The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 123 Let's Continue Dancing!

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!A Yin covered his small mouth with a surprised look, obviously shocked by what Tang Hao said.However, she is also very happy that Tang Hao has become stronger. Which woman does not want her partner to become stronger?

Luo Ta silently listened to Tang Hao's words, and a little war spirit could not help but sprout in his heart.Presumably Tang Hao, who had obtained the Explosive Hammer, would be stronger than before!

The effect of the Bursting Hammer is simply terrifying. It should be said that it is a companion Horcrux. Rota can roughly understand why the companion Horcrux is so rare.

"Master, you have heard the effects of the companion Horcrux, have you changed your opinion about the companion Horcrux?" Feiyu asked when Rota, who was still expressionless, looked at him.

"It's just eye-catching!"

Feiyu didn't say much when he heard Rota's answer, his master's character was indeed quite obvious.

Although Tang Hao's strength hadn't reached the level of Title Douluo, his true strength at the moment was enough to match a 96 or even 97 Title Douluo!

Rota came to Tang Hao and Ah Yin and interrupted the loving conversation between the young couple very frankly.

"Tang Hao, it seems that you have gotten a lot of strength, practice with me!" Rota couldn't suppress the desire to fight Tang Hao now, he could feel the blood of battle in his heart boiling.

Tang Hao had rejected Rota once before, but he wouldn't reject it this time. He just wanted to try his own strength after obtaining the companion Horcrux.

"Since Mr. Ban, you have a strong hope to fight you down, let's stand a good fight!" Tang Hao replied sonorously.

Luo Taxie smiled and looked at Tang Hao, "Very well, I'm waiting for you! Feiyu, you have an arena here!"

Feiyu respectfully replied: "Master, yes! I will take you and Mr. Tang Hao! Ms. A Yin will follow me to the audience to watch the game in a while!"

Under the leadership of Feiyu, the group came to a huge arena.This huge circular arena is somewhat similar to the refined version of the ancient Roman arena, all made of gold.

"I don't see it, this forging god is quite luxurious, and has built an arena with gold!" Rota said in a ridiculous tone.

"Master, this is not pure gold, but a precious material unique to the God Realm, magic gold!"

Rota had never heard of this material, and Feiyu explained again: "In fact, the owner does not need to understand too much, just know that it is a very balanced and highly resistant metal."

In fact, the idea of ​​forging gods is quite normal. In places like the arena, fighting takes up most of the time. If the materials are not strong enough, it will be a lot of trouble.

However, Rota is mainly here to fight, not to care about the materials used in the arena. I hope the arena can withstand the impact of the battle between him and Tang Hao!

In the arena, Rota and Tang Hao stood facing each other. At this moment, Rota waited for a long time, and finally made Tang Hao agree to the battle!

In the audience, Feiyu and A Yin watched the two silently.

Feiyu couldn't help but feel a little bit interesting about this, and said to A Yin who was beside him: "Ms. A Yin, can you play a little game with the little one!"

"What game?"

"Let's guess which of them will win! Of course it's just a guess and there is no bet on these."

A Yin thinks this proposal is good, anyway, she has nothing to do with her, so just play around.

"Well, I will choose Tang Hao to win!"

"Okay, then I will choose the master!"

No matter when Ah Yin will choose Tang Hao to win, it has nothing to do with whether Tang Hao is strong or not, it is more about trust and support!

On the field, neither of them made a move, silently waiting for the other to attack!

Rota didn't want to waste it, and he said directly: "Tang Hao, you should attack first!"

"Since Mr. Madara wants to let the next move first, then it's better to be respectful of the next!"

Tang Hao summoned the Clear Sky Hammer, and at the same time the phantom of the accompanying Horcrux appeared on the periphery of the Clear Sky Hammer!Le Book Bar

"Have you used the companion Horcrux? If you remember correctly, Tang Hao should want to add layers!"

Rota knew Tang Hao's thoughts very well, but he didn't want to stop Tang Hao because he knew Tang Hao's thoughts. What he wanted was to really fight Tang Hao!

Rota took out the sickle and the fan to prepare for defense!

Tang Hao himself had a good limit power flow, but Tang Hao could not be underestimated because of Tang Hao's spirit power level.

"Ling Tian's blow!" Tang Hao exploded his spirit ring and swung a huge Clear Sky Hammer towards Rota.

Rota didn't have any plans to dodge, and directly attacked Tang Hao with his sickle.

The collision between the sickle and the Clear Sky Hammer directly set off a huge storm. If Feiyu hadn't activated the protective measures in time, it was likely that they would all be affected.

"Mr. Ban, your power is really terrible!" Tang Hao couldn't help sighing Rota's strength, knowing that there are not many people who can take the self-test attack head-on, let alone the next easy one.

"It's useless to say more!"

Tang Hao thought about it for a while, and it was useless to say more, but it was true that he had a good fight!

"Continuous-Ling Tian hit!" Tang Hao directly started the continuous hammering mode.

Rota also took Tang Hao's attacks one by one, and every time Rota took it, he could feel the huge power from the Clear Sky Hammer, and a blow was stronger than a blow.

It was not until the 10th hammer that Tang Hao actually flew Rota out, and Rota transformed into a form on the ground for nearly a hundred meters before stopping.

"Not bad, let's continue dancing!" Rota shouted excitedly.

He knew that within an hour from now, every attack of Tang Hao would be with such strength, and that such strength was the power that could please Rota.

Tang Hao's increased power now can be said to surpass Uchiha Madara. Madara is not a person who is good at strength. Madara is powerful in his various ninjutsu.

"Okay, I will use my full strength!" Tang Hao also felt that his reservations were disrespect for Madara, not to mention that he didn't know whether they would fight in the future, so Tang Hao planned to show his own opinion in this battle Family skills.

"Chaotic cloak—hammer technique!" Tang Hao swung the huge Clear Sky hammer for thirty-six combos in an instant!

Thirty-six huge clear sky hammers in the air rushed towards Rota, Rota grinned excitedly, "Uchiha rebounds!"

A group of fans stood in front of him, resisting the impact of the 36 domineering clear sky hammers, and Rota used his own power to bounce the 36 clear sky hammers back.

However, Uchiha's rebound was not a panacea, and the huge reaction force also shook Rota far away.

Rota, who was shaken a few tens of meters away, threw away the ball fan and sickle in his hand, and now he has to start serious!

Looking at Madara's familiar starting movement, Tang Hao instantly understood Madara's intentions. At the first meeting, Madara used this technique to destroy a lot of soul masters.

The moment Rota merged his hands, his chest swelled slightly.At the same time, Tang Hao smashed the ground with the Haotian hammer!

"Fire escape. The fire is extinguished!"

"Haotian Bodyguard!"

Rota spit out an ocean of flames with a diameter of more than 100 meters and arrived in front of Tang Hao in an instant!

Fortunately, Tang Hao had made preparations long ago and used the Haotian Bodyguard in time.

"Such temperature... is it ridiculously high!" Even if Tang Hao used the Haotian body for defense, the surface of his body's skin was still burned!

"Is this Uchiha Madara's strength? But I, Tang Hao, is not a vegetarian!" Tang Hao was also gradually aroused. No matter what, he wanted to show his strength in front of Madara.

Rota shouted loudly, swiping the Clear Sky Hammer on the ground and swept around!

The Clear Sky Hammer drove the surrounding air, forming a huge vacuum zone and directly dissipating the flames around him.

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