Anyway, with mature space technology, it only takes an instant for him to reach any corner of the earth.

Compared to living on the surface where you have to be careful even when traveling, you are most comfortable in outer space.

"[Ether], is there any news recently?" Fang Yuan opened his mouth and asked to the ubiquitous artificial intelligence.

——He hasn’t cared about the situation in the main world for a long time.

"There is a piece of news that you may be interested in, sir -" [Ether]'s voice came from a speaker hidden in an unknown corner: "Just two days ago, a brief space incident occurred in downtown Tokyo, Japan. The vibration was suspected to be a sign of the opening of the secret realm. The next day, more than ten "supernatural accidents" occurred in the Ginza area of ​​Tokyo. It was suspected that an unknown number of invisible spirits were killing people in the Ginza area, resulting in a total of At least hundreds of people were killed and injured, and more than a dozen buildings were damaged.

At present, the entire Ginza area has been completely blocked, and the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force and the Special Assault Force (SAT) have been stationed in the urban area.

In addition, Japan’s ‘Special Incident Response Department’ also rushed to the scene and had a fierce battle with unknown spiritual life forms. "

"...Has it finally appeared..." Fang Yuan had already expected this kind of thing to happen.

After all, the appearance of the secret realm itself is irregular. The secret realm that Fang Yuan had seen before was found in the desert of the northwest region. The surrounding area was deserted. Therefore, the government could station troops here without hesitation and carry out the secret realm openly. Explore action.

But that doesn’t mean that secret realms won’t appear in densely populated cities.

This kind of thing is not without precedent. Although it has not happened in China, in other countries, secret realms in cities have indeed been discovered.

Fortunately, those secret realms are not of the type that can be opened independently. The circulation of materials and personnel inside and outside requires the assistance of corresponding space ability users and equipment.

But what if the situation is even worse - these secret realms not only appear in cities, but also open independently, and the creatures inside can actively run to the main world, what will happen? ')369'\u003eChapter 368 Monsters and Exploration

"So, what was the result of the battle?" Fang Yuan asked.

"According to the intercepted intelligence, most of the unknown spiritual life forms have been completely eliminated, and some have been captured by the 'Special Incident Response Department' and have been transferred to confidential research institutions in Kyoto District."

[Ether] gave the answer.

"Oh? It was done so quickly? It seems that little Japan is quite capable!" Fang Yuan was surprised by the Japanese's extremely high operational efficiency.

You know, a few years ago, when the Fukushima accident happened, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces staged a show of disobedience. In the end, it was up to gangsters and old people who were not afraid of death to come forward to deal with the aftermath. How could they deal with it now? How could their efficiency become so high due to such an obvious supernatural event? "According to intelligence, Japan's 'Special Incident Response Department' has personnel deployed by the US military, which may be related to this."

Regarding Fang Yuan's question, [Ether] proactively gave a guess.

It seems that the artificial intelligence created by Fang Yuan is becoming more and more intelligent and proactive.

"However, regardless of whether there was interference from outside forces, the fact that Japanese officials were able to resolve the matter so quickly also shows that their strength in supernatural powers is not weak... [Ether], do you think I should go down and take a look? " Fang Yuan, who was somewhat hesitant, asked his artificial intelligence.

"Based on the inference and calculation of the existing intelligence, sir, you no longer have any life-threatening opponents in the main world. However, out of caution, it is recommended that you travel as a clone."

Conscientious AI gives thoughtful advice.

"...That's right. In today's world, being reckless is not a big deal. The winner is the one who survives to the end... You are indeed right. It is safest to travel separately!" He sounds sincere about his own artificial intelligence. The best advice, Fang Yuan followed suit.

... In the main world of Japan, in a secret research institute in Kyoto District.

A middle-aged man in a suit with a half-bald head and a dozen bodyguards behind him, who looked like a superior at first glance, appeared here and pointed at the invisible figure who was restrained in a special closed electromagnetic field and had a vague outline. The monster asked the person in charge of the institute: "Can you confirm what kind of monsters these are?" "The essence of these monsters is spiritual bodies with high energy concentration. Although they are invisible to our naked eyes, they can interfere with the influence of matter on reality. People and objects cause damage..." The old researcher with glasses and gray hair introduced.

"Spirit? Is it the kind of ghost or something?" Since this official was able to come here, he obviously knew some inside information about the supernatural world, so he immediately thought of the gods, ghosts and monsters in Japan.

"Almost the same. After all, they are all made up of spiritual bodies and resentment. However, these 'ghosts' are obviously not from our world itself, but from the secret realm, so they are similar to ordinary ghosts in many aspects." Different - at least in appearance, we can't match them with the types of ghosts in the real world. "

The old researcher said so.

