But after being stunned for several seconds, he came to his senses and quickly stepped forward to help Fang Yuan, who was almost unable to stand up.

"Boss Fang, is there something wrong with your upgrade?" Although the Taoist priest was concerned, he still couldn't help but be a little curious. How could such a good person vomit blood? "Ahem!" Fang Yuan coughed twice, spat out the remaining blood in his throat, and said with a somewhat depressed look: "I was tricked into thinking that something went wrong in the ascension ceremony just now, but now that I think about it, this accident... I don’t know whether it should be considered a good thing or a bad thing... No, for me now, it should be a good thing..." Fang Yuan spoke so carelessly that the Taoist priest was confused - he just What happened? And "being plotted"...who was plotting it against? Unfortunately, when the Taoist priest continued to ask, Fang Yuan refused to elaborate. In the end, he had no choice but to let it go, leaving him full of questions.

And only Fang Yuan himself knows what kind of danger he encountered in that moment that seemed like millions of years ago - the calamity of Taoism and self-loss - if we use more metaphysical terms, this is it! To put it another way, the shallow personality that Fang Yuan has cultivated over the past few decades will inevitably be diluted under the impact of the massive information accumulated by endless races and countless civilizations over hundreds of millions of years. When it is diluted, the humanity gradually disappears and the divinity - or the more the Taoism becomes stronger, it will be completely transformed into the sacred "Tao" that is selfless, desireless, heartless and selfless, and will no longer regain the human heart and humanity.

From a certain point of view, this process of personality weakening and gradually being replaced by godhead is an inevitable change in the transition of life levels. It is the natural abandonment of "human beings" as they approach "god" and "Tao". Something that no longer matters.

Perhaps for the god Fang Yuan after his true achievement, the so-called past personality is not very important. Once it is discarded, it is discarded. His true foundation will be transferred to the newly forged godhead.

But for Fang Yuan, a person who has not yet completely achieved success, this kind of evolution and substitution is almost tantamount to complete death! What was even more terrifying was that he was in the midst of a rapid transformation and was not aware of this at all. Instead, enriched by endless knowledge and truth, he was full of joy and unconsciously walked step by step towards this certain path. sense of the road of no return.

If there are no accidents, in the end, Fang Yuan, as a "human", will die quietly, and from his remains, a child will be born who truly transcends human beings, transcends the mundane, and even transcends the world. "god".

But since it is "if", it means that the accident did happen! Just when Fang Yuan's personality was gradually diluted and worn away by the massive information and the long years of the newborn universe, and was about to completely dissipate, the "gift" of an indescribable god quietly started! ——A shadow, a shadow that was almost completely integrated with Fang Yuan's soul, emerged from his spiritual ocean that had turned into a dazzling divinity.

Along with this shadow, there are also many subtle distracting thoughts and selfish desires that Fang Yuan in the past regarded as the dregs of inner demons.

——The desire to possess beautiful women; ——The weariness of a long career of research and practice; ——The look down or even contempt for ordinary humans with no power; ——The sense of pride brought by casually subverting the "plot" of the world... …For Fang Yuan in the past, all these were dust that needed to be brushed away from the heart mirror and spiritual platform at all times, shadows and dregs that came and went in the pure Yangshen, and small obstacles on his path to enlightenment. .

But at this time, these previous obstacles and disasters have become the last straw to maintain his personality.

Under the amplification and infection of the shadow, Fang Yuan's originally dazzling divinity, which was about to be completely condensed into a godhead, was polluted by endless distracting thoughts in an instant, and immediately interrupted his continued deification or deification. the process of.

And with the stimulation of these negative thoughts, various positive thoughts corresponding to them also emerge.

Positive and negative, yin and yang, good and evil, instinct and morality, id and superego... All the elements that make up Fang Yuan's personality emerge spontaneously from the endless ocean of information. After reorganization and entanglement, Fang Yuan's The initial personality finally emerged from Taoism and reawakened.

Fang Yuan, who had recovered himself, immediately realized what had happened to him before, and also knew that he was only one step away from complete death.

——Although if he goes one step forward, he will truly become "him", but if the price required for this sublimation is the demise of his self-personality, then Fang Yuan, who is still a "person" at this time, is No matter what, I wouldn't want to.

