"Can you even use this kind of ability..." Fang Yuan's heart sank, but the movements of his hands did not stop. The moment the two people appeared, another space slash flew away, and the sword blade struck Go straight to their vital points.

Then in the next moment, the same scene appeared again. The zero-time quantum teleportation was like the flash skill in the game, allowing the old emperor to have unparalleled mobility. Even Fang Yuan's nearly light-speed space slash could never be truly realized. hurt the other person.

However, it is obvious that the old emperor is not a good gentleman who allows the enemy to attack without fighting back. Just when Fang Yuan launched a series of attacks, the old emperor once again mobilized the power of the space maze and strangled Fang Yuan with all his strength! Dimensional absorption barriers, space fault slashes, man-made simulated black holes, material dissociation rays, internal energy absorption force fields... Various black technological weapons that have appeared in the plot but not yet appeared were launched against a single individual at the same time at this moment. Attack, in a blink of an eye, except for the foothold of the old emperor and the princess, the entire space in this semi-independent space was plunged into a space energy storm that was enough to strangle everything.

However, just as Fang Yuan was unable to crack the old emperor's quantum teleportation in his eagerness, the heavy attacks launched by the old emperor's control of the space maze were equally useless against Fang Yuan who could hide in that "subspace" at any time.

In the next moment, Fang Yuan, who seemed to be drowned in endless attacks, instantly appeared behind the old emperor, and at the same time, the space blade in his hand stabbed out at the vital part of his vest.

Swish—— Another visual special effect like stardust and sparks, slipped away by him again! Both sides were unable to do anything to defeat the other for a while, and stopped this meaningless attack in unison.

"It seems that you are indeed no ordinary enemy... I need to be more serious!" The old emperor frowned, looking at this very difficult enemy in front of him, and said these words.

However, Fang Yuan had no intention of answering, and instead asked his AI a seemingly unrelated question: "[Ether], has the language spoken by the old emperor been analyzed at the beginning?" "Confirmed" , does not belong to any human language system, but is indeed some unknown language system with internal logic.

At the same time, it can be confirmed that this statement is directly related to the opening of the highest authority. "

Yes, Fang Yuan thought of this as soon as he returned to the living world - even with the highest authority equivalent to the emperor himself, he could not interfere in the operation of this space maze, so why did the old emperor Can you control the power of the space maze to strangle him? This is undoubtedly problematic.

The key point of the problem is probably the language that the old emperor spoke before that is impossible for humans to speak.

"Can I access the information interface here through this language?" "We are trying."

"Well, it looks like we can't hope for the time being..." Fang Yuan understood that since it was "trying", it meant that even [Ether] found it difficult.

Without being able to seize the maze authority in a short period of time, all he could rely on was his own strength.

‘All of this guy’s attacks and dodges are actually accomplished by manipulating this space maze. His own strength is actually not worth mentioning. So, just isolate him from this maze! ' Having made a plan, Fang Yuan's figure disappeared in an instant, and then appeared directly behind the old emperor in the next moment as if teleporting - with the help of [ether]'s precise positioning of spatial coordinates, Fang Yuan used the "hyperspace bubble shelter" "As a transit springboard, the effect of instantaneous movement is achieved in another way.

I’ve decided, let’s call this move “Flying Thunder God”! PS: This is the second update, the third update is at night')171'\u003eChapter 170: Destroying the flower with a ruthless hand...although it is still a bud

Well, not to mention that Fang Yuan's move of cosp_laying the Yondaime Hokage was very average, but the power of his teleportation move was real.

Even the old emperor who had escaped this kind of teleportation backstab once did not escape Fang Yuan's attack again this time - or in other words, he did not escape completely.

Fang Yuan's attack this time was not an attempt to kill the opponent directly like before, but as mentioned above, he wanted to isolate the old emperor from this space maze.

So, what place is more perfect for isolation than that other dimension? Therefore, when Fang Yuan took action, he did not thrust out the space blade in his hand, but expanded the range of the hyperspace bubble to a few meters around his body, just enough to cover everyone.

At this 0:0001 second, time seemed to have stopped.

The change in space curvature when the hyperspace bubble is generated distorts the path of light at the boundary. The three people wrapped in a huge "bubble" seem distorted from the outside.

