"The price..." After hearing Kamijou's doubts, the store manager looked at him with a meaningful look, and then said: "Young man, how much do you think these products here are worth? "Uh... it should be quite a bit... several million yen?" Kamijou boy, who knew nothing about the price of high-tech products, scratched his head and guessed somewhat unconfidently.

"...You really know nothing about the high-tech industry..." After hearing Kamijou Touma's words, the store manager shook his head helplessly, seeming to be in despair for this guy who has no business knowledge at all. .

')298'\u003eChapter 297 Difficult Choice

"...So, these are not for sale?" After listening to the store manager's long lecture on the commercial value of high-tech products, Kamijou, a low-school student, finally understood a small part of it.

"To be precise, it's a trial product."

The store manager said this with a business smile.

"...In other words, using customers as experimental subjects..." Kamijou Touma understood the meaning of "trial specimen" in an instant.

"It's not good at all!!!" Regarding Kamijou's false accusation, the store manager immediately denied it: "These products of mine have no problem in terms of quality and safety, but they have not been actually used. Testing, so someone needs to try it on your behalf, which is completely different from using customers as guinea pigs! Young man, don’t accuse someone of their innocence out of thin air!” At the end of the sentence, the store manager felt that he had been falsely slandered and even got excited. He slapped the tabletop and made a "bang bang" sound.

"...Yes, I'm sorry!" Under the pressure of the opponent's momentum, Kamijou Touma couldn't help but bow and apologize.

Thinking about it carefully, although the products in this store look quite unreliable, they are all said to be trial products openly, and Academy City openly pours potions and inserts electrodes into students' heads. , but it can be said to be very conscientious in comparison with the way of developing capabilities.

"Forget it, you are just a young man who is still in school anyway..." The store manager shook his hand and generously forgave the boy Kamijou for his verbal offense.

"Huh——" Seeing this, Kamijou Touma breathed a sigh of relief silently - the store manager was so angry when he was angry just now... "But, are there trial items..." Kamijou Touma turned around and looked at the shelves full of goods. He looked at the entire wall of glass counters and glanced over the dozens of products placed on it. A thought came to his mind - I wonder if I can get a trial quota... Hmm , to be honest, although he was really frightened by the destructive power of the lightsaber at the beginning, but after he calmed down, Kamijou Touma raised his head again as a high school boy, and he really felt, That lightsaber is so cool! Unexpectedly, the store manager seemed to know what he was thinking. He suddenly changed the topic and pointed at the counter with physical goods and said: "Although you are a young man who can't speak well and has no common sense, but Since you are my first customer after the opening of this store, I will make an exception and give you a trial quota. You can choose the one that suits you best. After using it, come over once a week and give me feedback on the product. effect of use.”

"Eh? Me? Let me choose one?" Kamijou Touma pointed to his nose and asked incredulously.

"Yes, think of it as a preferential treatment for you, the first customer!" Under the surprised look in Kamijou's boy's eyes, the store manager nodded.

"Is this... really okay? I'm just an ordinary high school student, and I'm also a Level 0 incompetent person with poor academic performance... Is it really appropriate to give me a trial?" Kamijou Touma is still very self-aware. of.

To be honest, except for his right hand that brought him misfortune, he thought that he had no merits, so he felt very uneasy about the "great trust" given by the store manager. He even thought in his heart, "Is this... Is there some conspiracy?”

"Hmph! It's the incompetent people who are good!" Regarding Kamijou Touma's self-effacement, the store manager had a different view: "The equipment I have here is designed to allow ordinary people to have abilities comparable to those of those with abilities. Developed for their own power, I think it would be a waste if they were actually handed over to a powerful person! You are the one who can really bring out their value!” The shop owner’s words made Kamijou Touma very happy! I'm surprised. I didn't expect that in this city whose purpose is to develop superpowers, there are still people who want to let ordinary people have powers comparable to superpowers... Well - in this way, these things in this store The product seems to match his "Fantasy Killer" very well! Xiao thought about his "phantom killing" and the cool look of his lightsaber, and Kamijou boy felt a little eager to try it out.

"But let me choose one..." The boy walked to the counter and looked at the products on the counter again, frowning in some embarrassment - which one should he choose? Although the lightsaber is cool, handsome and cool, he himself does not know swordsmanship after all, and the previous demonstration also told him that the "indestructible" of the lightsaber is not a joke. If he accidentally hurts himself or others... Hey~~ After imagining the scene of accidentally stabbing himself to death with a sword, the boy Kamijou immediately gave up the idea of ​​choosing a lightsaber - judging from his bad luck, the probability of accidentally hurting himself with a lightsaber is definitely much higher than the probability of him killing everyone with a lightsaber! Then, choose one that is not easy to hurt yourself? Kamijou Touma looked at the dazzling array of items on the shelf and was a little difficult to choose for a while.

The strong colonization armor, although it looks weird, has the word "armor" and he roughly knows the function of this thing.

