He had spent a whole day wandering around the British Museum, but he did not find a second exhibit that could cause the Gate of Truth to move.

So, he is here, he must get this meteorite sword! Fang Yuan had already asked [Ether] to hack all the monitors in the museum and turn off all alarms, so he successfully stole the meteorite sword that caused the Gate of Truth to move.

By the way, Fang Yuan also used the sand and iron found in the soil on the roadside to re-forge an identical sword and put it back in its place. He then repaired the broken glass display cabinet and left without anyone noticing. .

No one could notice that an exhibit in the world's largest museum had been swapped.

...')108'\u003eChapter 107 Forced time travel without reason

"What's so special about this sword?" Sitting on the sofa in the hotel room, Fang Yuan looked at the sword in his hand over and over again, and then tried his mental induction, but still didn't find anything that could be called "abnormal." "The place.

Well, no wonder Fang Yuan was able to stay in a British hotel while using a fake identity. With [Ether] in hand, he can do anything! Ahem! Back to the topic.

Fang Yuan tried a variety of methods, but still couldn't find anything wrong, so he finally found the source of the incident - let the Door of Truth come directly! Fang Yuan once again mobilized his mental power to immerse himself in the meteorite sword, but this time he also mobilized the power of the dragon vein. Sure enough, the Gate of Truth responded again.

The originally blue lightning turned red in an instant. Before Fang Yuan could react, the iron sword in his hand had turned into a handful of ashes, and a lot of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

After a slight dizziness, Fang Yuan finally understood the message conveyed to him by the Gate of Truth.

This sword comes from another world! No, to be precise, the meteorite that makes up this sword comes from another world! Therefore, when the Meteor Iron Sword was swallowed by the Gate of Truth, Fang Yuan obtained a coordinate—a coordinate leading to a different world! "... World coordinates... Do I still need coordinates to enter other worlds through the Gate of Truth? Shouldn't Boss Bubble be able to connect to countless worlds at will?" Fang Yuan felt quite inexplicable about the development of the matter. It’s just the coordinates of the world. Why does it cause the Gate of Truth to react? When he traveled to the world of Resident Evil, didn’t he have no coordinates? What exactly is going on? Is there a world that is not under the control of the boss... After thinking about it for a long time, Fang Yuan finally decided not to waste any more brain cells.

After all, the level of this kind of matter is really too high, and it is far beyond what Fang Yuan can handle now. Let the big boss deal with it by himself... Thinking of this, Fang Yuan just lay down on the big bed in the hotel room. Cover your head and fall asleep.

... However, when he woke up, Fang Yuan found that something was wrong! He seemed to have traveled through time again... Yes, when Fang Yuan opened his eyes, what he saw was not the ceiling covered with golden decorative patterns in the hotel room, but the shadowless lamp on the operating table! Was he kidnapped at night and had his kidneys removed? How can it be! ​Is [Ether]’s fully automatic alert fake? Thinking about the first time traveling to Steel, it seems like it was also a time traveling in a dream... Damn it! Is this time travel still mandatory? And, what about tolls? Did he just take the Philosopher's Stone he had in hand to pay for it? No, the key now is, where is he? Why on the operating table? What were those guys in scrubs going to do to him? After waking up, Fang Yuan struggled subconsciously, but when he moved, he realized that something seemed wrong with his body - where was his hand? Where are his feet? ? grass! Became a human being? ! ! "Doctor, he's awake!" Just when Fang Yuan started to move, the female assistant next to him noticed something strange about him.

"What's going on? Increase the dose of anesthetic! Hurry! We're still undergoing surgery now!" The male surgeon acted decisively and gave Fang Yuan an injection of increased dose of anesthetic. Fang Yuan's eyes widened. He immediately passed out, while the doctors continued their operations.

However, they didn't know that at this moment, someone was still conscious, watching them perform stitches on the mutilated body until the operation was over and he was pushed into a huge ward full of wounded people. .

"Is this... a war?" Fang Yuan was able to figure out the surrounding situation at this time by luckily carving out the soul fixation formation in the previous waking moment, allowing the soul to stay awake independently of the comatose body.