Along with the extremely rapid changes in the curvature of space, the spectrum of objects revealed inside the originally transparent space bubble gradually turns red and dark, and eventually turns completely black. The size of the entire bubble also simultaneously decreases and shrinks - this is hyperspace. The external physical manifestation of bubble gradually breaking away from the conventional four-dimensional space and time.

Although the entire process may seem lengthy, it is actually completed almost instantly.

And at the moment when the hyperspace bubble was about to completely disappear, the old emperor's body also shone with the light of quantum teleportation - Then, time returned to normal, and everyone briefly disappeared into the real dimension.

Then the next second, the figures of the three people appeared again.

No, not three people, but... four people?   Yes, Fang Yuan himself, the old emperor and the little princess who were lying on the ground without a sound, have become... another old emperor!   "Tsk! Did he copy himself with the help of quantum teleportation at the last moment!"   Fang Yuan was a little annoyed. Although he really killed the other party once and also eliminated one of his back-up plans, the person he really wanted to kill still escaped!   That's right, at that moment just now, Fang Yuan saw the glow of quantum teleportation on the old emperor. Although he didn't teleport him directly, he successfully copied an individual who was exactly the same as him.

As for the two lying underground, what happened?   It's very simple. After entering the different dimension, the old emperor had lost the induction of the space maze. Fang Yuan didn't hesitate and killed him directly.

Two swords stabbed out, one for the brain and one for the heart, to ensure that the other party was completely dead-although he looked like a non-human, the fatal parts of the old emperor's body were still the same as those of ordinary people, or in other words, the old emperor at this stage was still not much different from ordinary people in terms of body.

Some people may say that killing in this way is still not safe, and the opponent should be completely wiped out from the soul level.

In fact, it is not that Fang Yuan does not want to do this. The killing method he chose at the beginning was actually the Philosopher's Stone Refining.

Unfortunately, it is not known whether it is because the quantum teleportation replicated himself and his soul existed in two bodies at the same time, or because the old emperor himself was not actually a "human" anymore, the Philosopher's Stone Refining did not work on the old emperor.

On the other hand, the alchemy performed by Fang Yuan did work on the little princess.

Although he was reluctant to do something to such a young child, out of caution, Fang Yuan completely extracted her soul - anyway, her body had not been damaged in any way, and she remained active for a short time. If necessary, Fang Yuan could always put her soul back to revive her without any sequelae.

However, after a preliminary examination of her soul, Fang Yuan no longer dared to do so.

Although he and [Ether] are currently unable to conduct a detailed analysis and interpretation of human souls, long-term alchemy research has also enabled him to gain preliminary observation, analysis and interference capabilities of souls.

He found that the little princess's soul had been mixed with another person's soul at some point.

No, judging from the special "aura" emanating from that soul, it was still unclear whether it was a "human" soul!   Well, Fang Yuan didn't know how to describe that feeling.

Say it's information?   But neither he nor [Ether] could read any meaningful information.

Say it's fluctuation?   But there was no energy overflow in any form.

In the end, he could only describe that feeling as an ambiguous "aura".

It was an ominous, inhuman, special aura that revealed a sense of mechanicalness in its agility, which was completely different from all the souls Fang Yuan had seen in the past.

This was the soul of the old emperor, no, the "old emperor"!   Although he had never really extracted that guy's soul for comparison, Fang Yuan was so sure that the ominous, inhuman temperament was exactly the same!   I don't know what the other party did to the little girl's soul for, maybe a means of resurrection after death? Or maybe soul assimilation and proliferation? Fang Yuan didn't know, but this was definitely a back-up plan of the guy in the old emperor's skin! Unfortunately, when Fang Yuan returned to the real dimension, he found that the other party was still alive and the biggest threat was still not eliminated! "Humph! You killed me once and destroyed my most important sacrifice... You really deserve to die!" Fang Yuan was not the only one who was upset. The old emperor himself was also very angry about the death of his granddaughter.

But this was not because of the affection between the grandfather and his blood granddaughter.

Regardless of whether Religalia Weisser Leibather, who was still a normal human being, still had such a thing as affection after being an emperor for many years, but now that he has completely transformed into an inhuman being, he does not have any form of emotion for his granddaughter.

For him now, Eseiram Weisser Eliosya, this young girl, his blood descendant, is just a useful prop.

