You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"Huh, do you think I don't have any cards?" Albert grinned weirdly.

Huang Yuan also noticed something wrong, but he didn't expect that he would take care of it, and he said how it felt so strange. It turned out that Albert had caused the ghost!

"I admit your strength, but you shouldn't be careless! You don't know the realm!" Albert sneered.

Regarding the field, Huang Yuan is also clear, that is, an ability to increase himself, which can turn the battle situation to his own side.

"Look at your feet, now you are in the realm of my death!"

Huang Yuan glanced at the faint mark on the ground. He didn't expect that Albert still had something.

"In the realm of death, your speed will be greatly suppressed, no matter how fast you are outside, as long as you are in my realm of death, your speed will always be slower than mine! And my realm is also enchanted, Then you can't escape!"

I don't know if Albert is overconfident or what, he unreservedly told Huang Yuan about his domain ability.

"It's really caring, I even explained the ability of the field to the old man~" Huang Yuan is not nervous, but is still as free and easy as before.

"Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to take advantage of you!" Albert is also a member of the God Realm. He is already very shameless by being suppressed by a mortal like Huang Yuan. If he still takes advantage of this, then count it. There is no dignity after winning!

Huang Yuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Albert was also a good guy.

At this time, Albert also quickly turned up from the ground, although Huang Yuan's kick almost stunned him, but the power of God was not a joke.

Huang Yuan also realized that God-level combat power was difficult to deal with. They were playing with them before dealing with Qian Daoliu. Dealing with God-level Huang Yuan was already very serious, although it was not obvious from the outside.

Although Huang Yuan's hard power is sufficient, God is still God after all, and some methods are indeed powerful, such as this domain!

Although Albert's domain limits his speed, the problem is not big, and Huang Yuan still has a solution!

Albert was also moving his neck at this time, glaring at Huang Yuan, as if he was going to return everything he had just suffered.

"God can't be defeated by mortals!"

As a person with a face and a face in the God Realm, if Albert was defeated by Huang Yuan in this way, it would ruin the reputation of the entire God Realm.

How could Albert allow such a thing to happen, no matter what, he must defeat Huang Yuan.

"Death strike. Lore!" Albert's right fist wrapped a strong breath of death, and he hit the yellow ape hard.At the same time, Albert is also ready to change direction at any time, in order to avoid the yellow ape from dodge the attack.

The speed of entering the Yellow Ape had been weakened to the point where he was slower than himself, but Albert was still worried.There is no reason for him, but because he just felt the horror of Huang Yuan's speed.

Looking at Albert, who was cautiously guarding himself, Huang Yuan shook his head. This time he didn't even think about avoiding it. The time wasted is long enough. Let's just end it!

"It's over, human!" Albert roared and sent out an angry punch!

Huang Yuan just calmly stretched out his right palm and aimed at the incoming Albert!

"Huh! Don't you dodge? Then go to hell!" Albert bet his own dignity to restore the dignity of the gods.

"Liuying. Killing God~"

Huang Yuan also put away a playful smile in order to show respect for Albert this time. After all, this is also a respectable opponent.Dan Pain Novel Network

Just before Albert's fist was about to hit Huang Yuan, Huang Yuan's attack hit Albert first.

The invisible domineering directly bombarded Albert's abdomen, and now Huang Yuan used it to fight for the domineering of the gods, and double the damage to the gods.

Liu Ying is another name for domineering, but it also contains a novel domineering skill, in short, it is to fight against the cow!

The powerful domineering directly penetrated into Albert's body through his skin, completely hitting Albert's body, and the internal organs were directly crushed by the yellow ape!

Huang Yuan then condensed the Sky Cloud Sword, which also covered the domineering spirit and pierced Albert's heart!

Albert, who suffered a double injury, finally couldn't support it, and his huge body crashed to the ground, and then returned to its original appearance.

Naturally, Albert in this way couldn't sustain the release of the death domain, and the domain collapsed instantly!

Huang Yuan also relaxed a lot, and finally no longer had that depressive sense of restraint.

The fallen Albert's brain was blank. He didn't expect Huang Yuan's attack to be so weird. If it was an attack on his own body, he thought he could resist it, but he didn't expect that... the attack would directly attack the internal organs.

"Am I defeated after all...I still smeared the God Realm after all..." Albert opened his eyes with all his strength and looked at the extremely tall Yellow Ape, sighing helplessly.

Albert, who fell on the ground, was breathing heavily, his vitality could not be unrelenting, even if his internal organs were destroyed like this, he still did not die.

The internal organs that were destroyed in the body are now slowly recovering. The reason why it is so slow is entirely because the damage caused by the yellow ape is too strong!

The remaining domineering aggression inhibits Albert's own repair function, as long as Huang Yuan makes a knife at this time, he will definitely fall.

Seeing Huang Yuan's delay in doing it, Albert couldn't help but wonder, and asked weakly, " didn't do it?"

Huang Yuan found a flat stone next to him, sat on it, and looked at Albert lightly, "The old man just remembered, it seems that he only needs to pass the trial, and there is no need to make it so serious~"

Huang Yuan's purpose is to obtain Qipu Grass, there is no need to fight Albert to death and life, not to mention that there is no benefit to killing Albert.This is not the world of killing monsters and losing equipment. Even if Huang Yuan kills Albert, can he get a level 999 or get the Dragon Slaying Sword?

Since it's no good, then Huang Yuan can't offend Albert!

"But... I just wanted to kill you..." Albert asked puzzledly.

"Indeed, your murderous old man can clearly perceive it, but it is no good to kill you, it will only cause the old man to get more trouble~"

This is a very simple question. If Albert's guard as the god of death died on the Douluo Continent, it would definitely cause a sensation, and then I would not know what the result would be.

Huang Yuan didn't want to go to a fight with God if he had nothing to do, unless he had to, like this time.Otherwise, Huang Yuan did not want to take the initiative to cause trouble.

"Yellow Ape... have never heard of this name... Are you really too strong like a" Albert also let go. He couldn't solve Yellow Ape even after using the domain, he was convinced. .

"The old man thinks you are more like a monster, after all, such a foul field is very strong~" Huang Yuan admitted Albert's strength once and for all.

To be able to fight like this with Huang Yuan, excluding those few actors, they are really local characters, and Albert is the first one.

"You have such a strength... you should enter the God Realm!" Albert was completely convinced by Huang Ape. He felt that Huang Ape had such strength and it was a waste of staying in Douluo Continent.

Huang Yuan shook his head, "Let's spare the old man, he still likes such a leisurely life~"

Albert smiled faintly, "You won the trial this time, and Qipucao is given to you! But... I am curious... why do you need Qipucao?"

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