It seems that this should be a field hospital, because the entire "ward" seems to be converted from a warehouse.

Most of the wounded that Fang Yuan saw in front of his "eyes" were wearing military-style clothing, and judging from their injuries, they basically had either broken arms or legs, or extensive burns or penetrating injuries.

Did he travel to a world where a large-scale war took place? Is it World War I or World War II? Unlike, the medical equipment in this hospital is quite advanced, not at the level of World War I and World War II, or even the level of the Vietnam War.

From what he could observe when he first came here, it must be at least the level of the early 21st century on Earth.

Is it a modern war? War in Afghanistan? the Gulf War? The Iraq War? Or is it a war in some other fictional world? Fang Yuan was guessing while observing the wounded around him, and found that the race of people here was unexpectedly complete... There were all yellow, white, and black people, and even brown people from Southeast Asia, and they were of different races. There is not much difference in the proportion between species - this is not like a war launched by one country alone, but more like multiple countries united to launch a war against another party.

Is it the United Nations Army? Then what is his identity in this world? When Fang Yuan thought of this, he immediately turned his mental perspective back to himself.

Fortunately, soldiers in this world also have dog tags.

Fang Yuan looked at the dog tag that belonged to "him". It read in Chinese: [Name: Fang Yuan Gender: Male Blood type: Type AB Drug allergy history: None Place of origin: China...] Well, there is China in this world too. , and he is also a Chinese in this world, which is good news.

But the blood type has changed. He has type B blood in the main world... No, the key to the problem now is not this! Fang Yuan used his mental power to check the wounded soldiers in the surrounding circle, and saw that the nationalities marked on the dog tags they carried were all kinds of, including the United States, Japan, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, and Germany... It’s really the United Nations Army! Then who are they fighting against? Which country is so awesome that the whole world is under siege? "Am I still alive..." At this time, an English sentence came from Fang Yuan's side.

He looked over with his mental perspective and found that it was a wounded American soldier who had woken up from anesthesia. This man's injuries were better than Fang Yuan's in this world. He only had two broken legs but still had his hands.

"My legs..." After he woke up, he was also very strong and did not cry bitterly because of his physical disability. There were many such people in this large ward. Many people could not accept that they would be disabled for the rest of their lives. Living as a person.

"Damn it, those damn Martians!" Instead, he hammered the steel bed board with great anger, gnashing his teeth... Bridge beans sack! ! ! Fang Yuan suddenly reacted - what happened to the Martians? ! ! Were they fighting aliens before? ! ! If Fang Yuan could make an expression at this time, it would be like this: ⊙_⊙ PS: The third update will be posted a little later') 109'\u003eChapter 108: Lao Xu will not die a good death!

Fang Yuan fell into a mess because of the American soldier's words "Martian".

Has he traveled to the world of "Mars Invasion of Earth"? Could it be that he was chopped into a stick by those little green men with glass covers who could be killed by high-power speakers? This is too frustrating... Fortunately, the free guide next to him answered his doubts.

"What is the Visser Empire? It's almost the 21st century and they are still playing the game of monarchy and aristocracy! CNM's sons of bitches..." The American soldier who just woke up and found that he had become a halfling began his American style National curse, because the speed of speaking was too fast and there were too many slang words, Fang Yuan didn't understand what he was cursing at all.

But he heard the first sentence clearly - Weiser Empire... This name seems familiar. Have you heard it somewhere? However, it doesn’t matter if Fang Yuan can’t remember it himself, he still has a plug-in.

[Aether, search the term "Weise Empire" in my memory, and the related word "Martian"...] That's right, [Aether], which is almost integrated with Fang Yuan, also traveled with him.

It seems that the Gate of Truth is not too bad at what it does. Although it kicked him to another world without saying a word, at least it did not let his naked soul pass through. [Ether] is his most important thing at the moment. The assistant, auxiliary tool, spell-casting material, and spare resurrection coin still drifted into this world with him.

Today's [Ether] is no longer an entity that exists in the form of a materialized Philosopher's Stone, but has been transformed into an invisible and qualityless spiritual substance, which is wrapped around Fang Yuan's soul like a protective shield. Still protecting his relatively fragile soul.