In order to prevent himself from becoming another existence that has nothing to do with him now, Fang Yuan did not care about what other conspiracy was hidden in the shadow power that was obviously written by Nyarlathotep. , decisively used this divine power that was "making trouble" to cut the "human" side of himself from the "god" side, and demoted himself to a human again.

Of course, it would not be easy to do this. The backlash from the divinity immediately caused Fang Yuan to be seriously injured, and it was also caused by serious injuries at the soul and spiritual level.

But no matter how serious the injury is, it is better than complete death. This is the price Fang Yuan must pay to save himself! Some people say they want to finish the book? It's still very early! The protagonist won’t be able to reach the top level so quickly. After all, Naia, who loves to cause trouble, is here! ')541'\u003eChapter 540: The Four Gates of God's Gate, Greed is Not enough, and the Heart Gate Is Hard to Break

"In the final analysis, I am still too greedy..." This is what Fang Yuan sighed to himself after waking up.

In the final analysis, he was too anxious this time. He wanted to reach the sky in one step and completely complete the transformation from "human" to "god".

However, Fang Yuan overlooked one point. His plan was indeed perfect, but he himself was not completely prepared! According to some online novels, when you transform from a human to a god, you need to transform from the four aspects of heart, body, energy, and spirit to achieve immortality. Only in this way can you become a true "god". These four paths are also the four paths. This pass is called the "Shenmen Four-Four Pass".

Although this seems to be just the opinion of a novelist, in Fang Yuan's view, it still makes some sense.

Take him for example, when he achieved the third method and became Yang Shen, it can be regarded as a preliminary realization of the divine level, breaking through the limits of the soul and achieving the immortality of the soul.

Therefore, from that moment on, Fang Yuan could no longer be regarded as a mortal, and at last he could be called a demigod.

Later, he combined various power systems and built an inner world based on his own mental world. Based on his initial immortal soul, he continued to deeply explore the path after the divine pass.

If one day his inner world can completely turn virtual reality into reality and can exist independently forever without the need for external energy and material supplements, then he will be equivalent to completely opening up the road to the Divine Pass, and using this as a fulcrum, he can touch other worlds. Three levels.

However, taking this path requires a long time and accumulation. Fang Yuan needs to complete the construction of his world step by step, replenish material and energy, repair the loopholes in the rules and regulations, give birth to local life and even civilization, and finally even break through the world. The limitations of the origin allow this world based on his soul to be completely independent. It does not ask for anything from outside, but it can be self-generated and exist forever.

And this process, at least, will take thousands of years to calculate, and even a longer time of hundreds of thousands, millions is very likely.

Even for Fang Yuan, who has already proven the immortality of his soul, this is really too long! So, he began to explore in other directions.

However, just after that, by chance, one of his incarnations was conspired by Nyarlathotep and thrown into the world of "Dark Bullet", and cut off the connection with the Door of Truth, possessing extraordinary power. Most of it was restricted, and even the connection with the main body was cut off.

This is undoubtedly a moderate disaster for Fang Yuan, but it can also be said to be a rare opportunity.

Under the pressure of the external environment, this incarnation took the path of "becoming the Tao through the body", integrating the mental world with the physical body, and regaining a body of power in the way of "the body becoming the world, and heaven and man corresponding".

However, this new power model is not only a way to draw power from the world, but also a way for Fang Yuan to strengthen and develop his own physical strength. It can be regarded as Fang Yuan's initial attempt in physical relations.

Then in the world of EVA, Fang Yuan gained unprecedented huge gains - the system of apostles and EVA, or more specifically, the system of S2 mechanism and A.T. force field, is a system that spans the heart, mind, and The power system of the four major levels of Qi Pass and Body Pass.

Qi Pass - Needless to say, the infinite energy brought by the S2 mechanism is the most obvious feature of breaking through the Qi Pass. Although this is just pure infinite energy, it does not mean that every ray of energy can generate and form its own cycle. It is a level that will never decay, but it can be regarded as reaching the lowest threshold of the Qi level.