"Appearance?" The official looked at the transparent figure whose outline could not be seen clearly in the electromagnetic force field restraint room, and asked curiously: "Can I take a look?" "Of course! This way please!" The old researcher responded happily, and then invited the official to the computer screen on the side, and gestured with his hand.

——This is to observe the spirit body invisible to the naked eye through special equipment, and finally display it with a spectrum acceptable to the human eye, and then present it on the computer screen.

The official supported his eyes and leaned over to look, but saw an ugly and creepy giant baby on the screen.

"This is..." The official resisted the nausea and clicked the mouse, switching to the next screen-this time it showed a white, gorilla-like monster, which looked much more pleasing to the eye, but still ugly.

Switch again-this time it was a monster with a black body, a white bone mask on its head, and a large hole on its chest that was transparent from front to back.

Switch again-this time it was a disgusting monster composed of countless tentacles, the kind that would drop the San value at a glance.

Seeing this, the bald official couldn't help it and put down the mouse, not wanting to continue watching.

"Well, it's really an ugly monster!" The bald official felt that he was asking for trouble by asking to see the monster. He just took a look and lost his appetite for dinner.

"So, have you confirmed the entrance and exit of the secret realm? Is there any means to limit its reopening? You know, if this happens again in the downtown area of ​​Tokyo, the matter can't be covered up!" "Let me answer this!" The official's question was obviously not something that the old researcher who was squatting in the laboratory could answer, so another man in his thirties, who was sturdy and looked very capable in a black suit, stood up and took the initiative to take over the question: "Our people have locked the location of the secret realm and called the space blocking equipment to close the entrance and exit. There is no need to worry about monsters coming out of the secret realm in the short term.

However, this is not a long-term solution. The space of the secret realm itself is also constantly changing. Once the changes in the secret realm space exceed the limits of our instruments, The scope that can be controlled may eventually lead to worse results. Therefore, in order to eliminate the hidden dangers, we must enter the secret realm and find out the situation on the other side.

If we really encounter the worst situation, perhaps we have to find a way to completely destroy the entire secret realm..."  "The worst bad can it be?"  Seeing this black suit, the bald official frowned slightly. He knew that although this guy looked like a Japanese, he actually had the background of the US military behind him. Could his statement be the will of the Americans...  "Imagine, if there are only various monsters in this secret realm, it is completely unsuitable for human survival, and the space channel cannot be closed..."  The black suit didn't finish his words, but the official understood what he meant.

If that situation really happens, there is really no other way except to destroy the entire secret realm.

——After all, the location of the secret realm this time is in Tokyo, in Ginza, which can be said to be the most prosperous place in Japan. Once something happens, it must be a big deal!  This time, at least the excuse of a terrorist attack was used to fool people. If there is another supernatural disaster next time, it will not be covered up even if you want to! Once that happens, the bald official will not be able to keep his official hat, and he may even be pushed out as a scapegoat by the bosses above, and he may have to spend the rest of his life in prison... "Okay, I approve the action of entering the secret realm to explore!" For the sake of his own future, regardless of whether there is an American conspiracy or not, the official agreed to the black suit's request and approved the "Special Event Response Department"'s in-depth exploration plan of the Tokyo Ginza Secret Realm.

')370'\u003eChapter 369 Entering the Secret Realm

"Interesting, ghosts and monsters and the virtual... These are completely two different systems of things, but they actually come out of the same secret realm... It seems that this secret realm is really different!" Fang Yuan (clone), who came here invisibly, watched the inspection activities of high-level officials from Japan throughout the whole process, and naturally saw the monster images that appeared on the computer screen.

In fact, even with the naked eye, with Fang Yuan's eyesight, he can easily see those spiritual lives that theoretically cannot be detected by human eyes.

Although it was not clear which world those strange and deformed monsters came from, Fang Yuan recognized the identity of the spirit wearing a bone mask and a big hole on its chest - it was the Hollow in the anime "Bleach", and judging from its appearance, it should be at the level of Killian.

"Bleach... don't tell me that the world behind the secret realm is Soul Society or Hueco Mundo... But if it is true, then what caused that world to contact the main world and become a secret realm?" Fang Yuan thought in his heart and decided to go and see it in person.

... Fang Yuan, who came to Tokyo from Kyoto District, found the entrance and exit of the secret realm based on the results observed by [Ether] without alerting Japanese officials - but it was an office building that had been cleared.

