"Wait, wait! What are you talking about? Do things like gods really exist? Isn't this something in myths and legends?" Ikki Sakuraba interrupted the discussion between Isayama Yomi and the room chief. He asked with a confused look on his face.

')381'\u003eChapter 380 A brief contact with the Tsuchiya family

"..." "..." The two women looked at each other, and then looked at Sakuraba Ichiki, their eyes full of helplessness.

In the end, Isayama Yomi patiently explained: "Sakuraba-kun, since you see evil spirits every day, why do you think there are no gods in this world? In the final analysis, there is no real relationship between gods and evil spirits. There’s not much difference, it’s just that one represents the positive side and the other represents the negative side!” Isayama Yomi, who has a family background, does not believe that gods do not exist like most modern people. In fact, many Most of the existences that were called gods in ancient times, especially those evil gods, are actually considered to be A-level or above evil spirits by today's standards.

Of course, there are also good gods who truly protect the people and benefit the common people, such as Inari God. Some of the classics collected by the Isayama family clearly mention the deeds of ancient gods. They do exist - at least ever existed.

Although for some unknown reason, gods have basically disappeared since modern times, but if a lively god really jumped out of any corner, she wouldn't think it was a fantasy.

Therefore, after the head of the Jinguji Temple told her guess and basis, Isayama Yomi immediately believed this statement.

... On the other side, Fang Yuan, who was flying away on a bird, didn't know that his official definition in Japan had suddenly changed from an evil spirit to a god.

However, to be honest, if we use the standard of the eight million gods in Japanese mythology, then he can already be regarded as a "god", and he may even be the strongest among those gods.

However, whether it is an evil spirit or a god, this is just a title and has no meaning to Fang Yuan.

For him, there are more important things to do now.

At this time, he is going to another place to see something that can be regarded as the real theme of this world - the killing stone! ……The next day——“…498,499,500!” In the main house of the Tu Miya family, a short-haired girl who looked like a junior high school student was waving a Suzhen knife in the courtyard, completing her daily exercise routine.

Behind her, a tall middle-aged man wearing a traditional Japanese haori, with a face as profound as a rock carving, and full of impressive majesty, looked expressionlessly at the girl in front of her exercising, and nodded from time to time. Nod your head to express approval.

At this moment, the man suddenly raised his head, his sharp gaze passing under the eaves and looking towards the sky in the distance.

There, there is a small light spot approaching! No, that's not a point of light! But...but a giant bird emitting thunderous light! The man immediately stood up and walked out from under the eaves and came to the courtyard.

"Father?" The girl who had just finished her exercise was a little surprised when she saw her father's unusual movements, and couldn't help but follow his gaze to the sky.

"What is that?" Although her naked eye vision was only 0.02, the girl wearing contact lenses could still clearly see the figure that was getting closer and bigger in the sky.

"Is it an evil spirit?" In the girl's mind, this monster, which is obviously not a natural creature, can only be an evil spirit! No, that’s not right! When the giant bird made of thunder flew closer, the girl discovered that there was actually a person standing on the back of the bird! "Kagura, go back to the room!" The man looked up at the thunder bird flying overhead and the voice standing on the bird's back, and said without looking back.


The girl named Kagura hesitated for half a second, and finally followed the instructions and retreated to the room, watching the scene in the courtyard from a distance.

The giant thunder bird carrying people flapped its huge wings, and strands of electric light were scattered in the courtyard along with the airflow, hitting the flowers, plants and trees, and immediately shattered many branches and leaves of flowers and plants, making a crackling sound.

"Your Excellency, you are Tsuchiya Gagaku, the 27th generation leader of the Tsuchiya family?" The figure standing on the bird's back, that is, Fang Yuan, looked down at the middle-aged man on the ground who looked a little prematurely aging, and looked carefully. Sensing the two alien powers in the opponent's body that were completely different from ordinary spiritual power, he knew in his heart that they were the killing stone and the power of Bai Rui, the spiritual beast born from the killing stone. He knew that he had not found the wrong person.

"Yes, I am Tsuchimiya Gaara.