Body barrier - There is no doubt that every apostle who possesses the Fruit of Life naturally has an unlimited lifespan, and can spontaneously grow and evolve in infinite time, constantly becoming stronger, and can be regarded as a life form that has innately broken through the body barrier. .

Even for humans, as long as they integrate the S2 mechanism and don't die halfway, after a period of independent evolution, they will eventually be able to achieve immortality on the physical level, which can be regarded as an initial breakthrough in the physical barrier.

Then there are the Heart Pass and Shen Pass, which naturally refers to the so-called "Human Completion Plan".

By integrating the hearts and souls of all human beings, and using quantity to supplement quality, an immortal and immortal soul is forcibly built, and a soul that is unchangeable, perfect and self-consistent for all eternity, coupled with the body of God created by the fruit of life. , and with the infinite energy given by the S2 mechanism, a "true god" who can break through the four-day barrier of the divine gate is newly released.

Of course, for Fang Yuan, there are just the Shen Guan, the Physical Guan and the Qi Guan. He has already broken through the former, and he doesn't care about the latter two with the help of external forces. But when it comes to the Heart Guan, he cannot give up his independence of consciousness. , integrate yourself with some other spiritual personality, and play some kind of "human completion".

So he directly changed to another method - first use his own incarnation to complete the revised version, so as to obtain a divine body that breaks through the physical and gas barriers, and at the same time obtain a sufficient amount of soul as savings, and then use This divine body merges with his own inner world, using the accumulated soul as firewood to reopen the world and recreate the universe.

On the one hand, this can help him make great progress in his spiritual practice with the help of the transformation of his inner world. On the other hand, it can also create a perfect experimental field with independent time and space, giving him the opportunity to accumulate the wisdom of countless races and civilizations to break through the heart barrier.

In this way, if the four barriers of heart, body, qi and spirit are broken, he can ascend to heaven in one step, completely transform from a human to a god, and reach a new level.

However, the problem arises in the last heart barrier.

Fang Yuan misjudged the strength of his spiritual consciousness and underestimated the terrifying degree of the ocean of information accumulated by countless races and countless civilizations.

He stepped into it without establishing a sufficiently strong and self-consistent outlook on life and life. As a result, he almost had his personality washed away by the endless information and completely lost himself.

"In fact, my thinking is not wrong. After this catastrophe, I can clearly feel that my spiritual consciousness has become much tougher and broader, and I am one step closer to the level of spiritual immortality, but my mistake is that I am moving too fast!" In the process of self-examination, Fang Yuan realized that although the independent time and space ability obtained after the transformation of the inner world allowed him to extremely stretch the time axis and conduct evolutionary experiments of the world and civilization within himself, this seemingly perfect time trick is ultimately false.

- After all, the entire new universe is in his soul, and everything that happens in it is actually the same as his dream, except that this dream is very, very real, but it is not completely true after all.

He needs real, true time accumulation to enable him to shape a truly self-consistent, self-generated, and all-embracing immortal mind.

"So, the other three levels are easy to deal with, but the heart level is something you can't cheat on!" The second update is complete')542'\u003eChapter 541 Gains and Losses and Doubts

After a short break, Fang Yuan didn't care about how to deal with this new demon world. He opened a door and left with the Taoist priest. At most, he cut off all the spatial connections between this demon world and the main world before leaving and completely sealed it off.

——Although he was seriously injured, Fang Yuan was not so weak that he couldn't even open the spatial channel.

In fact, after this unsuccessful transformation and sublimation, the power he could use and the combat power he could exert at this time were even better than his previous self!   Not to mention anything else, just the perfect Taoist body forged in the ascension ceremony has allowed him to directly break through the Qi and body levels. Even though his soul was severely injured, his strength has increased instead of decreased.

After all, this is a real "divine body", which has not only broken through the physical limits of carbon-based life, but also has infinite lifespan and endless room for improvement. Even because of the involvement of super-dimensional matter such as the S2 mechanism in the process of casting the divine body, the newly cast body has a profound connection with the time, space, and material energy in the universe.

Relying on the various physical magical powers derived from the instinct of the flesh, Fang Yuan, who is seriously injured at this time, can beat several of his previous selves.

Once his injuries are healed and his soul is restored, he will be a near-god strongman who has broken through the three major heavenly gates of the divine gate, the qi gate, and the body gate. It is unknown how high his strength will soar.

