But he knew that this was only temporary. When his physical strength was exhausted, death would come as promised. But he did not regret it. As long as Riku and Yare could escape safely... Thinking of this, he squeezed out a little more strength and walked faster again, trying to buy some more time for his two companions.

Finally, when he could no longer see the figures of his two companions when he looked back from time to time, he knew that they were safe and his strength was about to run out.

Ivan stopped and turned his head to look at the demon species that was striding behind him. The only remaining hand subconsciously clenched the dagger on his waist. The blood and courage in his heart drove him to launch a counterattack against the "enemy", but reason told him that closing his eyes and dying at this time was the best choice.

Thinking of this, he let go of his hand, closed his eyes, and waited for the pain of death to come.

At this moment, a voice came into his ears - "Open your eyes, hold the knife tightly, and watch!" Although it was a voice he had never heard before, Ivan could not help but obey the command of this voice, opened his eyes immediately, and held the knife again.

But before he could be puzzled by this unusual reaction, everything that happened in front of him made him pause his thinking - that was... what? ! Lightning, dazzling lightning that made people's eyes shed tears, fell from the sky and struck the hideous demon, making it howl and retreat backwards.

However, what really made Ivan unable to look away was the figure in the lightning - it was a figure that was no different from a human, but unlike ordinary humans, it was not wrapped in thick clothes. It was a set of clothes whose material could not be seen but was absolutely light and comfortable, exposing the head, face, and half of the arms, and was not afraid of the poisonous black ash falling in the air.

What made him look even less human was the lightning bolts wrapped around his hands. The lightning that had just repelled the demons came from the hands that looked like humans.

This was magic... The first thought that Ivan had after he regained his mind was this. For humans, witnessing magic was like witnessing the battles of other races, which was almost equivalent to death. Being able to safely watch magic being performed in front of his eyes like this was an unprecedented experience.

And his next thought was, who was this person?   Is it a human? No, absolutely not! Humans can't control thunder! Could it be an elf disguised as a human? But how could those long ears that were so high up disguise themselves as a talking monkey? Aren't they afraid of being laughed at by their own kind?   Ivan's lack of imagination made him not dare to think about something more outrageous, such as "God of Gods", but he still noticed something. It seemed that the other party was protecting himself.   While he was thinking, the battle in front of him was also continuing.

The figure who looked like a human but was definitely not a human, after using "magic" lightning to half-kill the demon, took a few steps to avoid the opponent's violent counterattack, and then saw two light-forged swords suddenly appearing from his wrists, several meters long. After getting close, he chopped the demon into pieces with a few strokes and killed it completely! Putting away the "weapon" in his hand, the man seemed to have completed a trivial matter. He clapped his hands casually, turned around, looked at Ivan, and said: "Do you want this kind of power?" 4000+ two-in-one chapters, that's all for today.

')548'\u003eChapter 547 Then, what's the price?

The one who appeared in front of Ivan was, of course, our protagonist, Fang Yuan.

After finishing collecting information on the forest elves and goblins, he left the battlefield and wandered on this barren land, looking for human communities hiding somewhere unknown.

——Because of the existence of the Gods, especially the God of War Artosh, Fang Yuan did not wantonly cover the entire continent with his perception, so his search progress was not very ideal. It was not until several days later that he found several traces of humans in another battlefield ruins.

Moreover, what surprised him even more was that the first time he came into contact with the humans of this world, he actually ran into the real owner directly - what appeared in front of him was the scene of the male protagonist leading the team to explore the ruins of the goblins at the beginning of the plot of the theatrical version!   Fang Yuan did not jump out and contact the "protagonist" of this world at the first time. After all, the plot is the plot, and reality is reality. After traveling so many times, he has long been able to distinguish the difference between the two, and he knows that he can't take all the plots in the anime seriously.

——Let alone, didn't the infinite reincarnation of Ikari Shinji in the EVA world mess up the so-called plot? !   This world is the same. Before truly observing the humans of this world and drawing a conclusion, Fang Yuan will not act rashly.

——Then, he saw a scene that moved him! When the fatal crisis occurred, whether it was the leader Riku who forcibly suppressed his emotions and personally ordered his companions to die in order to "let more people survive", or the man named Iwan who did not care about his own life and was determined to die without any complaints, all made Fang Yuan truly feel how united, selfless, brave and fearless the human beings in this world are.

Perhaps because of the danger of extinction, in order to ensure the survival of the race, humans in this world have abandoned almost all the dark sides of their human nature, and fully demonstrated the bright side of human nature.

