[The gods are born from concepts, originate from prayers, and condense into beliefs. They should live and die together with the beliefs of all sentient beings until they are transcended! ]

After these divine words fell, those mortal creatures were done with it. They didn't feel much at this time. But those species of gods who had just tried to open up their own divine kingdom in the world of gods suddenly felt something bad. They clearly feel that their own spiritual essence should be able to draw power from the corresponding concepts. The more prosperous and active the concept force is, the stronger the power they can obtain will never be exhausted. However, after the oracle of the only god, everything changed! Between the path connecting the conceptual force and the source of one's own power, a shackles called "faith" appeared out of thin air, which greatly limited the power. Transformation and absorption. And not only that. The gods also feel that once the faith attributed to them is reduced, their own strength and even essence will become weak. If the faith disappears completely, even the essence of the spirit will be stripped away and then degenerate into ordinary concepts. , the final and complete demise! You must know that for the gods, the stripping of expressions will only make the physical body of the gods disappear, and the personality will be silent. It is not considered a real death. If there is a chance in the future, there will still be a rebirth in the world. One day, for example, the suspicious Shenfan Tower in the original work wakes up from such a long sleep. What really scares the gods is like the God of War who was killed by Fang Yuan. His will was wiped out and his marrow was broken. In the end, all traces disappeared. Even if a God of War is born again in the future, it will no longer exist. It's the same god, but another completely different existence.

Regardless of whether Lou Fan or the God of War commits suicide and seeks defeat, there are still only a few gods who are so open-minded about life and death. After most gods obtain personality, although they have various paranoia due to their divine marrow, they are still afraid of death. Otherwise, there would be no gods who would deliberately hide themselves in order to avoid the war. Gods who are killed and have endless lifespan can live to the end of the universe. However, now, after Fang Yuan imposed the shackles of faith out of thin air on the gods who were supposed to be immortal, they have turned into a life-and-death entity that depends on mortal things. There is a danger of complete extinction at any time. How can you bear this?

Some gods can't wait to break out of the world where the gods are imprisoned and come to the only god. Let the guy who messed up take back the order of (harmony). But I looked up at the Kingdom of God that had just been opened up, and then looked at the incredibly magical world outside the Kingdom of God, and experienced the terrifying power of the only God who could create worlds at will... Forget it, I'll put up with it for the time being. Well, of course, Fang Yuan doesn't have any hope at all for these gods. As he said at the end of the oracle, the gods bound by faith still have a way out - "until transcendence", which means not only transcending belief, but also transcending the identity limitations of the gods themselves.

If one day in the future, there really is a god who can hone his immortal soul from endless faith, discover the essence of the god, and transcend himself from the body of conceptual belief, his achievements will not depend on external objects or even the world. The immortal true god can naturally transcend all shackles and gain great freedom and freedom. This road is also clearly engraved in this world of gods. Any god with a brain can read the relevant information from it.

Although this road seems so far away, and it is so difficult to achieve the goal, its success rate is even billions of times more elusive than the transformation from a mortal to a god. But the road is already here, can't we walk on it? Whether they can reach the end or not depends on themselves, but Fang Yuan will not care.

All in all, Fang Yuan's oracle not only put the pressure on the gods to be expelled and perished, but also allowed the gods to rise and fall, and to maintain vitality. On the other hand, it also pointed out the space and space for them to continue to make progress. Direction 1: On Fang Yuan's side, after promulgating the three oracles as the "rules of heaven" for the gods of this world, he did not continue to speak. He neither restricted weapons of mass destruction with huge destructive power such as Marrow Explosion and Void Zero Protection, nor did he force the cessation of wars among many races. For him, as long as the sources of chaos such as the gods are restricted, everything else will naturally go on the right track. Even if there are still wars, destruction and killings, this is also part of the evolution of the world. It is necessary, but as the only God, he should not forcefully interfere.

