If he was the introverted and shy boy before, Yuantang Ikari would have many ways to make Shinji Ikari obediently fall into the trap and sit in Unit 1 again for his use.

But now the other party has obtained power comparable to, no, surpassing EVA in another way. Unit-1 is no longer needed at all. This makes Ikari Yuantang very embarrassed - Zai'er, you are so independent. , which makes dad and me very embarrassed! ……Those who have a similar mood to Ikari Yuantang are SEELE.

As a mysterious organization that has been influencing the direction of the world behind the scenes since ancient times, as the discoverers and custodians of the Dead Sea Documents, and the original planners of the human completion plan, what they hate most are variables that are beyond their control.

There is no doubt that Shinji Ikari is such a huge variable that is big enough to affect the entire chess game.

However, unlike Ikari Gendo, SEELE's feelings towards Ikari Shinji are much more direct, that is, naked and undisguised hostility! "Do you want me to kill Shinji-kun... What a bunch of naive guys!" On the moon, a white-haired boy was exposed to the vacuum environment without wearing any protective clothing, sitting on the EVA Unit 6 under construction. on, with a mocking expression on his face.

Well, everyone must know who this is. Yes, he is the young apostle who has an unusual friendship with Shinji Ikari - Kaoru Nagisa.

His body that looks the same as a human actually contains the soul of the first apostle Adam. Therefore, like Shinji Ikari before him, he can use his human body to emit a macroscopically visible A.T. force field, allowing him to Survive freely in the vacuum environment of the lunar surface.

However, as a chess piece created by SEELE to execute the plan, he seems to have his own ideas and doesn't care much about the orders of those "old men".

Looking up at the earth from above the moon, looking at this planet that gave birth to all things and human beings, but in the end became riddled with holes due to human desires, Kaoru Nagisa showed a gentle expression on his face: "The promised moment It’s almost here! Shinji-kun, please rest assured, I will definitely make you happy this time!”… Of course, in addition to these people, there are also some people who have noticed that Shinji Ikari has once again shown himself as a human being. A special individual with great power.

"Ah, ah, this is the third qualified person...it's really amazing!" The girl with glasses and twin tails sighed repeatedly as she looked at the combat video stolen from NERV's host.

"It's really weird. I'm obviously infected with the Apostle Virus! Why is there such a big difference in power? I can only use it as a body armor..." The girl named Mashiba Marie Ilantrias was a little unhappy. He pouted, while trying to activate the A.T. force field in his hand that was too weak to be seen, deeply feeling the unfairness in this world.

"I don't know how to get the power to defeat the apostles, or what other factors are needed? I always feel that this young man named Ikari Shinji is very special..." She sighed like this, but she had no idea that Ikari Shinji was indeed, as she said, one of the most special people in the world.

"Well, do you want to go see him? But I heard that he has left NERV and is a bit difficult to find... But judging from his several actions, they are all to protect the third New Tokyo City. I happen to be there too How about trying your luck there?" With this thought, she decisively asked the pilot to adjust the flight route. Instead of dropping her directly inside the NERV headquarters, she completed the drop outside the Third New Tokyo City.

Well, she was on a transport plane with the NERV logo at this time. She seemed to have come to Japan with some mission, probably to sneak into NERV headquarters or something like that. But for her own curiosity, she did not hesitate. He let go and jumped out of the plane without a parachute! "Whoa!!!" Thousands of meters high in the air, the girl shouted excitedly as she fell freely. This was her first experience of jumping out of a plane without any protective equipment. The level of excitement and stimulation was definitely not what she wanted. It can only be compared to skydiving.

It wasn't until after descending several hundred meters that Makiha calmed down a little: "Expand the A.T. Field!" The girl activated her own A.T. force field, although it was not strong enough to push people directly into outer space like Shinji Ikari. However, Shinami can still shape the A.T. force field into a shape like a flying wing, allowing people to glide and land like a paraglider.

