Instantly, each girl felt that they seemed to be able to summon something from their bodies.

"What is this?" Some curious girls started directly, not afraid that Fang Yuan would cheat them - but with their trust in Fang Yuan, they really didn't have any doubts in this regard.

And Fang Yuan did not live up to the children's trust. Starlight emerged from the void and condensed into shape. Some of it appeared on them, and finally emerged as a set of armor and matching weapons that looked both majestic and gorgeous and light.

The other part appeared beside them, condensed in the void, just like the scene of these girls walking into the world from "Valhalla".

However, this time it was no longer a human-shaped girl, but a beautiful creature with pure white fur and wings - Pegasus!   And it was a super Pegasus with super powers such as dimensional invisibility, energy shield, hypersonic flight, etc.!   Since it was Valkyrie, how could there be no Pegasus as a mount?   Fang Yuan had forgotten this before, and now he finally made up for it.

This is actually a virtual life that Fang Yuan loaded into the girls' spirits with a concept similar to a treasure. Its appearance comes from the horses ridden by the Valkyries in Norse mythology, and it also draws on the artistic processing in subsequent related film and television works, such as the short-lived Valkyrie Legion scene in Thor 3.

The girls who got new partners were also overjoyed. They regarded these sacred and beautiful creatures as their pets and good friends. They hugged them happily and were reluctant to let go. It took a long time for them to relax.

Finally, under Fang Yuan's repeated instructions, this group of girls who had been armed to the teeth finally set out on the road and brought the gospel of salvation to more compatriots.

After sitting in the car all day, there are only two updates today...')464'\u003eChapter 463 The First Drop of Blood of Resistance

"I hope everything goes well for them..." Looking at the "Valkyries" who were divided into four groups and left in four different directions, Fang Yuan didn't worry much about their safety.

After all, regardless of the armor, weapons and mounts he prepared for everyone, if someone really encountered danger, he could pull them into "Valhalla" at any time without fear of real casualties.

Temporarily putting aside the attention of these girls who have truly become the "Valkyrie" Legion, Fang Yuan turned his attention back to the nearly 1,000 starters left in the Tokyo District.

After a few days of fermentation, the group of starters who had to accept their fate due to the erosion rate and virus inhibitors seemed to have undergone some changes.

Some girls who were assigned to promoters with poor character or had a bad relationship with their promoters seemed to be ready to move because they were separated from the virus inhibitor.

On this day, Fang Yuan sensed the first starter who dared to attack his promoter.

The one who did it was a starter who looked unremarkable. Whether it was external features or IP ranking, he was ordinary. Among the nearly 1,000 starters in the entire Tokyo District, he was neither good nor bad, and was very inconspicuous.

The reason why she killed her promoter was very simple - because she saw her own initiator reshape his body, the promoter, who already disliked these "monsters" with protogastric genes, became more and more afraid and disgusted with the girl, and the harsh treatment turned into more wanton bullying and abuse.

Although this initiator looked timid and honest on weekdays, he seemed to be easy to bully.

But you know, there is a saying in the world that "honest people are terrible when they get angry", and this young initiator is undoubtedly an "honest person".

After abusing the girl more and more excessively for several days, this scum promoter became more and more aggressive, and even wanted to forcibly take away the only relic left by the initiator's mother - a pendant with a family photo - finally completely angered the other party, and directly exploded, and came to kill with one punch.

——Well, the fist that was strong enough to punch through the solid shell of the gastrula hit the face directly, and instantly blew up the whole head of the promoter, splashing red and white all over the room.

After this incident, the girl really didn't change her honest character, and actually turned herself in to the police.

The local police in Tokyo District obviously couldn't handle this kind of Initiator killing his own promoter.

Naturally, IISO quickly intervened, took the girl away and put her in jail, and soon discovered something strange about her - the gastrula virus could not be detected in the body of an Initiator? !   The information that had been concealed until now because of the deliberate blockade of Tendo Kikunosuke was finally exposed, and it was exposed to an international organization like IISO all at once.

In other words, not only did Qiwu Xuanzong, who was still in Tokyo District, know about this, but even all the countries that still existed in the world knew about it!   This time, things are really big!   The key to the matter now is no longer as simple as an Initiator killing his own promoter, but the collapse of the entire Initiator supervision and control system is right in front of us.

——As mentioned before, the so-called International Starter Supervision Organization (IISO) in this world has the confidence to allocate and rank all the starters in the world because of the virus inhibitors they and the governments of various countries jointly control.

