Yes, after sacrificing two great inhibitions, Fang Yuan finally had the opportunity to walk on the land of this world without any scruples. In addition, Yuzuka Satsuki, who was already suffocated by the boring life, He requested that he take the vampire girl on a quick trip around the world.

With the help of the space city's power of space transmission, Fang and Yuan can directly "parachute" to any city in any country around the world without taking transportation or applying for visas through customs.

Although for Fang Yuan, this world still in the 1990s lags far behind the main world and the A/Z world he once traveled through, but if those technological backwardness are ignored, Simply looking at the scenery and people around the world is quite interesting.

Europe, America, Asia, Oceania, Africa, and even Antarctica, they have left their footprints on every continent in the world.

Although the whole world is now in a bit of chaos because of the vision that happened in space some time ago, with Fang Yuan's strength, there is no chance that he will be involved in any trouble.

——Because their inhibitions were eliminated, those magicians on the mysterious side seemed to become overly active all of a sudden, and lost the Holy Church of the "god" they believed in. Although the supernatural power they possessed did not It has not been weakened much, but the bad news of "God"'s death is indeed a very serious blow to these fanatical believers, making this force that has always suppressed the magician group become much quieter as expected.

Therefore, during this period of time, many "abnormal phenomena" that were beyond ordinary people's common sense occurred frequently in various countries around the world. When Fang Yuan saw it during his travels, he easily solved those over-inflated magicians, and Some dead disciples who didn't understand the situation and jumped out to cause trouble on their own.

——By the way, let the novice vampire lady see the blood and become familiar with her job.

The two of them just walked and killed each other, and they became famous in the mysterious world.

At the end of the journey, Yuzuka Satsuki seemed to have thought of something and begged Fang Yuan to take her to Japan, to this small town called Misaki Town.

Here, she saw another version of herself that was similar to her, but completely different.

Yeah, a shortened version.

After all, it’s only 1994 now, which is still six years away from the year 2000 when the plot of “Tsukihime” takes place. At that time, Yuzuka Satsuki, who had already become a female high school student, is still a little carrot in elementary school at this moment. .

"This is you when you were a child! I didn't expect you to be quite naughty. Why did you become a passerby with no sense of existence in high school?" Yuzuka Satsuki: "..." In response to Fang Yuan's teasing, the vampire girl was abnormal. Di didn't say anything to refute, he just didn't say a word and remained silent for a long time.

Only from her slightly trembling body could we tell how excited the girl was at this time.

"What? Why don't you come up and recognize each other?" "Mom..." The girl named Yuzuka Satsuki murmured in an almost inaudible voice. She raised her hand as if to step forward, but in the end she did nothing. Turning around, he said to Fang Yuan beside him: "...Forget it, they have their own happy life, and I, the 'outsider', should not disturb them.

let's go! " Fang Yuan also knew that for the girl in front of him, her blood-connected relatives were right in front of her, but she couldn't bear to come forward to recognize her. How entangled she was in her heart.

Therefore, he didn't say much and just used space transfer to take the girl away from here.

Just after Fang Yuan and the two disappeared, the housewife in the room raised her head as if she was aware of it, and looked out the window. She frowned in confusion, but in the end found nothing... "I It’s decided! I’m going to find the murderer who killed my parents and take revenge on him or them!” Returning to the cold space city, the vampire girl seemed to have made up her mind, speaking to Fang Yuan and others in a firm tone. Said to himself.

"Are you sure?" "I'm sure!" The girl nodded vigorously, her expression resolute, completely different from the leisurely and lazy look she had when she lived in the space city.

Fang Yuan looked at this unnatural vampire and nodded slightly in her heart. It seemed that the scene before had really stimulated her quite a bit! "Then you have to know that this world is not your original world, but a parallel world under Xingyue World. If you want to avenge your parents, you are still more than one dimension away!" Fang Yuan pointed out the crux of the matter.

"...I know, you...please Mr. Fang..." At this moment, the vampire girl lost all her momentum. Instead, she pointed her index fingers with both hands and said with some concern.

"...Okay! Anyway, I'm also very curious about the magical power in your bloodline that can interfere with parallel worlds. It wouldn't be a big problem to help you develop and control this power during the research process."