"Well... shaping is a little more difficult than I thought... Fortunately, I didn't make any mistakes, otherwise I would have been smashed into a meat pie!" With such complaints, the girl's figure was supported by invisible wings, as if The dexterous flying swallow turned and danced, gradually disappearing among the high-rise buildings of New Tokyo City.

')511'\u003eChapter 510: This is not the first "first meeting" \u0026 Shinji Ikari is not a human being

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's really hard to find..." In New Tokyo, which has returned to its daily routine, a girl with glasses and twin tails is walking through the streets.

Although she was looking for traces of Shinji Ikari, she had no clues and was actually just wandering aimlessly. Or, in her own words, was she "following her intuition"? In short, even she herself didn't have much hope of finding Shinji Ikari.

However, sometimes things are so interesting. When Ma Xiha was no longer obsessed with finding Shinji Ikari, Shinji Ikari appeared in front of her by coincidence.

No, this may not be a coincidence! When Shinji Ikari descended from the sky on the invisible stairs, Makiha confirmed this from his eyes. The other party definitely came to her with a purpose! "Well, Shinji-kun, the third qualified person...it shouldn't be a problem to call you that, right?" Perhaps because of the huge gap in strength between the two sides, this time, after seeing Shinji Ikari, Makiha did not use "puppy dog" "Jun" calls him this with some mocking titles.

After all, the principle of "the strong is respected" is universal no matter in which world it is. The only difference is that there are various differences in the definition of "strong" for this "strong".

However, in this world where human beings are in danger and may be destroyed by the apostles at any time, and at the same time, a wave of "superpower awakening" has arisen across all mankind, the so-called "strong" are more reflected in naked violence.

In this regard, Shinji Ikari, who has just declared his strength with a wonderful battle, is undoubtedly a real "strong man". Even if he is as bold as Shinji Ha, he will not be brainless when they first meet. Just give the other person an unflattering nickname.

"...Well, you can call me Shinji...So, you are Makoto Mari Elantrias, right? I didn't expect that you also infected yourself with the 'Apostle Virus'. Did you give up driving the EVA?" According to Shinji Ikari, this girl who is full of mysteries from head to toe should not be the type to avoid fighting, but she would actually be exposed to the "Apostle Virus" at the cost of giving up driving an EVA. This is really disappointing. Somewhat puzzling.

Could it be that he or Mr. "Traveler" caused the butterfly effect? Shinji Ikari thought with some uncertainty.

"Huh? Do you know me?" Makiha was a little surprised by Shinji Ikari's reaction. This kind of initiative to learn the identities of other pilots was not like the introverted little boy written in his profile! Could it be that this is the transformation that happens after a man gains strength? The girl guessed irresponsibly.

However, although there were many things that were on his mind, Shinami didn't show it at all on his face, and instead answered Shinji Ikari's question: "Well, I accidentally walked out of the cockpit after driving the EVA. , so he was infected... There's nothing you can do about it, right?" Although the girl said this with certainty, Shinji Ikari knew intuitively that the other party was lying - she definitely did not "accidentally" step out of the car. cabin, and it was definitely intentional! Well, judging from the contact with this girl in many reincarnations in the past, she is definitely someone who can do such a thing! But Shinji Ikari didn't expose the other party's little lie. After all, it wasn't a big deal.

"So, you really just gave up driving EVA? You know, qualified people like us are hard to find. Without you, we will lose an important combat force on the battlefield against the apostles! " Shinji Ikari asked.

"Ah, by then, Brother Shinji will be there for you!" Makiha said carelessly, and the title of Shinji Ikari was suddenly upgraded to "Brother Shinji": "I have seen the video of your battle. , where did that incredible power come from? I have tried it myself, but no matter what, my A.T. Field can only be activated to the extent that it can prevent one bullet and one car accident. How did you do it? You can do it, what's the secret?" The girl blinked her big watery eyes and looked at Shinji Ikari curiously.

"...Have you been born well?" Rarely, Shinji Ikari answered the other party's question with a joke.