As long as the manufacturing and sales channels of the inhibitors are controlled, no matter how strong the combat effectiveness of these starters is or how rebellious their temperament is, they must obey the dispatch of the official forces of various countries.

But now, there are starters who can get rid of the inhibitors?   And not just one or two, but all the starters in an entire city have undergone such changes...  This is a deadly rhythm!   Just like Tendou Kikunosho's first reaction after knowing this, IISO and even the governments of various countries were also restless after learning about this, and deeply felt that these existences that were originally relied on as important combat forces have now become gunpowder barrels that may explode at any time.

——Even these politicians whose consciences have basically been eaten by dogs know that over the years, under their deliberate guidance, the whole society has been ostracizing and bullying the group of "cursed children". Once this group with high-end combat power begins to resist, how terrible the backlash will be! "This news must not be spread to the ears of starters in other regions! Completely clean up the existing starters in Tokyo!" This is the slogan shouted by some radical elements.

The first half of this sentence makes sense. In this case, doing so is indeed a necessary measure to maintain the current situation.

But the second half of the sentence was immediately killed as soon as it was said.

Even those who hate "cursed children" such as Tendo Kikunojo don't have the courage to really purge all the starters in Tokyo.

Putting aside the question of who will defend Tokyo after killing these "starters" who seem to be no longer starters, the combat power gap alone is a headache for all those in power.

Any well-trained Initiator, with full force, can easily fight against dozens or even hundreds of fully armed military police. Except for the same Initiators and the unknown number of mechanical modified people left, it is difficult for ordinary military police to fight against Initiators who really dare to fight and kill.

If there are only one or two Initiators, it is not difficult for the entire Tokyo District to suppress them as long as they pay a small price.

But the problem now is that the Initiators who have been in trouble are not one or two, but nearly a thousand people in the entire Tokyo District... Just thinking of this number, none of the people in power, including Tendou Kikunojo, can sleep well.

And what happened later made all those who knew about it feel cold and dared not act rashly-the murderous Initiator who was under strict detention and surveillance disappeared out of thin air in full view of the public! This is Fang Yuan seeing that the future of this brave girl who dared to resist is really worrying. If he doesn't care, there is a high probability that she will be executed, so he has to expose his existence again, and use this way to tell everyone-behind these Initiators, there are bigger backers standing! ')465'\u003eChapter 464 Reactions from all parties

"What a surprise... I didn't expect that old guy Tendo Kikunojo had been hiding this matter..." Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window of the hotel, looking at the night view of Tokyo District outside the window, Qi Wuxuanzong sighed at the cunning of his old opponent and was glad that he was really lucky.

- Regardless of whether these initiators who were confirmed to be unable to continue to be clamped by inhibitors eventually chose to resist or choose to continue to obey the government, Tokyo District will eventually fall into chaos for a period of time.

And this chaos is really a godsend for President Qi Wuxuanzong who is determined to annex Tokyo District! However, there is only one thing that makes him a little uneasy-the initiator who killed his promoter actually disappeared in the eyes of everyone, which is really a bit weird.

Combined with the subsequent information collected about the night of the physical transformation of these initiators, even Qi Wuxuanzong, who does not believe in God, has to think about whether this is really related to the power of ghosts and monsters? "Fortunately, such changes have only occurred in the Tokyo District, and no similar situation has been found in other areas..." The President was very glad that it was his old rival who encountered such trouble this time, not himself.

If the incident in the Tokyo District happened in the Osaka District, Qi Wuxuanzong could almost imagine that those initiators who had a harder time than their counterparts in the Tokyo District under his harsh rule would definitely rebel - even if they themselves did not rebel, their promoters would lead them to rebel! You know, in order to maintain the rule of the Osaka District, Qi Wuxuanzong imposed extremely heavy taxes on his territory, and there was already a lot of dissatisfaction among the people, especially those policemen who lived a life of licking blood on the knife edge. They killed too many protogastric animals and had a rebellious temperament. They had great opinions on his heavy tax policy.

In the past, because of the chain of inhibitors, the Civil Police Association, whose main combat power relied on the Initiators, did not dare to move easily, but if this chain was broken... Tsk, it would probably be a cry of "Are kings, princes, generals, and ministers of different races?" Hmm... Under the national conditions of Japan, it seems that it should be changed to "The enemy is in Osaka Castle"? Well, no matter what, he, Emperor Xuanzong of Qi, will not have any good results.

