The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 121: Coincident, I'm Really Not Afraid

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"Coincidentally, I'm really not afraid!" Rota said to himself, completely ignoring the complaining expression on Void Shadow's face.

The phantom is really difficult. Does he have such a powerful power as Rota? He is just an attendant who helps the Forge God, and the Forge God can make him disappear as long as he is unhappy.

Rota turned around and came to Tang Hao, saying: "Tang Hao, you and Ah Yin will inject soul power into this token, so that you two will also have control of this lost country!"

Seeing Rota acting like this, how dare Tang Hao and A Yin accept it, after all, they didn't do anything.

"How can this be? We are not taking advantage for nothing!" Tang Hao couldn't let go of this face.

Rota can only be tougher, "Roar, you just don't give me Uchiha Madara face! Do you want to fight?"

Tang Hao didn't want to have a conflict with Madara. First of all, not to mention the question of not being able to fight. Even if he had the strength, Tang Hao was unwilling to hurt his peace.

"I'm only interested in fighting. There are any accompanying Horcruxes in this forging, not interested!"

No way, Tang Hao and A Yin transferred their spirit power into the token, so that they both would have some control.

"Dip, Madara's roleplay is increased to 50%, unlock Bai Jue!"

Not surprisingly to Rota, the system prompt sounded. During this time, he had been paying attention to the emergence of Madara's character. The wave of domineering remarks just now seemed to be nothing in vain.

Now that Bai Jue has been unlocked, Rota has no shortage of men!

At this time Rota came to Xu Ying and said deeply, "Do you have a name for this fellow?"

"Ask what this..."



Xu Ying really hates and fears Madara now, he can feel that the guy standing in front of him is an out-and-out fighting freak!

"Then, remember my name Uchiha Madara, and I will be your future master! Now I will give you a name!"

Xu Ying looked at Rota in amazement. He just wondered if there was something wrong with his ears. This Madara wanted to give himself a name.

"You don't know what it means to give a name, do you?" The ghost watching Madara is not joking.

"Call master! No big or small!"

Xu Ying had no choice but to call Master Rota instead.

"the host!"

"Very well, you will be called Feiyu from now on!"

"Thank you for the name, Master! But I still want to remind you that your current practice is against the Forging God!" Feiyu accepted the name happily.

Unexpectedly, Rota turned to the sky and laughed wildly after hearing this, "It's just what I want! The forge god or something I want him to come and play with me!"

Feiyu was also very helpless, who made him stand on such a master with a strange brain circuit, he can only recognize it.But one thing he is really grateful to Rota is to give him his name.

The Forge God has always treated him inappropriately, so he has not given him a name at all.The meaning of giving a name is not only to attach importance to a creature, but to give the creature the ability to practice.

In the past, Feiyu could only be an ordinary trial officer. Although his name seemed glamorous, he was actually a subordinate.

After he was deprived of his name by the Forging God, he lost the qualification to practice, and only now did he have the qualification to become stronger again.

"Feiyu, I don't care what you do in the future, a request to manage the lost country!" Rota ordered.

"Don't worry, Master, but there is still a problem. I am in a spiritual state and cannot carry out some activities!"

This is Rota's negligence, he really didn't pay much attention, but this problem is nothing to Rota now.Tsinghua Novel

"This is not a problem, wait a minute! Bai Jue comes out!"

Rota yelled out a completely unknown name, which made the other three people present a little puzzled. Only a few of them were clearly present. When did there be another person called Bai Jue?

So, under the eyes of everyone, a white figure slowly appeared from the ground, "Master Mad, what can I do for you?"

"Give this guy a body, he will tell you exactly!"

"Understand!" Bai Jue Yu Madara's command did not hesitate at all, and a new Bai Jue split instantly.

Rota said to Feiyu: "You only need to enter this sentence and imagine your original appearance in your mind!"

Feiyu didn't dare, and quickly completed the operation according to Madara's instructions.

After Feiyu's spirit body entered Bai Jue's body, the appearance of the entire Bai Jue changed drastically, becoming a complete stranger.

If nothing else, it should be Feiyu's original appearance.

Feiyu adjusted to his new body a little bit, slowly opened his eyes, and felt the stirring heart in his body. He was completely alive.

"I'm alive..." Feiyu looked at his hands in disbelief.

All this was given by Rota, so Feiyu's first move when he got up was to kneel in front of Rota.

"Thanks to the master for his reinvention! The subordinates will definitely follow your advice!"

Rota nodded in satisfaction, what he wanted was this effect, and of course Rota would choose Feiyu with a little selfishness.

Feiyu has been in the Lost Country for so long, and no matter what, he knows a lot about forging, so that Bai Jue can learn some forging knowledge in the Lost Country.

In Rota's eyes, he regarded this lost country as a gathering point for himself and others in the future.

"Feiyu, tell us about the companion Horcrux you mentioned!"

Rota hadn't forgotten the companion Horcrux mentioned by Feiyu, it was still a relatively new thing, Rota had never heard of it.

Looking at Tang Hao, Tang Hao also had a curious expression on his face, and he was obviously not clear about this companion Horcrux.

"No problem, this companion Horcrux is a special kind of Horcrux. Every soul master can only choose one companion Horcrux in his life. The companion Horcrux can greatly strengthen himself. Of course, if you want to obtain the companion Horcrux, you need Recognized by the companion Horcrux!"

It sounds like this companion Horcrux can't be obtained casually, "Then how was this companion Horcrux made?"

"This is about the Forging God. This kind of Horcrux is a special kind of Horcrux created by the Forging God. The specific production method is placed in the forging room here."

Rota nodded and was very satisfied with Feiyu, "Very well, Feiyu, will you be a companion Horcrux?"

"Master, although I can't talk about being proficient, I have made a companion Horcrux."

In this way, Rota had plans and said: "In the future, Feiyu's job will be to impart this knowledge to Bai Jue, and at the same time manage the Lost Country with Bai Jue!"

"Understand!" Bai Jue and Feiyu agreed together.

At this time, A Yin thought for a while and wanted to say: "Since this place no longer belongs to the previous forging god, it should change its name too!"

Ah Yin was right, but naming this kind of thing was quite troublesome for Rota, and Rota didn't give the talent tree any skill points.

"The question of naming is left to you, I am not good at it!" Rota turned around coldly.

Leave this troublesome thing to professionals to think about, Rota doesn't plan to waste that brain cell.

Tang Hao looked at A Yin and motioned to A Yin to think about it. In that case, A Yin didn't shirk, and he started thinking seriously.

After a long time, Ah Yin suddenly clapped his hands and said, "If I have it, I will call..."

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