"Uh..." Makiha blinked. She didn't expect to get such an answer from the other party. Is this a mockery of her low talent? "Okay, just kidding... I can only say that I became like this after gaining power. Maybe there is something special about me!" Looking at Makiha's speechless expression, Shinji Ikari In the end, that was all I could say.

But only Shinji Ikari knew that he did not mean to belittle the other person just now, and what he said was actually not a joke - If he hadn't been born well, he would have a mother who is in charge of EVA design work at SEELE, and a man who came to see his mother just for the sake of meeting her. How could the father who was willing to destroy the world to attain enlightenment get on board Unit 1 during his first reincarnation, and step by step become the core of mankind's completion plan, and eventually his soul become a god? Of course, he would not say such a thing to Makiha, who can only be regarded as an "outsider" to a large extent - after all, in every reincarnation in the past, the relationship between Shinji Ikari and the other party was not very close, at best. They were just acquaintances who could talk to each other a little bit, and they were far less bound and complicated than Rei Ayanami and Asuka.

... Just as two former EVA pilots, Shinji Ikari and Makiha, met in a way that seemed like a coincidence but was actually not a coincidence at all, on the other side, the second branch of NERV, far away in North America, suddenly happened one night. It was completely destroyed... no, it disappeared! Also disappearing with it was the next-generation EVA experimental machine equipped with the S2 mechanism, Mark.04, also known as machine No. 4.

I don’t know whether it was an experimental accident or someone’s conspiracy. The A.T. force field of EVA Unit 4 suddenly went out of control, opening a huge portal to the unknown realm directly on the North American continent, directly destroying NERV’s second branch and many surrounding cities. Swallowing them all, that terrifying sight can be seen clearly even from outer space! "This is... such a strong A.T. Field wave!" Shinji Ikari, who was talking to Makiha, suddenly lowered his head and looked at the ground, which was the direction in which he sensed a very powerful A.T. force field suddenly appeared.

He was a little confused at first, but then he realized that this extremely powerful A.T. force field suddenly erupted on the other side of the earth. Judging from the geography knowledge he had learned, it should be in... the United States! He remembered that it seemed that in many reincarnations, probably during this time period, a major accident did occur that wiped out the entire NERV branch. He did not expect that this reincarnation would happen now... "What's wrong? "Makiha asked with some surprise.

Because of the A.T. force field, or more accurately the gap in soul power, she did not feel the terrible "accident" happening on the other side of the earth.

"...It's nothing, it's just that a NERV branch on the other side of the earth was completely wiped out - and an EVA should also have disappeared with it."

Shinji Ikari told the "facts" he knew in an understatement, but Makiha was shocked - not only because of the terrible news from Shinji Ikari's mouth, but also because he could actually know the other side of the earth just by perception. Terrible perception of what is going on! Is this still human? ! ! The third update is completed')512'\u003e5001 War in the Invisible Realm

The first person to notice the annihilation of the second branch of NERV together with Unit 4 was not only the powerful Shinji Ikari, but also Fang Yuan.

In fact, he was on an uninhabited island in the Pacific, even closer to the North American continent where the incident occurred, so he even discovered the clues a moment earlier than Shinji Ikari.

"Did the overload operation of the S2 mechanism open the portal to the Dirac Sea? Or it can be said that the real dimension and the high-dimensional world briefly overlapped, causing matter to be swallowed up.

Although it is extremely powerful in terms of destructive power, this is essentially a suicide attack that kills both the enemy and ourselves! Unless the ability activator has a way to survive in that high-dimensional world of pure energy..." Fang Yuan sensed the disaster that occurred on the North American continent and quickly understood the nature of this catastrophic phenomenon, which was beyond his expectation. The principle behind it being able to cause such a disaster with such a wide range of effects and such huge destructive power is quite simple - just as Fang Yuan concluded from his previous research on the S2 mechanism, this kind of thing looks like some kind of special biomass. The nanoscale structure of macromolecules itself can move freely between three-dimensional space and high-dimensional space-time, and the so-called infinite energy is exactly what the S2 mechanism brings out of the high-dimensional space in the process of transferring between dimensions. It contains infinite pure energy and is transformed into the energy form possessed by the real material world.