You are the strong man who beat the gentlemen of the Supernatural Countermeasures Room to shame last night, right? May I ask your name? "Facing Fang Yuan, who was aggressive and seemed to be coming with bad intentions, the man named Tumiya Gaara showed no fear and responded with neither humility nor arrogance.

"My name... you can call me Fang Yuan."

Fang Yuan has no intention of hiding his identity - after all, he has no relatives or worries in this world, and others cannot find out his identity at all. And with his cultivation, he doesn't have to worry about someone using his name as a medium. Casting hexes such as curses.

In fact, what he cares more about is how well-informed the Tugong family patriarch is. He just finished fighting last night, but he knows the news today? It seems that the relationship between the Tugong family and the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Office is deeper than Fang Yuan imagined!   "Fang Yuan... Sir, then, I wonder why you came to my humble home?"   Tugong Yale asked Fang Yuan with a vigilant but polite attitude.

"No big deal.

In fact, when I saw you, my purpose of coming here was achieved."

Fang Yuan said while using his spirit to sense the special spiritual power in the other party's body that seemed to carry endless malice and evil spirit, but was restrained and bound by the suppression of the other two forces.

"The purpose has been achieved by seeing me?" Tugong Yale was shocked. Could it be that the other party came for the Killing Stone or the spirit beast Bai Rui? !   However, the next moment, the old patriarch knew that he was overthinking.

Fang Yuan shook his head and said in a light tone: "Although there is no real six reincarnations in this world, I still advise you that sealing the spirit beast at the cost of your own soul may be the determination of your clan to gain power. You may not care about the ending of being scattered after death, but do you really want to see your daughter embark on this road of no return? That's all I have to say, please think about it!" After speaking, Fang Yuan stomped his feet lightly, and the thunderbird under his feet immediately understood his meaning, cried loudly, flapped its wings vigorously, and carried Fang Yuan back to the sky. The body flashing with lightning drew a not very obvious light mark in the sky and gradually disappeared into the horizon.

"...Soul scattered..." Tugong Yale was a little surprised by the mysterious person's hasty behavior, but the other party's last few words did touch him.

In fact, when he took over the seal of the spirit beast Bai Rui from his wife, he already knew his future fate. But just as Fang Yuan said, is he really going to let Xiao Kagura go down this road of no return... "Alas - this is the fate of the Tugong family!" In this regard, the head of the family, who looked much older than his actual age, could only sigh.

... On the other side, sitting cross-legged on the Thunder Bird, Fang Yuan carefully analyzed the results of the previous observations and finally came to the conclusion: "Sure enough, the so-called nine-tailed beast is indeed part of the authority scattered by the planetary spirit of this planet, and it is the kind that tends to be negative, but it is not under my control now. If it is used by someone during the invasion of the alien world..." ')382'\u003eChapter 381 Killing Stone, Nine-tailed beast, planetary authority

Yes, in the brief contact with Tugong Yale, Fang Yuan has thoroughly analyzed the essence of the so-called killing stone.

This legendary stone, which was split from the corpse of the nine-tailed fox after its death, contains a huge amount of spiritual power and the evil pollution ability to demonize people. Although it is a rare treasure for ordinary humans and demons, this is only its appearance.

As described in the plot of "Spirit Eater", the nine-tailed fox, as the prototype of the killing stone, is essentially the agent of this planet to cleanse the surface life when necessary. After the death of the nine-tailed fox, the killing stone that its corpse turned into naturally contains some fragments of the planet's authority.

Although these fragments of authority did not show any effect in the broken and scattered killing stones, if the invaders from another world obtained the killing stones, they would probably use it as a medium to interfere with and influence the authority laws of this world.

In fact, Fang Yuan believed that the reason why the group of suspected great hollow invaders in the "history" he "saw" when traveling through time and space was so easy to accomplish the feat of tampering with the rules of the world was probably related to the authority contained in the killing stone! This is also the reason why Fang Yuan ran to Tugong's house and observed the Killing Stone at close range as soon as he completed the work of awakening the spirit of the planet.

Although the Killing Stone on Tugong Yale's body is only a very small fragment of the complete Killing Stone, and it has also been specially processed to suppress its erosion and pollution properties to humans, this insignificant fragment of authority is even difficult to detect.