Therefore, the communication connection between Fang Yuan and [Ether] has become closer and closer. Fang Yuan can freely mobilize and search the data stored in [Ether], and can also borrow the computing resources of [Ether] to strengthen his thinking ability, and [Ether] can also search Fang Yuan's own memory with his authorization, helping him dig out forgotten memories.

[The search was completed and the related animation work "ALDNOAH.ZERO" was found. There are two major forces in the work, the United Earth Army and the Wesel Empire established by immigrants from Mars...] With [Ether]'s explanation, Fang Yuan finally recalled It reminds me of this drama that he followed from beginning to end.

What is this play about? Well, it’s a movie in which two male protagonists and a male supporting role fight for a Martian princess. As a result, one loses an eye and the other is imprisoned and becomes a prisoner. In the end, both of them are killed by a man who only appeared in the last few episodes. The story of the appearance of the yellow hair of Mars turned green... Ahem! Well, although this is somewhat inconsistent with the witty fighting style of the entire show, this is indeed Fang Yuan's only feeling after watching the plot of the two seasons.

God damn, the male lead and male supporting cast are all being cheated on! At the beginning, Fang Yuan felt a sense of novelty when he saw the male protagonist with a paralyzed face using a training machine to kill everyone in an IQ-crushing manner.

After all, at a time when cute male protagonists are becoming more and more popular, this kind of male protagonist who really uses his brains to fight to attract girls is really eye-catching.

And at the end of the first season and the beginning of the second season, the male protagonist lost one eye and replaced it with an electronic eye with its own supercomputer. It was also very cool.

Even though the political struggle in the Martian Empire on the side of the male supporting actor seems very childish, ridiculous, and too flawed, for the sake of those cool super-tech mechas, I just let it go.

However, who would have thought that after the two protagonists competed for two seasons, the princess would end up running away with a yellow guy? ! ! This kind of forced feeding of shit is absolutely intolerable! Fang Yuan wanted to send the blade to the screenwriter at that time, but when he saw it - okay, it's Lao Xu's work... Forget it, I'm used to it, let's just let it go... Ahem! Okay, let’s start over, and here’s the introduction to Serious Style: The general plot of this drama is that during the Cold War, the American moon landing team discovered an ancient civilization heritage “hyperspace” on the moon that connected the Earth and Mars. "Gate", and then the Earth sent a Dr. Lelegaria to Mars to lead a survey team to Mars to investigate, and finally discovered the ancient Martian civilization technology called "Aldnoah".

Since then, the era of Mars colonization has arrived, and human beings have officially stepped out of the cradle of the earth and ushered in the age of the universe.

But just like the consistent development in all such works, with the process of colonization of Mars and the assertion of technological monopoly, the friction between the Martian pioneers and the earth became more and more extensive. In the end, Dr. Lelegalia, who discovered the Aldnoah technology, was on Mars. He established the "Visser Empire" and proclaimed himself emperor, and instituted some kind of knightly aristocratic system, which turned the clock back on history.

Later, the newly born Martian Empire probably expanded after seeing that its own technology was powerful, and directly declared war on the Earth. However, during the invasion, the hyperspace gate went out of control and triggered the disaster "Hea_ven's fall" that destroyed the moon. The second Emperor of Mars is dead.

The following year, Mars and Earth ceased war.

Then when the plot officially begins, Earth and Mars, which have been in truce for more than ten years, are engaged in peace negotiations. The male protagonist Kaitsuka Inaho is just an ordinary Japanese high school student - well, the kind of high school student who can operate a mecha. .

At the same time, the princess of the Visser Empire, Iseilam Visser Eliosya (damn, that’s such a long name!) visited the Earth as a goodwill ambassador, accompanied by her male partner who has always had a crush on her. Slaine Troyette.

However, her parade convoy was subsequently attacked by missiles from spies of the Visser Empire in Shin-Awara City, Japan. The Martian Knights on the front lines regarded this as a declaration of war on the Earth, and one after another landed Yanglu City stationed in the orbit of the Earth's satellite. Launching attacks on countries around the world, the war between Earth and Mars breaks out again.