Fang Yuan looked inside. As expected, this place has been taken over by the "Special Event Response Department". Although it seems that there is no one inside, in fact, the entire office building is surrounded by a barrier that confuses the senses, so that ordinary people without special abilities cannot detect the changes here.

"This barrier... seems not to be made of supernatural power, but some kind of technology?" Fang Yuan sensed it and found that the power that constitutes this barrier is not spiritual power, magic power, or other extraordinary power with personal spiritual will, but some kind of pure technological creation. This made him have a strong interest in the technological level of Japan in the main world.

"Perhaps, this is not Japanese technology, but American technology?" Fang Yuan saw that there were many white people among those who were maintaining and operating the equipment in the barrier. Obviously, they could not be Japanese, so they could only be Americans stationed in Japan.

Well, thinking about it this way, he felt it was much more reasonable - after all, Japan's supernatural world is a place that likes retro, even those well-known supernatural masters like to give themselves the nicknames of ancient Japanese gods, which really doesn't seem like a place that can develop such pure technological supernatural facilities.

However, although this technology is sci-fi enough, it can't stop Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan, who was still walking in stealth, walked into the office building that was almost transformed into a military fortress, walked around the special agents on duty, and walked to a huge ring-shaped instrument.

Although it was very different from the space gate he had seen in China, Fang Yuan still saw it at a glance. This was a space interference device, which seemed to be the equipment used by the Japanese to block the entrance and exit of the secret realm.

Fang Yuan could feel that another space-time bubble that was originally connected to the real space-time was now being suppressed by a layer of powerful space energy, blocking almost all the connections between the two spaces.

Judging from the current situation, if there is no major change in the secret realm opposite, this seal can last for more than ten years, which seems to be inconsistent with what the black suit said before.

Well, Fang Yuan was too lazy to consider what conspiracy the black suit suspected of being a Japanese traitor had. He only cared about one thing-whether he could still enter this secret realm.

Fang Yuan's luck was good after all.

This seal could not completely cut off all the connections between the two time and space. At least Fang Yuan could still sense the other time and space on the back of the space through the tiny nodes.

If it were for ordinary people, such a tiny connection would not be enough for any substance to pass through, even the kind of spiritual monsters that are invisible to the human eye.

However, for Fang Yuan, who is proficient in space technology, it would take some effort to get to the other side of the door, but it was not a difficult thing.

However... Fang Yuan looked around at the special agents who were unaware of his arrival, and felt a little troubled.

——If he just walked around like this, it would be fine. His stealth ability would not be discovered by others. However, if he wanted to use his spatial ability here to teleport himself into the secret realm, he would inevitably reveal his whereabouts and alert the surrounding Japanese officials.

Fang Yuan hesitated a little, whether to take action directly and knock down everyone here first...  This hesitation lasted only three seconds. After carefully sensing the layout of the scene and finding that there were neither strong people who could threaten him nor weapons with great lethality, Fang Yuan made up his mind-do it!   But he would not be stupid enough to expose his identity. Although his body has now flown to the geosynchronous orbit, it does not mean that he will not return to the surface. If his identity is exposed here and he is wanted worldwide, it will be a bit troublesome.

Therefore, Fang Yuan was very malicious and pinched himself a blond, blue-eyed white skin, intending to throw the blame on the Westerners.

"Remember, No Chinese!"  Saying this to himself, Fang Yuan directly withdrew the stealth ability covering his body surface and showed his figure.

"Who is it?!" This group of special agents who were responsible for "special events" lived up to their elite status and responded as soon as Fang Yuan appeared.

All those who carried weapons raised their guns, those with superpowers activated their abilities at the first time, and those who had no combat power immediately sought shelter to avoid. In an instant, Fang Yuan was surrounded by dozens of long and short guns and several superpowers.

Unfortunately, these people didn't know that they were not facing ordinary opponents, but one of the strongest people in the world standing at the top of the power pyramid of the main world.

Hiss——Fang Yuan's eyes flashed with lightning, and the lightning speed ability that once shone in the magic world was used for the first time in the main world.

The next moment, everyone only felt a pain somewhere on their body, and then they all lost consciousness-those with guns didn't fire a bullet, those with superpowers didn't have time to use their abilities, and those without combat power couldn't feel anything, and everything was over.

If Fang Yuan wanted to kill them, it would only take a moment, and no one would survive.

Fortunately, he had not thought of killing people in the main world. He was not using his own face anyway, so it was enough to achieve his goal!   "Next, let me see what is on the other side of the door!"  PS: Four updates today, one more update, please vote, please recommend, please everyone...')371'\u003eChapter 370 Paradise of Evil Spirits and Monsters

When Fang Yuan crossed the almost sealed space door and entered the secret realm, he realized that he had underestimated the danger of this "secret realm".