Fortunately, fortunately... this happened only in Tokyo area, which is really great! ——Mr. President thought so.

... (The founder of the Valkyrie Legion said, please wait a moment, the courier is being delivered...) ... In Tokyo, because of the Initiator killing the Facilitator, there suddenly became an undercurrent. , even a small police club like the Tendo Civil Security Company noticed something unusual in the atmosphere in the city.

No, precisely because he was "Tendou", Tendou Mokisara was more able to feel the malice faintly coming from the center of the country.

"That old guy wants to take action against the 'cursed children'!" The girl in black clothes and black hair stood at the window of the club holding a knife, looking in the direction of the Tendo family's mansion with a serious look on her face.

At this moment, her whole body was gone, and her face was slightly pale due to years of illness. Her whole body was full of vitality and blood, her face was rosy, and she looked healthier than normal people.

Ever since he "advanced" in his cultivation and "accidentally" came into contact with that great nameless existence some time ago, Tendo Kigen's health has been getting better day by day, and his necrotic kidneys have quickly returned to health as if miraculously.

Nowadays, she no longer needs to go to the hospital for hemodialysis. With her superb swordsmanship skills, she can also use them at will. Even because her body has lost all the weight, her swordsmanship has a faint tendency to improve to a higher level.

For example, at this moment, she did not draw her sword to make a gesture, but the sharp sword aura naturally came out of her body, making the onlookers around her feel a stinging feeling in their eyes.

"...Old guy...are you talking about Tendo Kikunoichi? He is going to attack the 'cursed children'? Why?" After the "Legacy of the Seven Stars" incident, Satomi Ren has officially broken up with Tendo Kikunoichi. Taro also called the other party's name directly at this time.

He did know that the old man had deep-rooted prejudice and hatred against the "cursed child", and he also knew that the other party was trying every means to obstruct the passage of the "New Gastrea Law", but he didn't know why Tendo Mu Sara suddenly showed up at this time. Say this.

"...Satomi-kun, you were trained as a politician by that guy! Can't you tell? Don't say you don't know the meaning of what happened to Enju-chan!" Tendou Kisara turned his head. He glanced at the dazed boy and said helplessly.

This guy always likes to deliberately hide his clumsiness in this aspect, causing him to look like a mediocre person with careless actions, so-so combat skills, and a lustful personality.

But in fact, in many cases, this boy can see it better than anyone else. For example, in this matter, he subconsciously concealed the changes in Enju Aihara without even needing instructions from Tendou Kisara. , except for Dr. Muroto Sumire, who examined Enju-chan, no one was told.

He also realized what it meant that the "cursed children" had lifted the curse and would no longer turn into gastrea! "But... we won't really take action, right? Tokyo District still needs the protection of the police, and the Initiator is an indispensable force..." Satomi Rentaro said hesitantly.

"But some people think that humans can defeat gasterozoans without a 'cursed child'!" Rentaro Satomi could not refute Tendou Kisara's words.

She is right, there are indeed such people, and there are many of them. The most important thing is that a large number of high-ranking people, including Tendo Kikunojo, think so! "Moreover, now that the starters in Tokyo have become 'unstable factors' in the eyes of big shots, their 'value' has become even lower. What do you think those bastards will choose?" Tendo Kisara His tone was very low, and everyone could hear the dissatisfaction in his words.

"...Then what should we do?" Satomi Rentaro felt powerless against this kind of malice from those in power.

It is precisely because he has been in the circle of powerful people that he will know how powerful the real power can be. If the people in power in Tokyo are determined to deal with Enju and the others, Satomi Rentaro feels that he is There is no way at all... No, there is still a way! "Go to the Holy Emperor!" The young man said: "If it is the Holy Emperor, she will definitely not let this happen!"') 466'\u003eChapter 465: The Holy Emperor, super evolution!

The delicate and beautiful face of the Holy Emperor, who had high hopes from Satomi Rentaro, now looked sad.

It's too sudden, it's really too sudden! Not only was the Initiator killing the Facilitator, but another big thing was exposed in this incident - the gastruzoan virus could no longer be detected in the Initiator's body! What this means is understood by Tendo Kikunochei, Qiwu Xuanzong understands, the people of IISO understand, Tendo Kisara and Satomi Rentaro also understand. Although she, the vase leader, is a puppet, it is impossible not to understand.