Fang Yuan said in an indifferent tone, as if this was just some kind of care for Yuzuka Satsuki as an adult as he was still a child.

But in fact, he was thinking in his heart, this girl is really good, the best experimental materials are delivered to the door like this...  ——For "the white mice for the experiment voluntarily lie on the experimental table", which may not happen once in a thousand times, how could he refuse!   PS: I wish you all a happy new year! ')265'\u003eChapter 264 Silencing

Swish——  The invisible claws scratched the flesh and blood, bringing up a little warm blood, and along with the direction of the claw blade, it sprinkled on the snow-white wall, leaving scarlet tracks.

"The last one!"  A black-haired Japanese boy who looked a little immature walked out of the darkness and looked at the dying magician on the ground with indifference in his eyes.

"You... cough... are you?"  Although the old magician whose heart was pierced was on the verge of death, he still struggled and refused to die relying on the magic engraving in his body to prolong his life.

When he saw the appearance of the boy in front of him, he finally understood.

He had seen this young man before, when the mysterious group of people came to him and offered the sub-servant technology.

It turned out that he and others were just discarded pawns after using them once. Now because they have lost their function, they were silenced by the other party!   "Oh? You are still alive after all this? It seems that although you magicians are not good at fighting, you are very good at saving your lives!" Although he said so, the boy's tone was very calm, even indifferent, and it was hard to believe how much surprise he had in his heart.

"Hey! You guy..." Although he was furious that he had become a discarded pawn, the magician could not do anything after all because he was seriously injured and dying. In the end, he could only swallow his last breath with an unwilling expression.

"Finally dead... Well, I remember the boss said to peel off the magic seal. Let me see, it should be this page, right..." The boy took out a large hardcover book with gorgeous decorations, inlaid with gold and jade, and the title of the book could not be seen on the cover from the void. After searching for a long time, he found a blank page, tore it off, and threw it on the magician's body.

A blood-red glow flashed, and the blank pages gradually revealed lines and runes with unknown meanings. They were extremely complicated, and in just a dozen seconds, they outlined a very abstract and strange pattern.

At the same time, the magician's body also lost a certain breath that only extraordinary beings could feel, and turned into an ordinary corpse.

Just as the boy leaned forward to pick up the "drawn" paper page, suddenly, the blood flowing on the ground under the magician's body instantly turned into dozens of extremely fine high-speed water blades, cutting all the surrounding dozens of meters in a way that left almost no dead angle.

——This was the last counterattack left by the old magician before his death. The magic preset in the blood, with the old magician's body being touched as the trigger command, will instantly wipe out any existence within dozens of meters around.

Among them, naturally including the Japanese boy standing next to the corpse.

Snap, snap——The boy who had no reaction at all was cut into dozens of pieces by the high-speed blood blade. After standing still for a moment, he immediately collapsed to the ground like a fallen building block.

Could it be that this would be an end where both sides would suffer losses and perish together?   No, it's not like that!   A few seconds later, black light mist appeared on the boy's body, and then in the next moment, as if time had been taken out of a frame, the intact boy reappeared here.

"Hiss——No matter how many times I die, I can never get used to this kind of pain!" The disheveled boy (chopped up by the attack just now) twisted his body a little unaccustomed, and leaned over again to pick up the pages of the book that he had not picked up just now, as well as the large book that fell on the ground because he was killed once.

Instead of looking for the place where the book had just been torn off, he randomly turned to a page in the middle and placed the page with complex patterns on it.

Magically, the page was instantly attached as if it was already connected to this place, and there was no trace of being torn off near the spine.

Obviously, this book was not an ordinary book, but a magic gift suit, and it was a very powerful magic gift suit.

——At least, peeling off the magic engraving, which required professional magicians to concentrate and carefully perform psychic surgery, was done so easily and easily with just a piece of paper in a dozen seconds, which showed the power of this treasure.

Taking out a mobile phone from the void, the boy pressed a few times and dialed a number. A few seconds later, the call was connected: "I've finished it here, and all the people have been killed.