From this perspective, although Fang Yuan's experience of almost falling this time can be said to be an unprecedented setback, his gains and his progress are also unprecedented, and it cannot be regarded as a complete failure.

... "But this time the injury is still too serious!" After returning to his old nest, Fang Yuan, who gave himself a detailed examination, felt a little heavy.

He didn't have any injuries on his body. The blood he spat out before was just a little energy backlash caused by the backlash of his divinity. With his physical self-healing ability at this time, he recovered in a few seconds.

But the real trouble was in his soul and consciousness.

Needless to say, his personality had just experienced a thrilling experience of being almost wiped out and then reassembled. The impact on him was not small. He wanted to recover but didn't know how long it would take to recuperate.

As for the soul level, it was the most serious part of his injury this time - in order to keep his consciousness from being wiped out, Fang Yuan had to split his "humanity" and "divinity".

Although this would not lead to his divinity being completely independent and becoming a new god, it was equivalent to splitting his soul in half.

This split was not the soul that was differentiated when he created his incarnations and clones in the past. The souls of those incarnations and clones can actually be regarded as the projection of Fang Yuan's soul at the high-dimensional level. But this time, the split was Fang Yuan's true high-dimensional soul essence! Fortunately, Fang Yuan's immortal soul was not as fragile as that of a mortal. This split would not kill him, and he would recover sooner or later as long as he had enough time.

But the real key was that after he split the divine aspect of his soul, he also split the entire mental universe. In order to ensure that his personality consciousness would not be affected again, he had to completely seal up the entire mental universe and the divine clone inside. Until he truly proved the immortality of his soul, he could not touch it at will.

- This undoubtedly destroyed a very important trump card of Fang Yuan.

Of course, Fang Yuan is not too depressed about this. After all, what he has gained is much more than what he has lost, and even if the mental universe in his soul is now completely sealed, Fang Yuan has other options. .

"Perhaps, I can use sacrificial techniques to treat my mental universe and divine side as an independent god, and mobilize that power by 'praying to myself'?" After thinking for a long time, Fang Yuan's heart rose. Such an idea came up.

This is not a fantasy.

In Fang Yuan's knowledge base, it is not uncommon to see rituals on how to pray to certain great beings to borrow power. There is also a detailed explanation of the nature of this "prayer and granting" behavior. He wants to use his divinity to It is not too difficult to incarnate as the person being sacrificed, and then use the human form as the sacrificer, so as to exert the "divine" power from the "human" body.

"However, this also has risks. In my current state, I can only maintain this state of 'asking God' for less than half a minute at most. Even if the injuries on my soul are healed, I'm afraid it can only last for half an hour at most. , cannot be used as a normal force..." This is the result calculated by Fang Yuan after assessing his injuries. It seems that this can only be regarded as a temporary buff enhancement method, but for Fang Yuan at this time It's enough! "Then, there is another more troublesome problem..." As he muttered to himself, Fang Yuan's expression became a little uncertain.

And the trouble he was referring to was naturally nothing else. It was the shadow power in his soul that once saved his life! Yes, although from the perspective of consequentialism, this ray of shadow power is undoubtedly the major contributor to saving Fang Yuan, but since it originated from the crawling Chaos, Fang Yuan will never Maybe they take it lightly - God knows what other conspiracy lurks in this shadow! In fact, not to mention other unknown conspiracies and calculations, the power of this shadow alone when Fang Yuan ascended to God was enough to be regarded by him as the most serious threat - the kind that pointed directly at people's hearts, The dark force that induces people to fall from the dark side of human nature, if Fang Yuan was not in that special situation at that time, the result might not be much better than Taoism and selflessness.

Fortunately, the most dangerous thing about this shadow power is that it is almost impossible to detect when it is hidden. Once it is detected, its threat plummets.

Especially since there is still a Gate of Truth standing in Fang Yuan's consciousness. As a being who is essentially the same as the owner of this ray of divine power, it is not a problem to deal with a mere shadow that does not have much real power.

