The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 239 Russian Breakthrough

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!At this time, the remaining people also reacted. One of them said to the other: "Hurry up and inform everyone that there is an enemy attack!"

The pillars did not leave them a chance. In this short period of time, the pillars had already come to a few people, and without waiting for a few people to react, they directly knocked them down in a series of blows.

The normal battle took less than a minute, and the pillars resolved everyone present.

"Finally resolved, next..." Zhu Jian looked at the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus, just to meet her puzzled and grateful look.

Although the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus didn't know where the sacred space was, she also understood what she had done between the columns. She knew that the humans before her saved her.

Between the pillars, he walked towards the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus with a smile, raising his hands to indicate that he was not malicious.

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus also understood the meaning of the pillars, and facing the gradually approaching pillars, she did not resist.

The goodwill between the pillars made the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus not overreact, which also allowed the pillars to more intuitively check the scars of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus.

"The chain is still wrapped with spirit power. It seems that this chain should not be an ordinary chain, maybe it is a spirit ability performed by someone!"

Forcibly breaking the spirit power should expose his whereabouts, even if he didn't let those people make a small report, he should be discovered.

But now it doesn't matter if you find it or not. The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus is by your side. Are you afraid that you can't protect it?

The spirit power on this chain also had the effect of inhibiting the self-healing ability of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus. It seemed that the person who released this spirit ability had something.

Without thinking about it, he said softly: "Sorry, please bear with me, I will help you get rid of the chains now!"

The pillars were attached to the hands with chakras, and at the same time, the hands were turned into hand knives, aiming at the thick chains to instantly cut them off, and the chakras between pillars directly cut one of the huge chains.

The moment the chain broke, a masked man said to himself: "Oh, it looks like an intruder is coming!"

After cutting a chain, there were two more chains that bound the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus, and the pillars quickly cut all the remaining two chains, and the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus was finally released.

Without the restraint of the chains, the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus was obviously more relaxed. To express his gratitude, the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus rubbed his head between the pillars.

Although her behavior is very cute, but her body is too big, it is indeed a bit unsuitable for the pillars.This action might be more suitable for Honglian, they are about the same size anyway.

Zhu Jian grinned and touched the scales of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus. Unlike stroking the scales of Honglian, her scales did not feel as delicate as Honglian. Thinking about her situation, you can understand the reason.

"Don't be nervous, I will treat your injury first!"

The hand between the pillars was placed on the abdomen of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus, and an incomparable life energy poured into her body.

The eyes of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus became very surprised. She could feel the life energy appearing in her body, and she was constantly repairing her body.

The life energy repaired her injured body both externally and internally, and she felt full of power in her body at this moment.

The pillars left a part of life energy in her body, "These energy is good for your body, and if you are injured, it will help you recover!"

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus looked at the pillars gratefully. She didn't understand why the human being in front of her would help herself in this way, because she didn't know this human at all.

Seeing the puzzled look of Scarlet Tyrannosaurus, the pillars smiled heartily, "Want to know why? Because I met your partner, he told me your information, so please me to save you. I let him Wait outside, we will show you him when we go out." Quanben Novel Network

The words between the pillars made the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus surprised and delighted. These days, she missed Honglian very much, and learned from the people who abused him that Honglian was beaten for her. She was also worried about Honglian’s safety. .

Hearing that Zhujian said this, she felt more at ease.

But this is not a good place to talk, Zhu Jian plans to take her out of this place, but these guys can't let it go.

Judging from the news that I just heard, if these guys don't get rid of them, it is also a scum that endangers social order if they are kept.

Between the pillars, he looked at the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus gently, and said peacefully: "Your partner, I named him Honglian, you call it Honglian! Now listen carefully to me, after rushing out, head directly towards the gate Keep running in the opposite direction, Hong Lian is waiting for you there!"

Guren nodded his head obediently when he heard the words of Zhu Jian, but the doubt in his eyes seemed to be asking about Zhu Jian's plan.

"As for me, just come after you get rid of this group of guys. A big battle should break out in a while, and you and Honglian will stay a little bit farther away."

When Hong Lian heard this, just like Hong Lian's performance, he wanted to help Zhujian deal with it, and Zhujian naturally rejected her.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it, just keep away from you!"

In the face of the tough attitude between the pillars, Guren had no choice but to give up, and he let out a low growl as if he knew what it meant.

"Okay, then break through now!"

Outside the cell, the masked man had gathered the rest of the brothers to wait outside. From the moment the chain broke, he was ready, and waited for them to trap themselves!

"Boss, these people's lists are too big, so I don't put you in the eyes at all! You have been so low-key these years, some cats and dogs have forgotten your existence." An associate beside the masked man Said angrily.

The masked man didn't have a trace of excitement, he still had that calm appearance, "What about that, they wouldn't dare to come if they knew my name, so wouldn't the fun be much less?"

Hearing the masked man said this, the accomplices next to him quickly slapped him up, "The boss is amazing. It's such a plan. I was foolish."

The man in the mask didn't care either. The phone was playing with small objects, waiting patiently.

At this time, the ground began to vibrate violently, and the cell also began to shake, as if something giant was about to appear.

In the next second, Gulian broke through the cell and shattered the entire cell.Guren did not stop and rushed towards the gate according to the instructions between the pillars.

"I want to bugger in front of me, so I can do it!" Although the masked man was still playing with the small objects, the attack had already started.

A purple chain struck towards Gu Lian, and Gu Lian also noticed that it was a chain, but she still chose to believe in the pillar, without worrying about the chain behind her, she still ran forward bravely towards the door.

A huge brown tree trunk rushed to the chain in the smoke and dust that fell from the cell, intercepting the chain.

Seeing the attack launched in the smoke and dust, the eyes of the masked man couldn't help but earnestly. The power contained in this attack was very powerful!

"Dare to ask who you are?" The masked man asked first.

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and the figure between the pillars also appeared. Facing the question of the masked man, the pillar said faintly: "Someone who sees you not pleasing to your eyes and wants to clean up you!"

The words between the pillars did not irritate the masked man, but instead irritated the dog legs around the masked man, so he shouted, "How do you guys speak, haven't you heard of our boss's name?"

"Oh? Do you still have a name? Please let me know, I am very curious about your boss's wonderful name!" Zhujian himself came to clean up this group of people. Now it seems that the boss seems to have a background. The guy wants to try to intimidate himself, so I don't mind listening to what they have to say.

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