Seeing that the "New Gastrea Law" was about to be implemented, first there was Hiroko Kohina's involvement in the "Legacy of the Seven Stars" incident, then there was the case of the Initiator killing his partner promoter, and finally there was a big case where the virus infection disappeared. News... Now, let alone granting equal human rights to the "cursed children" in Tokyo, a war between the Initiators and ordinary people might break out! No, rather than a war, it might turn into a one-sided massacre! Whether it is the ordinary people in power massacring the "cursed children", or the rebels massacring an army of ordinary people, the final result is disastrous.

Something must be done! The Holy Emperor is a true pacifist, and can also be said to be the Holy Mother. She really does not want to see any tragedy happen.

But, with her current ability, what can she do? In terms of status and power, although she is the nominal ruler of Tokyo District and the Holy Emperor, she is actually just a symbolic puppet head with a beautiful vase, and all the power is in the hands of officials headed by Tendo Kikunojo.

In terms of military strength, she is just an ordinary girl. Although she is not invincible, it has nothing to do with her superior combat power. Even her bodyguards covet her, and there is no one around her. Without someone she can trust, she can't even imitate Kang Mazi, a certain dynasty next door, and take a dangerous blow to seize power... She looks like a canary in a cage. She looks beautiful and delicate, but But there is no trace of freedom and autonomy.

Even after what happened to the Initiator, her personal freedom was greatly restricted. Even if she wanted to immediately go to the mansion to inspect the outside world, she was blocked for various reasons.

In other words, the Holy Emperor, the Supreme Head of State of Tokyo District, was actually placed under house arrest by his subordinates! "Do you mean to keep me out of the way..." He drove all the maids around him out of the room and locked himself in the bedroom. The Holy Emperor sat on the couch with his knees crossed, sulking alone.

It was clear who issued the order to put her under house arrest. While Sheng Tianzi was angry, she also had to feel deeply sad - it turned out that there was really no one she could trust around her! At this time, she thought of a young man who had left a deep impression on her, Satomi Rentaro. If it was him, he might be able to save her, but now, it seems a little too late... Thinking like this, suddenly , Shengtianzi felt as if her consciousness was connected to some great existence. The next moment, she was shocked to find that her hands, feet, and body were gradually decomposing! 'This is...' Shengtianzi didn't know why this scene happened to her. She didn't know much about the information about the Initiator incident, and she couldn't know that what happened to her now was exactly the same as all the Initiators before. happened to the person.

The fear of death involuntarily entangled the girl's mind, but this fear only lasted for a moment. Then, a relieved smile appeared on the face of the Holy Emperor, whose body had almost completely decomposed and only one head remained - this must be Let the Lord God punish her, the incompetent Holy Emperor! However, a few seconds later, Sheng Tianzi, who felt that she had not disappeared, opened her eyes, raised her hands and took a look, and found that her body was as normal, and the previous decomposition disappeared like an illusion... No, that's not right. ! Where are her clothes? Suddenly, he realized that he was completely naked at this moment, and all his clothes were no longer pressed beneath him.

Sheng Tianzi, who was still an innocent girl, suddenly blushed with embarrassment. She hugged her breasts, shrank down, looked around, and found that there was no one else in the room. She breathed a sigh of relief and quickly picked up her clothes. Put it back on.

Tearing——The sound of tearing cloth was heard. I don’t know whether it was because she used too much force or the quality of the clothes was too poor. By accident, Shengtianzi tore a big gap in the clothes he was wearing before. It was obvious that there was no The law is broken.

"..." In desperation, Sheng Tianzi had no choice but to walk naked to the changing room and find something he could wear now from a pile of clothes.

——Fortunately, her bedroom was connected to the dressing room, so she didn't need to leave the room, otherwise she would have had to ask the maid outside to get her a set of clothes.

However, another accident happened during the process. When she opened the door of the dressing room, she accidentally used too much force and made a click, leaving a fingerprint on the door panel.

"...What's wrong with me?" After struggling for a while, Sheng Tianzi finally understood the changes that had happened to him.

She found that her body was completely different from the past. She could crush wood with one hand, make handprints on steel pipes, accidentally crush a glass, and sharp fragments could not hurt her. She looked as good as ever. Delicate skin... She even vaguely felt that if she wanted to, she could punch through a wall made of thick masonry! There are various signs that she seems to have broken away from the definition of human beings now, more like, more like...cursed children! Is this... a gift from the gods to her? Or a curse? The Holy Emperor's eyes were faint, and there was a special light flashing in his eyes.