How about the other groups?... They're all done... Don't you need to destroy the information?... Well, in that case, let the 'fox' take me away!" After hanging up the phone and putting away the phone, the boy took out a black short blade from somewhere again.

This is a weapon commonly used by assassins called ninjas in the country of the Far East, a kunai.

However, this kunai is somewhat different from ordinary kunai. Its appearance is somewhat peculiar. There is an arc-shaped fork similar to a sword guard between the handle and the blade. With the short blade in the middle, it looks like a three-edged dagger.

Moreover, the most special thing is that there is a black mark engraved on the cloth wrapped around the handle. If you look carefully, you will find four traditional Chinese characters - "Sword of Ninja Love".

The next moment, a young man with a golden hedgehog head, a white flame-patterned divine robe on his body, a forehead protector with a scratch on his head, and six beard-like lines on his face appeared here.

"I said, I don't like the name 'Fox'! If I hear you say that again next time, I will kill you!" Completely opposite to the sunny hair color of the blond boy, this The young man who was called "Fox" had an expression full of indifference, and his eyes revealed the hatred and anger that he was trying to suppress. His gloomy temperament greatly destroyed his originally sunny and warm appearance.

"Really? Then you have to work harder! Because even I don't know how to kill myself!" Regarding the blond boy's hostility, the black-haired boy did not show any weakness at all, but responded directly.

This immediately angered the blond boy with six beard lines even more, causing him to subconsciously mobilize some huge power in his body, and his body ignited with golden flames. The violent killing intent and momentum almost overturned this place. roof.

The black-haired Japanese boy was not to be outdone. Black smoke appeared on his body that only he could see. In an instant, more than 20 "black ghosts" appeared in front of him, and his own breathing There was also a sudden change, and some kind of ripples accumulated in the body vibrated and increased in an instant, and the originally thin body became bulging in an instant, and suddenly changed from a creamy boy to a muscular macho image.

Seeing that the two were about to fight here, suddenly, as if he had received some order, the blond boy took the lead in putting away his momentum. Seeing this, the black-haired boy had no intention of continuing the fight, and put away the group of " Black Ghost”.

Then, without saying a word, the blond boy with a stinking face just stepped forward and put a hand on the black-haired boy's shoulder. In the next moment, the two of them disappeared at the same time.

...On the other side, the artificial intelligence that monitors the entire planet with space detection radar, energy detection radar and other detection systems [Friday] seems to have detected something in the data fed back by the sensor.

But before it could mobilize more resources to track the looming changes, everything returned to calm, as if everything that had just happened was just an illusion.

However, artificial intelligence does not have hallucinations! ')266'\u003eChapter 265: Severed Clues \u0026 Current Situation of the Main World

In an abandoned church, Fang Yuan's figure appeared here.

"Tsk! Did you escape?" He looked at the empty church, and at the same time used a variety of methods including mental scanning to conduct detailed inspections here, but in the end he found nothing.

He's lost it again! Regarding the force that created the sub-servants, Fang Yuan started investigating as soon as the God-killing ritual was completed.

After spending a lot of time with various detectors in the space city and [Friday]'s diligent detection and investigation, Fang Yuan finally found clues about the other party.

But unfortunately, when he arrived at his destination, he found that the place had become a dead place, and everyone, whether magicians, artificial humans, or ordinary people, were brutally killed.

Even more than just killing, the body of the deceased was destroyed, especially the brain, which was not intact, which made it completely impossible for Fang Yuan to obtain information from the brain of the deceased.

Fang Yuan used his newfound psychic magic to try to summon the souls of the deceased for investigation, but to no avail.

Except for a small energy burst and slight spatial fluctuations detected on [Friday], the murderer left no other clues! However, this little clue alone is enough for Fang Yuan, who has super technological assistance.

After asking [Friday] to narrow down the scope of exploration to similar energy bursts and spatial fluctuations of the same type, Fang Yuan finally caught the opponent's tail! But this mysterious force does have two tricks. With unknown means, it managed to escape from Fang Yuan many times, and it was able to get in front of him time and time again to kill magicians whose identities were extremely secretive. The family was slaughtered.

