The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 249 Giao, Was Found

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!As the columns and Qin Ming continued to move towards the area where the high-temperature incandescent woods were located, the surrounding air became extremely dry, and even the temperature rose by several degrees.

"I can clearly feel the temperature rise, it should be coming soon, teacher between the columns?"

"Yes, I arrived at a certain distance, and we need to be prepared later. It's not that safe anymore!" The pillars warned Qin Ming first.

Although the pillars would protect Qin Ming, Qin Ming couldn't take it lightly. This was also cultivating a spirit master's excellent fighting attitude.

It didn't take long for Qin Ming to come to the High-Temperature Burning Wood Forest with Qin Ming between the pillars. The trees here were filled with red and black burn marks, and sparks would burst from time to time.

It is surrounded by a circular river around the high-temperature burning wood forest, so that it can prevent the high temperature from igniting the trees in other areas.

Because it is located around the high-temperature burning wood forest, the temperature of this ring-shaped river is also extremely high. It can be said that it is a naturally formed hot spring. If it is not located in such a dangerous place, it should attract many people.

Zhujian and Qin Ming secretly concealed their figures and carefully observed the surrounding environment. In fact, this was also a demonstration for Qin Ming.

Otherwise, just go straight ahead according to the level between the pillars, why use the sneak route.

"When you are concealed, lower your spirit power aura, use the concealment method I taught you!"

Qin Ming lowered the aura of his own spirit power according to Zhu Jian's words. Soul beasts are also more sensitive to spirit power. Compared to the taste of human beings, they are more likely to perceive human spirit power.

Between the pillars, Qin Ming gradually penetrated into the high-temperature blazing woods, and there were many fire-type spirit beasts around. The most eye-catching group was a group of fierce male lions, they were hunting together.

"Teacher between the pillars, are those lions the Lie Male Lions?" Qin Ming also recognized the Lie Male Lions.

"Yes, the strength of these fierce male lions ranges from 2200 to 4000, which is a bit too high for you, but there shouldn't be a problem with me in 3 or 4000 years!"

In fact, the columns are all okay. As long as Qin Ming can bear it, thousands of years will not be a problem. Qin Ming has not been systematically exercised before entering Shrek, so physical strength is a big problem.

"Qin Ming, do you know the maximum absorption limit of the third spirit ring?"

" should be more than 1700 years!" Qin Ming replied, recalling the knowledge he had learned.

"Yes, my plan is for you to try to absorb the spirit beasts around 2000, are you confident?" Zhujian looked at Qin Ming firmly.


The teacher between the pillars trusted him so much, how could he not believe in himself.

"Okay, go deeper and look for the flaming bird!" Qin Ming did not stay long between the pillars, continuing to look for the trail of the flaming bird.

Soon, the two heard waves of crying, which should be the sounds of birds, souls and beasts.

"Did Qin Ming hear it? It just came out."

Qin Ming nodded slightly, "I heard it, it should be some kind of bird soul beast, it sounds like there are a lot of them!"

Qin Ming judged that there was nothing wrong, judging from the calls, there were a lot of birds and spirit beasts making sounds.

Between the pillars, Qin Ming followed the direction of the sound, and he found the trail of the Blazing Bird.

"Unexpectedly, I was lucky today and caught up with the Blazing Birds' rally!"

It was the first time that Qin Ming heard of such a peculiar thing. Suddenly 100,000 small question marks were possessed, "What is the flaming bird gathering, Teacher Zhujian?"

"Hmph, to put it simply, the flaming bird gathering is a special habit of the flaming bird population. There will be a gathering every six months. You can simply understand it as a blind date meeting."

This explanation made Qin Ming instantly understand the origin of the rally, "It turned out to be a blind date meeting!" The first Chinese website

"Yes, it is a gathering led by a spirit beast with a higher bloodline among Blazing Bird and Soul Beasts, that is to say, this time you may encounter an extremely rare Spirit Fire Profound Phoenix!"

"Phoenix!" Qin Ming was obviously shocked, and the phoenix was also the top group among soul beasts.

"Teacher between the columns, shouldn't it be easy to get a spirit ring this time?" Qin Ming felt that hunting a head of her people under the eyes of such an advanced spirit beast always found it a little difficult!

"Don't worry, let's take a look!" Zhujian intends to observe the situation again.

Qin Ming nodded obediently, and followed the pillars to observe carefully.

In the sky, densely packed flaming birds flew back and forth around a golden tree. They were divided into two batches. One of the flaming birds was more beautiful and gorgeous, and should be male.

Suddenly, these flaming birds fell silent, lowered their heads, as if they were greeting something.

Qin Ming and Zhujian also watched with some expectation. Did Zhujian have heard of it before, or did Qin Ming never heard of it, or just knew it, both of them were very curious.

The clouds in the sky also began to turn red, as if they were burned, and a huge golden red phoenix fell on the golden tree trunks.

The flaming wings wrapped it up, and after a burst of strong light, she turned into a tall woman, dressed in pale gold clothes, sitting very elegantly on the branch.

For a time, many flaming birds began to cry frantically, seeming to welcome the arrival of the Spirit Fire Profound Phoenix.

Qin Ming was stunned by the beauty of Linghuo Xuanhuang, his eyes straightened for a moment.

"One hundred thousand years? No, it should be more than 100,000 years!" Zhu Jian was more concerned about her strength.

After the cry, the beautiful woman waved her hand, which should indicate the start of the rally.

A male flaming bird first flew to the female flaming bird to show off his body. During the display, the male flaming bird started a courtship dance.

Several of the female flaming birds are already purely eager to move.

Zhujian felt as if he had watched a live dating show. The only difference was that the blind date changed from person to person to soul beast and soul beast.

"Teacher between the pillars, I think we should find a soul beast again. It doesn't feel good to disturb others like this!"

Zhujian also nodded. If it was normal, he would definitely not worry about this, but in today's scene, don't bother them.

Just when the pillars and Qin Ming were about to leave, the woman sitting high on the branch spoke, "Since the two friends want to see, why not leave after reading?"

"Teacher between the pillars, have we been discovered?" Qin Ming asked nervously.

"Hey, this, I think it might be!" The pillars were also not sure.

Seeing that Zhujian and Qin Ming haven't reacted yet, the woman once again said in her sweet voice: "The two behind the stone can come out~"

Well, it seems that the two of them have been discovered, and they are indeed soul beasts that have surpassed one hundred thousand years.

Since he was discovered, Zhujian did not intend to hide anymore, and walked out with Qin Ming openly.

Seeing Zhujian and Qin Ming's figure, the beautiful woman didn't think it was any strange, after all, she had seen more.

The Flaming Birds who are on a blind date are not calm anymore, they are humans, for a while the Flaming Birds still make noise.

"Everyone, please continue your blind date, don't panic!" The beautiful woman's words seemed to have some magical power, and the Blazing Birds instantly calmed down and continued the blind date activities.

The beautiful woman easily changed the tree branch into two places for sitting, right next to her, pointed and pointed: "Two guests, please~"

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