But what Fang Yuan is really worried about is some of the information behind this shadow - "This ray of divine power itself is not the key, the key is what exactly does Nyarlathotep want to do to me? This ray of shadow It looks like some kind of malicious attack, but its final result is good for me... So, is he an enemy or a friend to me?" Fang Yuan was deeply worried.

……')543'\u003eChapter 542: Unlucky Reincarnator \u0026 Tricky Forced Summoning

Fang Yuan's doubts were unanswered, and he also knew that for an alien god whose essence was chaos and madness, the so-called "enemy" and "friend" might not be meaningful at all.

Therefore, he could only put aside his doubts for the time being and quietly hibernate in his lair to recuperate.

However, sometimes, even if you want to avoid trouble, trouble will still come to you on its own... "Four...Four eyes, I can't do it anymore..." On an extremely tragic battlefield, only one person is left. The man who was half his body was covered in blood and fell into the arms of another man. While trembling with his only movable hand, he took out a rune stone from the storage space and used his last strength to order his teammates around him: "This is a rune stone." The mission immunity rune is left to you... Remember, you must survive until the end of the mission and return to the main god space alive! You are the only hope for everyone in our team to survive!" said the last sentence! With these words, the man took his last breath and died with his eyes glaring.

"Captain! Captain~~!!!" The bespectacled man known as "Four Eyes" hit the dry and cracked ground hard, hugged the captain's broken body and shed tears of grief.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! If I hadn't been too greedy, if it hadn't been for me... things wouldn't have turned out like this!!!" The man with glasses, who had always regarded himself as a wise man in the team, finally felt deeply that the so-called "Struggle of wits", so-called "layout" and so-called "calculation" are so insignificant in the face of absolute power.

His reincarnation team is a team of 15 people. Because he used tactics to gain too many points in the last mission, he was directly thrown into this punishment mission this time, and on the first day of the mission, Tianjiu encountered a battle between goblins and forest elves. Just the aftermath of the attack killed the entire team until he was the only one left! Yes, many people must have figured out that this so-called "punishment mission" is actually the world where the novel and anime "No Game No Life" are located, and it is an era more than 6,000 years before the start of the main story! It was an era when wars continued with no end in sight around the throne of the one God who unified the world.

The heaven and earth were separated, and even the stars were destroyed in a tragic war. Countless races and creatures died in the endless war. The sky was obscured by lead clouds, the earth was torn apart, and the elves in the atmosphere (not the long-eared elves, but The spiritual remains formed after being killed by an overly powerful attack and turned into poisonous black ash, suffocating all animals and plants that dared to be exposed to the open air.

In this war, even magical races like the elves and high-tech civilizations like the goblins are just pawns and cannon fodder in the hands of the superior gods. Humans without magical adaptability are not even considered intelligent. Races are just treated as talking monkeys, hiding, multiplying, living and destroying on the edge of the battlefield meaninglessly.

In short, this is a world that is even more apocalyptic than the apocalypse and makes mankind extremely desperate.

As for the reincarnation team that the glasses man belongs to, although they are much stronger than the humans in this world who have no extraordinary abilities, they are not strong enough to make a qualitative change.

Compared with the two major races that could even make magic nuclear bombs from the essence of gods and the core of fantasy species in the later stages of the war, this team thrown into this world by the Lord God is undoubtedly the weakest of the weak, like ants. The two warring races didn't even notice that such a special group of "monkeys" died in their mutual attacks.

Only the man with glasses was lucky enough to survive with the help of multiple defensive items and a little bit of luck when all his other teammates were killed or injured.

However, even though they were not specifically targeted, the high-intensity battle between the two races was still not over, and the malice of a certain main god was also looming. Luck alone would not make it possible to survive the remaining mission time and leave this world alive.

Therefore, after the man with glasses put away the immunity rune entrusted by the captain, he did not intend to just resign himself to fate - he was not only burdened with the possibility of resurrection for himself, but also for his captain and all his team members. He has to rely on his own strength to escape! With this in mind, the bespectacled man moved away from the battlefield through the cracks in the ground caused by the battle, while taking out two props from his storage space.

What he holds in his left hand is a scroll, which is the same shape as the ancient Chinese bamboo slips, but it is not made of bamboo, but made of a material similar to jade.

