You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!As soon as he touched the Thunder Spear, Huang Yuan felt a powerful and vigorous energy. Huang Yuan couldn't be as relaxed as before. He had to deal with this trick seriously.

If Huang Yuan hadn't covered the Sky Cong Yun Sword with domineering in advance, otherwise, the moment he touched the Thunder Spear, it was very likely that the Sky Cong Yun Sword would be broken up.

In that way, the Spear of Thunder will smash towards Wuhun City, and the damage caused can be immeasurable!

Huang Yuan held a stalemate for a while and finally resisted the huge impact of the Thunder Spear, and then turned the Thunder Spear back with a slash.

The Thunder Spear that was bounced back was also very fast, and it quickly flew into the clouds and disappeared.

Seeing Huang Yuan successfully dissolving the Spear of Thunder, Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu's hanging heart finally let go, fortunately Huang Yuan succeeded.

Huang Yuan has been watching the clouds, and Huang Yuan, the spear of thunder, also knows that there will be a huge explosion behind, and Huang Yuan also wants to see how powerful this so-called spear of thunder is.

Huang Yuan's actions made Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong a little puzzled. Hasn't it been solved? Why are they still watching?

With doubts, Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu came to Huang Yuan to know that they were next to him. Bibi Dong looked at Huang Yuan, "Huang Yuan, is there anything weird about that attack?"

"Yes, I suggest you wait a while, you will see a very shocking scene~"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge explosion occurred in the entire sky, and the fluorescent green spirit covered the entire sky, enough to cover most of the Wuhun City.

"Sure enough~"

If the power of such an explosion hadn't been for Huang Yuan to fly Thunder's bullets to a higher altitude, Wuhun City might have been destroyed.

I've seen a lot of big scenes of Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu, but it's the first time I've seen such a shocking scene. It's amazing that it can directly destroy Wuhun City's attack.

Huang Yuan didn't have anything particularly shocked. He could also release an attack of this intensity, nothing more than a flash kick.

However, the scope of damage was too large, and Huang Yuan didn't want to use it much. What Huang Yuan wanted was to condense his power to a point and explode, such as a flash kick and body contact kick.

There are also two forms of flash kick, one is to release a laser to blast, and the other is to kick the target with great force.

It is not difficult to release the laser that destroys Wuhun City. Huang Yuan can also do it, but Huang Yuan doesn't use it very much. Why do things that can be solved with lasers take so much trouble!

Ulchiola's intention is very obvious. He is here to show the majesty of Xuye Village. Natural power will be used very much, which indeed serves as a warning.

Ulqiola's statement was just saying that he could destroy Wuhun City anytime and anywhere and persuade the Wuhun Temple to settle down.

At this time, Ulchiola also returned to normal from the mode of the second stage of the sword, staring at Huang Yuan silently and said: "...I keep my promise...this matter will not be investigated anymore..."

The main targets of this play are Tiandou and Xingluo. The Spirit Hall is actually a bit miserable, but it happened to be taught by Ulqiola.

As the first soul master organization on the road, the Spirit Hall has a huge influence. If the Hall of Spirits is defeated, the defeat to the soul masters will be obvious. This is also the reason why you have to deal with the Hall of Spirits.

After that, Ulchiola also turned and flew away.

The matter is over here, Huang Yuan also sighed heavily, and said with emotion: "It's finally over. This time the trouble is really serious~"

Bibi Dong solemnly thanked Huang Yuan, "Huang Yuan, if you didn't have you this time, Martial Soul City might no longer exist."

Bibi Dong’s thanks are very sincere. Huang Yuan is her friend and the savior of Wuhun City. She is naturally very happy.Feilu Novels

Qian Daoliu had already thrown his face away, "Huang Yuan, this time you did very beautifully!"

Hearing Qian Daoliu's praise, Huang Yuan joked: "I didn't expect that our great sacrifice will also thank people~"

Qian Daoliu knew that Huang Yuan was playing tricks, and after working with Huang Yuan for so long, how could he not know Huang Yuan's character.

After thinking about it, Qian Daoliu said what he wanted to say, "Huang Yuan...I think you are more suitable for this position than I give to worship!"

Qian Daoliu's remarks not only surprised Huang Yuan, but even Bibi Dong was shocked.

Qian Daoliu actually wanted to give the place of great worship to Huang Yuan. This is... incredible!

Huang Yuan would naturally not agree to such a thing. After all, Huang Yuan was not expected to be a leader. This is why Huang Yuan just became a general and did not fight for the position of marshal.

"Forgive me, I can't afford to worship this position~"

"No, you are more suitable than me!" Qian Daoliu's tone was decisive, as if he had identified Huang Yuan.

Huang Yuan smiled helplessly, "Making worship to Sang, the old man is completely bad at managing people, and the old man is too lazy~"

Qian Daoliu knew that Huang Yuan was rejecting his proposal, but he was still a little bit minded. After all, his strength as a great worshiper was not as strong as the three worshipers of Huang Yuan, but he was a bit self-blaming.

The reason why Qian Daoliu had such an idea was entirely because he had been abused a bit too much.First by Madara and then Rota, and just now being suppressed by Urquiola, it won't be good for anyone to change.

If Qian Daoliu didn't bear the title of Three Peerless Douluo, the frustration might not have been so serious.

It is precisely because Qian Daoliu is the strongest person on the mainland. Except for Tang Chen and Bo Saixi who are also peerless Douluo, Qian Daoliu has never encountered an opponent. It is precisely this situation. Qian Daoliu was a little too arrogant.

Excessive arrogance also produces excessive autism after being crushed!

It may be said that autism has been a bit past, but now Qian Daoliu is indeed a little scared.He was always afraid of someone who could abuse him suddenly pop up.

"Since Huang Ape is unwilling to you, then forget it, hey..." Qian Daoliu also sighed deeply. There is no way he can't force Huang Ape to be a great sacrifice. Forced persecution sometimes has counterproductive effects. .

Huang Yuan knew what Qian Daoliu was thinking about, and said leisurely: "Great worship to Sang, if you want to improve your strength, the old man can be your partner for training, but..."

Huang Yuan then smiled, how can Qian Daoliu not know what this smile means? Sometimes in these years, Huang Yuan needs the help of Huang Yuan, and Huang Yuan always shows this painful smile.

"Salary right! Just raise it for you, I finally understand why you don't want to be a great sacrifice!"

Huang Yuan scratched his head, "Don't think of the old man so badly, the old man still feels very good about himself~"

Huang Yuan's personality made Qian Daoliu out of his mind invisibly.

Bibi Dong looked at the yellow ape and smiled gently, covering her mouth. She felt that such a yellow ape was the most interesting and could bring a lot of laughter to the spirit hall.

It can be said that the Wuhun Temple was originally a very serious place, but Huang Yuan was able to get rid of that formal atmosphere.Take Guiju and two people, now they are also learning to make tea with Huang Yuan every day.

Ju Douluo is okay, even people like Ghost Douluo who don't drink tea much fall in love with tea!

"Okay, there are still many things that have not been resolved in Wuhun City, and I still have to be busy!"

After chatting for a while, Bibi Dong took the lead in returning to work. After all, there are still many things left to be dealt with!

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