Chapter 601: The Flügel’s Suicide Solution \u0026 the Useless Star Cup

Although Fang Yuan, who had ascended to the position of the only god, had no intention of stopping the war except for the oracle, the war that lasted for endless time on this planet finally stopped, perhaps because of fear of Fang Yuan. The existence of the only god does not dare to start a war easily, or maybe it is because the recovery of the planet makes all races unable to bear to destroy it. Of course, the greater possibility is that the death of the God of War has led to the silence of the concept of war in the world. It indirectly affects the consciousness of all living beings and eliminates the fighting spirit and hostility accumulated over countless years. In short, after the resurrection of the world that day, the creatures on this planet finally ushered in a rare period of peace.

However, Fang Yuan, our only Lord God, who created all this, is still facing something that bothers him. Well, it is nothing else, but the followers, the Flügels, who were entrusted by Artosh before his death in the previous battle with the God of War. Just like what happened in the original plot, after learning the news of the defeat and death of the God of War, these fanatical followers of the God of War could not accept this reality at all. Almost half of the Flügels chose to commit suicide at the first time and planned to follow the God of War. If Fang Yuan had not stopped them in time, it is estimated that the Flügels, whose population was originally small, would have become a rare species on the verge of extinction.

Then, Fang Yuan imposed the same "tightening curse" as Jibril on them, but the main function was no longer for punishment, but to prevent them from committing suicide again in the future when Fang Yuan was not paying attention. But he knew that for these Flügels who were full of fanatical belief in the God of War, even if Fang Yuan stopped them from committing suicide, they all thought that they had lost the meaning of survival. Those who were still alive at this time were just walking corpses.

In this regard, Fang Yuan did not forge any oracle of the God of War to appease them, nor did he use the power of the One God to forcibly distort their will. He just thought about it for a few days and came up with a fundamental solution to the problem:

"Since these guys can't find the meaning of survival as Flügels, let them live as other races! Once they experience the pain and hardships that those short-lived races encounter in their lives, they will surely know how happy it is to be born with a nearly immortal life!" With a wave of his hand, Fang Yuan directly returned all the Flügels who had the intention of committing suicide to their origins, turning them into magic with self-awareness, and then robbed their spiritual consciousness, sealed their memories, and threw them into the many short-lived races on earth for reincarnation. When they lost the powerful strength they relied on in the past, lost the magic ability they were proud of, and even their past memories were completely sealed, and were confined in the fragile shells of ordinary creatures, facing the pressure of life and the limited length of life all day long, experiencing the real birth, aging, illness and death, and then waking up again from death, Fang Yuan wanted to see how many Flügels wanted to continue to commit suicide! As for the Flügels like Jibril and Azriel who did not choose to commit suicide for various reasons, they were in awe of Fang Yuan's wisdom and power in this matter, and hoped that the sisters who returned soon could truly find the meaning of life.

Well, for the Flügels who were born with a nearly infinite lifespan, the concept of time is completely different from that of the short-lived species. Even if those sisters who were reincarnated were reincarnated into forest elves with a lifespan of thousands of years, for the living Flügels, it was just equivalent to a long journey. Just wait patiently for a while and you will see them return. However, what Fang Yuan didn't know was that when the reincarnated Flügels experienced the complete cycle of life, aging, illness and death, and finally recovered and returned, the sisters who had not reincarnated found that they had indeed given up their will to die, and even realized some different truths in such a cycle of life and death, and their strength improved greatly. This immediately aroused the interest of the Flügels who had accepted the peaceful daily life. After a period of research, the Flügels actually used the experience of the first batch of reincarnated people as a template, painstakingly developed a reincarnation magic with almost the same effect, and then happily reincarnated repeatedly among many races, experiencing various different lives of each race. This made this race, which was supposed to focus on hunting potential knowledge, completely walk on another path, and was even nicknamed "reincarnation species" by some races thousands of years later, but this is another story. After dealing with the Flügels, Fang Yuan finally had time to carefully study the supreme authority one-star cup he had just obtained.

In fact, when Fang Yuan first held up the Star Cup and reshaped the world, he already felt that the feeling of holding this supreme authority was a little different from what he imagined!

Fang Yuan was not unfamiliar with the so-called "absolute dominance" given by the Star Cup. When he transformed into a true god, the control of the universe shot from his body had a similar effect. But since it is said to be "similar", it means that there is indeed a difference between the two. When Fang Yuan controlled the miniature universe in his body with the posture of a true god, what he felt was, in one sentence, "The universe is in the hand, and all changes are born in the body." The universe is him. He is the universe! The universe in the body is equivalent to another body of Fang Yuan, and it is a powerful body that allows him to control every detail, matter, energy, time, and space.