And then, as mentioned before, the male protagonist relies on his IQ to use mass-produced machines, no, training machines, to fight against the Martian super-tech mechas and kill everyone. The male supporting character starts from the identity of a slave and counterattacks all the way. Eventually he became the Earl of the Mars Empire and with his charisma, he gathered a group of close friends and dead men in an attempt to usurp the throne and reach the top of his life - and then both of them were cheated... Sure enough, I still really want to send a blade to Lao Xu... … No, let’s sacrifice him directly! It just so happens that his Philosopher's Stone has not been replenished for a long time... Ahem! Putting aside these resentments from watching the show, for Fang Yuan, the most important thing is that he seems to have traveled to such a world full of flaws.

Moreover, looking out of the window, the moon is still hanging in the sky. In other words... it seems that it is still during the first Earth-Fire War? ')110'\u003eChapter 109 Recovery \u0026 Identity

The moon has not exploded yet, which means that it is at least 15 years before the plot begins. In other words, the male and female protagonists and supporting characters in the plot who are about the age of high school students have only been born for a year or two now, and they are still little kids.

However, Fang Yuan didn't particularly care about these plot matters.

For him, the most important thing now is to get rid of this useless state! After Fang Yuan examined his body, he discovered that he in this world was not just someone with broken arms and legs.

Seven ribs were broken, the spine was fractured, most of the liver was removed, one kidney was missing, the gallbladder was removed, a section of the intestine was missing, the lungs were also damaged, plus the amputated limbs... This start is comparable to that of the previous world. It’s even more miserable to be a severely homeless person! Moreover, Fang Yuan could not help but admire the field doctors of this world as he was still able to be saved even after being injured like this.

To be honest, Fang Yuan didn't want to stay in this kind of body that was worse than a useless person anymore.

But it is very helpless. He is now placed in a huge ward full of sick and wounded patients. There are people moving around him all the time. It is impossible for him to perform the miracle of rebirth of a severed limb so blatantly.

Although he is confident that his alchemical power should be able to ensure his safety in this world, and even if he is given time to develop, it shouldn't be a big problem to defeat the Earth Federation and even the Martians.

However, this is all based on the conclusion that this world is indeed just the world described in the anime.

After all, he still remembered how he had crossed over.

The true identity of the Gate of Truth was almost certainly the super boss who claimed to be the One of All Things. Such a powerful being who was almost omniscient and omnipotent in the multiverse would definitely not throw Fang Yuan into this world just to let him take a risk-free tour of another world.

The meteorite from another world that appeared in ancient times and was cast into a sword; the coordinates of another world that caused the Gate of Truth to move; the inexplicable and unpredictable forced crossing... Fang Yuan was almost certain that there must be something special in this world. Perhaps the Gate of Truth wanted to use his hands to accomplish something in this world, or perhaps it was the deal between him and the Gate of Truth that he still couldn't remember... In short, this world would definitely not be simple.

Therefore, Fang Yuan couldn't act rashly! As a result, Fang Yuan had to endure the pain of his incomplete body and was manipulated and cared for like a useless person until his injuries stabilized a little, and then he was sent back to the ordinary hospital in the safe area behind.

The opportunity finally came! ……  "Mr. Fang, are you sure you want to be discharged now?"  The doctor looked at the severely disabled person who had lost both hands and feet and could only sit in a wheelchair and let others push him around, and asked with some worry.

"Yes, I'm sure! I don't want to stay in the ward anymore!"  "Okay, since you insist..."  Since the patient took the initiative, the hospital would not deliberately hold him back.

After all, it is wartime now, and the number of wounded and sick people sent back from the front line is increasing day by day. If someone can leave the hospital on their own to vacate the bed, the hospital itself is very welcome.

But...  The doctor looked at the soldier who was disabled in the war, and couldn't help sighing in his heart-this Mr. Fang's life in the future must be very difficult...  ...  "Okay, just leave me here, you go back first."