The closest thing to the other party was just now. It seemed that something unexpected happened during the operation. The members of that force did not evacuate immediately after completing the silence. This gave Fang Yuan finally time to lock the opponent's position and almost We're about to catch them! Yes, almost.

In less than a second, when Fang Yuan arrived, another tragic scene of murder and corpses appeared in front of him. When he followed the space fluctuations that reappeared to catch up, he came here— —An empty, abandoned church.

Moreover, from here on, the clues were completely cut off. There was no next space fluctuation, no special energy burst. The group of mysterious forces that had never had direct contact with Fang Yuan just disappeared completely! The cold wind blowing in from the broken stained glass windows lifted up a few withered leaves, as if mocking Fang Yuan for the futility of his work, which made the annoyance in his heart well up, almost uncontrollably.

"Huh——" Fang Yuan took a long breath and calmed down.

There was some vague speculation in his mind that the other party might not belong to this world like him. Maybe it was like Ji Si Xiute and others that Yuzuka Satsuki once mentioned, or maybe it would be some kind of being who could travel through the world. Special forces, such as... reincarnations? Fang Yuan couldn't be sure.

However, after this setback, the pride and excitement he had just gained from killing his inhibitions as a mortal had completely disappeared.

Fang Yuan clearly realized that he was still far from being truly powerful! Strengthen yourself... Then, let’s start with the third method! ………………In the main world, Zhongnan Mountain, the magic circle outside a certain Taoist temple that cannot be noticed by mortals was touched.

"Hey, why are you here?" Sensing a visitor coming to the door, the Taoist priest walked out of the Taoist temple and immediately saw Fang Yuan, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Since the abnormal fluctuations that alarmed all the extraordinary people around the world broke out in Yuan's city half a year ago, Fang Yuan, who has been acting increasingly low-key, has not been seen for half a year.

"Did you do that big commotion before?" As soon as they met, the Taoist priest asked directly.

As the person who knows Fang Yuan best in the world, the Taoist priest is almost certain that this incident has nothing to do with this guy.

However, he did not report the matter to the state, doing some reporting or the like.

On the one hand, the incident itself did not cause any visible adverse consequences. Except for the fact that all the beings with extraordinary power in the world were frightened for several minutes that day, no one was injured or died.

On the other hand, although the Taoist priest is a modern man who has studied in college (although he is a college dropout), after being exposed to the religious world and the supernatural world for a long time, he has a more Jianghu atmosphere.

As for those who are involved in martial arts, the most important thing is to have the word "righteousness" first.

As Fang Yuan's good friend and fellow Taoist, the Taoist priest could never do such a thing as betraying his friend, no matter from the perspective of personal morality or loyalty.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan was very clean in his work. Although domestic and foreign forces, large and small, came to his city to investigate over and over again, after he completely destroyed the underground base and restored it to its original state, there was no Any abnormality detected by anyone.

Although as an extraordinary person who has settled in this city, Fang Yuan is very suspicious.

But on the one hand, no one except the Taoist priest knew his true identity, and on the other hand, with the power Fang Yuan had, he no longer had to worry too much about the power of the country.

Therefore, Fang Yuan spent more than half a year quietly like this - he directly regarded this as a good opportunity to retreat.

But now, Fang Yuan appeared in front of the Taoist priest again, but he had made huge gains in the past six months of cultivation, and he felt that there was no need to hide anymore.

“It does have something to do with me.

In fact, I didn't know that there would be such a big movement that time..." In response to the Taoist priest's questioning, Fang Yuan simply admitted it.

"...Do you know what you are doing? That day, I really felt the wrath of the sky. Are you doing something outrageous?" "How is it possible! Although I am a person who can use the human soul An alchemist who refines the Philosopher's Stone, but he never kills innocent people indiscriminately, who do you think I am!" Fang Yuan denied with some displeasure.

"Then what happened?" The Taoist priest continued to ask.

"...I just summoned the Gate of Truth to come to this world..." Fang Yuan thought for a while and decided to reveal part of the truth.

