You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Seeing that Fengyin and Jin Ling already had jobs, Ryder also stepped forward to Rota, begging with a face: "Then what, what is my job?"

With the development of Tongbao Pavilion, their three high-levels are getting more and more idle, which is suffocating them.

"As for you, I said before that Huang Yuan would arrange a job for you personally! You can go to Wuhun City and meet Huang Yuan with a little bit of gestures!"

"Yes, yes, look at my brain!" Ryder heard this and remembered that Rota had told himself about this before leaving, as if it was a day ago.

Rota looked at Ryder, then turned to look at Feng Yin, "I will throw away all his wine in the future!"

"Don't, why don't you even..." Ryder was a little sad, why all of them objected to drinking.

"Why are you forbidden to drink, you know a little bit in your heart, don't make everyone embarrassed at that time." Rota didn't plan to get used to Ryder's bad habit.

Ryder left the room dingy, "I'm going to pack up and set off!"

"Then let's go clean up!" Feng Yin and Jin Ling also left together, leaving Rota alone looking at the food on the table.

"It's so delicious and can't be wasted!" Rota looked at the food on the table that hadn't eaten much, and began to enjoy it beautifully.

On the other side, Qian Daoliu and Huang Yuan rushed to the Wuhun Temple leisurely, because Qian Daoliu's mood was too low, Huang Yuan's speed was not too fast!

Just take a walk with this old guy, so you have to do a full set of drama!What's more, Qiandaoliu is still quite good, and compared with Qianxunji's scum, it lowers Qiandaoliu's grade a bit.

"Great worship to Sang, you've been so deep all the way, what on earth is there so much trouble~"

"Huang Yuan, am I a little too weak!" Qian Daoliu asked solemnly. He wanted to know Huang Yuan's true opinion.

It's another troublesome problem, but Huang Yuan still has a way to deal with it.

"Hey duo, this problem depends on the situation. The old man's opinion is that your strength is definitely not weak, you just met a more powerful guy~"

"Yeah, I encountered it twice in a row, and I lost it in a mess!" Qian Daoliu laughed at himself, he wondered if he had regressed, and no one could jump on his head.

Huang Yuan knew very well what Qian Daoliu was thinking now, nothing more than a little imbalance.

"Great worship to Sang, it's just that you have encountered such a setback. If it is Tang Chen, it is probably not much better than you, and maybe even his performance is not as good as you in some aspects~"

After being said by Huang Yuan, Qian Daoliu also felt that there was some truth. Tang Chen's strength was about the same as he thought, and he was crushed. Then he might have the same ending.

After thinking about it this way, let alone say that Qian Daoliu's mood has improved a lot, and finally he is no longer so sullen and silent.

"Unexpectedly, Huang Yuan, you also have a comforting side, I thought you would only annoy people!"

"It's too much~ How can Dae Bong Sang treat me like that~"

"Huang Yuan, can you stop Rota's last move! To be honest, don't worry about me!" Qian Daoliu's eyes were firm.

Huang Yuan looked at Qian Daoliu through his sunglasses, and slowly said, "I can't stop it. If I can stop it, the old man would have stopped it~"

"That's it! I understand!"

After Huang Yuan answered, Qian Daoliu obviously felt a lot more cheerful, and it seemed that he finally came out of the previous sluggish state.

After Qian Daoliu regained his momentum, Huang Yuan and Qian Daoliu's speed on the road increased significantly.101 Chinese Network

After a period of rushing, Huang Yuan and Qian Daoliu returned to the Elder Hall.Qian Daoliu still has things to do, he promised Rota to announce that he was defeated.

It would be fine to log this kind of thing in the newspaper tomorrow. Although it is not personally admitted, it is at least admitted.

Qian Daoliu is not someone who can't afford to lose, and he must do what he promises.Although Qian Daoliu didn't admit it and no one would know, he was afraid that Rota would spread the news arrogantly everywhere, which would definitely lower others' evaluation of Wuhun Hall.

Huang Yuan knew very well that Rota was more likely to go directly to the Wuhun Hall to inquire about it.Such an approach can make the Spirit Hall lose face even more than spreading news everywhere.

What to do after that is Qian Daoliu's own arrangement. Huang Yuan is not obligated to teach Qian Daoliu how to do things. He should go home and cook some food and wait for Ryder to come.

Originally, Huang Yuan could visit Tang Hao and the others in person, but after thinking it over, he destroyed the Haotian Sect. Although it was not his intention, it would be embarrassing to think about it!

Ryder's idol happened to be Tang Hao, so he was the only one to complete this task, which could satisfy his wish and achieve his goal. This was not just killing two birds with one stone.

Huang Yuan left the elder hall and returned home, made some great foods of the heavenly dynasty, and put them in the lunch box.Of course, this is not an ordinary lunch box, it is a lunch box with a fresh-keeping effect, a soul guide made by Feiyu.

With this lunch box, the food can be kept fresh for a week, which is very convenient.After Huang Yuan plans to produce this kind of lunch box in large quantities, and then deliver it to Tongbao Pavilion for sale, it should be very popular!

When Huang Yuan was cooking, suddenly there was a knock on the door, his voice was very soft.

"Please come in, the door is unlocked~"

After getting permission, a shadow came in, it was Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong who entered the house smelled a mouth-watering smell, "Huang Yuan, what are you doing delicious?"

Only Huang Yuan can make such a delicious food. Bibi Dong always thinks Huang Yuan should be a part-time gourmet.

"Bibi Dong, have you taken care of everything over there~" Although Huang Yuan asked, the movements of his hands did not stop.

Bibi Dong sat aside gracefully, and said, "How can I say it, it's normal! Although Qian Daoliu admitted that I am the new pope, there are still some people who are not very convinced. But overall it is good, everyone is very Support me!"

"Is that? Congratulations, Bibi Dong~"

"How about those stubborn guys? It should be difficult to deal with those guys with normal means~"

Bibi Dong smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry about this, Madara has already solved it all, it's an illusion matter."

"Illusion? It's really a convenient move~"

"I'm here this time, I solemnly thank you, thanks to you!"

Huang Yuan didn't think there was anything, anyway, even if he didn't help, Bibi Dong could successfully kill him.

"Why are you polite? Everyone is friends, let alone you and Madara are so "good", right~"

After being ridiculed by Huang Yuan, Bibi Dong's face flushed to the heel of his neck after a brush.

"To be honest, the old man didn't expect that the iron bumps like Madara would be captured. It's really a bit of a surprise, but since it has already been done, then please go hard~" Huang Yuan's tone can say a very serious thing. It's very imaginative.

"Yellow Ape!"

"Hey, hey, I just leave it alone~"

Huang Yuan concentrated on cooking, and it seemed that he had to cook more food today. Originally, he only needed to make one for Tang Hao and himself. Now Bibi Dong is here, and it is estimated that Madara may come later.

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