However, he can't always walk around in armor on weekdays, and if there is an emergency, he may not have time to put it on... Let's put it aside for now!   That T virus... Forget it, the name sounds very dangerous, so I won't consider it...   And the sports-enhanced nanomachine, although it sounds very cool and high-tech, but when he saw the syringe placed next to the tank, Kamijou Touma immediately excluded it from the selection range - if you inject such a large can of unknown substance that looks like heavy metal into your body, you will die, you will definitely die!   Kamijo Touma's eyes wandered, the watch-shaped "IS Armor (High Imitation Version-No Gender Restriction)", the belt-shaped "Masked Rider Transformation Belt (Magic Modified Copycat Version)", the nameplate-shaped "Sacred Cloth (Technology Imitation Version-Seventh Sense Simulation)", the palm-sized "Nano Steel Armor (Aldnoah Power Version)", and... Although there are really many good things that look mysterious and powerful, it's so hard to choose!   After hesitating for a long time, Kamijou Touma finally made a decision.

He pointed to a certain grid on the counter and said, "This is it!" The store manager, who was waiting, looked in the direction the boy pointed.

"Oh? It's this?" The boy pointed to a green ring that looked like jade.

')299'\u003eChapter 298: Fake Green Lantern - Kamijou Touma

Unlike the delicate shapes in ordinary jewelry stores, this green ring is very simple and rough. On the ring without any pattern, there is an IOI-shaped logo, and there is no additional decoration.

Look at the label under the ring, it says - Will-driven Space Force Field Shaper (Green Version).

"Why did you choose this?" The store manager, Fang Yuan, asked curiously.

"... Well, the others are either armor or transformation, which are too conspicuous once used, so I want to choose something that is not so conspicuous.

This ring, I see the label says 'Force Field Shaper', which means it shouldn't suddenly turn into a set of armor or something? It just manipulates the force field, and looks like a real ability user, which is very suitable for me!" Kamijou, who has always been evaluated by teachers and classmates as "stupid", was smart this time. He actually noticed whether these "trial products" would be too conspicuous in daily use, and unexpectedly chose the copycat version of the "Green Lantern Ring" that Fang Yuan imitated out of bad taste.

Well, it is obvious that Fang Yuan did not master the power of the emotional spectrum at this time, and could not create a green lantern ring that uses the will power of the intelligent life in the universe as the energy source-this is also the reason why he did not shamelessly write "Green Lantern Ring" on the label.

However, the alien technology he mastered was not weak. If we ignore the nonsense parts in DC comics, Fang Yuan could still imitate the "energy materialization" part of the Green Lantern Ring in other ways.

Yes, as written on the label, the space force field control technology derived from Aldnoah technology can perfectly reproduce the Green Lantern Ring's ability to construct objects with will energy - but one is to materialize and shape with will energy, and the other is to simulate objects with a physical force field. Although the essence is different, there are many similarities in appearance.

Of course, Fang Yuan's technology has not yet reached the level of integrating such powerful technology on a mere ring.

In fact, this knockoff version of the Green Lantern Ring is actually just a connection point, connecting the material world and the real body of the ring.

——The real power core and the body of the force field generator are actually in another level that is almost completely isolated from the real world.

Although it is in another world, the extra dimension that is the foundation of Aldnoah technology in the A/Z world also exists in this world.

This special dimension that is almost completely isolated from the "3+1" dimensional universe is different from the magical phases that can be regarded as the foundation of magic. It is essentially just a part of the material universe. It is neither a manifestation of supernatural powers nor an existence based on other phases.

Although due to the differences between universes, this special dimension is somewhat different from the A/Z world in terms of specific dimensional parameters, but this can be solved by making a few corrections to some parameters in the Aldnoah technology.

The "divine power space" that Fang Yuan had envisioned back then has been fruitful through years of continuous research by clones from another universe. It is now possible to stabilize the existence of hyperspace bubbles in that dimension full of violent energy. , and at the same time can be connected with the real dimension at any time.

This knock-off green light ring, as well as most of the products on the shelf, actually use this technology - with the help of the huge space in the extra-dimensional hyperspace bubble, it is enough to install and place many equipment and materials, and the external activation The device is, at best, just a signal connector and energy material output channel.

However, Kamijou Touma, as a novice in science and technology, naturally had no way of knowing such a thing.

When he put the ring on the middle finger of his left hand according to the instructions of the store manager, he only felt a slight tingling on his finger, and then a pleasant female voice sounded in his head: [DNA is bound, brain wave spectrum Bound, unique user identity authentication unlocked... Will-driven space force field shaping device (green version) exclusive auxiliary artificial intelligence - OA, to provide you with dedicated service! 】Ahem, because this is not a genuine emotional spectrum ring, Fang Yuan did not shamelessly ask the user to recite the Green Lantern Corps oath, but simply recorded the DNA information and brain wave frequency to complete the binding.

"Eh? Eh~~!!! This, this, artificial intelligence? So amazing!" Although he has been leading the outside world in technology for at least 20 to 30 years, as a poor student among the poor, Kamijou Touma rarely has the opportunity to come into contact with the real world. High-tech - of course not counting those cleaning robots that roam the streets.

Artificial intelligence was still a very distant word in Kamijou Touma's concept, but he didn't expect that he would actually have his own artificial intelligence today? ! "Are you surprised? This ring is not just equipped with an artificial intelligence. You still need to discover its true power yourself.

If you don’t understand anything, you can ask the AI ​​inside, and it can answer most questions. "

Facing Kamijou Touma's fuss, Fang Yuan explained calmly.

"...Is that what you're asking?" Kamijou Touma asked the store manager, but it was the AI ​​in the ring that answered him: "You can communicate with me through consciousness calls. Of course, direct voice calls are also available. Can.",

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