From a moral perspective alone, it can be said that the human beings in this world are completely different from all the worlds Fang Yuan has ever seen. All human beings have countless streets. No, this is no longer a question of whether there is a street or not. It is simply a question of heaven. The gap with the earth, especially compared with the despicable humans in the apocalyptic world of "Pitch Black Bullet", is even more than a full galaxy away! Such a noble and beautiful brilliance of humanity... This is the real "human being"! Therefore, when he saw that the uncle Yiwang, who had lost one of his hands, was about to die at the hands of the demon species, Fang Yuan took action.

He didn't use too much power, just a thunderbolt and two energy light blades to eliminate this demon species.

And this is exactly what he calculated that human beings alone can do it - as long as the humans in this world accept this power.

However, when he asked the stunned Yiwang, "Do you want this kind of power?", the other party did not agree immediately.

This man who was almost ready to die, although he was momentarily shaken when he heard Fang Yuan's question, seemed to be about to agree immediately.

But he bit his tongue tightly in the next moment, using the pain to regain his composure - "Hug, I'm sorry, this great existence... But please allow me to ask, what is the price for this? " He didn't ask stupid things like "Humans can't use magic, how can they give me power?" Although the existence in front of him looked like a human being, it was definitely an existence far above humans. Since the other party as a superior person said it In this case, it must be something that can be done, and there is no need for him to worry.

What he is really worried about is after gaining this power - Yiwang, who is already a middle-aged man, does not believe that there will be good things that fall from the sky in this world. Since the other party wants to give him power, he must also pay the price.

It's just him. He was destined to die. No matter what price he had to pay, he was not afraid. But he was afraid that the other party was planning not just him, but the entire human race behind him... No, from this gentleman's point of view, Judging from the level, if you want to plan anything, there is no need to look for him as a crippled old man. His true target must be the entire human race! Therefore, even if he risks being killed, he must ask clearly! "...Interesting..." Fang Yuan looked at this man who could still remain calm in the face of the temptation of power, and nodded with some approval.

Although he is a sidekick who received a lunch soon after his appearance in the plot, this man named Yiwang has some very good qualities - reason! Although he is not as talented as the protagonist Riku and has a monster IQ that can play tricks on many races, but perhaps due to the life experience brought by his age, he is much more rational and calm than another kid named Yare.

"If I said, this price is everything! What would you say?" With a smile, Fang Yuan told a joke that no one in this world could understand.

However, as a listener, Yiwang only felt a huge pressure on his heart. It seemed that as long as he dared to say the word "no", a storm of destruction would immediately follow.

——Well, this was actually just the result of this poor man's self-imagination hypnosis. Fang Yuan did nothing, let alone deliberately oppressed the other party with his momentum.

"...!" Gritting his teeth, Yiwang was extremely entangled in the battle between heaven and man. On the one hand, he was afraid that if he agreed, it would bring unknown disasters to the people of the tribe. On the other hand, he was afraid that if he refused, he would completely anger the other party, which would instead bring disaster to the tribe. The tribesmen brought more direct destruction.

Both paths seemed to lead to no good results, which naturally made him extremely entangled. He even wished that he could die on the spot and be relaxed - but he didn't even dare to commit suicide in front of this adult, which might really anger him. ... Fang Yuan just watched this man's expression change, and at the same time read his every thought, and suddenly felt extremely interesting - this man's ability to scare himself is really powerful! And it’s actually very organized and logical! But in fact, he really wanted to do good things... After a long time, it seemed that he knew that he actually had only one choice. In the end, Ywang lowered his head and said the sentence with difficulty: "I am willing to accept this job." Power!" "Then, as you wish!" Along with these words, a ray of light shined from Fang Yuan's hand and shined into Yiwang's soul.

The next moment, this man who had been struggling on the edge of death for half his life saw a completely different world! ')549'\u003eChapter 548 Extraordinary Power—Psychic Power!

In Yiwang's eyes, the world that had always remained gloomy and depressing suddenly became extremely colorful.

Whether it was stone, metal, or the black ash like snow, everything shone with various lights, but what really shocked him was the ubiquitous light in the atmosphere. Tiny points of light seemed to be alive, dancing, living, wailing, and dying in their own unique rhythm... "Is this... an elf?" Ivan didn't need anyone to tell him to realize that he was seeing What arrived.