But when Fang Yuan picked up the Star Cup and learned the supreme authority of the external universe, what he felt was completely different, but it seemed to be a layer away. The difference between the two is very subtle. If you can barely describe it in words, it is equivalent to one being a person sitting in front of the computer and operating a system, and the other being the person becoming the system itself. Obviously, the Star Cup represents the former. In other words, Fang Yuan actually indirectly achieved academic control over this universe through the power transfer of the Star Cup, or he could directly use the Star Cup as an ultimate tool with an effect so powerful that it can truly make all his wishes come true. A wishing machine, and there is no limit to the number of wishes you can make! But no matter how powerful the wishing machine is, it is just an external object. Fang Yuan neither knows the operating mechanism of this star cup, nor can he use it to make his life essence change. Substantial sublimation. To a certain extent, this universe itself and the true God that Fang Yuan wants to prove are existences at the same level. So how can the supreme authority in this mere universe create an equal universe in the other side? Therefore, Fang Yuan only has one evaluation of this star cup:

"It's worthless, it's worthless!"

Chapter 602 Six thousand years later, the empire and the gods!

Time flows by inadvertently, and before you know it, six thousand years have passed.

Six thousand years, for upper-level races such as fantasy species, dragon elf species, and giant species, may be just a period of time that is neither long nor short in their long lives. For those immortal species of gods in the past, It is as insignificant as a moment.

But for those short-lived species with limited lifespan, this is a long enough time for history to turn into stories, stories to turn into legends, and legends to turn into myths.

January 1, this day, is not only the beginning of every year, but also the most solemn birthday of God in the human empire.

Human pilgrims scattered around the world and even planet colonies in the solar system will flock to this holy city called "Elkia" on this day to celebrate and commemorate the first emperor of the Human Empire and the The day when Likudora, the first god promoted from humans and the guardian god of humans, ascended to godhood. In fact, in this great era when the human empire is coercing the world and has even begun to colonize extraterrestrial lands, not only humans themselves, but even members of other alien races who admire the great civilization of the empire will also come here on this day to participate. pilgrimage.

Phil Neil Ballen is one of them. As an Elf and a member of a prestigious family like the Nirvalen family, the girl named Fel Nirvalen had a strong affection for the human empire that oppressed the Elf until they could barely breathe. Therefore, she ignored the dissuasion of the tribesmen around her and the strange eyes of the human pilgrims, and traveled thousands of miles from another human city almost on the other side of the planet to come here to participate in this grand annual festival.

Yes, don’t be surprised that she lives in a human city after being from a famous family among the elves. This is a rule that has been set since humans defeated the elves three thousand years ago. All the children of high-ranking elves are He wants to move to human territory when he understands, and live in a form called "study abroad" but actually a "proton" until he reaches adulthood. Phil himself is such an elf who has been living in a human environment almost since he was sensible. He speaks human language, uses human words, and learns human culture. He is almost completely assimilated by humans. It can even be said that he is wearing the skin of elf. of human beings!

Originally, if a race like the elves with a lifespan of a thousand years really lived with short-lived and weak humans, due to the huge gap in lifespan and strength, even if humans were extremely prosperous, they would still be born. A sense of overlooking and superiority on a life level.

However, since the "Year of Divine Enlightenment" in human history, human beings received the gift of the only God and gained spiritual power. Under the subtle evolutionary development from generation to generation, human beings at this time have become thousand-year-old, The perfect race with perfect appearance, stronger than orcs, and proficient in magic has established an unprecedented human empire. It is so powerful that it can only live in a small place. How can the elves feel any sense of superiority?

In fact, if it weren't for the legendary Flügel who mastered the magic of reincarnation, he would have disappeared without a trace, and Phil, an elf whose spirit has been completely humanized, would even want to find a Flügel to learn this magical magic. , directly reincarnated into a noble and beautiful human being, sharing the glory of the human empire and the gods.