However, the other spirit body sealed in Tugong Yale's soul, the spirit beast Bai Rui born from the Killing Stone, can even be regarded as a kind of alienated clone of the nine-tailed monster back then. The fragments of authority contained in it are much more obvious, and Fang Yuan easily captured its traces.

However, Fang Yuan did not mean to take away the Killing Stone and the spirit beast Bai Rui.

On the one hand, he thought that although he was not a good person, he was definitely not a robber, and would not do such a thing as robbing other people's treasures-as for the fact that he copied a lot of knowledge from many people's heads in the previous world... Can it be considered stealing for scholars! On the other hand, even if Fang Yuan snatched the Killing Stone and the spirit beast Bai Rui, it would be useless to him.

The so-called authority is not like spiritual power or magic power, which can still maintain its own nature and function no matter how many parts it is divided into. In fact, in Fang Yuan's view, this authority that flows from the spirit of the planet is closer to the "divinity" he stripped from the angel at the beginning, which is a pure information body.

It can be said that this "authority" is the "divinity" of the nine-tailed fox that was killed at the beginning, no, it should be said to be the "godhood"! Obviously, the "godhood" after being broken can no longer have the original complete functions. If you want to regain all the authority contained in the killing stone, you can only collect all the killing stones, and then either revive the nine-tailed fox and peel off the complete "authority" from the living nine-tailed fox, or separate countless pieces of authority fragments from the killing stones one by one, and piece them together bit by bit.

For Fang Yuan, he can naturally collect all the killing stones one by one. Next, whether it is reviving the nine-tailed fox and then killing it to extract the authority, or directly peeling off the authority fragments from the killing stones to play the building block game, it is all just a matter of time.

But this is really too cumbersome. Since the killing stone was broken and split, it has been scattered to countless corners of the earth over the years. Fang Yuan doesn't have the patience to find it back one by one.

Fortunately, this world happens to have a dedicated villain who is wholeheartedly thinking about reviving the Nine-Tailed Fox and conscientiously collecting the Killing Stones - Sanzuhe Kazuhiro.

Fang Yuan thought that he could ask this guy for help.

Well, just wait until the other party has collected almost all the Killing Stones scattered outside, and then Fang Yuan will go out to intercept them, so that he will need to spend much less effort!   …  At this time, Sanzuhe Kazuhiro, who was planning to collect all the Killing Stones, suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

He has become an evil spirit, and he should not have such a stress reaction. He was suddenly startled, thinking that he was being targeted by a powerful exorcist, and he was suspicious for a long time.

But this is a later story, let's put it aside for now.

... "What? ... OK, I got it.

Thank you for telling me, Mr. Tsuchimiya..."  Pop——After putting down the phone, Jinguji Ayame felt the curious gaze of her secretary Nikaidou Kiri looking at her. After thinking about it, it was not something that needed to be kept secret, so she said, "Just now, the suspected god who beat up Huangquan and the others last night appeared in the Tsuchimiya family."

"What?"  As the secretary of the head of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Office, Nikaidou Kiri naturally knew the status of the Tsuchimiya family in the exorcist circle - it was equivalent to the status of the Togumi family in the Onmyoji circle in the past, and it could be said that it was the leader of the exorcist group.

While that suspected god was not an evil spirit, it seemed that he was not so friendly to humans. What was he going to do at the Tsuchimiya family? Was there any old grudge? However, before the secretary could imagine, the head sister over there gave the answer: "Fortunately, there was no conflict between the two sides. The suspected god only appeared for a short time and left. It seemed that he got some information from Mr. Tsuchimiya Masayoshi, but generally speaking, he did not seem to have any hostility. By the way, Mr. Tsuchimiya also learned the name of this suspected god from the other party. The other party called himself "Fang Yuan". You go and check whether there are any gods in the past dynasties in various places who have used this name, especially the indigenous gods in the Chiyoda area, and send people to the local area for a detailed investigation!" "Yes!" For the official task issued by his superior, Nikaidou Kiri immediately waited solemnly and turned around to make arrangements. "...Evil spirits are appearing more and more frequently, the destructive power of spiritual disasters is getting greater, and now there are suspected gods appearing... How will this world develop..." Although her legs are inconvenient, the head sister who has always insisted on showing the attitude of a strong woman to the outside world, now showed a weak expression when no one was around. The situation has been getting worse and worse in recent times, which has really put her under great pressure.