The sky was overcast and dark, with no sun visible. Hundreds of monsters of unknown names flapped their bat-like wings and "cackled" as they shuttled between the clouds and the ground.

On the ground, countless abyssal cracks burning with scarlet flames were cracked, and from time to time, tongues of fire like fountains spurted out from the ground and surged hundreds of meters into the sky.

There were basically no complete buildings on the surface. Only the endless ruins covering the entire land were left, silently telling the later generations that this place was once part of human civilization.

Of course, what attracted Fang Yuan's attention even more were the numerous evil spirits and monsters wandering between heaven and earth.

There were not only those that Fang Yuan had seen in the research institute before, but also many more, and he had no idea what kind of monsters they were.

And when an outsider like Fang Yuan broke into this paradise that belonged exclusively to monsters, you can imagine what would happen!   As if they smelled the breath of a living person, countless monsters within a radius of thousands of meters stopped their movements at the same time and turned their heads - or organs that could be regarded as heads - towards the direction of Fang Yuan.

Visible to the naked eye, the monsters' eyes, which were already filled with chaos and killing, instantly turned red -  "Roar--!!!"  When the first monster couldn't bear the desire to fight in his heart and roared to symbolize the beginning of the hunt, countless monsters responded one after another.

In a flash, hundreds of monsters whose shapes could not be seen swarmed towards Fang Yuan like a dark wave.

"You welcome me so warmly as soon as I come in! I am really flattered!" Facing the countless monsters rushing towards him, Fang Yuan, who was regarded as a hunting target, did not panic at all, but raised a little arc at the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, the sound of thunder bursting sounded, and endless lightning spread outward madly with Fang Yuan as the starting point, and instantly turned into a sea of ​​thunder full of destructive power, drowning all the evil spirits and monsters within a radius of thousands of meters.

When the thunder dissipated, in addition to Fang Yuan who was still standing in the field, there were only countless black air currents floating between heaven and earth with the wind.

After solving the "welcome gift" of this secret realm to himself, Fang Yuan stepped into this world that could already be called hell, while destroying the monsters blocking the way, while lowering his head to explore, trying to find some clues from this ruin of civilization.

Crackling - another dazzling flash of lightning, splitting a giant spider-like monster into slag.

Fang Yuan watched the monster body, which was completely made of spirit, evaporate into jets of dark air, flying in all directions, and then, attracted by some force, looking for darker and more gloomy corners, condensing into clumps, and continuing to swallow and exhale the negative atmosphere in the atmosphere.

Perhaps after who knows how many days, more monsters will be born from these clumps again.

In fact, it is not just this giant spider monster that will be like this after being broken up. All other monsters that Fang Yuan saw and killed, after their spirit bodies collapsed, the jets of dark air escaping from their bodies will find a suitable place to hide and grow under the influence of some force, just like "monster eggs" that are giving birth to more monsters.

Fang Yuan tried to break up these "black eggs" that were still giving birth to monsters again, but it was useless! The black airflow that was temporarily dispersed will always condense again. Even if too many black eggs are destroyed in the surrounding area, more airflows will gather together to condense larger black eggs, trying to breed more terrifying monsters.

In other words, these monsters seem to be more and more in this world!   Unless there is a way to completely destroy the black airflow that constitutes the cornerstone of the monsters.

Fang Yuan tried to capture a black airflow that had not yet condensed into an egg, and then used various forces to try to completely destroy it.

However, the final result of the experiment was not optimistic.

Ordinary Taoism, magic, and even superpowers are completely ineffective against this black airflow that seems to be the true essence of the monster. Even with his ultimate alchemy, he can only decompose these black airflows into smaller but more numerous airflows, and their essence has not changed at all.

Only Fang Yuan, with his own spiritual body brilliance, carrying the will of purification, crushed these black airflows inch by inch, and finally decomposed them into ordinary Qi.

However, once this purified pure Qi is exposed to the atmosphere, it will be polluted by some deeper and more obscure power in an instant, turning back into its dark form and becoming a breeding ground for monsters again.

"What kind of power is this?" After confirming that he could not completely eliminate these monsters and would only increase their number, Fang Yuan did not act rashly again.

In order to prevent being discovered by the monster, Fang Yuan hid his body and restrained his own breath, like a real ghost, walking in this demonic land that has become hell.