It's a pity that since several thousand years ago, the Flügel, who invented the magic of reincarnation, have become more and more obsessed with the activities of reincarnated races. Most individuals have specialized in reincarnating various short-lived races, and the remaining few individuals have also He settled on the fantasy species Abantheim and moved to the fantasy world opened by the only god, rarely appearing in front of others.

Therefore, even Phil and Nirvalen, the high-ranking children of the elf species, have always been unable to find any trace of the Flügel. They are unable to see the miraculous magic of reincarnation, and they can only meet with regret in the end.

Well, I've gone too far.. Not only Firnilvalen, but also the elves, goblins, fairies, beastmen, and moonsongs, which are all subservient to humans. There are a lot of pro-human elements and human worshippers. Many of them, like her, come to the place where the guardian god of humans ascends to worship and make a pilgrimage on this important day. As for why only these races have submitted to humans, such as the lower races of the same "living things" as the vampires, the sea dwellers, and the Ex-Machinas, and even the upper races such as the dragon elves and the giants, only the Ex-Machinas, because of the relationship with Jupiter, the god of technology and development in the human pantheon, all members of this race have been incorporated into the human empire. Moreover, they did not submit as vassal slaves like those defeated races, but integrated into humans in a relatively equal manner, shouldering half of the development of human mechanical technology, and now they are almost indistinguishable from humans.

In fact, among the tens of millions of pilgrims that are now swarming into Elkia, many of them look like humans, but in fact, they are Mechas that have perfectly transformed into humans under the disguise of morphic skin, which shows the degree of integration between the two races at this time.

However, if you observe carefully, a natural magic race like Phil Nirvalen can still roughly distinguish which of the crowd are genuine humans and which are Mechas that have transformed into humans from the subtle differences in the distribution of elves between individuals.

Of course, Phil now has no such thoughts at all. She just passed her 50th birthday and came to this religious holy city of the human empire for the first time. At this time, her heart is full of excitement. However, the number of pilgrims is still too large. After all, this city has been expanded many times, and many wide air-link streets have been built in the sky with force field magic. It is still difficult to accommodate tens of millions of foreign populations. Phil and his attendants walked on the street, and there were people everywhere. The entire pilgrim flow slowly moved forward. It is unknown how long it will take to reach the central temple.

As for using magic like flying or teleportation... This is a pilgrimage! How can such an impious method be used!

Fortunately, no matter how difficult the journey is, it will eventually end. After more than four hours of difficult movement, Firnielvalen finally stepped into the long-awaited temple. The magnificent roofless hall that can accommodate tens of thousands of people, the center of the main hall is vacant. This is because the gods of mankind gave up the central seat to show respect to the great One God, but since the One God never accepts faith and refuses to build a statue, the position can only be vacant. On both sides of the empty seat representing the One God, there are two tall statues of a man and a woman. The male statue is tall and handsome, with a perfect appearance, holding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, which symbolizes his nature of protection and conquest.

Although the female statue is very tall, she is much smaller than the male statue beside her. She is wearing a long robe, with most of her face covered by a hood, revealing only a delicate chin. Her hands, one holding a book and the other holding a gear, show that she ascended to the throne of God based on the concepts of knowledge, technology and progress.

These are the two human gods mentioned earlier, Rikudora, the guardian god of mankind, and Jupiter, the god of technology and development.

It is said that although these two were born from the human race and the Mecha race respectively, they developed a love between the races that was incredible, and even became husband and wife. In the end, they both gathered their faith, ascended to the throne of God, and shared immortality. Phil imagined the beautiful love in the mythological period in his mind, while bowing down devoutly to pay his respects to the two founders and pioneers of the human empire.

One is a young man who is neither male nor female, with a cynical smile and provocation on his face. His clothes and face are decorated with four colors like the four colors on the playing cards.

This is a natural god born from human entertainment and games at the end of the mythological era. He represents the concept of "game" as the god of games.

Although Chi is not an acquired god achieved by human practice, his birth is closely related to the humans at that time. Later, he gave a lot of help at the beginning of the Likuden God. Finally, he joined the human pantheon and became the official god of the human empire.

The other is an elderly scholar with a firm and steady face. He holds an ancient interstellar battleship model and leads a colony fleet to open up colonies on alien planets. His name is Armstrong, and he is the god of starry sky development among humans.

