You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Ulqiola didn't deliberately suppress his aura, he himself wanted to completely blow out the reputation of Xuye Village this time. He came to the Wuhun Hall to show his prestige, so why conceal it.

As the great worship of Wuhun Hall, Qian Daoliu can be regarded as the strongest person under these monsters, and he has a clear perception of Ulquiola's powerful aura.

"Oh, it's another monster!" Qian Daoliu's tone could still hear a little helplessness.

Regardless of his status as the Big Three... Now he should be one of the Four Peerless Douluo, but compared with people like these monsters, he is really not a star or a half.

If it hadn't been known that Huang Yuan was here, Qian Daoliu might be too anxious.

At this time, several Title Douluos appeared in the Hall of the Elders, all of them at levels 93 and 4. He respectfully saluted Qian Daoliu: "Great worship, an unknown powerhouse has come to the Wuhun Hall. , Should we..."

Qian Daoliu looked back at the titled Douluo below, and said gravely: "Snake spear, porcupine, devil bear, ghost leopard, you don't need to pay attention to him, this matter will be solved by me and Huang Yuan!"

"Is this...Is it wrong? We should take the lead and try his strength." Snake Lance Douluo's tone was doubtful.

Qian Daoliu also knew their kindness, but he still rejected Snake Lance Douluo's proposal, "No, we have known his strength for a long time. You can't intervene in this level of battle!"

Hearing Qian Daoliu's words, the expressions of the four Title Douluo became a little strange. How could it be, what kind of battle it was, even Title Douluo could not intervene!

Since it was Qian Daoliu's order, they would naturally obey it, but they still wanted to understand the reason.

"Great worship, my subordinates are wondering, is the opponent really that strong? The four of us really can't help with a little help?" Snake Lance Douluo was a little unwilling.

Qian Daoliu sighed, "Yes, to say something that is not very pleasant, you need at least level 97 to stand in front of the opponent. If you want to have the strength to beat the opponent, you can barely be at level 99!"

The amount of information contained in this sentence is really too great. The four Snake Lance didn't even react for a while. Level 97 turned out to be the lowest bottom line, and they just stood in front of the opponent.

Even more frightening is that only a few tricks can be barely achieved at level 99, which is incredible.You must know that level 99 is already the limit that a spirit master can reach. In addition to gaining the inheritance of the gods and successfully passing the assessment, it is possible to break through the level 100 and break the shackles.

"Is he a god?" Snake Lance's tone trembled.

Qian Daoliu nodded, there is nothing wrong with Snake Spear's words. It is not an exaggeration to say that Ulchiola is a god who lives in the world, and his combat power is enough to be worthy of this name.

Qian Daoliu didn't want to hit them anymore, "In short, you don't want to get involved in this matter. I don't want to see anyone who violates the order and causes greater losses to the Spirit Hall."

Qian Daoliu's tone was very strong, and his attitude was obviously very clear.


Seeing that Qian Daoliu had already expressed his stance, the four Snake Spears no longer struggled with this issue, everything should be arranged from Qian Daoliu.

"Very well, step back!"

Seeing the four of Snake Lance go away, Qian Daoliu also calmed down a little, and it was time to meet Ulchiola.

Ulqiola hovered above Wuhun City, "...coming..."

Qian Daoliu's breath was already felt by Ulqiola, and after a while, Qian Daoliu came to Ulqiola.

Speaking of it, this is the first time Qian Daoliu has met Ulchiola. He has heard all kinds of information about Ulchiola before.61 Wenku

The reason why Qian Daoliu can find Ulchiola's identity is because Ulchiola's breath is different from that of human beings, so it is easy to judge Ulchiola's identity.

A soul beast with such courage and strength, except for the one in Xuye Village, Qian Daoliu really didn't know who there would be.Are there any soul beasts that are not weak?Of course there is!The fierce beasts in the life restricted area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest were not weak, but they did not take the initiative to attack like Ulchiola.

"You must be the master of Xuye Village, Ulchiola!" Qian Daoliu said first.

"...Yes...It seems that you still have a bit of vision..." Ulchiola answered indifferently.

With just such a sentence, Qian Daoliu could feel that his back had a little chill, which showed the horror of Ulquiola.

"Then, dare you to ask your Excellency why you came to Wuhun City?" Qian Daoliu really didn't want to have a dispute with Ulqiol, and if he could not fight, try not to fight, otherwise the gods would suffer from fighting with mortals!

"...Nothing...just to teach you a lesson...make you remember..."

Ulchiola's words left Qian Daoliu at a loss, so he came to teach him a lesson, and they did not provoke Xuye Village in the past four years!

"Can you elaborate on it?" Qian Daoliu wanted to know that even if he wanted to fight, he couldn't fight for no reason.

"...Reason...some unopened soul masters took the initiative to attack Xuye Village...especially when I was in a bad mood..."

The Spirit Hall has not allowed the spirit masters to disturb Xuye Village in the past four years, but the order issued by Bibi Dong not long ago gave these spirit masters an opportunity.

Thinking of this, Qian Daoliu explained: "Your Excellency, I can guarantee that there are absolutely no people in the Martial Soul Palace among the attackers, there must be some misunderstanding?"

Ulqiola coldly snorted: "...Misunderstanding...It doesn't matter...Tian Dou and Xing Luo, I have already taught... Wuhun City is the last one..."

"What? Have Tian Dou and Xing Luo!" Qian Daoliu's eyes opened wide, and he didn't expect this Ulqiola to be so decisive.

Can't think of decisiveness, but what should be more surprised is his strength, he has defeated Tian Dou and Xing Luo one after another in one day.

Qian Daoliu didn't doubt what Ulchiola said, and there was no need for a strong man like Ulchiola to deceive himself.

"Even so, I can't let you do anything wrong in Wuhun City!" Qian Daoliu didn't have any fear even if he faced Ulchiola who was stronger than himself.

He has dealt with a few monsters like Ulchiola, so how can he be afraid?

"...Thousand Daoliu who deserves to be one of the three peerless Douluo... is really different from those mediocre... I hope you can be more interesting than Sword Douluo..."

Qian Daoliu was slightly moved. Although Sword Douluo was far less powerful than himself, he was still a well-known existence on the mainland, especially Sword Douluo's martial soul was still known for killing and killing, or could he not enter Ulquiola's eyes? ?

Qian Daoliu closed his eyes and opened it again after a few seconds. A decisive expression appeared, "Then Qian Daoliu will dare to ask your Excellency for advice. If you can get your way, please don't embarrass the Wuhun Hall. !"

Ulchiola nodded, "...ok... let's start..."

Ulqiola didn't interrupt the use of Reiatsu anymore. A powerful person like Qian Daoliu would not fear Reiatsu at all, so there was no need for that.

"...In that case...I'll be a little more serious...After all, you also need some face..."

Qian Daoliu smiled heartily, "Then I have to thank you!"

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