodding with satisfaction, Fang Yuan turned to Qianshou Xiashi and said: "You are their captain, you can take them to the store to have a look! You can buy any clothes you like, don't worry about the price!" Fang Yuan said this with confidence-after regaining the extraordinary power of the heyday, Fang Yuan will no longer encounter the previous "no money" dilemma.

Not to mention the precious metals such as gold and silver made by material conversion, he can even make legal currency that is more real than real money. He doesn't have to worry about being found out. He can spend money however he wants! The fourth update is completed. Please vote for me, recommend me, and please everyone! ')448'\u003eChapter 447 Leisurely group activities \u0026 shocked intelligence departments

Looking at a group of little radish heads cheering and running to every corner of the store, looking for beautiful clothes they like, Fang Yuan's mouth curled up with a gratified smile-in this dark and cruel world, these innocent girls can be said to be the only bright spot.

But...  "Why don't you go with them?"  Fang Yuan looked at the little girl at his feet, holding the corner of his clothes. This is the most inconspicuous one among all the "Valkyries". She doesn't talk much and her presence is not very high. When everyone is looking at clothes, she is the only one who doesn't move.

"... Big Sister Xia Shi... So scary!" The little girl looked at Chishou Xia Shi who was restraining many little kids from running around in the store timidly, and said something that shocked Fang Yuan.

Xia Shi... Big Sister?   Well, Chishou Xia Shi is the most mature one among all the "Valkyries", and is recognized by Fang Yuan as the leader of all the girls. It is indeed no problem to be called the Big Sister.

In fact, her expressionless and cold appearance on weekdays is indeed quite majestic among the little girls.

But... scary? How can this be said?   At this moment, as if she noticed the gaze behind her, Chishou Xia Shi turned around and looked at Fang Yuan and the others.

"Eh~~(\u003e﹏  The little loli beside Fang Yuan instantly shrank and hid behind Fang Yuan like a frightened animal.

"..."  Fang Yuan looked at the very obvious helpless expression on Chishou Natsuyo's face, and then looked at the little girl who was almost curled up at his feet. While feeling funny in his heart, he finally remembered one thing - it seems that Chishou Natsuyo said that she had killed (harmonized) other police teams under the order of Ikuma Masakazu?  In other words, Chishou Natsuyo, as an initiator, also had the blood of other initiators on her hands.

Emmmmm, it is obvious that the unlucky guy is the little carrot head who is almost curled up at Fang Yuan's feet. .

"Okay, okay~~" Fang Yuan reached out and touched the little loli's head, saying gently: "The past is over. Xia Shijiang only followed the orders of her promoters before, and maybe did some terrible things... But now you are all a family, so there is no need to be afraid of anything..." After comforting her for a long time, it was not easy to get rid of the little loli's fear. She walked towards the other girls step by step and tentatively participated in the group activities.

"Ah..." After comforting the little loli, Fang Yuan sighed again.

Although the matter between Qianshou Xiashi and this little loli seems to be just an individual case, think about the fact that there are so many powerful people in the world. There are many initiators in each force, and it is impossible for the forces to maintain peace all the time. The fighting between the initiators can be said to have always existed... If there are more children to be taken in in the future, if this situation occurs again, it may not be solved as easily as it is now! Maybe he should learn from the Norse mythology and set up some fighting venues in "Valhalla" to let the conflicting "Valkyries" compete with each other to resolve the conflicts? Anyway, in his inner world, with his power as a guarantee, there will be no real casualties no matter how much he fights.

But wouldn't this be too cruel? They are all just children, there is no need to be so bloody... Shaking his head, Fang Yuan put aside these troubles for the time being and turned his attention back to the present - let's not worry about these messy things today, let's spend a day happily playing with these children! ... So, Fang Yuan really took a dozen little kids to play happily for a whole day.