Although the main temple of this god is in the colony he opened up, a statue of him is still built in this central temple for people to worship.

These two main and two deputy gods, a total of four, are all the gods in the human pantheon at this time, and are also the symbol and witness of the rise and prosperity of mankind!

Chapter 603: Fateful Encounter \u0026 Invitation to Leave

After the pilgrimage, Phil Nirvalen followed the flow of people to leave the Central Temple, but because the crowd was too crowded, she was separated from her followers without knowing it.

Fortunately, Phil himself was not a child who needed to be taken care of, and he had magic. After a little distance from the temple, a communication magic could contact the followers.

Of course, it is impossible to reunite quickly. After all, on this day of the god's birthday, flying magic and teleportation magic are banned in the entire city of Elkia, and all actions can only rely on feet. Due to the current congestion on the streets To such an extent, even if you know where the other party is, you won't be able to get there in a short while.

However, for Phil, who has always been closely protected by the attendants around her, it is a rare experience to be able to act alone like this. Therefore, she does not care about how many or anxious her attendants are behind her, and just looks for her own business. We walked down a street with relatively few people and wandered away.

She hasn’t had a good tour of the city yet!

Just when she was looking around and walking aimlessly, she suddenly


There was a moderate impact on the heavy main armor plate on the chest, and along with a cry of pain that sounded a little childish, Feiyou, who was turning her head to admire the cityscape of Elkia, finally came to her senses. She seemed to have been hit just now. What?

Looking over his shoulder, Phil saw that on the ground in front of him, a human girl who looked about fifteen or sixteen years old was sitting down. It was obvious that she had been knocked down.

"Ah~ I'm sorry, I was distracted just now... Didn't I hurt you?" The well-educated Phil Nirbalian immediately bent down and reached out to help the other person up.

"It's okay. My body is not that fragile... The chest armor plate is becoming more and more prominent under the clothes. I suddenly remembered that I seemed to have been knocked down by these two areas of fat before.

She looked down at the plain of despair on her chest, and then looked up again at the two towering lumps in front of her. Her face suddenly became gloomy.

. ....The big-breasted cow monster appears!

The girl struggled hard, retracted her hand that was held, staggered back two steps, and then pointed a finger at Phil's chest. She shouted with envy and jealousy.

....Eh?" Phil tilted his head, completely confused, and looked down in the direction of the other person's finger. It took a few seconds for her to realize what the human girl meant.

Suddenly, even the elf girl who usually didn't pay much attention to the surrounding eyes couldn't help puffing up her cheeks, and retorted with an unhappy look: "What! This statement is too rude! With my figure, no matter whether I am an elf or not, In the human empire, it is the standard perfect figure!" As she said that, she also deliberately stretched her body to show off the perfect curves of elf women that are naturally curved forward and backward.

"It's a little girl... Tsk!"

"Gu~ Who, who said that! You are obviously a pervert with a dirty body! We humans don't have such exaggerated fat!"

As if to protect his dignity as a "human being", Kurami retorted without showing any signs of weakness, and even said a name like "sex spirit" that he didn't know where he heard it from.

At this time, even Phil, who had a good temper, couldn't help but feel a little angry. .....Pervert?! What kind of name is that for being dishonest?"

...This is the traditional costume of our elves, are you being racist?"

"I didn't say that, I was just criticizing some people's immoral clothing!"

Two girls who were actually underage in their respective races started quarreling with each other in the street, and the quarrel became more and more childish and ridiculous. For a while, it even attracted the attention of surrounding passers-by, and many people couldn't help but let go. He slowed his pace and watched the quarrel between the two beautiful girls with a smile. In a cafe not far away, two young men and women were sitting on seats facing the street, watching the interesting scene happening across the street with great interest.

"Huh? The great One God, is he also interested in this kind of childish quarrel among mortals?" After watching for a while, the beautiful woman with rainbow-colored hair turned her head and asked with a smile. She also looked at the man seriously, but if the name she called him was heard by others, it would definitely cause a huge commotion.

To be precise, this young man who looks like an ordinary person is actually the only god who separated the gods and the mortal world, bestowed divine enlightenment on mankind, and even directly ended the endless war and shaped the world?