In other words, every S2 mechanism can be regarded as a nanoscale portal, communicating between the mysterious high-dimensional space and the real three-dimensional space-time.

In other words, the space near the running S2 mechanism is actually very unstable, and it is experiencing distortion and smoothing of space all the time. This is just because the size range of this periodic distortion is too small, and The operating frequencies and phases of the periodic shuttle dimensions of many S2 organs are also different, so it will not be too obvious on a macro scale.

However, if a sufficient number of S2 organs adjust their operating cycles and unify the frequency and phase of dimensional shuttles, they can amplify the fluctuations of periodic distortions in space like resonance, eventually causing dramatic spatial changes in the macroscopic realm, opening up practical significance. The "Gate of Dimensions" on the Earth and destroys all matter that the "Gate" comes into contact with.

"Isn't this very similar to the out-of-control hyperspace gate in the A/Z world! It's just that the energy spilled out is not strong enough to explode stars... No! If my guess is correct, in fact, the so-called ' The second impact was essentially a similar situation, and the disaster that time was no worse than the 'Heaven Fall' in the A/Z world!" Fang Yuan thought about Aldnoah obtained from the A/Z world again! The core technology, although the technical routes of the two are different, the most fundamental principles are still very similar, which made him sigh again at this coincidence across the world.

"However, since the disappearance of Unit 4 has already happened, does it mean that the next apostle will appear soon?" Fang Yuan flipped through the EVA plot summary recorded in [Ether] and confirmed the next one to appear. The apostle is the ninth apostle possessing fuselage No. 3.

However, that was only the situation in the original plot. Under the butterfly effect caused by Fang Yuan, many plots have changed. He needs to investigate again for details: "[Ether], please confirm, NERV has recently cross-region Any plans to transfer EVA? Especially Unit 3.”

"Retrieving, please wait..." [Ether]'s unique mechanical voice sounded in Fang Yuan's mind. A few seconds later, it gave the answer: "The NERV mechanism has not found any transfer of EVA bodies. "

"... The plot has really changed!" Fang Yuan was not surprised by this. After all, the current situation of NERV's Japanese branch is that there are more EVA bodies than pilots, and there is no war damage like in the original plot. Naturally, there is no need to transfer Unit 3 from the other side of the ocean.

"So, this Ninth Angel has no chance to appear?" Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows, a little curious about how the next plot will develop - could the Apostle be able to break through NERV's blockade and directly enter NERV to corrode a certain EVA body? This is of course impossible. With this ability, why would he need to corrode EVA? Wouldn't it be more convenient to directly invade Lilith's sealed area! Fang Yuan thought so, but... he was soon slapped in the face by reality - "Fuck, is this Apostle so stubborn?!" Just a few days after Unit 4 disappeared, through the perception network of the "Apostle Virus", Fang Yuan sensed that many special microorganisms suddenly appeared in the atmosphere near the Third New Tokyo City - how special are they? That's right, these newly emerged microorganisms have the same S2 mechanism as the "Apostle Virus"! There is no doubt that this can only be a new Apostle! "Is this... fungus?" When Fang Yuan turned his attention here and used the Apostle Virus as a medium to explore this Apostle, who was also in the form of a microorganism, he unexpectedly discovered that the other party was not in the form of a virus as he had thought before, but was closer to a fungus! "Well... there are indeed parasitic species among fungi. If a certain fungus developed to the pinnacle in ancient times, it is not impossible to be chosen by the Fruit of Life to become an Apostle..." Fang Yuan quietly activated the hidden function of some Apostle Viruses, temporarily transforming this beneficial virus that is harmless to any creature into an aggressive and virulent virus, and invaded and parasitized the body of this newly appeared Apostle, and further understood the other party's physiological structure.