That is the third-ranked superior species in the world, the source of extraordinary power born from the core of the planet, the brilliance of the elven species! He was originally unable to feel the existence of elves at all, but as a human being, he could actually see elves with his naked eyes! Yiwang knows what this means - it means power, real power that can lead the people to live a better life! If other humans can see elves like him, then even if humans do not have the magical talent like the elves, they can at least develop a civilization that uses elves to operate mechanical technology like the goblins - as long as they are not here Previously destroyed by other races.

Of course, such fantasies only flashed through Ivan's mind. He had long been accustomed to the cruel reality and did not expect humans to become as powerful a race as the goblins.

He just felt that if human beings could possess such power, they might be able to better survive in this endless war and survive until the end of the war, which may or may not come.

However... "What I gave you is not just a little bit of extraordinary vision!" Fang Yuan's voice came to his ears.

This made Yiwang feel a little frightened when he came back to his senses. At the same time, he couldn't help but feel a little curiosity in his heart - apart from the ability to see elves... could it be the kind of "magic" used by this adult just now? "Well, first of all, let me correct one of your mistakes. What I gave you was not the magic of this world!" Fang Yuan said as if he had seen through every thought of Yiwang.

This kind of ability that seemed to read minds made Yiwang feel more in awe of the unknown adult in front of him, and also made him dare not think about random things in his mind, for fear that one of his thoughts would accidentally happen. Provoke the other party and cause disaster.

But he was also attracted by the content of Fang Yuan's words - the extremely terrifying thunder and the light blade that killed demons like chickens were not magic, so what were they? "This is something I created specially for you humans. It does not rely on the extraordinary power of elves, but comes from your will and soul. It can basically do anything that magic can do, and it is even better than the magic in some aspects. Magic is even better, I call it - psionic power!" "Psychic power..." Like an immortal preaching or a prophet sending down divine revelation, Fang Yuan teaches their first magic to the humans in this world. Extraordinary power.

As an initiate, Yiwang listened with awe and nervousness, not daring to miss even a word.

"The essence of spiritual energy is the power drawn from the deep dimensions of material time and space, but the key to making spiritual energy work is the 'seed' I gave to you humans... Well, what I say to you now It's still too early for humans.

What I’m going to say next is the point! " Fang Yuan said in an emphatic tone: "——All human beings with minds and formed personalities can awaken spiritual energy through learning and exercise.

You can use it to summon thunder and flames, wind, frost, rain and snow, you can also use it to condense energy weapons and armor, you can also use it to strengthen your strength, speed and even recovery ability. You can even distort space and shake time after practicing deeply. ! All the abilities you can imagine can theoretically be achieved by psychic energy.

Its power only depends on two things - willpower and imagination! Willpower determines the upper limit of your psychic power, while imagination determines the number of ways you can use your psychic powers. Only when both are equally powerful can you truly unleash the power of your psychic powers! "Ivan had some difficulty understanding some of the words in the words of the adult in front of him, but he still understood the general meaning. The power called "spiritual energy" he was given was a kind of magic similar to omnipotence. But it has a different kind of power, and this power requires willpower and imagination to truly be unleashed.

For Yiwang, who has gone through many hardships and has even looked down on life and death, he is still somewhat confident in his willpower. Although he is far less confident than the young leader Li who has been burdened heavily by adults like them, but still carries the burden forward. Library, but judging from the fact that he can act as a death bait without hesitation, his willpower is considered to be superior among ordinary people.

But imagination... I'm sorry, this is really embarrassing! I have already reached middle age, and my brain is not very active. Apart from some survival experience gained through hard work in the past half of my life, I don't have much ink in my stomach.

He had to use his imagination to control psychic powers... Unfortunately, after working on it for a long time, he could only manage to get the wrist light blade that Fang Yuan had used before, and it was also inferior in length and stability. Much more.

However, even if it was just that, when Ivan saw a light blade emerging from his only remaining arm and effortlessly cutting the metal armor plate of the goblin warship into two pieces, he was filled with ecstasy. It's so shocking that it can't be described in words.

"Tsk, it's just so-so..." Fang Yuan was not very satisfied with this, but after all, the person he was preaching to was just a sidekick who received lunch within a few minutes of appearing on the scene, so the requirements could not be too high.

In fact, with the current ability of this guy named Yiwang, with a few days of training, he can basically kill non-blood-bad individuals among the orcs one-on-one. If he learns how to use spiritual energy to strengthen his body, If he had strength, he could even kill the demon species alone like Fang Yuan Gang.