First, everyone bought several sets of clothes that were both suitable and good-looking - at first, some frugal little girls didn't dare to buy too much, but under Fang Yuan's repeated urging, they couldn't help their natural shopping instincts and made a lot of purchases.

And Fang Yuan did as he said at the beginning, and he was very rich and bought all the selected clothes.

Then a group of people wearing new clothes walked along the commercial street in a mighty manner, buying some snacks from time to time, chatting and laughing, and experiencing the leisurely life that they had never experienced before.

During this period, it was not that no one doubted the true identity of so many 10-year-old little lolita, thinking that they were "cursed children", but basically before these guys could say bad words, Fang Yuan used his own method to "convince" them first, so that they changed their conservative and biased views.

Except for the little lolita like Chishou Natsuyo who was delicate and intelligent, the other girls did not find anything abnormal and still maintained a happy mood to spend the next time.

However, these children were happy, but some people fell into astonishment and confusion——  …  "What's going on?"  The head of the Tokyo District Defense Ministry Intelligence Headquarters looked at the pictures taken from the street surveillance cameras and made an unbelievable sound.

"Shouldn't these, these initiators, be dead?" Looking at the names listed by the facial recognition software on the big screen, and the words "KIA" or "MIA" clearly marked behind the names, the person in charge showed an expression of seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

This world... are there really ghosts? !   No, no, no, this is impossible!   This must be a trick! Either someone pretended to be the deceased, or someone faked the death of these initiators!   Did the man in the video do it?   Which force is he from?   What exactly do they want to do by collecting these initiators officially defined as dead?   The intelligence chief, who was deeply influenced by conspiracy theories, had questions flashing through his mind one after another, and his expression gradually became gloomy.

...It was obvious that although Fang Yuan's domain made passers-by on the street not feel strange about the girls appearing out of thin air, he did not affect the purely mechanical street cameras, and the figures of their leisurely strolling on the street were naturally recorded.

This was not Fang Yuan's work mistake, forgetting about it, but mainly because Fang Yuan was too lazy to do such troublesome things.

After all, they have to hide when they go out for a walk. Fang Yuan will not tolerate such grievances. There is no reason why these innocent children cannot enjoy the right to live in this world openly.

Anyway, when the "Valkyrie" group expands in the future, their existence will always be exposed, so it is better to stand out openly from the beginning.

If some people want to see it, let them see it! ')449'\u003eChapter 448 Angry Tendo Kikunojo \u0026 Encounter with a Blind Girl

Bang! A big hand slammed heavily on the table.

"This is impossible!" Tendo Kikunojo looked at the picture in the video with a gloomy expression.

- As a powerful figure in Tokyo, the Ministry of Defense Intelligence Department is naturally under the control of Tendo Kikunojo. This video was sent to him not long after it was discovered by the staff of the Ministry of Defense.

"These bugs...are they still alive?!" The strong old man with white hair and beard uttered a deliberately derogatory term, his tone full of deep hatred and disgust.

——Because his wife died at the hands of the protostomes, he spread his hatred to all the "cursed children" for no reason. This old man is such an unreasonable paranoid.

For him, the death of every "cursed child" is equivalent to his revenge for his deceased wife. If all the "cursed children" in the world can be killed (harmonized), it would be the best thing! For such a person, when he saw the "cursed children" who had been confirmed dead come back to life, his first reaction was doubt, disbelief, and anger.

But he soon calmed down.

"Have you confirmed the authenticity of the video?" He asked his subordinates in the Ministry of Defense.

"It has been confirmed that the authenticity of the video is not a problem, and the technical department has also analyzed it. These 'dead' in the video are indeed them!" The subordinate bowed his head and replied respectfully.