"The specific size has been detected, it is as big as Japan... No, it should be said that this is the whole of Japan!" After detecting the boundaries of this secret realm by various means, Fang Yuan suddenly found that this secret realm is much larger than the one he explored in China last time. It is basically the same size as Japan in the real world, and even the terrain and the location of the city ruins are similar to the real Japan.

This made Fang Yuan wonder, could it be that Japan in a certain world was dismantled and crashed into the space layer of the main world, turning into a secret realm...  And such a large secret realm has completely become a ghost den, with countless evil spirits and monsters wandering on the earth, walking, fighting, devouring, regenerating, splitting, and nurturing in a daze...  It seems that what the black suit of the Japanese "Special Event Response Department" said before was right. If this secret realm, which is almost as big as the whole of Japan, is really completely connected to the real world and cannot close the door, it will be a terrible catastrophe!   Well, whether it is a catastrophe or not has nothing to do with Fang Yuan. He is not Japanese, and he doesn't care how many people in this country die.

However, the special situation in this secret realm really attracted his attention, especially the special power that was not observed by Fang Yuan and could pollute the Qi into a dark airflow, which made Fang Yuan very curious and wanted to find out the secret behind it.

——Although Fang Yuan knew from the last trip to the secret realm that in the secret realm of the main world, it is very likely to encounter Cthulhu monsters. If he casually explores some secrets, he may be like some investigators who offended the dice princess, and he will be killed because he saw things that should not be seen and knew things that should not be known.

However, Fang Yuan also has his own confidence.

On the one hand, Fang Yuan who entered the secret realm to explore is just an avatar like the servant of the heroic spirit, not the main body. Even if something goes wrong, there is a layer of buffer, which allows the main body to have enough time to cut off all connections.

On the other hand, as an alchemist carrying the Gate of Truth, he can also be regarded as a follower of Yog-Sothoth. With the protection of the big boss, his safety is more or less guaranteed.

')372'\u003eChapter 371 Altar, dirty hands, wish to reverse the future

"Although I have thought about whether there will be monsters of the cult here, it is not so easy for me to find the altar of the cultists!" Fang Yuan, who said this, was standing in a huge and surprisingly clean square. There were no building ruins everywhere, and no monsters and evil spirits wandering around here - or in other words, those evil spirits who could kill the entire Tokyo district after going out did not dare to approach this place at all.

This does not mean that this is a sacred place that repels evil spirits and drives away filth. On the contrary, the reason why those evil spirits dare not approach here is because the remaining breath here makes those evil spirits know that this place belongs to a more terrifying existence.

"Is this... the altar for summoning the one who unites all things? But it seems a little wrong..." Fang Yuan carefully observed the traces of the summoning ceremony that could still be vaguely seen on the square that was converted into an altar, and recognized a part of it from the knowledge given by the Gate of Truth - a very familiar part.

It was the part of the summoning array that he had used once in the main world to summon the Gate of Truth. Although there were some differences, the general summoning target should be pointing to a certain incarnation of Yog-Sothoth.

"Could it be that this world, which is not sure whether it is the world of "Death God" or some other supernatural world, was destroyed by a certain cultist who summoned a certain incarnation of Yog-Sothoth?" However, after careful identification, Fang Yuan found at least three errors in this summoning ritual array. Theoretically, it is impossible to really summon the incarnation of that big guy.

- Of course, for the big guy whose existence itself is equal to time and space, the so-called "theory" seems to have no meaning. If He wants to descend to incarnate, He can descend at any time, but most of the time, the "one who gives birth to all things and all things return to one" will never move easily. Even if it is an incarnation, it will basically not appear unless it is a big event.

Judging from the aura left on this altar, the summoning ceremony that once took place here did not seem to be successful, but it was not a complete failure either. Some kind of "thing" was still summoned, and it left behind a terrifying aura that could continue to deter evil spirits and monsters from approaching.

Hmm? Why do you judge that the summoning ritual failed just because of the breath left behind?   Isn't this a simple thing!   If it is really an incarnation of Yog-Sothoth that was summoned, how could there be a "breath" that can be sensed by evil spirits and Fang Yuan!   "Things are getting interesting now!"   Fang Yuan raised his eyebrow, he was a little curious, what was summoned in this wrong summoning ritual?   Does this secret realm become what it is now related to this summoning ritual?   Also, when this secret realm was originally a complete world, what kind of world was it?   Fang Yuan, very interested!   Thinking of this, the alchemist's eyes flashed with the alchemical brilliance, and he stretched out his hand, trying to grab the wisps of breath that shocked the evil spirits from the void, wanting to use it to pursue the true body of the unknown thing.

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