"But, Mr. Fang, are you alone... okay?"  "It's okay, I like to be alone, and there will be professional nurses coming later."

"Okay, then please be careful when you are alone..."  After sending away the temporary nurse, Fang Yuan slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, the professional nursing staff was a lie. What Fang Yuan needed was a solitary environment where no one would notice him - just like now.

He could finally recover his healthy body!   Accompanied by the crackling sound of lightning and sparks, Fang Yuan's broken limbs began to regenerate and recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a dozen seconds, not only his lost limbs, but also the broken organs in his body were restored.

When he tore off the broken gauze hanging on his hands and feet and stood up from the wheelchair, the long-lost sense of freedom surged in his heart - having a healthy body is indeed the greatest happiness for a person!   The period of losing his limbs can be said to be the most frustrating period of Fang Yuan's life.

Every day, he could only let his body be manipulated by others, and even had to ask others to help him pee and poop. This sense of humiliation can be said to be unprecedented.

And more importantly, Fang Yuan couldn't get angry! After all, the nurses who do these things actually sacrifice more. After all, helping others deal with excrement is not something that anyone can do... Fortunately, such days are finally over! Fang Yuan was moving his body, which had just recovered its health, while flipping through the pages in his residence.

Just like the time when he traveled to the world of Resident Evil, Fang Yuan also had no memory of himself in this world.

Although he had read his own files in this world through [Ether] when he was in the hospital, a person's life could not be written in the files. If you want to know a person's true life, it is useless to just read the files.

So he first tried to find his diary in this world.

As a result... it seems that Fang Yuan in this world does not have the habit of keeping a diary.

Then he found a family photo at the bottom of a drawer. It was a photo of two middle-aged couples and a young man - the young man was himself.

Fang Yuan looked at the figure in the photo that was seven points similar to his parents in another world, and couldn't help but feel a little distracted.

After being stunned for several minutes, Fang Yuan came to his senses and stroked the figure in the photo. He sighed and put the photo that was locked at the bottom of the drawer back.

Then he searched in various rooms again. Except for a large box of long-sealed restricted-level "textbooks" under the bed, he did not find anything useful.

Well, at least he knew that he in this world was actually a lolita fan. It was indeed an evil way! He deserved to be cut into a human stick... Ahem! The party dispute between the giant cat party and the lolita party was put aside first.

Fang Yuan looked back at the room that he had searched a little messy. He had to admit that he did not leave too many personal traces in this world.

')111'\u003eChapter 110 Hyperspace Gate

In other words, the only thing Fang Yuan knew about himself in this world was the personal file that he asked [Ether] to find from the military personnel archives.

"I am also a lonely person in this world..." When Fang Yuan saw the photo pressed at the bottom of the drawer, he sighed for a reason.

Fang Yuan in this world is very similar to him in the main world. He is also the only son in the family and has also lost his parents.

However, Fang's father and mother in this world did not die in a car accident like Fang Yuan's parents in the main world, but died in a conspiracy.

From the secret files found in [Ether], it was discovered that the father and mother of this world are not ordinary people - they are actually scientists who are famous all over the world! Moreover, their research scope is still in military energy. According to the survey results of [Ether], their research even involves heavyweight projects such as controllable nuclear fusion, and they are also the leaders among them. It can be said that it is very precious scientific research. Talented.

If they are allowed to overcome the difficulty of controllable nuclear fusion, the Martians' technological generation advantage gained by Aldnoah will be greatly extended, and the balance of power between the Earth and the Martian Empire will be completely overturned.

Therefore, in the eyes of Martians, such high-end scientific research talents are naturally a thorn in their flesh that they can quickly eliminate.

Therefore, not surprisingly, not long after the war began, Fang's father and mother died in an assassination planned by a Martian spy. After that, Fang Yuan in this world volunteered to enlist in the army and participated in the war against the Martians. .

It seems like he wants to avenge his parents! In the end, he was reduced to the point of becoming a useless person, and in the end he was even soul-pierced by his other self... Fang Yuan sighed at his rather tragic fate in this world, and at the same time made a decision in his heart: Even if To help another person fulfill his last wish, set a small goal first - bring down the Martian Empire that is reversing the course of history! ……After setting the goal, Fang Yuan naturally started his action.