But in fact, this is not jade. The man with glasses asked the Lord God to identify it. The slips that make up the scroll are actually made of human bones as raw materials and processed by some mysterious means. Even the ropes connecting the slips are made by women. It is made of woven hair and has also undergone special processing. Therefore, whether it is a simple piece or a simple rope, their texture is very tough and will not decay or wear out over time.

What he held in his right hand was a golden wine cup slightly smaller than a human head. The whole body was engraved with mysterious runes of unknown meaning, and it exuded a hazy glow. It was obvious at a glance that it was not a mortal object.

"The true spiritual karma bitmap, the Holy Grail... With these two things, it is possible for me to summon a real god in this world. Even the weakest god can protect me until the end of the mission!" Yes , the two things in the hands of the bespectacled man are the legendary Taoist immortal genealogy "True Spirit Industry Bitmap" written by Taoist Tao Hongjing, and the Holy Grail in Western Christian mythology, which carries the blood of the Son of God and possesses various magical abilities.

Of course, as a reincarnation person, what he brought out could not be the two original pieces from the history of the earth, but the props he obtained from various worlds in reincarnation missions.

The former is a key prop obtained in a supernatural horror world, and the latter is the final mission reward obtained in a mission related to the FGO world.

The two originally unrelated people, if accompanied by certain rituals, and under the power of the main god, can summon the incarnation of any god recorded in the "True Spirit Industry Bitmap" in any world. ! ——Of course, this naturally has limitations. The higher the level of the deity in the industry map, the more difficult it is to summon, and it is very likely to fail. In many cases, the lower level deities are not very powerful at all. It is not even comparable to the strength of many top reincarnators themselves.

Therefore, this spirit summoning, which has great uncertainty and limited effects, is too useless for most reincarnation teams, and is rarely used by anyone.

But it's different for the man with glasses - he is now almost in a desperate situation, and this summoning ceremony, which is almost the same as the construction of a gambling boat, has naturally become a life-saving straw that carries his last hope! I saw him running into an underground cave that was exposed due to the collapse of the ground. He slightly concealed the entrance and exit, and then immediately found a flat location, drew a simple circular formation with his own blood, and placed the Holy Grail Place it at both ends of the array together with the bone-simple version of the "True Spirit Industry Bitmap".

The next moment, the array diagram was activated, and the bespectacled man whose spirit was connected to the array diagram suddenly appeared in the consciousness of hundreds of gods, along with the names and positions of these gods. From high to low, they were divided into seven categories. level.

However, before the bespectacled man could choose the great god he wanted to summon, the shadows of hundreds of gods suddenly faded and disappeared, leaving only one fourth-level god standing alone in his eyes. In front of you.

Inexplicably, the man with glasses understood that this was the only immortal who was willing to respond to his call, so he didn't care about the fact that he seemed to have never heard of the name of this immortal. He did not hesitate to put his consciousness into this phantom and chose to summon.

The next moment, in the real summoning array, the Holy Grail and the True Spirit Position Diagram turned into star-like light and dissipated, and in this light, a figure gradually turned from virtual to real, revealing its figure.

"Really, it's really summoned!" However, before the man with glasses showed a happy expression on his face, the "immortal" who was summoned cursed loudly: "Fuck! It's a forced summon? Which idiot did it?! I'll kill him!!!" The man with glasses' expression froze instantly: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ The second update is completed')544'\u003eChapter 543 Immortal Cthulhu

This "immortal" who spoke sweetly as soon as he appeared was none other than Fang Yuan, who was dormant and healing before.

Some people may wonder why Fang Yuan, who has nothing to do with Taoism, was summoned by the True Spirits and Occupations Chart, which records the genealogy of Taoist gods and immortals? Shouldn't the one who should come out be the Taoist priest whose name is recorded by the Three Pure Ones? Well, this is related to the True Spirits and Occupations Chart that the man with glasses used as a summoning tool.

Do you remember the materials used to make it? Human bones, women's hair... How can it be a serious Taoist book if it can be made of such weird things! Even the supernatural world that the man with glasses got this atlas from is not an ordinary supernatural horror world.