"..." Tendo Kikunosuke looked at the tall figure in the video that stood out from the crowd of little radish heads, and narrowed his eyes: "This man, if I remember correctly, is the madman who made a big fuss in the Ministry of Defense! It seems that this so-called 'resurrection of the dead' is related to this guy... Have you found out where this man is hiding?" "Uh... I'm sorry... I'm incompetent..." The subordinate was stunned, then lowered his head with shame on his face, bowed deeply to apologize: "This man is very cunning. We tried to track his whereabouts, but he always got rid of him easily. The surveillance network in the city didn't work... In fact, this video is the only picture of his face we have captured."

"Humph! Useless thing!" The old man snorted and scolded.

"I'm really sorry..." The subordinate's waist bent again, and only these words came out of his mouth.

"... Humph!" The old man snorted again and waved his hand to let the useless subordinate leave.

Alone, he lowered his voice and said to himself: "It doesn't matter, even if you can save some, you can't save them all! One day, I will kill all these damn bugs (Harmony) ) Damn it!”… I swear not to mention the anger and curses of a certain old man.

On the other side, Fang Yuan, who had played with the little carrots all day long, realized that his party was being followed, so he sent everyone back to "Valhalla", while he was alone with a group of intelligence The personnel played hide and seek in the city and played a lot of tricks on them.

——Even if he doesn't use his foul domain power, just relying on his unrivaled physical fitness, Fang Yuan can easily get rid of all surveillance and move freely throughout the city, and no one can stop him.

And after letting go and using the domain power... Sorry, the entire Tokyo area is Fang Yuan's back garden. He can play however he wants, with absolutely no restrictions.

Swish - Fang Yuan's figure suddenly appeared on a deserted overpass.

Fang Yuan turned around, as if he could still see how crazy the agent behind him was who he had led into a dead alley, and couldn't help but smile contemptuously.

Shaking his head and ignoring these weak eagle and dog minions, Fang Yuan continued to move forward, wandering aimlessly.

However, before he had gone far, he saw a blindfolded silver-haired petite girl at a corner ahead.

Looking at the dirty and worn blanket she was wearing, the cardboard with writing on it hanging in front of her, and the small pot on the ground - it was obvious that she was a beggar.

And he is also a beggar with the status of "cursed child".

——After all, the sign hanging on the girl's body clearly stated "I am a cursed child from the outer area."

Fang Yuan looked at the silver-haired girl's eyes covered by bandages, and then saw the sign hanging on her body, and immediately guessed the identity of the other party.

She is exactly what appeared in the original plot. Because her biological mother hated her red eyes, she filled her eyes with lead, resulting in blindness, but she was still abandoned by her mother in the end.

Moreover, this ill-fated girl also had a sister. In order to support herself and her sister, she had to beg in this way for a living.

But too many people hated the "cursed child", so she was often teased and bullied while begging.

Someone tore off the cans and threw them into her begging basin, pretending to be coins. But when she heard the noise, even though she knew that many of them were not real coins, she still threw the "coins" heartily. Say "thank you".

Just like the scene happening in front of me, a young man with yellow hair and a nose ring, who looked like he was not a good guy at first sight, put worthless garbage into the girl's begging basin as coins. , while shamelessly quietly taking away the coins already in the basin.

But the most chilling thing is that among the people watching all this, no one stepped forward to stop it.

Fang Yuan watched this scene from a distance with a stern look on his face, and his heart, which had become equally happy due to the joyful interactions with the little girls, was suddenly filled with anger.

But Fang Yuan did not directly step forward to grab the gangster and beat him up. Instead, he quietly operated his field and used undetectable force to move some hands and feet on the opponent's visual center.

Under Fang Yuan's precise operation, he can guarantee that within a week, this little gangster will gradually lose his eyesight, and then become completely blind within a month - and this is the kind of brain that cannot be cured even with prosthetic eyes. Damage blindness.

Let this guy who takes pleasure in other people's pain experience the pain of losing his eyesight! "Xia Shi, after seeing such a scene, do you still think it is necessary for this city to exist?" Looking at the girl who appeared beside him at some unknown time, Fang Yuan asked again.

