You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!The swords and hammers collided with each other, and no one had the intention of being soft. The surrounding ghosts and chrysanthemums and Huang Yuan looked at them leisurely.

Until Huang Yuan nodded, Gui Ju and Qian Xunji stepped forward to resist Tang Hao's attack.

"Ghost and Yueguan are good, let us join hands to defeat Tang Hao!" With the help of Gui Ju and the two, Qian Xun Ji's confidence greatly increased, and it seemed that there was quite a power to defeat Tang Hao.

But how could Tang Hao just be softened, "Don't think that you want to beat me with two more scumbags! Sunder Armor!" Tang Hao used all his strength and smashed towards the three Qian Xun Ji.

"Tang Hao!!" Qian Xun Ji didn't expect Tang Hao's power to be so terrifying, and the three Title Douluos couldn't help Tang Hao alone.

"Yeah! Drink!" Tang Hao roared and opened Qianxunji, Guimei and Yueguan with a hammer. Before the three of them could react, he hurried away with A Yin.

"Cut! Let Tang Hao run away, Huang Yuan, why didn't you make a move just now!" Qian Xun Ji was a little angry, and couldn't help but cast his anger on Huang Yuan.

"Oh, how can I blame the old man? In the situation just now, Pope Sang would be injured if he used the attack that made Tang Hao lose his combat power~" Huang Yuan said with an innocent look.

Hearing Huang Yuan pioneering himself in this way, Qian Xun Ji had nothing to say. He really wanted to fight with Huang Yuan, maybe until tomorrow. The most important thing now is to catch A Yin.

"I'm not quarreling with you, go chase first!" Qianxun shook his sore arm, and then led the three of them to chase.

Although Guimei and Yueguan didn't attack Tang Hao's head-on, the Yu Wei who attacked still injured his arm.

Guimei and Yueguan looked at Huang Yuan, Huang Yuan showed an expression of admiration. Guimei and Yueguan performed very hard this time, and it is worthy of praise to go back.

Tang Hao's hit just now caused a lot of damage to Qianxunji, so much so that Qianxunji was still rubbing his arm while chasing Tang Hao.

This is still the result of the help of ghosts and Yueguan, if not, Qianxunji's damage may be even more serious.

"Hao, the frontier seems to be the boundary of Xuye Village, will we go this way..." A Yin said with some worry.

"Now there is no other choice. Although the reputation of Xuye Village is indeed terrifying, we have only this way now!" Tang Hao's tone was very firm, and A Yin knew that the idea of ​​changing Tang Hao was fundamental. impossible.

"Oh Duo, brother Tang Hao doesn't put the old man in his eyes too much. It seems that he needs a good lesson~"

Huang Yuan couldn't shoot a laser again, because that would be a bit too abnormal, so he had to do something to attract Chihiro Ji to pass.

It is actually very easy for Huang Yuan to kill Qian Xun Ji now, but the reason is not so sufficient, the old fellow Qian Daoliu definitely can't sit still.

So, you have to wait, so Huang Yuan no longer fires lasers, but uses the Sky Cloud Sword!

Tang Hao knew that Huang Yuan's attack must not be careless, otherwise he would undoubtedly lose.Soy-sized beads of sweat dripped down Tang Hao's cheek, which was enough to show how Tang Hao felt now.

Huang Yuan held the Sky Cloud Sword and slashed over, Tang Hao shouted loudly, "Sunder Armor. Ling Tian strike!"

In this way, with the help of the companion Horcrux, Tang Hao successfully resisted Huang Yuan's one level A.

"Oh, that's not bad, Tang Hao~" Huang Yuan was still joking around, as if he had never taken it seriously.

"Damn it, is there still such a big gap between me and Huang Yuan!" Tang Hao knew that what he was barely blocking was just a normal attack by Huang Yuan, and this normal attack requires the use of an enhanced spirit ability to resist it. .

The gap cannot be negligible!

During this period of time, Tang Hao shouted to Ah Yin, "Keep running, don't stop!"

A Yin didn't want to let Tang Hao work hard by himself, and immediately joined the battle.But her purpose was not to help Tang Hao defeat Huang Yuan, she knew in her heart that Huang Yuan could not defeat even the two of them together.