If he and his teammates could have explored the hidden plot further and unlocked some key information, they would have known that there was a university called Miskatonic in that world, and that there was a shadow of a special sect behind the supernatural plot they experienced. If they were more capable, they might have discovered the shameful eldest daughter of the K family who was imprisoned in a secret base in the United States... However, their entire team had just entered the main god space not long ago, and their strength was really limited. They had already risked their lives to survive that mission. Apart from this volume of "True Spiritual Industry Map" that could be used as a summoning prop, they did not gain much else.

In fact, if someone in the glasses man's team could obtain higher authority from the main god and let the main god make further appraisal of this atlas, they might know that this karma map that has been forgotten by everyone and gathered dust in the corner of the team's warehouse actually has another name - "The Seven Chapter Secret Scripture of Xuanjun·Volume Seven (Incomplete)·Sequence Chart of Gods and Heavenly Officials"... Yes, it is obvious that Tao Hongjing of that world does not seem to be the Taoist immortal in the orthodox earth history, but a believer of a secret sect that has been passed down since ancient times in that world. The "True Spirit Karma Map" he wrote is not the atlas of gods in the concept of ordinary people, but a secret record of many ancient people who are more terrifying, more bizarre and more dangerous! For example, the main god Yuanshi Tianzun in the first tier actually refers to Azathoth, the blind and foolish god who created the world in a dream, and all the other gods in the first tier are actually the incarnations of this head of gods; For example, the main god in the second tier, Xuanhuang Da Daojun, who is revered as the "Lord of Ten Thousand Daos", actually refers to Fang Yuan's immediate superior, Yog-Sothoth, the one who created all things and brought all things back to one; For example, the "Xuanpu Zhenren Xuanyuan Huangdi" mentioned in the third tier actually refers to Hastur, the King of Yellow Clothes... In other words, this human bone atlas that looks no different from the "True Spiritual Career Map" in the main world is actually the "Complete Illustrated Directory of Outer Gods and Old Ones" in that weird and crazy world! Therefore, as a true disciple of the Three Pure Ones, Taoist Li Xuanli could never be summoned by such a distorted "True Spiritual Career Map".

However, Fang Yuan was different. As a follower of Yog-Sothoth, he might not have even been qualified to enter this career chart a few months ago. But after he went through the ascension ceremony and successfully condensed his divine clone, his essence had already surpassed mortals and entered a realm that humans should not enter.

His giant clone sealed in the new universe was not an illusion, nor was it a defective product that was abandoned halfway. In fact, if Fang Yuan's human side is not taken into consideration, this divine side can also be regarded as an independent true god, a high-level existence that has barely entered the level of "Old Ones".

Such an existence, from the moment of its birth, its existence essence has spread to the heavens and the worlds, and even to the past and the future. Even if He has not yet truly achieved it, the fact that He will definitely be born in the future has been determined in the distant past.

Therefore, although it was set in another universe and was written more than a thousand years ago, the name and statue of Fang Yuan, who had not yet achieved true enlightenment in the main world, appeared in this Cthulhu mythology version of "True Spirit Karma Map".

Of course, no one knows whether this is the work of some trouble-making outsider god - after all, the taboo book "The Seven Chapters of Xuanjun" seems to have been written just like Nyara Totip's own induction and interference are not unrelated... However, Fang Yuan didn't know anything about the above. He just knew that he was clearly recovering from his injuries in the space base, but he didn't expect to be summoned in the blink of an eye. I arrived in another world, and it was still me who was summoned! It's no wonder that he was so angry that he even uttered curse words - he was seriously injured now, and if he continued to run around like this... weren't he afraid that one day he would accidentally offend a powerful enemy and be turned into ashes? ! The unhappiness and annoyance in Fang Yuan's heart at this moment could simply reach the sky, and the man in glasses with a lewd look on his face (Fang Yuan's subjective perspective) was obviously the culprit, and naturally became the source of his anger. Pour object.

"Tell me, what's going on? How did you summon me here?!" Fang Yuan, with a stinky face, didn't have the "godly demeanor" expected by the bespectacled man at all. He carried genuine murderous intent and substantive aura. He pressed hard on the bespectacled man's body, and immediately frightened this weak reincarnationist who was walking in props, making his legs weak, and he almost knelt down.

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