It's a pity that looking at him like this, he doesn't want to come up with "magic skills" like the psychic lightning that Fang Yuan used before. Basically, he will be a warrior for the rest of his life... When Yiwang calmed down from the ecstasy , he remembered the great god standing next to him, and suddenly asked with some panic: "I'm sorry, sir, I'm a little out of control... What do you need me to do next?" This is almost the attitude of the slave towards his master - -Since this master has given him such a powerful power, he can only dedicate his "everything" to the other party as he said before.

"Huh?" Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows, feeling very interesting at the subtle change in the guy's mentality, but he didn't do this just to collect slaves.

Therefore, he just said in a calm tone: "I need you to return to your tribe and pass on your power to others! Don't worry, as I said before, I have given you the 'seed' of psychic energy. Humans, as long as you let your kind come into contact with your psychic energy, they will naturally know how to use it!"')550'\u003eChapter 549: The Transfer of Fire!

Watching Yiwang leave with a heart full of worries, Fang Yuan's eyes flashed with anticipation.

Of course, what he was looking forward to was not Yiwang, a middle-aged man with average talent, but the human race that was about to take a big step into the extraordinary era.

Especially under the command of Riku, a young leader who is as smart as a monster and resolute and courageous, what kind of path will humans who have gained psychic powers take? He was very curious and looking forward to it... When Yiwang returned alive to the settlement hidden in the heart of the mountain, it naturally caused a sensation.

When the people in the settlement heard the news that "Ivan is dead" from the returned leader Liku, they all accepted this reality sadly but helplessly.

——After all, in such a shitty world, a group of three people went out to collect supplies and intelligence, and only lost one person when they brought back a new map. It can be said to be a very cost-effective thing.

In fact, in the past few years since Riku became the leader of this human community, only 48 people, including Iwang, have died. This is different from earlier, when hundreds or even hundreds of people were killed and injured from time to time. Compared with the miserable years, it can be called unprecedented "peaceful" days, and we can't expect more.

Moreover, the adults in this settlement also know that when the smartest and most decisive leader of Riku gives an order to let a person die, his death must be meaningful and will definitely save the rest. Most people - everyone believes so.

Therefore, although Ivan's death makes people sad, and his daughter's cry is also heart-wrenching, after mourning, everyone can only pick up the legacy of the deceased, accept this reality, and then continue to live - live, This in itself is the greatest reward for these respectable deceased people! However, no one, including Riku, had ever thought that Iwang, who was supposed to die at the mouth of the monster, actually came back alive! "Yiwang, how... did you do that?!" When Riku, who had locked himself in his room to vent his self-blame, heard the news and rushed over and saw Yiwang who was hugging his daughter and crying, even He, who had always presented himself as a calm and courageous person, could not help but show an expression of astonishment.

"Ah, it's Riku!" Yiwang looked at the boy who had ordered him to die before, raised his head, and showed a smile without any haze - he really didn't hate him, after all, under the circumstances at that time, he was the only one among the three of them. Riku only made this choice as the leader.

Even when he chose to accept the order at that time, he felt more guilty for the young man Riku - adults like them were really too incompetent to put such a heavy burden of human lives on the shoulders of a young man. Ah... Of course, now that he is back alive, he has fulfilled his promise to his daughter, and a burden has been lifted off Riku's shoulders. This makes Ivan feel happy from the bottom of his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a little pity. It would have been nice if the person who had been taught "psionic power" by that adult was not himself but Riku.

In that case, with Riku's intelligence, he must be able to get more information from that adult, and his understanding of "spiritual energy" must be deeper than his own! However, this idea was overturned by himself the next moment - if Riku accepted the inheritance of spiritual energy, wouldn't it be equivalent to losing his life and becoming him? This was an absolutely impossible choice to make at that time... Although his heart was filled with endless thoughts, Iwang still heard Riku's question and immediately planned to explain this incredible experience clearly.

However, before he could speak, Riku immediately interrupted: "Wait a minute, let's put the rest aside for later. Ywang, tell me first, there shouldn't be anything chasing you behind you, right?" Although a little unkind, Riku, as the leader, has to shoulder his own responsibilities. For the safety of the entire settlement, he must ensure that nothing goes wrong.

"Ah! Don't worry! Nothing is chasing me, and the demon species is dead! And the fact that I can come back alive is related to this!" Iwang patted his daughter's head, who was glaring at Riku, and didn't mind Riku. attitude, because this kind of caution is the attitude that is truly responsible for the entire human settlement.