But as a severely disabled person, it is impossible for Fang Yuan to appear in this world again.

Therefore, Fang Yuan disappeared quietly.

In this cruel era when the whole world is a battlefield and people die every day, the disappearance of a disabled soldier who has lost both hands and feet is not a big deal. Even the military only sent a commissioner to investigate for a month and a half, but found nothing. Just go back after anything.

In fact, if it weren't for the sensitive status of Fang Yuan's parents, even this commissioner would not have been sent - the war situation on all fronts around the world is now very tight, and the military has no extra energy to care about the life and death of an ordinary disabled soldier. .

As for Fang Yuan's relatives and friends... his parents have died, and he has no very close relatives. Fang Yuan himself in this world has never been in love or married. His only friends are still his comrades in the army, but they have already been together again and again. Almost all of them were sacrificed in the battle - especially this time when Fang Yuan was disabled. Almost the entire company was wiped out. Except for a few documents in the military personnel files, few people really remember this person. .

And Fang Yuan, who disappeared from everyone's sight, what was he doing? "[Ether], how much material reserve is left?" Looking at the destination that seemed to be close at hand but actually didn't know how far away it was, Fang Yuan asked with some worry.

"There is still 13% left, enough to reach the lunar surface."

[Ether] gave an answer that made Fang Yuan a little uneasy.

13%... This amount is just enough for him to land safely... Yes, Fang Yuan is in outer space now. To be more precise, he is on his way to the moon. In more than ten minutes, he will truly reach the moon. Arrived on the lunar surface.

In order to carry out this outer space flight, Fang Yuan also specially improved the propulsion system of the armor and installed a hybrid system that combined a magnetic repulsion system and a plasma propulsion engine.

Both of these are technologies that Fang Yuan sorted out from the vast knowledge he brought from the Gate of Truth. The former is mainly used for missions within the atmosphere and low-Earth orbit. However, due to the strength of the earth's magnetic field, the In the outer space of the universe, the magnetic field strength can no longer provide sufficient power, so it is necessary to switch to the plasma propulsion engine that can only function in outer space.

Therefore, during the flight, Fang Yuan needs to carry a sufficient amount of material as propellant. The amount he currently carries is just enough for him to fly to the moon.

As for why he came to the moon? Do you still need to ask? This world has an interstellar portal like a hyperspace gate, which is a complete piece of alien black technology. If we don’t come over and study it now before it explodes out of control, do we still have to wait until the moon is blown to pieces? …… Turning on full-band radar stealth and optical stealth, Fang Yuan successfully evaded the layers of vigilance from the Earth Army and the Mars Army, and flew from the Earth orbit to the moon unimpeded.

"Hasn't it been discovered... It seems that the Martian radar also uses electromagnetic waves. I thought they had already introduced black technology such as gravitational wave radar..." Fang Yuan saw that he was going so smoothly. After arriving on the moon, I couldn't help but complain about the Martians' radar level.

After all, it's not surprising that Earthlings' technology can't detect him. His full-band invisibility was originally aimed at the radar band of Earth's conventional technology.

But the Martians couldn't find him, which proves that these upstarts who claim to have obtained "divine power" and are superior to others have not truly fully digested and absorbed all the essence of alien technology, and many technologies are still the same earth technologies.

But this is normal. After all, the Martians are actually Earthlings. The technology they use to develop Mars and build colonies is also Earth technology. Even if they get some benefits from the super-ancient civilization, it is impossible to directly upgrade to the technological level of the alien super-ancient civilization all at once.

Fortunately, the opponent's shortcoming is Fang Yuan's luck, so he will not be found by the Martian Knights as soon as he flies into space.

He is not afraid of those Martian Knights. After all, no matter how black those black technologies are, they are definitely not as black as Fang Yuan's alchemy. Fang Yuan has never been afraid of anyone more than cheating.

But if he really fights with the Martians, Fang Yuan's plan to study the hyperspace gate will definitely fail.

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