The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 221 I Don't Want To Play With You

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!The expression of Dugu Bo on the side was also solemn. As Titled Douluo, he naturally knew what a god was.He came to Huang Yuan's side and whispered quietly: "Your Excellency Huang Yuan, you should be aware of the inheritance of God's position. Next, you will face a god-level powerhouse."

Dugu Bo has heard about Huang Yuan’s deeds, but to compare Huang Yuan to God, Dugu Bo is totally unsure. He previously thought that Huang Yuan might get it because the last trial given to him was not a god-level strong. By.

"Friendly reminder, the strength of the guard of the god of death is a real god-level, please cheer up, don't take it lightly just because he is a guard!" The ice and fire figure's face is full of jokes, it can be seen that it is a guy with bad interest.

Huang Yuan had a calm expression on his face, just let him come by God or something, as long as he took it one by one.

"Dugu Bossang, there may be a big battle in a while, you should stay away from here and protect the geese~"

Dugubo couldn't help being touched. He didn't expect Huang Yuan to worry about his own safety at such a crisis.

Although Dugu Bo wanted to stay to help Huang Yuan, but after thinking about his own strength, he still left decisively.

"Your Excellency Huang Yuan, take care!"

Dugu Bo knew very well that his own strength was of no use at all except for causing obstacles to Huang Yuan. It was more practical to protect the wild goose than to do nothing.

Looking at the distant Dugu Bo, the Binghuo figure teased: "Ah~ah~ that coward is gone again! It was the same last time, but the last time he was beaten away, haha!"

"But the real bad guy~" Huang Yuan vomited leisurely.

The Ice Fire Shadow also didn't care about Huang Yuan's complaints, his face was already thick to a certain extent.

"Rather than pretending to be calm here, I'm still worried about how to deal with it for a while! I hope I won't be scared to pee my pants, roar!" The ice fire figure continued to sarcasm Huang Yuan.

In his opinion, Huang Yuan's behavior is extremely stupid, and it is impossible for a mortal to challenge the gods. It is really useless except to bring himself some jokes.

Huang Yuan scratched his ears, "Why don't the guards come, how long will the old man have to wait~"

"In such a hurry to find death? No hurry, I will be here soon! The gods still need a few steps to come, but soon he will come." The ice fire figure looked at the yellow ape as if looking at a dead person.

Huang Yuan didn't worry much about the guards of the god of death. What he cared about was whether the Ice and Fire figure would fulfill their promise. Through just observation, Huang Yuan doubted the character of the Ice and Fire figure.

Huang Yuan looked at the Ice and Fire figure with an extremely embarrassed look, extremely disgusted.

"What do you mean by this fellow? Does this look have any opinion on me?" The Ice Fire figure didn't expect Huang Yuan to be so arrogant when he died.

"Hey, what the old man cares very much about is, if the old man passes the trial, will you give the old man Qipucao or not? Your character makes the old man very worried~"

Huang Yuan ridiculed with that extremely short beating voice.

The eyes of the ice and fire figure were wide open, good fellow, it was the first time he had encountered such a madman.

"Although my personality is not very good, I will fulfill all promises! Once the trial is initiated, I will be recognized by the gods!"

Huang Yuan believed in the Ice and Fire Shadow for the time being. If the Ice and Fire Shadow dared to play with him by then, he would definitely let this guy know what timi was called a surprise.

"I believe you for the time being~"

The ice fire figure thinks that he is arrogant, but he did not expect to meet someone more arrogant today. It is really the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves forward, and the generation is even more arrogant!

"You just have to be a bit harder, let's talk about it if you can pass the trial! But it's impossible for you. There have been many arrogant guys like you before!"

At this moment, the sky suddenly became gloomy with dark clouds and lightning from time to time.

"Oh, the trial has begun! Huang Yuan, do it for yourself, I hope you can bring me some nice surprises!"

The ice and fire figure came to the distance, leaving the field completely to the guards of Huang Yuan and the god of death.Love Book House

"Oh, it feels like a monster~"

"How about it, be scared, the envoy who came this time is the famous Albert in the God Realm!"

"No, the old man is admiring this lightning~" Huang Yuan said casually.

"So despise Lord Albert, Huang Yuan, you are so courageous!"

After a flash of lightning and thunder, a black vortex appeared in the sky, and endless breath of death leaped out of the vortex.

Then a monster with a height of 2 meters and wearing a black skeleton armor appeared, holding a huge black sickle and flying out of the whirlpool.

"Welcome Mr. Albert!" The ice and fire figure bowed respectfully towards Albert.

"Is this guy a participant in this trial?" Albert pointed to the yellow ape and asked fiercely.

"Yes, are you Albert~" Huang Yuan answered Albert's question first.

Albert watched the yellow ape carefully, but he didn't expect a human being to grow to such a height.But height doesn't tell anything, and combat effectiveness doesn't depend on height.

"Okay, no nonsense! Let's start! Pass the trial, give you the Qipucao, otherwise your soul will be mine!" Albert shouted fiercely.

Huang Yuan felt extremely self-confidence and pride from him, of course Albert's strength did have this capital.If Albert and Qian Daoliu are to be compared, Qian Daoliu is far from Albert's opponent.

"Albert, right? You move first, the old man doesn't have the habit of taking the lead~" Huang Yuan was also casual and didn't seem to put Albert in his eyes.

Albert's arrogant heart didn't allow him to be so humiliated by a mortal, and he shouted: "Huh! Arrogant Rat, since he gave up the opportunity, don't blame me for being ruthless, I will accept your soul!"

Albert picked up the huge battle axe in his hand and burst into death black energy, slashing towards the yellow ape directly.

The ice and fire figure seemed to have predicted the ending, and said casually: "The game is over!"

Albert, who was already approaching the yellow ape, looked at the yellow ape motionless, only if he didn't react, and then he cut at the yellow ape's head without hesitation.

"Sky Cong Yunjian~"

A ray of light suddenly appeared, and a shining sky cloud sword was condensed in Huang Yuan's hand, and he stopped Albert's attack at will!

The resulting shock wave directly shattered the trees around the eyes of Binghuo and Binghuo. It also affected the Binghuo figure, and even Dugu Bo felt the huge impact.

"Grandpa, Uncle Huang Yuan will be fine," Dugu Yan asked worriedly.

Dugu Bo didn't know how to answer Dugu Goose, so he could only comfort him and said, "Don't worry, Huang Yuan is very strong, even better than Grandpa!"

Back here, the ice and fire figure looked at Huang Yuan's figure in disbelief, and sighed in shock: "It actually blocked the attack of Lord Albert!"

"Oh, strength doesn't seem to be so good~" Huang Yuan joked. Although he also used some strength, he can't lose face.

Albert was also a little surprised. He didn't even kill this mortal with one move. Could it be that he had regressed?

"Don't be smug, a mere human!" Albert roared, followed by another heavy blow.

Huang Yuan covered the sky cluster cloud sword with a layer of high-level domineering, and used some strength to directly cut it up.

After the confrontation, Albert was directly thrown away!

"It's impossible, I am Albert, the strongest guard of the God of Death! He is just a human being, how could this be!"

Huang Yuan flew into Albert and turned into a flash of light and flew high in the air, crossed his hands, and yelled leisurely: "I won't play more with you this time. I'm still in a hurry, Ba Chi Qiong Gouyu~"

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