"Sacrifice...your granddaughter? Who are you going to sacrifice her to?" After hearing the old emperor's words, Fang Yuan didn't feel much anger towards this guy - he had already understood from the beginning that this guy was no longer a human being, so he naturally couldn't expect him to have human affection.

However, the word "sacrifice" from the other party made Fang Yuan's heart suddenly rise.

Having experienced many close encounters with Cthulhu beings, Fang Yuan has become very sensitive to such words and phrases. In addition, this time he traveled to this world because the Gate of Truth took the initiative to throw him here, so he couldn't help but think about it in this way.

The third update is here')172'\u003eChapter 171 One Step Late

"Tsk, it's not here either..." In a semi-enclosed space, Fang Yuan's figure suddenly appeared, and the next moment he appeared, an attack from the space itself immediately attacked - this time it was space collapse, the entire semi-enclosed space was collapsing on its own, and it was determined to destroy everything inside the space.

However, just before the space completely collapsed, Fang Yuan had already left here through space jumping and appeared in another space.

"This guy really knows how to escape!" While dodging the various attacks that followed him, Fang Yuan closely followed the remaining traces of fluctuations in the space, pursuing all the way to the depths of the maze.

Just before, he and the old emperor fought each other for a round, and neither side could do anything about the other. But in the end, Fang Yuan killed the other side once, and also took away the soul of the little princess, defeating one of the old emperor's back-ups. It's a slight advantage.

However, without the burdensome old emperor, the situation became more difficult than before.

Seeing that he had nothing to do with Fang Yuan, an unplanned outsider, and that he was still at a disadvantage, the old emperor turned around and left without hesitation. Relying on his control authority over this space maze, he headed all the way towards the deepest core of the maze. He walked away with the maze, and also gave the command to kill Fang Yuan to the control system of this maze, so that no matter where our protagonist goes, there will be a scene of sparks and lightning.

Of course, what's even more terrible is that after activating the strangulation mode, the transformation rules of the entire space maze have also changed. The results previously calculated by [Ether] have lost their effect. If you want to calculate the transformation transfer of each space as before, According to the rules, Fang Yuan would have to risk his life to shuttle back and forth between various spaces.

However, it is not without good news.

"The permission interface is connected, and the maze permission is being obtained... The maze permission has been obtained, and the killing mode is terminated."

Just when Fang Yuan once again narrowly escaped from a space trap, [Aether] finally sent him good news that made him overjoyed.

At the same time, in the space where he just stood, the space-time stagnation field that was being activated also fell silent again, allowing Fang Yuan to escape another disaster.

"Well done!" Fang Yuan couldn't help but give his AI a heartfelt compliment.

To be honest, he was really tortured by this space maze while chasing (or being chased by?) him.

If it weren't for the almost insurmountable dodge skill of the Hyperspace Bubble Shelter, Fang Yuan estimated that even if he was almost at the peak of his alchemy skills, he would definitely die more than a dozen times under the various death traps in this maze.

Fortunately, all this is in the past.

After several days of calculations, [Ether] successfully analyzed the results from the inhuman language spoken by the old emperor at the beginning, and found the data interface hidden in this maze, allowing Fang Yuan to learn from the old emperor. The authority gained from the emperor really came into use.

"Now, immediately search for the old emperor's location and teleport me directly there!" With the highest authority of the maze, Fang Yuan no longer has to rely on himself to track him from space to space. The power of the maze itself is enough to send him directly. destination.

However... "Sorry, due to the obstruction of the same level of authority, we are unable to accurately locate the location of the individual named Leligalia."

[Ether] is not omnipotent after all. Although it also has the ability to control the space maze with the permission stolen from the old emperor, the opponents it faces are not ordinary humans, but have the same permissions. of non-human beings.

With the help of mutual interference between authorities, [Ether] was unable to accurately locate the old emperor's position, and Fang Yuan's idea of ​​taking him away by surprise could only be aborted.

"...Where is the center of this maze? Can we jump directly to it?" Fang Yuan asked.

His idea is very simple. Since there is no way to jump directly behind the opponent and backstab him, let's start from the opponent's destination! "Searching... Warning, insufficient permissions to obtain relevant information!" [Ether] gave a reply that made Fang Yuan a little stunned.