Immediately afterwards, he dragged Riku to a corner and described his previous fantasy experience in as clear and plain language as possible - he did not dare to rashly describe it before asking Riku for his opinion. Tell everyone about this.

"Psychic energy...are you sure that being said that this is a 'power created for humans'?" "Yes, that adult is right."

Seeing the pure white light shining in Iwang's hand, Riku believed the other person's words, but at the same time, he was also full of surprise in his heart - Could it be that God has opened his eyes and there is really a kind of god who likes human beings, so he came to give it to him? Got the power? Unlike Iwang, who had little imagination, after hearing what happened, Riku immediately associated Fang Yuan's identity with the divine species.

Because to other races, humans are just talking monkeys, livestock, and food. For some races, they are even worse than food. It is impossible to perform this kind of "transferring power" behavior.

But it would be different if it was a divine species.

Although there are several species of gods existing in the world today, each one has greater magical powers than the last, and they also have their own races and followers, and it is impossible to look down on mere humans.

But what if the new student is a god? What if it is a god who is not good at creation? Then will He need humans, a race that no one cares about? Although it was just an extravagant hope in his heart, and although this kind of "attention" might bring greater disasters, Riku could not help but feel his heart beat faster.

If there are gods who are really willing to take care of humans, then maybe... Riku stopped his meaningless reverie and returned his mind to practical matters.

"You said that adult asked you to teach us this power called 'spiritual energy', and also said that we humans have been given 'seeds' by Him... How to teach it? And do you know what that 'seed' refers to?" What is it?" Riku asked.

However, regarding this problem, Yiwang, who was also confused, could only shake his head and express his helplessness: "The professor... the adult said that as long as you are exposed to spiritual energy, you will naturally know what to do. As for the seeds... I still want to ask Yours, did you notice anything?" "..." "..." The two looked at each other without speaking, and the atmosphere became a little awkward for a moment.

After a while, Riku broke the silence.

"Okay, since it's about 'contact', I guess it's useless just to look at it. Maybe it requires physical contact..." With that said, Riku stretched his hand forward and touched The pure white light radiates to Ivan's left hand.

The next moment, an invisible seed in his spirit suddenly exploded and turned into a pure white flame, illuminating his entire soul.

At this moment, Riku truly understood that this was "psionic power"! Third update completed')551'\u003eChapter 550 Holy F2...

When the flaming spiritual light illuminated Cheliku's soul, the scene when Fang Yuan preached to Iwang also emerged in his consciousness.

As if he had replaced Ivan at that time, Riku could feel every thought in his heart - the awe and fear when he first saw the great existence, the surprise and yearning when he witnessed "magic", the entanglement and wavering when he was granted a gift. , the shock and joy after mastering psychic powers... Even the reluctance and apology when I was ordered to die as a bait, the bravery and choice when facing death, and even the joy and joy after returning to the shelter to see my daughter's relatives. Excited... It can be said that at this moment, Riku almost became Ivan, understanding every thought and thought he had during this time.

However, at the same time, he also knew that Ivan opposite him was also aware of his thoughts at this moment - self-blame, regret, sadness, anger, guilt, and the fate of thousands of people weighing on him. The heavy suffocating feeling on my shoulders.

The two people, with the help of the power of spiritual energy, were indistinguishable from each other at this moment, and they understood everything about each other from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, although this feeling sounds long-lasting, it actually only lasts a moment in the eyes of the outside world.

When Riku's newly awakened spiritual energy stabilized, this deep mental connection gradually faded, and eventually fell back to the point where he could only vaguely sense the other party's vague emotions.

However, he also felt that as long as both parties agreed, they could deepen this spiritual connection at any time, reaching the level where they were almost inseparable from each other.

"This is..." Riku raised his head and saw the same shocked look in Iwang's eyes. He immediately understood that the other party did not expect such a thing to happen.

"...It seems that this so-called 'spiritual energy' has more hidden secrets!" A pure white flame ignited in the young man's hand, just like the flame in his soul, which was the most consistent one in his subconscious. The psychic initial form of one's own nature.

This extraordinary power that has never been heard of before seems to be not only a magic weapon, but also a magical power that can directly affect the human soul... But this is reasonable, after all, Riku also I heard Yiwang say that before, he had stepped into the perspective of the other person and personally experienced the scene of being granted spiritual power by a great being. This spiritual power is the power discovered from consciousness and soul, and has this ability to connect the soul. It's not that surprising.

