You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Huang Yuan had already made a decision, Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong couldn't say more, anyway, Huang Yuan's thoughts could not be changed.

"Huang Yuan, pay attention to your own safety, your safety is the first priority!" Bibi Dong solemnly warned that Ulchiola's strength was indeed too strong, and she was still a little worried about Huang Yuan's safety.

This time it was not at the home court of Wuhun Hall, but at the home court of Xuye Village. Who knows if there will be other unexpected things inside.

Huang Yuan knew what Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu were worried about, and he also took their kindness, "Don't worry, the old man will pay attention to safety, and leave the rest to me. After all, I have to go with Xuye Village. Have a good talk~"

Huang Yuan then got up and bid farewell to Bibi Dong and the others, and hurried towards Xuye Village.

The impact of Xuye Village this time is really too great. If it can't be handled properly, those who are dissatisfied will direct the spearhead at the Spirit Hall. Such a result is the last thing the Spirit Hall wants to see.

In Xuye Village, Ulchiola finished the experiment, with a faint smile on his face, it seemed that the result was still satisfactory to Ulchiola.

It is not easy to see such an expression on a facial paralyzed face like Ulchiola, enough to show the success of the experiment.

Seleia awoke in the middle of the Ulchiola test, waiting for Ulchiola outside the laboratory.

Seeing Urchiola came out with a slight smile, Seleia was a little surprised at first, she had never seen Urchiola smile several times.

"It seems that the results of the experiment are quite satisfactory, right?" Seleya leaned forward and asked.

"...Um...All in all...the success rate of blurring is only a rare material is missing..."

"In other words, can you resurrect Xiao Wu's mother if you find this rare material?" Celaya asked in surprise.

"...Yes...I need a precious material that can repair and strengthen the soul..."

Celia also thought that if she knew it, she could help a little bit, but it was a pity that she was not very clear about this treasured material for strengthening the soul.

Thinking of this, Seleya couldn't help but lowered her head, looking a little depressed.

Ulchiola came to Seraya and reached out and touched her head, " need to...the development of these years is inseparable from you..."

Seleia was relieved a little bit by Ulquiola's comfort.

At this moment, Ulquiola sensed a familiar aura and said silently: " seems...the guest is really fast to meet..."

Seleya also noticed this aura after Ulchiola finished speaking, "Very powerful aura, but not a soul beast!"

"Ulquiola, you have to be careful!" Seleya looked at Ulchiola worriedly, and she felt that the intensity of this breath was not worse than that of Ulchiola.

Ulchiola was as calm as ever, looked at Seleya, and slowly said: "...Don't worry...I know him..."

Celia widened her eyes, "Hey! Do you know that guy?"

Ulqiola nodded, "...Yes... Didn't I teach Tian Dou, Xing Luo, and the Spirit Hall some lessons... He is from the Spirit Hall... I guess it shouldn't be with me this time. Fighting... so don't worry..."

After all, it hasn't been long since Huang Yuan was too lazy to chase him.

"But..." Seleya stopped talking.

"...Don't worry...I'll deal with it..." Ulchiola's words completely settled Seraya.

Outside Xuye Village, Huang Yuan stood lazily, looking at the watch in his hand from time to time.His breath should be noticed by Urquiola soon, and he should be polite when visiting.Bayi Chinese Website

If Huang Yuan broke into Xuye Village directly and impolitely, it would definitely not work. Then the nature would change.

After Ulquiola noticed the aura of the yellow ape, there was no ink stain, and soon appeared in front of the yellow ape.

"Oh, Lord Ulchiola is finally here, the old man is a little scared after waiting~" Huang Yuan said strangely.

"...If you are scared...this is already the biggest joke since ancient times..." Ulquiola knew that the yellow ape was really funny, and joked back.

"...This time... it's definitely not because your hands are itchy..." Ulchiola asked calmly.

Huang Yuan raised his hands, "Oh yes, you have misunderstood the old man. How can a bastard like this old man have itchy hands~ This time I'm here to solve the related matters between Wuhundian and Xuye Village~"

"...Oh...that's talking..."

"That's right, just talking, the old man doesn't want to kill everything~" Huang Yuan narrowed his eyes and spoke casually.

"...If that's the case... then come in..." Since it was a conversation, Ulquiola wouldn't be so pretentious to Huang Yuan. Originally, the two of them were acting.

The worried Seraya hid not far away and looked at Ulchiola and Huang Yuan secretly.

Regarding the yellow ape, Seleya had only one idea, that was as terribly strong as Urquiola.Moreover, the height of Huang Yuan also shocked Seleya a bit, how could a human being so tall!

But now it seems that this human powerhouse doesn't seem to have any bad ideas, but Celaya will still supervise him.

Entering Xuye Village, Huang Yuan noticed Xiao Wu’s breath and said, “Xiao Wu should be quite safe with you. It’s a pity that this time it’s the old man’s mistake. He thought he could change something without too much interference. Things~"

Ulchiola looked up at Huang Yuan, reached out and patted his back, "...don't worry...there is another way..."

"Well, but Xiao Wu should be very sad. As her master, the old man didn't save her mother the first time~" Huang Yuan also scratched his head in embarrassment.

Ulquiola stopped suddenly and pointed to the room in front of him, "...There is Xiao Wu's room... I will leave you some time to solve... Later, let's talk about business..."

That's good, Huang Yuan took the initiative to invite Ying to have another purpose, and that was to come to visit Xiao Wu.

"Then thank you Ulchiola, the old man will come as soon as he goes~"

Ulchiola didn't follow, and it was better for Huang Yuan to solve this kind of thing by himself.

"... Seleya... don't hide... Huang Yuan is not a bad person..."

Ulchiola had known Seleia's actions a long time ago, but Seleia simply thought she was hiding well.

"Hey, it's Ulchiola, you found me so soon!"

Now that Ulquiola had discovered it, Seleya didn't hide, and went directly to Ulquiola's side.

"Ulquiola, are you familiar with this yellow ape?" Seleya always felt that the relationship between Ulquiola and the yellow ape was not simple, although she couldn't tell where it was.

Ulchiola looked at Seleia carefully. He has never told Seleia about his relationship with Huang Yuan, but now Seleia is also qualified to know the truth.

Ulchiola believed that Seleia would not talk nonsense. Looking at Seleia with a curious look, Ulchiola spoke lightly: "...I met Huang Yuan before meeting you... …"

Although Seleya was mentally prepared, she was still slightly surprised.

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