Damn, although I separate gods and mortals in a physical sense, I do not think that gods and mortals are completely separated. On the contrary, as a high-altitude god, he should bend down and pay attention to these mortals who support the gods... So, Fang Yuan, disguised as an ordinary human, picked up the coffee cup and took a sip of local origin. of fragrant coffee, and continued to look at the two girls who were still arguing on the street and said:

"Besides, what I just looked at was not just the two little girls, but also the interesting fate.

He turned his head and looked to his side. In his eyes that could see through everything, hidden in the body of a human woman was a beautiful "angel" with a halo on her head and wings on her waist.

This was Jibril, who was reincarnated as a human. She somehow recovered her consciousness and memory as a Flügel, and sat in the same cafe with Fang Yuan, the only god.

In fact, it would be better to say that it was precisely because of the arrival of Fang Yuan, the only god, that Jibril's consciousness was awakened in advance, allowing her to awaken to the true meaning of front seat and true love before her life in this life came to an end. I. "destiny

Jibril heard Fang Yuan's statement and looked thoughtfully at the two girls across the street:

"Is there anything special about those two girls?"

However, even though she is proficient in countless magics and has accumulated countless knowledge in her reincarnations. The essence of life has also jumped to the level of almost gods. Jibril still cannot see from those two ordinary-looking girls. any exception occurs.

'Is it possible that these two little guys who look a little silly will become big people who can affect the world situation in the future?' Fang Yuan saw Jibril's deep thinking look and knew that she had got into trouble without relying on mind reading. . So he smiled and shook his head and said:

"Don't think too much. The fate I'm talking about is not the same thing as the fate you think about. And it only means something to me. You can't understand it no matter how much you think about it!

Hearing this, even though Jixiril was still unwilling, she had to give up for the time being - since Fang Yuan, the only god, said this, it meant that it was indeed useless for her to think about it, so there was no need to waste that energy anymore. .

Shaking her head, Jibril turned her attention back to Fang Yuan:

"So, you came to me specifically this time to awaken my consciousness. Is there anything important that I need to do?" Regarding the Flügel girl's question, Fang Yuan was silent for a while, and then gave her a question. Very shocking answer:

"It's not that I want you to do anything. It's that I'm leaving this world. I came here to ask you, do you want to leave with me?"

Chapter 604 Return \u0026 Changes in the Star Cup and the Gate of Truth

In the main world, Space City Base, a door to time and space opened, and two figures walked out of it.

"Wow! This is a different world? There are no elves, and the structure of time and space is different... It's really not the same universe anymore!" One of the girls, with a halo on her head and wings growing from her waist, looks like an angel, with a curious look on her face. He looked around at the surrounding environment, muttering about the differences between different worlds.

-This is Jibril who followed Fang Yuanqi back to the main world.

That's right, Jixiril said nothing and immediately agreed to Fang Yuan's sudden invitation.

In fact, she had thought before, did Fang Yuan, a foreign god, not want to leave after he obtained the only godship in this world? This made Ji Puer, who had always had a strong interest in other worlds, very frustrated. Until now, when Fang Yuan said he wanted to leave and invited himself, Jibril didn't even hesitate for a moment. She just packed up all her collections and followed Fang Yuan to this real "different world". , as a Flügel that is essentially a magic, coming to this environment without elves is like a fish out of water. Even if the remaining elves in her body can allow her to continue to live for a while, but Once the elves are gone, they will inevitably die of exhaustion. For this reason, Fang Yuan specially took action to transform Jibril's physique, replacing the elves that constituted her life with pure soul energy - a physique similar to the materialization of the soul.

In fact, even if Fang Yuan did not take action, Jibril might not be unable to find a solution on her own with the strength and knowledge she had accumulated in countless reincarnations, but it would just take some time.

Of course, after such a transformation, Jibril was able to survive in a world without elves, but she lost a considerable part of the magical power that relied on elves, such as Sky Strike.

To recover, she still needs to find a way to replace the elves with other energy sources, and convert the original various magics into modes that can be used in an environment without elves.

If Fang Yuan didn't help, it would take a long time, but that's a story for another day.