However, the invasion of the Apostle virus also immediately led to the counterattack of the Apostles. After all, these microorganisms that look like single-cell fungi are not really ordinary fungi, but the result of the evolution of a certain organism in the past history of the earth to the extreme. It can even be said that it was the overlord of the earth in a certain era in the past. Naturally, it is impossible to be easily defeated by a certain virulent virus.

The cells of this "Apostle fungus" changed in response to the stress, and the corresponding inhibitory enzymes were generated in a very short time according to the characteristics of the virus invading the cell, which greatly inhibited the activity of the Apostle virus. At the same time, with the assistance of the A.T. force field, a sub-organelle-level material annihilation vacuoles were generated, and the virus body was physically destroyed after being captured.

The Apostle virus, which was temporarily activated to kill, was not to be outdone. Under the remote control of Fang Yuan and [Ether], it quickly corrected and mutated its own structure with the help of the power of the A.T. force field, and even gradually evolved into a tenacious individual that could survive in the material annihilation vacuoles, becoming a "super Apostle virus". While dealing with the strangulation of the Ninth Apostle, it also simultaneously strengthened the killing power of the Apostle cells.

For a moment, a huge "war" that could not be observed by the human eye unfolded silently! ')513'\u003eChapter 5002 New Virus \u0026 Commander Ikari who was treated specially

"Tsk! The Ninth Angel, who was originally killed by the Puppet Unit-01 in a few strokes, is unexpectedly difficult to deal with!" After three full days, the "Apostle Virus", which had been evolving and mutating at a high speed under the support of Fang Yuan and [Ether], finally completely eliminated the Ninth Angel in fungal form.

However, at this time, this part of the Apostle Virus participating in the "war" can no longer be called a "virus".

In order to survive the various strangling methods of the Ninth Angel, especially the material annihilation cavitation that can be regarded as the natural enemy of all material organisms, the Apostle Virus gradually shed the life form of carbon-based viruses in the continuous evolution and mutation, and instead reorganized into a special life existing in the dimensional gap based on the high-dimensional nature of the S2 mechanism.

——There is no real material body, and even no rest mass. In essence, it is closer to a stable information body with a self-organizing structure, but it still retains the erosion and parasitic ability of a virus.

But this parasitism is no longer achieved through respiratory infection as before, but with the help of the virus itself, which has no material carrier, it can ignore all material obstacles and directly parasitize the A.T. force field - or more accurately, the soul.

Of course, after parasitism, it can still reverse its form again and reconstruct the S2 mechanism in the material state, with the same functions as the ordinary apostle virus, and continue to perform the mission it was given when it was designed.

"Tsk, this can be regarded as an information life, right? Or is it a pure spiritual parasitic life? I didn't expect there would be such an unexpected harvest!" Yes, this is a result that Fang Yuan did not expect. He just wanted the apostle virus to surpass the ninth apostle in the road of evolution and mutation, but he did not expect that he would harvest this ultimate evolutionary form of the apostle virus by accident. It must be said to be a pleasant surprise.

Holding a small ball of blue light in his hand, Fang Yuan's face was full of joy - this ball of light was the super-mutated Apostle virus he had recovered. This virus should not have a material form under normal conditions, but when it gathers enough in the material world, because it is constantly radiating slight energy outward, and then the slight spatial distortion caused by the A.T. force field affects the wavelength of light radiation, it will eventually present this light quality form that is biased towards blue light.

"But it's not appropriate to call it the 'Apostle virus' at this time. How about calling it... Blue Light Virus?" Fang Yuan looked at the appearance of this information-state super virus and gave it a very uncreative name that easily evokes special associations.

However, unlike those black light viruses and white light viruses that can easily cause the loss of an entire city, the "blue light virus" in Fang Yuan's hand is completely controllable. As long as he does not activate the hidden killing function in it, it will only benefit the infected person and will not cause any harm.

