August 24, 999 in the Bing Yang calendar

The capital of the Krurod Empire, the inner garden of the Royal Palace in Sugui City

Zelen: "I didn't expect your efficiency to be so high. It's the first infrasonic broadcast tower, right? Moreover, this one is mounted directly on the truck... Not bad, not bad."

Qin: "The main reason is that a simple broadcast tower is vulnerable to enemy fire, so we will load it on some vehicles and turn it into a mobile broadcast tower. If possible, we even hope to install it on a helicopter. internal."

Zelen: "Well...then I, I seem to only remember that I gave you 1 million Polat, and the rest..."

Qin: "Our family has a loan. Paula is willing to lend money to our Meng family."

Zelen: "Haha..."

Although he could guess what kind of activities Qin was doing in private without his noticing, but asking Paula to borrow money...

Zelen could only say that Qin found the right person, but she also found the wrong person.

Paula is a little rich woman, but she is also the queen of the Crurod Empire.

Qin, a girl sent here by her father, looking for Paula means one thing, that is, Qin must listen to Paula's instructions in the future.

But this is not a bad thing for him, Zelen.

Anyway, now he is looking at the three-meter-tall broadcasting tower in front of him and what kind of magical effect it has when it is carried by a truck.

Therefore, as the captain of the palace guard, Jurgante was the first to take out his dagger and scratch the back of his left hand. So just like the Tiber crystal before, the back of Eugent's hand quickly began to heal at a visible speed.

Next, as a truck carrying a large number of injured people came within five meters of the broadcast tower, the injured people on the truck began to get off the stretchers one after another under the influence of the infrasound waves of the broadcast tower.

Qin: "If the power is higher, we are confident that even the disability can be restored."

Zelen: "Because you need more than 4 million palat."

Jean: "Yes."

Zelen: "This...well, it's not convenient enough compared to Tiber Crystal Liquid. Minister Hollett, what do you think?"

Bourne: "Although it can appear in the form of a vehicle, it can even be combined with other flying or maritime vehicles. But as your Majesty said, compared to Tiber crystal liquid, this broadcaster requires electricity. supply. It's an additional burden on our military."

Zelen: "So I have an idea, how about selling it to some friends?"

Bourne: "Sell... I think it would be better to let those friends help invest, and then we sell it."

Upon hearing this, Zelen couldn't help but smile.

Attracting friends to come over and invest money is definitely a very suitable way to make money quickly.

Especially when it comes to technology, Zelen now knows that knowledge is power and a huge wealth. Therefore, he knew exactly who the friend Byrne was talking about.

Zelen: "Then spread the word. I know there is a Holy Church in the north who will definitely be willing to spend a lot of money to buy our things."

Bourne: "Got it."

The so-called Holy Church actually refers to the state religion of the largest human sect in the northern part of the Krolod Empire and the largest human empire on the other side of the northern ocean.

At a time when there are a large number of people with luminous eyes wandering around every continent, the Holy Church is one of the few forces that can temporarily ensure that its self-awareness is not lost and its members are in a normal state because of the power of the Saint.

However, this church had conflicts with the Rimai people in history. Even before the Rimai people were born in the past, the church repeatedly stopped the plans of the top members of the northern human race to give birth to the Rimai people. At the same time, the Holy Church is also the first organization among the human power sects in various continents that does not recognize that the Rimai people are also a humanoid intelligent race.

However, the Holy Church was incompetent and had no ability to successfully cut off the claws extended by the demons, which ultimately resulted in the Rimai people getting a chance to survive and develop.

But even so, the Holy Church is not an immutable, conservative church organization. Compared with churches in other continents, this is a "special case" that places great emphasis on science. Especially after they have the Saint, this church has its own unique skills in how to develop technology and delve into magic. Even many countries in the northern continent later hired priests from the Holy Church to build arsenals and magic academies one after another.

Of course, although the Holy Church is now a church organization that does not interfere in the internal politics of human power countries, on the northern continent called Aisha, as long as it is a country dominated by human race members, there must be a large number of schools, hospitals, Research institutes, arsenals, orphanages and other facilities belong to the Holy Church. Strictly speaking, this is more terrifying than directly intervening in politics. It is truly a step above those colleagues who only hold a black book, preach rules everywhere, and crucify heretics and burn them to death. Strong organization on the floor.

Moreover, according to information previously reported to the palace through officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there are currently less than 1.8 million members of the human race in the eastern part of the Aisha continent who are not in a state of "awake activity" with glowing eyes, and are still collectively holding on in a coastal city to avoid Surrounded and annihilated by hundreds of millions of other compatriots.

In other words, these human members who were saved by the saint who was rumored to be able to release their mind control urgently need a weapon that can use as many technologies as possible and with considerable efficiency to fight against the environment at the end of the century to replace the miserable saint. female.

At the same time... the saint.

I don’t know why, but Zelen always feels like something is wrong.

Although the Holy Church had a saint a long time ago, at least nearly 1,000 years ago, Zelen always felt that this saint's abilities were somewhat similar to those of the Rimai people who were naturally not afraid of spiritual magic. But he shook his head. The saints of the Holy Church throughout the ages were beauties with black hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. They were completely different from the Japanese and Mai people, who had black hair, red eyes, and brown skin.

From a biological level, this is no longer a race. So Zelen himself was very curious. For what mysterious reason did the Holy Church have to train a saint who obviously looked like a vase to be a high-level sorcerer? She also had to practice swordsmanship or stick skills since she was a child?

Could it be that they have something quite special...


Just the fact that they were able to release their mind control would explain a lot that he didn't know. After all, the human race is not naturally a magical race that can control the power of magic. Even the gods themselves believed in by the Holy Church are not afraid of mental control. In the end, this is also an important reason why the Holy Church has not been able to truly unify the human forces, even the human forces in different continents, until now.

At the same time, doesn’t the saint have a family or descendants? As far as the Saintess is concerned, there must be at least 80 of them, right? Could it be that the Holy Church is as rigid as its counterparts and refuses to allow saints to get married and form their own families to demonstrate their so-called holiness? No matter, these things that make him extremely curious are not very important to Zelen. He also has people here who can release the technology of mind control. So he was really looking forward to the scene when the Holy Church sent envoys to discuss it. He estimated that this broadcaster would definitely sell for a big price.

What's more, there is nothing similar to the Holy Church in the Krorod Empire, which has been extracting a large amount of tax revenue from the Krorod Empire for a long time.

Even in Zelen's own opinion, the existence of a church or a state religious order in a country is the fundamental reason why he will always lag behind the world trend. There are shamans in the Krolod Empire now, and that is just to set up institutions specifically to study the mysteries of magical power. And for now, two shamans like Yasmin and Miao Jie, who can manipulate the flow of air, create instant vacuum space, and even lift various objects to make them move, are probably nothing in front of those guys from the Spirit Clan. Not really.

If we really want the Japanese to become stronger, technology will always be the first important factor.

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