Now, Jibril, who had just arrived in the main world, was full of curiosity about everything she looked at. She looked here and there and couldn't spare half a second.

"Master, you just disappeared for 0.0017 seconds. Did something happen to you?"

The greetings from the ether came in the air. From its words, we can know that from Fang Yuan being summoned by the power of the Lord God to returning to another world after more than 6,000 years, only a mere moment passed in the main world!

However, Fang Yuan did not react much to this. After all, this was not the first time he had experienced this kind of thing, not to mention that the time point when he returned from time travel was determined by him personally, and it would not cause any surprise to him. mood.

"Hmm. It's nothing. I was summoned by some kind of power before. And this guy is Jibril, the follower I brought back. You can set a secondary authority for her, and help her get familiar with the general situation of the main world. !" Fang Yuan pointed at the Flügel on the other side who was looking for the source of the ethereal sound, and ordered.

Ether 1: "As you command! ...Hello, Miss Jibril, I am the master's special artificial intelligence Ether], I am very happy to serve you!"

"Eh? Is it the same mechanical intelligence as the Ex-Machina in that world? Or is it a second-level virtual soul? I didn't expect to see something similar in another world!"

Jibril looked at the light screen that suddenly popped up in front of her eyes, with a look of great interest on her face.

Seeing Jibril on the other side being guided by the ether to become familiar with this space city, Fang Yuan did not continue to care about them, but calmed down and felt the "thing" in his body that was eager for nothingness.

You can also feel the blessing of the Star Cup in the main world, but the amplitude is much weakened. It is not as omnipotent as in the world of "Game Life"... The manipulation of the concept of the main world has also been greatly hindered. At most It can only be equivalent to the level of the top mortal spellcasters... Although this is still an incredible power, it is still far behind compared to the original level that can instantly change the rules of the universe!

Yes, Fang Yuan, who returned to the main world, surprisingly brought the Star Cup back! Or to be more precise, it was the Star Cup that brought Fang Yuan back!

Just like Tetu, who became the only god in the original work, can also use the power of the Star Cup to travel around the three thousand worlds, Fang Yuan, who has replaced Tetu and become the only god, can naturally do the same thing.

Although the Star Cup is the supreme authority of that universe, its power is not limited to the interior of the universe. It can still retain part of its power in other worlds, and the most important one is the ability to travel across worlds!

Of course, for Fang Yuan who has the Gate of Truth, this ability of the Star Cup is not necessary, and the gap in actual use is also very huge - it is like traveling across the ocean, one is flying or even flying. The rocket passed by in a "quick" while the other drove a small sampan and slowly paddled to the other side of the Pacific by hand... You can imagine how big the gap is!

However, for Fang Yuan, besides wanting to try out this alternative way of traveling through the world by bringing the Star Cup back to the main world, he also had other plans.

-This has to do with his state at this time. In the thousands of years in the world of "Game Life", Fang Yuan relied on the rise, growth, and peak of the human species, and his body and mind resonated with hundreds of millions of human beings. Step by step, he explored the spiritual barriers step by step, and finally succeeded in proving that the heart was broken. He is only half a step away from becoming a true god! And as long as he is willing, he can take this half step at any time. As long as he unlocks the seal of the divine side and integrates his own divinity and humanity, he will naturally become a truly complete true god. . But he stopped before half a step! I don’t know why. When Fang Yuan was in the world of "Game Life" and wanted to unlock the seal and completely prove the true god who broke all four levels, the message came from the Gate of Truth. Some warning stopped him. But at the same time, the star cup connected to his body and mind was faintly shaking and urging, as if it had an independent will. He was very much looking forward to Fang Yuan taking that half step immediately, and proving that Fang Yuan was somewhat clear about the position of the true god. Enlightenment, what is urging him is actually not the Star Cup, but the universe itself - it seems that this universe is welcoming Fang Yuan, the outsider, and completing this crucial sublimation within it.

On one side was the obstruction and warning from the Gate of Truth, and on the other side was the urging and expectation of the universe where he had the highest authority. Fang Yuan hesitated for a long time, and finally made the decision to first bring the Star Cup back to the main world, and then See how it goes!

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