After all, Fang Yuan's original intention of creating this virus was to benefit mankind! (Correct) Well, as for why the "hidden function" that has appeared many times in the article exists in this virus... cough! This is all the daily slip-ups of scientific researchers! (Fog) ... The microbial community war that took place at the entrance of NERV headquarters did not alarm anyone except Fang Yuan, that is, Shinji Ikari, who knew the development of the "plot", felt a little strange - the Ninth Angel who should have appeared during this period was completely missing, and even Unit 3, which was supposed to be sent to Japan, was still left in the United States.

The latter is understandable, after all, the three EVA bodies of NERV headquarters are still intact, except that Unit 01 can't find a driver, the combat power is not damaged at all, and there is no need to mobilize another EVA to come to the rescue.

As for the former, Shinji Ikari almost guessed the truth of the matter when he thought that there was still a "traveler" who regarded the Angel as prey - he must have been preempted by that guy again! But this is also good news for him - no matter what, no one will be hurt. No matter which EVA the Angel infects, the driver will hardly escape. Even if he survives, he will be at risk of mental pollution, which is not what Shinji Ikari wants to see.

However, what he doesn't know is that because of someone's unintentional gain, soon, NERV Japan Headquarters will no longer have qualified EVA drivers - if they strictly follow their current regulations.

Yes, after Fang Yuan obtained the blue light virus, he did not hide it, but released it again, and focused on facilities like the NERV base that are tightly guarded and closed inside and outside, striving to make sure that there is no dead corner on the earth, so that all mankind can share the gift of the "fruit of life".

However, Fang Yuan's "kindness" is not stingy with deadly poison for some people.

Especially for Gendō Ikari, when he learned that people in the NERV base had gradually awakened the A.T. force field, he immediately knew that something was wrong - the long-standing blockade of the Angel virus had failed! Especially for Rei Ayanami and Asuka, two very important EVA pilots, even though NERV protected and restricted them most strictly, they still couldn't stop the blue light virus that ignored material barriers, and unfortunately they were infected with the virus.

Asuka, a pure human, really had no choice. Gendō Ikari had to temporarily remove the other party's identity as an EVA pilot and pin his hopes on Rei Ayanami, the android - in his opinion, if he was determined to change her body, he should be able to solve the problem of this virus infection! However, the final result disappointed Gendō Ikari - although she did return to normal after being replaced with a new body at the beginning, as long as Rei Ayanami's soul was transferred to the new body within a few minutes, she soon showed signs of infection again, no matter how many protective measures were taken before! Obviously, this virus infection is no longer something that can be dealt with by ordinary air isolation. Even NERV researchers have not figured out the exact route of this virus infection.

No, it should be said that it is not certain whether the virus they are infected with this time is the same as the last time.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that the S2 mechanism will also appear in the body of the infected person, and depending on the qualifications of the infected person, the macroscopic A.T. force field will be awakened after a different length of time.

Just one week later, almost everyone in the entire NERV headquarters base in Japan was confirmed to be infected, and most of them awakened the power of the A.T. force field-except for one person.

Yes, that's right, this person is Ikari Gendō himself.

For some reason, the virus that can infect all humans indiscriminately spread throughout the NERV base, but it did not infect Ikari Gendō, as if he was directly expelled from the human race, which made the old commander Ikari feel a little depressed while feeling relieved.

——What does this virus mean? Do they not treat him as a human being? Or do you still look down on him? Why did you leave him out alone? ! The second update is complete, that's all for today.

')514'\u003eChapter 5003 Ikari Gendō's actions \u0026 the truth about SEELE's top brass

Well, the "different treatment" that Ikari Gendō received was of course Fang Yuan's doing.

Fang Yuan didn't like this guy who decided the fate of all mankind for his own selfish reasons, and naturally he didn't want to hand him the key to the next stage of human evolution.

Furthermore, hasn’t Ikari Yuantang always expressed distrust in the safety of the apostle virus, and is not even willing to let infected people sit on EVA? Then Fang Yuan naturally didn't need to "embarrass" the other party.

Therefore, Fang Yuan issued an order to all "Apostle Viruses" and subsequent "Blue Light Viruses" - any virus that enters Ikari Yuantang's body will self-destruct immediately, and he will not be allowed to obtain S2 even half a point. agency's hope.