"...No wonder Senior Feng Fushiko wants to resign...This position is really not for a human to sit on!" After complaining about her predecessor's resignation so neatly, Jinguji Ayame couldn't help but envy the former head who put down the heavy burden on his own.

The third update is here')383'\u003eChapter 382 Guessing the purpose \u0026 Crossing the sea to the west

"Kagura-chan! Are you okay?!"  As soon as they met, Isayama Yomi, who was still wrapped in bandages, ignored his own injuries and pounced on the short-haired girl in front of him, hugged her, and asked with concern while groping her body up and down.

"No, it's okay! Sister Yomi, don't do this... You are still injured!"  Faced with Sister Yomi's excessive affection, Tsuchimiya Kagura twisted her body in a bit of a panic, looking like she didn't know whether to struggle or not.

But to outsiders...this is a loving interaction between two beautiful girls with flower special effects, and it seems that both parties are enjoying it.

"...I heard that guy came to the Tsuchimiya family, and I was almost scared to death! Fortunately, you are fine..." After hugging Tsuchimiya Kagura for a long time, Isayama Yomi finally calmed down from the initial excitement, and then patted his heavy chest with a look of relief.

"There is no danger, and there is no battle..." Tsuchimiya Kagura, who finally broke free from Sister Yomi's arms, straightened her messed clothes, smiled and shook her head and said.

——Sister Yomi is still as worried as ever...

Not to mention the two little girls who are emitting the fragrance of lilies over there, here, Jinguji Ayame, the head of the Tsuchimiya family, accompanied by the secretary, entered the main hall with the head of the Tsuchimiya family.

"Mr. Tsuchimiya, I'm sorry to bother you at this time! But we didn't talk clearly on the phone before. Could you please describe in more detail the situation when the suspected god who called himself 'Fang Yuan' appeared before?" With the help of Nikaido Kiri, she moved from the wheelchair to the tatami, and sat up with some difficulty. Jinguji Ayame asked about Fang Yuan's visit to Tsuchimiya's house before.

Last time, because it was on the phone, there were many things that could not be explained clearly, so she deliberately left the headquarters of the countermeasures room and came to Tsuchimiya's house to obtain more accurate and detailed information.

"Suspected god... Is this the guess of your countermeasures room? It is indeed somewhat similar..." Tsuchimiya Masara first chewed on Jinguji Ayame's guessed definition of someone on the other side, and recalled the other side's posture standing on the thunder bird. It really didn't look like a mortal, and it was not as cruel and bloodthirsty as an evil spirit. The possibility of being a god is indeed very high! "Well, since the head of Jinguji wants to know more details, then I will tell you..." Nodding, Tsuchimiya Masara did not refuse Jinguji Ayame's request, and described every detail of Fang Yuan's appearance in the most detailed way possible.

"...So, the other party's target is the spirit beast Bai Rui in your body? But he didn't do it..." Jinguji Ayame wanted to get some more detailed information about Fang Yuan, the suspected god, from the head of the Tsuchimiya family, to judge the real purpose of the other party's appearance at this time.

At first, she thought that the other party came for Bai Rui, the strongest spirit beast of the Tsuchimiya family, but after listening to the full description of the old head of the family, she was a little unsure.

Well, at this time, there was no large-scale supernatural disaster related to the killing stone in Japan, and Jinguji Ayame did not think about this aspect.

After all, before Sanzuhe and Hong really jumped out to make trouble, the so-called killing stone was just a spiritual auxiliary prop with high risk of use in the exorcist industry. No one would think about what would happen after the killing stones were collected, and no one really thought that collecting all the killing stones could revive the nine-tailed fox in ancient mythology.

——As mentioned earlier, in this era where mysterious power is declining from generation to generation, even magical spells such as the soul leaving the body have become legends, not to mention the nine-tailed fox that is almost equivalent to a god in the minds of the Japanese. It is even more of a legend among legends! In fact, it is not only Jinguji Ayame who is very uneasy about this, but also the head of the Tsuchimiya Masagaku family.