... "I hope you like my gift, Vase Leader... I hope you can make good use of this power and get rid of your identity as a vase!" Fang Yuan said to the girl who could not hear him, and at the same time, he Turn your attention back to more important things.

At this moment, after Fang Yuan confirmed that all the "Valkyries" were in place, he boldly launched his field resonance method that had been optimized and modified many times, using the existing starters in Tokyo as an amplification matrix. Successfully extended his domain to four other areas in Japan, and once again connected with Valkyrie there, eventually covering all human settlements in Japan, and then all the "cursed children" in one fell swoop Transformed into the material body of the soul.

In the process, Fang Yuan also happened to discover the Holy Emperor who was under house arrest. Out of admiration for the good-looking girl and respect for this real "Madonna" figure, Fang Yuan decided to give her the same gift. A gift that allows her to truly control her own destiny.

——Of course, Fang Yuan does not deny that he also wants to see the evil taste of plots such as "The Holy Emperor kills traitors and brings order to chaos"... The third update is completed') 467'\u003eChapter 466: The Holy Emperor Out of the cage!

Click—— There was a sound of the lock cylinder flicking, and the closed door finally opened.

Several maids and guards who had been waiting outside the door immediately bowed and saluted: "Lord Holy Emperor..." However, when they raised their heads, they found that the Holy Emperor who walked out from behind the door was completely different from the previous image.

It is no longer the blue and white dress that focuses on showing off a woman's figure and softness and is purely for ornamental purposes, but a hunting suit that shows wildness and vitality.

"Sir, what is this..." As the head maid who was responsible for taking care of all the daily affairs for the Holy Emperor, she was very shocked when she saw this scene - she had served the Holy Emperor for many years, but she had never seen him behave like this. dress up! Facing the guards and maids with surprised expressions, Sheng Tianzi, who had always been gentle to the attendants around him, was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic at this time. He just nodded coldly, and then walked out without saying a word to see what she was doing. , seemed to be leaving the mansion.

"Lord Holy Emperor, where are you going? Auxiliary Tendo has already given instructions. There has been some instability in the city in recent days. It would be better to ask Holy Emperor not to go out." Several maids did not dare to speak, but those responsible were nearby. The bodyguards who "protected" the Holy Emperor had no such scruples, and immediately stepped forward to stop him, bowing to ask and dissuade him seemingly respectfully.

"Get out of the way!" For his nominal subordinates, this kind of dissuasion seemed to be well-intentioned, but in fact it was a forcible restriction of personal freedom. If it were the former Holy Emperor, he would have sighed and walked back. , but this time it was completely different. The Holy Emperor seemed to be a different person and scolded him without hesitation.

"This...please, Lord Holy Emperor, don't make it difficult for us..." The guard was a little embarrassed, but he still insisted on standing in front of the Holy Emperor.

"What if I have to ask you to get out of the way?" The silver-haired girl head of state narrowed her eyes slightly, exuding a fierce aura that she had never seen before, making the surrounding maids and guards feel that Alexander - such a saint Emperor, I have never seen him before! At this moment, a somewhat pretentious voice sounded from the other side of the corridor: "Master Shengtianzi, do you have anything you need to tell us to do? You are a rich man, there is no need to go out in person, what's the matter? Just leave it to us!" As the voice approached, it was a young man with a standard villain hairstyle. Although his appearance seemed good, there was a frivolous and evil look between his eyebrows. But there was no way to cover it up.

The person who came was none other than the captain of the Holy Emperor's escort team, Baohie Zhuoren, who was the useless villain in the original novel who only wanted to get the Holy Emperor to sleep with him and use this to achieve great success.

The reason why the Holy Emperor was placed under house arrest this time was because this guy was in cahoots with Tendo Kiku no Kang and colluded internally and externally, so that he could completely control the Holy Emperor.

"Captain of the Protector Zhuoren Guards..." Seeing the lustful look in the eyes of the guard captain who had always been hated by him, and the vague malice and possessiveness he felt from the other person, the Holy Emperor frowned. He frowned and suddenly lost interest in continuing to talk to the other party.

"Well, as expected, I, the Holy Emperor, have failed miserably. I don't even have anyone around me that I can truly trust..." Upon hearing the Holy Emperor's sigh, Takuto Howaki blushed in embarrassment and said with a dry smile: " Sir, what are you talking about? All members of our escort team are the most loyal to you..." But before he could say any more nonsense, the Holy Emperor took action swiftly.

boom--! With the sound of the earthquake, the figure of the Holy Emperor suddenly disappeared from everyone's eyes. The next moment, all the guards, including Baowei Zhuoren, only felt that they had been hit hard by a heavy blow, and then their vision went dark and they lost it. consciousness.