Insufficient permissions? What he stole from the old emperor was the highest authority of the Aldnoah technology system. Could it be that his authority was fake? Okay, judging from the way he obtained it, this is indeed false.

But from the perspective of the information network system, there is no difference between the permissions he obtained and the permissions obtained by the old emperor. But why is there insufficient permission here? No, that’s not right! The authority obtained by the old emperor is indeed the highest level in the Weise Empire.

However, this does not mean that his authority was as high as in the original alien civilization! After all, think about the process by which the old emperor obtained authority——Although there is no detailed description, according to the existing information, he was also in the process of excavating alien ruins because he was the first person to come into contact with the sleeping The core of Aldnoah was recognized by Aldnoah by accident, and he became the only human being with the authority to activate Aldnoah.

It was long after this, until he decided to rebel and found a country, that he granted activation factors, delegated authority, and canonized nobles.

It can be said that although the whole process of obtaining permissions has a "destined protagonist" flavor, for the super-ancient alien civilization that has not yet been destroyed, such casual permissions can be given to an alien race. How high is it? Thinking about it, it shouldn’t be possible! Fang Yuan even had some malicious speculation in his heart that the so-called "highest authority" obtained by the old emperor might actually be the authority of an ordinary citizen of the alien civilization at the time... Although humans today have little regard for the original authority. We have absolutely no idea what kind of race the alien civilization is and what kind of social structure it has.

Of course, speculation is speculation. The reality is that Fang Yuan found that the permissions he had worked so hard to obtain did not seem to be of much use. Apart from being able to protect himself from maze attacks and being able to accurately position and teleport in the maze... So After talking about it, I felt that this authority was so useful... Ahem! In short, Fang Yuan could not continue to track the whereabouts of the old emperor, but he at least confirmed the location of the core space of the maze.

Although there is no way to teleport directly in, it is still possible to teleport yourself to the periphery of the core space.

However, just when he arrived at his destination and was about to find a way to enter the tightly sealed space, something happened! Light! Infinite light! The dazzling light that was enough to burn the human eye swept across Fang Yuan in an instant, swept across the entire maze space, swept across the entire No. 3 ruins, and finally turned into a beam of light that reached the sky and penetrated into the infinite distance.

After a long time after the light swept across, Fang Yuan opened his eyes again and found that he was now standing in a strange space that could not be described in words, and the figure standing in the space.

"Damn it, you're late!" First update, later updates will be later')173'\u003eChapter 172 Weird Space - Tower of Babel

This space is very weird! First of all, there is no sky, no earth, no walls, no light, just like the vacuum of the universe.

But this is an all-encompassing place.

Everything in the universe can be seen here.

The pillar of light rising into the sky from the surface of Mars, the Knights of Mars who turned into light and left, the "resurrection" and massacre that followed, the United Earth Army on the moon ready for battle, the team of engineers inspecting the hyperspace gate, The comatose princess mother and daughter on Earth and the Martian diplomats, the joint reactions of Anaheim and Earth, the flare explosion on the surface of the sun, the Great Red Spot storm on Jupiter, the icy asteroids in the Kuiper Belt, and even the infinity of the farther reaches of the universe. The scene...everything was reflected in Fang Yuan's eyes.

This is also the reason why Fang Yuan described this space as "weird".

This can't be some kind of holographic imaging.

Because no holographic imaging can map so much information at the same time.

This is not a spiritual teleportation, because neither Fang Yuan nor [Ether] detected any intrusion of external spiritual power.

In fact, Fang Yuan "saw" all of this with his own eyes.

This place seems to be in some kind of "higher" dimension than the external space and time, but it has not reached the point of five-dimensional space and time that humans cannot imagine and understand.

how to say? It is as if the dimensions here have been artificially raised by half a level, allowing beings in this space to ignore spatial distance and material separation and intuitively observe all scenes in the universe.

Fang Yuan could even see every corner of the entire solar system in one thought, and everything could be seen.

And when he focused his attention on a certain planet, everything on the entire planet was displayed before his eyes.

For example, Mars—— Whether it is the ongoing massacre, the various chaos occurring within the artificial ecosystem, or the spies who have defected to the earth and are sending intelligence to the other side of the starry sky, everything is clearly reflected in the eyes.