Although Fang Yuan did not take action from beginning to end when he appeared, the old head of the family was indeed worried that the strong man who came on a bird had done something to him when he was not aware of it, or took something away.

This kind of entanglement of knowing that there is a problem but not being able to find out what the problem is really troubled the head of the Tsuchimiya Masagaku family.

However, who would have thought that Fang Yuan came here just to take a look, and there was no other action at all... On the other hand, Fang Yuan didn't know that his actions had caused many people to fall into confusion and tension, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

In order to be fully prepared before the disaster, Fang Yuan did not take it easy after completing the awakening of the planet spirit, but immediately checked all potential problems that might be exploited by enemies from other worlds on a global scale.

He had already seen the Killing Stone, which was part of the negative authority of the planet, and had made a rough response plan. Next, he flew directly from Japan and headed west to the continent across the sea.

He believed that in this world, there was more than one existence similar to the Nine-Tailed Fox.

After all, from the information analyzed from the Killing Stone, Fang Yuan could roughly judge that the "authority" or "divine nature" possessed by the Nine-Tailed Fox was just a tiny part of the complete authority of the entire planet spirit that could not be regarded as the real main body.

There are so many countries, cultures, and myths and religions in the world, and there are countless gods and monsters mentioned in them that are more terrifying than the Nine-Tailed Fox.

As long as one percent of them really exist, it is not difficult to imagine that in addition to the negative authority of the Nine-Tailed Fox, there may be more fragments of different kinds of planetary authority scattered outside.

Under the crisis of alien invasion, these are also hidden dangers, and Fang Yuan had to check them one by one.

Therefore, the official and semi-official personnel in Japan were very vigilant about the suspected god who suddenly appeared and searched everywhere for traces, suspiciously suspecting whether the other party had any conspiracy.

But they didn't know that the person had already left Japan and flew to another country.

... "The comics and animations only mentioned the supernatural world in Japan, and almost never mentioned the situation outside Japan. I don't know what the Chinese practice world in this world is like... It won't be as bad as the ghost in Japan!" Fang Yuan complained about the disorganization of the Japanese government in fighting supernatural disasters while flying.

Well, to see how chaotic Japan's response to supernatural disasters is, just look at how many independent departments they have set up.

Sometimes it's the Ministry of Defense's Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters (the same group of people who were wiped out in the first episode of the anime), sometimes it's the Ministry of Environment's Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Room, and it's not like there aren't many others that haven't been mentioned in the plot. There are multiple orders, conflicting tasks, and no coordination... you can imagine how chaotic it is! I hope the Chinese nation in this world will not be like this...')384'\u003eChapter 383 Extraordinary Suppression, Red Glory, National Destiny and the French Open

"Hmm...could this be the legendary Kyushu Barrier?!" As soon as he set foot on the land of China, Fang Yuan immediately felt an immeasurable and huge force pressing down from the void, trying to suppress the spirit in his body. All supernatural powers such as strength, magic, super powers, mana, etc. are all suppressed.

However, when Fang Yuan slightly released the power of the mental world and merged with the physical body, the skin on the body surface became the dividing line between the "inner world" and the "outer world", blocking the energy exchange between the inside and outside of the body. This suppressive force was Finally disappeared.

"No, it's not a barrier, it's a bit like..." Fang Yuan resisted the oppressive force from the outside world, carefully released his mental power to sense with difficulty, and after thinking for a long time, he found it from the huge knowledge base in his mind. Something similar: "Humanity Dragon Qi, Order Law Network?" Fang Yuan did not expect to encounter such a thing in such a modern society that tends to favor Japanese style, which usually only appears in some Qi Luck Immortal Cultivation novels. Son.

However, his spiritual tentacles can indeed feel the power of thoughts from countless individuals from that invisible force, as well as the order and legal principles that bind and govern these power of thoughts.

Even at the core of this force, Fang Yuan could vaguely feel a red radiance like the sun... Well, it really was the red radiance that swept over all the demons and demons. Why didn't Fang Yuan feel anything at all? What an accident.

It seems that the founders of the Chinese nation in this world really have two tricks up their sleeves, and they actually thought of using this method to suppress and ban all supernatural forces! However, since the core of this power is not the true dragon energy that only the humane emperor has, but the red light condensed by countless selfless and pure wills, it can no longer be called the human dragon energy, or It can be called - National Games Legal Network.