Now, even if our Commander Ikari changes his stance, it is useless to inject the artificially extracted apostle virus into the body.

In response to this, Ikari Yuantang was annoyed, but also keenly aware of something: "Sure enough, there is someone behind this virus..." After all, no matter what, he alone missed this incident. It's really unnatural. Ikari Yuantang is also sure that he doesn't have any special antibodies against the apostles, so he can easily come to the conclusion that there is a certain existence behind this virus, and he doesn't want to let anyone know about it. He acquires this so-called "evolution."

Ikari Yuantang returned to his huge office that was both empty and depressing. He pressed a secret mechanism and a secret compartment rose up from under the floor. Stored in it was the NERV Bethany that was previously blessed by Ryouji. The "Key of Nebuchadnezzar" brought back by the branch "It seems that although it is a bit risky, the plan must be advanced..." ... Just when Ikari Yuantang planned to implant some messy things in his body At this time, on the other side, Fang Yuan also started to take action again.

But this time his target is not an apostle, but SEELE, an ancient organization that has been hiding behind the scenes.

And his real purpose, nothing else, is all the Dead Sea Documents kept by SEELE, and all the details of the human completion plan described in the Dead Sea Documents.

With the help of [Ether]'s powerful performance in the online world, although it took some setbacks, Fang Yuan finally found the relevant information about these SEELE high-level officials.

"There are only 7, not 12... It seems that this is also based on the plot of the new theatrical version! But... these people have concealed their identities too tightly!" Fang Yuan looked at it The seven pieces of information that [Ether] found from the Internet after all the trouble were somewhat surprising - even with [Ether]'s ability, he could not find these photos or videos of SEELE senior executives. What he could find from the Internet was Just seven names.

"Judging from the tracking results of each communication signal, these seven people belong to different countries! But it seems that they are all European and American countries... Humph! After all, they are the descendants of Abraham's waste, who would come up with the idea of ​​​​human beings completing this kind of thing. The plan to annihilate the whole family is not surprising..." Fang Yuan first mocked with disdain, then looked at the addresses, selected the nearest one, and after confirming the spatial coordinates through the map, he opened a The space wormhole has found its door.

In comparison, the SEELE executive opposite would be very happy to have a guest in his home... However, when Fang Yuan traveled across thousands of mountains and rivers to reach his destination, and then used Kang's stealth method to sneak into the secret base At the deepest point of his life, he found that things were a little different from what he expected.

"...So this world is controlled by a group of living dead? This is really ironic!" Looking at the human brain floating in the glass jar in front of him, with many pipelines connected to it, Fang Yuan immediately understood. At this time, these SEELE executives had lost their bodies - or in other words, in order to ensure a longer life, they voluntarily abandoned their bodies, leaving only a brain connected to the life support system! He had previously thought that the SEELE executives who had become brains in a vat in the third part of the new theatrical version had to give up because another fourteen years had passed and their physical life span had been exceeded. body.

But now it seems that it is obviously not the case. These old people have already become like this at this time.

However, Fang Yuan previously discovered that the seven high-level branches were in different countries, which made him mistakenly believe that these people were still alive.

——This arrangement actually makes sense. If these guys who have lost their bodies and only have their brains are all placed in the same place, then if something goes wrong, they will all end up in one pot. Before ensuring that their plan is completed, they will Spreading everyone out is the best way to spread the risk.

"Who are you?" Just after Fang Yuan entered the room where the "Brain in a Jar" was stored, an old voice came from the speaker hidden in the corner of the room. It was obvious that Fang Yuan had invaded in such a arrogant manner. , has been discovered by this SEELE executive.

However, Fang Yuan himself had no intention of hiding himself. He just turned his head calmly, looked around, and found the camera hidden among a bunch of mechanical equipment.

