"Well, the Bundy organization is quite open-minded.

"But Envira, they are not without conditions."

"Assigning good jobs and a place to settle down to their members is simple. So, Bourne, are you sure you should build the first fortress in the southwest of Apo Island, which is the base camp of the Bundy organization?"

As daytime came as usual the next day, Prime Minister Herath made a second confirmation to Minister of Defense Howlett in the Congress Hall of Sugui City.

Bourne: "Originally, I wanted to give priority to regaining the eastern province, but the situation in the northern province has developed far beyond my estimates and plans. Moreover, the northern province is divided into three islands connected by bridges: north, middle and south, which is not as easy as it is now. As for the northern islands that may be recovered, the southernmost Apo Island is not completely controlled by the enemies stationed on Apo Island due to the frequent activities of the resistance organizations. Because of this, I give priority to the underground resistance who are willing to take the initiative. Use the organization for your own use, not to mention..."

Envira: "Because the failure of past evacuation operations resulted in a large number of people not being evacuated from the Northern Province in time, which prompted the emergence of these resistance groups?"

Bourne: "Alas. The current Bundy organization is the only underground resistance force willing to surrender to us so far. The other two resistance organizations are kings of the mountain and are unwilling to bow to us."

Envilla: "Okay, then, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense, you guys have a good chat with the Bondi organization. Don't push too hard, be as gentle as possible. Also, about the new air defense missile..."

In order to ensure sea control, thereby ensuring the logistics line between Bo Ni Island and Apo Island, and even the security of future trade routes, Envira naturally knows the importance of air control.

Because enemies from the sky are more difficult to deal with than enemies from the ocean, and so far, the speed of flying vehicles is still difficult for land and even ocean vehicles to catch up.

Of course, if you can use magic to speed up, or even use teleportation to catch up later, everyone will have nothing to say.

However, the Rimai people are not a naturally magical and intelligent race, and they are not born to pride themselves on magical power.

For this reason, this is also the fundamental reason why the Japanese and Mai people have increased investment in scientific research in science and technology, especially military technology.

After all, enemies in the past have made the Japanese and Mai people pay a heavy price, and the era of cold weapons will eventually be completely replaced by gunpowder and even energy weapons.

This is not a simple issue of guns, but a matter of ensuring the Japanese people's right to live in the world.

Bourne: "We have made new breakthroughs regarding this Golden Bird missile. At the same time, according to reports from radar and peripheral reconnaissance forces, several missile launch pads have appeared on the three small islands between Bo Ni Island and Apo Island. Previously, The missiles that were launched and loaded with linings came from three small islands.”

Envira: "Blow up, is it guaranteed?"

Bourne: "You can rest assured about this. We already have frogmen troops ashore who are specifically responsible for this aspect of work."

Envira: "That's good."

Since the pig-headed man was so shameless and built the missile launcher directly in front of his house, we can't blame him for being cruel.

Senagu: "Everyone, actually... have you ever thought about letting these resistance members who voluntarily surrender and serve our empire become police officers? After all, I looked at the introduction of this Bundy organization, and their original leader is a "

Envilla: "Okay. Anyway, we are short of people now, and Western Province does need a sufficient number of military and police members to guard against invasion. But the funds we have here cannot guarantee their equipment needs..."

Senagu: "Envilla, regarding this, I believe that arms dealers including Ruger will solve it for us."


Sanya Senagu's idea is very simple, that is, let the police and militia weapons and equipment be put up for bidding to see which arms dealer is willing to offer a suitable price that can satisfy everyone.

Envilla: "Senagu, you...well...can. So, Bourne."

Bourne: "Copy that."

Compared with the outside world's customary belief that congressional officials would address each other by their surnames and official titles, the officials who can now enter the Krurod Empire Congress basically know the ins and outs, and it is a "custom" to call each other by their first names.

Therefore, compared to the Congress, one of Jugent's sons, Cedric Fanny Likuna, was very honored to secretly lead more than 100 men to smuggle into the country without the enemy seeing him in broad daylight. An island where pig-headed men are stationed.

Mission target, missile launch pad.

The mission requirement is to blow it up directly.

So Riku found a coastal forest, and used a telescope in the forest to observe how the pig-headed man 500 meters away forced a replica of Ariko, which was placed in a green crystal coffin and was in a state of meditation with its eyes closed, into a The missile is six meters high and has a diameter of two meters inside.

In this regard, Rikuko prepared a semi-automatic rifle with an optical sight, loaded an 11×67 mm ordinary rifle bullet, and then loaded a second 11×67 mm witch-hunting rifle bullet. Insert the magazine into the magazine, and then install the magazine into the loading port under the gun body. The other members of the frogman special forces prepare their grenade launchers and rocket launchers.


As the first bullet burst out from the muzzle and shattered the spar-lined coffin at an extremely fast speed, Rikuna was instantly awakened when he saw Ariko through the optical sight, and then his eyes lit up. The red light then tore the surrounding pig-headed soldiers and everything into pieces.

Therefore, without even thinking about it, Rikuna pulled the trigger again with his right index finger. The second shot of the 11×67mm witch-hunting rifle bullet was fired at the moment when a powerful shock wave burst out from Ariko, directly penetrating Ariko's left eye. , while tearing out the lining of the skull and part of the brain tissue along with other flesh and blood.

In this flash of lightning, the missile launcher was not only torn into pieces by Aristobi, but was also blown up into the sky by bombs fired from the grenade launchers and rocket launchers of the special forces.

At the same time, thanks to the fact that the pig-headed man's missile was loaded with propellant, Ariko's body not only suffered a fatal blow from the bullet that could hunt the magician, but was also completely reduced to ashes by the subsequent big explosion.


When Riku saw this scene, he simply told everyone to pack up their things and retreat immediately.

After all, he was absolutely right.

The rims that are loaded into missiles and then launched towards the Crurod Empire are all placed in a crystal coffin for static processing. Then, after the missile hits the designated target, the crystal as a static device is broken, thus causing Ariko burst out the magic power accumulated in her sleep.

So just as he did, as long as he let the pig-headed man stand still and fired two consecutive rounds of different bullets while stuffing Ariko into the missile, he could let Ariko complete the task for him.

At the same time, he can be sure of one thing, that is, the pig-headed people used Ariko, who had an unstable temperament and was parasitized with Tiber crystals in his body to strengthen his own magic power, as a large bomb to destroy the towns and all resistance forces of the Rimai people.


Why does the pig-headed man have the ability and capital to waste his wealth?

If it were any other country, it would be 100% to protect Yurizi, and it would definitely not be used for suicide operations or anything like that.

Even in actual battles, pig-headed men and black-haired kobolds have engaged in similar crazy behaviors.

But he couldn't get an answer now.

If he wants to know more, he has to collect more information.

Especially the information he obtained from the members of the resistance group on Apo Island in the north was something he needed very much. And, thank you, His Majesty the Emperor, for his regeneration chamber.

Because the gun in Riku's hand came from Zelen's regeneration chamber.

Although he needed to purchase additional witch-hunting bombs, he had to buy them and his father helped him negotiate the price. He couldn't help but chuckle...

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