The feeling of looking down from "high" to "down" is very clear, just like Fang Yuan's feeling when he used his mental vision to scan the outside world for the first time. Everything, whether macro or micro, overall or details, is all in the same place. Time is reflected in the spirit, leaving nothing behind.

However, the perspective here is hugely different from when Fang Yuan used the mental vision for the first time - at that time, Fang Yuan was almost killed because he didn't know how to classify and filter the information obtained by mental scanning. The endless information received is overwhelming.

However, this time, Fang Yuan did not feel any mental pressure. Instead, he felt that no matter how many angles he used to observe the outside world at the same time, the intensity of the information he received was within the range he could accept.

It seems that this space has a special mechanism that can artificially adjust the intensity of this information that is almost directly reaching the soul.

Is his spirit powerful enough to receive all the information on the entire planet at the same time? No, it’s not! Fang Yuan immediately realized that this was the effect of the authority he had obtained from the old emperor! It seems that he was recognized by this core space. This space actively compressed the information flow received by Fang Yuan, allowing him to afford this high-dimensional vision like God's perspective.

As for why Fang Yuan believes that this is a space with abnormal dimensions, rather than some other existence similar to a spiritual space? On the one hand, the moment Fang Yuan appeared here, warnings of abnormal space changes in the [ether] rang in his ears like an alarm bell, making him immediately understand that the space here was different from the outside world.

On the other hand, it is also very intuitive, and can even be discovered with the naked eye - this space seems to have no spatial concepts such as up, down, front, left, and right. Going forward may turn into going backward, turning left may turn into turning right, and upward may turn into turning right. It turns downward, but this change has no fixed number and is completely random. It seems that the entire spatial concept of "space" has lost its effect.

However, Fang Yuan himself, as a three-dimensional creature, did not seem to be affected by this lack of concept. He still survived here normally. Even his armor did not undergo any changes such as changing his left hand into a right hand. .

Therefore, the space-time dimension here completely conflicts with the 3+1-dimensional space-time concept that humans are familiar with. It is consistent with human common sense, but also completely counterintuitive and inconsistent with "reality". Most people will even think of it because of it. This incompatibility between common sense and reality leads to insanity.

This is artificial dimensionality enhancement technology! Fang Yuan thought of a certain technology that only existed in science fiction and fantasy, and was not even science fiction.

Although there are many places that are different from the high-dimensional space described in mathematics, this space is not just an ordinary space with an additional spatial dimension.

The factor that makes this place higher than the outside world seems to be something else.

...However, putting aside thoughts about the nature of this space for the time being, Fang Yuan's first target is still the enemy in front of him, the figure he saw as soon as he entered this space - like those knights, they are gradually getting better. The transformed old emperor.

However, when Fang Yuan was about to step forward, he suddenly realized that there was no distinction between front, back, left and right in the space here. Although he could see the figure in front of him, he could not get close to him. Even because of the confusion of direction, he He took a step forward but was still a few steps away from the opponent.

It is not possible to let [Aether] control the curvature of space to push itself forward.

As mentioned before, the spatial structure here is completely different from the 3+1-dimensional space-time of the outside world. It seems to be half a dimension higher. Even [ether] cannot determine the spatial structure of the space here in such a short period of time. And then deduce effective movement and attack methods.

Therefore, Fang Yuan could only watch the old emperor's actions, destroying the bodies of all the Martian knights and even the beings with activation factors in their bodies, transforming their souls, and finally transforming into completely different beings and injecting them into the armored cavalry. , becoming what the other party calls the "eternally loyal knight".

There's no way to do it directly, so let's try talking first! "What exactly is this place? What is your purpose?" Fang Yuan asked.

Well, another magical thing about this space is that even though the concept of spatial direction here is extremely confusing, it does not seem to have any impact on the words they speak. The words can be directly transmitted to the other party's ears as soon as they are spoken. .

Even Fang Yuan could completely understand the inhuman language spoken by the old emperor without any teacher, without any need for translation.

"Here? This is the closest place to 'God'! It is the junction between the living world and the Kingdom of God, and it is also the Tower of Babel created by our ancestors!" The old emperor, who was gradually turning into light, had almost completely turned into brilliance. The outline of a human figure, but Fang Yuan could still see the inner enthusiasm and joy in the other person's expression, which was completely different from the mechanical feeling when he killed knights and massacred his people before.

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