')450'\u003eChapter 449: Sisters dependent on each other \u0026 the curiosity of the Holy Emperor

"..." Qianju Natsuyo opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but when she saw the blind girl still saying "thank you" to the crowd who showed no kindness at all, there were some words that she couldn't say.

Yes, this city is indeed something they, the Initiators, fought for and sacrificed countless times to protect. There are indeed friends here that she cherishes, but none of this can deny that this city is important to her. It is not a warm and kind home for the "cursed children".

Although most of her and the other girls she was lucky enough to be trained as starters were not as miserable as the blind girl in front of her, their past childhoods could not be said to be happy lives.

Training, fighting, killing - for the girls who have become starters, this has almost become their entire life, and if they meet those promoters who are too scumbag, they will receive all kinds of abuse. And oppression... Such a life can never be called happiness! The girl was silent, just accompanying Fang Yuan, watching the blind girl in front of her keep begging and thanking her until the night fell, and finally groped her way back to the outer area with a meager harvest.

"Let's follow!" After standing and watching for a long time, Fang Yuan finally spoke and stepped forward at the same time, following the blind girl in front of him from a distance of several hundred meters.

Qian Shou Xia Shi didn't ask why, but just followed Fang Yuan all the way.

After walking for who knows how long, the two finally followed the blind girl to a ruins in the peripheral area. They watched each other walk into a dilapidated house that had not completely collapsed, and faint voices could be heard inside.

"She...does anyone need to be taken care of..." Qianju Xiayo could see clearly that this blind girl who was already in a miserable state actually had even weaker relatives who needed to be taken care of.

Listening to the voices coming from the room from a distance, she realized after a while that the blind girl's sister was there, and like her sister, she was a "cursed child."

This pair of sisters lived together in the ruins, relying on a little money from begging and rubbish picked up from the ruins to maintain their fragile livelihood.

Sighing silently, Qianju Xiayo also somewhat understood at this time why her "god" hated this city so much that he even wanted to completely destroy it.

No, if it weren't for these "cursed children", Lord "God" must have taken action long ago and really destroyed this city! ——Having seen the heaven-like world of "Valhalla", Qian Shou Xia Shi had no doubt that Fang Yuan could do such a thing.

"Lord God, how can we... help them?" Although she wanted to save the suffering compatriots in front of her from the sea of ​​suffering, Qianju Natsuyo also knew that she could not do anything by herself.

Therefore, she turned her attention to Fang Yuan for help.

"...Let's go in and talk to them!" With that said, Fang Yuan no longer covered up his traces, and just walked openly towards the dilapidated house where the poor sisters lived.

"Are you...?" When Fang Yuan and Qian Shou Xia Shi stepped into the door that didn't even have a door panel, the blind girl who was talking to her sister had turned her head and "looked" at Fang with her invisible eyes. Yuan direction.

"Sister..." When the younger sister saw a stranger coming in, she instinctively wanted to hide behind her sister, but then she mustered up the courage and stood in front of her blind sister, bravely telling her family to Protect behind you.

"Don't worry, we're not bad people."

Fang Yuan said warmly, while turning to look at Qianju Natsuyo, gesturing for her to come forward and talk - they are both girls, and they are both "cursed children". She can make the sisters put down their guard better than Fang Yuan. .

"Hello, my name is Qianju Natsuyo. Like you, I am a 'cursed child', or I used to be!" With that said, Qianju Natsuyo deliberately mobilized the kind of "magic power" in his body that was called "magic" by the "god". With his power, he adjusted the color of his eyes, revealing the unique blood-red eyes of the "cursed children".

"..." The blind sister couldn't see this scene, but the sighted sister could see it clearly, so she also breathed a sigh of relief, and her original vigilant posture also relaxed slightly.

However, although her sister could not see her eyes, she noticed the change in her sister's sudden change in breathing, and knew that her sister had recognized the other person's identity as a "cursed child".