"Me? You can call me 'traveler'!" In response to the question from the brain in the vat, Fang Yuan directly mentioned the self-identification he used when dealing with Shinji Ikari, and then he put on a look of contempt. , and it happened to be turned in the direction of the camera, so that the "brain in the vat" could clearly see his expression: "But I am really surprised. I didn't expect that the so-called SEELE is actually controlled by someone like you who has spent half his life." In the hands of a half-dead, half-dead monster.

However, guys like you who don't even dare to face death actually have the guts to make decisions on behalf of the entire human race. What kind of "humanity completion plan" is this? What a bunch of ignorant guys! " "You don't understand anything! Everything we do is for the survival of mankind and a brighter future! Those stupid people who know nothing will not be able to survive the final day of the agreement without the guidance of us forerunners who know the truth. Everything we do is to save mankind! "The old man's solemn and passionate voice came from the loudspeaker. It was obvious that this guy with only one brain left did not think that everything they SEELE did was wrong, but really thought that what he was doing was The right thing is to save mankind... And in this process, he did not ask the opinions of "all mankind" in his mouth. Instead, he used a condescending attitude to think that those ignorant people did not deserve to have a say, and only "them" deserved it. Under the guidance of the "Forerunner", they ignorantly meet the predetermined final end.

This made Fang Yuan very sick, and for a moment he no longer had the intention to continue arguing with the other party - for this kind of mentally ill person who has successfully brainwashed himself and considers himself the messenger of justice and the savior, arguing with words will have no effect. , even if it works, Fang Yuan is too lazy to argue.

Fang Yuan would only respond in one way to this kind of ambitious person who represents all mankind without permission - physical destruction! ')515'\u003eChapter 5004: Information to complete the plan \u0026 human enhancement +2

Of course, Fang Yuan still needs to learn something from the opponent's brain before completely eliminating this SEELE executive who only has his brain left.

He saw the arc of light flashing in Fang Yuan's hand, and traces of magic power that should not appear in this world were woven into spells and wrapped around the brain floating in the glass jar.

At the same time, the [Ether], who was of the same mind as Fang Yuan, also took action at the right time and took over all the electronic systems of this base, especially the control of the brain's life-support system, ensuring that the other party would not launch unknown activities in order to keep secrets. A self-destruct system exists.

Facing Fang Yuan's unprecedented mysterious method, SEELE's senior management, who was left with only one brain, could do nothing. He could only "watch" all the secrets in his mind being revealed bit by bit. Dig it out and let the other party read it at will... After a long time - "Huh - I see, the so-called human completion, it turns out this is what it is..." The arc of light in his hand dissipated, and the brain in the glass jar had turned into ashes. The black pieces of meat gradually decomposed in the nutrient solution, and Fang Yuan now had a thorough understanding of SEELE's human completion plan.

To be honest, the plan itself is not complicated. The foundation lies in the combination of Adam and Lilith, the essential fusion of the two apostles, the fusion of the Fruit of Life and the Fruit of Wisdom, and the life of nearly three billion human beings around the world. Sacrifice will give birth to a real "god" - at least in the eyes of people like SEELE.

Of course, "using humans as sacrifices" is Fang Yuan's definition. In SEELE's plan, it is called "the ultimate evolution of human beings from groups to individuals, from mortals to gods."

The most critical part of the entire plan is that the existence that guides the essential fusion of Adam and Lilith cannot be any other apostle, but should be the artificial god created by humans and controlled by humans-Evangelion, also known as EVA. .

However, it was here that SEELE and Ikari Yuantang had differences.

As the original architect of the human completion plan, SEELE set the EVA responsible for the completion of the Mark.06 to be manufactured on the moon.

This is a super machine that has a complete S2 mechanism and no longer has a running time limit. It can even fly directly from the moon to the earth in a short time. Fang Yuan even learned from the information he just obtained that the machine itself has The main part is made from a quarter of Adam's body, and its potential and combat power are unfathomable.

However, as the most important collaborator of SEELE and the commander-in-chief of NERV, Ikari Gendo, who has an ulterior motive in his mind, hopes that the completed EVA entity will be the Unit-00001 that incorporates Ikari Yui's soul.

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