Only the few maids who were watching could barely see that at this moment, the figure of the Holy Emperor suddenly turned into countless afterimages, appearing beside each guard at a speed that the human eye could not react, and then used that The delicate-looking Xiaoquanquan gave everyone a heavy blow.

"...Gulu!" Seeing the Holy Emperor standing in the field again, with guards lying on the ground at his feet, several maids couldn't help swallowing, and they were filled with fear.

The person in front of he really the Holy Emperor? ! But at this time, the young head of state no longer cared about understanding the opinions of the maids. Instead, she looked at her hands in a daze, and then looked at the members of the escort team lying on the ground, somewhat in disbelief - this Did you really do it yourself? Although she was ready to take action before opening the door, and knew that her power now far exceeded that of ordinary humans, she never expected that when she actually took action, her whole person seemed to have changed. An average person.

At the moment when Sheng Tianzi was about to defeat the members of the escort team in front of her, she suddenly felt that a lot of knowledge about how to fight suddenly appeared in her consciousness.

No, not only his consciousness, but his body, his hands and feet, and his muscle memory all instinctively know how to fight.

When should you advance, when should you retreat, when should you dodge, when should you attack, and even how to punch to make full use of your power, and how to restrain your power to avoid hitting someone with one punch. Beat to death... All kinds of experience in using power that seemed to have been tempered thousands of times were applied to her in an instant, making her a strong combatant who could compare with the starters at the top of the IP ranking.

It was precisely in this way that she could so easily knock down the members of the escort in front of her at that moment without making any mistakes due to her inability to grasp the sudden increase in power.

——This is actually a little benefit that Fang Yuan specially added when he was carrying out the material transformation of the soul for the Holy Emperor.

After all, this vase head of state who has lived in the palace for a long time has no combat experience at all. She suddenly got extraordinary power and didn't know how to use it - just like when she was in the room before, she had to be careful even when she put on her clothes, for fear of using too much force. If it gets too big, it will tear the clothes.

Therefore, Fang Yuan directly loaded a set of subconscious combat algorithms on her body, which can directly take over her main consciousness when she has a desire to fight or is suddenly attacked, just like those DND magicians who like to put them on themselves during close combat. Melee Mastery], [Advanced Weapon Mastery] and other magics instantly transformed her into a combat master, perfectly unleashing her power far beyond that of ordinary mortals.

Feeling that after experiencing a battle, the power in his body gradually became more tamed, the Holy Emperor had a vague feeling.

It seems that the changes that have taken place in her body are not just as simple as her strength becoming stronger and her defense becoming stronger. There are also many undiscovered changes waiting for her to discover in the future.

')468'\u003eChapter 467: Longevity! Your Majesty has rebelled! ! !

After solving the convoy headed by Baowei Zhuoren, and also discovering the power he truly possessed, the subsequent actions of the Holy Emperor naturally became very simple - just fight all the way out.

All the members of the escort team and the military personnel sent by Tendo Kikunojo who met along the way had no power to fight back when facing the Holy Emperor who was several times stronger than the average starter.

And when the Holy Emperor walked out of the seemingly huge and empty mansion, but in fact it was so dull that it made people breathless, before she could take a breath of free air, she was already surrounded by hundreds of soldiers.

And standing at the front of all the soldiers was the person Shengtianzi wanted to find - Tendo Kiku no Cheng.

As early as when Sheng Tianzi knocked down the first batch of guards, the surveillance personnel arranged by Tendo Kikunochori had already sounded the alarm, and in the short few minutes when she beat her from the bedroom to the door, Tendo who was already nearby Kikunoshi Cheng had already reacted and led an army completely loyal to him to surround the place.

"Holy Emperor, I didn't expect that your willful behavior would reach this point! You must know that you are the ruler of Tokyo District, and every move you make represents this country! Now we still have His Excellency Qi Wu Xuanzong of Osaka District. As a guest in Tokyo District, your behavior is really rude!" Facing the Holy Emperor who broke the cage and broke out, Tendo Kikunochei did not feel the slightest shame of imprisoning the lord as a minister, but looked righteous. He sternly reprimanded the Holy Emperor for his willful behavior, as if he was not facing the supreme head of state of the country, but just a junior who had to listen to his scolding.

However, this time, the Holy Emperor would not retreat as obediently as in the past.

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