She pulled her sister away from her, walked up to her, and said, "Qianshou...Xia Shi, right? And this gentleman...what's the matter with you coming here?"... Just when Fang and Yuan were in contact with the blind girl, on the other side, the Holy Emperor also learned about the Initiator's "resurrection from the dead" from some channels.

——As the actual ruler of Tokyo District, although the power has been eclipsed by Tendo Kikunochori, she still maintains extremely high authority and can obtain confidential level information at will, so it is not surprising that she learned about this matter. of.

Different from the hatred and fear in the heart of Tendo Kikunojo, the Holy Emperor, who has great goodwill towards the "cursed child", is very interested in Fang Yuan's actions.

"Did he take advantage of the chaos to save all the initiates, or do he really have the ability to bring people back to life?" Although he knew that the latter was completely contrary to common sense, but for some reason, compared to the more logical speculation, the Holy Emperor It is more likely that this mysterious man does have some unusual power.

After all, she was aware of the last time Fang Yuan made a big fuss at the Ministry of Defense. Although she could not see what happened afterwards due to the disconnection of communication, but based on the descriptions of Tendou Kisara and Satomi Rentaro, who had experienced it firsthand, She also understood how powerful Fang Yuan was at that time.

——Using his body to block Tendo Kidara's sword attack, but he was unscathed. Let's not talk about it for now. When he was surrounded by soldiers later, he was shot in the eye by a bullet, but the bullet deformed but the eye was not damaged at all. This Even Satomi Rentaro, who has holmium prosthetic eyes, would not dare to do such nonsense! And now it was revealed that the other party was suspected of being able to resurrect the dead Initiator girl. This made the Holy Emperor more and more surprised by Fang Yuan's existence, and even more curious.

Who is this person? What ability does he have? How are those performances that seem beyond human imagination achieved? What is the purpose of his appearance? The Holy Emperor even thought that, if possible, he must have a face-to-face conversation with this mysterious person whose name he did not even know - even though the other party seemed to completely look down on her as a "puppet head of state"... ...') 451 '\u003eChapter 450: Choice...and the Blind Girl's Determination

"Choose..." With Qianju Natsuyo's intervention, the conversation with the sisters became very smooth.

Therefore, after initially gaining their trust, Fang Yuan instructed Qian Shou Xia Shi to give them a choice - whether they were willing to give up the virus-infected body that was now riddled with holes and was destined to only bring misfortune. Reborn in another form.

"It's really hard to imagine giving up the body and then using the soul as the body to reshape the body... It sounds like a fairy tale!" Although the blind girl was abandoned by her biological mother at a young age, she never went to school. What kind of knowledge, but after so many years of begging, I have acquired enough common sense and personality through the influence of my ears and eyes, and I naturally know how incredible everything Qianju Xiashi said is.

In fact, if she wasn't sensitive and didn't feel any malice from Qianju Natsuyo, the blind girl would even think that these two people came to make fun of their sisters and entertain them.

"Well, if you want to see the evidence, I can show it to you at any time - although I can only show it to my sister-san..." With that said, Qianju Xiayo immediately activated her "Valkyrie" The most instinctive ability of the body is also the biggest difference between her and the living body in the past - spiritual transformation.

In an instant, a large living person who was originally sitting suddenly turned into a large piece of bright starlight and disappeared into the air, which immediately caused the younger sister who saw this scene to scream in surprise.

"Wow! It's amazing!" My sister Sang, who had completely lost her guard during the conversation, even got up and touched the ground where Qianju Natsuyo was sitting just now, and found that there was no one on it.

"Is Sister Natsuyo invisible?" Well, not long after, the little girl called Qianju Natsuyo "Sister"... And the blind sister also showed an unexpected expression - although she She is invisible, but due to the inherent compensation effect of the living body, her other senses such as hearing and touch are much stronger than ordinary people and even ordinary beginners.

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