Unless you are a big shot like Fang Yuan, who has his own small world within your body, ordinary practitioners or any demons and ghosts, once they enter the scope of the national fortune network, the foundation of all extraordinary powers will be crushed to the point of almost disappearing. , this effect is much more domineering than the orthodox human dragon energy that Fang Yuan knows! For ordinary human practitioners, it's okay. At most, they will temporarily lose all their extraordinary powers and become ordinary people. If they are evil spirits, monsters, etc... I hope their death will not be too miserable.

This is really a true interpretation of "No one is allowed to become a spirit after the founding of the People's Republic of China"! However, upon closer inspection, it seems that this red radiance is not in its prime.

As the core of this powerful force that forbids all laws and suppresses all extraordinary things, this red sun has been releasing extremely huge power outwards, but its source has been somewhat exhausted, and the replenishment rate of power is slower than the consumption rate. Many of them seem a little weak, and I don’t know when they will be completely dimmed and extinguished.

Fang Yuan thought about it and understood what was going on.

Obviously, when the country was first founded a few decades ago, the vast majority of people in this country did have a common will. Under the unity of all, they condensed into this red sun that shines in all directions and sweeps away all corruption and backwardness. .

But a few decades later, the entire human world has ushered in unprecedented and huge changes, and this country is naturally the same. Not many people really believe in what our ancestors believed in decades ago. Even though many people still believe in Redism verbally, they actually don’t believe it at all in their hearts.

Without this united will, the Red Sun will naturally not be fully replenished. In order to maintain the order and law network that should cover the whole country, power is passing away all the time, and naturally it becomes Fang Yuan at this time. This is what you see.

However, although the red sun as the core is weakening, the main body of the legal network composed of countless people's thoughts and national legal order has become extremely powerful due to the rapid development of the country, which in turn covers up the weakness of the core's gradual decline. It still maintains the strong suppressive power of the entire National Games French Open against extraordinary forces.

Of course, whether the country's destiny is strong or declining, it has little to do with Fang Yuan at this time.

Although this country is very similar to China in the main world, it is not the same country after all, and Fang Yuan is not from this world.

However, the existence of this power of national destiny and legal network made Fang Yuan feel troubled in the first step of collecting planetary authority.

"...I didn't expect that the authority in this land would be here. This is a bit troublesome!" Yes, Fang Yuan discovered after seeing that round of red light. In that round of red sun, There is a fragment of the planet's authority that he is looking for! "Could it be said that the original establishment of the National Games and Legal Network system was based on this authority?" Fang Yuan withdrew his perception, the feeling of being suppressed all the time disappeared, and he was 80% or 90% confident about this guess. affim.

After all, this kind of legal network of order formed by gathering the will of the people is not a tangible barrier, but a more metaphysical conceptual existence.

In other words, this kind of national destiny law network that covers an entire country is not something that a few practitioners can easily create.

If there is no power enough to touch the concept of rules, it is necessary to be a practitioner close to Fang Yuan's level to create this kind of national destiny law network.

However, think about what level of person Fang Yuan is now!   Whether it is placed in ancient times or modern times, Fang Yuan who really exerts his full strength is enough to be called a god. Fang Yuan does not believe that there will be such a person in the modern world - if there really is, how can China in this world be invaded by Japan and almost destroyed!   "Well, since this authority has been occupied by someone, and it is used in this place, I can't forcibly withdraw it.

But I can't just leave it alone, otherwise... strengthen this national destiny law network system?" Fang Yuan stroked his smooth chin, thinking eagerly.

"Perhaps we can also create an additional defensive barrier on the surface of the entire planet based on the principle of this national destiny law network. If those alien invaders still maintain their spiritual bodies, they will definitely be killed!" Although the first step to take back the power of the planet encountered setbacks, Fang Yuan saw another way to save the world from the national destiny law network set up by an unknown master.

"Very good, let's do it!" Fang Yuan looked to the north, where the source and foundation of the national destiny law network is located. He should be able to find some relevant information on the establishment of this law network system! ')385'\u003eChapter 384 The foundation of the law network \u0026 the limit of human beings

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