All she had to do was to stop Huang Yuan, so A Yin held the child with one hand and pushed towards Huang Yuan with the other.

Suddenly, countless blue silver grass vines gushed from the ground, isolating the yellow ape who was pressing Tang Hao.

"Hao, go!" A Yin pulled Tang Hao and hurriedly ran towards Xuye Village.Moxue Literature Network

"Sorry, A Yin, I didn't protect you!" Tang Hao was very upset, he still couldn't compete with Huang Yuan even with the help of the companion Horcrux.

"Don't say that, Hao! You have done a good job, we have to protect each other, you know I won't let you hurt!"

Chihiro Ji also arrived at this time, looking at the large blue silver grass vines blocking the road ahead, looked at the yellow ape, and asked, "What's the matter? I caught it?"

"No, I almost caught it. It's just that this person named A Yin has some abilities~" Huang Yuan still looks like it has nothing to do with him.

Chihiro Ji used his soul power to quickly break up the tall blue silver grass vines blocking him, "Continue chasing!"

Unexpectedly, this Tang Hao would be so difficult to handle. It seems that the people of the Clear Sky School really cannot underestimate them. After returning this time, I must tell my father to get rid of the Clear Sky School as soon as possible.

"Hao, do you think Brother Huang Yuan is weird today? You can explain it if you didn't hit the first time, and it's impossible to miss you the second time based on his strength." A Yin ran to his doubts in his heart. Said it.

Indeed, Tang Hao also felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. He always felt that although Huang Yuan said that he would not let him go, he actually acted to release water everywhere.

"Don't think about it so much, let's get rid of Chihiro Disease!"

There are already a lot of things now, and Tang Hao really doesn't want to think about too many complicated things.

"Oh, Pope Sang, they are about to enter the territory of Xuye Village, they will have big trouble if they go there~" Huang Yuan warned.

Chihiro Ji originally had some worries, but after hearing Huang Yuan’s admonition, he made a thorough decision, “Go on, don’t worry!”

"Hey hey hey~" Huang Yuan's mouth dealt with Chihiro Ji, but he showed a strange smile.

"The front is Xuye Village, I hope we can get through this!" Tang Hao said lightly while looking at Xuye Village, which was not too big like a village in the distance, and at the same time he held Ah Yin tighter. .

On the high walls around Xuye Village, Ulzio looked at the distance indifferently, and Tang Hao and A Yin appeared in his pupils.

"Finally...coming..." Ulquiola whispered coldly.

Qianxun quickly saw that Tang Hao and A Yin were about to enter the territory of Xuye Village, and hurriedly ordered Huang Yuan, "Huang Yuan, stop them!"


Huang Yuan kicked out a laser beam with his foot, and the laser quickly flew towards Tang Hao and A Yin. At this moment, the two of them were unable to cope with the swift blow.

"Trouble!" Tang Hao secretly said that it was not good, he could feel the terrifying energy contained in Huang Yuan's hit, "I can't stop this hit..." Tang Hao couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart.

Just as the laser laser sword was about to hit the two of them, a black and white figure appeared, and with a wave of his hand he blocked the laser to the other side.

The blocked laser flew to the distant woods, followed by the sky full of fire, and there was a circle of shock waves around it, as if the scene of a nuclear explosion appeared again, this time bigger than any previous time.

"Oh, it's troublesome~" Huang Yuan retracted his leg and said leisurely.

Tang Hao and A Yin looked at the figure standing in front of them. To be precise, it should be a monster like a human. They said gratefully, "Thank you for your help. Who dare you to ask?"

"Ulquiola!" Ulchiola said lightly.

Careful Ah Yin still found a large vague flesh and blood on Ulqiola's arm, and even Ulqiola couldn't be innocent at that blow.

"You are injured, I will help you heal!" A Yin wouldn't watch their savior get injured.

"No... I can..." Ulchiola stopped Ah Yin's behavior, and then something that shocked them happened.

Urquiola's bloody arms instantly recovered white and white, as if they had never been injured.

Ulchiola did not expect that the Yellow Ape's attack could break his steel defense, but fortunately, everything was fine in front of his speeding regeneration anyway.

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