But in this case, he would have to think carefully about whether to continue to spread this power to his tribe members. It is very beautiful to say that everyone can understand each other, but even in the current situation where humans are on the verge of extinction, people still have their own privacy and are unwilling to share.

If everyone is really forced to communicate with each other, the already fragile human race may completely fall apart, spontaneously destroy, and eventually disappear from this world... Iwan on the other side did not know what Riku was thinking, but through the remaining little bit of mental connection, he could still feel the other party's worries.

Although his brain is not as smart as Riku, the extremely smart leader, his experience as an elder still allowed him to guess what the other party was worried about.

Ivan had a different opinion on this: "Riku, you also felt it, right? This kind of... this kind of spiritual connection should require the common will of two people to be truly established. If there is no such will, it will probably be like what we are doing now, and we can only feel each other's superficial emotions. This degree should still be within the acceptable range for everyone... Besides, this power was given by that adult, and it was also stated that I should pass this "psychic energy" to everyone. If we go against that person's will here..." He didn't say the rest of the words, but Riku naturally understood what he meant.

This also made Riku react immediately. Yes, now it is not a question of whether to continue to pass on this power. For humans who have been targeted by a powerful existence suspected of being a divine species, the option of "rejection" has never existed from the beginning.

Then what lies before him as the leader is how to minimize the harm and hidden dangers brought about by this matter, and at the same time maximize the benefits brought by this power.

"...You're right! In this matter, we really don't have the choice of 'doing it or not'..."  Riku sighed, agreed with Ivan's opinion, and then paused and said: "In this case, you go and inform the others later, let everyone have a meeting in the square at night, I will let Koro convene the women and children... We have to announce this matter, and at the same time give this kind of 'psychic power' to everyone! If we can really make good use of this power, maybe... victory will no longer be a delusion!"  Ivan nodded solemnly and turned away.

Looking at Ivan's back as he left, feeling the excitement and enthusiasm in his thoughts, Riku looked down at the pure white flame burning in his palm, the flames reflected in his eyes, as if his eyes were also burning!   ...  "It's done!"  Fang Yuan, who was looking up at the starry sky through the thick clouds on a mountain more than a hundred kilometers away, felt the thousands of consciousness points gradually increasing in his consciousness, and knew that his plan was finally successful.

When the world's largest human settlement completely accepted his gift and awakened their own spiritual powers, countless thoughts came into his mind every moment.

These were the thoughts of every single person of those thousands of humans every minute, every second, every moment, their emotions, their thinking, their wisdom, their communication... Every single person seemed to have added a new perspective for Fang Yuan, allowing him to understand and think about the world from a different perspective than before, and also provided an endless supply of nutrients for his consciousness that had just recovered from the severe injury, constantly recovering and growing, until it surpassed the peak of the past... This seemed to be no different from the way he had originally opened up the new universe in his soul to connect all races and spirits with consciousness, and the number was much smaller, which seemed to be a superfluous and meaningless thing.

However, the fact was just the opposite.

Because these humans who had received spiritual power were not created by him, their thoughts and actions could be traced, but there were always various variables that were beyond Fang Yuan's expectations. Compared with his supreme perspective of omniscience and all-seeing in the soul universe he had opened up, this was undoubtedly more real and more meaningful.

——As I said before, if Fang Yuan wants to break through the barrier of his heart, he needs real time, real emotions, and real accumulation, and the thousands of humans in this world are exactly the "reality" he needs! ')552'\u003eChapter 551 The First Battle of Humanity

Swish——Swish——In the wilderness that is still covered with black and gray that never stops all year round, three figures running at a very high speed passed by in a flash, almost the highest speed of ordinary cars on Earth, but incredibly did not make too much noise, and even their footprints were almost invisible on the "snow" layer of spirit bones passing by.

With this level of physical movement ability, could they be beastmen?   No, there is no trace of beastification on their bodies, neither furry beast ears and tails, nor sharp claws and teeth.

They are just ordinary humans.

Well, but it seems that humans at this time are not so "ordinary".

——After a period of training, the humans who gained psychic powers gradually learned how to use this power. The easiest way to do it was to use psychic powers to strengthen their own bodies, eventually increasing their strength and speed to a level comparable to that of the blood-damaged individuals of the Orc race.

The three people who were running at an incredible speed in the wilderness were just trying their luck. Most of their strength was reserved to guard against any unexpected events that might happen at any time.

Suddenly, the person running in the front made a gesture, and the three of them stopped immediately, hid behind a shady stone wall, and then quietly stuck their heads out to look out.

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