Taoist Priest: "..." Damn it, no wonder the sky is so angry that it actually summoned the Gate of Truth to the present world... The Taoist priest obviously also knows the truth behind the Gate of Truth - even if Fang Yuan doesn't tell him, he Don’t you know how to check online? There are many in-depth analyzes of the plot of Steel Refining on the Internet. Regarding the relationship between the Gate of Truth and a certain big boss, Taoist priests are naturally familiar with it.

Because of this, he finally knew why the guy in front of him had not shown up for half a year - he really had a guilty conscience! ')267'\u003eChapter 266 The materialization of the soul and the realm of Yangshen

After sending Fang Yuan away, the Taoist priest closed the door of the Taoist temple with a gloomy expression, and returned to his quiet room where he usually meditated with full of thoughts.

The Taoist priest sighed, feeling worried about the news that Fang Yuan had just sent.

"Visitors from another world, fantasy monsters, secret realms... I hope things will not turn into the worst outcome..." Well, Fang Yuan, who had been silent for more than half a year, suddenly appeared and approached the Taoist priest. He believed that he no longer needed to worry too much about the power of the country. On the other hand, he also wanted to use the mouth of the Taoist priest to convey a message to the country.

Yes, it’s about the visitors from another world who traveled to the main world.

Ever since Fang Yuan picked up a vampire named Yuzuka Satsuki, he understood that the main world was not as described in ordinary infinite flow travel-like online articles. It was an absolutely safe place that would not be invaded by other worlds.

On the contrary, this world with fantasy monsters, secret realms, and even vague distinctions in the eyes of the Gate of Truth is far more mysterious and dangerous than Fang Yuan imagined.

From Jisi Xiute and her teammates mentioned by Yuzuka Satsuki, to that group of mysterious forces whose true identities have never been caught by him, Fang Yuan has reason to believe that there are indeed one or more existences in the multiverse. A group or force that can actively travel through different worlds.

No one can guarantee that those travelers who can travel to various fantasy worlds will travel to the main world one day and stir up all kinds of commotion and chaos everywhere, just like they did in the Type-Moon world.

Therefore, out of a sense of responsibility for his own world, and on the other hand, as a kind of compensation for the huge disturbance caused before, Fang Yuan hopes to send the information about the "other world" and "visitors from the other world" to the top of the national government through the Taoist priest's channel, and attract the attention of those in power as much as possible.

As for why Fang Yuan did not do it himself... let alone the big disturbance he caused half a year ago, the fact that he was unwilling to reveal his true identity alone was enough to question the credibility of all his words.

In any case, the national government cannot really trust a person who is unwilling to show his face.

But the Taoist priest is different-After all, compared with a "magician" whose real identity is unknown, the Taoist priest, an important figure in the religious world with a clean background, outstanding ability and great value, has a much stronger voice in the national top.

With him in the picture, at least this information will not be intercepted and ignored by some idiots who are doing nothing in the process of passing it through layers, and it can be delivered to the country's top leadership.

...  "The information has been passed to the Taoist priest, and the country should also have some preparations... Forget it, I am not one of those in power, why should I care about these things, I have done my best to notify them like this!"  Walking halfway down the mountain, Fang Yuan sighed and said, throwing away the hidden worries in his heart.

Suddenly, he seemed to sense something, looked at the opposite hilltop, smiled with a little sarcasm, and shook his head-  The next moment, his figure was like a bubble, turning into a puff of green smoke and dissipating.

In a valley several kilometers away, there was a slight movement in a dense bush.

Looking carefully, there was a person hiding in the bush! The sniper wearing an optical camouflage stealth suit and holding the latest electromagnetic sniper rifle immediately raised his head from the sniper scope after seeing the scene on the opposite hilltop, and said to the communicator: "The target has disappeared, repeat, the target has disappeared..." Not long after, teams of soldiers came out from all corners of Zhongnan Mountain, approached the location where Fang Yuan disappeared, and searched the surrounding mountains and forests, but in the end, they still found nothing.

... When Fang Yuan opened his eyes again, he was already in a huge empty and cold space.

No, in fact, he had not left here. The Fang Yuan who went to Zhongnan Mountain to meet the Taoist priest was actually just Fang Yuan's materialized spiritual body clone, which was essentially the same as the servant clone of the Heroic Spirit.

This was an ability he gained after completing the materialization of his soul.

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