The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 119 Guardian

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!As soon as the voice fell, a huge figure suddenly rushed out from under the ground and directly separated Tang Hao and Rota!

When the smoke dissipated, Rota could see clearly what the monster in front of him was.

The behemoth at the moment is covered with purple crystals, like a layer of amethyst armor, with huge double hammers instead of arms, which is not a mess at first sight.

"It looks like it's interesting now!" A high warfare appeared on Rota's face.

Tang Hao and A Yin had serious faces, and the guardian in front of them was obviously stronger than the ones they had encountered before!

Tang Hao couldn't help but looked at Rota in the distance, and he couldn't help but think about whether the strength of this guardian would be related to the person who came.

In this way, this spot was really incredible, Tang Hao felt that even if he used the secret skills of the Clear Sky School, he might not be able to defeat the guardian in front of him.

Rota dismissed this, and said dissatisfied, "Is it just one? Do you think I am Uchiha Madara, just send one?"

Tang Hao and A Yin both looked at them in surprise. They both hoped that these guys would come with less, but in the end they didn't expect that Madara was a fierce man, and they also disliked not enough guardians.

"Hao, would you say that Ban is a fighting freak?" A Yin couldn't help asking.

Tang Hao nodded in approval and said, "According to the current situation, it may be!"

The Guardian was the first to attack Rota. He knew that this person was the most dangerous of the three people present!

"Roar, then come on!"

Rota took out the ball fan in one hand and rushed towards the guardian with the sickle in one hand, as if he was about to start a melee fight.

Tang Hao hurriedly reminded: "Be careful, his body is very strong!"

Tang Hao himself had fought with the guardians and he knew the basic situation of these guardians.Tang Hao and the guardian before it were already a bit of a disadvantage in terms of physical strength. If it weren't for the powerful secret skills of the sect, he might not be able to win.

However, Tang Hao reminded him that the speed was a little slow, Rota had already collided with the Guardian, the sickle and the sledgehammer were in a stalemate with each other, and they were even for a while.

"If you only have this strength, let's get out of the field!" Rota slowly applied force and directly cut off one of the guardian's arms with a sickle.

This scene undoubtedly shocked Tang Hao and Ah Yin who were eating melons next to him. They even injured the Guardian in a single encounter, and he was still an enhanced Guardian. Tang Hao couldn't imagine how strong Madara was!

Originally thought that the yellow ape was too strong to be boundless, but now another Uchiha spot appeared, Tang Hao felt that his cognition needed to be refreshed from beginning to end.

But the guardian didn't eat dry food, the broken arm recovered instantly, and the regeneration ability was really strong.

"Can it be regenerated? Then try this trick!"

Rota does not have a six-path mode, so there is no way to restore the guardian.No matter how Rota beats the Guardian, if his resilience is not restrained, it is indeed endless.

If it is Rota in the Six Ways mode, you can directly use Qiu Daoyu to defeat him completely.

"It seems that you can only stop temporarily for a while!" Rota didn't intend to continue fighting with the Guardian. Rota had already proved that he had the ability to hurt him, and there was no need to continue fighting meaninglessly.

Just when the guardian wanted to attack, a pair of scarlet pupils were directly printed in the guardian's eyes.

Madara's powerful pupil power can control all the nine tails, not to mention the guardian.

In an instant, the guardian stopped his behavior and stood motionless on the spot!

"It's done, let's go in!" Rota said when he approached Tang Hao and A Yin.E-bookshop

The two of them had not recovered from their shock, and Rota urged since then: "Hello~ alright? Let's go!"

"Oh, let's go!" Tang Hao also knew that he was a little gaffe, and walked in the forefront with Rota into the secret realm.

Sure enough, after the guardian was subdued, the secret realm was directly opened, and the three of them entered the secret realm effortlessly.

What catches the eye is a large fragment of the wall, and the whole space is filled with lifelessness and lifelessness.

There were even countless rusty weapons scattered on the ground, some of which were broken, and some were directly inserted into the rocks.

"It's a bit like an ancient battlefield, but I can't guarantee the time period." Tang Hao observed after a while and said.

This kind of place looks very desolate, and the atmosphere of anger is also very depressed, A Yin was a little breathless from sullenness.

Rota walked a few steps forward and felt a huge and incomparable pressure hitting him. There was a good ancient building in the distance directly in front of him.

"In this way, this should be the second test. It should be for us to withstand the test!" Rota said flatly.

Tang Hao nodded, he also felt the tremendous pressure, such pressure may not be able to withstand A Yin, the current A Yin is far from the peak period.

Tang Hao used his spirit power to protect Ah Yin and walked forward step by step!

However, Tang Hao's approach is equivalent to one person bearing the pressure of two people, and Tang Hao may be able to handle it in a short time!But this journey cannot be completed in a short time.

Rota knows that he will still need to help them for a while, so let them hold on for a while first!Can't it be that this is a way for them to exercise their physical fitness. You must know that you can't make progress without pressure.

"Hao, let me try if I can!"

"No, A Yin, you will get hurt like this!"

"Trust me!" A Yin raised his head and looked at Tang Hao, his eyes full of determination.

Seeing this scene, Tang Hao also retracted what he wanted to dissuade.

"Okay! But if you can't hold it, you must tell me!" Tang Hao didn't dare to rest assured, after all, the fact is that Ah Yin's strength will definitely not last long.

After Tang Hao dissipated his soul power from A Yin, A Yin quickly managed to resist the pressure with his own soul power, and finally barely supported it!

Rota looked at Ah Yin, and then at the distance away. This was just the beginning. The pressure was so great, I really didn't know how terrifying it would be in the future.

Rota took the lead to speed up, he wanted to try the strength of the pressure ahead!

"Tang Hao, let me take a look ahead, this pressure is a bit problematic!"

Tang Hao nodded, he also felt that this pressure was a bit abnormal, shouldn't it be slowly increasing from weak to strong?Why is it so difficult at the beginning!

Sure enough, Rota hadn't walked ten steps forward, and the pressure was doubled directly. If according to this standard, no one would finish the road behind!

According to this pattern of experience, Rota felt that 80% of this secret realm was also a place where a certain god left to test the heir.

"Tang Hao, you can stop for a while! I think it is necessary to let this guy stop a bit!"

Rota couldn't let Tang Hao take A Yin forward again. With this pressure intensity, if Tang Hao helped A Yin to bear the ground, Tang Hao would never be able to hold it.

It would be even more damning to let Ah Yin bear it alone!

"If you want to play, then I will play with you enough!" Now this situation can be seen by individuals, there must be someone deliberately making trouble!

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